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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180803 08:00:00

Get a jump on the day's news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs. disconnect with trump and the national security team on the subject of russia meddling. president ranting about the russian hoax hours after his top intel officials called out the kremlin for interfering in the upcoming 2018 midterms. at the rally in pennsylvania, he ta touted about the helsinki summit. >> we got along really well. by the way, that's a good thing. not a bad thing. that's a really good thing. now we're being hindered by the russian hoax. everybody said that was great. a couple of hours later, i started hearing reports that, you know, they wanted me to walk up. they wanted me to walk up and go like this. son of a -- >> hours earlier, key members of the national security team appeared in the white house briefing room to warn the country the russian election interference is ongoing. >> in regards to the russian involvement in the midte-term electio elections, we continue to see a pervasive messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken and divide the united states. >> russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage and malign influence operations to this day. this is a threat we need to take seriously and to tackle and respond to with fierce determination and focus. >> our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. it is clear they are the target of our adversaries to sow discord and undermine our life. >> dan coats told reporters he still doesn't fully understand what took place in the worked at the u.s. embassy in moscow undetected for more than a decade before being fired last year. a senior official saying the woman worked for years with the secret service. she came under suspicion in 2016. a routine state department review found she was having unauthorized meetings with russian intelligence. she used the secret service internet and systems, but did not have access to highly classified information. there has been no comment from the state department. rick gates may testify against his former boss paul manafort as early as today. that was a big development in the manafort trial to thursday. another is manafort's bookkeeper testifying despite making millions, manafort went broke and lied to banks to secure loans. jessica schneidbrian schneidesc. >> reporter: first, the judge around why people have concerns and gripe especially when they feel targeted. no, i don't feel the media is the enemy of the people. >> hours later, the president tweeted saying she's right. it is actually the fake news that is the enemy of the people. iran launching a military exercise in the persian gulf. likely to shutdown the oil movement through the strait of hormuz. we have nic robertson joining us near the strait. nic, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dave. it is causing concern because, of course, 20% of the oil supply goes through the strait of hormuz. that is 20 to 30 miles north of here. we are at the gulf of oman. iranian military exercises are taking place in the gulf of orman and the straits of hormuz. one reason why the oil facility here has been developed. the oil facility here actually is at the end of the pipeline that bypasses the strait of hormuz. 1.5 million barrels a day. these are piped out to sea safely here. the concern regionally and in washington is the rhetoric coming from tehran saying that if they are not allowed to sell their oil, no one will be able to pass the oil through the strait of hormuz. this is causing concern in washington with the military exercises. they describe them as involving dozens of small boats. it is not clear if this is to lee will win the nomination defeating diane black. coming up, the nfl preseason under way. no protests. the video games show why the controversy is not going away anytime soon. it's time to takek control with stelara®. for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease, stelara® works differently. studies showed relief and remission with dosing every 8 weeks. woman: stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. man: are you fed up with crohn's symptoms following you? talk to your doctor today, and learn how janssen can help you explore cost support options. remission can start with stelara®. they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4 week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again i knew at that exact moment ... i'm beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it's not just picking a surgeon, it's picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. visit california over fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks. the plan calls for freezing the emissions through 2026. it would revoke california to set tougher standards which are followed by a dozen states. this is a reversal from the obama administration which worked with california and the auto industry to set fuel standa standards. california will file suit and if it wins, carmakers to face the problem of manufacturing vehicles to meet rules that vary from state to state. houston police back at the home of joseph pappas overnight responding to a call of a possible sighting. pappas is the suspect in the shooting death of mark hausknecht. the day before the killing, pappas transferred the deed to his home to a woman in ohio. pappas claimed he had a terminal illness. the suspect has not been seen for several days. police believe pappas committed a murder over a 20-year-old grudge after his mother died during an operation that was performed by dr. hausknecht. "the new york times" standing by the new hire despite the racism. sarah jeong's tweets refer to dogs pissing on fire hydrants. some of the tweets were in response to frequent online harassme harassment. she engaged in what she thought at the time was counter trolling. she mimicked the language of harassers. ea sports is apologizing for edits colin kaepernick's name out of the sound track for the maidd ma madden 2019 game. ea sports often edits vulgar content, but the company admits it made a mistake. members of the team misunderstood we don't have rights to include colin kaepernick in the game, this doesn doesn't affect sound tracks. this episode shows this national anthem issue is front and center as the nfl season begins. no protests last night. you see ray lewis firing up the crowd. ravens won 17-16. lamar jackson shine in the game. it is a big problem as they start the nfl season. the policy is on freeze and they don't know what they will do, if and when, somebody protests. somebody will. the nfl needs to figure this ou out. they know trump will get involved. >> he seems to lean back on it at times. >> all itching for a culture r war. >> when he needs a distraction. life after dictatorship begins in zimbabwe. we are live in zimbabwe when we come back. smart it intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. to help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999. smarter sleep will change your life. another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. 4:24. zimbabwe has the first elected president since the fall of robert mugabe. emmerson mnangagwa. declared the winner of the disputed election. this week's election marred by clashes with security forces and opposition supporters that left six people dead. let's go live to zimbabwe's capital city and bring in david mckenzie. david, have the protests quieted down? >> reporter: good morning, david. the protesters are quiet, but those are riot police outside the headquarters of the opposition in the disputed election. you have emmerson mnangagwa, the first president of zimbabwe since the decades rule of robert mugabe being elected president. the commission saying mnangagwa was elected by 58% of the vote. you had clashes with military and protesters. the six dead. the tense calm in the capital of harare. the life is getting back to normal, but the next step is what the opposition will do. the leader of the opposition do not accept the vote. they will use any legal means necessary. the question is will they head on to the streets and protest today. the election has been endorsed by the south african president. a powerful neighbor of zimbabwe and legiagu regional block. opposition party could have an uphill battle. in the meantime, u.s. citizens have been asked to stay out of the area where i'm standing because of the volatility of the situation. dave. >> thank you. russian election meddling a hoax or top threat? u.s. security officials are not on the same page. we will have more when "early start" continues in just a minute. medicare doesn't pay for everything.'re on the hook for the rest. