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Transcripts For FBC The Willis Report 20150102

course. very own peter barnes, he snagged an exclusive interview with a top federal reserve official we'll get to. michael, start with you first. we have the dow. it hit its sixth straight year of gains and now what? >> yeah, well that's a great question. i think one of the things that people have to ask themselves is over the last six years we've seen the market increase about 150%. that, that question you have to ask yourself is, how much longer can it continue. i think people are getting skeptical where the market is, how long it will stay there. people need to start looking taking some gains off the table and waiting to see what might happen in 2015. cheryl: we'll get to peter and the fed in a second. phil oil it is really what it is all about. people have money in their pocket because oil prices are down. how much longer does that last? >> i think the prices will stay down pretty much all of next year. we'll hit a low of $44. maybe lower. i think we'll recover in the second half of the year. good news isn't always good news all the time. i think lower energy prices is going to eventually filter down to our economy and slow us down a little bit. i believe that the u.s. energy sector is added almost one 1/2% to gdp. it is created a lot of high-paying jobs we've seen created in this country and i'm very concerned that the cutback in capital expenditures in the energy industry may slow the entire economy down. i'm a little pessimistic that the low prices are all good news. i think it is probably bad news. cheryl: peter that being said, does that mean the fed will slow itself down? you scored some great information today. tell us about it. >> i did ask her specifically about the oil prices and she said at least right now it is a net positive for the economy and positive for economic growth. she sees economy growing at 3% this year. unemployment falling five 1/2%. as a result the fed could cut interest, excuse me start to raise interest rates sometime in the first half of this year. take a listen. >> we have had some false starts or false dawns. remember the green chutes we talked about. look at fundamentals in the economy now. they're pointing towards this is being a real -- >> sustainable, long term. >> and acceleration. >> i also asked her specifically if she saw any bubbles in financial markets including in the equity markets. while she is not making any specific recommendations to investors, she did say that she does not see any bubbles out there right now so. take that into our discussion. >> michael cleveland fed president loretta mester who peter had great interview with said no. that the rates will potentially go up. the economy will probably be okay. you think otherwise. why? >> i think the way she said that is very carefully crafted. the fed is always good about watches the words. in all reality what the fed is looking for, they're looking to see that the economy is strong on its own footing strong enough to support an increase in interest rates. if we do see that increase, which, candidly i think wording actually lended a little bit towards looking for a reason to push that increase off a little it about, if there is an increase, it will have to be very slight and very measured. >> phil the oil market might be a reason based on what you're saying or the fed in general pushes this off a little bit longer. one thing that worries me with gas prices so low we're starting to hear our congressional leaders talk about a gas tax hike again. what would that do to the economy? >> sob havinglous -- obviously it is not positive for sure. the problem with the gas tax tracy what did they do with the money they have taken already? what happened to the shovel-ready projects? what happened to all that money. that is my problem. listen we all know we need infrastructure in this country but a gas tax isn't going to cut it. the demand for gasoline is ulnaing in this country. just by adding more money to the gas tax doesn't solve the problem. you're throwing the money down an empty well really. as far as the fed when it comes to the low gasoline prices it is a double-edged sword. on one hand they don't have to worry about inflation. that is the good news. the bad news they don't have to worry about inflation. they may have to worry about deflation as well. it wit be very difficult for the fed to raise interest rates with problems in europe. mario draghi says we're having trouble with inflation. i think it will be a problem. cheryl: peter can you address that? fill makes a great point. inflation is on the table again. >> she said very clearly when they get around to raising interest rates it is going to be very slowly and very carefully and data dependent and they're going to be watching all of this oil price europe, everything, to make sure that when they side to pull the trigger that the economy's healthy enough to withstand a a returning to higher interest rates and it is going to be a very slow increase over time. >> but, michael aren't, we're still the healthiest kid in the doctors office, aren't we? compared to russia, china europe where else are you going to go? >> yeah i think that's an excellent point. i actually look from a global standpoint i think many people are looking at the united states as the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry basket and they're looking for direction and for leadership but the reality is, i think the some of the problems that are going on globally like were just mentioned a moment ago, could have an impact on our economy, our growth and thus as a result, the, whether or not the fed does increase in 2015 or pushes it off to 2016. >> speaking of all those countries, phil, russia, europe, u.s. that is part of the reason for this gas price drop, right? we have so much oil now. >> it is. and yeah, part of the story has been the revolution in this country. we're producing more oil than we have in they are years. that is all great news. but part of it is because we have a slowing global economy. if we looked at what drove the energy over the last couple years, it was that incredible growth we saw in china and asia and india. even europe. but now look at those countries. they are contracting right now. when you look at oil supplies around the globe we're highest levels we've ever been. we have more supplies in storage in the united states than we've ever had to begin a new year. and if you look at what's happening in the other countries, they're not cutting back on production. russia can't afford to cut back. so guess what they're doing? they're producing most oil they have since the fall of the soviet union. they're producing more oil in iraq and iran. iran is basically begging saudi arabia please, cut production. this is going to be a disaster for these economies. at some point something has got to give. you can't have the u.s. just grow and have all these other countries, these oil-producing countries on the brink of collapse. >> phil, isn't it a market share game? what does it cost for the saudis to get their oil out? six bucks a barrel? how much does it cost putin and his pals, $100 a barrel? so who will win that fight? >> that's the whole thing. the thing i'm worried about peter there is a target on the u.s. energy producer. listen the reason why this has all come down it has been this energy revolution in this country. and it has been a revolution. it has filtered down to the entire economy. it brought manufacturing back to this country. it has created high-paying jobs for the top end of the sector the lower end of the sector. that's is what i'm afraid of and they're going after itp it is going to be, this is a war. it's a production war. and there is going to be a lot of people that will get hurt. there will be a lot of casualties along the way. i think u.s. will be able to withstand it. but it will be incredible headwind. >> you hit the nail on the head. that is worrisome. it will affect jobs at end of the day and we're already on shaky ground. you guys are terrific. have a great weekend. >> you too. >> still a lot more to come this hour including your reaction. plus a look at some of the biggest finance trend in 2015. and next, not only is obamacare raising your health care costs starting this year it will actually impact your taxes. we have what you need to know before you file your tax return. that is all after the break. don't go anywhere. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with lief so smooth... .it's fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. tracy: new year is finally here. that means tax filing season is right around the corner. tax experts say it may be a tricky one. with the obamacare provisions this means all tax-filers will have to prove whether they had health insurance in 2014 or face penalties. financial expert and radio show host author, peter dunne. people really need to know there will be a new form in their tax return they will have to muddle through to prove to the irs that they had health care. >> yeah. if tax returns weren't confusing enough. now there's another form but it is honor system, tracy. so go figure. we have the honor system as part of do you have health care coverage or not. with a weakened irs, from a budget standpoint and even staffing standpoint this is going to be kind of tough to enforce. tracy: not truly honor system, right? because the insurance companies are required to send a form home to you with all the pertinent information you need to file out this additional onerous form and irs get as copy, so they kind of have some clue. >> there are some checks and balances to that but i think we'll tuned is, of course people that don't have the proper health care coverage are going to face a tax or a mandate of $95 per person, or 1% of their income whatever is greater. that is just in 2015. those numbers go up significantly in 2016. this is causing people concern not only from monetary standpoint but even tax prepare race. i think you will see increase in people using tax preparers this year, opposed to computer programs or just old pencil and paper. tracy: i know computer programs are fit to calculate this for you but you bring up a great point because it is all about calculating that subsidy. do you deserve it? should you get it? if you've gotten it in the past and you don't you got to give it back. that is where all the complication comes in. >> i think so. we're all in the same boat. if you happen to get a tax refund you're used to same amount about every single year. with this, if the calculation of the subsidy was wrong, you're going to have a lower amount. it is going to get tricky. i loy a -- think a lot of produce sprayings already exists about the affordable care act will come to surface again when the taxation issues comes. telling you tracy next year will be much worse but i think we're just getting a taste of what is to come. tracy: i agree with you. the irs is already threatening that your refund will be delayed because they are understaffed. probably just as confused as we are. the best advice to people is start early and go see the tax preparer as soon as possible. >> that old april 14th, hey let's take care of this game is kind of in the past. tracy: right. >> with so much in the economy that seems positive, low gas price, rising growth in the economy this could be a little bit of a bump that at least brings some frustration to american consumer. tracy: unfortunately the forms are not printed yet. we don't know what they look like. we're all waiting, i'm talking we tax dorks like myself, on pins and needles for this form come out to help people figure this all out. >> that is exactly right. people love to get taxes done as soon as end of january. frankly i don't see that happening. tracy: it will be complicated. peter, thanks so much for helping us muddle through it. >> my pleasure. tracy: later in the show we'll look ahead to life saving medical innovations coming in 2015. some good stuff. what's in and what's out when it comes to you and your money in 2015? so are people saving or spending? are they buying or selling? vera gibbons breaks it all down for us next. ♪ you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. tracy: all right. it is a new year, that means new trend to look forward to and know no, it's not bellbottoms. credit card technology, going out with the old and in with the new for 2015. what is in, what is out? personal finance expert vera gibbons is here with the list. first thing and big thing savings out. >> so hard to save now because wages are flat. costs are up on just about everything. college costs. health care costs. groceries, problem it becomes easier to spend given growth in mobile payment spending devices especially apple pay. tracy: amazon prime. holy heck. >> your credit card information is stored there. it is easy to spend without thinking about it. same with apple pay. tap your card and it is done. like funny money. monopoly money and i think it will lead to a bad trend. tracy: we have savings fatigue and we awe buckled down during the recession and saved and saved and we're sick of it. which lead us to homebuyers. you think first-timers especially. >> investment buyers have been keeping us afloat. with zillow which i blog for rents will outpace home values in 2015. tracy: and mortgages. >> you will see more of renters who otherwise happy jump into the home buying arena and buy. tracy: that is good. that would be a great thing. >> markets things are more favorable to first-time homebuyers and buyers like in pittsburgh chicago las vegas ha hartford, some of other markets, they looked at incomes and home values. they looked at all different statistics. these are lists they come up with. first-time buyers may actually jump in. tracy: that is great for the economy. what is bad for the economy your next trend, traditional employees are out and your contract workers are in. >> unfortunately. we've seen this trend happen, last several years. everyone is doing contract work, freelance work, project work. no benefits. no long-term job security. no nothing. unfortunately this is the wave of future. if you look at statistics, 53 million american workers are working as freelancers. that is 3 hers of the workforce. contract workers used to be athletes actors, actresses. now it is happening across a broad range -- tracy: is it by choice or because of obamacare or costs? >> it is not by choice. people don't want to be contract workers or freelance workers. some people like flexibility particularly if over a certain age. employers really like it. they don't have to pay out benefits. tracy: this will catch up with us in the end when come retirement, they don't -- >> nothing to save. >> they don't have anything to save. speaking retirement, we have aging in place versus staying in home. >> staying in place. tracy: prying me out of there with my cold dead fingers. >> aging baby boomers are calling shots. they don't want to stay on back porch and grow old gracefully. they want to get out with their friend and do things. culture, art, entertainment. time with family and friends and stay within their own home. they're fueling a trend in remodeling stuff. they're doing all different things that will make it easier for them to stay home. tracy: ramps? things like that? >> things aesthetically pleasing not hospital-like. things more function. tracy: they will need care workers at home. >> that will fuel that for sure. tracy: i invited my mother to come live with me. how about that? she said no. all of full. -- awful. credit card swiping out credit card dipping in. what is that. >> versus swiping magnetic card is on its way out. there is a shift underway you may not know about that is happening in 2015 toward another type of cards emd cards which is the cards with a different type of chip technology. tracy: yes. >> which is more secure. it will help consumers feel a little better when they make the purchases because there has been so much fraud and so much and breaches that you saw over the past couple of years. fraud is up ridiculously some so this will actually help that problem. so these cards are actually going to, expected to be mainstream in 2015. so magnetic stripe swipe card are on the way out. tracy: that is a good thing. >> that is a very good thing. tracy: i'll tell you this holiday season if i couldn't use paypal i didn't purchase online. paypal has been so awesome in the past if you make a mistake or get an error. otherwise it is scary. >> there you go. tracy: vera, you're great. >> you're awesome too. tracy: thank you. coming up we continue our look at 2015 including what we can expect in the world of medicine. we got some cool innovations that may save your life. from the super bowl to march mad des fans are making plans to attend these big events. we have what you need to know before you buy those whopping, expensive tickets. that is all next. ♪ so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? 