New Telangana CM Revanth Reddy heard public grievances at Praja Durbar. Hundreds of people, including women, reached Jyotirao Phule Praja Bhavan in Begumpet Friday morning to submit their representations about various problems to the chief minister. CM Revanth Reddy, who is still staying at his house in Jubilee Hills, reached Praja Bhavan around 10 a.m. and personally heard
Dr M Srinivas, Dean of Employees State Insurance Corporation Hospital and Medical College in Hyderabad, has been appointed as the new head of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) located in Delhi. The decision was conveyed in an official statement by Ministry of Personnel, Pensions and Public Greivances which read, “appointment of Dr. M.…
The Government freed up an area of 12 lakh square feet in its offices and earned Rs 62 crore from the disposal of scrap during a special drive launched in October this year. The information was disclosed by Minister of State for Personnel, Public Greivances and Pensions, Dr Jitendra Singh, in a written reply to questions posed by Muslim League MP, ET Mohammed Basheer, in Lok