Princeton University seniors David Amelemah, Zachariah Sippy and Jack Thompson have been awarded the Henry Richardson Labouisse 1926 Prize to pursue international civic engagement projects for one year following graduation.
Event is open to all, registration not required. Venue: Room A71, Louis A. Simpson International Building, Princeton, University Programme 12:00 – 14:00 12:00 – 12:20 Lunch 12:20 Introduction: Tania Sharmin, Fung Global Fellow 2022-23, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, Princeton University 12:30 Speaker 1: Dr. Juliet Patricia Davis, Professor and Head of School, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Wales U.K. Talk Title: Urban Design and Atmospheres of Health 13:00 Speaker 2: Dr Masa Noguchi, Associate Professor in Environmental Design, Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne, Australia Talk Title: ZEMCH Environmental Experience Design Research Overview 13:30 – 14:00 Q/A and Discussion Convener: Tania Sharmin is a Visiting research scholar and Fung
GUEST SPEAKERS Luis Tapia, CIDES, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Columbia University Bruno Bosteels, Columbia University Today's call for diversity in the United States quite often reduces itself to body counts. René Zavaleta Mercado (1937-1984) confronted the question of respecting diversity in the analysis of social reality in the twentieth century. Luis Tapia’s Towards a History of the National-Popular in Bolivia, now translated into English for the first time, confronts this question not only in terms of mere inclusion and exclusion but in terms of a "motley" social situation, devising methodology to represent its demand. It is time that we in the United States take this text out of its silo and use it to think diversity beyond the inevitably hierarchized "intersection" model. Luis Tapia, an imaginative activist, is the best expert on Zavaleta we have. In his book, The Production of Local Knowledge: History and Po
After a three-year-hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Jadwin Gym was again bursting with pride during the Service Recognition Luncheon on April 5, the annual tradition celebrating Princeton employee service and achievement. There were 478 employees service honorees, along with six staff members who were named as President’s Achievement Award recipients and two employees who received the Donald Griffin ’23 Management Award.