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. a plan like this helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. so you could end up paying less. and these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. selected for meeting their high standards of quality and service. call unitedhealthcare insurance company now to request this free decision guide, and learn more. like, medicare supplement plan, give you the freedom to go with any doctor who accepts medicare patients. it's nice to have a choice. and your coverage goes with you, anywhere you travel in the country. we have grandkids out of state. they love our long visits. not sure about their parents, though. call unitedhealthcare and ask for your free decision guide today. our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. >> we acknowledge the threat. it is real. >> we are being hindered by the russian hoax. it's a hoax. >> the president still dismissing the russian investigation after his allies are warning russia is still meddling in the u.s. elections. the jobs report is due out this morning. why unemployment is expected to tick down. but wages are remaining stalled. and who should be responsible for reuniting kids with parents deported? the government says it falls to the aclu. welcome to "early start." i'm dave briggs. >> kaylee hartung. 30 minutes past the hour. it is friday. dave's happy about it. >> i'm soaking in it. bathing in it actually. >> aren't we all? if you listen to the president talk about russia and the top officials talk about russia, there is a big disconnect. at the rally in pennsylvania, the president touted the meeting with putin and attacks on democracy. >> we got along really well. by the way, that's a good thing not a bad thing. now we're being hindered by the russian hoax. everybody said, wow, that was great. a couple hours later, i started hearing reports that they wanted me to walk up. they wanted me to walk up and go like this. son of a -- >> some showadow boxing by potu. >> hours earlier, key members of the national security team appeared in the white house briefing room to warn the country the russian election interference is ongoing. >> in regards to the russian involvement in the mid-term elections, we continue to see a pervasive messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken and divide the united states. >> russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage and malign influence operations to this day. this is a threat we need to take extremely seriously and to tackle and respond to with fierce determination and focus. >> our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. it is clear they are the target of our adversaries to sow discord and undermine our life. >> director of national intelligence dan coats told reporters he still doesn't fully understand what took place in the one-on-one meeting with trump and vladimir putin in helsinki. a senior administration official telling cnn a woman, a russian national, worked for years with the secret service. she came under suspicion in 2016. a routine state department security review found she was having regular unauthorized meetings with russian intelligence. she used the secret service internet and e-mail systems. the official says she did not have access to highly classified information. no comment so far from the state department. turns out rick gates may testify against his old boss. former campaign chairman paul manafort as early as today. that is the big development on the manafort trial on thursday. another? manafort's bookkeeper testifying that despite making millions, manafort went broke securing big loans. we have jessica schneider with more from washington. >> reporter: first, the judge seemed to entice the defense team for paul manafort take the stand. the judge said manafort obviously does not have to, but if his lawyers wanted to bring up he has never been audited by the irs, that would be the way to do it. that is what the defense team wants. prosecutors now say they will call rick gates to the stand. paul manafort's right-hand man during the campaign. gates pleaded guilty and is now cooperating with the special counsel. finally, paul manafort's bookkeeper testified that sure, he may have made millions, but by 2016 he was flat broke and maxed out the credit line. the bookkeeper said that manafort and gates were sending out fake inflated business statements to banks to get loans. that gets to the heart of the bank fraud case. the government keeps hammering home the lifestyle details. a landscaper talk about how much paul manafort paid him. $500,000 for the upkeep of hundreds of flowers and the landscaper called the largest personal pond in the hamptons section of long island. paul manafort spent $2.2 million on home entertainment technology. including $10,000 on a karaoke system. a lot of details prosecutors packed in. we will hear more from his accountant today as they delve into his finances. dave and kaylee. >> sure was living the high life. thank you, jessica. senator marco rubio has a suggestion about paid family leave. >> offering up to 12 weeks of leave when a child is born and use some of their own money from their own social security benefits to help compensate for the lack of a paycheck. >> rubio is introducing a bill to allow families to use their future social security for up to two months of leave. they would delay receiving the benefit up to two months when they retire. that fund is misplaced and people shouldn't have to choose. other lawmakers have similar ideas in the works. there seems to be a potential for a bipartisan effort. first daughter ivanka trump distancing herself from her father. she said she does not agree with his characterization of the press as the enemy of the people. >> i received my fair share of reporting on me personally that i know not to be fully accurate. so, i had some sensitivity around why people have concerns and gripe especially when they feel targeted. no, i don't feel the media is the enemy of the people. >> hours later, the president tweeted saying she's right. it is actually the fake news that is the enemy of the people. president trump's oldest daughter is comparing the democrats to the nazis. he was interviewed at the premiere of the movie dsouza. listen to this. >> you see the nazi platform in the 1930s and what was put out there and you compare it to the dnc platform of today. you say those are awfully similar. to a point where it is scary. >> scary is his knowledge of history. we should note don junior's comment is a false. there is no counterpart in the democratic party. don junior fought back against attacks with his remark on a tweet with a clip from the new dsouza movie. >> wow. iran launching a major military exercise in the persian gulf. tehran is showing the ability to shutdown the oil flow through the straight of hormuz. this exercise was planned, but it is starting intense rhetoric in the u.s. we have nic robertson joining us live from the strait of hormuz. nic, what is the implication of the exercise? >> reporter: an increase of rhetoric recently with washington and tehran, principally coming from tehran, because sanctions are about to be imposed again following president trump pulling out of the iran nuclear deal. the iranian leadership from the leader of iran revolutionary guard corps to the supreme leader of iran all said if iran cannot export its oil products through the strait of hormuz, then no one can. this is a major threat. the exercises that u.s. officials believe they are seeing in straight of hormuz