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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20141217

>> live, from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. >> another soaker tonight. parts of the bay area have now received a foot of rain in less than a week. good evening, i'm veronica de la cruz. liz has the night off. >> i'm ken bastida, let's get right to meteorologist paul deanno. >> another day, another inch of rainfall. it just seems to happen everyday. more rain in the forecast tomorrow. let me show you what happened through the heart of the evening commute. we had another storm system move in. another one that is tapping into the tropics. widespread heavy rainfall. behind that front, not much rain. one heading to the san mateo coastline. how much rain tonight. mount tam, san francisco, saint helena, oakland hills all had an additional inch of rainfall. a half inch extra in san jose. downtown san francisco, we are a couple of drops away from double digit rainfall. 9.98 inches of rain. these percentages are just crazy. san jose is nearly eight times the normal rainfall for december. san francisco, four-and-a-half times as much. oakland, creeping up on 500% and there is more tomorrow. we will talk about that coming up. >> thanks paul. and mark kelly shows us parts of marin are a mess tonight. >> reporter: the marin county board of supervisors declared a state of emergency here today. many going to bed tonight with a muddy creek where they once had a front yard. mud, mud, everywhere, for this homeowner, a quick burst of rain gave her a houseboat. look at this. here is the water mark along the fence. samantha had to drive through it. >> there were signs on the roads and there was still water so driving didn't feel safe at all. >> typically, when water is sitting here on san rafael avenue, this storm drain will get it out. but not this morningful it was clogged with mud. >> have you ever seen it flooded like this? >> no. >> reporter: homeowners bought this pump just in time. it shoots water from the lagoon into the bay keeping these homes dry. but now doesn't feel like a time to celebrate. places like point tiburon marsh are seeing water creeping closer and closer to the holmes and mud slides are taking out roads. >> landslides are always a concern. our hillsides are saturated with water. we are keeping an eye on those. >> reporter: so declaring marin county in a state of emergency, that is important. that now means the county can turn to the state and the federal government for federal assistance. and with damage here estimated at around a million dollars, there's a good than they are going to need that help. live in tiburon, mark kelly, kpix5. driving rain in the south bay as well. this was how it looked along 101 in san jose late this afternoon. slow going. more rain is the last thing this san jose safeway needs. the roof of the store on the east expressway caved in at the last storm. and flooding has closed 101 near the sonoma raceway. this storm brought some of the largest swells of the year. the u.s. coast guard took advantage of the water to sharpen their skills and we rode along when they practiced rescues on the high seas. >> showing the crew how to handle the boat in those conditions and what to expect. >> some waves today higher than 20 feet. take a look at that. and you can get up to the minute forecast and realtime radar on your smartphone. download the kpix5 weather app now available foriphones and androids. delays linger tonight on cal train after a train hit a car. part of the car is wedged underneath the train and will have to be pried out. the southbound train slammed into the prius. no one was in the car and no one on the train was hurt. at the same time, a northbound train hit debris from the crash and trains were halted until the all clear was given. tonight, sony pictures is telling movie theaters they don't have to screen the interview if they don't want to. this is the comedy that has north korea quite upset. it is supposed to open christmas day. cate caugurian on the new threats. >> reporter: this message was posted by the hacking group guardians of peace warning movie goers to stay away from the theaters. it says how bitter fate those who seek fun in terror should be doomed to. the world will be full of fear. remember, the 11th of september, 2001. >> you want us to kill the leader of north korea? >> yes. >> what? >> reporter: the comedy of journalists assigned to kill the leaderover north korea opens nationwide christmas day. while north korean authorities are furious about the film, they don't take credit for the hacking. but some evidence points to either north korea or outside hackers acting as surrogates. whoever they are, the guardians of peace have done real damage wiping out sony files and revealing embarrassing company e-mails. now the group is threatening to deliver what it calls a "christmas gift warning" in the message. whatever comes in the coming days is called by the greed of sony pictures entertainment. there is also a twitter account claiming to be the hackers, the guardians of peace. they are following one account. sony. cate caugurian, kpix5. stars in the movie seth rogan and james franco have canceled their press events. >> it baffles me one of the most backwards countries in the world could have this influence on one of the most powerful countries in the world. >> reporter: charles rahi jun felt compelled to say something. because he has family in korea. he also says he has no regrets about being in the film but he is concerned that people may hesitate to go see it. tonight, militants in afghanistan are condemning a ruthless attack on a school in pakistan. 