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Transcripts For MSNBCW Weekends With Alex Witt 20140913

this time it's minnesota vikings' running back peterson who turned himself into police in texas at 1:00 a.m. this morning. he was indicted by a grand jury thursday on a charge of injury to a which i will. peterson used a switch to spank one of his sons. our affiliate, kare, has more. >> down the road from where the minnesota vikings will open up their season, fans were in disbelief. >> i could not believe it. it's the first i heard of it. i thought he was a great guy. he was a model for the vikings, and now this happens. >> you have to wait for the whole story to come out. >> while they wait for more information on peterson's case, football is the further from their mind. >> if it turns out to be true, i would be disappointed. >> i don't know if this is the worst week in nfl history but it has to be one of the most embarrassing weeks in nfl history. from monday morning when the ray rice comes out, and then your former mvp comes out causing injury to one of his children. >> and you go back a few years, though, the vikings suspended cooke with pay after a incident that he ended up being acquitted for. they wasted no time with peterson. >> and fans struggle with the fact that the vikings star has this. >> he was using the same type of discipline he experienced as a child growing up in texas. we will have new details on the other big nfl story making headlines, the ray rice controversy. there are conflicting stories of what rice told roger goodel. we will have a live report for you in minutes on that. let's go to the mission to destroy isis. secretary of state, john kerry, touched down in cairo a couple hours of go where he met with leaders to form a coalition against isis. president obama reiterated his stance, and a successful stance means boots on the ground. >> the best way to defeat a group like isil is not to wage a ground war in the heart of the middle east. that would not serve our interests. in fact it would only risk fueling extremism even more. >> joining me now is our chief foreign correspondent, richard engel. doesn't history tell us this won't be easy? is it even possible? >> reporter: well, i think the secretary's mission to form the coalition is showing how difficult it already is. it's something of a rabbit hole. many countries in the region say they want to fight against isis and they support the fight against terrorism, and frankly that's very easy to say, because who would come out publicly and say they support a group like isis that relishes in death and has carried out mass murder. everybody, if you ask them at a podium or press conference, do they support a fight in a press conference, they will say yes. if you look at the isis problem, you will see quickly that it lies right on the an sunni and shiite faultline. if you ask countries what they are going to do about it, you start to go down a rabbit hole. the saudis say they will participate informing an army, and the iranians who have a stake in the game don't agree with that, and when you talk about air strikes, the turks already said they don't want their territory to be used for air strikes. when you look at the details, you will see they are forming a coalition. getting everybody to agree first on what the strategy is supposed to be, you quickly arrive at the sunni shia conflict which is one the united states has proven that is not qualified or should be trying to solve. asking people if they support a fight against isis, yes, of course, and how do you do it? a lot of questions. >> richard, the cia said isis numbers are up to 31,000 fighters. weeks ago experts seem to think it was only 10,000. how reliable are any of these numbers? >> reporter: i think that 10,000 number was always an underestimate. i have been speaking to military officials, and intelligence officials for months now and they have been giving me figures closer to the 20 to 30,000 mark. i think that is a number of scale. these fighters have not been, you know, counted. but the real problem is the ideology, this radical cult of death is spreading, and that's the biggest challenge of all. a few years ago al qaeda was the most popular name in revolutionary euz hraupl. and the way they wanted to establish their credibility years ago was by adopting the al qaeda name, al qaeda in north africa or al qaeda in arabia, and now we are seeing something different, we are seeing the small groups not adopting the al qaeda franchise, they are calling themselves the eislamic state in regions. it's the challenge here, not just the 20 to 30,000 fighters who are armed and well motivated and in the fight in iraq and syria, it's the new ideology and franchise that through the power of the internet and other means of communication, they are spreading. >> a conversation much appreciated. thank you so much. another big developing story at this hour in pennsylvania, one officer is dead and another receiving medical attention after a shooting at a state police bariracks. we will bring you information as it becomes available. and then rob ford was hospitalized earlier this week filed papers on friday to remove his name from the ballot. his brother doug is running in his place. the two brothers made the switch minutes before the filing deadline. we will have more on that at the bottom of the hour. in southern california, firefighters are trying to keep a wildfire under control in orange county. the flames engulfed 1300 acres in the cleveland national forest. firefighters evacuated 30 homes in the area for precaution, and dry conditions and triple-digit heat are expected to last through today. and then a heat a advisory for san diego county for the entire weekend. many people are hitting the beaches and pulls as a way to cope. >> go jump in the pool and then come back inside so at least your hair is wet. we don't really have a/c. >> yeah, it's pretty brutal. >> the weather channel's mark thibodeau is