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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20200730

but are they lying about that? acting dhs secretary chad wolf will tell us why. the world over hydroxychloroquine found a new battlefield today, a congressional hearing room met two doctors will tell us why big tech might be endangering lives. and from the bunker, bite him but does he know where he is, an anchor and an actor gets a nomination for 3 minutes of work, three, raymond a rural explains it in "seen and unseen," but first, do you know his name? that is the focus of tonight's "angle." that question was posed by activists and protesters for weeks after the killing of george floyd. it was meant to jar the nation into focusing on police brutality. and it worked, floyd's name and message became synonymous with the suffering that comes from racial injustice. of course, his brother used his name for their own twisted political agenda. as a burning down the cities would bring mr. floyd back or solve underlying problems. of course, it merely made matters worse. in the intervening weeks since the upheaval in late may, many more african-american families have lost loved ones to violence. at least 144 have been murdered since june 1st in chicago alone, including these children. 3-year-old, 1-year-old, 7-year-old natalia, all shot dead. but unlike with george floyd, the general public won't remember them. because the activists don't find their stories useful. in the media also pushing a political agenda, they basically just john. last weekend in milwaukee, a well-known passionate figure in the community, someone who supported every issue from police reform and other liberal causes, but lately they have been holding pro made trump signs. that man was murdered. he also happened to be african-american. he was shot and killed outside of his office just this afternoon while he was sitting in a lawn chair. it happened in broad daylight. do you know his name? i bet you don't. it is bernell trammell. >> i saw the cops pull up. the vans, ambulances, firefighters. we sat and watched and they gave cpr 15-20 minutes. >> laura: security cameras capture these images of the suspect, and the police are continuing to investigate. but the milwaukee central journal reported a few days ago that reggie moore director of milwaukee's office of violent prevention said he recently intervened in a dispute between bernell trammell and a young man. he thought the incident was related to a trump signs that bernell trammell was caring and ron johnson a republican tweeted this on the news of mr. trammell's tragic death. he was known to many in milwaukee and my condolences to his family and friends. i hope they get answers and justice soon. well, you probably won't be surprised to know the major networks outside of fox did not mention this horrific murder, not a peep from cnn, msnbc, "the washington post," abc news, cbs news or nbc. and they you to burst to pick up the flak and ask basic questio questions. >> i can't for the life of me fathom how it is justified, that just because somebody is a trump supporter, that they get shot down in cold blood and they've never, ever done anything to anybody other than express their opinions. i even wonder if the mainstream media is going to give it the amount of coverage that it has given some criminals out there that have died in the streets. because they certainly don't give it to the children. they don't get the coverage. >> laura: no, they don't. and no one knows their names. like i said. but those victims are people too. like mr. trammell was. >> that guy was just full of love. >> he was just a community figure. we went tonight "the ingraham angle" has exclusive video of his interaction days before his murder that may shed light on what was motivating the homicide. >> obama has done nothing for us. everybody say health care, we can afford health care. we ain't got no money. so trump at least whether the will of god or his own inspiration to do something that no president has ever done, and that is why you got my vote. i get my [bleep] thrown at me best. at best. >> no fear, come at me. >> well, it ain't right but at the same time come america, freedom of expression. >> laura: if you know, he seemed to truly believe that. we will air more of that video later in the shown. but at the very least, esther trammell was aware he could be home for his pro-trump views. if this is true, it is absolutely appalling as is the deafening silence from democra democrats. where is al sharpton? where is black lives matter? a group that mr. trammell supported, by the way. but they are nowhere to be found. apparently certain black lives do not matter. let's not forget the left, long history of ignoring vilifying or dehumanizing blacks who disagree. they are called uncle tom's were race traders. they are not authentic. just like biden said you are not really black if you're not a democrat. twice, nbc host has proved my point. has donald trump ever promised anything financially for your blind support of this administration or helping his campaign? >> no him and i've known him since 2015. >> a campaign surrogate? you want to ask me that because i don't -- >> laura: i would like to turn the question on an anchor and are you a campaign surrogate paid for the biden campaign? how insulting is this. how demeaning. you didn't think this way on your own. you couldn't have come to this conclusion on your own, using your own intellect. think about that. the democrats and their radical media collaborators have been pulling a con on african-americans for decades. the party of slavery and jim crow, the party of segregation and the kkk have worked overtime to cover up its own sense in order to once again to fight us on racial and ethnic lines. no doing so requires that they demonize, disenfranchise, it d platform and dehumanize americans who disagree. but they know that we are onto them and their sick game that