141 people died when taliban militants attacked the school and started shooting. some of the kids didn't know what was happening. >> he said we were doing our schoolwork. we were doing firing and the teacher told us not to be afraid. that maybe it was a drill. >> pakistani military killed all seven attackers. they were from the same terrorist group that tried to kill the nobel peace prize winner malala. >> it is time for everyone that we should stand up together and fight against terrorism and you should make sure that every child gets safe and quality education. >> malala survived being shot in the head for promoting girl's education. berkeley moved a meeting to a school tonight. this after the city canceled last week's meeting after the protesters threatened to storm city hall. christin ayers was there as council members got an earful. >> reporter: tonight's council meeting was at turns chaotic. there was chanting, occasional name calling. close to 200 people came to unleash a torrent of criticism on berkeley police after protests earlier this month ended with tear gas and rubber bullets. >> if this is not an example of exesive force, i don't know what is. these rubber bullets and tear gas, they need to go. this is an unacceptable use of crowd control. >> the police department used excessive force on very innocent black youth. >> people need to vent. people need to embarrassing express themselves. >> reporter: berkeley's mayor tom bates is listening but he defended the police department. >> we don't want the police to step over the line. >> reporter: for the people who came here to raise hell tonight, the solutions promised were lip service. mayor bates hoped to bring the community together with legal experts to talk about solutions on january 17. in berkeley, christin ayers, kpix5. signs of solidarity on market street in san francisco. these people held up posters of a menorah saying this is no time to celebrate. hash tag haunicaction is trending on twitter. tonight is the first night of hanukkah. the giant menorah was lit at sun down. tonight, the bay area is a step close tore the shot of hosting the olympics. they will put in a bid for the 2024 summer games. los angeles, boston, and washington dc are also being considered. committee says right now, it is a four-way tie with no clear front runner. >> i think we did well. i think we did well. we got our message across. it seemed to be well received. we feel very pleased and we just have to take the next step. >> a decision is expected next month on which city the u.s. will put forward. the winner will go up against the international competition including rome and possibly even paris. >> up against some heavyweights. police say this woman is a thief. her target? bay area start-ups. tonight, how one company is trying to catch her with a dating app. >> riding along when all of a sudden, deer. the scary bay area crash caught on camera next. ,, we want to warn you: it's at graphic. keep >> a bay area bicyclist had his go pro camera rolling when he had a run-in with a deer. it's a bit graphic. silas pavlov was riding near sausalito when all of a sudden, bam. the deer jumps over the guardrail on alexander avenue right in his path. pavlov was a bit banged but otherwise okay. suspects range in age from 18 to 30 for stealing women's jewelry. all of them live in san jose. they have been booked on multiple counts of robbery. this is their mo. here they are walking up to a woman in a parking lot and rip it from her neck. sometimes they punched the victim or showed a gun. police are looking into whether there are more victims. tonight, andria borba shows us what one san francisco company is doing to catch a thief. they have not only called the cops, they have called cupid. >> reporter: people who lock onto tinder looking for a hookup this week may have seen this profile. not looking for love, but a little social media justice. >> how can we get this picture in front of a bunch of san francisco residents? >> reporter: dave peterson, the cofounder of build zoo had video of this woman breaking in. each time, the crook was hungry for apple. >> i was perturbed she had broken in three times. >> reporter: she even stole 11 laptops from the start-up above hims. he was hoping someone would swipe right and e-mail him with info about the burglar. >> this is such a petty crime and criminals have been taught we can do anything. no one is going to investigate it. >> reporter: the tinder app could lead to handcuffs of the nonkinky variety. >> i feel bad for her. she's a redhead. i'm a redhead. i don't like to see redheads get into trouble, but i would like to have my computer back with my pictures of my family and the two days of code i have not logged. >> reporter: he has gotten e- mails from people who think they know two the criminal is. they plan on passing the information along to the san francisco police department. in san francisco, andria borba, kpix5. >> and by the way, david tells us he used his girlfriend's facebook page to set up a face profile. san francisco police are looking for this bank robber. yes. he's poorly dressed as a fake santa. they say he robbed a wells fargo on sutter street near union square on saturday. but here's the twist. this guy was thinking. he walks out of the bank and blends into a crowd of hundreds of people dressed the same way. this thing called santa con. the pub crawl in the city. he blended right in and has not been seen since. tonight, russia is in a full-fledged financial crisis. the ruble has fallen in value. am has stopped online sales of its items in russia while it reviews pricing. the jury says apple did not compete unfairly when it sold ipods and songs that were incompatible with rival music players. the bay area's own green day is headed to the rock and roll hall of fame. [ singing ] >> the top punk group released their first album 25 years ago. this was the first year they were eligible. front man billy joel armstrong says he was so shocked when he found out he had to go for a walk. joe silvan tells us green day was a shoe in. >> these kids grew up on the far extremes of the bay area. willis, canole, vallejo, and the idea of going into berkeley was an exotic adventure for them. >> these bay area kids web onto sell out stadiums, and launch a musical. joel says it was a surprising pick this year, the paul butterfield blues band. you know, there was a wetter hall of fame, the rain guru himself would be there. >> paul deanno would be in it. >> they would have to cancel it because of the rain. [ laughter ] >> it would be washed out. ken, you have been asking me for three years when it is going to rain? >> when is it going to stop raining paul? >> oh, the question changes. i have an answer for that ken. >> stop rain dancing! >> people have been e-mailing me thinking they really do dance. >> we know you do ken, you don't do it on television. we are