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look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. . tracy: 2015, is bringing promising medical breakthroughs that will help people live longer and look better and have better lives, what could be better? dr. kelly powers is with us. i would think reversing the aging process is all anybody cares about. >> of course, the fountain of youth question is it possible? according to a study from harvard university and new south wales they say it is, they did a study with old mice inoculating them with a certain protein. within one week it reversed the aging process. tracy: basically make their blood younger? >> they saw muscle tone changes, increase in muscle tone, heart strength and neurons in the brain developing. it has the potential for alzheimer's disease, spinal chord treatments the potential is endless. tracy: that is going to continue, i know it. the notion of better blood tests, thank god. anyone that's gotten a blood test it is painful. >> correct. tracy: and emotionally trying to tie you up and all this stuff. >> absolutely. stress. people have inate fear. this idea is a simple finger stick, we can find cbc, metabolic panel from from a finger stick. no sense to take vials of blood out of you. tracy: this is near and dear to me, i have high cholesterol. it is a pain in the neck that you are going to have a heart attack. >> current modalitieses statins have, been great and done wonders. there is a new class of drug called pcs inhibitors, this is promising to lower ldl, bad cholesterol, even more so. why is it great? people can't stake statins, they are intolerant to it. it gives an option and certain people it's not doing enough. tracy: my cousin has had no many problems with them. this would be great, it's something you don't have to be on for the rest of your life, that is something you don't want to have to do. this i can barely say, microbiomap ligz in the gut. gastrointestinal stuff. people have issues with this stuff. >> the microbiomanipulation. changing the bacteria in our gut. bacteria is in all of us a lot of it is good, it causes infection or inflammatory process. what we're seeing is the popular gluten intolerance we've heard that around. ibd, crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis. tracy: so many of us have self-diagnosed these things. people have issues with intestinal gastrostuff. >> of course, this shows a substantial promise for that, we're hoping. tracy: this is also the year of mobile medicine i know that people self-diagnose and things like that you're talking about keeping track of vital signs and things like that. >> power to the patience a lot rests on us doctors, but nice to know patients have power. they can wear track devices, the apple watch fitbit. all those things help with realtime data. heart rate pulse, blood pressure, it can give us data storage, this is baseline this is what you are in six months. that's the important part. not enough people have a baseline. i was telling you on break my nephew is diabetic he has an app on the phone, he pricks his finger through the phone, it goes automatically to the doctors, i hope that continues forward. i have a jawbone, it makes me feel bad about myself. i never hit any goals i'm supposed to hit. doctor thank you. this is all great stuff. >> thank you so much. exciting year ahead. tracy: yeah, i took it off. i'm sick of hearing i don't run enough or sleep enough or do anything enough. the new year bringing in the most highly anticipated sporting events. do you believe we're talking about this stuff already? the first-ever college football playoff championship. to the 2015 super bowl already. affordable tickets can seem nearly impossible. barbara tuchman is here to creating bucket list experiences for people and companies. first of all, before we get to the super bowl, i can't believe we're talking about that already. the college playoff championship game is going to be huge? >> yeah, it's incredible. if you look at interest it's garnered just after the games yesterday. >> right. >> if you look at the excitement around the country about this game and what's going to happen january 12th. i am shocked. it's really at the level. i thought it would take a few years to build up. it's at the level where it's compete with super bowl soon enough, believe it or not. >> where is it we have ohio state looking for first national title since 2002 and oregon look for a title in general because they don't have one, right? why? what happened? >> this is it, they have taken the formula that works so well with college basketball. the final four the tournament thing. they put it into football which the country loves. combine the two and you have the event that's an elimination tournament basically. i have no doubt they're going to expand this to eight teams and then thereon. it is no doubt built an incredible following already. tracy: what's the ticket price go for? >> the big thing is ohio state got in. they probably travel better than any team in terms of alumni. ohio state travels the most. big demand. the lowest price ticket i looked at was $800 today. tracy: what? >> the highest price one was over $4,000. things even out now as there's more demand, more tickets come out. at the end of the day, i think you'll see it as 1500 $2,000 ticket for a decent seat. tracy: that's january 12th, where are you playing that? >> in texas in dallas, who doesn't love football in dallas. tracy: great for the dallas economy as well. now move onto the super bowl. february 1st, glendale, arizona. never come to jersey again, let's be clear, it is a mitigated disaster. tickets are over 3,000 already? >> there's -- people are looking at the teams that are still left. what drives the ticket market with the super bowl is sometimes it can be location like new york last year but it's the teams that are still playing, and people fear that if the dallas cowboys get in like we talked about, dallas a huge football market, that the ticket can get higher in price than what it's going for right now. if a team gets in from a small market, say the seattle seahawks, they were here last year. the new england patriots, people say boston they've been in the super bowl so much there's not a ton of people coming, the price might go down. a gamble do you buy ticket now or wait to see if it goes down. tracy: interestingly, there's snow in arizona, you can imagine? >> last year there was no snow, 53 degrees at kickoff and the next morning it was a blizzard. the nfl was holding their breath and came away with a win. tracy: that is crazy talking about all sporting events. you have the nba all-star game coming to new york. what's better than that? >> basketball in new york just like football in dallas, going to be extremely exciting. the first time they're using two arenas the barclays in brooklyn and madison square garden, the most famous arena with. that said that's going to be the bigger event. if you look at it compared to last year we had olympic cup, the international events. this year we have more domestic events. >> you are saying a ticket already over 3 grand. >> tickets for the nba all-star game, it's in a small arena we're not looking at 60-70,000 stadium for the super bowl. less tickets it's in new york, a lot of corporations based here. a lot of people want to go to the events. it's kept the price up. and at the end of the day, the ticket will be close enough to be around that. tracy: wow before we run we have again another soccer league final right? june 6th. champions, where is that? >> in berlin, germany, the 60th year. what i noticed is that international sporting events not just the olympics and world cups. international soccer events are much more important to people in our country. i think this year with the champion's league, it's a great event and seen a lot of interest in the company. tracy: if you want to take the family, go to germany for the game. tell everyone your website. >> we are specialisting from the super bowl to world cup. tracy: i'm sure there are bucket lists for everyone. >> absolutely. tracy: did you make new year's resolutions to get to a super bowl? we have your answers next, and more problems with ios 8 facing a class-action lawsuit over not being transparent over how much space the system needs. legal panel is going to weigh in on that next. as we head out to break, here's your consumer gauge. don't go away. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher brighter denture everyday. . tracy: two florida men are suing apple for $5 million, because the company is falsely advertising the storage capacity of iphones and ipads. so we brought in the lawyers. wendy patrick, now for the purposes of today's segment, wendy takes the plaintiff's side. philip siegel is going to defend apple. wendy to you first what the heck do you think of this? >> all right, so this lawsuit against apple has, at its core pun intended false advertising. and false advertising not just about some tangential aspect of the iphone but what matters most to consumers. storage. iphone users need space, what apple did is didn't tell them, allow them to make the decision they would have up to 25% less storage than was advertised. it's like selling a box of 40 cookies, and you open the box there's only 30 cookies and option to buy the extra ten. they call that icloud storage. tracy: i get where you're coming from with this. philip, we got to talk about consumer responsibility here, too. part of it is stuff people put on their phones is their own problem, not apple's problem. thank god apple allowed me the ability to save over 1,000 pictures of my children. that's my fault, i don't need them. >> before that this suit reads like an april fool's suit because the practice in -- if these people have never had a computer before i could understand they would be surprised by. this but anyone who's had a computer knows that the storage space is never the same as what is held out to be the case because computers think in base two, manufacturers think in base 10. one terrabyte data on any pc is 9, 10% less. why don't i have all the storage space they thought i'd get, and if you go out on the web, this has been in chat rooms for years and years, it can't be a surprise. tracy: but it's kind of a surprise to me wendy, it took me a while to realize that when you go through apps, how much memory they all take up, not to mention each upgrade eats up that much more memory and tell you, you should upgrade your phone? >> you should upgrade, you trust them and upgrade your phone, never believing that the space that's going to take might cut out some of the picture us that say. let's face it, anybody that actually buys an iphone to use it as a phone is not going to be affected by. this but who does that? it's a video camera a video storage unit, it's a photo album and apple users should have the choice whether or not to upgrade number one, and number two to be able to upgrade knowing they're going to lose that much space. even the most tech savvy consumer, i understand philip's point there is some amount of data and storage you're going to lose but don't expect it to be almost up to 25%. tracy: do you think this is an effort to push everyone onto the cloud and pay for additional service? you have to pay for cloud storage. >> i think that anybody who's going to have 13 gigs of photos is probably going to have 16 gigs of photos. this is a reasonableness case. if you read the complaint, they say no reasonable person should have to live with 25% less storages but really, what's going to happen is -- tracy: that's kind of funny actually. >> if you want 16 gigs of space and you only get 13. who says i only wanted 16, i got 13 i'm running out. i'm horribly affected. everybody contemplates storing things on the cloud, stores things to external drive. it's a reasonable thing to expect people to do. and the reason between 16 and 13 gigs to me is not worth a class-action suit. and i have no brief with apple. tracy: before we go where is this case going? >> i think basically it's going have some kind of remedy that might be either new phones monetary damage or a combination of the two. one thing i want to end with, this is a very identifiable classic. what happens when you buy an apple product, you register it. we know who they. >> are philip where does this go? >> lawyer's fees and no remedy for people. >> i think it goes in the garbage, but give everybody credit for trying. i will have to delete half the pictures now. time for a look at stories you're clicking on tonight on stocks wiping out major triple digit jump, the dow ended up slumping before posting a slight rebound at the end of the day after more signs of a slowdown in manufacturing. oil turned higher after early slump as it inched closer to 54 bucks a barrel. the fda approving 41 first of a kind drugs. the highest number in 18 years. it includes a record 15 drugs for orphaned diseases or rare conditions impacting fewer than 200,000 people. gm kicking off 2015 much like 2014 issuing recalls. more than 92,000 trucks suvs and cars are recalled with an ignition lock system from 2007 to 2014 models including chevy silverados. and samsung will use internally developed operating. this is all to boost power. they will be unveiled next week at the consumers electronic expo in las vegas. fox business and liz claman will be there with all the big tech news. those are some of the hot stories on still to come, did you make a new year's resolution? should you? we'll be joined by a psychologist for his take on the annual tradition. plus get your reaction to it all. don't go anywhere. thanks. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to able global commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. great job. (mandarin) ♪ ♪ cut it out. >>see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. . tracy: those new years resolutions, we make them and break them. why is it so hard for some of us to stick to the promises we make to ourselves as the new year begins. should we be making them at all? why bother? i don't know. with us resident psychologist dr. jeff guardier. people put pressure on themselves to come up with the riveting new year's resolutions. >> they are not sure what they're talking about. as we heard someone said my new year's resolution is to win the lotto. no? as one of the cameramen said the new year resolution is to work harder. tracy: they say that? all right! doctor you alluded to the host of "the independents" kennedy took to the streets and asked people what's your new year resolution take a listen. >> reporter: what are some of your new year resolutions? >> go to the gym more. >> reporter: looks like you're thin and in shape. >> i still have to work out, i have to stay this way. >> resolution? quit smoking. >> reporter: what's your new year's resolution. >> i got nothing. he's got to make changes. >> maybe my new year's resolution, i can start by getting your phone number, how would that be? that would work out? >> reporter: that is smooth! yeah. what's your new year's resolution? to get sexier? >> thank you. >> i want to win the lottery. hopefully win the lottery. >> to be happy with the little things and not worry about the future, just go with the flow, i guess. >> get a job. >> you don't like the common core? >> i don't either. what is your new year's resolution. >> to stop eating after 8:00. >> be nice to everyone. >> reporter: did you really just get engaged? >> yeah. >> reporter: let me see! so beautiful! this is so exciting! hear it for them, they just got engaged! [ cheers ] . tracy: i love her, and love is in the air. doc, people struggling with coming up with things to say. >> why do people keep saying that for heaven's sake. tracy: should we not make resolution at small. >> i think we should make new year's resolution an opportunity to start again, as we heard with the introduce, very, very cute people, very nice but to really spread world peace i mean get real. how about being nice to your mom or your dad and starting from there? we're overreaching with a lot of resolutions and not focusing on what we really need to do. tracy: i think that is such a poignant point. a study has shown 8% of the people who make resolutions are the only ones that follow through, and probably because your resolution to climb all eight mountains over the course of the next year is silly. >> these are the people who actually do their homework, the ones who are successful they do the research to find out if they want to lose weight what's the best way to lose weight, if they want to stop smoke, what's a program to do that to follow? so you have to do your homework you have to know what you're doing if you're that serious about it. tracy: i love the notion narrowing it down, i'm going to see my mom once a week. >> be realistic, within your power and minimize the things that you want to do. i mean to want to work out every single day and then you want to get an additional electronics degree within three months and do all this stuff. what about working out instead of every day like i happen to do, huh? what about two or three times a week and match that with the resolution that would work with that starting to stop smoking, because they go together the more you work out, the less that you want to smoke. so be strategic. tracy: i think you made a great point during the break, too. part of the reason that only 8% follow through is we have all the debbie downers around us. >> all the negativity. people don't believe in what you're doing. that's why you need to surround yourself with positive people, folks who give you the reinforcement, attaboy, atagirl, we know if you're in a position with people who really love you, then you're much more comfortable in what you're doing and believe in yourself because they believe in you. tracy: that should be everyone's new year resolution off the top of the list get rid of the negative people. if i blow my resolution out the window, do i pick up and start over again or throw my hands up and be done? >> sadly too many people say, well, i didn't do it, fell off the wagon. that's it. i'm going to go full steam in the other direction in negativity, and the reality is that any resolution, new year's resolution that you undertake, that sometimes you're not going to be perfect sometimes you make mistakes and it's the mistakes that matter maybe i need to rethink this a little bit. slow down a little bit or be more realistic as we talked about before it's okay to mess up. start again and learn what the mistake was about. tracy: not so bad to announce it to the world. announce it on social media putting it out there will make you more accountable. >> it absolutely does make you accountable. if you speak it, you believe it it's out there it's reality. there are people who do, it talking in their heads, they change the resolutions like this or they said well, that was a good idea for a few minutes. i'll try this and they're bouncing all over the place. tracy: you are awesome, doc, tell the universe! i love it. thank you so much. >> to the world! spread peace to the world. tracy: at least in your own home. >> mom and dad. okay. tracy: can you catch much more from kennedy and company on "the independents" tonight and every week night 9:00 p.m. eastern, and again at midnight. all right, tweet us what your new years resolutions are? 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Transcripts For FBC The Willis Report 20150103

