Background: Evaluation and interpretation of the literature on obstructive sleep apnea is needed to consolidate and summarize key factors important for clinical management of the OSA adult patient. Toward this goal, an international collaborative of multidisciplinary experts in sleep apnea evaluation and treatment have produced the International Consensus statement on Obstructive Sleep Apnea (ICS:OSA). Methods: Using previously defined methodology, focal topics in OSA were assigned as literature review (LR), evidence-based review (EBR), or evidence-based review with recommendations (EBR-R) formats. Each topic incorporated the available and relevant evidence which was summarized and graded on study quality. Each topic and section underwent iterative review and the ICS:OSA was created and reviewed by all authors for consensus. Results: The ICS:OSA addresses OSA syndrome definitions, pathophysiology, epidemiology, risk factors for disease, screening methods, diagnostic testing types, mult
Sleep disturbances are consistently high throughout the course of psychosis, with later stages associated with distinctive brain wave activity during sleep, new research suggests.
Malaysia: Mean oxygen saturation (SpO2), per cent SPO2 < 90% and minimum SPO2 are critical prognostic indicators of central auditory dysfunction in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a.
Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine have discovered how obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) changes the profiles of immune cells in the blood, leading to a unique cellular signature that can accurately detect obstructive sleep apnea in children.