cloudy, rain free in san francisco. ken was doing the dance and mother nature was watching because it was pouring outside. man was it pouring. right through the evening commute. in that storm's wake, we have a few scattered showers out there. a few may impact you in san francisco and san mateo county. but for the big picture, we are calming things down. 11trillion gallons is how much noah says we lost over the past three years. that is how big the drought is. but we are making up ground. reservoir levels compared to what is average for mid december, mount shasta, lake shasta up 4%. folsom up 19%. and oroville up. boreal, 28 inches. north star, 13 inches of new snow. we are not there, but we are headed in the right direction. the moisture hitting us in the form of rainfall originates south of hawaii working its way all the way up to the bay area. that takes any storm and makes it more energized and juicy. it stops tonight. tomorrow, we have a storm system moving in, but it will only give us a few showers. on friday, we have another storm system moving it. we will get a few showers again. because a ridge of high pressure is womenning in. not only will we see less rain, we will see no rain from saturday all the way through christmas. a ridge is building in. finally getting a break from the rainfall. for the past three years, we wouldn't want to say that, but now, a little too much too quickly. we will see a break for the rain friday night. scattered showers tonight. more showers in the forecast tomorrow. not a widespread soaking rainfall. one more rain chance coming up friday. highs tomorrow, upper 50s . around 60 degrees for san francisco. santa clara, 60. union city, 59. your second wettest december ever. danville, 58 tomorrow. some scattered showers for you in pittsburgh. 57 alameda, sonoma, petaluma. and 55 your high in cloverdale. when we get dry, we stay dry. saturday through christmas of next week. next thursday, we are looking mainly dry. so a loft of rain. a big dent in the drought. frankly, we need a break. we need to let some of this drain off into the reservoirs. we will get it later this week. >> okay good. okay, they call it 13 pounds of terror. this dog, this guy right here, may be the worst pet ever. >> no! >> the unusual adoption campaign that paid off tonight. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, society of silicon valley w caring for a trouble- makera dog -- >> well, there is no sugar coating this one. >> the humane society of silicon valley was caring for a troublemaker of a dog but came up for a clever campaign. instead of advertising his good side, they made a slasher themed video touting the reasons you don't want to adopt eddie the terrible. he attacks the other dogs, he hates sleeping in a crate and he requires a lot of work. and the campaign worked. he has since then been adopted. >> i don't bite. straight ahead, a dazzling top five highlight reel. and iguodala feeling it. dancing. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i am an electric crew foreman out of the cupertino service center. i was born and raised in the cupertino area. it's a fantastic area to work. the new technology that we are installing out in the field is important for the customers because system reliability i believe is number one. pg&e is always trying to plan for the future and we are always trying to build something stronger and bigger and more reliable. i love living here and i love the community i serve. nobody wants to be without power. i don't want my family to be without power. it's much more personal to me for that reason. i don't think there's any place i really would rather be. ...& the warriors...when th lose a's news... the grizzlies...mad >> nba front and center and the warriors, when they lose a game? it's thus. at the grizzlies. made it a 1-2 punch. harrison barnes. inside floater. the man with the busted nose. warriors close the quarter up six and the briseslies made a bold statement. a 20-0 run to start the second quarter. vince carter gave memphis a 10- point lead. into the game now, it is crunch time. shawn livingston. uh-huh. mike conley. scored. golden state couldn't believe it. steve kerr got teed up. and then andre iguodala mocked the rep and he got ted up. they broke their 16 game winning streak, but at 21-3, they still have the best record. today, he appeared relaxed. even if it fell well short of its goals. >> you know, when you are 7-7. and you fall short of your goal at the end of the day, i don't know the word to use. i'm not going to say a bad year, but it was a down year. an unexpected year. i'll put it that way. >> next time you see michael morse, it will be may 8. that is when his new team, the marlins come to san francisco. morris signed a two-year deal. he hit an 8th inning game tieing home run in game five of the nlcs. time now, for the tuesday night top five. number five, jay-z gave up ownership of barclay center just in time. dude, the roof leaks. number four, live one. the incredible goal. they win in a 20-round shoot- out. lasalle needed a prayer to tie it. they lost to american in ot. but man, that shot. rudy gay, poster eyes. serge ibaka. a faceful of awe. and number one, how saint mary lost. a crazy shot to tie it. the score to win it with three seconds left. 73-71. oh. it is a lowly time. >> how about that? >> don't want that. >> told you. top five. >> we will be right back. >> thanks vern. ,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪ it's a marshmallow world in the winter. ♪ (vo)rescued.ed. protected. given new hope. during the subaru "share the love" event, subaru owners feel it, too. because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. we'll have given 50 million dollars over seven years. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ our next newscast is tomorr morning at 4-30. >> david letterman is next. >> our next newscast tomorrow morning at 4:30. check it out. get your road concerns. weather, see you then. >> have a good night. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the world headquarters of cbs television, throughout the solar system and beyond, it's the late show with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now international man of intrigue, david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20141217