more minorities are seen through their slogan area of black lives matter when in fact they act like only certain lives matter. more decent people, i believe are seeing the pathetic failure in leadership in democrat run cities. there are black and immigrant owned businesses are destroyed with ohmic impunity. and anti-trump hatred that they do more to protect the rights of violent protesters than they do with the rights of their own law-abiding residents. now come on occasion, a few honest democrats will speak out. as happened with a mayor lightfoot last month. >> we have to come up with a better plan because once my fear is, once they are done looting and rioting, whatever is going to happen tonight, what are we going to do and what are we going to tell our residents with good-faith people to stand up. is that going to be enough? >> thank you. next question. >> no come i want an answer. you commented, i want an answer. >> i think your question is full of [bleep]. >> laura: did you get that? to a democrat, you are 100% full of [bleep] you know what. it doesn't have to be this way. african-americans, latinos from other immigrants who just want what everyone else wants. they want a fair shot, they want decent schools, they want safe streets. they can walk away from the party that is taking them for granted and abused their trust and support for an agenda that actually will respect their freedom to make their own choices and to believe whatever they want. safe streets. but for now, trammell wasn't killed by a corrupt police officer. he was cut down in the middle of the day after holding a trump 2020 sign. that was his crime. and that is "the angle." joining me horace cooper cochair of project 21 and author of "how trump is making black america great again." horace we don't yet know the motive, but this is a well known community figure in milwaukee who is a fascinate assassinatedn broad daylight and al sharpton and the rest of the game can't even pretend to care. >> this is just another example of how they jump to conclusions first and investigate later. the conclusion is, mr. trammell's life didn't matter. the conclusion is, there is never an instance of any violence attacked upon or brought up on people because of their political views. we, you and i, we don't know what the story is. we are open. but it is strange that a world of circumstances is different. an active supporter of bernie were biden, it would be shocking if this wasn't front page news. someone was holding a sign supporting a progressive or left-wing candidate, and now they are dead. that would be the sign and news we would hear continuously. >> laura: jussie smollett's story was believed immediately. that he was beaten up. the maga hat wearing thugs beat him up and barely able to crawl home with bleach all over himself. so take that to the bank and run with it. this man, who by the way adopted a lot of noble causes as well. carries around a trump sign, unabashed about it and ends up dead end that is not a story? >> it is a story i want to understand. we have the 6019 project where interested and motivated by thif america was its starting point. it's most important point. why is there silence from "the new york times"? why is it that the party of segregation in the 19th century, the 20th century, and even now the 21st century has continually exploited people for political power and its own ambitions? why aren't they being called out? why hasn't the media just raised some basic questions? >> laura: earlier this month on cnn actor terry crews actually hit the nail on the head about why blm just doesn't care about cases like mr. trump. >> when you have the leaders of the black lives movement you know, if we don't get error demands, we will burn it down, other black people who are talking about working with other whites, other races, being viewed to sell out, uncle tom's. it starts, you start to understand and you are now being controlled. >> laura: horace, they set up on for having the temerity to raise that point. he became persona non grata. that is where we are in the country tonight. >> silence those who depend. this is a pattern that we have seen from the 1800s, the 1900s clement and now and the 20 and deep into the 21st century. there is the understanding that free people regardless of color have the right to express themselves to think what they want to think? and where is the outrage that someone could be killed over this only if they don't support the leftist candidates? where is the outrage? >> laura: horace, thank you so much. great to see you tonight. and as you noticed, trammell was gunned down in broad daylight in milwaukee last thursday. and over the sign he was voting supporting president trump's reelection. the police are currently asking the public to help identify the suspected shooter. so we still don't know why trammell was killed, but tonight i want to show you more of that video, the "the ingraham angle" exclusively obtained, footage from days before trammell's heinous murder. >> so today, people can interact with you on the sidewalk. >> right, right, you know what i'm saying? they can't jump off and try to knock me down at the same time. >> i had to chase him across the street, grab him, sling him around. and over here today. >> laura: 20 may now is the former prosecutor and chairman f the republican party's office it hands on that video, andrew, he says they are just about ready to kill me. what were your thoughts when you saw that in her that the first time? >> well, laura commit is so chilling to sit there and hear it and watch all of those videos. it is scary, it is terrifying when you think about it. we are a little under 100 days out from the presidential election. and there is a real possibility that trammell was killed as a result of his political beliefs for supporting president trump. >> laura: now, we are seeing on the screen now a picture of a suspect that the milwaukee police has put out. local media