In the intricate connection between stress and weight gain, recognizing the various factors of weight gain is crucial for implementing effective lifestyle changes. By adopting stress-management techniques you can maintain a healthy weight. |
Is emotional eating your go-to response to all stressful and psychological triggers? Do you often turn to food as a coping mechanism when stress, anxiety, or other emotions overwhelm you? Here are six ways stress eating can harm your health and the strategies to stop it.
Reasons For Weight Gain:बढ़ते मोटापे के पीछे जिम्मेदार हो सकते हैं ये reasons for weight gain: 3 Hormones which are responsible for weight gain in women know how to cure or control them - Hindustan
Apr 17, 2021
Kumari Ravina
Reasons for sudden weight gain
There are times when we all gain weight, but we do not have any good explanation as to what led to it.
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Some common reasons for weight gain
Your weight would have been stable for months and overnight you would witness a fluctuation in the weighing scale which would confuse you. Here are common causes for sudden weight gain.
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Your period hormones can lead to temporary water retention in the body. But goes away on its own after 3-4 days.
If you have recently quit smoking then you might be consuming more calories. Smoking can act as an appetite suppressant, so when you quit you may eat more without realising.
Jan 9, 2021
Varsha Balakrishnan
There can be a lot of reasons for unexpected weight gain
Changing food habits, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle or hormonal imbalances, to name a few.
Medical reasons behind unexpected weight gain
However, in some cases, weight gain may occur due to pre-existing health problems.We tell you about some hidden causes of weight gain.
Underactive thyroid
Having an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) makes it difficult for the body to produce enough TSH hormones, which regulate metabolism and make you put on weight.Factors like age and gender also affect outcomes.
Steroid and supplements