very own peter barnes, he snagged an exclusive interview with a top federal reserve official we'll get to. michael, start with you first. we have the dow. it hit its sixth straight year of gains and now what? >> yeah, well that's a great question. i think one of the things that people have to ask themselves is over the last six years we've seen the market increase about 150%. that, that question you have to ask yourself is, how much longer can it continue. i think people are getting skeptical where the market is, how long it will stay there. people need to start looking taking some gains off the table and waiting to see what might happen in 2015. cheryl: we'll get to peter and the fed in a second. phil oil it is really what it is all about. people have money in their pocket because oil prices are down. how much longer does that last? >> i think the prices will stay down pretty much all of next year. we'll hit a low of $44. maybe lower. i think we'll recover in the second half of the year. good news isn't always good news all the time. i think lower energy prices is going to eventually filter down to our economy and slow us down a little bit. i believe that the u.s. energy sector is added almost one 1/2% to gdp. it is created a lot of high-paying jobs we've seen created in this country and i'm very concerned that the cutback in capital expenditures in the energy industry may slow the entire economy down. i'm a little pessimistic that the low prices are all good news. i think it is probably bad news. cheryl: peter that being said, does that mean the fed will slow itself down? you scored some great information today. tell us about it. >> i did ask her specifically about the oil prices and she said at least right now it is a net positive for the economy and positive for economic growth. she sees economy growing at 3% this year. unemployment falling five 1/2%. as a result the fed could cut interest, excuse me start to raise interest rates sometime in the first half of this year. take a listen. >> we have had some false starts or false dawns. remember the green chutes we talked about. look at fundamentals in the economy now. they're pointing towards this is being a real -- >> sustainable, long term. >> and acceleration. >> i also asked her specifically if she saw any bubbles in financial markets including in the equity markets. while she is not making any specific recommendations to investors, she did say that she does not see any bubbles out there right now so. take that into our discussion. >> michael cleveland fed president loretta mester who peter had great interview with said no. that the rates will potentially go up. the economy will probably be okay. you think otherwise. why? >> i think the way she said that is very carefully crafted. the fed is always good about watches the words. in all reality what the fed is looking for, they're looking to see that the economy is strong on its own footing strong enough to support an increase in interest rates. if we do see that increase, which, candidly i think wording actually lended a little bit towards looking for a reason to push that increase off a little it about, if there is an increase, it will have to be very slight and very measured. >> phil the oil market might be a reason based on what you're saying or the fed in general pushes this off a little bit longer. one thing that worries me with gas prices so low we're starting to hear our congressional leaders talk about a gas tax hike again. what would that do to the economy? >> sob havinglous -- obviously it is not positive for sure. the problem with the gas tax tracy what did they do with the money they have taken already? what happened to the shovel-ready projects? what happened to all that money. that is my problem. listen we all know we need infrastructure in this country but a gas tax isn't going to cut it. the demand for gasoline is ulnaing in this country. just by adding more money to the gas tax doesn't solve the problem. you're throwing the money down an empty well really. as far as the fed when it comes to the low gasoline prices it is a double-edged sword. on one hand they don't have to worry about inflation. that is the good news. the bad news they don't have to worry about inflation. they may have to worry about deflation as well. it wit be very difficult for the fed to raise interest rates with problems in europe. mario draghi says we're having trouble with inflation. i think it will be a problem. cheryl: peter can you address that? fill makes a great point. inflation is on the table again. >> she said very clearly when they get around to raising interest rates it is going to be very slowly and very carefully and data dependent and they're going to be watching all of this oil price europe, everything, to make sure that when they side to pull the trigger that the economy's healthy enough to withstand a a returning to higher interest rates and it is going to be a very slow increase over time. >> but, michael aren't, we're still the healthiest kid in the doctors office, aren't we? compared to russia, china europe where else are you going to go? >> yeah i think that's an excellent point. i actually look from a global standpoint i think many people are looking at the united states as the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry basket and they're looking for direction and for leadership but the reality is, i think the some of the problems that are going on globally like were just mentioned a moment ago, could have an impact on our economy, our growth and thus as a result, the, whether or not the fed does increase in 2015 or pushes it off to 2016. >> speaking of all those countries, phil, russia, europe, u.s. that is part of the reason for this gas price drop, right? we have so much oil now. >> it is. and yeah, part of the story has been the revolution in this country. we're producing more oil than we have in they are years. that is all great news. but part of it is because we have a slowing global economy. if we looked at what drove the energy over the last couple years, it was that incredible growth we saw in china and asia and india. even europe. but now look at those countries. they are contracting right now. when you look at oil supplies around the globe we're highest levels we've ever been. we have more supplies in storage in the united states than we've ever had to begin a new year. and if you look at what's happening in the other countries, they're not cutting back on production. russia can't afford to cut back. so guess what they're doing? they're producing most oil they have since the fall of the soviet union. they're producing more oil in iraq and iran. iran is basically begging saudi arabia please, cut production. this is going to be a disaster for these economies. at some point something has got to give. you can't have the u.s. just grow and have all these other countries, these oil-producing countries on the brink of collapse. >> phil, isn't it a market share game? what does it cost for the saudis to get their oil out? six bucks a barrel? how much does it cost putin and his pals, $100 a barrel? so who will win that fight? >> that's the whole thing. the thing i'm worried about peter there is a target on the u.s. energy producer. listen the reason why this has all come down it has been this energy revolution in this country. and it has been a revolution. it has filtered down to the entire economy. it brought manufacturing back to this country. it has created high-paying jobs for the top end of the sector the lower end of the sector. that's is what i'm afraid of and they're going after itp it is going to be, this is a war. it's a production war. and there is going to be a lot of people that will get hurt. there will be a lot of casualties along the way. i think u.s. will be able to withstand it. but it will be incredible headwind. >> you hit the nail on the head. that is worrisome. it will affect jobs at end of the day and we're already on shaky ground. you guys are terrific. have a great weekend. >> you too. >> still a lot more to come this hour including your reaction. plus a look at some of the biggest finance trend in 2015. and next, not only is obamacare raising your health care costs starting this year it will actually impact your taxes. we have what you need to know before you file your tax return. that is all after the break. don't go anywhere. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. you park your car. as you walk away crunch! a garbage truck backs into it. so,you call your insurance company, looking for a little support. what you get is a game of a thousand questions. was it raining? were your flashers on? was there a dog with you? by the time you hang up you're convinced the accident was your fault. then you remember; you weren't even in the car. at liberty mutual we make filing a claim as stress-free as possible. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance tracy: new year is finally here. that means tax filing season is right around the corner. tax experts say it may be a tricky one. with the obamacare provisions this means all tax-filers will have to prove whether they had health insurance in 2014 or face penalties. financial expert and radio show host author, peter dunne. people really need to know there will be a new form in their tax return they will have to muddle through to prove to the irs that they had health care. >> yeah. if tax returns weren't confusing enough. now there's another form but it is honor system, tracy. so go figure. we have the honor system as part of do you have health care coverage or not. with a weakened irs, from a budget standpoint and even staffing standpoint this is going to be kind of tough to enforce. tracy: not truly honor system, right? because the insurance companies are required to send a form home to you with all the pertinent information you need to file out this additional onerous form and irs get as copy, so they kind of have some clue. >> there are some checks and balances to that but i think we'll tuned is, of course people that don't have the proper health care coverage are going to face a tax or a mandate of $95 per person, or 1% of their income whatever is greater. that is just in 2015. those numbers go up significantly in 2016. this is causing people concern not only from monetary standpoint but even tax prepare race. i think you will see increase in people using tax preparers this year, opposed to computer programs or just old pencil and paper. tracy: i know computer programs are fit to calculate this for you but you bring up a great point because it is all about calculating that subsidy. do you deserve it? should you get it? if you've gotten it in the past and you don't you got to give it back. that is where all the complication comes in. >> i think so. we're all in the same boat. if you happen to get a tax refund you're used to same amount about every single year. with this, if the calculation of the subsidy was wrong, you're going to have a lower amount. it is going to get tricky. i loy a -- think a lot of produce sprayings already exists about the affordable care act will come to surface again when the taxation issues comes. telling you tracy next year will be much worse but i think we're just getting a taste of what is to come. tracy: i agree with you. the irs is already threatening that your refund will be delayed because they are understaffed. probably just as confused as we are. the best advice to people is start early and go see the tax preparer as soon as possible. >> that old april 14th, hey let's take care of this game is kind of in the past. tracy: right. >> with so much in the economy that seems positive, low gas price, rising growth in the economy this could be a little bit of a bump that at least brings some frustration to american consumer. tracy: unfortunately the forms are not printed yet. we don't know what they look like. we're all waiting, i'm talking we tax dorks like myself, on pins and needles for this form come out to help people figure this all out. >> that is exactly right. people love to get taxes done as soon as end of january. frankly i don't see that happening. tracy: it will be complicated. peter, thanks so much for helping us muddle through it. >> my pleasure. tracy: later in the show we'll look ahead to life saving medical innovations coming in 2015. some good stuff. what's in and what's out when it comes to you and your money in 2015? so are people saving or spending? are they buying or selling? vera gibbons breaks it all down for us next. ♪ if you're taking multiple medications does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene available as an oral rinse toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. of accidental death for young children. simple safety steps are the best way to prevent these tragedies. make sure kids learn how to swim. designate an adult water watcher to watch kids in and around water. save the phone calls and texts for when the kids are out of the water. properly fence all pools with fences at least four feet high and with self-closing, self-latching gates. when above ground pools aren't in use remove the ladders. when pools aren't in use cover them. teach kids to stay away from drains. and if a child is missing check the pool or spa first. consider the steps you take then add a few more. because you never know which pool safety step will save a life until it does. simple steps save lives to learn some new ones visit tracy: all right. it is a new year, that means new trend to look forward to and know no, it's not bellbottoms. credit card technology, going out with the old and in with the new for 2015. what is in, what is out? personal finance expert vera gibbons is here with the list. first thing and big thing savings out. >> so hard to save now because wages are flat. costs are up on just about everything. college costs. health care costs. groceries, problem it becomes easier to spend given growth in mobile payment spending devices especially apple pay. tracy: amazon prime. holy heck. >> your credit card information is stored there. it is easy to spend without thinking about it. same with apple pay. tap your card and it is done. like funny money. monopoly money and i think it will lead to a bad trend. tracy: we have savings fatigue and we awe buckled down during the recession and saved and saved and we're sick of it. which lead us to homebuyers. you think first-timers especially. >> investment buyers have been keeping us afloat. with zillow which i blog for rents will outpace home values in 2015. tracy: and mortgages. >> you will see more of renters who otherwise happy jump into the home buying arena and buy. tracy: that is good. that would be a great thing. >> markets things are more favorable to first-time homebuyers and buyers like in pittsburgh chicago las vegas ha hartford, some of other markets, they looked at incomes and home values. they looked at all different statistics. these are lists they come up with. first-time buyers may actually jump in. tracy: that is great for the economy. what is bad for the economy your next trend, traditional employees are out and your contract workers are in. >> unfortunately. we've seen this trend happen, last several years. everyone is doing contract work, freelance work, project work. no benefits. no long-term job security. no nothing. unfortunately this is the wave of future. if you look at statistics, 53 million american workers are working as freelancers. that is 3 hers of the workforce. contract workers used to be athletes actors, actresses. now it is happening across a broad range -- tracy: is it by choice or because of obamacare or costs? >> it is not by choice. people don't want to be contract workers or freelance workers. some people like flexibility particularly if over a certain age. employers really like it. they don't have to pay out benefits. tracy: this will catch up with us in the end when come retirement, they don't -- >> nothing to save. >> they don't have anything to save. speaking retirement, we have aging in place versus staying in home. >> staying in place. tracy: prying me out of there with my cold dead fingers. >> aging baby boomers are calling shots. they don't want to stay on back porch and grow old gracefully. they want to get out with their friend and do things. culture, art, entertainment. time with family and friends and stay within their own home. they're fueling a trend in remodeling stuff. they're doing all different things that will make it easier for them to stay home. tracy: ramps? things like that? >> things aesthetically pleasing not hospital-like. things more function. tracy: they will need care workers at home. >> that will fuel that for sure. tracy: i invited my mother to come live with me. how about that? she said no. all of full. -- awful. credit card swiping out credit card dipping in. what is that. >> versus swiping magnetic card is on its way out. there is a shift underway you may not know about that is happening in 2015 toward another type of cards emd cards which is the cards with a different type of chip technology. tracy: yes. >> which is more secure. it will help consumers feel a little better when they make the purchases because there has been so much fraud and so much and breaches that you saw over the past couple of years. fraud is up ridiculously some so this will actually help that problem. so these cards are actually going to, expected to be mainstream in 2015. so magnetic stripe swipe card are on the way out. tracy: that is a good thing. >> that is a very good thing. tracy: i'll tell you this holiday season if i couldn't use paypal i didn't purchase online. paypal has been so awesome in the past if you make a mistake or get an error. otherwise it is scary. >> there you go. tracy: vera, you're great. >> you're awesome too. tracy: thank you. coming up we continue our look at 2015 including what we can expect in the world of medicine. we got some cool innovations that may save your life. from the super bowl to march mad des fans are making plans to attend these big events. we have what you need to know before you buy those whopping, expensive tickets. that is all next. ♪ so when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with lief so smooth... .it's fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. . tracy: 2015, is bringing promising medical breakthroughs that will help people live longer and look better and have better lives, what could be better? dr. kelly powers is with us. i would think reversing the aging process is all anybody cares about. >> of course, the fountain of youth question is it possible? according to a study from harvard university and new south wales they say it is, they did a study with old mice inoculating them with a certain protein. within one week it reversed the aging process. tracy: basically make their blood younger? >> they saw muscle tone changes, increase in muscle tone, heart strength and neurons in the brain developing. it has the potential for alzheimer's disease, spinal chord treatments the potential is endless. tracy: that is going to continue, i know it. the notion of better blood tests, thank god. anyone that's gotten a blood test it is painful. >> correct. tracy: and emotionally trying to tie you up and all this stuff. >> absolutely. stress. people have inate fear. this idea is a simple finger stick, we can find cbc, metabolic panel from from a finger stick. no sense to take vials of blood out of you. tracy: this is near and dear to me, i have high cholesterol. it is a pain in the neck that you are going to have a heart attack. >> current modalitieses statins have, been great and done wonders. there is a new class of drug called pcs inhibitors, this is promising to lower ldl, bad cholesterol, even more so. why is it great? people can't stake statins, they are intolerant to it gives an option and certain people it's not doing enough. tracy: my cousin has had no many problems with them. this would be great, it's something you don't have to be on for the rest of your life, that is something you don't want to have to do. this i can barely say, microbiomap ligz in the gut. gastrointestinal stuff. people have issues with this stuff. >> the microbiomanipulation. changing the bacteria in our gut. bacteria is in all of us a lot of it is good, it causes infection or inflammatory process. what we're seeing is the popular gluten intolerance we've heard that around. ibd, crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis. tracy: so many of us have self-diagnosed these things. people have issues with intestinal gastrostuff. >> of course, this shows a substantial promise for that, we're hoping. tracy: this is also the year of mobile medicine i know that people self-diagnose and things like that you're talking about keeping track of vital signs and things like that. >> power to the patience a lot rests on us doctors, but nice to know patients have power. they can wear track devices, the apple watch fitbit. all those things help with realtime data. heart rate pulse, blood pressure, it can give us data storage, this is baseline this is what you are in six months. that's the important part. not enough people have a baseline. i was telling you on break my nephew is diabetic