have described him as about 6 feet tall and apparently african-american from about 30 years of age or so, that is the estimate and weighs over 200 pounds and anyone with information and he apparently rides a black bite. anyone with information please contact the milwaukee police. the court house is being threatened, and we have another case where a democrat in wisconsin was assaulted by two women who today were arrested. we will put their photos up on the screen when we have them. again, that is a democrat that was assaulted at one of these protests. these are the two women that were arrested in that assault. tim carpenter, i believe if i'm getting that name right. this has gotten beyond dangerous. now lives perhaps are being lost and jeopardized. we saw an individual shot in austin, texas, over the last several days. where does this end up? >> well, hey, it is hard to see where we go from here. i mean, this is a low point. i don't recall anything like this ever happening, certainly in milwaukee or wisconsin before. and you know, where do we go from here is we have to as people who support the president, we have to stand up. we have got to honor trammell and his passion for the president. and we need to get this president reelected the pier that is what we are going to do in the fall of 2020. >> laura: he was pretty well known in the community, mr. trammell and i think i said trammell before, but i'm surprised there's not more coverage of this by the nationan camera saying come i think they will kill me, holding a political sign. what happened and people believing in political speech not being punished in the united states? >> well, not only do we not see coverage and national news, but we are not seeing anything or hearing any reaction from democrat leaders in milwaukee. we haven't heard anything from the mayor barrett and we haven't heard anything from congressman glenn moore. nothing from governor reverse or attorney general josh call. we have somebody who stood up every day, got out onto a street corner supporting the president, talking about his political views, and he is dead now. and we are less than 100 days from an election. this is worth talking about, we're thinking about and being concerned about. we've got to bring attention to this peer that is why i called for an investigation by the united states attorney. >> laura: well, you just rattled off all the democrat officials in the state. none of them have addressed this. none of them have talked about it. that speaks volumes. and we will stay on this story. andrew, thank you for helping us understand this better tonight. and still to come, raymond arroyo on biden's latest ring of memory lapses plus did leaders lie about the drug on the troops on portland? chad wolf is here and he will set that record straight. don't miss it. is dr. harold katz. he used to worry about how to fix the world's oral health problems. - i think i've got it. - [narrator] then he invented therabreath formulas. - you want fresh breath? i'll give you a fresh breath. - [narrator] for fresh breath, healthy gums, dry mouth, and healthy smiles. - whoa, that's fresh. - [narrator] now, the world's mouths have never been healthier. (sighs contentedly) - works for 24 hours, i guarantee it. therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. - [narrator] available at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ >> laura: president trump traveled to midland, texas, the heart of the fracking phone with an amazing oil and gas workers and warn about the newest threat to our energy independence. >> pennsylvania, ohio, so many other places you don't realize how big it is. they want to have no fracking, no nothing. this is extreme death of american prosperity and the end of the american middle class. >> laura: he is right, absolutely pure the consequences would be dire, especially for ohio, pennsylvania, texas and elsewhere. that is why we are kicking off a new series tonight. it is called states of discontent. but we will examine how america especially the swing states would fare under a biden presidency. because we know joe is largely being controlled by hard left obama on the line. it is imperative that the voters understand how his policies in most cases will radically alter the lives of most of you. let's start with the energy sector. >> i'm talking about stopping fracking as soon as we possibly can. i'm talking about telling the fossil fuel industry that they are going to stop destroying this planet. i'm talking about -- why? well i'm not sure your proposal does that. >> no more fracking. >> laura: of course biden's handlers tried to walk back his remarks saying he would only ban fracking on federal land. but that is still a huge amount of damage and moreover, do you really think that the squad would stand for only on federal land banning it? now remember bite and appointed aoc on his policy channel. after all, her stunning stomach her stunning actions who can blame him? she will be one of the loudest voices in the room. so pennsylvania, ohio, texas and add fracking powerhouse as most voters must realize that joe's green new job fantasy will reward democrat friends and destroy an industry that has provided really good paying jobs to american families for over a decade now. let's look at the numbers. 