here with us. that's new having the weather in southern california like that. >> usually, it's hot or dry, but we will have both, hot, dry and some humidity in southern california. alex, the bigger story is what is happening west of naples flo. we are calling this an area of disturbed area. the conditions are not favorable for development, about 3 in 10 chances of this developing over the next 24 hours. if it were to develop it would be headed off to the west, and some of the computer models are taking it towards maybe southeast texas by the end of next week again. it looks like it will be slow to develop and does not look like a major league system at the moment. you can see the radar over south florida, a soggy day. not a great beach day for miami, and up towards naples with the weather system around and heavy rainfall will be the story as well. we have 94 here, and this looks more impressive in terms of the rainfall. look at the heavy rain moving towards brownsville. it will move inland over northern mexico and then head west continuing to dump rain across parts of north texas. virginia, shower storms, and we could have rain move into new york and philly, if you are heading out this evening around new york and philadelphia, take the umbrella. plenty of rain happening across the great lakes now. moving towards the northeast by the end of the day. beautiful weather across the plains and pacific northwest. the big story in the pacific northwest, it's dry, and a fire danger like you were talking about remains high. be careful in this area down through california for the rest of the weekend and beyond. >> thanks for the heads up on that. we appreciate it. more now on the developments in the ray rice case. sources close to the former raven said rice clearly described hitting his fiance in the face, and goodell said rice was vague. peter, are we getting any closer to finding out what the commissioner knew and when? >> there's an independent investigation underway right now, but the commissioner, roger goodell, his credibility is in question, and the league is facing scrutiny like it has rarely seen before, and even as they try to prepare for a lot of big games this sunday, a lot of eyes are on what is going on off the field. it's a strong public display of support especially among women for number 27, ray rice, no longer on the team. rice clearly described hissing his fiance in the face. a moment captured in the video. that contradicts what goodell told the news this week. >> he was ambiguous about what happened. >> in the suspension letter to rice sent thursday and obtained by nbc news, goodell again insists rice didn't tell him anything. and the video shows a different set of events, he writes. >> i think we are also going to be scrutinizing past cases. there have been dozens of domestic violence incidents since roger goodell's commissionership. >> when the 49ers play sunday night, mcdonnell will be on the field two weeks after he was arrested after beating his pregnant fiance, and he has not been charged. and the panther's pro bowler continued to play despite his conviction in july for assaulting and threatening to kill his girlfriend. hardy is appealing the conviction. >> i stand firmly against domestic violence. >> the panther's owner broke down while accepting a humanitarian award wednesday night. >> to those that are too slow to act, i ask you consider not to be too quick to judge. >> we received that suspension letter from the nfl or the one that the nfl sent to rice and the players association, and what is important to note, yesterday is the day rice was supposed to be reinstated to the league, instead it's the day he found out the indefinite suspension was confirmed. if the tmz video never came out, rice would be back out there on the field with his team this weekend. and then next, we look at this. when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. years of swedish experience in in perfecting the rich,150 never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. that's good. i know right? gevalia. ounds] the wait is over for even faster internet. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed... ...on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. a message today from president obama and the fight against isis. what is new in this message? >> alex, good morning. the president's weekly address is continuing to map out his strategy for degrading and destroy isis, and now it's acknowledged the united states is at war. with air strikes continuing to rain down in iraq and expected to be in syria, he called it a campaign in his address. >> what we need is a counterterrorism campaign against isil. >> but on friday, top officials acknowledged the united states is at war with isis, what the administration calls isil. >> we are at war with isis in the same way we are at war with al qaeda. >> we are at war with isil -- >> administration officials say they are now using the word "war" to make it easier for the american public to understand, and critics are skeptical of their reasoning. >> i think the change in emphasis here is deliberate, because the american public said 71% were in favor of air strikes. >> and kerry is trying to build a coalition to help fight isis. on friday he was in turkey. >> i am comfortable this would be a broad base coalition. >> while arab nations expressed some support it's unlikely the u.s. will get help from their armies, and the president is likely entangled for the rest of his term in the region he vowed to leave. >> they are soldiers and they are in harms way. >> the president says he didn't need congressional approval to expanded air strikes and most lawmakers don't want to vote on that in an election year, and they will give approval to arm rebels to fight. the house should start debating that issue, the sign that there is a real sense of urgency here in washington to get something done on this. >> thank you so much. on the heels of that report, we bring in our