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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20170525

this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley, reporting tonight from manchester, england. >> pelley: this is our western edition. we are just outside the arena where the terror struck on monday night. memorials have been growing larger by the hour. all day long, people young and old left flowers and messages. the death toll stands at 22. at last report, 64 of the 119 wounded were still in the hospital. 20 of them in critical condition. isis claimed responsibility for the attack carried out by a 22 year old suicide bomber, a british citizen of libyan descent. he had traveled recently to libya, and investigators believe perhaps syria as well. when police raided the man's apartment they found no evidence that the bomb was made there. and that lead to a dragnet and multiple arrests today. mark phillips begins our coverage. >> reporter: two days of raids and at least six arrests later-- including the bomber's brother-- and police here have changed their minds that this attack was the work of one man. manchester police chief ian hopkins. >> i think it's very clear that this is a network that we are investigating. and as i said, it continues at pace. >> reporter: security sources have indicated they no longer think the suicide bombing suspect salman abedi-- seen here in security camera footage late last week, possibly buying a backpack in which to carry the bomb-- made the device himself. he may have been just the mule-- to use the security parlance-- who carried it. details of the bomb collected at the scene by british investigators reveal a sophisticated device with a detonator held in the bomber's left hand and a powerful battery to make sure the device went off when triggered. heother indication abedi was acting as part of a terror group ecmes from the security chaos of libya where isis and other militants operate. and from which abedi returned shortly before the bombing. abedi's brother hashem was detained in libya today by a self-proclaimed counterterror militia that operates there. the group says his father ramadan was arrested as well. at a building in central manchester, police used an explosive device to break into an apartment fearing it was booby trapped. >> we heard that really loud bang. a smell inside as well was a bit weird. >> reporter: yousef akhmal is a student who lives in the inilding. "weird." >> yeah. >> reporter: like something explosive weird? >> yeah, yeah. >> reporter: or something bad weird? >> explosive weird. >> reporter: the investigation is now centered not just on the extent of the terror network here, but on its ties to militants based outside of britain. thd that someone with s phisticated bomb-making skills made the device that was used. and scott, that person is still at large. g pelley: mark phillips, thanks. also today, thousands of british soldiers fanned out in major cities. seth doane reports from london. >> it was a show of force on britain's streets today. soldiers joined police on patrols to protect potential targets-- including buckingham tilace and parliament, the site of a terrorist attack in march. up to 3,800 troops can be mobilized, about 1,000 were deployed today. londoner peter atherton says relying on the military makes sense. >> we have a limited number of armed policemen in the u.k. so now they need to do other things instead of just guarding buildings. ne reporter: this is a scene not seen on the streets here in the u.k. for more than 14 years-- the military deployed along with police. the last time was in 2003 when tanks and troops were sent around london and to heathrow airport following a plot to bring down an airliner with a surface to air missile. today to free up police, parliament was closed to the public and the ceremonial puanging of the guards was canceled at buckingham palace. the extra security reassured michelle calvert from manchester. >> that's the british way, isn't is. we just get on with things, really, carry on. >> reporter: police here say that another terrorist attack is imminent. scd scott, that means the public will need to get used to seeing the military in these cities. >> pelley: seth doane, thanks. among the dead are seven parents who came to this arena to pick up their children. today we spoke to a couple who were in the foyer where the bomb exploded. phil and kim dick were waiting for their 17-year-old daughter tamla and their 15-year-old a anddaughter sasha. [loud explosion] >> oh my god. >> all of a sudden, an almighty flash and bang. it was deafening, our ears just went-- we got thrown on the floor. and then there was rubble and dust everywhere. >> there was thick, acrid smoke and ash was falling, almost like snow. >> yeah. >> we thought we were just on the periphery of a much bigger explosion, that is what our first thought was. >> i just went my babies, my babies are in there. and then out of the dust and the rubble, a little girl is staggering towards me with all her long blond hair all burnt, down all her face, coming out of her mouth, a big gash on her shoulder. >> kim half carried and we half dragged her to the foyer doors. and initially laid her down, but. she was choking on the blood. >> pelley: what did you see, phil? >> horror. absolute horror. the injured people. >> body parts. >> dead people. peops of people. blood, so much blood. literally puddles of blood mixed with ash. the only thing i saw was the .emnants of the suicide bomber. basically the bottom half of the body in the middle of the corridor. >> and then my phone was ringing. it was there and i reached out asth one hand and it was-- i saw er was tammy-- my daughter tamla-- and, oh, the relief, i'm holding the phone and i'm going, "tamla, tamla, you're okay, you're okay, darling." she's going way, "mom, i'm going where is sasha." she says she's with me. the staff were brilliant in the arena. they kept coming up saying it's okay, we're getting help. >> three or four police officers, we got one of the tables that had been used for hrrchandising and we gently shuffled her across. onto the trestle table and with the police officers we carried her down on this make shift thretcher. >> reporter: did her dad call heu? >> he called me, eventually he got through. we managed to liase and get him through and then be reunited with his daughter. m> reporter: kim, you haven't had a chance to process this, have