2019, chamber of commerce study found fracking pan would lose more than 19 million jobs nationwide. including 700,000 jobs in ohio, 609,000 in pennsylvania, 468,000 in colorado, and another 816,000 in wisconsin and michigan. states and localities come of course would see revenues shrink by $600 billion. and children will suffer in states like new mexico where a huge chunk of public education is funded to taxes on oil and gas. colorado, well you would be on average fixed thousand $500 poorer if fracking were banned. it would be a claimant stick up with joe wearing a mask. but wait, you can have faith in a green new deal, right? if higher taxes and enlist funding for cronies, if that is your idea of fair, sure, it will be swell. speaking of lives shattered under democrat rule, we turn now to portland to study months of violent antifa chaos that leaders have refused to address. but could it be coming to a close? today oregon governor kate brown gleefully announcing that the federal government has agreed to withdraw federal officers from portland. they have acted as an occupying force and brought violence. starting tomorrow all customs and border's protection and i.c.e. officers will leave downtown portland. it sounds like she's declaring victory. that would be a shocking development, right? is that true? acting dhs secretary chad wolf. mr. secretary, she says agents are an occupying force and basically good riddance, she won. what do you say? >> i think that language is very irresponsible. she is describing a law enforcement officers, civil law enforcement officers who wake up every day you come up with a badge on come up with the uniform on and protect the community and federal officers as an occupying force and responsible for the violence we see in portland. it is exact opposite. it is the violent rioters and criminals that we have seen over 60 days that are the occupying force in downtown portland that have caused this violence that we have seen. and so i take exception to that language. and i would say all of our men and women in law enforcement officers and dhs and those in the courthouse risking their lives every day to take exception to that language. >> laura: so how many people will be left, federal officers left in that courthouse given come i guess the agreement that you two came to? >> absolutely, dhs law enforcement presence will remain in portland until we can be assured the plan put in place by the governor and they oregon state police is working, is effective, and they continue to do it night after night to keep the criminal and violent activity away from the courthouse. >> laura: mr. secretary, hold on. do you have faith? she just called your people an occupying force. do you have faith that given their language, attitude and playing politics with this, that that's going to happen and this will be secure, mr. secretary? >> well, we will have to wait and see on that, but i think the key there is none of the dhs law enforcement that are there today and have been there for the past month or over a month at this point were leaving portland. we will remain there and protect that courthouse. that is our responsibility, and that is our duty. the oregon state police we have a robust presence to downtown portland in the streets to that courthouse. we will see if they can execute the plan they put in place. that will not happen overnight. we will have to stay there and understand if their plan is effective. if it is not, we will continue to secure the courthouse. >> laura: you know what is incredible a friend of mine in new orleans has an office basically across the street from the courthouse there come a business. he said to me over the weekend, this is a sought after because we always assume that area is going to be safe. isn't it ironic that now areas, major federal buildings will give businesses pause when they decide where to locate if this kind of nonsense continues. it never struck me before is when he said that to me over the weekend. apparently, they are not going anywhere near that door of the federal courthouse because they are concerned. >> right. what i will say to you in cities like new orleans and other cities across the country, we have a good relationship with the state and local law enforcement. there were threats and targets against the federal facilities in those locations. we work as a team to address those. unfortunately, that has not occurred in portland the next 60 days. the governor has stepped up and employing the state police and that should have been done earlier to address the situation so they can police city streets and city parks in the area. that these violent criminals are organizing each and every night. they did it, and i'm glad they will join other responsible cities around the country. >> laura: will, they clearly decided this is just not workinm politically. i know you will not say it but i will say it. they are looking at the public opinion on this. it is starting to turn against the democrats. that is why they decided to start working with you. the governor of michigan said this about having federal officers in her state, mr. secretary, watch. >> what we are worried about, of course, the federal government will come in and do what they did in portland. that is not acceptable. that is not necessary. >> laura: is she saying she does not want you to protect court houses from being burned down as this ag said yesterday come as is now acceptable behavior as a political tactic? >> right to commit is very confusing and i received a number of letters from mayors, governors and it doesn't make sense to me. what they don't understand they don't understand the effects on the ground in their cities. again michigan and elsewhere, we have a good relationship with local and state law enforcement. they come to our assistance when we need them too. we don't see that in portland which we've had over the last 60 days but other states and other cities, local and state law enforcement understand that partnership is critical to securing federal facilities to work together as a team. >> laura: all right, secretary, thank you. biden finally emerges from the basement so surely he has good events today, raymond arroyo will show you next on "seen and unseen" next. ♪ >> laura: it is time for the "seen and unseen" segment where we expose the stories behind the headline. biden escapes the basement for one event. we are joined by raymond arroyo fox news contributor, biden held a big press release and had got rave reviews. joe biden in his hometown of wilmington, did not shy away from attacking joe biden. donald trump. he is very comfortable