he has an app on the phone, he pricks his finger through the phone, it goes automatically to the doctors, i hope that continues forward. i have a jawbone, it makes me feel bad about myself. i never hit any goals i'm supposed to hit. doctor thank you. this is all great stuff. >> thank you so much. exciting year ahead. tracy: yeah, i took it off. i'm sick of hearing i don't run enough or sleep enough or do anything enough. the new year bringing in the most highly anticipated sporting events. do you believe we're talking about this stuff already? the first-ever college football playoff championship. to the 2015 super bowl already. affordable tickets can seem nearly impossible. barbara tuchman is here to creating bucket list experiences for people and companies. first of all, before we get to the super bowl, i can't believe we're talking about that already. the college playoff championship game is going to be huge? >> yeah, it's incredible. if you look at interest it's garnered just after the games yesterday. >> right. >> if you look at the excitement around the country about this game and what's going to happen january 12th. i am shocked. it's really at the level. i thought it would take a few years to build up. it's at the level where it's compete with super bowl soon enough, believe it or not. >> where is it we have ohio state looking for first national title since 2002 and oregon look for a title in general because they don't have one, right? why? what happened? >> this is it, they have taken the formula that works so well with college basketball. the final four the tournament thing. they put it into football which the country loves. combine the two and you have the event that's an elimination tournament basically. i have no doubt they're going to expand this to eight teams and then thereon. it is no doubt built an incredible following already. tracy: what's the ticket price go for? >> the big thing is ohio state got in. they probably travel better than any team in terms of alumni. ohio state travels the most. big demand. the lowest price ticket i looked at was $800 today. tracy: what? >> the highest price one was over $4,000. things even out now as there's more demand, more tickets come out. at the end of the day, i think you'll see it as 1500 $2,000 ticket for a decent seat. tracy: that's january 12th, where are you playing that? >> in texas in dallas, who doesn't love football in dallas. tracy: great for the dallas economy as well. now move onto the super bowl. february 1st, glendale, arizona. never come to jersey again, let's be clear, it is a mitigated disaster. tickets are over 3,000 already? >> there's -- people are looking at the teams that are still left. what drives the ticket market with the super bowl is sometimes it can be location like new york last year but it's the teams that are still playing, and people fear that if the dallas cowboys get in like we talked about, dallas a huge football market, that the ticket can get higher in price than what it's going for right now. if a team gets in from a small market, say the seattle seahawks, they were here last year. the new england patriots, people say boston they've been in the super bowl so much there's not a ton of people coming, the price might go down. a gamble do you buy ticket now or wait to see if it goes down. tracy: interestingly, there's snow in arizona, you can imagine? >> last year there was no snow, 53 degrees at kickoff and the next morning it was a blizzard. the nfl was holding their breath and came away with a win. tracy: that is crazy talking about all sporting events. you have the nba all-star game coming to new york. what's better than that? >> basketball in new york just like football in dallas, going to be extremely exciting. the first time they're using two arenas the barclays in brooklyn and madison square garden, the most famous arena with. that said that's going to be the bigger event. if you look at it compared to last year we had olympic cup, the international events. this year we have more domestic events. >> you are saying a ticket already over 3 grand. >> tickets for the nba all-star game, it's in a small arena we're not looking at 60-70,000 stadium for the super bowl. less tickets it's in new york, a lot of corporations based here. a lot of people want to go to the events. it's kept the price up. and at the end of the day, the ticket will be close enough to be around that. tracy: wow before we run we have again another soccer league final right? june 6th. champions, where is that? >> in berlin, germany, the 60th year. what i noticed is that international sporting events not just the olympics and world cups. international soccer events are much more important to people in our country. i think this year with the champion's league, it's a great event and seen a lot of interest in the company. tracy: if you want to take the family, go to germany for the game. tell everyone your website. >> we are specialisting from the super bowl to world cup. tracy: i'm sure there are bucket lists for everyone. >> absolutely. tracy: did you make new year's resolutions to get to a super bowl? we have your answers next, and more problems with ios 8 facing a class-action lawsuit over not being transparent over how much space the system needs. legal panel is going to weigh in on that next. as we head out to break, here's your consumer gauge. don't go away. . tracy: two florida men are suing apple for $5 million, because the company is falsely advertising the storage capacity of iphones and ipads. so we brought in the lawyers. wendy patrick, now for the purposes of today's segment, wendy takes the plaintiff's side. philip siegel is going to defend apple. wendy to you first what the heck do you think of this? >> all right, so this lawsuit against apple has, at its core pun intended false advertising. and false advertising not just about some tangential aspect of the iphone but what matters most to consumers. storage. iphone users need space, what apple did is didn't tell them, allow them to make the decision they would have up to 25% less storage than was advertised. it's like selling a box of 40 cookies, and you open the box there's only 30 cookies and option to buy the extra ten. they call that icloud storage. tracy: i get where you're coming from with this. philip, we got to talk about consumer responsibility here, too. part of it is stuff people put on their phones is their own problem, not apple's problem. thank god apple allowed me the ability to save over 1,000 pictures of my children. that's my fault, i don't need them. >> before that this suit reads like an april fool's suit because the practice in -- if these people have never had a computer before i could understand they would be surprised by. this but anyone who's had a computer knows that the storage space is never the same as what is held out to be the case because computers think in base two, manufacturers think in base 10. one terrabyte data on any pc is 9, 10% less. why don't i have all the storage space they thought i'd get, and if you go out on the web, this has been in chat rooms for years and years, it can't be a surprise. tracy: but it's kind of a surprise to me wendy, it took me a while to realize that when you go through apps, how much memory they all take up, not to mention each upgrade eats up that much more memory and tell you, you should upgrade your phone? >> you should upgrade, you trust them and upgrade your phone, never believing that the space that's going to take might cut out some of the picture us that say. let's face it, anybody that actually buys an iphone to use it as a phone is not going to be affected by. this but who does that? it's a video camera a video storage unit, it's a photo album and apple users should have the choice whether or not to upgrade number one, and number two to be able to upgrade knowing they're going to lose that much space. even the most tech savvy consumer, i understand philip's point there is some amount of data and storage you're going to lose but don't expect it to be almost up to 25%. tracy: do you think this is an effort to push everyone onto the cloud and pay for additional service? you have to pay for cloud storage. >> i think that anybody who's going to have 13 gigs of photos is probably going to have 16 gigs of photos. this is a reasonableness case. if you read the complaint, they say no reasonable person should have to live with 25% less storages but really, what's going to happen is -- tracy: that's kind of funny actually. >> if you want 16 gigs of space and you only get 13. who says i only wanted 16, i got 13 i'm running out. i'm horribly affected. everybody contemplates storing things on the cloud, stores things to external drive. it's a reasonable thing to expect people to do. and the reason between 16 and 13 gigs to me is not worth a class-action suit. and i have no brief with apple. tracy: before we go where is this case going? >> i think basically it's going have some kind of remedy that might be either new phones monetary damage or a combination of the two. one thing i want to end with, this is a very identifiable classic. what happens when you buy an apple product, you register it. we know who they. >> are philip where does this go? >> lawyer's fees and no remedy for people. >> i think it goes in the garbage, but give everybody credit for trying. i will have to delete half the pictures now. time for a look at stories you're clicking on tonight on stocks wiping out major triple digit jump, the dow ended up slumping before posting a slight rebound at the end of the day after more signs of a slowdown in manufacturing. oil turned higher after early slump as it inched closer to 54 bucks a barrel. the fda approving 41 first of a kind drugs. the highest number in 18 years. it includes a record 15 drugs for orphaned diseases or rare conditions impacting fewer than 200,000 people. gm kicking off 2015 much like 2014 issuing recalls. more than 92,000 trucks suvs and cars are recalled with an ignition lock system from 2007 to 2014 models including chevy silverados. and samsung will use internally developed operating. this is all to boost power. they will be unveiled next week at the consumers electronic expo in las vegas. fox business and liz claman will be there with all the big tech news. those are some of the hot stories on still to come, did you make a new year's resolution? should you? we'll be joined by a psychologist for his take on the annual tradition. plus get your reaction to it all. don't go anywhere. . tracy: those new years resolutions, we make them and break them. why is it so hard for some of us to stick to the promises we make to ourselves as the new year begins. should we be making them at all? why bother? i don't know. with us resident psychologist dr. jeff guardier. people put pressure on themselves to come up with the riveting new year's resolutions. >> they are not sure what they're talking about. as we heard someone said my new year's resolution is to win the lotto. no? as one of the cameramen said the new year resolution is to work harder. tracy: they say that? all right! doctor you alluded to the host of "the independents" kennedy took to the streets and asked people what's your new year resolution take a listen. >> reporter: what are some of your new year resolutions? >> go to the gym more. >> reporter: looks like you're thin and in shape. >> i still have to work out, i have to stay this way. >> resolution? quit smoking. >> reporter: what's your new year's resolution. >> i got nothing. he's got to make changes. >> maybe my new year's resolution, i can start by getting your phone number, how would that be? that would work out? >> reporter: that is smooth! yeah. what's your new year's resolution? to get sexier? >> thank you. >> i want to win the lottery. hopefully win the lottery. >> to be happy with the little things and not worry about the future, just go with the flow, i guess. >> get a job. >> you don't like the common core? >> i don't either. what is your new year's resolution. >> to stop eating after 8:00. >> be nice to everyone. >> reporter: did you really just get engaged? >> yeah. >> reporter: let me see! so beautiful! this is so exciting! hear it for them, they just got engaged! [ cheers ] . tracy: i love her, and love is in the air. doc, people struggling with coming up with things to say. >> why do people keep saying that for heaven's sake. tracy: should we not make resolution at small. >> i think we should make new year's resolution an opportunity to start again, as we heard with the introduce, very, very cute people, very nice but to really spread world peace i mean get real. how about being nice to your mom or your dad and starting from there? we're overreaching with a lot of resolutions and not focusing on what we really need to do. tracy: i think that is such a poignant point. a study has shown 8% of the people who make resolutions are the only ones that follow through, and probably because your resolution to climb all eight mountains over the course of the next year is silly. >> these are the people who actually do their homework, the ones who are successful they do the research to find out if they want to lose weight what's the best way to lose weight, if they want to stop smoke, what's a program to do that to follow? so you have to do your homework you have to know what you're doing if you're that serious about it. tracy: i love the notion narrowing it down, i'm going to see my mom once a week. >> be realistic, within your power and minimize the things that you want to do. i mean to want to work out every single day and then you want to get an additional electronics degree within three months and do all this stuff. what about working out instead of every day like i happen to do, huh? what about two or three times a week and match that with the resolution that would work with that starting to stop smoking, because they go together the more you work out, the less that you want to smoke. so be strategic. tracy: i think you made a great point during the break, too. part of the reason that only 8% follow through is we have all the debbie downers around us. >> all the negativity. people don't believe in what you're doing. that's why you need to surround yourself with positive people, folks who give you the reinforcement, attaboy, atagirl, we know if you're in a position with people who really love you, then you're much more comfortable in what you're doing and believe in yourself because they believe in you. tracy: that should be everyone's new year resolution off the top of the list get rid of the negative people. if i blow my resolution out the window, do i pick up and start over again or throw my hands up and be done? >> sadly too many people say, well, i didn't do it, fell off the wagon. that's it. i'm going to go full steam in the other direction in negativity, and the reality is that any resolution, new year's resolution that you undertake, that sometimes you're not going to be perfect sometimes you make mistakes and it's the mistakes that matter maybe i need to rethink this a little bit. slow down a little bit or be more realistic as we talked about before it's okay to mess up. start again and learn what the mistake was about. tracy: not so bad to announce it to the world. announce it on social media putting it out there will make you more accountable. >> it absolutely does make you accountable. if you speak it, you believe it it's out there it's reality. there are people who do, it talking in their heads, they change the resolutions like this or they said well, that was a good idea for a few minutes. i'll try this and they're bouncing all over the place. tracy: you are awesome, doc, tell the universe! i love it. thank you so much. >> to the world! spread peace to the world. tracy: at least in your own home. >> mom and dad. okay. tracy: can you catch much more from kennedy and company on "the independents" tonight and every week night 9:00 p.m. eastern, and again at midnight. all right, tweet us what your what if one stalk of broccoli could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13 ® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain difficulty breathing and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site. limited arm movement, fatigue, head ache muscle or joint pain less appetite, chills, or rash. even if you've already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13 ® may help provide additional protection. get this one done. ask your healthcare professional about prevnar 13 ® today. >> so finally, it was a show about nothing. now it may be able to teach you something. a pcthey're learning about psychiatric disorders through dr. anthony tobias teaching tool. he created a database from all itthe weekend. neil cavuto coming up next. neil: welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. as the new year comes up, how about we americans make a resolution to man up and woman up and quit acting like we don't measure up. quit kowtowing to china because they own so much of our debt. and focus on the fact we buy so much of their crap. quit tolerating lectures on the europeans on how to grow an economy. while we're at, quit bad-mouthing ceos here for being evil when they're about the only guys doing anything financially good. a lot of them are hiring. their stocks are soaring. now, we are not perfect. i will tell you what, we're not pathetic, and we certainly do better


Transcripts For FBC The Willis Report 20150104

