andrea as much as your solution makes total sense it will not become policy of this white house. we ve never seen a more nix i don t nixonian handling of press. they wanted it press revolted. kennedy: 38 press organizations banded together. andrea: setting up a golf match. when james rosen was being investigated under espionage act by department of justice the press had visceral reaction. andrea: they were shut out of him golfing and our own ed henry stood up, leading the white house press corps at the time, he said enough of this. we have been shut out too long. that is not happening. kennedy: you know what is happening? way too crowded presidential field. 14 sill in the race. very interesting changes in the polls. how republicans stack up against hillary. it is not good news for the presumptive democratic nominee.
for the president to say journalists should not be at legal risk for doing their job but his guy is doing that, it seems incredible. it has to be evaluated based on the history. the fox news chairman talked about it in a statement to the people at fox news that there is an era of intimidation going on. we saw it in the mccarthy era when people were afraid, when the press were afraid. when the press became poodles for the people running the country. fox news is not a collection of poodles. fox news understands when they are free the country can be free. the government s enemies need to be free no matter what happens. amen. unfortunately, fox and press organizations have been declared enemies of the state. we have to get back on track. if the president can do it, that s wonderful. we ll watch for that meeting between the a.p., fox, the times
release those court papers and allow us in the case to speak a little bit more freely to the lawyers and get a little more information. casey steegal s life in colorado with more on this. casey? reporter: yeah, jenna. if he s present, this will be 24-year-old james holmes third time before the judge. you know, obviously, he has the right to attend today s hearing, although legal experts say he also has the right to waive today s appearance because as you said, really, this particular hearing is all about the media. twenty-one press organizations including the fox news channel are fighting to have the court documents unsealed and the gag order loosened. the motion argues that this lockdown of information essentially violates the public s right of access to records of criminal prosecutions, but the lawyers fear that this could jeopardize the accused gunman s right to a fair trial. the prosecution cares about the record in this case.
within china? social unrest within china. people wanting more and saying let s go occupy the great wall? well, yeah, they occupied tiananmen square and that didn t work out too well. anywhere you go in china every day you ll see a protest, but they re kind of smart about how they handle it. they don t beat people and lock them all in jail. what they make sure doesn t happen is that one protest doesn t link up with the one around the corner. so they re all essentially isolated local incidents. and they ve pulled the plug on the internet. they re the most draconian policies on use of the internet than any other major country in the world. lots of press organizations are trying to do something about it with little success. yeah, i mean they ve got 400 million registered users.
always speculate in my mind, but i don t want to do it here, as to who would gain from the fall of herman cain? i don t think the liberals would be after him at this point. he doesn t look like the nominee. but who would be after him would be a fellow conservative who s competing with him to go on against mitt romney. that doesn t tell you who did it, it simply gives you a possible motive for someone. and you heard herman cain today call it a witch hunt, and obviously conservatives are blaming it on the liberal media. but i will say, i think there have been rumors about this swirling around his campaign, swirling around press organizations. and you know, kudos to you, j-mar, for breaking this thing you mean rumors of this particular nature, the harassment issue? yes, this particular incident. specifically, that j-mar so masterfully reported on in politico. my ex-colleague, hats off to you. thank you.