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Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 7AM 20160209

Pnow weve cooled back to 51 and pstill with that northwest wind pat 12 miles an hour making it pfeel colder than that. Pwinds are still off 12 to 17 to p21 mileperhour winds down paround the venice area with an pearlier wind gust of 44 miles er hoir. P per hour. Pwith the northwest wind, that pbrings in the clouds. Pwindy conditions and high ptemperatures today only in the pupper 50s. Pso bundle up, vanessa. Pvanessa and speaking of wind, pwell make mention if youre pjust joining us, theres a ptravel advisory over the psunshine skyway bridge due to phigh winds so please be careful pcrossing the water. Pwere seeing westbound delays palong hillsborough avenue. Ptheres a new crash reported peast of north 50th street with psome westbound lane blockage. Pwere seeing backups all the way pto orient road. Pyoull want to take mlk even if pyou do perhaps maybe exit off pi4 westbound onto hillsborough. Pon an exit at mlk so well keep pyou posted there. Pno delays to be seen between pwest shore an

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 8AM 20160225

Punfortunately, a deadly storm pmoves along the east coast pkilling at least six people. Pthreatened more than 80 million eople with strong wind, ptornadoes and large hail. Pnow in virginia, the governor pdeclared a state of emergency pafter a tornado touched down ptearing apart a small town pkilling three people there. P including a twoyearold. Pand before that storm system pmoved up the coast it hit pcharlotte county yesterday. Plook at this tornado tore pthrough a neighborhood in harbor pheights area near Port Charlotte pdamaging close to 30 homes. Pclose to where that happened a psuntrust Bank Building just off pstate road 776, u. S. 41 also pdamaged. Pno one was seriously injured pthankfully. Pthis is a good example of how pnasty the weather is right now. Poff coast of new york city. Pabout an hour ago, a coast guard pboat overturned while coming to pthe rescue of a 74 foot ship pthat ran aground. Pnow coast guard members have pbeen plucked out of the water. Pnow that water has go

Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 News At Noon 20160216

Pallison huffman was taken into pcustody last night in pinellas pcounty. Pshes accused of hitting and pkilling a tow truck driver who pwas helping a motorist on the phoward frankland bridge. Pthe latest charge adds to her phistory of problems on the road. Pshayla reaves reports, shes pgetting ready to face a judge pfor this latest case. Preporter right now allison phuffman is being held in the inellas county jail. Pshes facing a charge for pleaving the scene involving pdeath and we learned its a tip pthat led to her behind bars. Plet me take you back to the pscene. Pright now you are looking at psome video captured there of the romenade apartments less than pfive miles from the pinellas pcounty jail. Psomeone alerted police just pafter 9 00 last night. Pofficers arrived at the complex pand held huffman until florida phighway patrol can take her into pcustody. Pthe arrest came hours after pinvestigators found the damaged pvehicle registered to huffman in ptampa hotel. Pauthorities tell

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 7AM 20160224

Pfor a very short period of time. Pthats why were not going to plet our guard down. Pi want to go further out to the pgulf. Pyou see strong storms as well. Pthis is the case where theres a plot of energy in the atmosphere. Pthe good news is that right pthere is the back edge of the prain line of rain. Ponce that squeezes through later pthis hour, things start to quiet pdown in the northern counties. Pfurther south, weve got a pstrong thunderstorm and with it ptheres been a lot of lightning, pthunder and the rain is starting pto work its way in pinellas pcounty coastline and the pstrongest part of the storm is pstill well offshore. Ptheres a marine warning out. Pnot that youre getting on your pboats any time soon but within pthat strong thunderstorm, this pcould drop a water spout or two pas it approaches the coastline pover the next hour or so. Ponce that moves through coastal pareas, things will start to pquiet down. Pright now we talked about 7 00, p8 00, 9 00 in the thick of it. Pup

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 7AM 20160208

Pi know how cold it is. Pyou dont because youre just pwaking up. Pdoesnt that look cold over plakeland . Pits pretty but weve got ptemperatures in the 30s, a lot pof us are in the 30s this hour. Pwe have 39 degrees in wesley pchapel. P37 in lakeland. P39 in brandon. P33 in brooksville. Ptampa is in the upper 40s but pstill, cold. Pgrab the jackets. Pyoull need them until late this pmorning. Pwell get back in the mid 60s pbut beginning this afternoon, ptheres a cold front moving into pthe state. Pthe wind is going to pick up and pwe could be looking at wind pgusts 35 to 40 miles an hour ptonight. Pim not kidding. Pwind will be an issue later ptoday, tonight and tomorrow. Prain wont. Pwell talk about why in a few pminutes. Pvanessa well be watching pbridged when the winds do come. Pfor the meantime, overall icture things look good on the proadways. Pwere keeping an eye here on one pof the biggest delays out of the inellas county, sky fox is pmonitoring the crash we told you pabout in the

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