course. very own peter barnes, he snagged an exclusive interview with a top federal reserve official we'll get to. michael, start with you first. we have the dow. it hit its sixth straight year of gains and now what? >> yeah, well that's a great question. i think one of the things that people have to ask themselves is over the last six years we've seen the market increase about 150%. that, that question you have to ask yourself is, how much longer can it continue. i think people are getting skeptical where the market is, how long it will stay there. people need to start looking taking some gains off the table and waiting to see what might happen in 2015. cheryl: we'll get to peter and the fed in a second. phil oil it is really what it is all about. people have money in their pocket because oil prices are down. how much longer does that last? >> i think the prices will stay down pretty much all of next year. we'll hit a low of $44. maybe lower. i think we'll recover in the second half of the year. good news isn't always good news all the time. i think lower energy prices is going to eventually filter down to our economy and slow us down a little bit. i believe that the u.s. energy sector is added almost one 1/2% to gdp. it is created a lot of high-paying jobs we've seen created in this country and i'm very concerned that the cutback in capital expenditures in the energy industry may slow the entire economy down. i'm a little pessimistic that the low prices are all good news. i think it is probably bad news. cheryl: peter that being said, does that mean the fed will slow itself down? you scored some great information today. tell us about it. >> i did ask her specifically about the oil prices and she said at least right now it is a net positive for the economy and positive for economic growth. she sees economy growing at 3% this year. unemployment falling five 1/2%. as a result the fed could cut interest, excuse me start to raise interest rates sometime in the first half of this year. take a listen. >> we have had some false starts or false dawns. remember the green chutes we talked about. look at fundamentals in the economy now. they're pointing towards this is being a real -- >> sustainable, long term. >> and acceleration. >> i also asked her specifically if she saw any bubbles in financial markets including in the equity markets. while she is not making any specific recommendations to investors, she did say that she does not see any bubbles out there right now so. take that into our discussion. >> michael cleveland fed president loretta mester who peter had great interview with said no. that the rates will potentially go up. the economy will probably be okay. you think otherwise. why? >> i think the way she said that is very carefully crafted. the fed is always good about watches the words. in all reality what the fed is looking for, they're looking to see that the economy is strong on its own footing strong enough to support an increase in interest rates. if we do see that increase, which, candidly i think wording actually lended a little bit towards looking for a reason to push that increase off a little it about, if there is an increase, it will have to be very slight and very measured. >> phil the oil market might be a reason based on what you're saying or the fed in general pushes this off a little bit longer. one thing that worries me with gas prices so low we're starting to hear our congressional leaders talk about a gas tax hike again. what would that do to the economy? >> sob havinglous -- obviously it is not positive for sure. the problem with the gas tax tracy what did they do with the money they have taken already? what happened to the shovel-ready projects? what happened to all that money. that is my problem. listen we all know we need infrastructure in this country but a gas tax isn't going to cut it. the demand for gasoline is ulnaing in this country. just by adding more money to the gas tax doesn't solve the problem. you're throwing the money down an empty well really. as far as the fed when it comes to the low gasoline prices it is a double-edged sword. on one hand they don't have to worry about inflation. that is the good news. the bad news they don't have to worry about inflation. they may have to worry about deflation as well. it wit be very difficult for the fed to raise interest rates with problems in europe. mario draghi says we're having trouble with inflation. i think it will be a problem. cheryl: peter can you address that? fill makes a great point. inflation is on the table again. >> she said very clearly when they get around to raising interest rates it is going to be very slowly and very carefully and data dependent and they're going to be watching all of this oil price europe, everything, to make sure that when they side to pull the trigger that the economy's healthy enough to withstand a a returning to higher interest rates and it is going to be a very slow increase over time. >> but, michael aren't, we're still the healthiest kid in the doctors office, aren't we? compared to russia, china europe where else are you going to go? >> yeah i think that's an excellent point. i actually look from a global standpoint i think many people are looking at the united states as the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry basket and they're looking for direction and for leadership but the reality is, i think the some of the problems that are going on globally like were just mentioned a moment ago, could have an impact on our economy, our growth and thus as a result, the, whether or not the fed does increase in 2015 or off to 2016. >> speaking of all those countries, phil, russia, europe, u.s. that is part of the reason for this gas price drop, right? we have so much oil now. >> it is. and yeah, part of the story has been the revolution in this country. we're producing more oil than we have in they are years. that is all great news. but part of it is because we have a slowing global economy. if we looked at what drove the energy over the last couple years, it was that incredible growth we saw in china and asia and india. even europe. but now look at those countries. they are contracting right now. when you look at oil supplies around the globe we're highest levels we've ever been. we have more supplies in storage in the united states than we've ever had to begin a new year. and if you look at what's happening in the other countries, they're not cutting back on production. russia can't afford to cut back. so guess what they're doing? they're producing most oil they have since the fall of the soviet union. they're producing more oil in iraq and iran. iran is basically begging saudi arabia please, cut production. this is going to be a disaster for these economies. at some point something has got to give. you can't have the u.s. just grow and have all these other countries, these oil-producing countries on the brink of collapse. >> phil, isn't it a market share game? what does it cost for the saudis to get their oil out? six bucks a barrel? how much does it cost putin and his pals, $100 a barrel? so who will win that fight? >> that's the whole thing. the thing i'm worried about peter there is a target on the u.s. energy producer. listen the reason why this has all come down it has been this energy revolution in this country. and it has been a revolution. it has filtered down to the entire economy. it brought manufacturing back to this country. it has created high-paying jobs for the top end of the sector the lower end of the sector. that's is what i'm afraid of and they're going after itp it is going to be, this is a war. it's a production war. and there is going to be a lot of people that will get hurt. there will be a lot of casualties along the way. i think u.s. will be able to withstand it. but it will be incredible headwind. >> you hit the nail on the head. that is worrisome. it will affect jobs at end of the day and we're already on shaky ground. you guys are terrific. have a great weekend. >> you too. >> still a lot more to come this hour including your reaction. plus a look at some of the biggest finance trend in 2015. and next, not only is obamacare raising your health care costs starting this year it will actually impact your taxes. we have what you need to know before you file your tax return. that is all after the break. don't go anywhere. tracy: new year is finally here. that means tax filing season is right around the corner. tax experts say it may be a tricky one. with the obamacare provisions this means all tax-filers will have to prove whether they had health insurance in 2014 or face penalties. financial expert and radio show host author, peter dunne. people really need to know there will be a new form in their tax return they will have to muddle through to prove to the irs that they had health care. >> yeah. if tax returns weren't confusing enough. now there's another form but it is honor system, tracy. so go figure. we have the honor system as part of do you have health care coverage or not. with a weakened irs, from a budget standpoint and even staffing standpoint this is going to be kind of tough to enforce. tracy: not truly honor system, right? because the insurance companies are required to send a form home to you with all the pertinent information you need to file out this additional onerous form and irs get as copy, so they kind of have some clue. >> there are some checks and balances to that but i think we'll tuned is, of course people that don't have the proper health care coverage are going to face a tax or a mandate of $95 per person, or 1% of their income whatever is greater. that is just in 2015. those numbers go up significantly in 2016. this is causing people concern not only from monetary standpoint but even tax prepare race. i think you will see increase in people using tax preparers this year, opposed to computer programs or just old pencil and paper. tracy: i know computer programs are fit to calculate this for you but you bring up a great point because it is all about calculating that subsidy. do you deserve it? should you get it? if you've gotten it in the past and you don't you got to give it back. that is where all the complican. we're all in the same boat. if you happen to get a tax refund you're used to same amount about every single year. with this, if the calculation of the subsidy was wrong, you're going to have a lower amount. it is going to get tricky. i loy a -- think a lot of produce sprayings already exists about the affordable care act will come to surface again when the taxation issues comes. telling you tracy next year will be much worse but i think we're just getting a taste of what is to come. tracy: i agree with you. the irs is already threatening that your refund will be delayed because they are understaffed. probably just as confused as we are. the best advice to people is start early and go see the tax preparer as soon as possible. >> that old april 14th, hey let's take care of this game is kind of in the past. tracy: right. >> with so much in the economy that seems positive, low gas price, rising growth in the economy this could be a little bit of a bump that at least brings some frustration to american consumer. tracy: unfortunately the forms are not printed yet. we don't know what they look like. we're all waiting, i'm talking we tax dorks like myself, on pins and needles for this form come out to help people figure this all out. >> that is exactly right. people love to get taxes done as soon as end of january. frankly i don't see that happening. tracy: it will be complicated. peter, thanks so much for helping us muddle through it. >> my pleasure. tracy: later in the show we'll look ahead to life saving medical innovations coming in 2015. some good stuff. what's in and what's out when it comes to you and your money in 2015? so are people saving or spending? are they buying or selling? vera gibbons breaks it all down for us next. ♪ @? tracy: all right. it is a new year, that means new trend to look forward to and know no, it's not bellbottoms. credit card technology, going out with the old and in with the new for 2015. what is in, what is out? personal finance expert vera gibbons is here with the list. first thing and big thing savings out. >> so hard to save now because wages are flat. costs are up on just about everything. college costs. health care costs. groceries, problem it becomes easier to spend given growth in mobile payment spending devices especially apple pay. tracy: amazon prime. holy heck. >> your credit card information is stored there. it is easy to spend without thinking about it. same with apple pay. tap your card and it is done. like funny money. monopoly money and i think it will lead to a bad trend. tracy: we have savings fatigue and we awe buckled down during the recession and saved and saved and we're sick of it. which lead us to homebuyers. you think first-timers especially. >> investment buyers have been keeping us afloat. with zillow which i blog for rents will outpace home values in 2015. tracy: and mortgages. >> you will see more of renters who otherwise happy jump into the home buying arena and buy. tracy: that is good. that would be a great thing. >> markets things are more favorable to first-time homebuyers and buyers like in pittsburgh chicago las vegas ha hartford, some of other markets, they looked at incomes and home values. they looked at all different statistics. these are lists they come up with. first-time buyers may actually jump in. tracy: that is great for the economy. what is bad for the economy your next trend, traditional employees are out and your contract workers are in. >> unfortunately. we've seen this trend happen, last several years. everyone is doing contract work, freelance work, project work. no benefits. no long-term job security. no nothing. unfortunately this is the wave of future. if you look at statistics, 53 million american workers are working as freelancers. that is 3 hers of the workforce. contract workers used to be athletes actors, actresses. now it is happening across a broad range -- tracy: is it by choice or because of obamacare or costs? >> it is not by choice. people don't want to be contract workers or freelance workers. some people like flexibility particularly if over a certain age. employers really like it. they don't have to pay out benefits. tracy: this will catch up with us in the end when come retirement, they don't -- >> nothing to save. >> they don't have anything to save. speaking retirement, we have aging in place versus staying in home. >> staying in place. tracy: prying me out of there with my cold dead fingers. >> aging baby boomers are calling shots. they don't want to stay on back porch and grow old gracefully. they want to get out with their friend and do things. culture, art, entertainment. time with family and friends and stay within their own home. they're fueling a trend in remodeling stuff. they're doing all different things that will make it easier for them to stay home. tracy: ramps? things like that? >> things aesthetically pleasing not hospital-like. things more function. tracy: they will need care workers at home. >> that will fuel that for sure. tracy: i invited my mother to come live with me. how about that? she said no. all of full. -- awful. credit card swiping out credit card dipping in. what is that. >> versus swiping magnetic card is on its way out. there is a shift underway you may not know about that is happening in 2015 toward another type of cards emd cards which is the cards with a different type of chip technology. tracy: yes. >> which is more secure. it will help consumers feel a little better when they make the purchases because there has been so much fraud and so much and breaches that you saw over the past couple of years. fraud is up ridiculously some so this will actually help that problem. so these cards are actually going to, expected to be mainstream in 2015. so magnetic stripe swipe card are on the way out. tracy: that is a good thing. >> that is a very good thing. tracy: i'll tell you this holiday season if i couldn't use paypal i didn't purchase online. paypal has been so awesome in the past if you make a mistake or get an error. otherwise it is scary. >> there you go. tracy: vera, you're great. >> you're awesome too. tracy: thank you. coming up we continue our look at 2015 including what we can expect in the world of medicine. we got some cool innovations that may save your life. from the super bowl to march mad des fans are making plans to attend these big events. we have what you need to know before you buy those whopping, expensive tickets. that is all next. ♪ so you'd do anything to take care of that spot on your lawn. so why not take care of that spot on your skin? if you're a man over 50 you're in the group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma, the cancer that kills 1 person every hour. check your skin for suspicious or changing spots. go to to find out what to look for. a message from the american academy of dermatology . tracy: 2015, is bringing promising medical breakthroughs that will help people live longer and look better and have better lives, what could be better? dr. kelly powers is with us. i would think reversing the aging process is all anybody cares about. >> of course, the fountain of youth question is it possible? according to a study from harvard university and new south wales they say it is, they did a study with old mice inoculating them with a certain protein. within one week it reversed the aging process. tracy: basically make their blood younger? >> they saw muscle tone changes, increase in muscle tone, heart strength and neurons in the brain developing. it has the potential for alzheimer's disease, spinal chord treatments the potential is endless. tracy: that is going to continue, i know it. the notion of better blood tests, thank god. anyone that's gotten a blood test it is painful. >> correct. tracy: and emotionally trying to tie you up and all this stuff. >> absolutely. stress. people have inate fear. this idea is a simple finger stick, we can find cbc, metabolic panel from from a finger stick. no sense to take vials of blood out of you. tracy: this is near and dear to me, i have high cholesterol. it is a pain in the neck that you are going to have a heart attack. >> current modalitieses statins have, been great and done wonders. there is a new class of drug called pcs inhibitors, this is promising to lower ldl, bad cholesterol, even more so. why is it great? people can't stake statins, they are intolerant to it. it gives an option and certain people it's not doing enough. tracy: my cousin has had no many problems with them. this would be great, it's something you don't have to be on for the rest of your life, that is something you don't want to have to do. this i can barely say, microbiomap ligz in the gut. gastrointestinal stuff. people have issues with this stuff. >> the microbiomanipulation. changing the bacteria in our gut. bacteria is in all of us a lot of it is good, it causes infection or inflammatory process. what we're seeing is the popular gluten intolerance we've heard that around. ibd, crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis. tracy: so many of us have self-diagnosed these things. people have issues with intestinal gastrostuff. >> of course, this shows a substantial promise for that, we're hoping. tracy: this is also the year of mobile medicine i know that people self-diagnose and things like that you're talking about keeping track of vital signs and things like that. >> power to the patience a lot rests on us doctors, but nice to know patients have power. they can wear track devices, the apple watch fitbit. all those things help with realtime data. heart rate pulse, blood pressure, it can give us data storage, this is baseline this is what you are in six months. that's the important part. not enough people have a baseline. i was telling you on break my nephew is diabetic he has an app on the phone, he pricks his finger through the phone, it goes automatically to the doctors, i hope that continues forward. i have a jawbone, it makes me feel bad about myself. i never hit any goals i'm supposed to hit. doctor thank you. this is all great stuff. >> thank you so much. exciting year ahead. tracy: yeah, i took it off. i'm sick of hearing i don't run enough or sleep enough or do anything enough. the new year bringing in the most highly anticipated sporting events. do you believe we're talking about this stuff already? the first-ever college football playoff championship. to the 2015 super bowl already. affordable tickets can seem nearly impossible. barbara tuchman is here to creating bucket list experiences for people and companies. first of all, before we get to the super bowl, i can't believe we're talking about that already. the college playoff championship game is going to be huge? >> yeah, it's incredible. if you look at interest it's garnered just after the games yesterday. >> right. >> if you look at the excitement