>> live, from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. >> another soaker tonight. parts of the bay area have now received a foot of rain in less than a week. good evening, i'm veronica de la cruz. liz has the night off. >> i'm ken bastida, let's get right to meteorologist paul deanno. >> another day, another inch of rainfall. it just seems to happen everyday. more rain in the forecast tomorrow. let me show you what happened through the heart of the evening commute. we had another storm system move in. another one that is tapping into the tropics. widespread heavy rainfall. behind that front, not much rain. one heading to the san mateo coastline. how much rain tonight. mount tam, san francisco, saint helena, oakland hills all had an additional inch of rainfall. a half inch extra in san jose. downtown san francisco, we are a couple of drops away from double digit rainfall. 9.98 inches of rain. these percentages are just crazy. san jose is nearly eight times the normal rainfall for december. san francisco, four-and-a-half times as much. oakland, creeping up on 500% and there is more tomorrow. we will talk about that coming up. >> thanks paul. and mark kelly shows us parts of marin are a mess tonight. >> reporter: the marin county board of supervisors declared a state of emergency here today. many going to bed tonight with a muddy creek where they once had a front yard. mud, mud, everywhere, for this homeowner, a quick burst of rain gave her a houseboat. look at this. here is the water mark along the fence. samantha had to drive through it. >> there were signs on the roads and there was still water so driving didn't feel safe at all. >> typically, when water is sitting here on san rafael avenue, this storm drain will get it out. but not this morningful it was clogged with mud. >> have you ever seen it flooded like this? >> no. >> reporter: homeowners bought this pump just in time. it shoots water from the lagoon into the bay keeping these homes dry. but now doesn't feel like a time to celebrate. places like point tiburon marsh are seeing water creeping closer and closer to the holmes and mud slides are taking out roads. >> landslides are always a concern. our hillsides are saturated with water. we are keeping an eye on those. >> reporter: so declaring marin county in a state of emergency, that is important. that now means the county can turn to the state and the federal government for federal assistance. and with damage here estimated at around a million dollars, there's a good than they are going to need that help. live in tiburon, mark kelly, kpix5. driving rain in the south bay as well. this was how it looked along 101 in san jose late this afternoon. slow going. more rain is the last thing this san jose safeway needs. the roof of the store on the east expressway caved in at the last storm. and flooding has closed 101 near the sonoma raceway. this storm brought some of the largest swells of the year. the u.s. coast guard took advantage of the water to sharpen their skills and we rode along when they practiced rescues on the high seas. >> showing the crew how to handle the boat in those conditions and what to expect. >> some waves today higher than 20 feet. take a look at that. and you can get up to the minute forecast and realtime radar on your smartphone. download the kpix5 weather app now available foriphones and androids. delays linger tonight on cal train after a train hit a car. part of the car is wedged underneath the train and will have to be pried out. the southbound train slammed into the prius. no one was in the car and no one on the train was hurt. at the same time, a northbound train hit debris from the crash and trains were halted until the all clear was given. tonight, sony pictures is telling movie theaters they don't have to screen the interview if they don't want to. this is the comedy that has north korea quite upset. it is supposed to open christmas day. cate caugurian on the new threats. >> reporter: this message was posted by the hacking group guardians of peace warning movie goers to stay away from the theaters. it says how bitter fate those who seek fun in terror should be doomed to. the world will be full of fear. remember, the 11th of september, 2001. >> you want us to kill the leader of north korea? >> yes. >> what? >> reporter: the comedy of journalists assigned to kill the leaderover north korea opens nationwide christmas day. while north korean authorities are furious about the film, they don't take credit for the hacking. but some evidence points to either north korea or outside hackers acting as surrogates. whoever they are, the guardians of peace have done real damage wiping out sony files and revealing embarrassing company e-mails. now the group is threatening to deliver what it calls a "christmas gift warning" in the message. whatever comes in the coming days is called by the greed of sony pictures entertainment. there is also a twitter account claiming to be the hackers, the guardians of peace. they are following one account. sony. cate caugurian, kpix5. stars in the movie seth rogan and james franco have canceled their press events. >> it baffles me one of the most backwards countries in the world could have this influence on one of the most powerful countries in the world. >> reporter: charles rahi jun felt compelled to say something. because he has family in korea. he also says he has no regrets about being in the film but he is concerned that people may hesitate to go see it. tonight, militants in afghanistan are condemning a ruthless attack on a school in pakistan. 