you? >> no, not-- no. i can't get to sleep at night, but when i have-- as soon as i wake up it's just there. the carnage-- because the whole hour that we sat there, all i could see was either dead bodies, body parts, blood and then-- injured people. >> injured people. >> and hearing them crying out. >> whatever the terrorists do, every hurt just makes us stronger. that's what it does. >> reporter: the 14-year-old girl the dicks cared for has now endured more than ten hours of surgeries. we mentioned that seven parents were killed. well, two of them were husband and wife. their two children are now orphans. to combat terrorism, the t.s.a. says it is testing new procedures for carry-ons. mireya villarreal is at l.a.x. >> reporter: airport travelers now have to take off their shoes, remove their laptops and liquids over 3.4 ounces. but get ready to declutter your carry-ons even more. as some airports around the country add this to the list. fems like food, paper and bditional electronics bigger avan a cell phone may soon have to be placed in a separate bin. the t.s.a. has quietly been testing this at several small airports. now expanding to larger ones like l.a. international, boston and fort lauderdale. the t.s.a. says it wants to eliminate false positives that occur when items like wires and phones can look like weapons. and that screeners can't often tell what is in overstuffed bags. >> i don't think it's going to streamline the process. >> reporter: marshall mclean is an expert on airport security and says what is needed is more police, not more screening. >> to truly have something to deter, you're still going to have to have armed police officers to do that, rather than harrying about whether people have too many papers in their luggage. >> reporter: travelers stuff their bags to avoid check-in fees and say this extra screening will only make flying y re difficult. as of right now it does seem like pre-checkers are going to be exempt from these new policies. scott, so far t.s.a says this is all in an effort to make flying safer. >> pelley: mireya villarreal, thank you. last month, republicans in the e rue rushed to pass their obamacare replacement before the nonpartisan congressional budget office could analyze it. well, the analysis came today. lhe bill would reduce federal bficits by $119 billion by 2026. but 23 million americans would lose their coverage. republicans in the senate are starting over writing their own version. we have breaking news tonight, we have learned that the f.b.i. investigation of hillary clinton's emails may have been influenced by a document that turned out to be a fake, possibly from the russians. here's julianna goldman. >> reporter: sources say the f.b.i. obtained the potentially game-changing document in the spring of 2016. it cited a purported email saying that then attorney general loretta lynch assured hillary clinton's campaign that she wouldn't let the investigation into her private email server get too far. "the washington post" reported today that the document was areliable, possibly a fake product of russian intelligence, and could have been part of what sources tell cbs news was kescow's efforts to plant fake news into the blood stream of the election to discredit clinton. but before it was discredited, the document reached the highest levels of law enforcement. f.b.i. director james comey halieved that if it got out it would discredit the investigation. so he made the unusual decision to announce himself last july that clinton would not face charges. >> our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. >> reporter: and comey decided not to consult with lynch or anyone at the department of justice before his press conference. shortly after, the f.b.i. concluded the intelligence was unreliable. >> how and when did you first learn of this document? >> reporter: republican senator charles grassley asked comey about the document earlier this s nth. >> what steps did the f.b.i. take to determine whether attorney general lynch had actually given assurances that the political fix was in no matter what? did the f.b.i. interview the person who wrote the email. if not, why not? >> i have to give you the same answer. i can't talk about that in an unclassified setting. >> reporter: associates of comey n'y he made the best decision he could with the information he had. but scott, clinton campaign efficials point to that july press conference where he also criticized the handling of classified information as contributing to her loss. >> pelley: julianna goldman, thank you. yesterday the fox news channel retracted a story that said a democratic national committee dtaffer may have leaked sensitive emails before he was murdered last year. well, there's no evidence of this, but chip reid reports that several conservative commentators are still peddling this sensational conspiracy theory. >> i know for sure it is the russians. >> reporter: most of official washington believes that russia was behind the hacking of democratic national committee emails. ert some supporters of president trump have been pushing an alternate theory that seth rich, a d.n.c. employee stole, the emails and gave them to wikileaks and for doing so, became the victim of an unsolved sorder. fox host sean hannity, a fervent trump supporter, has become a driving force behind the story. >> in the mysterious murder of former d.n.c. staffer seth rich, that could completely shatter t,e narrative that, in fact, wikileaks was working with the russians. >> in a "washington post" op ed this week, rich's parents call the story baseless and pleaded with people to stop using our beloved seth's memory and legacy for their own political goals. yesterday the story was taken down from the fox news website. at first, hannity refused to retract anything. but last night he backed down. htrt of. >> however, out of respect for the family's wishes for now, i am not discussing this matter at this time. i am not going to stop trying to find the truth. >> reporter: kelly mcbride, an expert on media ethics with the poynter institute says that last part sends a message to his fans. >> you will hear that as oh, there's truth to the conspiracy story and hannity is being told that he can't report it. >> reporter: d.c. police say the assertions made about seth rich by fox news are "unfounded," scott. the police believe rich was okely shot to death on a street near his home during an attempted robbery. >> pelley: chip reid in the washington newsroom. thank you, chip. tornadoes touched down today in the carolinas. a school gymnasium was destroyed in yadkin county, north carolina. another twister hit near columbia, south carolina, but no injuries are reported. coming up next on the cbs evening news from manchester: a terrible discovery inside a tent on mount everest. and later, president trump at the vatican. vatican. es slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. 