around the country about this game and what's going to happen january 12th. i am shocked. it's really at the level. i thought it would take a few years to build up. it's at the level where it's compete with super bowl soon enough, believe it or not. >> where is it we have ohio state looking for first national title since 2002 and oregon look for a title in general because they don't have one, right? why? what happened? >> this is it, they have taken the formula that works so well with college basketball. the final four the tournament thing. they put it into football which the country loves. combine the two and you have the event that's an elimination tournament basically. i have no doubt they're going to expand this to eight teams and then thereon. it is no doubt built an incredible following already. tracy: what's the ticket price go for? >> the big thing is ohio state got in. they probably travel better than any team in terms of alumni. ohio state travels the most. big demand. the lowest price ticket i looked at was $800 today. tracy: what? >> the highest price one was over $4,000. things even out now as there's more demand, more tickets come out. at the end of the day, i think you'll see it as 1500 $2,000 ticket for a decent seat. tracy: that's january 12th, where are you playing that? >> in texas in dallas, who doesn't love football in dallas. tracy: great for the dallas economy as well. now move onto the super bowl. february 1st, glendale, arizona. never come to jersey again, let's be clear, it is a mitigated disaster. tickets are over 3,000 already? >> there's -- people are looking at the teams that are still left. what drives the ticket market with the super bowl is sometimes it can be location like new york last year but it's the teams that are still playing, and people fear that if the dallas cowboys get in like we talked about, dallas a huge football market, that the ticket can get higher in price than what it's going for right now. if a team gets in from a small market, say the seattle seahawks, they were here last year. the new england patriots, people say boston they've been in the super bowl so much there's not a ton of people coming, the price might go down. a gamble do you buy ticket now or wait to see if it goes down. tracy: interestingly, there's snow in arizona, you can imagine? >> last year there was no snow, 53 degrees at kickoff and the next morning it was a blizzard. the nfl was holding their breath and came away with a win. tracy: that is crazy talking about all sporting events. you have the nba all-star game coming to new york. what's better than that? >> basketball in new york just like football in dallas, going to be extremely exciting. the first time they're using two arenas the barclays in brooklyn and madison square garden, the most famous arena with. that said that's going to be the bigger event. if you look at it compared to last year we had olympic cup, the international events. this year we have more domestic events. >> you are saying a ticket already over 3 grand. >> tickets for the nba all-star game, it's in a small arena we're not looking at 60-70,000 stadium for the super bowl. less tickets it's in new york, a lot of corporations based here. a lot of people want to go to the events. it's kept the price up. and at the end of the day, the ticket will be close enough to be around that. tracy: wow before we run we have again another soccer league final right? june 6th. champions, where is that? >> in berlin, germany, the 60th year. what i noticed is that international sporting events not just the olympics and world cups. international soccer events are much more important to people in our country. i think this year with the champion's league, it's a great event and seen a lot of interest in the company. tracy: if you want to take the family, go to germany for the game. tell everyone your website. >> we are specialisting from the super bowl to world cup. tracy: i'm sure there are bucket lists for everyone. >> absolutely. tracy: did you make new year's resolutions to get to a super bowl? we have your answers next, and more problems with ios 8 facing a class-action lawsuit over not being transparent over how much space the system needs. legal panel is going to weigh in on that next. as we head out to break, here's your consumer gauge. don't go away. . tracy: two florida men are suing apple for $5 million, because the company is falsely advertising the storage capacity of iphones and ipads. so we brought in the lawyers. wendy patrick, now for the purposes of today's segment, wendy takes the plaintiff's side. philip siegel is going to defend apple. wendy to you first what the heck do you think of this? >> all right, so this lawsuit against apple has, at its core pun intended false advertising. and false advertising not just about some tangential aspect of the iphone but what matters most to consumers. storage. iphone users need space, what apple did is didn't tell them, allow them to make the decision they would have up to 25% less storage than was advertised. it's like selling a box of 40 cookies, and you open the box there's only 30 cookies and option to buy the extra ten. they call that icloud storage. tracy: i get where you're coming from with this. philip, we got to talk about consumer responsibility here, too. part of it is stuff people put on their phones is their own problem, not apple's problem. thank god apple allowed me the ability to save over 1,000 pictures of my children. that's my fault, i don't need them. >> before that this suit reads like an april fool's suit because the practice in -- if these people have never had a computer before i could understand they would be surprised by. this but anyone who's had a computer knows that the storage space is never the same as what is held out to be the case because computers think in base two, manufacturers think in base 10. one terrabyte data on any pc is 9, 10% less. why don't i have all the storage space they thought i'd get, and if you go out on the web, this has been in chat rooms for years and years, it can't be a surprise. tracy: but it's kind of a surprise to me wendy, it took me a while to realize that when you go through apps, how much memory they all take up, not to mention each upgrade eats up that much more memory and tell you, you should upgrade your phone? >> you should upgrade, you trust them and upgrade your phone, never believing that the space that's going to take might cut out some of the picture us that say. let's face it, anybody that actually buys an iphone to useit as a phone is not going to be affected by. this but who does that? it's a video camera a video storage unit, it's a photo album and apple users should have the choice whether or not to upgrade number one, and number two to be able to upgrade knowing they're going to lose that much space. even the most tech savvy consumer, i understand philip's point there is some amount of data and storage you're going to lose but don't expect it to be almost up to 25%. tracy: do you think this is an effort to push everyone onto the cloud and pay for additional service? you have to pay for cloud storage. >> i think that anybody who's going to have 13 gigs of photos is probably going to have 16 gigs of photos. this is a reasonableness case. if you read the complaint, they say no reasonable person should have to live with 25% less storages but really, what's going to happen is -- tracy: that's kind of funny actually. >> if you want 16 gigs of space and you only get 13. who says i only wanted 16, i got 13 i'm running out. i'm horribly affected. everybody contemplates storing things on the cloud, stores things to external drive. it's a reasonable thing to expect people to do. and the reason between 16 and 13 gigs to me is not worth a class-action suit. and i have no brief with apple. tracy: before we go where is this case going? >> i think basically it's going have some kind of remedy that might be either new phones monetary damage or a combination of the two. one thing i want to end with, this is a very identifiable classic. what happens when you buy an apple product, you register it. we know who they. >> are philip where does this go? >> lawyer's fees and no remedy for people. >> i think it goes in the garbage, but give everybody credit for trying. i will have to delete half the pictures now. time for a look at stories you're clicking on tonight on stocks wiping out major triple digit jump, the dow ended up slumping before posting a slight rebound at the end of the day after more signs of a slowdown in manufacturing. oil turned higher after early slump as it inched closer to 54 bucks a barrel. the fda approving 41 first of a kind drugs. the highest number in 18 years. it includes a record 15 drugs for orphaned diseases or rare conditions impacting fewer than 200,000 people. gm kicking off 2015 much like 2014 issuing recalls. more than 92,000 trucks suvs and cars are recalled with an ignition lock system from 2007 to 2014 models including chevy silverados. and samsung will use internally developed operating. this is all to boost power. they will be unveiled next week at the consumers electronic expo in las vegas. fox business and liz claman will be there with all the big tech news. those are some of the hot stories on still to come, did you make a new year's resolution? should you? we'll be joined by a psychologist for his take on the annual tradition. plus get your reaction to it all. don't go anywhere. . tracy: those new years resolutions, we make them and break them. why is it so hard for some of us to stick to the promises we make to ourselves as the new year begins. should we be making them at all? why bother? i don't know. with us resident psychologist dr. jeff guardier. people put pressure on themselves to come up with the riveting new year's resolutions. >> they are not sure what they're talking about. as we heard someone said my new year's resolution is to win the lotto. no? as one of the cameramen said the new year resolution is to work harder. tracy: they say that? all right! doctor you alluded to the host of "the independents" kennedy took to the streets and asked people what's your new year resolution take a listen. >> reporter: what are some of your new year resolutions? >> go to the gym more. >> reporter: looks like you're thin and in shape. >> i still have to work out, i have to stay this way. >> resolution? quit smoking. >> reporter: what's your new year's resolution. >> i got nothing. he's got to make changes. >> maybe my new year's resolution, i can start by getting your phone number, how would that be? that would work out? >> reporter: that is smooth! yeah. what's your new year's resolution? to get sexier? >> thank you. >> i want to win the lottery. hopefully win the lottery. >> to be happy with the little things and not worry about the future, just go with the flow, i guess. >> get a job. >> you don't like the common core? >> i don't either. what is your new year's resolution. >> to stop eating after 8:00. >> be nice to everyone. >> reporter: did you really just get engaged? >> yeah. >> reporter: let me see! so beautiful! this is so exciting! hear it for them, they just got engaged! [ cheers ] . tracy: i love her, and love is in the air. doc, people struggling with coming up with things to say. >> why do people keep saying that for heaven's sake. tracy: should we not make resolution at small. >> i think we should make new year's resolution an opportunity to start again, as we heard with the introduce, very, very cute people, very nice but to really spread world peace i mean get real. how about being nice to your mom or your dad and starting from there? we're overreaching with a lot of resolutions and not focusing on what we really need to do. tracy: i think that is such a poignant point. a study has shown 8% of the people who make resolutions are the only ones that follow through, and probably because your resolution to climb all eight mountains over the course of the next year is silly. >> these are the people who actually do their homework, the ones who are successful they do the research to find out if they want to lose weight what's the best way to lose weight, if they want to stop smoke, what's a program to do that to follow? so you have to do your homework you have to know what you're doing if you're that serious about it. tracy: i love the notion narrowing it down, i'm going to see my mom once a week. >> be realistic, within your power and minimize the things that you want to do. i mean to want to work out every single day and then you want to get an additional electronics degree within three months and do all this stuff. what about working out instead of every day like i happen to do, huh? what about two or three times a week and match that with the resolution that would work with that starting to stop smoking, because they go together the more you work out, the less that you want to smoke. so be strategic. tracy: i think you made a great point during the break, too. part of the reason that only 8% follow through is we have all the debbie downers around us. >> all the negativity. people don't believe in what you're doing. that's why you need to surround yourself with positive people, folks who give you the reinforcement, attaboy, atagirl, we know if you're in a position with people who really love you, then you're much more comfortable in what you're doing and believe in yourself because they believe in you. tracy: that should be everyone's new year resolution off the top of the list get rid of the negative people. if i blow my resolution out the window, do i pick up and start over again or throw my hands up and be done? >> sadly too many people say, well, i didn't do it, fell off the wagon. that's it. i'm going to go full steam in the other direction in negativity, and the reality is that any resolution, new year's resolution that you undertake, that sometimes you're not going to be perfect sometimes you make mistakes and it's the mistakes that matter maybe i need to rethink this a little bit. slow down a little bit or be more realistic as we talked about before it's okay to mess up. start again and learn what the mistake was about. tracy: not so bad to announce it to the world. announce it on social media putting it out there will make you more accountable. >> it absolutely does make you accountable. if you speak it, you believe it it's out there it's reality. there are people who do, it talking in their heads, they change the resolutions like this or they said well, that was a good idea for a few minutes. i'll try this and they're bouncing all over the place. tracy: you are awesome, doc, tell the universe! i love it. thank you so much. >> to the world! spread peace to the world. tracy: at least in your own home. >> mom and dad. okay. tracy: can you catch much more from kennedy and company on "the independents" tonight and every week night 9:00 p.m. eastern, and again at midnight. all right, tweet us what your you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. >> so finally, it was a show about nothing. now it may be able to teach you something. a pcthey're learning about psychiatric disorders through dr. anthony tobias teaching tool. he created a database from all itthe weekend. neil cavuto coming up next. neil: welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. as the new year comes up, how about we americans make a resolution to man up and woman up and quit acting like we don't measure up. quit kowtowing to china because they own so much of our debt. and focus on the fact we buy so much of their crap. quit tolerating lectures on the europeans on how to grow an economy. while we're at, quit bad-mouthing ceos here for being evil when they're about the only guys doing anything financially good. a lot of them are hiring. their stocks are soaring. now, we are not perfect. i will tell you what, we're not pathetic, and we certainly do better


Transcripts For KCSM Arirang News 20140501

this weekend. well welcome to prime time news i'm sean way in and out of a new partner to be welcomed back to want to thank you very much at that great to be at very excited myself. and of course at your service silence i get the nice cast start it now it's been sixteen and resistance to the ferry disaster and the confirmed death toll stands at two hundred and twenty one at this point with eighty one people mostly teenagers still must change and has been following the latest developments today joins us now so she and there's another surprising connection to this case that this time between the defacto owner of the snow fairy and also an investigator to write the national maritime police agency said that's replace the eu will ask the director of the tree eco skies police investigation unit. hancock rate of interest after they discover that the wife employee at one hundred of the company's risk and wolverine up in company for six years in the nineteen ninety three did say however that he had broken off all contact with similarly when he joined the coast guard now and thus about how the rescue operators are under he can smile all the rescue operation to the first arrive at the very sight of april sixteen eighty under fire again it's a double gold coast guard more than twenty minutes to cut hair and apply for the ferry sites to create coast guard downplayed the good lady and said it was within their standards normally it takes rescue teams a few minutes to depart from their stations to an accident sites. critics also say they should have been better prepared and more adequately trained to handle such emergency like this a local ferry. an update us on the investigation the ongoing investigation there are more rats that were made today barely authorities arrested two senior employees of tongue is marrying company on their state for negligence teams of allowing the ferry to being renovated so it could hold more cargo knowing very well of the dangers. thanks as cargo and brake on the ferry is seen as one of the main reasons for the same team and also the joint investigative team said that it detected a problem and the fairies cargo from this and that robot called if i switch back soon for hire go into place. why not use an unsettling for fish in robes and a device called a cone for fourteen thousand cargo and some do believe this allowed the carter to slide to one side and he seemed like the ship's balance and also that provo on and the owners of the ferry company is sending me as i know your rights as search and seizure was conducted at ten the company affiliate and private houses in connection with you the money that the faster over on the ferry company and his family members including his brother in law had been notified to appear before prosecutors by friday which is tomorrow and also under rest while it was requested for a thief take care of the ntu school and as ceo of a cosmetics company called the kind that forward when ellie and baffling finds what hundreds of thousands of dollars. and we made some progress today on the search operations but how were they proceed while the rest operation team has a son southbound several body inside the vessel or state an employee said that he expected the more progress in their search starting friday i say believed i'll finally be able