nfl culture, right? the article saying today, coaches say a given person might be a horrible human being but he s our horrible human being, sfr certain players in certain positions is cherished. they are going into a street fight, we want to make sure we have at homicidal maniac on other side. what does that do in the locker room? we can all agree this is abuse. i don t think anyone should take that differently than being abuse. i hope he s held accountable. his career is over. i hope that it is. but it s this vicious cycle we see with quote/unquote hazing or abuse, this is what we went through. and what it does, it causes young are guys to become very bitter and turns them from the victim then the aggressor and they then do it to the next guys coming up. it s a cycle that doesn t end and it s horrible. krystal, that s something the country looks to and takes cues