with dozens of vessels, they are concerned if iranians are putting meat on the bones of the threats. president trump is clear. don't threaten the united states or there will be severe consequences. everyone is watching and looking to see how it develops. no comment from the iranians yet. no comment from the uae and other gulf countries. this is a united arab emirates oil port terminal. this terminal has been developed to avoid iranians ability to shutdown the strait of hormuz. it bypasses the strait with a pipeline which passes 1.5 million barrels of oil a day. this is strategic. this is important and it has everyone worried and it is not clear at all at this time what with iran's real intent is other than some of the sanctions will begin to start biting next week. kaylee. >> nic, thank you. secretary of state mike pompeo urging turkey to release american pastor andrew brunson. pompeo delivered that message in the meeting in singapore. after the meeting, the foreign minister said those threats are not productive. brunson is a pastor from north carolina who has been held for two years over alleged links to a failed coup. tennessee could play a role in the senate in the fall. former governor bredesen and republican marsha blackburn won the primaries on tuesday. they will face-off in november in a hotly contested battle for the seat. this is a state president trump carried by 26 points. this is an interesting turn and another one of those bellwethers we see. >> another state like georgia who you think of as rudy red. >> the south will be interesting. ahead, the nfl preseason is under way. no protests, but a video game mistake. it shows the national anthem controversy is not going away. h o they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4 week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. man: are you fed up with crohn's symptoms following you? talk to your doctor today, and learn how janssen can help you explore cost support options. remission can start with stelara®. the trump administration believes the responsibility for finding parents after being separated with their children should rest with advocates not the government. the government will turnover whatever information it could on the parents deported, but they say the aclu should use their considerable resources to establish contact. aclu lawyers argue the trump administration is trying to shirk responsibility choosing to leave 431 separated kids whose parents were already deported in limbo. trump administration heading for a showdown with trucks and cars in california showing it would freeze emissions through 2026. it would revoke the ability to set tougher standards in california and other states. this is a sharp reversal from the obama administration. california already hinting it will file suit. if it wins, carmakers could face the issue of manufacturing vehicles that meet rules that vary from state to state. that would be devastating for a struggling u.s. auto industry. houston police back at the home of joseph pappas overnight responding to a call of a possible sighting of the man who is the primary suspect in the shooting death of dr. mark hausknecht. the doctor who used to treat george h.w. bush t. the day before the killing, pappas transferred the home to a woman in ohio. the suspect has not been seen for a couple of days. police believe pappas committed the murder over a 20-year-old grudge. the new york times standing by its new hire despite rhetoric she used on twitter. blasted as racist. sarah jeong has old tweets resurfaced. one said she gets joy out of being cruel old white men. another is dumb ass blanking white people. the times backed jeong who will join the paper next month. some of the tweets were in response to harassment. she engaged in what she thought at the time was counter trolling. she deeply regrets the language. and it was business as usual for les moonves. addressing the conference call second quarter earnings, but avoiding what was on everyone's mind. the company representative said questions would be limited to quarterly results. allegations from six women who say moonves harassed them. cbs is hiring two outside law firms to investigate the claims. the company stock is down 9% since the news broke. residents in parts of virginia ordered to evacuate over a potential dam failure. the officials in lynchburg are ordering residents to leave in low-lying areas below the college lake dam. if a complete failure of the dam occurs, the water depth could climb above 17 feet in seven minutes. ea sports is apologizing for editing capuolin kaepernick's n out of the 2019 game. in a post on twitter, the verse that mentioned kaepernick has been removed. ea sports edits vulgar content, but the company admits it made a mistake this time. saying members of the team misunderstood the fact we don't have rights to include colin kaepernick in the game, that doesn't affect sound tracks. the edit should never have happened. this shows the national anthem issue is front and center as the preseason begins. there were no protests at the hall of fame game with the ravens defeating the bears 20-17. ray lewis is going in the hall of fame. >> dancing for ray lewis. good to have the nfl back. i don't know what they will do about the issue. they don't know. let us know what you think. ahead, apple is now worth $1 trillion. >> all the zeros. >> look at it. 12 of them. we put the number in perspective and show you how it got there when we get a check on cnn money next. this is not a bed. it intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. to help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999. smarter sleep will change your life. i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. zimbabwe has its first elected president since the fall of robert mugabe. emmerson mnangagwa declared the winner of the disputed election. this week's election marred by clashes of security forces and opposition supporters that left six people dead. let's go to the capital city in zimbabwe and bring in david mckenzie. david, how is the situation evolving behind you? >> reporter: it is at this hour, calm, kaylee, good morning. you see the riot police in the armored vehicle behind me at the headquarters of the opposition party. that shows it is anything but normal in zimbabwe. in the early hours of this morning, the election commission announced that emmerson mnangagwa won the election by over 50%. the opposition leader will contest the result by any legal means necessary. they may not gain favors in the zimbabwe court. u.s. citizens asked to keep off the streets here in downtown. it will be very crucial to see what the european union and the u.s. says about the disputed election. already the south african president, very powerful country in this part of the world, endorsed the election and the regional bloc. it is difficult to move beyond this point. we will have to see if the opposition calls for protests. earlier this week, there were deadly clashes and killed six people here in downtown harare. kaylee. >> david, thank you. 4:58. a check on cnn money. stock futures ticking lower. market finished higher yesterday with tech stocks carrying gains. investor are awaiting the july jobs report. due an hour before the opening bell. forecast is 190,000 new jobs. unemployment rate is expected to tick down. apple is the darling of wall street this morning. stock popped 3% yesterday to cap off a historic run. apple is now the most valuable company in u.s. history. worth more than $1 trillion in market value. the stock is up 22% this year. more than 200% over the past five years. at the start of the span, the market cap was below $500 billion. here is perspective. 16 countries in the world with gdp of more than $1 trillion. the market cap for the four biggest banks in the u.s., add all four together and you get over $1 trillion in value. wow. the latest company to drop plastic straws? shake shack. it will get rid of all of them within the first quarter of next year. it follows other companies including starbucks, disney and american airlines. shake shack stock is up 48% this year. it is set to drop this morning.


Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180803 09:00:00

Get a jump on the day's news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs. paul manafort spent $2.2 million on home entertainment technology. including $10,000 on a karaoke system. a lot of details prosecutors packed in. we will hear more from his accountant today as they delve into his finances. dave and kaylee. >> thank you, jessica. can the u.s. economy keep up the pace of swift job creation? we get a look at the labor market this morning when the july jobs report is released. economists are expecting 190,000 new positions. the unemployment rate is expected to tick down to 3.9%. it rose in june as more than 600,000 americans got off the sidelines and entered the labor market looking for work. the big mystery has been wages. that number expected to hold steady at 2.7% annual rate. wages have been stuck in that range for the past three years. as the labor market tightens, wages rise, but the growth has been slow since the great recession. wall street is looking at where the jobs are created. so far no signs that tariffs are slowing down the economy, but this will mark the first big economic report of the third quarter following strong economic growth in the second quarter. first daughter and presidential adviser ivanka trump is breaking from the fath father's rhetoric of the media. she does not agree with the characterization as the press is the enemy of the people. >> i received my fair share of reporting on me personally that i know not to be fully accurate. so, i had some sensitivity around why people have concerns and gripe especially when they feel targeted. no, i don't feel the media is the enemy of the people. >> hours later, the president put his spin on ivanka's remarks. tweeted saying she is right. it is actually the fake news that is the enemy of the people. president trump's oldest son is comparing the democratic party philosophy to nazi, germany. don junior was interviewed at the premiere of a new movie for dsouza. listen to this. >> you see the nazi platform in the 1930s and you see it and you compare it to the dnc platform of today and you say those are similar. to the point where it is scary. >> there is something scary there. don junior's comment is false equal. the nationazi party has not counterpart. don junior fought back against the attacks with the link tweeted to the dsouza movie. wow. that happened. iran is launching a major military exercise in the persian gulf. tehran is likely to shutdown the oil flow through the strait of hormuz. this exercise was planned, but starts intensifying rhetoric with the u.s. we have nic robertson joining us from oman at the strait of hormuz. nic. >> reporter: you see pictures of u.s. officials showing the dozens of boats in the military exercise which is coming earlier in the year than anticipated. normally around november time. it is organized by iran islamic revolutionary guard corps. the commander of the corps in the last week and month prior has gone on the record and said clearly if iran cannot export oil products from the region through the straits of hormuz, then no one will be able to do. it has been echoed by the president of iran and supreme leader of iran. right now, no official comment from iranians. that is a concern. are they putting meat on the bones of the rhetoric we have been hearing recently. president trump has warned them of serious consequences if they follow through. in the region here, we are not hearing anything from regional players here. for example, here in the united arab emirates on the gulf of oman, they built a pipeline the past couple of decades that bypasses strait of hormuz for that reason. it could get shutdown for military action. everyone watching closely what the iranians are doing. not clear of the intent. kaylee. >> is there any bite behind that bark. nic, thank you. tennessee could play a key rule in the senate in the fall. bredesen, a democrat and conservative republican blackburn won their primaries on thursday. they will now face-off in november which is to be a hotly contested election in the midterms. republicans did not expect a challenge in tennessee, but the cross party appeal could replace democrats in the seat held by bob corker. is this shifting? we shall see. another interesting race. ahead, "the new york times" standing by a new controversy hire despite a history of tweets criticized as racist. new laith 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. save $200 on this dell laptop jimmy's gotten used to his whole yup, he's gone noseblind. odors. he thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells this... luckily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics... ...there's febreze fabric refresher. febreze doesn't just mask, it eliminates odors you've... ...gone noseblind to. and try febreze unstopables for fabric. with up to twice the fresh scent power, you'll want to try it... ...again and again and maybe just one more time. indulge in irresistible freshness. febreze unstopables. breathe happy. no, what?? i just switched to geico and got more. more? got a company i can trust. that's a heck of a lot more. over 75 years of great savings and service. you can't argue with more. why would ya? 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that has to be a stunt double. >> you say he is not an athlete. this is more like the dave briggs on a friday dance. i was at a super bowl party with dave after we worked hard all day and he moved like this. >> just give the stage to dave. >> i have all of those dad moves, coy. i cannot do that kick thing. i'll pull a groin. i'm old. >> coy is not even giving a chair dance. >> i'll put my leg up in the air. my jeans are way too tight to pull off that move like phil mickelson. >> phil and tiger. who do you have in the match? >> tiger. absolutely. he doesn't dance like that. >> his groin will be pulled after that high kick. >> awesome. nice moves, coy. we appreciate that. >> happy friday. not quite sure how you make this transition. election meddling. a hoax or ongoing threat? the president and top security officials are not on the same page. we will have more next. d, e egna, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. alice loves the smell of gain so much, she wished it came in a fabric softener too. [throat clears] say hello to your fairy godmother, alice. oh and look they got gain scent beads and dryer sheets too! our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. >> we acknowledge the threat. it is real. >> we are being hindered by the russian hoax. it's a hoax. >> the president dismissing the russia investigation even after his own top officials warned that russia is still meddling in u.s. elections. the july jobs report is due out this morning. why unemployment is expected to tick down but wage growth remains stalled. welcome back to "early start." i'm kaylee hartung. i'll say one last time it is friday. >> 5:31 eastern time. i'm dave briggs. papa don't preach. on how ivanka trump is speaking out against things she cares about. we start with the russia meddling our election systems. if you listen to the president talk about it and his top intel officials, there is a disconnect about it. the president ranting hours after the officials called out the kremlin for interfering in the 2018 midterms. at the rally in pennsylvania, the president touted the helsinki summit with putin and ignoring the russian attacks on