141 people died when taliban militants attacked the school and started shooting. some of the kids didn't know what was happening. >> he said we were doing our schoolwork. we were doing firing and the teacher told us not to be afraid. that maybe it was a drill. >> pakistani military killed all seven attackers. they were from the same terrorist group that tried to kill the nobel peace prize winner malala. >> it is time for everyone that we should stand up together and fight against terrorism and you should make sure that every child gets safe and quality education. >> malala survived being shot in the head for promoting girl's education. berkeley moved a meeting to a school tonight. this after the city canceled last week's meeting after the protesters threatened to storm city hall. christin ayers was there as council members got an earful. >> reporter: tonight's council meeting was at turns chaotic. there was chanting, occasional name calling. close to 200 people came to unleash a torrent of criticism on berkeley police after protests earlier this month ended with tear gas and rubber bullets. >> if this is not an example of exesive force, i don't know what is. these rubber bullets and tear gas, they need to go. this is an unacceptable use of crowd control. >> the police department used excessive force on very innocent black youth. >> people need to vent. people need to embarrassing express themselves. >> reporter: berkeley's mayor tom bates is listening but he defended the police department. >> we don't want the police to step over the line. >> reporter: for the people who came here to raise hell tonight, the solutions promised were lip service. mayor bates hoped to bring the community together with legal experts to talk about solutions on january 17. in berkeley, christin ayers, kpix5. signs of solidarity on market street in san francisco. these people held up posters of a menorah saying this is no time to celebrate. hash tag haunicaction is trending on twitter. tonight is the first night of hanukkah. the giant menorah was lit at sun down. tonight, the bay area is a step close tore the shot of hosting the olympics. they will put in a bid for the 2024 summer games. los angeles, boston, and washington dc are also being considered. committee says right now, it is a four-way tie with no clear front runner. >> i think we did well. i think we did well. we got our message across. it seemed to be well received. we feel very pleased and we just have to take the next step. >> a decision is expected next month on which city the u.s. will put forward. the winner will go up against the international competition including rome and possibly even paris. >> up against some heavyweights. police say this woman is a thief. her target? bay area start-ups. tonight, how one company is trying to catch her with a dating app. >> riding along when all of a sudden, deer. sudden, deer. the it's the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog, todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ] you should've stuck to softball! i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. where's your wife, todd? vacation. discounts like homeowners', multi-policy -- i got a discount on this ham. i've got the meat sweats. this is good ham, diane. paperless discounts -- give it a rest, flo. fast-acting advil is designed with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core technology stopping headaches and other tough pain. fast. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. we want to warn you: it's at graphic. keep a ad >> a bay area bicyclist had his go pro camera rolling when he had a run-in with a deer. it's a bit graphic. silas pavlov was riding near sausalito when all of a sudden, bam. the deer jumps over the guardrail on alexander avenue right in his path. pavlov was a bit banged but otherwise okay. suspects range in age from 18 to 30 for stealing women's jewelry. all of them live in san jose. they have been booked on multiple counts of robbery. this is their mo. here they are walking up to a woman in a parking lot and rip it from her neck. sometimes they punched the victim or showed a gun. police are looking into whether there are more victims. tonight, andria