overwhelming majority of cops are good professional around there s a few bad apples. but it s hard to know the extent of police misconduct thanks to a lack of data on policing in america. i m joined now by president of the center of policing equity. you attempt to collect the statistics so i want to know this i am weary of falling into the trap which is to spotlight the extreme and give people the wrong sense of how likely an event is going to occur. airplane crash is a perfect example. we don t cover all the planes that land. if you just watch the news, you would think that flying is dangerous. i can see a police officer or someone else in the country saying if i just watch your program, all i see is these dramatic videos of police doing terrible things. at the same time there are people who argue, if these are just the ones that happen to be caught on tape how often is this happening when not being caught on tape. so the question is what do we
that s why she s not in the white house today. look, chafee, o malley, they re all to the left of clinton. if they jump in would that force her to move to more left liberal positions? yeah. i think governor o malley is a real threat to her. obviously the base of the democratic party is positively in love with elizabeth warren. it doesn t look like she ll run. but her endorsement can mean a great deal. hillary clinton has strong numbers but they re not deep. they re not really if love with her. she has to watch the base of her party as she goes forward. jehmu, you know this to be true. if you look at the numbers from come on, matt. look at ready for hillary, a pac that s been running strong for four years. look at my 18-year-old not going to college because she wants to work for hillary clinton. jehmu greene, matt schlapp, good to see you both. thanks, gregg. a fox news alert.
i m not just starting a campaign, i m beginning a conversation with you, with america. we all need to be part of the discussion if we re going to be part of the solution. this time around the tactics don t necessarily look much different at least in the beginning. clinton will announce as early as sunday another weekend announcement. she s expected again to make the announcement on social media followed again by a trip to iowa. the first in the nation caucus state. but sources say the video will focus on voters not on her. now the campaign cash last time around, clinton raised a whopping $229 million. by the time she lost the democratic primary. but the campaign laws have changed since she last ran for office. the supreme court has made that now a the citizens united supreme court citizens united decision in 2015 raised the threshold of outside spending. this time around clinton stands to raise much, much more. in the super pac ready for
whatever. side by side. when hillarycare, she named that she wanted that name, it wasn t considered bad, ready for hillary was done by her supporters, the other thing is because of clinton the whole clinton/bush problem, if you are a reporter ease whier to say jeb or hillary so you don t have to be confused the a neck dote i had was about harriet meyers, that brief period as a supreme court nominee, she had not been a judge, hospital been madam secretary, hadn t been a senator, everybody referred to her as harriet or ms. meyers and then that sounded bad. i think when it comes to hillary they can call her hillary, but you can t. weren t there bumper stickers? hillary 08? fire this reporter too? you weren l[kutk listening to a word i said. we are gonna take break. the most popular places for first dates in america, coming up next. all these networks keep making different claims. it gets confusing.
anyone have occasional constipation diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these occasional digestive issues. with 3 types of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips it is round four. we ve got some big names still on the forward. chris christie rand paul mitt romney and of course hillary clinton which i think a lot of people are looking for. sam has the insider but we begin with jess. i m hoping for hillary clinton so i m going to go between pataki and trump. i would describe you as ready for hillary. yes, correct.