guests. with a welcome to you both. lynn, how is the white house classifying this isis fight? do you read this as being a change? if so why? >> i don't think there's a significant change. they are calling what most people may call a war, and it's obviously not the scope of our previous engagements in other kwrarz. i think the white house is very much trying to show that this is a methodical buildup to the strategy of doing the things we just heard in the report from the white house, and i think the main concern here dealing with congress is to let congress do what they want in the next few days in order not to -- in order to just let the white house go through with its plan, which i think they are going to do and that's probably why there will not be a vote because we are too close to election and congress is in just for a few days, and a big question is whether or not the administration can persuade congress that the so-called syrian rebel moderates that we're arming and equipping are really people that could be trusted. >> i think there is a question as to the extent of where they truly exist, right? the moderate syrian rebels? >> if you are tossing it back to me, yes, that's a big question mark. the other thing is, it's not clear yet if the saudis are really going to be the host country for this exercise. >> ed, let's talk about the poll this week, which was also reported that 71% are now supporting air strikes against isis in iraq. what is congress's role as you see it? what are they saying and reacting to with the public sentiment? >> the senate will somehow approve the legal authority for the u.s. government to be training and equipping the rebels whether it's done in saudi arabia or somewhere else, and this is giving the president and the pentagon legal authority to do this so the military is participate in these proceedings. how it's done, that's not entirely clear. it's done as some kind of an amendment that will keep the federal government open once the new fiscal year begins in october. they deem that probably the easiest way to do that, so lawmakers are on the record of supporting the new operation, but not necessarily debating and authorizing a full-scale war against isis. that puts them on the record. there seems to be broad bipartisan support to do this, but it's prudent to supporter commander in chief, but also because they saw the poll numbers and realized that americans were going to do this. i thought the most stunning poll came out of the nbc news wall street journal poll that showed 94% of americans had been aware of the beheadings, which is the highest percentage of any news story in the last five years, and congress sees that and realizes they have to act. >> yeah, that was remarkable. big picture, lynn, do you think the president ever imagined he would be in this position, where iraq would be absorbing the rest of his presidency? how do you think it sits with him? >> i think it has to be troubling. i have been thinking back to the days and the run up to his deciding to run for president in 2007, and when you look at what he thought was the legacy of his presidency, when you think he already won the nobel prize for peace before he did anything, which he admitted he thought just his entry on the international scene after president bush would change the dynamic in the mideast, and we see that he will end his term without extricating or fixing some of the core issues that have existed for, what, 1,000 years in the region. i think he will feel very -- or is feeling very frustrating about this, because there is no short end in sight. the administration has set that. >> and this question coming from the mother of james foley, one of the journalists executed by isis, and she says family members could be charged if they raise the random to free him. >> let me just say that i am really taken back, surprised, i guess, is the word, by this comment with respect to the foley family, and i can tell you that i am totally unaware and would not condone anybody that i know of within the state making such statements. >> he certainly seemed surprised the way he delivered that. should he be surprised, ed, by this? >> it's u.s. policy to not negotiate with or provide a ransom to kidnappers who are holding american hostages. the reasoning behind the policy is because if the u.s. americans start doing that in the words of some intelligent officials, we would become an atm for terrorists. al qaeda collected about $125 million in ransom since 2008, and most of it from european countries because they have been more willing to negotiate or provide ransom. the u.s. for years has been saying don't do it. and yes, there's concern that perhaps the families didn't do more, and the long-standing policy is if you do that, it could have more. >> we can't blame them for being upset that the u.s. didn't do enough. that's understandable. but if we start doing that, it's a slippery slope. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. the newest edition to the burger king menu. the black burger, appear advertising or appalling? we'll see. the one the bank sees. sheesh, i feel like i'm being interrogated over here. she's onto us. dump her. 