Brother-Sister Screenwriting team announce “One Blood” Pilot Screenplay received the Grand Prize in 25th Annual Fade In Awards on February 1, 2021
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Bestselling Author, Omar L. Harris, and Award-Winning Screenwriter, Sameerah Luqmaan-Harris, announce that their 1-hour TV pilot teleplay “One Blood” (based on Omar’s novel “One Blood”) received the Fade In Awards Grand Prize this week for the TV Pilot/Web Series Competition.
Award-Winning Screenwriters Omar L. Harris & Sameerah Luqmaan-Harris win the Fade In Awards Grand Prize for their TV pilot teleplay “One Blood”(based on Omar’s novel “One Blood ) on Feb 1, 2021.
“We are extremely grateful to the awards committee at the Fade In Awards for this wonderful recognition. It is an honor to be in the company of other prestigious prize winners,” explained, “One Blood” Screenwriters Omar L. Harris and Sameerah Luqmaan-Harris.