And grounds will be on monday, november 19th, at 6 00 and i really do urge my colleagues on this school board to come to that meeting. We will be talking about. I am sorry, number 1 6 . You said december 19th . November. I thought that you said december. November 19th. We will be discussing 1950 mission, and other properties that are currently being unused and we have a very detailed plan on how to move forward. So we will do want everybodys feedback. We anticipate having an action item at that meeting to be able to make a recommendation to the full board. So it really is the venue to talk about use of those properties that are not currently being actively used. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner murase. Are there any board delegates to the board to report . All other reports by Board Members . Commissioner maufus . Thank you, president yee, i want to remind everyone from the city select meeting is this thursday, october 25, at 3 30 room 250 at city hall. It is chaired by supervisor ca
To school what other alternatives do they have besides muni . Thank you very much. I think that is a really good question. Part of the in prior years, we werent able to follow up as directly with the students because we did not know who was riding the bus but this year we have that information and so we are planning to send letters and work directly with the families who will be impacted and that is one of the reasons that we want to do it before the enrollment fair so that the children will have the opportunity and the families will have the opportunity to consider information before the enrollment cycle begin and so that is part of the work that we have to do and kind of implementing these changes. Commissioner norton . The other question that i thought of was, around after school, because part of this right has been, i mean, it is trying to figure out how to build capacity at school sites for after school. Do we have any . I mean, are the sites that are still receiving busing for af
Accommodate students . Or is there still. I mean, i guess, what information do we have about Students Preferences whether to stay on campus or go somewhere else and capacity are we building any capacity as far as after school . Yes, and that is exactly the kind of work that we need to do this year and plan to do and the kind of questions that question need to explore to be sure that the Transportation Services are kind of addressing the needs of students and taking into account the need for after school. So, that work is something that is currently, there are discussions about and we are planning to go deeper with that work this year. Commissioner . You are on. Thank you. I wanted to, i dont have the report in front of me so i will have to look at it when i return and probably have follow up questions. But i appreciate what i heard about the goals that we have, but i would like to see, you know, i have to say that i presumed that over time in these three years, we are going to stop tra
November 19th. We will be discussing 1950 mission, and other properties that are currently being unused and we have a very detailed plan on how to move forward. So we will do want everybodys feedback. We anticipate having an action item at that meeting to be able to make a recommendation to the full board. So it really is the venue to talk about use of those properties that are not currently being actively used. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner murase. Are there any board delegates to the board to report . All other reports by Board Members . Commissioner maufus . Thank you, president yee, i want to remind everyone from the city select meeting is this thursday, october 25, at 3 30 room 250 at city hall. It is chaired by supervisor campos and chui and commissioner mendoza and myself and we have one item and that is our ag requirements. I believe that there is a Budget Committee meeting on november the 8th. President yee, we are waiting for confirmation of that meeting, i believe pendi