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Transcripts For KICU 10 OClock News 20131031

from ktvu's noel walker. >> reporter: julie, at that town hall meeting tonight, police said the victim in the weekend's robbery arranged through craigslist to meet the suspect here at the apple store on chestnut to sell him a couple of cell phones. at the last minute, the robber changed locations, and things went downhill from here. this is 19-year-old rommel narvaez. police say they were already in the area around chestnut on sunday, on the lookout for car burglars when the cell phone robbery happened a block away. the suspect used this gun to pistol whip the victim, and fire what they now know were blank rounds. >> this is frightening. i must say, because you don't expect something like this to happen in the middle of the day. 1:00in the afternoon. >> in the marina. >> in the marina. >> you have a lot of folks that are questioning the security of their neighborhood. that's why i think the message from the police department needs to be one of reassurance. >> reporter: not everyone is feeling secure. >> what do you do when gunshots start going off? >> reporter: this woman, who didn't want to give her name says she witnessed the officer involved shooting. ingly ran upstairs, but there was a girl walking by at the time. she knew to drop. i would not know to drop. that's why i was here. >> reporter: now the suspect is in the hospital, expected to recover from his wounds. police say they are happy to have him off the streets. he's wanted in san mateo county for similar crimes. accused of stealing celebrity chef guy fieri's lamborghini. the jury reached their verdict after just one day of deliberations. >> i think max was a very quiet, and took the jury's verdict in a very dignified manner. it's obviously for a 19-year- old to hear the words guilty for an incredibly serious offense, and i think he's well aware of the consequences of that. >> wade is set to be sentenced in december. he was tried as an adult, and his lawyer says wade could face up to life in prison, but he hopes the judge will take into account that the crimes happened when wade was just 17. after today's verdict, the mother of a girl wade was accused of trying to shoot at gave a statement. she said in part, wish he put all that effort he put into the crimes into something more positive, end quote. search teams discovered a body this afternoon that is believed to be that of a missing gold miner from san jose. the body was located about 1500 feet from where the man's camper was found down a steep hill outside nevada city. it appears he either fell, or died of natural charges. the 56-year-old had a gold mining claim in the area, but never returned from his trip last weekend. the owner of a mining supply store says it feels like losing a family member. >> it definitely effects all of us, one way or another. >> she says a miner goes missing about once a year and is often found dead from a heart attack or a fall. an autopsy will be done to positively identify the body, and determine the cause of death. a rush hour accident in san jose started with a big rig accident. then as traffic backed up, seven other vehicles crashed as well. the series of accidents happened on southbound interstate 280 near the meridian avenue exit. the highway patrol says the truck driver suffered moderate injuries. the other accidents happened when the car failed to slow in time. fortunately, no one in those accidents were hurt. caltrans also had to repair a light pole. now to san francisco where police say the driver of a stolen car ran a red light and injured several people. it happened at 10th and geary. a silver suv landed on its roof. police say it was hit by a stolen honda accord that ran the red light. two others were also involved, and a pedestrian was hit by flying debris. a witness says it was chaotic. >> i heard the crash happen, and then i turned, and saw the lexus suv like flipped in the air, and then land and it was just crazy. just crazy happening all at the same time. >> she says that she grabbed a first aid kit and helped a pedestrian she describes as an elderly man. police say the 25-year-old driver of the stolen car is also among the injured. authorities say he is going to face a variety of charges. only on 2, continuing coverage of a story we first broke last night. toll cheats who figured out a way to beat the system, and cross bay area bridges for free. our ktvu investigation discovered a loop hollywood costing californians millions of dollars each year in uncollected tolls. >> tonight, jana katsuyama with a possible solution that no one, at least so far, janas had a seemed fit to implement. >> reporter: that's certainly true. here's the loophole. cheaters can use cardboard dealer plates to cross the bridge and get a free ride. what i've learned is that apparently lawmakers have done nothing to stop it. in california, millions of new and used cars roll onto the streets with nothing but a cardboard placard with the dealer's name. sean driver says the placard is good for business. >> it becomes advertising for us to a certain extent, because our cars out there with our insert right there. >> reporter: as our investigation uncovered, it's not good for bay area toll bridge's bottom line. they estimate that people cheating the system by driving through toll plazas with no official license plate has resulted in $6.1 million in lost toll revenue in the past 12 months. >> our objective has always been to get some kind of temporary tag that's on a vehicle when it leaves the vehicle lot. >> reporter: a goal which the ntc had at the top of its agenda for years. we've learned so far, there's been no political bill. ranchleer says as far as he knows, california is the only state in the u.s. that doesn't require a temporary plate. he showed us samples of other state's temporary license plates, but some dealerships are skeptical of the plan, and wondering how it would work and whether the dmv would be able to handle the additional paperwork. >> could it be done yeah? but the dmv would have to assign us, let's say 100 plates a month. >> reporter: a new law 30 speed up the processing to ten days, but that still doesn't close the loophole. reporting live in walnut creek, janet katsuyama, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> engineers thought that project would take only four years and cost $1.4 billion. it actually took 11 years and cost $6.4 billion. today, contra costa county state senator, announced an investigative hearing next month. he's chairman of the senate transportation committee. committee members want to ensure that big projects in the future, including the high speed rail project stay on budget. the university of california's controversial new president laid out her vision for the 10 campus system tonight. janet napolitano has been on the job for a month, but has kept a low profile until now. heather holmes is live with napolitano's pledge. >> reporter: napolitano has faced criticism for not doing more to stop the deportation of immigrants. she said she's going to set aside millions to help students who enter the country illegally. >> thank you members of the commonwealth club. >> reporter: in her first major speech since being named president of the university of california. janet napolitano addressed a hot button issue. >> let me be clear. uc welcomes all students who qualify academically. whether they're documented, or undocumented. >> reporter: napolitano told the crowd, while homeland security director county she pushed for comprehensive immigration reform. tonight, she pledged additional support. >> i'm going to set aside $5 million this year, right now, with student service centers and financial aid. >> reporter: napolitano has spent much of the time getting acquainted with the university. >> i was invited to pet a shark. i just got here from washington. >> reporter: while napolitano left washington behind, protesters chanted outside of her visit today. >> janet napolitano was responsible for escalating federal immigration enforcement, and deported a record number, more than 2 million immigrants from this country. >> reporter: napolitano also announced an additional $10 million in support for graduate students. and post doctoral researchers. i'm told this money will not come from tuition or state revenues, but rather reserves. reporting live tonight in san francisco, heather holmes, ktvu, channel 