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>> it has to do with retail sales. they were up .6% if you extract robust auto sales, it false. what were we buying? electronics and sporting goods. you will get your kids what they need to start sports, a phone and etc., and what is fueling the spending? lower gas prices. this time it's the lowest in four years. a lot of analyst expecting gas to fall to $3 on the average. and then the sixth sense. iphone presales. how are they going? >> it was a record for preorders. i was on the site this morning. it's interesting. they have a very approachable price phone. they are starting the smaller phone at $199, and starting is the key word there. there are a lot of factors involved. new this time are ways to pay, installment plans. when you were looking at a price that is $549, that's a lot to swallow. but on the right, how about 30 bucks a month? finance something more along the lines of an auto payment, and that's more profitable for the carriers. i think that's probably the biggest development. >> you mention the apple pay, how is that going to change the way we shop? >> significantly. the vast majority of purchases are still 10% purchases. credit cards are happy to work with apple, if they disrupt cash. here is the list that have partnered. it makes sense. imagine the under $25 transactions at a one say or mcdonald's. could be a game changer. >> what is in the black? >> it has to do with burger king and japan. we have a visual. it's the black burger. it's food innovation. how do they get it black? squid ink and it's all the rage. >> it's not that appealing to me. there you have it. different strokes for different folks. thank you. and the questions about america's role as the world's super power. now the news, new details revealed on how the federal government convinced yahoo to comply with the surveillance program. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at welcome back to weekends with alex witt. minnesota sraoeubging peterson is out on bail after being charged with negligent injury to a child. his attorney says the charge involves him using a switch to strike his son. vikings' fans are reacting to the news. >> if it's true, it's disappointing. >> i thought he was a great guy. everything i heard about him, kind of the model for the vikings, and now this happens. >> well, the star running back will not play in sunday's game against the patriots. the whirling whirlwind of domestic violence has brought up many things in the nfl. let's start with peterson. his lawyer says the child abuse charge has to do with disciplining his son. what do laws say when it comes to spanking a child? >> different jurisdictions have different rules, however, you know, in some states like new jersey or new york, if you hit a child, that's assault. it could be aggravated assault in certain circumstances. other states are a little more relaxed with it. but domestic violence is domestic violence. overall, he could be in a lot of trouble for what he has done. >> okay. his defense saying this is the way that he was disciplined, if you want to put it that way, as a child. >> that's not an excuse, alex. i think we could all say our parents did things that these days could land them in jail. it was common then and not now, and if you hit your child you are more than likely to have them taken away from you and face criminal court and maybe civil court for restraining orders. it's a very serious matter. it's not 20 years ago. >> yeah, society definitely changed. that's for sure. let's look at the ray rice case. how is this case been handled compared to other domestic violence cases you have seen? >> i have done a lot of domestic violence and alex we have covered lots of cases for years, and in new jersey as a prosecutor, domestic violence cases were not the cases we would dismiss. i put women on the stand that did not want to be there or testify, and it's a crime of violence. it's very rare to get pti in cases with aggravated assault. as a defense attorney i would be surprised if i got my client pt on a third degree aggravated assault. there is press dense and directives as a prosecutor, this is not something you do. if you want to take domestic violence seriously, you don't give pi. they have to have, just like a prosecutor has a directive not to dismiss these case and take them seriously, the nfl also has that obligation. they are their employees. if you worked for jpmorgan or a fireman or you are a policeman, you hit your wife orchid wi kid switch, you will get fired. they need to stop protecting their assets and take care of them. and then the focus on isis, i asked catty to interpret america's role in this next battle against terror. >> it's really interesting talking to politicians and people around the world. the degree to which people feel there has been a lack of american leadership on this issue. and it started really with this time last year on syria and the confused muddle thought on syria, will there be an attack or not, and people in europe felt they were hung out to dry by this administration, and it set in peoples' minds there was confusion about strategy and leadership, and i think it raises big questions about the america's role in the world and what it means to be exceptional. maybe it should be europe leading or the middle east in this instant leading. >> don't you think in the wake of what happened a decade plus ago with the invasion of iraq, you can understand why america maybe took a lesson from that? >> yeah, and also why people think this is still america's problem. i mean, you could say why are the europeans not funding and arming and financing the moderate syrian opposition. we have got the weapons it would take. but it still seems particularly over the issue of iraq, people still feel america broke it and they should fix it. >> you mention moderate syria opposition. does that truly exist? >> i don't think it does today. there are probably elements and they probably shifted towards being more extreme, but from all of my colleagues that spent a lot of time reporting on syria three years ago, yes, there was a moderate fairly secular syria opposition that america could have dealt with. >> do you get surprised at all by the polls that americans seem to support the military action? >> don't underestimate the capacity of americans to feel agrieved and a need for revenge when they see two of their own being beheaded in that brutal way, and that's what is behind the polls. but there's a problem here, if this is just about revenge for foley and sotloff, and an understandable feeling about anger and what happened to americans, it will lead to a short term strategy, and a longer term commitment to defeating isis is what is needed. brits, like americans, don't negotiate over ransom. there was a reluctant -- reluctance to get military involved. it has not produced good results in the past ten years. and there was also a real concern about what we do in britain to deal with this growing group of muslim extremists, young men. what do we need to do in our schools and prisons. there are nearly 12,000 muslims in british prisons and they are seen as a hotbed of recruiting for jihad. we need to tackle what it is in our society that is producing these young men that feel so disaffected that even though they never lived in the middle east, they are prepared to go there to cause us harm. >> she tells me what women need to stop doing when competing men in the workplace. and he was a scandal plagued mayor, and all of a sudden, rob ford may be a sympathetic figure. that's next. now, how long do i have to decide on this offer? 