borba shows us what one san francisco company is doing to catch a thief. they have not only called the cops, they have called cupid. >> reporter: people who lock onto tinder looking for a hookup this week may have seen this profile. not looking for love, but a little social media justice. >> how can we get this picture in front of a bunch of san francisco residents? >> reporter: dave peterson, the cofounder of build zoo had video of this woman breaking in. each time, the crook was hungry for apple. >> i was perturbed she had broken in three times. >> reporter: she even stole 11 laptops from the start-up above hims. he was hoping someone would swipe right and e-mail him with info about the burglar. >> this is such a petty crime and criminals have been taught we can do anything. no one is going to investigate it. >> reporter: the tinder app could lead to handcuffs of the nonkinky variety. >> i feel bad for her. she's a redhead. i'm a redhead. i don't like to see redheads get into trouble, but i would like to have my computer back with my pictures of my family and the two days of code i have not logged. >> reporter: he has gotten e- mails from people who think they know two the criminal is. they plan on passing the information along to the san francisco police department. in san francisco, andria borba, kpix5. >> and by the way, david tells us he used his girlfriend's facebook page to set up a face profile. san francisco police are looking for this bank robber. yes. he's poorly dressed as a fake santa. they say he robbed a wells fargo on sutter street near union square on saturday. but here's the twist. this guy was thinking. he walks out of the bank and blends into a crowd of hundreds of people dressed the same way. this thing called santa con. the pub crawl in the city. he blended right in and has not been seen since. tonight, russia is in a full-fledged financial crisis. the ruble has fallen in value. am has stopped online sales of its items in russia while it reviews pricing. the jury says apple did not compete unfairly when it sold ipods and songs that were incompatible with rival music players. the bay area's own green day is headed to the rock and roll hall of fame. [ singing ] >> the top punk group released their first album 25 years ago. this was the first year they were eligible. front man billy joel armstrong says he was so shocked when he found out he had to go for a walk. joe silvan tells us green day was a shoe in. >> these kids grew up on the far extremes of the bay area. willis, canole, vallejo, and the idea of going into berkeley was an exotic adventure for them. >> these bay area kids web onto sell out stadiums, and launch a musical. joel says it was a surprising pick this year, the paul butterfield blues band. you know, there was a wetter hall of fame, the rain guru himself would be there. >> paul deanno would be in it. >> they would have to cancel it because of the rain. [ laughter ] >> it would be washed out. ken, you have been asking me for three years when it is going to rain? >> when is it going to stop raining paul? >> oh, the question changes. i have an answer for that ken. >> stop rain dancing! >> people have been e-mailing me thinking they really do dance. >> we know you do ken, you don't do it on television. we are cloudy, rain free in san francisco. ken was doing the dance and mother nature was watching because it was pouring outside. man was it pouring. right through the evening commute. in that storm's wake, we have a few scattered showers out there. a few may impact you in san francisco and san mateo county. but for the big picture, we are calming things down. 11trillion gallons is how much noah says we lost over the past three years. that is how big the drought is. but we are making up ground. reservoir levels compared to what is average for mid december, mount shasta, lake shasta up 4%. folsom up 19%. and oroville up. boreal, 28 inches. north star, 13 inches of new snow. we are not there, but we are headed in the right direction. the moisture hitting us in the form of rainfall originates south of hawaii working its way all the way up to the bay area. that takes any storm and makes it more energized and juicy. it stops tonight. tomorrow, we have a storm system moving in, but it will only give us a few showers. on friday, we have another storm system moving it. we will get a few showers again. because a ridge of high pressure is womenning in. not only will we see less rain, we will see no rain from saturday all the way through christmas. a ridge is building in. finally getting a break from the rainfall. for the past three years, we wouldn't want to say that, but now, a little too much too quickly. we will see a break for the rain friday night. scattered showers tonight. more showers in the forecast tomorrow. not a widespread soaking rainfall. one more rain chance coming up friday. highs tomorrow, upper 50s . around 60 degrees for san francisco. santa clara, 60. union city, 59. your second wettest december ever. danville, 58 tomorrow. some scattered showers for you in pittsburgh. 