house. the dog sniffs and maybe marijuana are you going to call the cops on your kid or talk to your kid? get your kid into rehab. sean: do they have to arrest them? judge pirro: no. sean: there comes a point f you have tough love for your kids, you gotta let them get arrested. probably the hardest decision any parent would have to make. out of love. judge pirro: i ve been to funerals where parents have buried their kids because of drug overdoses. i think parents are taking that extra step. they have the opportunity to do it. we have zucko the dog coming in. sean: i m going to watch it. a couple of legal issues. jacob volkman ever watch ultimate fighting champion . judge pirro: is that the within where they don t wear shoes? sean: it is hard knuckles , great stuff.
it. if this administration is doing things that are breaking the law, darrell issa will get to the bottom of it. greta: is corruption doesn t necessarily mean breaking the law it can be moral in some ways. corrupting the constitution. forget what congressman issa said for a second. if there are politicians who are not going after waste, ap story tonight says the federal emergency management agency hadn t tried to recoup 643 million dollars in improper payments made to victims of hurricane katrina. they got 160,000 of these. at what point f you look the other way, and this goes back to the other administration, what are the american people supposed to do? we have a record level of the amount of you call corruption, money being spent improperly. 125 billion dollars that cbo
it. if this administration is doing things that are breaking the law, darrell issa will get to the bottom of it. greta: is corruption doesn t necessarily mean breaking the law it can be moral in some ways. corrupting the constitution. forget what congressman issa said for a second. if there are politicians who are not going after waste, ap story tonight says the federal emergency management agency hadn t tried to recoup 643 million dollars in improper payments made to victims of hurricane katrina. they got 160,000 of these. at what point f you look the other way, and this goes back to the other administration, what are the american people supposed to do? we have a record level of the amount of you call corruption, money being spent improperly. 125 billion dollars that cbo
undecided. look, i ve got until tuesday to decide. they said good things about mitt romney. they said good things about newt gingrich and they said good things about santorum. so it is impossible to call. bill: here is your headline in the piece. in away game in the south romney may win big. why? we ve seen a lot of attention in the lead up to these primaries here on santorum and on gingrich. could santorum win both and knock gingrich out of the race. could gingrich win both and get out of the race. romney has a lot to win, if he puts. he has lost in south carolina, georgia, tennessee. he won in virginia but we all know it was just him and ron paul. a lot of people don t consider florida where he also won a real southern state. if he wins either mississippi or alabama he puts that narrative to rose. bill: i see. i hear your point f they split the vote again does today prove anything?