no will to fight. i m surprised why he said that. i mean he was very supportive of iraq. i m sure as he was fed the wrong information. the white house says vice president biden called the iraqi prime minister today. they say, quote the vice president recognized the enormous sacrifice and bravery of iraqi forces over the past 18 months in ramadi and elsewhere. meanwhile, an iranian newspaper reported the head of the elite qods forces accused the u.s. of having no will to stop isis and failing to stop the fall of the iraqi city of ramadi. general sul he moaneny said this mr. obama, how far are your bases from all ramadi. you established a presence in iraq on the pretense of supporting that nation but did not do a thing. that is a quote. let s get perspective. i m joined by military analyst, major general james spider
attack quote we are not told they wanted more security there. at congressional hearings this week charlene lamb and eric nordstrom confirmed there were requests for more security. are you surprised biden s statement? there are 100 explanations we have gotten from them. isn t that stunning compared to what we have seen in the last four weeks. it is another reason why they are offering alternative on foreign policy american strengths and values. how dowdy fend vice president s comments on benghazi? i think the vice president made a very important point. there is an investigation underway right now so we can find out exactly what happened and if there were mistakes made. we shouldn t politicize the issue we should wait until it comes through. if people should be held accountable they should be.
last night respondents gave the win to congressman ryan. a third gave the win to vice president biden. a look at all of this perhaps the most talked about moment last night. word about policy but something all together different. the moments were joe biden s smirks, smiles and laughter while paul ryan was speaking. he is facing criticism. their own actuary said 1 out of 6 hospitals and nursing homes are going to go out of business as a result of this. no it isn t. 7.4 million seniors are project to do lose the current advantage they have that s a benefit cut. that didn t happen. these are from your own actuaries. mr. vice president i know
boss nailed to do last week at least five times he brought up mitt romney s comments about the 47 percent of americans who have become dependent upon government. when that occurred what did he do? he said no let the bank go down. romney said no let the foreclosure hbanks hit bottom. 47 percent of people are unwilling to take responsibility for their own life. this is a man who gave 40 percent of his income to charity. romney is a good man. he cares about 100 percent of americans in this country. with respect though that quote the vice president knows the words sometimes don t come out of your mouth the right way. (laughter) but i always say that i mean. the white house meantime trying to play this debate up. this is a photograph the white
the president has been very tough on terrorists around the world, osama bin laden all of the top opportunities has been taken out the one responsible for the kenyan embassy bombing. the president has been tough. these attacks on the president s foreign policy record are unfair. the two candidates had conflicting statements on medicare. where is the truth? it was funny. this is what i found to be most shocking. vice president biden bragged about the fact that he extended medicare for 8 years or 12 years until 2024. which isn t something to be excited about. somebody 53 years or younger isn t going to see medicare. he is offering solution for sustainable programs that will last for future generations. i am sorry. we have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us. thank you. good debate. it is time for your 5@5:30. attorney general eric holder is