Xavier Jackson, an inconsolable father, faces the devastating loss of his five-year-old twins at the hands of their mother, Catorreia . Xavier Jackson, an inconsolable father, faces the devastating loss of his five-year-old twins at the hands of their mother, Catorreia . | Headlines | Datzhott
Nineteen-year-old Serenity Childs and her best friend, eighteen-year-old Briana Sanai Ware-Hall, were tragically killed in an . Nineteen-year-old Serenity Childs and her best friend, eighteen-year-old Briana Sanai Ware-Hall, were tragically killed in an . | Headlines | Datzhott
The news spread fast throughout Houston that Sunday morn: Jenae Gagnier had been found dead in her apartment. A name on . The news spread fast throughout Houston that Sunday morn: Jenae Gagnier had been found dead in her apartment. A name on . | True Crime | Datzhott