american democracy. >> we got along really well. by the way, that's a good thing not a bad thing. now we're being hindered by the russian hoax. everybody said, wow, that was great. a couple hours later, i started hearing reports that they wanted me to walk up. they wanted me to walk up and go like this. son of a -- >> shadow boxing. a hobby we didn't know the president has. hours earlier, key members of the national security team appeared in the white house briefing room to warn the country the russian election interference is ongoing. >> in regards to the russian involvement in the mid-term elections, we continue to see a pervasive messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken and divide the united states. >> russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage and malign influence operations to this day. >> our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. it is clear they are the target of our adversaries to sow discord and undermine our life. >> director of national intelligence dan coats told reporters he still doesn't fully understand what took place in the one-on-one meeting with trump and vladimir putin in helsinki. joining us to talk about it is editor harry enton. it is a key point that they are addressing it. it is a security issue, but is this an issue in the upcoming midterms? >> obviously, if russia were to hack our election system, that would be a big deal. voters don't think it is a big deal. if you look at the important issues, what you see is russia hacking is down right at the very bottom of the list. economy, health care, gun policy. you name it. this is from the cnn poll in may. we have seen throughout the russia investigation is very steady numbers where people do not like what president trump is doing, but at the same time, they don't think it is important. you have this back and forth and hear the bad news from russia, but voters are dismissing it and putting it in another corner. >> we expect president trump to inject himself in the midterm races. in the i honterview with sean hanni hannity, he said six or seven days a week, he will would be on the road stumping for folks. karl rove has an opinion about the impact it will have. listen. >> it will be smart in many contests for the president to absent himself from the scene and let candidates shine through. if i like trump, i'll vote for the person who stands with trump. if i'm not hot on trump, let me make a decision with the two people on the ballot. >> harry, your reaction. >> the president was last night in pennsylvania with lou. the president's approval rating is below the disapproval rating in pennsylvania. i agree with karl rove in that particular race. a lot of house races where his rating is below the approval rating, it is smart. there will be senate races in north dakota and west virginia and indiana with the president on the campaign trail is helpful. trump is still popular in those states. >> lou barletta is a guest on "new day." ohio is a good indication of where we are headed. the president attempted to tweet about the 12th congressional race, but mixed up candidates deleted the tweet. let's under score how crucial the race is on tuesday. set the stage. >> this is a congressional district represented by republicans since the '80s. john kasich represented it before. this is a district that donald trump won by double digits. we have seen this in the special elections where you have the deeply republican districts and they seem to be going democrats. historically speaking, when you see the shift we have been seeing in the special elections, it tends to forecast good news for the democratic party in this particular year. >> is that similar to tennessee? the president won by 26 points there and it looks like phil bredesen has a legit shot there statewide. is that just a different race all together? bredesen can appeal in a lot of those moderate districts? >> you know, phil bredesen is a character. a twice elected governor in that state. make most mistake, this is partially about phil bred seese being a good politician, but the environment where president trump is unpopular. >> first daughter and presidential adviser ivanka trump is breaking from her father's rhetoric against the media. ivanka said she does not agree with the characterization of the press as the enemy of the peo e people. >> i certainly received my fair share of reporting on me personally that i know not to be fully accurate. so i had some sensitivity around why people have concerns and gripe especially when they feel targeted. no, i do not feel the media is the enemy of the people. >> oliver darcy joining us now. do you think we're the enemy of the people. her reaction was, sorry, as if she didn't hear the question. then once he repeated, she gave that answer. what did you make of that exchange? >> remarkable. almost like suggesting the assertion that the press is the enemy of the people she has never heard of it or looked at her father's twitter account or watched the press briefing where jim acosta asked her if the president is the enemy of the people. she refused. ivanka trump's reaction was baffling in that regard. she effectively suggested that the question was ridiculous. in fact, her family seems to believe the press is the enemy of the people. >> ivanka also told michake all that they are not responsible for the separation of the families at the border. why isn't ivanka trump applauded for breaking with her father? she wasn't applauded for it at home. should she be applauded for showing break here and showing she is willing to stand up and have her own voice? >> i think a lot of people may be with you on that. she did break with her father. that is difficult of itself. the other end of the spectrum will say how is she doing when she asked about breaking with her father. what is she doing to help shift policies? i think that is one of the big criticisms of her with the family separation thing. she has been opposed to it. did she do -- what did she do to help shift her father? that is what people are saying. speaking is one thing. >> i understand that. what we have seen from the presidency is there is no one who can really tell him what to do. he is a man who is trusting his gut right now. going with his every decision. look, she is not the department of homeland security. this is not her responsibility. it is a debate we continue to have. >> no matter what she says, people will still criticize her. >> true. >> we saw president trump put his spin on ivanka trump's remarks saying she is not wrong. it is the fake news who is the enemy of the people. was that necessary? do you think he took such an affront to call her out? >> it is ridiculous what he tweeted. suggesting that is there a difference for him between the quote fake news and real journalists. it is clear from his tweets and engaged with the press that he views the fake news media as any outlet which is critical of him. so, you know, i would not ever put cnn or "the new york times" or "washington post" in that category. the president has. he thinks those outlets are fake news. >> like the national anthem fight, this is one he likes. bill shine, a former television news executive, loves it as well. it ramped up under his watch. here is what president trump said in pennsylvania last night about the media. >> whatever happened to fair press? whatever happened to honest repo report? they don't -- reporting? they don't report it. they make up stories. they