As I write this on Wednesday 20 morning, the Capitol area in Washington DC is swarming with the National Guard and FBI. So, sadly, telling that the guards are being vetted by FBI since an inside job of disruption at the inauguration of the 46th President of the USA is feared. It is a fact but truly mind boggling that one devious man, surely teetering between stupidity and insanity, can almost single handedly throw the mighty US of America into such continued disarray. Of course he had much at stake for wanting to stay on as Prez on the trump card (no pun intended) that the elections were flawed and cheating was perpetrated on Biden’s and Harris’ behalf. Not even a child in Sri Lanka will accept that, but millions of idiotic white Americans believed The Trump as he trumpeted. What a slap in the face to have Twitter etc cutting you off. Maliciously, Cass hopes he will get what is due to him, starting with a fait accompli impeachment and judicial cases against him. They will proceed