2 news. celebrations in boston after the red sox won the world series tonight. defeating the st. louis cardinals, 4 games to 2. it's the first time the boston red sox have won a world series championship at home in 95 years. it's also fitting perhaps that boston came out on top after the tragedy at the finish line of the boston marathon back in april. here in the bay area be, the golden state warriors began their new season tonight. the warriors opened at home at oracle arena against the l.a. lakers. hopes are sky high after the warriors made it to the second round of the playoffs last season. coming up in sports, full highlights from both the warriors opener and the world series. hour by hour, i've got details on your halloween forecast. the temperatures can you expect for trick or treating, coming up. >> also, a heartless heist. >> it's like robbing a homeless person. >> how this theft could leave thousands without help this christmas. >> and right after a new report claims the nsa include getting information from some of the best tech companies in the bay area. why several experts are calling this new report alarming. >> reporter: frank, we received two statements tonight, including one from google, which has long been concerned about what it calls snooping. and users should be concerned as well. this south bay dentist uses yahoo, and google's email services, along with google's voice on her phone. according to a new report, the nsa is gathering information from both yahoo and google data centers. >> it's sort of a little bit of a weird feeling knowing somebody really is watching. >> reporter: a report in "the washington post" based on documents obtained from edward snowden says the government is accessing the information via private link that allows senators to exchange data. >> i'm concerned. it's scary. >> reporter: the head of the computer engineering department at san jose state university. >> the collection of data today is forever. once data has been collected, it stays around forever. so even if it's not meaningful today, it might be meaningful tomorrow. >> reporter: we areout raged at the lengths the government has gone. a yahoo spokeswoman says we have strict controls in case. we have not given access to data centers to the nsa, or to any other government agency. this i.t. professional says he doesn't use either google or yahoo, because he has too many questions. >> what they're doing with the information is the government getting to it? and they're supposed to be protecting us? are they? i don't know. if you don't use it, you don't have to worry about it. >> reporter: one tech analyst warns that the international community was already worried about the u.s. access to data. saying further distrust could significantly have a negative impact on silicone valley's financial future. there are reports google may be building a floating data center on a branch off treasure island. coast guard officials paid it a visit today to say they have been told not to release any details, and google refuses to acknowledge any connection to the barge or a similar one in maine. the director says he's had several meetings about the bark, but the company provided little information. google does own a patent for a water cool data center. this was approved four years ago. the existence of this patent has fueled speculation that the barges are prototypes for floating data centers. facebook issued a strong earnings report this afternoon. third quarter revenue was up 60%, beating analyst expectations. and all important mobile ad revenue was up 14%. facebook's chief financial officer also acknowledged that teens, particularly younger teens are turning away from facebook. in after hours trading, shares were up a fraction. two financial companies filed a $124 million lawsuit today accusing twitter of fraud. the companies say twitter asked them to organize a private stock sale, then canceled it. twitter says it never had a relationship with the firms, and says the suits that had a merit. twitter's initial public offering is expected in the next couple of weeks. stocks pulled back from yesterday's record highs. the big financial news came from the fed. it said that it intends to continue its stimulus program for the time being. new details now in the growing investigation into an assisted living facility in castro valley that was left abandoned with more than a dozen residents inside. rob roth with the new revelations as the fbi joined the probe. >> 64-year-old edmund bascom was last seen at the barge station. >> mr. bascom has been a missing person many times in the past. we don't consider him at risk, but the fact that he went missing during this time period is a little bit concerning to us. >> bascom is one of 14 sick, and bedridden elderly patients in castro valley, after senior officials closed the facility thursday. paramedics were called to the facility that same day, thursday, to help a patient, but didn't see any notices saying the facility was closed. patients were left there for two more days before finally getting help. ingly suspect that they would have started this process sooner than saturday afternoon. >> reporter: the fbi is now assisting in the investigation. the owners of valley springs, also ran another senior facility on fruitvale avenue in oakland. new owners took over in february, changing the name from eaten manor to oak park. >> we didn't have water, we had no food. >> reporter: the new owners describe taking over in conditions it they describe as deplorable. >> it was a rodent infestation, and a cockroach infestation here. so we weren't even able to use the kitchen here until both problems were eliminated. >> reporter: they're asking anyone who sees edmund baskin to please give them a call. >>est laves seen wearing an oakland raiders shirt and fishing hat. clear skies out there now around the bay area, even clear along the coast. there's no fog to speak of there might be a little valley fog. but more sunshine tomorrow. it's going to get colder tonight. 46 in santa rosa. 45 in napa. pretty chilly in the north bay. tomorrow morning, as this morning went, we'll be pretty chilly, santa rosa downtown 38 degrees. 43 in vallejo. you get the idea. tomorrow is another cool start to the day. but we're going to get more sunshine tomorrow. temperatures, today in the mid- 60s, even upper 60s. tomorrow, we're going to see low 70s. we'll talk specifically about the forecast for halloween, and we'll talk about the bay area weekend, temperature forecast. we'll see you back here. a building boom in contra costa county. tonight at 10:30, evidence of i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. avo: at volkswagen we believe everyone deserves a better car. and now, during the "sign then drive" sales event, you're closer to yours than ever. like the turbocharged tiguan the midsize passat or the 34 highway mpg jetta. and every new 2014 volkswagen comes with no-charge scheduled maintenance... ...all for practically just your signature. the "sign then drive" sales event is back. ...and it's never been easier to get a new volkswagen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends october 31st. san francisco 49er linebacker, aldon smith is free on bail tonight after surrendering to authorities on weapons charges. smith posted $75,000 bail and was released. he faces three felony charges. he also faces misdemeanor drunken driving charges for a separate incident last month. smith had been seeking treatment at a rehab center, and it's still not known if he'll return to the team this year. an ex-boyfriend who accused former 49er and raider lineman quinn harris of assault is now refusing to testify against him. however, san mateo county prosecutors say that doesn't mean the domestic violence case will be dismissed. opening arguments could begins a soon as next wednesday. a charity organization dedicated to helping people who are down on their luck is in need of some help of its own tonight after burglars broke into their new building and stole construction equipment. >> reporter: work on revamping this old furniture building continued today, but at a slower pace. >> for this to happen, it's like robbing a homeless person. >> the doors were locked, everything was secured. >> the monument crisis center is so important to the community. us moving to the center to help thousands of contra costa county residents, it's critical we get the job done. >> reporter: