Monday, April 19
Please note that the members of the Planning Commission may participate remotely via telephone or video. Members of the public also have the right to participate in the meeting by phone or other electronic means. To participate remotely via video, visit the following Zoom link.: The meeting ID is 818 5979 0085 and the passcode is 658187. To join by phone only, dial 1-312-626-6799 and enter meeting ID 818 5979 0085.
1. 7 p.m. Public hearing for Planned Unit Development amendment – Unique Development, LLP. The applicant is requesting to amend an existing amended Planned Unit Development (PUD-16-001, as previously amended) for the removal of the parking requirements for a proposed community center/clubhouse. The property is in an amended PUD/R-3 “Medium Density Residential” zoning district. The property is located on 10th Ave. E.
Public assist, Broadway Street.
Property damage crash, Broadway Street.
Property damage crash, 50th Avenue W.
Public assist, 20th Avenue W.
Public assist, Highway 29 S.
Juvenile trouble, caller reported juvenile party, Voyager Drive.
Parking complaint, caller reported vehicle parked in a handicapped spot with no sticker, mirror hanging or specified plate, Broadway Street.
Property damage crash, 44th Avenue W.
Public assist, North Park Street.
Public assist, South Broadway Street.
Property damage crash, Highway 29 S.
Public assist, 6th Avenue E.
Property damage crash, 34th Avenue W.
Trespassing complaint, 6th Avenue E.
Suspicious vehicle, North McKay Avenue.
Suspicious person, 6th Avenue E.
Driving complaint, caller reported vehicle swerving all over the road, 34th Avenue E.