57 alameda, sonoma, petaluma. and 55 your high in cloverdale. when we get dry, we stay dry. saturday through christmas of next week. next thursday, we are looking mainly dry. so a loft of rain. a big dent in the drought. frankly, we need a break. we need to let some of this drain off into the reservoirs. we will get it later this week. >> okay good. okay, they call it 13 pounds of . or this dog, this guy right here, may be the worst pet ever. >> no! >> the unusual adoption ,,,, this is the time of the year when the flu starts to spread. before the first sneeze, help protect with a spray. before the first tissue, help defend with a wipe. and help prevent with lysol. to get ten times more protection and kill 99.9% of germs around the house. this season, help protect your family with lysol. start healthing. the sleepless night. (cough). (baby crying). sorry. robitussin dm max nighttime's dual action liquid instantly soothes your throat and delivers fast, powerful cough relief. robitussin. don't suffer the coughequences. society of silicon valley w caring for a trouble- makera dog -- >> well, there is no sugar coating this one. >> the humane society of silicon valley was caring for a troublemaker of a dog but came up for a clever campaign. instead of advertising his good side, they made a slasher themed video touting the reasons you don't want to adopt eddie the terrible. he attacks the other dogs, he hates sleeping in a crate and he requires a lot of work. and the campaign worked. he has since then been adopted. >> i don't bite. straight ahead, a dazzling straight ahead, a dazzling top five highlight ,,,,,,,, straight ahead, a dazzling top five highlight ,,,,,,,, [ high-pitched ] nailed it! [ normal voice ] you're right, that was really easy. i know, i told you so. on, you can compare our progressive direct rates with our competitors' rates, so shopping is easy. you don't sound like flo. [high-pitched] yeah, i do. [ clears throat ] who you talking to? [ normal voice ] what? what's on your hand? noth-- my wedding ring. [chuckles] symbol of our love and understanding. comparing rates for you. now that's progressive. [ high-pitched ] nailed it! ...& the warriors...when th lose a's news... the grizzlies...m >> nba front and center and the warriors, when they lose a game? it's thus. at the grizzlies. made it a 1-2 punch. harrison barnes. inside floater. the man with the busted nose. warriors close the quarter up six and the briseslies made a bold statement. a 20-0 run to start the second quarter. vince carter gave memphis a 10- point lead. into the game now, it is crunch time. shawn livingston. uh-huh. mike conley. scored. golden state couldn't believe it. steve kerr got teed up. and then andre iguodala mocked the rep and he got ted up. they broke their 16 game winning streak, but at 21-3, they still have the best record. today, he appeared relaxed. even if it fell well short of its goals. >> you know, when you are 7-7. and you fall short of your goal at the end of the day, i don't know the word to use. i'm not going to say a bad year, but it was a down year. an unexpected year. i'll put it that way. >> next time you see michael morse, it will be may 8. that is when his new team, the marlins come to san francisco. morris signed a two-year deal. he hit an 8th inning game tieing home run in game five of the nlcs. time now, for the tuesday night top five. number five, jay-z gave up ownership of barclay center just in time. dude, the roof leaks. number four, live one. the incredible goal. they win in a 20-round shoot- out. lasalle needed a prayer to tie it. they lost to american in ot. but man, that shot. rudy gay, poster eyes. serge ibaka. a faceful of awe. and number one, how saint mary lost. a crazy shot to tie it. the score to win it with three seconds left. 73-71. oh. it is a lowly time. >> how about that? >> don't want that. >> don't want that. >> to and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. our next newscast is tomorr morning at 4-30. >> david letterman is next. >> our next newscast tomorrow morning at 4:30. check it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the following is a paid presentation for the nescafé dolce gusto. okay, the truth? i want it every morning. i mean, i just gotta have it, it is the best way to start my day. and it's got to be really, really good... it's gotta be sweet. and it's gotta be smooth. i like it hot and steamy. strong, dark and bold. i gotta have it when i want it and how i want it. and it has to be extremely satisfying. don't go away, because i'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse. ♪ so every morning, i need a nice, great-tasting cappuccino to get me started. hey, i'm mario lopez, and i am a flat-out


