about what you re doing with your life. kevin, it seems like every generation we re reading that, you know, this generation s new batch of wall street recruits are somehow different than the generation that came before it. yet we keep seeing generation after generation making the same mistakes that the generation before it had made. so is it possible for change to come to an institution when it s clear that change can only come from really nibbling at the very edges of that institution? i think so. i think change is possible. i think it s going to take a long time. there are different kinds of change, of course. there s structural change and regulatory change. and i think, you know, we can deal with that on sort of a governmental level. the actual recruits themselves are changing. it s a different breed. i think that the recruiting climate is different now at some place like penn, wall street isn t far and away the biggest employer anymore. more and more people are going into tech