Moin Ahamd Mansoori, a bus driver's son from Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, who in his fourth attempt in the UPSC Civil Services Examination made everyone in his hometown proud. On his fourth try, Moin achieved rank 296.
Robin Bansal passed the UPSC by earning an AIR 135 with the goal of becoming an IPS. Aspirants studying for the UPSC Mains Exam in 2023 continue to draw inspiration from toppers like him.
Vijay Wardhan repeatedly failed the examinations for government jobs, but he didn't give up. Eventually, after failing 35 separate tests, he was able to earn the 104th place in the UPSC.
BPSC 67th Mains 2022: Only a total of 11,607 candidates out of the 4.75 lakh students who registered for the exam were successful in passing the BPSC CCE preliminary exam, details below.