it wasn't easy. to get into the building, the crooks first had to break through this heavy gate. then they broke through this door, breaking the knob in the process. once inside the building, they broke into this locked closet, and pride open these two locked containers. >> $2,500 electric jackhammers. there was a lot of big name items in here that were missing. >> reporter: the center helps 13,000 families with a food pantry, a senior center, a summer kids program, and other resources for the poor. none of that stopped the crooks. >> there's a large market for second hand sales for construction tools. also at the recycling center. >> reporter: is so the tools might show up at nearby swap meets. all of this slowed the important work of the center. >> right now, we should be writing grants. we should be serving the public. we should be working on the building. we should be going out and working on the funds. >> reporter: the contractor used tools so the work didn't grind to a halt. in concord, john sasaki, ktvu, channel 2 news. tonight at 10:45, an update on a heavy duty heist we first told you about last week. where these large excay vaders were located, -- excavators were located, and how police found them. the crash that happens when a deputy tries to pull over a suspected drunk driver. soon, californians from to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at new at 10:00, walnut creek is becoming a boom town. city leaders love it, but others say that the downtown area is already bursting at the seams. john fowler is live in walnut creek tonight to show us exactly how and where that city is growing. >> reporter: it's 10:30 on a wednesday night, and downtown walnut creek is still busy. a little more than an hour ago, it took us 20 minutes to find this parking spot. often jammed with drivers, shoppers, and diners. coming is another 3,000 downtown residents and even more retail. >> i lived here all my life, and had a business. so the more the merrier, join the fun. >> reporter: three building projects. two more are approved, another four on the boards. >> we're very excited that the going to be a great addition to the vibrancy of our city. >> reporter: but some say it's too much. >> the city of walnut creek is a little town that wants to be a big city. >> reporter: the farthest along of apartments. there are other projects, including a planned 600 units at a b.a.r.t. station. the city is intentionally requiring less parking than normal. >> we're hopeful that people will take opportunities to walk, to bike, to use b.a.r.t. >> you're going to start to get to a point for people not to come to walnut creek, because it's just too difficult to get parking. >> reporter: i told you last week about plans to double walnut creek parking rates. that demand exceeds capacity regularly. all of this doesn't even include plans, still not approved to expand the broadway shopping center you can see behind me. hearings for that are scheduled in six weeks. reporting live, john fowler, ktvu, channel 2 news. we should know late friday night, whether members of b.a.r.t.'s largest union have approved a new contract. they will vote friday. the union expects to release the results by 11:00 p.m. that same evening. the amalgamated transit union also votes friday. the deal includes a pay raise, along with measures to improve worker safety. >> the contra costa county coroners association released information on the two b.a.r.t. workers hit by a train. christopher shepherd, and lawrence daniels died of multiple blunt force juries. the two men were inspecting the tracks on october 19 when they were struck by that trainment it happened on the first full day of the b.a.r.t. strike. passengers onboard a delta flight from tokyo to san francisco finally landed about 90 minutes ago, after an emergency landing in a remote part of alaska. it was diverted after an engine warning flashed. a replacement plane was sent there to bring everyone back to san francisco. there were 167 passengers, and 11 crew members onboard. that's actually more than the entire population of cold bay. ten people killed in just the past eight days. that's how many lives have been lost in dui related crashes in the bay area and just beyond. the accidents span from sonoma. a woman made it her mission to remind people of the dangers of drinking and driving. >> drugs and alcohol are suspected to be involved in the collision. >> my heartbreaks for the families and victims. >> reporter: she's jody irons. in her office, faces of people young and old, killed by drunk drivers. irons is the executive director of mothers against drunk driving in the bay area. and quite aware of the number of bay area crashes. >> are we disheartened? absolutely, just a tiny bit. what can we say, more simply, more pee vice -- precisely so that people hear the message? >> reporter: 31% of total traffic fatalities in 2011 were alcohol related. >> we never really expect to see four or five dui injuries at once. >> reporter: he will start as the holidays approach, and that includes halloween. >> we know that night is going to be one of those target nights. people may make the choice to drive when they shouldn't. >> reporter: the driving and driving is just not worth the risk. >> there's a saying, you take the first drink, the second drink takes you. your ability to determine if you can drive goes out the window. >> mike also tells us, the driver of that jaguar in the sonoma crash is in critical condition and will face charges. a passenger in his car was killed. also tonight, a stark and stunning look at what a suspected drunk driving incident can look like up close. a sheriff's dash cam caught this chase early yesterday morning in milwaukee. the driver eventually crashed into yellow barrels and the median wall, and then his car spun around, and hit the deputy squad car. both the deputy and the sheriff's deputy were injured, but are expected to survive. the driver was arrested. it is his third drunk driving arrest. i'm tracking just how much the trick or treaters will need to bundle up tomorrow night. >> also, ktvu first told you about stolen excavators worth a quarter of a million dollars. now we learn how they were found, and uncover the black market for heav san francisco police say they found a badly beaten man as a travel lodge motel this afternoon, following a call to check on his welfare. police say they had to kick in the door, and found the man suffering from life-threatening injuries. this happened at the travel lodge on market at valencia street. police say the beating apparently occurred this afternoon, but no arrests have been made. across the bay, a man's body washed ashore in berkely. the california highway patrol says a caller reported seeing a possible body on the shore line about 3:30 this afternoon. it was spotted about a half mile south of university avenue. so far, there is little information on the individual. the case was turned over to the east bay regional parks police. a southern california woman who describes herself as a glass pioneer was ticketed, as she drove wearing her google classes. she gave a talk earlier this month about her experiences wearing google glass. one of the things she touched on was that people might be better drivers if insurance companies monitored them wearing google glasses. she was stopped yesterday, and cited for speeding wearing google glass. a hotly debated case that centers around the making of saracha chili sauce. the city sued the company on monday, claiming the smell of the ground freshed peppers is a public nuisance. some neighbors who lived near the factory complained of burning eyes and throats. >> every morning smells like chili powder, the irritating. >> the city wants the company to bring in a new filtration system. a wakeup call. that's what some people are calling a new fda analysis that found about 12% of spices brought to the u.s. are contaminated with insects, rodent hairs be and other unsavery items. nearly 7% of spice imports were contaminated with salmonella. most of the insects and insect parts are typical of those that would be living in warehouses. spice imports from mexico and india were found to have the highest rate of contamination. the health patrol issuing a reminder to make sure your children can be seen when they trick or treat tomorrow. handing out reflective trick or tree bags, l.e.d. lights and glow in the dark duct tape. it's important for drivers to see the kids