water slide. thank you. my pleasure. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us? red eye at fox news.com and do you have a video of your adorable animal doing something hilarski. click on submit a video. we might use it. is porn bad for your brain?
the same way. it is disgusting. i think it is great. it is win-win, greg. don t bring win-win into this. ri p. i like the actions of old with the burly chest and playing with the medicine ball at the beach. here, catch the medicine ball. if you are foo vein too vein that is a conflict. that was a jab at you. all right. do you have a comment on the show like how is my new sign? e-mail us at red eye at fox news.com. do you have a video of your animal doing something? click on on submit a video and we might use it. coming up, the bachelor president. female announcer: sleep train s interest free for 3 event
all right, do you have a comment on the show? that was a great impression. i do a wonderful quincy. it was murder. all right, e-mail us. red eye at fox news.com. do you have a video of your animal doing something go to fox news.com/video. still ahead, crowd funding boob job. female announcer: get three years interest-free financing
an accent and that is all i know. i don t even know that much about her. you should be the red eye celebrity correspondent and only know parts of things. i just read the story. buck, tell me how this is more evidence of owe bough ma you s socialist obama s socialist america. what else do you need to know? guysguys are running around with hoods on their heads doing a dancy thing. i thought that was interesting and delightful. it is art. this? no every old person in the country says see these whipper snappers here? they shouldn t be watching it then. i don t have a tv so i can t even watch it. of course you don t. of course i don t. i just have a stack of books. you stair at them and cry. i have had enough of this topic. coming up, do you have a comment on this show? e-mail us, red eye at fox news.com. do you have a video of your animal doing something? i hope so. click on submit a video and we might use it. coming up, a bully gets
involved about. it is a typical dc writer where they wear ugly shoes. they wear loafers and flats. this is the only thing they do have is about equal pay. it is not as they should, emma, right? i shouldn t have turned to my left. you asked for it. do you have aent which on the show? i do. more signs. even when i am not here. e-mail us, red eye at fox news.com. do you have an animal doing something and perhaps ripping paul mccu ri o s head out. go to fox news.com slash video. click on submit a video. up next, cell phones and dirt.