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bodies discovered in a tent near the summit bring the total to ten this season. brent bishop-- nearby when the bodies were found-- suspects carbon monoxide poisoning. >> it is really windy and miserable. people make the mistake of closing their tent up and cooking in it. and it's a silent killer. >> reporter: the bodies were found in a camp more than 26,000 feet up. the highest of four stops between base camp and the summit. it's called the "death zone" uscause of the extremely low levels of oxygen. kiimbers often stop thinking straight. >> when you're at 26,000 feet in the death zone, your cognitive skills are impaired, there is only about one-third of the available oxygen levels thre available to you at sea levels. >> reporter: mountaineer and mthor alison levine summitted everest seven years ago. >> when i was there in 2010, were only three deaths, but two years later in 2012 there were 11 deaths. so there are years when we have tgher numbers than ten, which is what we saw this year, and there are years where we see lower numbers. >> reporter: bad weather has narrowed the climbing season leis year, meaning more people are now on the mountain. the nepalese government also issued a record 371 climbing permits. >> obviously the fewer people on the mountain the better. but that said, it's really each climber's own responsibility to look out for themselves and know how to take care of themselves on the mountain. hed you can't rely on somebody else to look out for you. >> reporter: you would have to go back 40 years to 1977 to find k climbing season with no deaths on mount everest. the deadliest season was two years ago, scott, when 24 climbers died. >> pelley: jim axelrod, thanks. up next, the president raves about his audience. sponsored by bank of america. ,, ,, >> pelley: president trump who attended fordham, a jesuit university, came face to face acday with the first jesuit pope. the rest is history, witnessed by major garrett. or reporter: president trump spent 30 minutes with pope mpancis at the vatican and introduced him to first lady edlania and daughter ivanka. nk twitter, the president called it "an honor of a lifetime that renewed his commitment to peace." >> he is something. he is really great. we had a fantastic meeting and we had a fantastic tour. it was really beautiful. >> reporter: it was not always so. >> he said negative things about me. >> reporter: the two clashed during the 2016 republican primary. the pope criticized candidate trump's call for a wall on the u.s.-mexico border. saying those who think only about building walls are "not tristian." >> for a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful. >> reporter: the white house teid at today's meeting the inesident and pope francis discussed terrorism, human rights and religious freedom. they also exchanged gifts. mr. trump gave the pope a sculpture and a set of books by martin luther king, jr. his holiness gave the president a signed copy of his 2015 encyclical on protecting the environment. on that issue, the vatican's secretary of state asked rawsident trump not to withdraw from the paris climate accord. scott, the president is now here in brussels preparing for a full day of meetings with nato leaders. >> pelley: major garrett traveling with the president and es'll be back from manchester in a moment. in a moment. >> >> pelley: earlier in the broadcast, survivor kim dick spoke of her relief when her missing daughter finally called. but for others, that call never came. charlotte campbell grew frantic when her 15-year-old daughter didn't return home. >> this is my daughter olivia. i haven't seen her since 5:00 last night. i'm going through hell. like i can't even explain what i'm going through. i just i need my daughter home. i need to know where she is. no mother should have to do this. >> pelley: today, her hope lost. charlotte returned to facebook and wrote, "r.i.p. my darling, precious, gorgeous olivia campbell. taken far, far too soon. go sing with the angels and keep smiling. mummy loves you, so much." and that's the "cbs evening news" tonight from manchester. for all of us at cbs news, all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by security gap in san francisco when it comes to fighting terror. the dead zones for police radios that could be a problem. >> but first, some breaking news. a scary scene on 5 in merced county. these pictures just coming in. within the past hour a school bus carrying children caught fire! you can see the smoky scene from a driver's perspective. first reports indicate all the children got off the bus. the flames spreading to grass along the shoulder there. this happened in the southbound lanes of i-5 near the city of los banos. that part of the interstate now closed. and another look at the scene. this video showing the traffic backing up. and then a firefighting air tanker there swooping down over the interstate. it was doing a water drop to put out the resulting grass fire. again the word we are getting now a 50-foot-long school bus carrying children burst into flames. one child may have suffered an asthma attack but everyone so far is okay. chopper 5 is on the way there now. we are going to bring you moch more on this as soon as we get it -- much more on this as soon as we get it. san francisco's police chief is addressing concerns about gaps in security after the manchester, england attack. phil matier reports. >> reporter: you know, all across america, police chiefs are grappling with how to make it safer for everyone. sometimes we're coming across gaps that they didn't know were there or that they're working to fix. one of those in san francisco has to do with the tunnels underneath the city. here's the story. >> communications is key. >> there are dead spots throughout the city and regions. >> reporter: it's hard to believe but as former fbi agent and now kpix 5 security analyst jeff harp tells


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