says. they are from tikrit. she constantly tries to call her girlfriends, but their phones are all off. their father can t stop his eyes from welling up. but they do not dare return, even if and when the government declares it safe. i swear, i just don t trust the situation he tells us. he s not alone. this partially constructed building is just one of many in baghdad s predominantly sunni neighborhood, turned into refugee housing, for sunni families that fled isis, most from towns not far from tikrit. she s saying they miss their home. they miss their lands, their farm. a lot of the families who are here that we ve been speaking to are from areas that have already been liberated. but they re still too afraid to return.
even if and when the government declares it safe. i swear, i just don t trust the situation he tells us. he s not alone. this partially constructed building is just one of many in baghdad s predominantly sunni neighborhood. turned into makeshift refugee housing, for sunni families that fled isis, most from towns not far from tikrit. he s saying they miss their home, they miss their lands, their farm. a lot of the families who are here that we ve been speaking to are from areas that have already been liberated. but they re still too afraid to return. they re afraid of returning without government permission. they want to see an official coming out on television assuring them that it s safe. and they re also afraid of what isis may have left behind. it s not just isis they fear.