can make anything bad because they are the fake, fake, disgusting news. >> it appears it will ramp up. why do you figure he is ramping up this rhetoric? >> this is playing well with his base. if you watch fox news at any given time in primetime, you hear them refer to the fake media. destroy trump media. this plays well to his base and he is trying to rally the base to the immediate terms. it dallas sta-- to the midterms. there is no clearly person leading the party. they look at the media as the enemy or opposition. >> if there is an added bonus, undermining the russia investigation. if there is something that comes out, don't believe what you hear or see. don't believe what you read. oliver, thank you. i went to a gop unity rally in georgia for the governor's race. they were handing out yard signs. fake news media. all of the signs were gone by the time that rally was over. >> wonderful. apple is now worth $1 trillion. we'll put that number in perspective and show you how it got there when we get a check on cnn money next. i use the color that protects as it colors. excellence haircolor by l'oréal. with pro-keratine complex rich, radiant color and it cares for my hair. no color protects better. or covers gray better. so much care in one little box. excellence crème from l'oréal paris. call or go online today. call or go on line today. 47 minutes after the hour. iran launching a major military exercise in the persian gulf. likely to shutdown the strait of hormuz to oil production movement. we have nic robertson live in the strait of hormuz. nic, what is the broader implication? >> reporter: that is cutting off the 20% of the oil supply for the world. that is what iran's major military exercise is under way right now play be the ability to signal that. we are told they have dozens of smaller vessels involved in this at the beginning of the military exercise. it is watched closely in the region. nothing officially from the iranians about the military exercise. nothing officially from let's say the emirates here who is close to the straits of hormuz. they have assets in place. the port facility can pump oil to bypass the straits of hormuz. that is how critical the oil route is to the world. there is spare capacity to get oil flowing through to the international markets. what are the iranians trying to do at the moment? signal displeasure with washington over the sanctions. what the iranians have said coming from the supreme leader and commander of the military forces. if they cannot export oil, then no one can. kaylee. >> nic robertson, thank you. "new day" is ten minutes away. alisyn camerota joining us this morning. good morning, ali. big show including lou running in pennsylvania. the president stumping for him last night. see if he gets a bump from that. >> at the moment, he is down in the polls. down considerably in the polls. when the president endorses somebody, it carries a lot of weight. maybe he will get a bump from that. we will get into how the president, once again, repeated his disbelief in the russian interference investigation. at the same time his intel chiefs are trying to sound the alarm for the country so everybody is on the lookout for all of the russian interference on social media pages. we will talk about that disconnect. the good news is that it is 5:49 in the east and david gregory is now awake. i'm sure that people were concerned about that. it was touch and go. >> was it? >> yes. for a few hours there. he is now awake and he is here, present, in the building. >> did he hit the snooze button? >> you know how hard it is when you are not used to doing this full-time. >> preach. >> i'm used to doing it and it is difficult when the 1:50 alarm goes off. what time does your go off? >> mine goes off at 3:15. >> you get to sleep in. >> david gregory's went off at 5:35. something like that. >> david gregory. get that man some coffee. see you in ten minutes. thank you. let's get a check on cnn money at 5:50. stock futures ticking lower. the market finished mostly higher yesterday. tech stocks carrying the gains. stock markets in europe and asia are mixed. investors awaiting the july jobs report due an hour before the opening bell. the forecast for 190,000 new jobs. unemployment rate expected to tick down. wages forecast to hold steady. apple is the darling of wall street this morning. stock popped 3% yesterday. it capped off a historic mind boggling run. apple is the most valuable company in u.s. history. worth more than $1 trillion in market value. stock up 22% this year and more than 200% over the past five years. the start of the span the market cap was below $500 billion. some perspective on the new number, only 16 countries in the world have a gdp of more than $1 trillion. or this, the market cap for the four biggest banks in the united states, add all four together, and you get over $1 trillion in value. the latest company to drop plastic straws is shake shack. it plans to get rid of all in the first quarter of next year. the burger joint ceo mentioned it on the earnings call. it follows other companies like starbucks and disney and american airlines. mcdonald's is samplinsampling. shake shack stock is up 48% this year. set to drop this morning as investors don't like the company outlook following the earnings report yesterday. still, kaylee, the $1 trillion number. look at it. >> all of the zeros. >> 12 zeros. if you invested in apple a few years back, sit back and enjoy. >> with your iphone and ipad and apple tv. >> steve jobs not around to see that number. the new york times standing by a new hire despite a history of tweets criticized as racist. more when "early start" returns. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. and help you feel more strength & energy in just 2 weeks. i'll take that. ensure high protein, with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure® the trump administration believes the responsibility for finding hundreds of parents deported after separated from their children should rest with immigrant advocates. not the federal government. justice department lawyers saying the government would turnover whatever information it could on the parents deported, but say the aclu should quote use the considerable resources to establish contact. aclu lawyers argue the trump administration is trying to shirk its responsibility. the trump administration calling for a freeze on emissions standards through 2026. it would revoke california's ability to set tougher standards which are followed by a dozen states. this marks a sharp reversal from the obama administration which worked with california and auto industry to set standards. the new york times standing by its new hire. despite rhetoric on twitter that is blasted as racism. sarah jeong has old tweets resurfaced. one said she gets joy out of being cruel to old white men. another is dumb ass blanking white people. the times backed jeong who will join the paper next month. some of the tweets were in response to harassment. she engaged in what she thought at the time was counter trolling. i deeply regret i mimicked the language of harassers. ea sports apologizing for editing colin kaepernick out of the game. in the video posted on twitter, the verse that mentioned kaepernick has been removed. the ea sports edits vulgar content, but the company admits it made a mistake. members of the team misunderstood that they don't have the rights to include colin kaepernick in the game, but