in his skin. he was fine and answered questions coherently and intelligently. >> laura: coherently come is that the standard now? how coherent and intelligent was it, raymond? >> you know what, laura i will not characterize it but i will let the audience characterize it. this is how joe biden started the press are. >> good afternoon, everyone. welcome to the kinsman community center. actually, that is the one i used to work. that was a joke. i know where we are anyway. [laughter] >> it's a joke okay. it is unclear if biden knew actually where he was, laura. he is in his hometown where he does everything. then comes the challenging question from the press corps. now note all of the reporters preapproved, biden consulted his list and some reporters acted like they were campaign aides. >> i would be happy to take your questions. let me get my list here are. >> i'm curious, why delaware? are you running against president trump or for president trump? >> do you think the president all of a sudden decided not to go to tallahassee because he never thought it was an interest to the public? >> jacksonville. >> i mean jacksonville. >> laura, are you trying to win your time slot, or are you trying to get higher ratings in the competition? what kind of questions are these? these performances of biden don't give voters confidence he's ready to lead or can lead any longer. politics aside me know what i say the more vigorous, vibrant candidate wins. that was obama over tired mccain, and my sense is this race is pending in the same direction which is why you see those tightening polls. the more people see this, the more his lead is eroding. >> laura: raymond i have a question for you tonight, why new orleans, why? what kind of question is that? >> that's all i'm going to say, laura. i will say no more. >> laura: biden answered and said, well i find i can't campaign from here and nobody k. he explains why he doesn't have to campaign because the press does not hold him accountable for not campaigning but he will stand delaware for the most part. what else? this is why that poll swing voters going with trump threes domain 3-165% for trump commit and biden a marist poll 59% supt among hispanic voters and that s worrisome for him so we held an event with a latino group today, but it was less than coherent and intelligent, laura and there were technical pyrotechnics. >> i have to assure the people of puerto rico to have support to rebuild their country. think of the damage done to the psyche of so many young latinos. the 20/20 census, which is now two censuses ago. i used to think you could defeat hate. but it just hides under a rock. it hides under rocks. >> laura, this is like trying to operate the zoom call. if things are coming in and out. you know, this comes at a urgent moment for biden. the poll ha has two comp up 41% over the hispanic vote and biden 46%. he can't win with those numbers and may be that psyche, may be spanish, i don't know, i don't recognize that particular accent. >> laura: all of these immigrant families in the d.c. area, northern virginia, maryland, they are unable to send their kids to school because the teachers union are blocking the return to education despite to fight the real medicine. this is an easy call for minority owned businesses. your businesses will be threatened, burned to the ground and elvis. what else, one more thing. >> before we go the ma nominations came out today and as my cameraman said, he didn't know when no one else did brad pitt was nominated for playing dr. anthony fauci for exactly 3 minutes. lousy imitations the path to victory, surely kate mckenna will win and me for lousy imitation of you, my dea, gas, e is nominated as well. >> that intoxicated kind of high, i'm laura ingraham. >> laura: this is how she did my impression. she talked like this, hi, i'm laura ingraham from the "the ingraham angle." and i don't talk like that. >> brad pitt did the worst dr. anthony fauci i have ever heard. terrible. 3 minutes before murphy and he gets nominated this same category. >> laura: if you thought meet joe black was a flat line or performance, dr. fauci, raymond. >> joe biden next season. [laughter] >> laura: and moments that were on hydroxychloroquine hits silicon valley and dr. fauci cheers at all. you can't miss "medicine cabinet"re next. and the first thing i do is go to my art studio. a couple came up and handed me a brochure on prevagen. i've been taking prevagen for about four years. i feel a little bit brighter and my mind just feels sharper. i would recommend it to anyone. it absolutely works. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. woi felt completely helpless.hed online. my entire career and business were in jeopardy. i called reputation defender. vo: take control of your online reputation. get your free reputation report card at find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. woman: they were able to restore my good name. vo: visit or call 1-877-866-8555. ♪ >> right now today, that the cumulative science negated that has been put together and done over a number of different studies has shown no efficacy. so when there is a video out there a bunch of people spouting stuff that isn't true, the only recourse you have is to be very, very clear in presenting for scientific data that essentially contradicts that. >> laura: a bunch of doctors who actually treat covid patients, dr. fauci. that was his latest attack on the hydroxychloroquine and the video he is referencing went viral before sensor by the social media giants. what are they afraid of? medical doctors touting evidence that they personally witnessed in treating patients with hydroxychloroquine. they are not alone. joining me dr. risch, the public school of health and dr. stephen smith, founder for infectious disease and health, dr. risch and your illustrious career have you ever seen a commonly used drug this set up on? >> no, good evening, laura. this is totally unusual. and