so they stay safe as they collect all their treats. so how cold will it get when your trick or treaters head out? at 10:45, chief meteorologist, bill martin's complete halloween forecast. >> and our sports director, mark ibanez is here with tonight's world se new developments tonight in the case of some heavy equipment stolen from an east bay construction site last week. the two excavators have been returned to their owners. why this kind of heavy duty heist is on the rise. >> this is a 307c excavator. >> the decal stripped? >> decals right here. >> reporter: the front bucket missing, but this oakland excavation company did get nearly of 3/4 of a million dollars worth of equipment returned. thieves stole two excavators last week. the leads started pouring in. one call made the difference. >> they actually witnessed one of the excavators being stolen, and gave a very good description. individual and the vehicle. >> reporter: chp investigators found the excavators in east contra costa county, and arrested a 47-year-old clayton man for the climb. they were in a 10,000 square footwear house, and investigators believe there may be other properties in the area that have stolen items. there have been at least 10 pieces of equipment stolen from bay area construction sites in the past year. from bobcats, to 15-ton caterpillars. there is a black market for this equipment. >> they can send them overseas. >> there's always other people who take them, and they hide them, and they reuse them on say another construction site. >> reporter: i spoke to a representative from the united contractors association here in the bay area, he says at his last meeting, there were at least 14 business owners who reported having some kind of construction equipment stolen from their sites in just the last month. monitoring a large pipe break. the break in kentfield sent an estimated 100,000 gallons of wastewater into the soil near evergreen drive. officials say they don't think the wastewater reached cordomadero creek. pg and e workers hanging from helicopters are replacing the high capacity electric lines that cross the bay between foster city and hayward. the work is part of a $10 million project. it is said to be complete by the end of the year. tesla has signed a deal with panasonic to buy 2 billion lithium batteries. they'll be used in the model s and the new model x. tesla's ceo says it will allow them to increase production. the model s is now officially recommended by "consumer reports" magazine. it only received an average reliability rating. still "consumer reports" says the model s is impressive enough to earn its stamp of approval. here's a look at "consumer reports" other top cars. the bmw 135i scored 97 points, fouled by the audi a7, which scored 96. the chevy impala, and infinity g37 sedan. and the toyota camry hybrid xle scored 93 points. it's clear out there. it's getting cool, and the winds are pretty calm. that means overnight lows are going to get down there. might see a little patchy valley fog. obviously, no rain. did get the snow in the mountains a few days ago. that snow still lingering up in the hills, and even in the truckee area. 46 right now in santa rosa. the 40s in the north bay. that's where it's the coolest. that's where it's the coolest now, and that's where it will obviously be the coolest tomorrow morning. some of the cool spots in the north bay, you might see mid- 30s. the winds are calm, and that helps you achieve lower temperatures. the winds warm you up at night, especially in the valleys. it's going to be chilly. maybe a little bit of frost. maybe patchy coastal fog tonight. mostly sunny, and warmer tomorrow, thursday. warmer still on friday. warm and dry as we head into your bay area weekend for the most part. tomorrow is coming up on thursday and we're looking at a weekend not far off. halloween tomorrow, these are the forecast highs. yellows are 70s. upper 60s, low 70s tomorrow, warmer than it was today. and friday is going to warm up more as this high pressure does what, very typical for this time of year. the good thing is this high is not so strong, it's going to create this red flag warning offshore winds. the winds are going to be north- northeast at the higher elevations. going to stay reasonable, and warm us up. not hot, but into the 70s. so we're going to see temperatures as we head into friday into the mid-70s in a lot of places. tomorrow, san jose, you wake up at 47 degrees in the downtown area. that's pretty cold. 72degrees, or around 72 degrees for a daytime high. 73 in brentwood. 74 liver moore. lots of low and mid-70s. friday, i think we'll see more mid-70s. that's the warmer day. saturday, temperatures start to trend down. so this is it. everybody loves october in the bay area, and we're getting a good one. we've got really good weather and we somehow have avoided the last in fire dangers so far. tomorrow, halloween day. the kids going out trick or treating. the little ones go out early. they're going to be experiencing temperatures in the 60s. i wish i had little ones again to trick or treat. i miss that. the weather is going to be great. you know, 60s in the early evening, and 50s by the time the older kids come home. >> i still have an 8-year-old. >> what's she going to be? >> a vampire. >> okay. >> mine are done. thanks bill. mark's here now. the warriors had a great night tonight, but first, we've got to talk about the world series. >> oh, yeah, they're rocking in boston right now. the last time they won the world series at home, woodrow wilson was president and there was no such thing as television. the red sox finished dead last just a year ago. the last two games, with st. louis looking flat and tilt. bases jammed in the 3rd, he loves the situation. off the green monster, with two out. everybody going to score off wonder kid, michael wacha of the cardinals. 4th inning, the red sox pile on three more. the former a's shortstop for the distance. solo homer, and they weren't quite finished yet against the cardinals. mike napoli, who had a great series. a lofter out to right-center. come the 9th inning, this thing was done. uehara, great. not a save situation, but he nails it down. no drama. matt carpenter k's. boston goes bonkers. big papi, hit over .688 in the series. over .700 as far as his on base percentage. of course, he is the series mvp. >> this year i think the people, giving us the third place in the division, maybe the last one, because of what happened last year, it helped us out. we had a little chip on our shoulder that we want to come in and prove everybody wrong and thank god we did. opening night for the warriors, kind of looked like what the lakers used to do to the [ male announcer ] it is more than just a new car... more than a new interior lighting system. ♪ it is more than a hot stone massage. and more than your favorite scent infused into the cabin. it is a completely new era of innovation. and the highest expression of mercedes-benz. introducing the 2014 s-class. the best or nothing. hey for so many years, even back to the days, jerry west, through magic, kareem, the lakers have owned the warriors. maybe the worm has finally tuned. kobe had to watch the warriors version of show time, and that it was. career high 38 for thompson. warriors up after 1. steph curry, kind of a contributor tonight. he rested a lot in the 4th quarter. the play of the night, the newcomer, andre iguodala. what a contribution he will make all year, behind the back for david lee. give it back, and flips it in. this thing was a rout start to finish. the crowd electrified. blowout final. the sharks had to deal with a different situation in their l.a. story. logan couturier. the kings on a power play of their own. kopitar will end it. 2:32 in. 4-3 final. a rare sharks loss. that's the sporting life. seems like the kings have the sharks number. but not the lakers. >> that was a great way to start their season. thank you for choosing ktvu, channel 2 news. if you missed any of tonight's newscast, you >> today on "tmz" -- >> guy fieri was broing down with his hairdresser and things got out of control. >> [bleep] you! >> it was just crazy. >> easy! >> can't use the phrase hair and growing down in the same sentence. >> we have snoop. his son plays varsity high school football. got in a fight he didn't need to. >> he's a young kid. hopefully he learned from it and it will never happen again. >> pretty good. eat weed, so he will calm down.


Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20131031

suspect here at the apple store on chestnut to sell him a couple of cell phones. at the last minute, the robber changed locations, and things went downhill from here. this is 19-year-old rommel narvaez. police say they were already in the area around chestnut on sunday, on the lookout for car burglars when the cell phone robbery happened a block away. the suspect used this gun to pistol whip the victim, and fire what they now know were blank rounds. >> this is frightening. i must say, because you don't expect something like this to happen in the middle of the day. 1:00in the afternoon. >> in the marina. >> in the marina. >> you have a lot of folks that are questioning the security of their neighborhood. that's why i think the message from the police department needs to be one of reassurance. >> reporter: not everyone is feeling secure. >> what do you do when gunshots start going off? >> reporter: this woman, who didn't want to give her name says she witnessed the officer involved shooting. ingly ran upstairs, but there was a girl walking by at the time. she knew to drop. i would not know to drop. that's why i was here. >> reporter: now the suspect is in the hospital, expected to recover from his wounds. police say they are happy to have him off the streets. he's wanted in san mateo county for similar crimes. accused of stealing celebrity chef guy fieri's lamborghini. the jury reached their verdict after just one day of deliberations. >> i think max was a very quiet, and took the jury's verdict in a very dignified manner. it's obviously for a 19-year- old to hear the words guilty for an incredibly serious offense, and i think he's well aware of the consequences of that. >> wade is set to be sentenced in december. he was tried as an adult, and his lawyer says wade could face up to life in prison, but he hopes the judge will take into account that the crimes happened when wade was just 17. after today's verdict, the mother of a girl wade was accused of trying to shoot at gave a statement. she said in part, wish he put all that effort he put into the crimes into something more positive, end quote. search teams discovered a body this afternoon that is believed to be that of a missing gold miner from san jose. the body was located about 1500 feet from where the man's camper was found down a steep hill outside nevada city. it appears he either fell, or died of natural charges. the 56-year-old had a gold mining claim in the area, but never returned from his trip last weekend. the owner of a mining supply store says it feels like losing a family member. >> it definitely effects all of us, one way or another. >> she says a miner goes missing about once a year and is often found dead from a heart attack or a fall. an autopsy will be done to positively identify the body, and determine the cause of death. a rush hour accident in san jose started with a big rig accident. then as traffic backed up, seven other vehicles crashed as well. the series of accidents happened on southbound interstate 280 near the meridian avenue exit. the highway patrol says the truck driver suffered moderate injuries. the other accidents happened when the car failed to slow in time. fortunately, no one in those accidents were hurt. caltrans also had to repair a light pole. now to san francisco where police say the driver of a stolen car ran a red light and injured several people. it happened at 10th and geary. a silver suv landed on its roof. police say it was hit by a stolen honda accord that ran the red light. two others were also involved, and a pedestrian was hit by flying debris. a witness says it was chaotic. >> i heard the crash happen, and then i turned, and saw the lexus suv like flipped in the air, and then land and it was just crazy. just crazy happening all at the same time. >> she says that she grabbed a first aid kit and helped a pedestrian she describes as an elderly man. police say the 25-year-old driver of the stolen car is also among the injured. authorities say he is going to face a variety of charges. only on 2, continuing coverage of a story we first broke last night. toll cheats who figured out a way to beat the system, and cross bay area bridges for free. our ktvu investigation discovered a loop hollywood costing californians millions of dollars each year in uncollected tolls. >> tonight, jana katsuyama with a possible solution that no one, at least so far, janas had a seemed fit to implement. >> reporter: that's certainly true. here's the loophole. cheaters can use cardboard dealer plates to cross the bridge and get a free ride. what i've learned is that apparently lawmakers have done nothing to stop it. in california, millions of new and used cars roll onto the streets with nothing but a cardboard placard with the dealer's name. sean driver says the placard is good for business. >> it becomes advertising for us to a certain extent, because our cars out there with our insert right there. >> reporter: as our investigation uncovered, it's not good for bay area toll bridge's bottom line. they estimate that people cheating the system by driving through toll plazas with no official license plate has resulted in $6.1 million in lost toll revenue in the past 12 months. >> our objective has always been to get some kind of temporary tag that's on a vehicle when it leaves the vehicle lot. >> reporter: a goal which the ntc had at the top of its agenda for years. we've learned so far, there's been no political bill. ranchleer says as far as he knows, california is the only state in the u.s. that doesn't require a temporary plate. he showed us samples of other state's temporary license plates, but some dealerships are skeptical of the plan, and wondering how it would work and whether the dmv would be able to handle the additional paperwork. >> could it be done yeah? but the dmv would have to assign us, let's say 100 plates a month. >> reporter: a new law 30 speed up the processing to ten days, but that still doesn't close the loophole. reporting live in walnut creek, janet katsuyama, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> engineers thought that project would take only four years and cost $1.4 billion. it actually took 11 years and cost $6.4 billion. today, contra costa county state senator, announced an investigative hearing next month. he's chairman of the senate transportation committee. committee members want to ensure that big projects in the future, including the high speed rail project stay on budget. the university of california's controversial new president laid out her vision for the 10 campus system tonight. janet napolitano has been on the job for a month, but has kept a low profile until now. heather holmes is live with napolitano's pledge. >> reporter: napolitano has faced criticism for not doing more to stop the deportation of immigrants. she said she's going to set aside millions to help students who enter the country illegally. >> thank you members of the commonwealth club. >> reporter: in her first major speech since being named president of the university of california. janet napolitano addressed a hot button issue. >> let me be clear. uc welcomes all students who qualify academically. whether they're documented, or undocumented. >> reporter: napolitano told the crowd, while homeland security director county she pushed for comprehensive immigration reform. tonight, she pledged additional support. >> i'm going to set aside $5 million this year, right now, with student service centers and financial aid. >> reporter: napolitano has spent much of the time getting acquainted with the university. >> i was invited to pet a shark. i just got here from washington. >> reporter: while napolitano left washington behind, protesters chanted outside of her visit today. >> janet napolitano was responsible for escalating federal immigration enforcement, and deported a record number, more than 2 million immigrants from this country. >> reporter: napolitano also announced an additional $10 million in support for graduate students. and post doctoral researchers. i'm told this money will not come from tuition or state revenues, but rather reserves. reporting live tonight in san francisco, heather holmes, ktvu, channel 2 news. celebrations in boston after the red sox won the world series tonight. defeating the st. louis cardinals, 4 games to 2. it's the first time the boston red sox have won a world series championship at home in 95 years. it's also fitting perhaps that boston came out on top after the tragedy at the finish line of the boston marathon back in april. here in the bay area be, the golden state warriors began their new season tonight. the warriors opened at home at oracle arena against the l.a. lakers. hopes are sky high after the warriors