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pizza! with a little help, it's easy to whip up a great meal on a week night. pepperoni on your side... more pepperoni. cheers! pillsbury pizza crust. make dinner pop we want to update you on a developing story at this hour. in pennsylvania one officer is dead and another is receiving medical attention after a shooting at a states police bare racks. joining us by phone with more is peter cameron from the scranton times tribune. with a welcome to you, who is the shooter and is the public at large in danger having him be out? >> the pennsylvania state police commissioner says they don't know who the shooter is. they're looking. there's a massive manhunt going on right now with law enforcement from new york, new jersey, and pennsylvania. they're not releasing whether they think it's one person or multiple people. the commissioner says that people are -- they can leave their homes, but be alert, of course. >> and the derivation of all this, what provoked the shooting? >> no idea. the state police know they're not telling us yet. it was about 11:00 p.m. last night, 10:50, and somebody opened fire on two troopers, killed one, the second was wounded. he's been -- the trooper has been operated on and they say he's in stable condition. >> were they in their car? were they outside of it? where were they? >> again, they're not telling us much, but they were outside of the building. it's sort of a wooded area here. i'm not sure. they wouldn't say whether he was -- whether the person was firing from the trees or what, but yeah, not a lot known right now. >> okay. well, we thank you for joining us with what you do know. peter cameron with the scranton times tribune. let's go to the campaign against isis and a three letter word in interviews on thursday, john kerry and national security adviser susan rice says the u.s. is not at war with isis, insteading characterizing it as a counter military operation. then a day later the administration changed its tune. >> the united states is as war with isil in the same way we are at war with al qaeda. >> we are at war with the same way with al qaeda and its affiliates around the world. >> we are at war with isil in the same way we continue to be with al qaeda and its affiliates. >> joining me is a political reporter from time whose article looks at declaring the war word. with a welcome. in our modern world of nebulous military action how much does it matter if it is a declared war or just a counterterrorism operation of a significant kind? >> well, it matters a lot. certainly to the legal scholars over can the president declare war without congress or can't he. matters to the american people. how this is framed, discussed earlier in the program, that this is a broadly supported by the american people, that people support air strikes but that's not what they think of when they think of wars and that's why the administration has been wary about using the term. it's been iraq and afghanistan, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of american troops serving overseas, that's not the case here. this is an air strike campaign that looks a lot like the strikes in yemen and somalia like we heard the president describe on wednesday night. that's a lot like war but how maybe the american people want to hear the white house talk about it. they're looking for a muscular response right now. >> do you think it's an evolving stance from the white house or a real disagreement between the president and secretary of state about what this is and what they should call it? >> i don't think anybody in the administration would call this a war in a traditional sense. that's why they're qualifying it like our ongoing war against al qaeda which is different from the war in afghanistan even. you know, there's -- i think there's a lot of weariness to use the term because by saying war you're giving it credence, isis is an entity that the united states should be or is credible enough for the united states to go to war with it. that's something they've been wary to do as well. there is a sense that that the american people want to hear that muscular term and that -- and that may be the international community needs to hear that as well if they want to rally around that coalition that they need on the ground. >> squezeke, you think people interpret it differently when you say war against afghanistan versus war against al qaeda because one is a defined enit ity and one is more nebulous? >> those are the hairs the administration is struggling to split and didn't want to use the term right off the bat because when you think of wars, it's tanks on the ground, you know, it's air strikes every day, multiple times a day. what we've seen over the past month, month and a half, has been one or two, maybe at most five or six air strikes a day across iraq. that tempo hasn't increased. that doesn't look like a war. >> okay. zeke miller, great article in "time." thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> that's a wrap of this hour of "weekends with alex witt. 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