just never seen before that i know of. >> laura: real big tech ceos appeared before a congressional committee today and the topic quickly turned to their ban on that hydroxychloroquine video the other day. >> if someone is going to go out and say the hydroxychloroquine is proven to cure covid when in fact it has not been proven to cure covid, that statement could lead people to take a drug that in some cases, some of the data suggest might be harmful to people, we think we should take that down. that could cause imminent risk. >> laura: comparing the pictures of hot girls at harvard. dr. smith held difficult is to have the judging of political science? >> this is an enormous. it is horrible to have. high-tech companies when you and what is good and bad for you for a medical point of view. regardless of what the issue is. >> laura: ohio is taking its cues from the leftist media on hydroxychloroquine. the clump is dispatch inc. pharmacy, clinics and other medical institutions in ohio will be prohibited from distancing or selling hydroxychloroquine to treat covid-19. according to new regulations by the state, ohio board of pharmacy. i have heard from several doctors about this. they have never witnessed anything like this and the drug has been around six decades. at the end of this new regulation, they admit that doctors do say it can be efficacious. >> that is right. but ohio is no different except that they made it public. 44 states in total have restrictions and limitations on both prescribing hydroxychloroquine and selling it. doctors are intimidated all over the country from doing this. so ohio is more out in the public about it. >> laura: dr. smith, lives in my view are in danger, in jeopardy because of this. but i'm not a doctor. you are the one treating covid patients. do you agree with that? >> 100%. i've seen this. enough large percentage of patients have died or incubated with covid, the e.r. and get sent home with nothing. we know from the french data, that that group is mildly ill and can very, very well with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin and combination is extremely safe. that is really disturbing what is going on in ohio and what is going on. mike with this drug. i don't understand it at all. and yet, people have died because they did not get hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin coming to the e.r. and claim back three or four days later and come back with the ventilator and die. that is an awful, awful thing to happen and patients not getting taken care of. >> laura: i hope people understand this, dr. risch what they are hearing. dr. smith is one of the preeminent doctors in new jersey treating patients, okay? he is a real doctor. the press is saying that a and infectious diseases. why is this happening, dr. risch? is this political because trump said it can work and so if it works, trump is responsible for saving lives? what is going on here? >> i think the main reason the fda said this drug has potential harms. and they said this on their website posting july 1st. it says in the title of the website that be 14 should not be used in patients managed and outpatient circumstances with this drug because of risks of cardia domain cardiac arrhythmias. but underneath the box, the title, the box that says it was only data. >> laura: we will have you back to continue this but we have to take a quick break. >> shannon: dr. fauci is changing his mind on masks again. now they don't cover enough of your face. >> i think we are going to go to the point where i protection is recommended. >> you know it might if you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it. i mean, it's not universally recommended, but if you really want to be complete, you should probably use it if you can. >> laura: what's next, scuba gear, space suits, ski goggles on the subway? wait, i shouldn't give him any ideas. that's all the time we have tonight, shannon bream, the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. shannon. >> shannon: you can't sneak up on us like that, laura. i mean, we would have had our goggles ready too. thank you, laura. >> laura: see you. >> shannon: tonight, 11:00 p.m. on this coast, 8:00 p.m. on the west coast and as night falls out west, we are monitoring the federal courthouse in portland for signs of trouble tonight as the oregon governor says teams of federal officers are set to begin moving out to be replaced by state police. is that actually true and what it end the nightly riots that have been


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20200730

administration. but are they lying about that? acting dhs secretary chad wolf says, yeah. he's going to tell us about that. the war on hydroxychloroquine found the new battlefield today, a congressional hearing room. two doctors are telling us why big tech might be endangering lives. and biden emerges from the bunker but does he know he actually is? an actor gets an emmy nomination for 3 minutes of work. three. raymond arroyo explains it in seen and unseen. but first, do you know his name? that's the focus of tonight's angle. that question was posed by activists and protesters for weeks after the killing of george floyd picked it was meant to jar the nation to focus on police brutality and it worked. floyd's name and message became synonymous with the suffering that comes from racial injustice. of course, there were others that used the name for their own twisted political agenda as a burning down our cities would bring mr. floyd back or solve underlying problems. of course, it just merely made matters worse. in the intervening weeks since the people in late may, many more african-american families have lost loved ones to violence. at least 144 have been murdered since june 1st in chicago alone. including these children. 