made it to the second round of the playoffs last season. coming up in sports, full highlights from both the warriors opener and the world series. hour by hour, i've got details on your halloween forecast. the temperatures can you expect for trick or treating, coming up. >> also, a heartless heist. >> it's like robbing a homeless person. >> how this theft could leave thousands without help this christmas. >> and right after the break. yahoo, google, and the nsa. why spying on the massive networks could erode trust in silicone valley. avo: at volkswagen we believe everyone deserves a better car. and now, during the "sign then drive" sales event, you're closer to yours than ever. like the turbocharged tiguan the midsize passat or the 34 highway mpg jetta. and every new 2014 volkswagen comes with no-charge scheduled maintenance... ...all for practically just your signature. the "sign then drive" sales event is back. ...and it's never been easier to get a new volkswagen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends october 31st. i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. a new report claims the nsa include getting information from some of the best tech companies in the bay area. why several experts are calling this new report alarming. >> reporter: frank, we received two statements tonight, including one from google, which has long been concerned about what it calls snooping. and users should be concerned as well. this south bay dentist uses yahoo, and google's email services, along with google's voice on her phone. according to a new report, the nsa is gathering information from both yahoo and google data centers. >> it's sort of a little bit of a weird feeling knowing somebody really is watching. >> reporter: a report in "the washington post" based on documents obtained from edward snowden says the government is accessing the information via private link that allows senators to exchange data. >> i'm concerned. it's scary. >> reporter: the head of the computer engineering department at san jose state university. >> the collection of data today is forever. once data has been collected, it stays around forever. so even if it's not meaningful today, it might be meaningful tomorrow. >> reporter: we areout raged at the lengths the government has gone. a yahoo spokeswoman says we have strict controls in case. we have not given access to data centers to the nsa, or to any other government agency. this i.t. professional says he doesn't use either google or yahoo, because he has too many questions. >> what they're doing with the information is the government getting to it? and they're supposed to be protecting us? are they? i don't know. if you don't use it, you don't have to worry about it. >> reporter: one tech analyst warns that the international community was already worried about the u.s. access to data. saying further distrust could significantly have a negative impact on silicone valley's financial future. there are reports google may be building a floating data center on a branch off treasure island. coast guard officials paid it a visit today to say they have been told not to release any details, and google refuses to acknowledge any connection to the barge or a similar one in maine. the director says he's had several meetings about the bark, but the company provided little information. google does own a patent for a water cool data center. this was approved four years ago. the existence of this patent has fueled speculation that the barges are prototypes for floating data centers. facebook issued a strong earnings report this afternoon. third quarter revenue was up  60%, beating analyst expectations. and all important mobile ad revenue was up 14%. facebook's chief financial officer also acknowledged that teens, particularly younger teens are turning away from facebook. in after hours trading, shares were up a fraction. two financial companies filed a $124 million lawsuit today accusing twitter of fraud. the companies say twitter asked them to organize a private stock sale, then canceled it. twitter says it never had a relationship with the firms, and says the suits that had a merit. twitter's initial public offering is expected in the next couple of weeks. stocks pulled back from yesterday's record highs. the big financial news came from the fed. it said that it intends to continue its stimulus program for the time being. new details now in the growing investigation into an assisted living facility in castro valley that was left abandoned with more than a dozen residents inside. rob roth with the new revelations as the fbi joined the probe. >> 64-year-old edmund bascom was last seen at the barge station. >> mr. bascom has been a missing person many times in the past. we don't consider him at risk, but the fact that he went missing during this time period is a little bit concerning to us. >> bascom is one of 14 sick, and bedridden elderly patients in castro valley, after senior officials closed the facility thursday. paramedics were called to the facility that same day, thursday, to help a patient, but didn't see any notices saying the facility was closed. patients were left there for two more days before finally getting help. ingly suspect that they would have started this process sooner than saturday afternoon. >> reporter: the fbi is now assisting in the investigation. the owners of valley springs, also ran another senior facility on fruitvale avenue in oakland. new owners took over in february, changing the name from eaten manor to oak park. >> we didn't have water, we had no food. >> reporter: the new owners describe taking over in conditions it they describe as deplorable. >> it was a rodent infestation, and a cockroach infestation here. so we weren't even able to use the kitchen here until both problems were eliminated. >> reporter: they're asking anyone who sees edmund baskin to please give them a call. >>est laves seen wearing an oakland raiders shirt and fishing hat. clear skies out there now around the bay area, even clear along the coast. there's no fog to speak of there might be a little valley fog. but more sunshine tomorrow. it's going to get colder tonight. 46 in santa rosa. 45 in napa. pretty chilly in the north bay. tomorrow morning, as this morning went, we'll be pretty chilly, santa rosa downtown 38 degrees. 43 in vallejo. you get the idea. tomorrow is another cool start to the day. but we're going to get more sunshine tomorrow. temperatures, today in the mid- 60s, even upper 60s. tomorrow, we're going to see low 70s. we'll talk specifically about the forecast for halloween, and we'll talk about the bay area weekend, temperature forecast. we'll see you back here. a building boom in contra costa county. tonight at 10:30, evidence of a growth spurt that some say walnut creek may not be big enough to handle. >> how some hardened criminals have damaged the building process. "never again grace elizabeth" life insurance from new york life can help your family keep good going. retirement solutions from new york life can help you keep good going. san francisco 49er linebacker, aldon smith is free on bail tonight after surrendering to authorities on weapons charges. smith posted $75,000 bail and was released. he faces three felony charges. he also faces misdemeanor drunken driving charges for a separate incident last month. smith had been seeking treatment at a rehab center, and it's still not known if he'll return to the team this year. an ex-boyfriend who accused former 49er and raider lineman quinn harris of assault is now refusing to testify against him. however, san mateo county prosecutors say that doesn't mean the domestic violence case will be dismissed. opening arguments could begins a soon as next wednesday. a charity organization dedicated to helping people who are down on their luck is in need of some help of its own tonight after burglars broke into their new building and stole construction equipment. >> reporter: work on revamping this old furniture building continued today, but at a slower pace. >> for this to happen, it's like robbing a homeless person. >> the doors were locked, everything was secured. >> the monument crisis center is so important to the community. us moving to the center to help thousands of contra costa county residents, it's critical we get the job done. >> reporter: it wasn't easy. to get into the building, the crooks first had to break through this heavy gate. then they broke through this door, breaking the knob in the process. once inside the building, they broke into this locked closet, and pride open these two locked containers. >> $2,500 electric jackhammers. there was a lot of big name items in here that were missing. >> reporter: the center helps 13,000 families with a food pantry, a senior center, a summer kids program, and