IBM is one of several key private sector companies investing in the creation of an advanced semiconductor research and development program to be launched in Albany, N.Y. The center "will secure a strong pipeline for semiconductor innovation," IBM's top executive says.
IBM CEO and chairman Arvind Krishna has words of warning to back office "white collar" workers: Your jobs will be the first lost to the rapidly growing use of artificial intelligence.
"Over the last few years, we've evolved IBM to be a hybrid cloud and AI company. We regularly review our portfolio to make sure our business areas are core to that strategy, and today's news reflects our continued focus on these two transformational technologies," said Rob Thomas, IBM's senior vice president, software and chief commercial officer.
VMware, which has a significant presence in the Triangle, is the latest tech player to partner with IBM as part of a move to give customers more choice when it comes to cloud computing.
IBM is giving a big reboot to its "Watson" artificial intelligence suite, responding to aggressive moves and expansions being made by Microsoft, Google and other competitors while companies worldwide capitalize on opportunities being made by ChatGPT and more humanlike interactions.