Famous actress Vaibhavi Upadhyay of TV and film industry has passed away. The actress was roaming in the mountains with her fiance Jai Gandhi. Then the | BLiTZ
Barkha Singh has been on a spree with back-to-back releases. From winning our hearts with Maahi in The Great Wedding of Munnes to making us fall in love with Sanya from Please Find Attached, Barkha has always kept her fans entertained with her varied
Bengaluru, Sept 17: Xiaomi India, today announced the culmination of the 4th edition of ‘Mi Summit’. Mi Summit 4.0 launched in August was aimed at enabling B-School students to get hands-on experience with real-world business case studies and problem statements. As part of the finale, Umang Agarwal and G Rohan of team ‘Wingers’ from IIM Calcutta were announced as the winners. Aman Garg and Param Mehta from team ‘Please Find Attached’ from XLRI were the runners-up. The teams have been […]
Best Media Info: The two quirky ads, featuring an astronaut and a ghost, highlights that the youth of India wants to watch relatable and entertaining stories – that is hatke or atrangi| Advertising News