other resources for the poor. none of that stopped the crooks. >> there's a large market for second hand sales for construction tools. also at the recycling center. >> reporter: is so the tools might show up at nearby swap meets. all of this slowed the important work of the center. >> right now, we should be writing grants. we should be serving the public. we should be working on the building. we should be going out and working on the funds. >> reporter: the contractor used tools so the work didn't grind to a halt. in concord, john sasaki, ktvu, channel 2 news. tonight at 10:45, an update on a heavy duty heist we first told you about last week. where these large excay vaders were located, -- excavators were located, and how police found them. the crash that happens when a deputy tries to pull over a suspected drunk driver. >> a building boom in walnut creek. why some people say all the new construction is bad news. new at 10:00, walnut creek is becoming a boom town. city leaders love it, but others say that the downtown area is already bursting at the seams. john fowler is live in walnut creek tonight to show us exactly how and where that city is growing. >> reporter: it's 10:30 on a wednesday night, and downtown walnut creek is still busy. a little more than an hour ago, it took us 20 minutes to find this parking spot. often jammed with drivers, shoppers, and diners. coming is another 3,000 downtown residents and even more retail. >> i lived here all my life, and had a business. so the more the merrier, join the fun. >> reporter: three building projects. two more are approved, another four on the boards. >> we're very excited that the going to be a great addition to the vibrancy of our city. >> reporter: but some say it's too much. >> the city of walnut creek is a little town that wants to be a big city. >> reporter: the farthest along of apartments. there are other projects, including a planned 600 units at a b.a.r.t. station. the city is intentionally requiring less parking than normal. >> we're hopeful that people will take opportunities to walk, to bike, to use b.a.r.t. >> you're going to start to get to a point for people not to come to walnut creek, because it's just too difficult to get parking. >> reporter: i told you last week about plans to double walnut creek parking rates. that demand exceeds capacity regularly. all of this doesn't even include plans, still not approved to expand the broadway shopping center you can see behind me. hearings for that are scheduled in six weeks. reporting live, john fowler, ktvu, channel 2 news. we should know late friday night, whether members of b.a.r.t.'s largest union have approved a new contract. they will vote friday. the union expects to release the results by 11:00 p.m. that same evening. the amalgamated transit union also votes friday. the deal includes a pay raise, along with measures to improve worker safety. >> the contra costa county coroners association released information on the two b.a.r.t. workers hit by a train. christopher shepherd, and lawrence daniels died of multiple blunt force juries. the two men were inspecting the tracks on october 19 when they were struck by that trainment it happened on the first full day of the b.a.r.t. strike. passengers onboard a delta flight from tokyo to san francisco finally landed about 90 minutes ago, after an emergency landing in a remote part of alaska. it was diverted after an engine warning flashed. a replacement plane was sent there to bring everyone back to san francisco. there were 167 passengers, and 11 crew members onboard. that's actually more than the entire population of cold bay. ten people killed in just the past eight days. that's how many lives have been lost in dui related crashes in the bay area and just beyond. the accidents span from sonoma. a woman made it her mission to remind people of the dangers of drinking and driving. >> drugs and alcohol are suspected to be involved in the collision. >> my heartbreaks for the families and victims. >> reporter: she's jody irons. in her office, faces of people young and old, killed by drunk drivers. irons is the executive director of mothers against drunk driving in the bay area. and quite aware of the number of bay area crashes. >> are we disheartened? absolutely, just a tiny bit. what can we say, more simply, more pee vice -- precisely so that people hear the message? >> reporter: 31% of total traffic fatalities in 2011 were alcohol related. >> we never really expect to see four or five dui injuries at once. >> reporter: he will start as the holidays approach, and that includes halloween. >> we know that night is going to be one of those target nights. people may make the choice to drive when they shouldn't. >> reporter: the driving and driving is just not worth the risk. >> there's a saying, you take the first drink, the second drink takes you. your ability to determine if you can drive goes out the window. >> mike also tells us, the driver of that jaguar in the sonoma crash is in critical condition and will face charges. a passenger in his car was killed. also tonight, a stark and stunning look at what a suspected drunk driving incident can look like up close. a sheriff's dash cam caught this chase early yesterday morning in milwaukee. the driver eventually crashed into yellow barrels and the median wall, and then his car spun around, and hit the deputy squad car. both the deputy and the sheriff's deputy were injured, but are expected to survive. the driver was arrested. it is his third drunk driving arrest. i'm tracking just how much the trick or treaters will need to bundle up tomorrow night. >> also, ktvu first told you about stolen excavators worth a quarter of a million dollars. now we learn how they were found, and uncover the black market for heavy equipment. >> and in what could be a first of its kind, a woman gets a ticket for wearing google glass. the law officials say she broke. san francisco police say they found a badly beaten man as a travel lodge motel this afternoon, following a call to check on his welfare. police say they had to kick in the door, and found the man suffering from life-threatening injuries. this happened at the travel lodge on market at valencia street. police say the beating apparently occurred this afternoon, but no arrests have been made. across the bay, a man's body washed ashore in berkely. the california highway patrol says a caller reported seeing a possible body on the shore line about 3:30 this afternoon. it was spotted about a half mile south of university avenue. so far, there is little information on the individual. the case was turned over to the east bay regional parks police. a southern california woman who describes herself as a glass pioneer was ticketed, as she drove wearing her google classes. she gave a talk earlier this month about her experiences wearing google glass. one of the things she touched on was that people might be better drivers if insurance companies monitored them wearing google glasses. she was stopped yesterday, and cited for speeding wearing google glass. a hotly debated case that centers around the making of saracha chili sauce. the city sued the company on monday, claiming the smell of the ground freshed peppers is a public nuisance. some neighbors who lived near the factory complained of burning eyes and throats. >> every morning smells like chili powder, the irritating. >> the city wants the company to bring in a new filtration system. a wakeup call. that's what some people are calling a new fda analysis that found about 12% of spices brought to the u.s. are contaminated with insects, rodent hairs be and other unsavery items. nearly 7% of spice imports were contaminated with salmonella. most of the insects and insect parts are typical of those that would be living in warehouses. spice imports from mexico and india were found to have the highest rate of contamination. the health patrol issuing a reminder to make sure your children can be seen when they trick or treat tomorrow. handing out reflective trick or tree bags, l.e.d. lights and glow in the dark duct tape. it's important for drivers to see the kids so they stay safe as they collect all their treats. so how cold will it get when your trick or treaters head out? at 10:45, chief meteorologist, bill martin's complete halloween forecast. >> and our sports director, mark ibanez is here with tonight's world series win for the boston red sox. >> up first, two excay vaders recovered miles from where they were stolen. the black market for heavy equipment. [ male announcer ] the founder of mercedes-benz once wrote something on a sheet of paper ♪ the challenge always accepted. and the calling forever answered. ♪ introducing the all-new 2014 s-class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. new developments