to get in five travis at halftime trailing lot like every other rescue team is planning to use specially designed co bloggers made by the trinity and firefighters thinking very much and i didn't think it very much for being up on the top of the story actually. you're welcome. shh now i'm still with us the story of course in the week of the disaster the korean government says it's investing more money on establishing a more decentralized and disaster response system and the state emergency training was asked all ministries to make sure manuals they contain emergency response procedures are in place and those in charge are well informed and properly trained. johnson talked about maintaining the country's financial soundness through a so called paco policy to that expenditures are paid for with funds that are already available. the new again lead to the day's biggest stories in korea and around the world breaking the law of the hottest interviews and a whole lot more. join aidan sean ryan and tom j d from the heart and soul begins next point i knew on and on tv japanese prime minister shinzo while the anc and the early stages of his european tour but has already managed to upset the sentiments in this northeast asia he said japan is not to following germany's tracking dealing with its wartime wrongdoings connick and what this report speaking to a german in the wednesday before a trip to frankfurt. japanese prime minister is she's alive and that his country would not follow germany's postwar track. and the question posed by frame creature out of my inspirations about whether tokyo she spends her journey when dealing with its historical wrong. abbott said the two situations are completely different. since world war two germany has provided full compensation to neighboring countries and published text of that reveal the heart of the german leader is perpetrated it's also apologize for his past wrongdoing. the prime minister up and said that neighboring european union had one common goal in mind that being an integrated europe. he said that is not the case for asia. on added that japan and its neighbors have really come to an agreement on compensation insurance. the prime minister then turned his attention to the current tensions and or the age of cleaning them on japan's neighbors. he said the door to talks remains open and that they should be canned without preconditions abbott's comments are once again raising eyebrows about japan's security to improve relations and everything the japanese leader criticized china for beefing up its millet remind saying it would not serve to hold asia's economic development he was responding to tiny presidential campaigns or mark that criticize other three siblings to the right prime minister of a lead for the six nation trip there you're fine tuesday were trade and security issues will dominate discussions honey can. i mean i knew this. gary ayres an economic data pointed to get out to heal the best time. easing concerns about inflation in the country korea's april consumer price index rose one and a half per cent from a year earlier the fastest on your mind says since august last year rising utility costs as well as home of bento prices helped the key april was another solid month for korean exporters of the trade balance has now banned and the black for twenty seven straight months with the sectors that did not fare so well last year. show me a rebound to focus on past the break. korea posted twenty seventh consecutive monthly trade surplus in april and maureen partly resulted from entrapment in most export industries. with the exception of the lcd panels key export items demonstrate strong growth even steal and petroleum products which suffered from a slump last year. deliveries of high value added vessels like the sheds help place the shipping industry at the top in terms of export growth. traditional export engine is like semiconductors and handsets also selling spanish and thanks in part the launch of samsung's new gal cs five model the nation's trade surplus stood at four and a half billion us dollars in april with alpine shaman surpassing the fifty billion dollar mark for the second time in history. last night's expert figure of fifty point three billion dollars is up nine percent from the same month last year while imports rose five percent to forty five point nine billion dollars by region exports the us rose nineteen percent in april. another sign that the usd common me is recovering at a robust pace up by seamus to asean countries and japan also gained ground. the snow to your pin nations and china trade officials said whether the large surplus in april was partly because exporters expedited shipping and customs clearances in april before the holidays in the first week of maine wouldn't a month ahead of slow growth is possible due to a fewer number of working day. it's so different. i didn't use. turning now to questions over north korea's nuclear program u s researchers say north korea's nuclear test doesn't seem a minute at this point that is if the regime is sticking to its previous test practice is satellite imagery posted on thirty eight north a website run by the us korea institute at johns hopkins university jus vehicles and equipment are still outside a tunnel entrance at the pool getty site in the past all week winning peoples and personnel were withdrawn in the days before a test. cover the website added there is no knowing whether north korea is changing its procedures ellis talk about what else is going on in north korea this time in the power circle there's a new player and he's moving up the ranks past. it looks like one comes home from a device marshall told just two weeks ago has replaced another top ranking official to become the number two in the regime. on sunday reports. the italian leader peter dunne and visited the new leak out textile mill in kenya on wednesday he was accompanied by a get tough here he ordered the military police bureau chief to congratulate the workers in celebration of nadi the leader can call for me is to be celebrated on a grand scale and were the military politburo chief to attend the event to congratulate the workers. the channel had a long serving hard liner in the north korean military brass has not seen in the photos from that date he's also absent from the list of officials of the company to get the heater the leader was accompanied by comrades congo so that i don't she and my one true that has fuelled speculation that the palm may have a place tie at them and treat with bureau chief. north korea watchers are keeping a close eye on them that i want less promoted to the position of vice marshal less than two weeks after being put in the ranks of the four star general. khan reportedly led last year's very content from tech who was once the second most powerful men in north korea. experts say pond speedy promotion may be intended to cap the power of che every team's current number two. as for a chat that vanished from sight of the few weeks. the rumors are that it has been hospitalized due to complications from diabetes and confused. many unions. that is here to help estimate a little more sense of the south bronx or activities that north korea's nuclear test site. professor welcome. while it's normally not as the first question of course and do you think that we need to be needing to have these kind of cruel warnings coming from north korea. it's because we have drawn many things to do and we always try to keep the pale for the worst case daily. so all we can not be more. i knew warnings by north korea however i think north korea may use this word is a not to be a meaningful glance a profit. so sometimes i think we should. tried to intentionally just because it is kind of a collapse in his son chris said that it was going to conduct a test on like any other. is it trying to change the game that it's plain and what does it have to gain from another nuclear test. on north korea is in the movies you should not question country so we can not predict the next two moved by how warm actual completion. but tonight if won't be conducted nuclear tests i think they tried to demonstrate to the euro and the power to the world. and id want to be recognized as the new clio poll states outside the internet society and of course i think they want to consolidate the people support to the north korean non consuming yes and this is where china is supposed to come an hour or are they expected it to come and by the international community how much or little do you think china's influence over north korea is working at this point. if cyanide uses the ups tried to shore with the means to be used in the past i don't think they are in full the change the north koreans behavior more thinking. if on some of you tried to change the other is textured or thinking the somebody should use stakes and the couch together i think about china. all the sappy a little i moved to north korea and if north korea to not talk or eat when trent tiniest some advice they should clean coal is economic or on that note you know the essentials to north korea in this state with china a letter that though do you think that she didn't think administration is willing to stop the deadline for north korea i'm just appalled done tonight before we were forty eight. this is yuki and ten use of the universe and that if north korea having nuclear weapons for example i can or trendy wore off fifty nuclear weapons it could be a good sweat to not be a boon to this sort of korean peninsula to the north it is to asia if we persuade china to do the part of things to stop the north koreans so blessed and actions. i think they could to be yes and that they could do more than the us posada brussels potential response to a fourth nuclear test. is there any more room for us to impose sanctions this problem when he climbs into this weekend was lots of the contentions. i don't think that no work. the youth so i think that we need to conceal it. the new two distinctions of example we need to. all contain the north korean ships some type of ships out of the two vehicles site so we dollars kind of love. we don't know he prepared for all of aunt difficulties so we cannot make north korea to follow our own facts. all right well thank you so much for your insight and comments tonight yes. now for our troubled world the second and then lets go of apollo at tag any center for the latest expansion on me. there was her with ukraine called the international monetary fund has approved a major bailout for the country but with strings attached. what are some the conditions. well the imf deal calls for the interim government in kiev to enact major reforms his energy and financial sectors which includes raising taxes in increasing the price of gas by more than fifty percent. in exchange the imf will provide seventeen billion us dollars in aid for ukraine over a period of two years the decision also clears the way for immediate injection of three point two billion dollars as part of efforts to stabilize the ukrainian economy in it the worst civil unrest in over two decades. christine my car the ins and managing director said ukrainian needed to seize the moment urgent action was necessary the decisive matches. was taken by ukraine and decisive measures have just been taken by the imf. so there has been a very strong endorsement for the program which it will release over the coals of the next two years seventeen point one billion dollars meanwhile pro russian separatist remaining control of several government buildings in dozens of cities and towns in eastern ukraine meteors are also holding negotiations with militants were taken seven military observers hostage in the pro russia stronghold of sloppy ounce. and train down to unite stage of botched execution in the state of oklahoma has reignited the debate over the death penalty. thirty eight year old clayton market was scared to be put to death by lethal injection on tuesday. but dr stop the execution when he began composing and whiting in pain. he then died of a massive heart attack about forty minutes after the procedure. state officials had been testing a new cocktail of chemicals in its lethal injections. human rights groups have condemned the incident as torture and called for nationwide ban on capital punishment the governor of oklahoma mary fallin has ordered an independent review into the state's execution protocols. she also said that executions for other death row inmates have been delayed pending the results of the investigation. and finally unions across korea held rallies today in light of the international labor day. but indonesia has also showed its united support for workers' rights. more than one hundred thousand to two the streets in the capital city of jakarta on thursday calling on the government to raise its minimal wage and do more to protect workers the current minimum salary varies across the country but in larger cities it stands at about one hundred eighty ninth u s dollars per month indonesian president cecile obama bond you go your whole has pledged to increase wages by two thousand nineteen harper had protesters say it's too little too late the massive rally comes that is me and india's main opposition in jakarta governor gocco we did though as its presidential candidate he is widely expected to become the next leader of the world's third largest democracy. there are several looking international stories making headlines around the world. see you back here tomorrow night. the two prime time sports and stephen j and s olympic committee rep updates to read the business of telling time will come when the province and even improving thumbs up to the preparations for the twenty eighteen winter games. yet of the ioc coronation commission canola linda barker praise to the top twenty team organizing committee and the progress of their efforts but pointed out that much was still left to be done into that comes from organizing committee had to teach ins on promised to complete the task so smoothly and efficiently the ioc will return for their fourth meeting in november this year. and believing that they're both the pga and lpga tee off stateside on thursday with their respective support in its first it's the wells fargo championship in the pga top stars to be there for the kilroy conical st as well as last week's zurich classic winner north and they are meanwhile in the pd lpga rather world number one part can be attempts to defend her title at the north texas shootout. the bull run this sunday. and heading to the champions league semi final action at political madrid took down chelsea were the one in their second leg to advance to the finals fernando torres is first half strike for chelsea was offset by coal supply and political psychiatry at the polls and move on to win now this sets up an all spanish championship if we had to let it go and grab a drink. taking place in lisbon portugal on the twenty fourth local tow. and to go to baseball. we fly over to the mlb where the los angeles dodgers reached the historic franchise milestone of ten thousand when its former cy young winner is at twenty two six solid innings without giving up an earned run with one or revision leading the ostensibly six four victory over the minnesota twins. doctors have now become the fourth d c reached a ten thousand when the milestone after the huge audience cops and the brakes and switching to the k b l and umpire was all folded and put in a headlock by a trunk and during the escape key again on wednesday and it raised concerns about security as well as the officiating is presumed that the fan was the lashing out against these some questionable calls which along with the view over the place were a hot issue this week. and that's taking over as kmt and its thursday's cup debut match up between the white birds and the tigers. now as he's coming off a loss yesterday and they scored the first inning but he does not do one new beds into and comes home and sell its four to one now yes. next on three more in the third floor to bite him in those two run jack and more in the faith has not released two more bowls of making it number one key on the board tia its own brand peach ice tea cake or bread attack on a weapon in the sixth and seventh. people want to do this one the final score of twenty petite. and yet the other days we have nc taking care of lg and five. a mob beating look at three to nothing. next it has kept its up to one. and that's all i have for now this has been stephen said i'll see you back here later for more from the world of sports. there was another clear sunny day here in seoul but unfortunately that wasn't the case down tension don't worry details we go over carry people down who is standing by for a supper weather center for doubt that there was a misty day on tinto with more visibility spring tides will continue through friday at five thirty and i should get some relief now an adult kinds of slowing down for the last time on this thursday. shifting gears and tuesday areve up for national holidays. those of you that are making plans and head out. keep in mind that life has been sporadic showers are forecast for the central region on friday and eight and wind and rain our way back on a sunday well taking the lead that the current conditions did do a high pressure system from the aquatic thousand and ten two were seen clear skies across the country. well friday saving up to be a warm spring day despite my preference hours for the fans won't read it. moving on to friday's reading othello and the country's twenty three degrees above and to top out at twenty by taking ella to get out there for a safe bet that ends as you seek and twenty five degrees while coco and i couldn't make it to eighteen and twenty one they have reacted hour but i'll be back with them a bit after midnight. she is very much for him for that sad that's our broadcast on this thursday night to me and can take control and thanks for watching season. i know. i do a recent rally. hong kong and then me and em for me to link back. gay. all the well in the east. additionally taking a serious view of the bomb. koreans always creep through the scene respect your parents and elders. to receive. scenes to strangers. in savings to his appeal to travelers hospitality retail for nine straight years. when they get lost. it just reads please if you order something delicious. and take years for family. they had no difficulty with korean style until creamy. we are ready to welcome you. i find that he was extremely helpful. i think frantic of any kind they have loved every minute cos i can speak to me when i was looking on the map. and maybe somebody came to me and said can help you. it was very very very nice. not very good. ah the right thing. got its banks disease and keep the baby. now that i really hadn't changed. and blame i'm only fifteen mph with some fat bacon expensive mean people will be a welcoming speaks english and reading out there. her yet. a day and. all beaches heartbeat idea. i am one. don't date wednesday. i know. did this it's going to stick to it even more beautiful. he loved it. but this one. while the local pool hall. should i be. you would need new one this program is brought you by. critically. we'd from norway's mainstream crews were lies. her group exploring one thousand miles of norwegian coastline the report include counters and access to wilkinson