3-year-old mickie james, 1-year-old sincere gaston, 7-year-old natalia wallace. all shot dead. unlike george floyd, the general public won't remember them, because the activists don't find their stories useful. and the media also pushing a political agenda, they basically just beyond. last week in milwaukee, a well-known passionate figure in the community, someone who supported every issue from police reform and other liberal causes, but lately he had been holding homemade pro trump signs. that man was murdered. he also happened to be african-american. he was shot and killed outside his office in the afternoon when he was sitting in a lawn chair. it happened in broad daylight. do you know his name? i bet you don't. it's burnell tremel. >> we sat and watched. they gave cpr for 15-20 minutes. >> laura: security cameras capture this image of the suspect and police are continuing to investigate. at the milwaukee sentinel journal reported a few weeks ago that reggie moore, the director of milwaukee's office for violence production intervened in the dispute between him and a young man. thought the incident was related to a trump sign that tramell was carrying. a republican tweeted this on the news of mr. tramell's death. my condolences to their families and friends. i hope they get justice soon. probably won't be surprised to know that the major networks outside of fox didn't "the washington times," abc news, cbs news, or nbc. this led you to berger's to pick up the slack and asked some pretty basic questions. >> i can't for the life of me and tell him that it was justified just because somebody is a trump supporter that they get shot down in cold blood when they never, ever have done anything to anybody other than express their opinions. i even wonder if the mainstream media is going to give this the amount of coverage it has given criminals out there that have died in the streets. because they certainly don't give it the children. they don't get the coverage. >> laura: no, they don't. and nobody knows their names as we said. but those victims are people too. like mr. trammell was. >> full of love. >> very deep conversations. >> community figure. >> laura: tonight the income act will has exposed a video of interactions days before his murder that may shed light what was motivating the homicide. >> obama has done nothing for us. everybody says health care? we ain't afford health care for we and got no money. so trump at least whether the will of god or his inspiration to do some that no president has ever done and that's why he got my vote. if i'm sitting here with a sign with trump soldiers, i get a rock thrown at me at best. no fear. come what may. >> it's disgusting. >> it ain't right but at the same time we are in america, freedom of expression. >> laura: he seemed to truly believe that, didn't he? we will air more of that video later in the show. but the very least, it reveals that mr. trammell could be harmed for his pro trump use. if it's true, it's absolutely appalling as is the deafening silence from democrats. where is al sharpton? where is black lives matter, a group that mr. trammell even supported, by the way! they are nowhere to be found. apparently certain black lives do not matter. let's not forget the left's long history of ignoring, vilifying, or dehumanizing blacks who disagree. they are called uncle toms or race traitors. they are not authentic. as biden said, you aren't really black if you're not a democrat. at least twice in the last few days, msnbc hosts have proved my point. >> has donald trump ever promised you something in exchange of your blind support of this administration or helping his campaign? >> no, and i've known him since 2015. >> are you a paid campaign surrogate? >> i feel bad about this president. he only asked me that because i do not fit your narrative. >> laura: i'd like to turn the question on the anchor and ask if you are a campaign surrogate paid by the biden campaign. how insulting is this, how demeaning, you couldn't think of this way of your own from you couldn't come to this conclusion of your own using your own intellect. think about that. the democrats and their radical media collaborators have been pulling akon and african-americans for decades. the party of slavery and jim crow, the party of segregation and that the kkk has worked overtime to cover up its own sins in order to once again to divide us over racial and ethnic lines. doing so requires they demonized, disenfranchised, deep platform and dehumanize americans who disagree. but they know they think we are onto them and their sick game that more minorities are seeing through their sloganeering about black lives matter when in fact they act like only certain black lives matter. more decent people i believe are seeing the pathetic failure in leadership in democrat run cities where black and immigrant own businesses are destroyed with impunity. elected officials so possessed by anti-trump hatred that they actually do more to protect the rights of violent protesters than they do the rights of their own law-abiding residents. on occasion, a few honest democrats will speak out. i had a call with as happened in acall with lori . >> we have to come up with a better plan. my fear is once they are done looting and what happens tonight, what are we going to do and what do we tell our residents other than good faith people stand up? it's not going to be enough. >> thank you, alderman. next question? >> i want an answer! you commented on everybody. i want answers. >> i think you are full of [bleep], that's what i think i think. >> laura: to a democratic city alderman, your 100% full of, you know what. it doesn't have to be this way. african-americans, latino pluralists, immigrants who want what everyone else wants, they want a fair shot, they want decent schools, they want safe streets. they can walk away from the party that has taken them for granted and abused their trust and support for an agenda that actually will respect their freedom to make their own choices and to believe whatever they want, safe streets. bernell trammell wasn't killed by a corrupt police