Been exhumed for todays luncheon. We are pleased to have secretary of agriculture sonny perdue, we welcome him for the first time to the press club joining our distinguished century long roster of speakers. Remarks, iegin his would like you all to please put your phones on silent. Back in the day we would say turn them off, we want them on silent now so you can live tweet live npc is nbc live. We would also like to take a moment while you are silencing your phones and turning off other potentially a fiscal tory or distracting devices to introduce our head table. We would like you to hold your applause until after the full head table is introduced and then you can erupt in applause. Starting from my left and youre right, mark heller. He is an agricultural reporter. Marion, senior White House Correspondent at and lex white house watch. Tamara holleran, washington correspondent at the atlanta journalconstitution. Rich, the Deputy Communications director for secretary perdue. Stevens anste