Transcripts For DW Business 20190325 16:45:00

our traffic jams to get to work trying could save frustrated commuters in west africa getting investors on board is another question. and there's more than oil under the sands of libya and truffles on something to be sniffed at. i mean first let's do business talk about taking the twinkle out of south africa's gold and platinum mines a power price hike could see the state the shit around ninety thousand jobs over the next few years that's the warning from the national mining association the government has approved above inflation price increases and david utility. breaking south africa has enjoyed widespread power concert in recent weeks because of the crisis that has come which supplies almost all the country's power but the minerals council warns the power intensive mining industry will be hard hit it's a major employer in a country where a quarter of the labor force is unemployed. they don't he's received more worked as a business correspondent in south africa now what does it's good to have you along what does this story tell you about the state of south africa's blackout bennett tells us that this latest shooting as we call it in south africa. has been the worst we've seen in the country since we started having these problems and the fact that there were no on the questions that people were asking the fact that you had ministers very elaborately explaining what the problem is but couldn't tell you much about the solution was tending to just how bad the situation is this you tube is here for years was warned to invest in the infrastructure it's all starting to crumble something like a cyclon in mozambique where some of the public comes from kenric. put pressure on the grid so this electricity problem is going to be around for a very long time and it's going to be intense then one of our reporters just got back from there and then said she was talking about eight hours a day no electricity eight hours a day and this news comes as well as south africa's most valuable public company wants to list on the euro next stop market in amsterdam i find this quite interesting naspers would be one of the largest internet listings on the exchange south african media group has been around forever century as you know initially a newspaper publisher publisher now a tech giant most tech giants do gravitate towards new york so why amsterdam first of all so listening to bob sunday he made a point he said look this is the neverland's you don't have a hard time convincing people to live in amsterdam. and it's also i mean you're accessing about three and a half trillion dollars of capital that right and that's what they're looking to get more investors to sort of widen that x. is to invest is probably getting some kind of pressure from european investors say come talk territory but also we know that the listing requirements on the your next amsterdam are similar to what you have in the genesis stock exchange so they can keep their board and their management for example and also not to mention that's best does have some kind of a presence in amsterdam definit for about three decades and remain the biggest public company in south africa they will play station he will which is important to south africa because band. the volume just if you look at the stock market on the day trading volume bright not specify about fifty percent so people really also question what's going to have to this truck exchange in south africa but i think if you're looking at from from a wall sort of broad economic basis i think south african public official be interested to know the commitments that they've made to investing in for example south african tech start ups will they keep to that and they were very they went at pains to state that those commitments will stay in place that they will still be looking at to make those billion rand investments when it comes to take start ups in the country but just tell me how does the. tech giant already take a company operate in a company in a country beset by blackouts event small business have been dying in this if you know it's really it's killing a lot of industries the small the smaller pay is i mean these are the guys who once you turn that one customer away if you don't know if they're coming back right it is a difficult environment to operate in but i it's perhaps telling off just the climate that that is happening in south africa right now the fact that companies like these see a potential for earnings outside of the country that illustrate this is necessary aside of the country so i mean this is this election city problem we will go new learn the full extent of just how far this is going to take us as the he is as he is in the days go by but yeah it is difficult especially for smaller players i mean these guys have you know volts of money that they can you know it seems generate is it cetera but it's the really the smaller guys that you have to worry about and not in the business but it must be frustrating for people living there i mean what what does it mean when when the power's out for eight hours in a day what's that mean what can you do it means traffic been right it is just so counterproductive i mean you're not getting away because the traffic lights are up this is a country where you've got a lot of calls on the road public infrastructure isn't great it needs you know a lot of traffic and that means people being late to work and stuff reckons it's really i mean it is far reaching the impact that this has i mean you've got kids sitting across rooms and nothing is working so you can imagine the extent and the frustration you watched i mean i was sort of just watching the conversation you know people just you know being so furious reaction to to sitting in the doll that you know it any given day it's just it's just testament to you know these state owned companies and with the government should be responsible for all of us have some key sectors i guess i mean they talk about them being strategic six's but you to manage it well then what is the point privatization very good question. christine thank you very much for coming and good so she has. now got no once to unclog it's roads and get commuters catching trades it could. proved to be a major driver of productivity growth it could also be great for the environment of course but resurrecting the nation's tiny brail their work and extending it will mean massive investments. traffic in ghana's major cities is a daily frustration for drivers and passengers commuters say they can get trapped in gridlock for hours i mean that. this man. doesn't. instead of a few hours. just into us. you can see that some of the drivers get tired and often cars will collide in traffic. i think if the government can put in place an alternative transport system it would help. the alternative would be a well functioning widespread train network but there are many challenges facing the rail sector. the infrastructure for the development of the rule we stick to in ghana is none exist things in most parts of the country in areas where you will find your lines day in bad shape and threatened by human activities if you are now undergoing repair way. managers in charge of the country's existing railway infrastructure admit that the system has been poorly managed in the past. it's going to have a very rudimentary. level of real infrastructure. and all that we have and which is incorporated in phase one is that which was bequeath to us after the the exit of the colonial administration all of my hundred forty seven kilometers of it that's it. but even with that due to lack of maintenance due to lack of investment from governments successive governments we frustrate degrade degrade it degrade it until it came to you know start from halt. only to train networks are active one in western gonna and the other in the capital but passenger numbers are low the current plan calls for the addition of four thousand kilometers to the country's network at a cost of more than twenty one billion dollars the hope is for backing from europe and asia city planners say the investment is essential. yes their course is a man avoidable. go to erupt in order to evil particularly they are rebuilding their cities the cost is going to be huge but when it is stretched over a. long period you see that is economical. the government hopes to put in place an effective train network in the next ten years with more than ten trains operational within the city centers once funding is secured. all commuters can do is hope the new infrastructure comes sooner rather than later. boeing has wasted no time in getting the world's grounded fleet of seven three seven max eight aircraft back in service the company says it will update pilots and regulators on progress of the new software patch by wednesday representatives from southwest american and united airlines are all expected at a boeing facility near washington d.c. review been new software which still needs approval from regulators. all seven three seven x. eight airplanes remain grounded after three fatal crashes in individual and if you feel. what you order online might not be the real deal the german custom services ease of a five million packages with counterfeit products last year alone that's an increase of more than fifty percent over the previous year of a product's added value of them was two hundred million euros two thirds were shipped from china mostly fake jewelry had bags and sunglasses also electronics like counterfeits not just. maybe a has been chaotic place since the fall of dictator mama gadhafi and twenty eleven different factions have been fighting to seize control of the country but hopes are high at u.n. sponsored reconciliation conference next month could help rival administrations reach a deal libya's huge oil reserves have played a key role in the conflict but it's not the only treasure buried beneath the desert sands. meillard mohamed regularly comes out to the desert to get away from the noise and pollution of the city he says for him exploring the harsh landscape is a kind of therapy one that can pay off along the way he searches for telephones white does or truffles in demand in the gulf states. even the small truffles have a special taste in the past people used to cut the truffles into pieces and dry them that made them softer and they could be used as a spice. unlike in europe religion truffle hunters don't use dogs or pigs to track down the prized fund guy the truffles are often very deep and it takes an experience to know where to dig abundant rain this year has made them more plentiful than usual but that's also driven down prices dealers will only give me a lot mohammed a little over half what he's charged for them in the past so the current rate translates into about fifty euros a kilo but this is not just about money the trouble hunter says his love for the libyan desert will always draw him back. like to get a face the first nice thing business i think. we make up about three quarters of a fix that under budget cuts we are the seven surface of. the want to shape the continent's future. to be part of enjoying african youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges costs a seventy seven percent to g.w.'s platform specific charge. what's the connection between bread flour and the european union dinos guild motto w correspondent alan baker can stripes this cooking line with the rules set by the . team. no. smoking recipes or success strategy that make a difference. baking bread on the d w. e the release. of the good news. be a subject good to see the good news. to me meat presumably eat show some respect good move slow some flooding issues the first place the good news. to slowly should. move a good news cold come up to flock to splat.