Where to see artworks in Marin

Where to see artworks in Marin - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Where to see artworks in Marin

Aerena Galleries & Gardens: 53 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 707-603-8787; Through February: “Metallurgic,” aluminum paintings by James Armstrong and sculptures by David Tanych. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. Anthony Meier: 21 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 415-351-1400; Through April 12: “All Glass,” glassworks by Larry Bell. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. […]


Where to see artworks in Marin

Aerena Galleries & Gardens: 53 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 707-603-8787; Through February: “Metallurgic,” aluminum paintings by James Armstrong and sculptures by David Tanych. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. Anthony Meier: 21 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 415-351-1400; Through April 12: “All Glass,” glassworks by Larry Bell. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. […]


Where to see artworks in Marin

Aerena Galleries & Gardens: 53 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 707-603-8787; Through February: “Metallurgic,” aluminum paintings by James Armstrong and sculptures by David Tanych. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. Anthony Meier: 21 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 415-351-1400; Feb. 9 through April 12: “All Glass,” glassworks by Larry Bell. 10 a.m. to […]


Where to see artworks in Marin

Aerena Galleries & Gardens: 53 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 707-603-8787; Through Feb. 29: “24×24 In ’24,” an exhibit of artworks with 24-inch-by-24-inch dimensions. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. Anthony Meier: 21 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 415-351-1400; Feb. 9 through April 12: “All Glass,” glassworks by Larry Bell. 10 a.m. to […]


Where to see artworks in Marin

Aerena Galleries & Gardens: 53 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 707-603-8787; Through Feb. 29: “24×24 In ’24,” an exhibit of artworks with 24-inch-by-24-inch dimensions. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. Anthony Meier: 21 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 415-351-1400; Feb. 9 through April 12: “All Glass,” glassworks by Larry Bell. 10 a.m. to […]


Where to see artworks in Marin

Artiquity Gallery: 2 Inverness Way North, Inverness; 415-669-4229; Ongoing: Works by Kim Ford Kitz, co-owner of Artiquity Gallery. Noon to 5 p.m. Fridays through Sundays. Artist Within — a Cedars Gallery: 603 San Anselmo Ave., San Anselmo; 415-454-2568; Through Feb. 16: “Cedars Squared,” featuring drawings, paintings, sculpture, jewelry, woven goods and more by Cedars artists. […]


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