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Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Media Show 20240604 23:49:00

journalists. that is very rare i and that's maybe when one of them — and that's maybe when one of them is — and that's maybe when one of them is individual. _ and that's maybe when one of them is individual. i— and that's maybe when one of them is individual. i had - and that's maybe when one of them is individual. i had one i them is individual. i had one in the — them is individual. i had one in the last— them is individual. i had one in the last 24 _ them is individual. i had one in the last 24 hours. - them is individual. i had one in the last 24 hours. it's - them is individual. i had one in the last 24 hours. it's not| in the last 24 hours. it's not that— in the last 24 hours. it's not that common, _ in the last 24 hours. it's not that common, but - in the last 24 hours. it's not that common, but it- in the last 24 hours. it's not that common, but it makesl that common, but it makes sense _ that common, but it makes sense the _ that common, but it makes sense. the world _ that common, but it makes sense. the world we - that common, but it makes sense. the world we live i that common, but it makesl sense. the world we live in, there's— sense. the world we live in, there's nothing _ sense. the world we live in, there's nothing between- sense. the world we live in, | there's nothing between you pressing _ there's nothing between you pressing send _ there's nothing between you pressing send on— there's nothing between you pressing send on your- there's nothing between you i pressing send on your iphone and my— pressing send on your iphone and my back— pressing send on your iphone and my back page. _ pressing send on your iphone and my back page. because i pressing send on your iphone i and my back page. because we take _ and my back page. because we take the — and my back page. because we take the news _ and my back page. because we take the news quite _ and my back page. because we take the news quite rightly, - take the news quite rightly, and — take the news quite rightly, and because _ take the news quite rightly, and because there's - take the news quite rightly, and because there's so - take the news quite rightly, i and because there's so much support— and because there's so much support for— and because there's so much support for the _ and because there's so much support for the players,. - and because there's so much support for the players,. we| support for the players,. we know — support for the players,. we know that _ support for the players,. we know that these _ support for the players,. we know that these players - support for the players,. we know that these players are i know that these players are going — know that these players are going to _ know that these players are going to walk— know that these players are going to walk off _ know that these players are going to walk off the - know that these players are going to walk off the pitch i going to walk off the pitch because _ going to walk off the pitch because they're _ going to walk off the pitch because they're disgusted going to walk off the pitch - because they're disgusted with the racist — because they're disgusted with the racist abuse. _ because they're disgusted with the racist abuse. it's _ because they're disgusted with the racist abuse. it's been- the racist abuse. it's been going _ the racist abuse. it's been going on— the racist abuse. it's been going on for— the racist abuse. it's been going on for 30 _ the racist abuse. it's been going on for 30 or- the racist abuse. it's been going on for 30 or 40 - the racist abuse. it's been. going on for 30 or 40 years in football _ going on for 30 or 40 years in football l— going on for 30 or 40 years in football. ~ �* , going on for 30 or 40 years in football. ,, �* , ., football. i think it's an excellent _ football. i think it's an excellent point - football. i think it's an l excellent point because football. i think it's an . excellent point because it brings up on this idea that we tap into, that there is a contradiction in social media.


El Celta pone rumbo a Marbella esta tarde

El Celta pone rumbo a Marbella esta tarde LA VOZ VIGO 11 jul 2021 . Actualizado a las 05:00 h. Celta pone hoy rumbo a Marbella para iniciar una nueva etapa de la pretemporada. El conjunto que dirige Eduardo Coudet, y que se puso en marcha hace justo una semana, lleva ocho entrenamientos en sus piernas después de haber completado dos sesiones dobles que inicialmente iban a ser tres. La estancia del conjunto vigués en tierras andaluzas se prolongará hasta el 25 de julio y durante este período está previsto que hagan uso de las instalaciones del Atalaya Football Pitches & Resort. El equipo repite así en parte la pauta del año 2014, cuando también se desplazaron a esta localidad malagueña para un stage cuando Eduardo Berizzo estaba al frente del equipo.


El Celta retorna Marbella siete años después y rompe la tendencia de las últimas pretemporadas

El Celta retorna a Marbella siete años después y rompe la tendencia de las últimas pretemporadas la voz VIGO 01 jul 2021 . Actualizado a las 21:15 h. El Celta hizo en agosto pasado toda la pretemporada en Vigo, entrenando en A Madroa y jugando en Balaídos. En los dos años anteriores, Portonovo había sido su punto de destino y el campo de Baltar, el centro de operaciones, pero en el 2021, Eduardo Coudet rompe la tendencia y se lleva al equipo concentrado a Marbella. Será desde el día 11 hasta el 25 de julio y en la segunda etapa de un período de preparación que comenzará el lunes 5 en la ciudad deportiva de Mos.


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