tonight in the case of some heavy equipment stolen from an east bay construction site last week. the two excavators have been returned to their owners. why this kind of heavy duty heist is on the rise. >> this is a 307c excavator. >> the decal stripped? >> decals right here. >> reporter: the front bucket missing, but this oakland excavation company did get nearly of 3/4 of a million dollars worth of equipment returned. thieves stole two excavators last week. the leads started pouring in. one call made the difference. >> they actually witnessed one of the excavators being stolen, and gave a very good description. individual and the vehicle. >> reporter: chp investigators found the excavators in east contra costa county, and arrested a 47-year-old clayton man for the climb. they were in a 10,000 square footwear house, and investigators believe there may be other properties in the area that have stolen items. there have been at least 10 pieces of equipment stolen from bay area construction sites in the past year. from bobcats, to 15-ton caterpillars. there is a black market for this equipment. >> they can send them overseas. >> there's always other people who take them, and they hide them, and they reuse them on say another construction site. >> reporter: i spoke to a representative from the united contractors association here in the bay area, he says at his last meeting, there were at least 14 business owners who reported having some kind of construction equipment stolen from their sites in just the last month. monitoring a large pipe break. the break in kentfield sent an estimated 100,000 gallons of wastewater into the soil near evergreen drive. officials say they don't think the wastewater reached cordomadero creek. pg and e workers hanging from helicopters are replacing the high capacity electric lines that cross the bay between foster city and hayward. the work is part of a $10 million project. it is said to be complete by the end of the year. tesla has signed a deal with panasonic to buy 2 billion lithium batteries. they'll be used in the model s and the new model x. tesla's ceo says it will allow them to increase production. the model s is now officially recommended by "consumer reports" magazine. it only received an average reliability rating. still "consumer reports" says the model s is impressive enough to earn its stamp of approval. here's a look at "consumer reports" other top cars. the bmw 135i scored 97 points, fouled by the audi a7, which scored 96. the chevy impala, and infinity g37 sedan. and the toyota camry hybrid xle scored 93 points. it's clear out there. it's getting cool, and the winds are pretty calm. that means overnight lows are going to get down there. might see a little patchy valley fog. obviously, no rain. did get the snow in the mountains a few days ago. that snow still lingering up in the hills, and even in the truckee area. 46 right now in santa rosa. the 40s in the north bay. that's where it's the coolest. that's where it's the coolest now, and that's where it will obviously be the coolest tomorrow morning. some of the cool spots in the north bay, you might see mid- 30s. the winds are calm, and that helps you achieve lower temperatures. the winds warm you up at night, especially in the valleys. it's going to be chilly. maybe a little bit of frost. maybe patchy coastal fog tonight. mostly sunny, and warmer tomorrow, thursday. warmer still on friday. warm and dry as we head into your bay area weekend for the most part. tomorrow is coming up on thursday and we're looking at a weekend not far off. halloween tomorrow, these are the forecast highs. yellows are 70s. upper 60s, low 70s tomorrow, warmer than it was today. and friday is going to warm up more as this high pressure does what, very typical for this time of year. the good thing is this high is not so strong, it's going to create this red flag warning offshore winds. the winds are going to be north- northeast at the higher elevations. going to stay reasonable, and warm us up. not hot, but into the 70s. so we're going to see temperatures as we head into friday into the mid-70s in a lot of places. tomorrow, san jose, you wake up at 47 degrees in the downtown area. that's pretty cold. 72degrees, or around 72 degrees for a daytime high. 73 in brentwood. 74 liver moore. lots of low and mid-70s. friday, i think we'll see more mid-70s. that's the warmer day. saturday, temperatures start to trend down. so this is it. everybody loves october in the bay area, and we're getting a good one. we've got really good weather and we somehow have avoided the last in fire dangers so far. tomorrow, halloween day. the kids going out trick or treating. the little ones go out early. they're going to be experiencing temperatures in the 60s. i wish i had little ones again to trick or treat. i miss that. the weather is going to be great. you know, 60s in the early evening, and 50s by the time the older kids come home. >> i still have an 8-year-old. >> what's she going to be? >> a vampire. >> okay. >> mine are done. thanks bill. mark's here now. the warriors had a great night tonight, but first, we've got to talk about the world series. >> oh, yeah, they're rocking in boston right now. the last time they won the world series at home, woodrow wilson was president and there was no such thing as television. the red sox finished dead last just a year ago. the last two games, with st. louis looking flat and tilt. bases jammed in the 3rd, he loves the situation. off the green monster, with two out. everybody going to score off wonder kid, michael wacha of the cardinals. 4th inning, the red sox pile on three more. the former a's shortstop for the distance. solo homer, and they weren't quite finished yet against the cardinals. mike napoli, who had a great series. a lofter out to right-center. come the 9th inning, this thing was done. uehara, great. not a save situation, but he nails it down. no drama. matt carpenter k's. boston goes bonkers. big papi, hit over .688 in the series. over .700 as far as his on base percentage. of course, he is the series mvp. >> this year i think the people, giving us the third place in the division, maybe the last one, because of what happened last year, it helped us out. we had a little chip on our shoulder that we want to come in and prove everybody wrong and thank god we did. opening night for the warriors, kind of looked like what the lakers used to do to the warriors. only it was golden state putting the hammer down. a more complete blowout, you will seldom see. sports part 2, it's a slam dunk. avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive" sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new passat, awarded j.d. power's most appealing midsize car, two years in a row. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends october 31st. for details, visit today. hey for so many years, even back to the days, jerry west, through magic, kareem, the lakers have owned the warriors. maybe the worm has finally tuned. kobe had to watch the warriors version of show time, and that it was. career high 38 for thompson. warriors up after 1. steph curry, kind of a contributor tonight. he rested a lot in the 4th quarter. the play of the night, the newcomer, andre iguodala. what a contribution he will make all year, behind the back for david lee. give it back, and flips it in. this thing was a rout start to finish. the crowd electrified. blowout final. the sharks had to deal with a different situation in their l.a. story. logan couturier. the kings on a power play of their own. kopitar will end it. 2:32 in. 4-3 final. a rare sharks loss. that's the sporting life. seems like the kings have the sharks number. but not the lakers. >> that was a great way to start their season. thank you for choosing ktvu, channel 2 news. if you missed any of tonight's newscast, you can catch the rebroadcast right now over on tv 32. >> the ktvu morning news starts at 4:30 tomorrow. haley, hurry up! you don't have much time, and i made chocolate chip pancakes. mom, i'm not 12. dibs on hers. honey, you excited about your first day? you know what? i really am. there's something about going to work that makes you feel like you're... i don't know, worth something. no offense, mom. listen... (clears throat) i wanna give you some advice. do it fast. she's gonna be late. work hard. uh-huh. keep your eye on the ball. (cell phone alert chimes) stay focused. never... (laughs) check it out! cam in overalls! (claire) ohh! (gasps) mitchell sent me the same text! why "look what you've done"? oh, because cam is helping me out with that baseball field, and mitchell hates it when he gets all farmed up. his turn-offs are farm, fizbo, and, worst of all, farmbo. hey! howdy, life pardner! (guffaws)


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