reality ,one where biden goes fromwrec a globalist wrecking ball thatki is , to a middle clas protector. it s a blue collaa r, blue change. we re seeing, yo cu know, anan economy where builders we built more in the last b two years since i ve taken office. ou the economy s growing at a solid clip.d folks, i hate to disappoint bid them, but the biden economican plan is working. it s working. who said government is dead in america? ali it s alive and well. just some are calling italling the unofficial launch of his 2020 four reelection bid. but it was just more of the same. it was lame acting that he lam brought to the state of the union the same thing. he s just an average. he s joe s really cares.. so many of you felt like you ve just simply been forgotten. amid the economic upheaval of the past four decades, too many people have been left behind wat and treat it like they re invisible. maybe that you watch from home. you wonder whether the path even exists anymore.yo
forward. mm . well, now we re learning that we may have been right.may pulitzer prize winning journalist sy hersh is alleging a new piece that us navy divers laid bombs that destroyed the pipeline under the guise of a nato exercise. ye here and now is michaelun shellenberger, co-founder ofder shelexercise. michael, now this is from public a substract publication. michael, now this is from a single source. ava we ll see where this all leads. but with the available evidencen that we do have, i mean, seems u pretty logical to tsyour thoughts? aura , well, sure.good to and as you pointed out, laura , it s good to be with you. s the author of this piece is a pretty much a legend in journalism. might be one of the most fas american investigative journalist, seymour hersh. he broke in my lai massacre in vietnam. in nineteen sixty eight , hee ma broke the abu ghraib scandal in iraq. he certainly i think most will consider him left of center. he s won every major prize inal. journali