Entrepreneurs warn of state budget abuse
The Protector of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople of Serbia Association believes that at this time, there is no justification for adopting a new taxation law.
A public hearing on the draft taxation law took place in the Serbian parliament and the Ministry of Finance claims that the new law is justified by the need to suppress the shadow economy and modernize the taxation system.
Serbian business community, on the other hand, list a number of reasons why this law should not be passed at this time.
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PE Putevi Srbije (Roads of Serbia) to pay 5 million dinars for a new logo
According to the public procurement plan of public enterprise ‘Putevi Srbije’ (Roads of Serbia) in 2020, the company has allocated 5 million dinars for the redesign of its existing logo.
Nova.rs reports that only the company itself or its director, Zoran Drobnjak, can approve for the logo to be paid that much, not the Minister of Construction, Tomislav Momirović, who ordered for the logo to be redesigned.
In the procurement plan 2020, which has become public knowledge, it is stated that this company plans to allocate 5 million dinars for the redesigning of the company’s logo, a figure many times higher than the real market price for such job. Momirovic, as Minister of Infrastructure, said (after the “case” became public), that he will not launch the relevant tender after all.