Transcripts for CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240604 20:28:00

of course it fact based. there are people in the republican party who are opposed to providing aid to ukraine. you know, they basically think that this is not our fight. the problem with that attitude, though, is that if we don't support the ukrainians, president zelenskyy is very concerned that he will then have much greater difficulty in stemming the russian advances and even rolling back the russians, which of course his plan calls for. >> colonel, it's always great to get with you and get your perspective. have a great holiday weekend. >> thank you, boris. you, too. there is new cnn reporting about the military we want to bring you. it's about the u.s. army's air dp defense units. they are among the most overworked in the military. they are tasked with provides around-the-clock deterrence


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240604 20:42:00

we've added to the debt. both plans, your plan, the democratic plan -- i'm not saying yours specifically, but the republican plan calls for pairing that growth in spending by about 3.5 trillion over ten years under your plan, about 4.5 trillion under the republican plan, but under both plans, the debt is going to climb by tens of trillions. so we're barely, barely adjusting the growth of that debt. the balloon it is. it's ballooning out of control. >> here's what i believe, neil. i am somebody but right now we are where we are. we should be talking and we all need to be at the table. i believe the united states has the responsibility to pay bills and we shouldn't be holding the debt ceiling hostage but we are. >> neil: don't you think the spending is what gets in the way of paying or bills and meeting our responsibilities when we put


Transcripts for MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240604 16:27:00

a fiscal path going forward. the president's proposed budget that would reduce the deficit by $3 trillion over the next ten years, he made commitments to making investments in the u.s. economy. the speaker has an alternative plan. his plan calls for cuts to veteran services, also cuts to the money that we would able to provide to local communities and cutting money for the irs, money that's goinger tos helping to go after tax cheats, who are wealthy, and also to provide services for the american people. we are happy to talk about those conflicting plans and how we can find a path forward. we're not happy to do it in a way that would allow -- that would hold the specter of defaulting to our creditors and seniors and troops. >> thank you very much for being with us. >> thanks for having me. defiant. george santos with no plan to resign his seat as he faces multiple federal criminal charges, including lying to


Transcripts for KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240604 23:15:00

in a c clinical ststudy, the mostst common ininfecs vyvgarart may incrcrease ththe risk of f infection.n. were u urinary traract and respiriratory tracact infectio. tell y your doctoror if yoyoue a history y of infectitions oror if you hahave symptomos of a an infectioion. vyvgart can n cause allelergic reactct. oror if you hahave symptomos of a an infectioion. the most c common sidede efs oror if you hahave symptomos of a an infectioion. inclclude respiriratory tract infefection, oror if you hahave symptomos of a an infectioion. headadache, and ururinary tracact infecti. picturure your lifife in motin with vyvgagart. a treatmenent designeded g a fragment of an antibody. ask your neurologist if vyvgart could be right for you. just as americans are preparing for the summer travel season, president biden today unveiled a plan to force the airlines to compensate passengers are cash when flights are significantly delayed or canceled. but could this lead to higher ticket prices? here's tom costello. >> reporter: the white house plan calls for compensating passengers with cash,


Transcripts for CNN Early Start With Christine Romans 20240604 09:10:00

stephen jane, thank you so much nice to see you this morning. house speaker kevin mccarthy, trekking to the new york stock exchange, asking wall street to get behind republican demands in a deal to lift the debt ceiling. here's our plan. in the coming weeks, the house will vote on a bill to lift the debt ceiling. into the next year. save taxpayers trillions of dollars. make us less dependent upon china. curve are high inflation. all without touching. social security and medicare. the gop plan calls for just a one year debt limit increase, and then the idea would be to roll back domestic nondefense spending to 2022 levels. mccarthy says republicans will try to, uh, you know, finalize and passed their plan through the house in the next few weeks. it is expected to be dead on arrival in the senate, where democrats say it actually lacks the specifics to even be called a plan. the bottom line is we're waiting to see mccarthy's plan. that's the next step. he's the one who's


PAST: Future plan calls for Lodge, industrial expansion

Every generation seems to reach a point where they wring their hands, thinking the world is going crazy. When you really look back through history, though, it seems that the


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