another. no silver bullet. is your money safe? is your job safe? jesse: everybody was hurting and we needed help. in a moment of fear, we elected a rookie senator from illinois, barack obama. he promised hope and change. but the first thing he did was bail out wall street instead of main street and something snapped. this is america. how many of you people want to pay for your neighbor s mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can t pay their bills? raise your hand? [crowd boos] president obama, are you listening? jesse: the bankers that wrecked the economy got bailed out. snagged pope newses and not a sing get one went to jail. at that moment a tea party was bon. big government in bed with big business while americans got shafted. it wasn t just the right that got angry. years later occupy wall street took over the park in manhattan and socialists could smell something was fishy. town halls started getting a little rowdy, remember that? stay out of my business.
people graffitiing and tagging freeway signs that we had to put barbed wire around them and now city council, people are saying please stop sending me your poop shoots. wait a minute. i think i went a little south there. poop shots. the point is. this it s gut check time whether there is poop coming out of your gut or not, we need to stop at this point and go we have freeways with barb wire. we have poop sailing through the air. maybe it s time to we shape los angeles like an etch and sketch and stop anew. jesse: if you are a foreign national free laundry service, xbox and free cu can you recally appropriate hot meals with private security on your own island, adam. i don t know what s going on. maybe you should let more illegals into l.a. and move into one of those camps for more creature comfort. it would have definitely been an upgrade from the room i grew up in. jesse: mine too.