Senior TV journalist Navika Kumar has been named in an FIR registered in Maharashtra's Parbhani district against now-suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma, who had allegedly made objectionable remarks against Prophet Mohammad during a news debate hosted by Kumar, police said on Tuesday. The First Information Report was registered at Nanalpeth police station on the complaint
Protests have been erupting in many Indian cities to condemn the demolition of homes and businesses belonging to Muslims, in what critics call a growing pattern of “bulldozer justice” aimed at punishing activists from the minority group.
The opposition meeting was attended by Kharge, Jairam Ramesh and Randeep Surjewala on behalf of the Congress, , Nupur Sharma, AIUDF, Prophet Remarks Row
With this revelation, the spotlight is now on people in the corridors of power. ATS sources told IANS that there are more than two dozen white-collared people on its radar.