Transcripts For DW Drive It 20190630

to young baker says received he says revamp the g.l.c. family from inside out it's no longer news that s.u.v.s sell like hotcakes for their car makers and customers alike have taken a shine to the s.u.v. ku pace so today we're not looking at a regular chelsea but this one there mercedes and ciccio see 63 as a coupe a but young wants to know who actually needs a car like this. a look at the current registration statistics might make you wonder and public car buyers are calling for environmentally friendly alternative drives but privately they're buying issue nice sure their size and weight mean higher fuel consumption any missions but who cares if they're high up sporty and stylish welcome to the paradoxical world of s.u.v. kooky. and the paradox is that while most normal s.u.v.s at least offer plenty of space those sloping roof line on s.u.v. compay takes its toll. even with the rear seats folded down luggage space to windows to $1023.00 leaders $127.00 leaders less than the normal geale seat and in the rear it's far more cramped than the regular g.o.c. especially when it comes to headroom. yond sums up the g.o.c. coo peace appearance as love it or hate it there's no middle ground some love affords bronnie and sporty demeanor but for the others it just doesn't do anything beyond it looks a bit like mercedes had taken a normal c. class and pumped it up almost to bursting but one aspect should be cut and dried and that's the engine for leader v. a twin turbo that puts out $375.00 kilowatts or $510.00 horsepower the thing has plenty of muscle reaching a top speed of 280 kilometers per hour what's more you can select driving modes for an extremely comfortable or just super firm and athletic right and you very quickly forget that you're driving almost 2 tons around so it's this combination of comfort and performance numbers c.b.s. has managed that's really impressive. also likely to be impressive are your fuel bills thanks to the heavy weight and for air resistance even the manufacturer claims only $12.00 leaders per 100 kilometers and c o 2 emissions of 280 grams per kilometer if you let that be a gasoline engine rip you're really looking at 18. leaders and of course the $375.00 kilowatts of power in the acceleration of a sports car do their bit. but in face notice the face lift now includes the mercedes benz user experience r m b l x already familiar from the a class you can operate it either via the but much on the steering wheel top the touch screen or gesture control or voice control and that works really well you can almost speak normally and don't need specific voice commands to control individual menu items. are seen as. yours i'm too hot. also at the temperature in 1000 degree celsius. in seattle says for now buyers will have to do without the continuous display you get in the a class because that probably want to arrive until the next generation comes out so for now there is just a display behind the wheel and a display in the middle of. the interior is typical a.t.m. she was scored seats in a mix of leather. brushed aluminum lots of carbon and ambient lighting. ultimately though despite the technically impressive driving performance the question remains c o 2 out would exhaust cheating scandals alternative drives this and any of that matter at all. now today's company john says you can always ask who needs a monster performance as u.v. like this and to be honest the answer is no one but it's often completely irrational things that are the most fun. time would seem to be up for gas guzzling dinosaurs and bulky shapes but as long as there is car buyer demand for exactly these vehicles their extinction is likely to drag on for a while yet. this is the north loop at the nerver growing the legendary german racetrack is considered one of the world's most demanding circuits it's also the ultimate proving ground for production vehicles. basswood volkswagen uses the track for the w. says his future is electric so the fully electric i.d.r. racing car is one of the keys to its ambitious it's driven by frenchman woman to my last year he set a new speed record in the i.d.r. under extreme conditions at the pikes peak international hill climb in the united states. voce wagon is once again learn from pike's peak refined the racer and adapted it to the nerve or drink with electric product family waiting in the wings it seems to set a new lap record for electric vehicles on a nearly 21 kilometer north loop. it's a big challenge. noise so nice a stretch in all this is clear but to drive on this truck was a puzzle died he's already a challenge on doubles up to do it on they think it's a serve on beach engine but i see we always prepare well we. and i guess now we're ready. during numerous test drives on the famously hilly track the racing team worked out how to make the i.d.r. respond to do my job perfectly. now it's finally time to dared to break the standing record for new money and the votes wagon motors ford team everything is about today. to see the pay was always very nice. we already i mean read the you know would i tell you never did you always want to test more in all but i think it was seen as ok is it may does this morning. why not just to check it was seeing it was he was looking great knowledge school and see which one can do. a notary must be present to confirm the record officially that's against birds john. paul 2 to those he describes for procedure 1st he looks over the measuring devices that have been set up in this case a photo electric sensor matched to a digital timer to make sure they're working is any measures the time with his own stopwatches rule out any outside influences. and with the time measurements he makes himself is able to verify the time the measuring system records i'm just a side believed to be stuck inside the base i managed to. touch. at 4 30 pm everything set for the record run. the i.d.r. is powered by 2 electric motors with a system performance of $500.00 kilowatts overall the the research car including driver weighs about 1100 kilograms the current record for all electric vehicles are 6 minutes and 45.9 seconds that corresponds to an average speed of almost 185 kilometers per hour the record was set by britain's peter dunne break at the wheel of n n a o e p 9 in 2017. tense moments for the monitors really come in under the timing. the pit crew are also hoping for the best. but behind the wheel a man dumas keeps a cool head. at long last the idea are enters the final straight away. and then he did it. and yes berlin makes it official. fear of flying a time of 6 minutes 5.336 sec 6 moved from but i 6. cheering all around dumas beat the old record by a full 40 seconds. i think for the day was already very nice but the red chief we're seeking to go wrong $615.00 so if i'm out there and he's not there but going to be because of the expected so now we have to going to do it to another guys. for now it's time to celebrate for dumas and his team. jaguars freshen up the design image take scene with new design elements from the r. dynamic variance front that resemble aircraft wingless numerous safety assistants are already standard equipment now they're getting support from artificial intelligence. it's in the form of smart settings intended to increase the comfort level the system recognizes driver preferences and tweaks the driving experience to match. porsche has presented its new 911 speedster with the high revving 375 kilowatt for leader naturally aspirated puncture engine visually the speedster harks back to that forbear of all porsche the 356 roadster from 1948 that's referenced by the limited edition of exactly 1948 cars. card to stream and more shaver has been looking at the current generation of the b.m.w. 5 series touring and he picked 5 points that he thinks are decisive for a touring station wagon today he's going to see if the 5 series can satisfy them i do support the effort and got. the bullet points are handling fuel consumption design load capacity and peace of use. let's start with the handling. that i as a comando says travel comfort in the 5 series is just what you'd expect from a beemer after the entire car is designed for long haul journeys so the interior is really quiet the engine built into this 530 d. is very peppy torquey and powerful and naturally it's a lot of fun to drive but when you then step on the gas it quickly gets fairly loud and overpowering here in the interior that's a pity that most of the time you can live with it. that brings us to a point to fuel consumption b.m.w. claims a rate of almost. 6 liters per 100 kilometers and every day we were closer to 8 but in view of its output it's still an acceptable figure. point 3 is the design of course differ but the. headlights and trademark kidney grille should appeal to just about everyone over all the design of the 5 series touring tends toward understatement but maybe that leaves less room to do something wrong. the yelling the rear lights are standard just like the headlights models equipped with the x. drive all wheel drive. says one feature many touring 5 already have is still found in this generation the rear window that opens separately from the hatchback and speaking of the hatchback point for his load capacity there. says the trunk is roomy as you'd expect from a station wagon the video equipment looks almost have been washed but if that's not enough room you can simply flip down the back seats at the touch of a button and then there's space to load bigger items but if you plan to do this a lot you should skip on the light colored leather and we have in our test car because it will get scuffed. the interior is of high quality both in materials and workmanship the digital instrument cluster is standard as is a navigation system with a screen just under 9 inches. engines are paired with an 8 speed on a matic the adaptive suspension cost $3550.00 euros extra. on the road you can easily feel the difference between the various modes but the whole thing is. really necessary because the standard suspension is already well matched to the 5 series touring the main focus here is clearly on comfort. we come down to the last point ease of use. one that i think might be my no one thinks of user friendliness he thinks of parking because that's not so easy for everyone and there are several cameras here that you can easily switch to at the press of a button and then you have a 3 day view of the vehicle in the space where it's parked and you can even see how the vehicle is moving while you're parking in the animated rio's are a nice little gimmick and here you can see how slowly the obstacles represented by these rectangles get closer and then change from green to yellow to red depending on how close you approach you know. whatever the parking assistant plus system cost $1100.00 euros extra if you want to save that money just use the standard parking aid another strongpoint of the $5.00 series touring. time for a man who was verdict. i was not long at all he thinks the 5 series touring has met the requirements in the 5 categories he listed the only thing that still bothers him is that. it's just so big it will be a lot and take 7 most of the room in your pocket but tough if you compare it with the key information 25 serious touring. or huge difference becomes obvious when of course the this one has a display with a touch controls and all sorts of other things but in the end no one but no one means that i'm and. kind mench. that 32nd kids to alpine rally was held in early june 29th teen this classic motor sports event ranks among europe's largest and most prestigious leading star events each team develops their own strategy and tactics. used by young as well housing strategy is to have fun take it easy and keep an eye on the clock you know i was under good will realize when 7 stopwatches 3 g.p.s. is into ice packs your harness also fixes on a helicopter the flies ahead of the competitors and alexander's dead serious about it it's a harness would take 2nd place as a defeat. the field consists of $170.00 vintage cars with a combined 18 megawatts of power and was motor sports enthusiasts the rallies made up of 3 days of adventure sports and a field day for a kind of sewers of chrome old leather and classic design. the route leads through picturesque valleys and lush green meadows. the oldest vehicle in this year's rally is a 1923 bentley 3 leaders speed model this british jewel of the jazz age purrs along the alpine roads was 60 kilowatts and no problems at all. the recent clues various time controls and extra special stages that demand the utmost from the participants and their cars everyone has to be prepared for the worst mishaps and breakdowns are all but inevitable this time it hits this triumph roadster. yet at least it had to grow sever mean a cold which is at a loss as to the problem source. smoke is coming from under the steering wheel fortunately experience vintage car buffs are on hand and willing to help or give or a lift the problem turns out to be a burning cable and. the rally is a mobile review of automotive history $170.00 vehicles made between 10231975 including $24.00 pre world war 2 rarities add up to an unequalled spectacle. there are impressive pre-war model race cars pricey sports cars limousines and coo pages from the 1950 s. and sixty's and production model passenger cars from each of the 6 decades represented here. added together all the vehicles entered in this year's alpine rally would be worth $30.00 to $40000000.00 euros and a conservative estimate. is a lot of fun this is my 2nd year here and we came from. the united states for ginia and driving this old 58. which was a factory works car that did the alpine rally in 1958. and. what's special about the old timers i mean look at all these cars in this beautiful weather and all these mountains and the snow caps and such so it's just a great time. when jimmy no no in his team thrilled to be here they're the only french team in a rally full of fabulous cars and a magnificent countryside there's a really nice happiness here and they're very glad to be taking part. also what are expected to. be individual states and total of 570 kilometers are spread over a 3 day challenging mountain runs alternate with easier stretches the gorgeous countryside offering views of the most famous alpine peaks in north to roll results for region and were very. the participants compete in one of 2 categories the classic trophy for drivers just down to enjoy the ride and the sport trophy for teams in it to win with the fastest time several stage using transponder and g.p.s. data. goes in via fog incudes period until his limbs and his co-driver are one of the rallies few teams to keep it was purely mechanical that is what we are that i mean they use a mechanical odometer and stopwatch and calculate their average speeds using tables . but that is that he points out that many others who drive without high tech computers developed in italy and calls it the enormous devices any quip and it looks like it came from a science fiction space ship itself therefore it's defined as way but they just laugh about it last year after they placed 3rd with their purely mechanical approach many of the high take teams all around came in behind them thinking about all they could just made proper use of the old technology a mechanical stop watches and odometer is beyond it all worked out it's just as well. they can sail on the most business get close to. the really organizers p. careful attention to choosing their routes to provide a sporting challenge for both men. and machines and so the drivers and cars can enjoy a maximum variety. higher chance lost in exhaust cloudy skies will leave the jury rigged a makeshift solution to get it seems to work but they can't be sure until the final kilometers that's what they're confident about so they're looking forward to that final stretch album isn't to persist because. often a security. the key factor in a rally is teamwork without a co-driver supported so very difficult to win this kind of a race. after 570 demanding kilometers and 3 days up and down the alps the participants are rewarded with a triumphant entrance into kid spiros old town with plenty of spectators to admire the automotive treasures. crossing the finish line with all eyes upon it is the 1929 bentley blower one of the oldest vehicles in the field. cobblestones in sunshine old paint and lots of shiny chrome and bright faces all combined to light up kids for this afternoon. one year after the next since 2015 p.r. meminger increase to have them on have watched as others soon to head it almost seems changed but not this year. but earlier obviously meminger has nothing but praise and spectacular countryside good roots and great organization if they get the result they're expecting they'll be thoroughly satisfied. named play 2nd 3 years running and they're trying to break that streak with 1st place you just have to drive consistently well appoint big mistakes keep up your concentration and prepare. meticulously he says that it's no real trick goes but you do need a bit of luck. the 5th time around new york meminger his recipe for success finally worked this year he came in 1st. next time and drive it as zippy little car we test the toyota yaris g.r. and then. come. and look at the technology that makes the mercedes sprinter safer. cars. climate change. sustainability. environmental projects. globalisation. biodiversity species. conservation exploitation of inequality. human rights displacement of the children global impact of local action movie global 3030 minutes long d w. fabulous wealth and unlimited power. that's what china's new silk road promises. the country is building a bridge to the west that follows the ancient trade route chinese partners are guaranteed work cost parity but not everyone most profit. in new silk road in 75 minutes on w. . those who have to get through the bundesliga break without a football thanks again. to the women's world cup and francois excitement emotion not something. that swims in 9 to the women's movement. the goals of the results hit on t.w. moves. i'm not going to think out of the jam. just sometimes i am but i stand up and whimper that the german thinks even for german culture of looking at the stereotypes aquatics put in a single season the country that i now want to blame. here needed seems ridiculous drama down to me it's all about who they know i'm a joke to join me for meet the german sunday w. . post. i'll go to the girl next new to chant. most who might have stood. with exclusive insight. into a must see consuming part. of. the place to be curious minds. do it yourself networkers. subscribing and don't miss our. place. this is the deputy news live from berlin the biggest show of people power in sudan since a violent crackdown in the early june protesters take to the streets nationwide to demand civilian rule but at least 7 are reported killed and scores more wounded in clashes with security forces also on the program. i know i'm press that.


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