An allegedly pro-Khalistani social media handle shared a video of Shubh flaunting a hoodie during his London show after netizens accused rapper of glorifying the killers of former Prime Minister India Gandhi.
The rapper's tour had been previously canceled due to allegations of supporting Khalistan elements. He had previously shared a distorted map of India on his Instagram stories with the caption, "Pray for Punjab." Shubh, Punjabi-Canadian Singer, Reacts To Outrage and Cancelled Tour, Says 'India Is My Country Too' (View Post).
Reportedly, cricketer Virat Kohli also unfollowed Shubhneet Singh on Instagram amid the backlash. Shubh hasn’t spoken on the matter yet. The rapper has gained popularity with his songs like 'Elevated', 'OG' and more. Rapper Shubhneet Singh’s India Tour Cancelled Over Alleged Support to Khalistan.