Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai had indicated that his government is likely to take a decision on imposing certain Covid-19 control measures, aimed at containing the uptick in daily cases.
The Chief Minister, however, said that there is no need for any unnecessary panic or worry, as the government has already put in place certain regulatory measures.
With Covid-19 infections appearing to be on the rise, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said there was no need to panic. “We’re taking regulatory measures. There’s no need to panic unnecessarily,” Bommai told reporters. The health secretary will take stock of the Covid-19 situation in the districts and submit a report to the CM. “In a day or two, we will decide on what
The financial capital of India now boasts of a Mumbai Dabbawala Bhavan. Located at Bandra, the Mumbai Dabbawala Bhavan honours the famous 'dabbawalas.' There are around 5,000 'dabbawalas' who work in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) to deliver tiffin boxes to over two lakh people.