officer, he was cut down in the middle of the day after holding a trump 2020 sign. that was his crime. and that's the angle. joining me now is horace cooper, cochair of project 21 and author of "how trump is making black america great again." we don't yet know the motive, but this is a well known community figure in milwaukee who was assassinated in broad daylight. the media and the blm, al sharpton, the rest of the gam, care. >> this is just another example of how they jump to conclusions first and investigate later. the conclusion is mr. trammell's life didn't matter. the conclusion is there isn't ever any instance of any violins being attacked upon or brought upon people because of their political views. we come to you and i, we don't know what the story is. we are open. it is strange that where the circumstances different, where he an active supporter of bernie or biden, it would be shocking if this wasn't front page news. somebody was holding a sign supporting a progressive or left-wing candidate and now they are dead to come of this would be the sign and news that we would hear continuously. >> laura: justice >> laura: jussie smollett's story was believed immediately, that he was beaten up -- >> turned out to not be true! >> laura: beaten up by maga wearing white thugs beat him up and he was barely able to call him with bleach all over himself. that was take that to the bank and run all over with it. this man who adopted a lot of liberal causes as well carries around a trump sign unabashed about it and he ends up dead and that's not a story? >> it's a story but we've got the vaunted 1619 project where we are so interested and motivated by this idea that the race of america was its starting point. it's most quintessential important point. why is there a silence "the new york times." why isn't the party and segregation in the 19th century, 20th century and even the 21st century has continually exploited people for political power and his own ambitions. why aren't they being called out, why haven't the media just raised some basic questions? >> earlier this month on the sea the sea and then, after terry crews hit the nail on the head about why blm just doesn't care about cases like mr. trammell. >> when you have leaders all of the black lives matter movement say they don't get the demands they'll burn it down, other black people talking about working with other whites and other races that they are being viewed as sellouts or called uncle toms, you start to understand you are now being controlled. >> laura: horace, they said upon terry for having the temerity to raise that point. he became a persona non grata. that's where you are in the country tonight. >> silence those who dissent. this is the pattern that we have seen from the 1800s, 1900s, and now the 2000s and heading into the 21st century. where is the understanding that free people have the right to express themselves to think what they want to think, and where is the outrage that someone could be killed over this only if they don't support the leftist candidate? where is the outrage? >> thanks so much. great to see you tonight. as we noted, trammell was ruthlessly gunned down on thursday. this is amid growing outrage over the signs he was holding supporting president trump's reelection. the police are currently asking the public to help identify the suspected shooter. we still don't know why trammell was killed, but tonight i want to show you more of that video "the ingraham angle" extensively exclusivelyobtained days befores murder. >> trump today... people on the sidewalk unlike the corner over there. >> see what i'm saying? they can't do that at the same time. respect the sign. >> this one? >> yet. i'd grab them across the street, swing them around. over there, they are just about ready to kill me. >> laura: joining me now is and you hit his office is the one that got its hands on that video. andrew, he says they are just about ready to kill me. what were your thoughts when you saw that? her that for the first time. >> laura, it's just so chilling to sit there and hear it and watch all of those videos. it is scary. it's terrifying when you think about it. we are a little under 100 days out from the presidential election. there is a real possibility that trammell was killed as a result of his political beliefs for supporting president trump. >> laura: we are seeing on screen now of a suspect the milwaukee police has put out. some local media have described him as about 6 feet tall, apparently african-american, 300 years or so, that's the estimate, weighs over 200 pounds. apparently rides a black bike that anybody has information, please contact the milwaukee police department. right now we have federal courthouses being threatened to mow have another case where a democrat in wisconsin was assaulted by two again, that's a democrat assaulted at one of these protests! these are the two women who were arrested in that assault of tim carpenter, i believe i'm getting the name rector this is beyond dangerous. now lives or perhaps being lost and dashed an individual shot in austin, texas, over the last couple of days. where does this and make up where does this end up? >> this is a low point that i don't recall this ever happening certainly in milwaukee or wisconsin before. where we go from here is we have to as people who support the president, we've got to stand up, we've got to honor trammell and his passion for the president, and we need to get this president reelected and that's what we are going to do in the fall of 2020. >> laura: he was pretty well known in the community, mr. trammell. i i'm surprised that there is not more coverage of this by the national media when he is on camera saying, i think they are going to kill me, holding a political sign. what happened that the people believing in political speech not being punished in the united states? >> not only do we not see coverage in national news, but we aren't seeing anything or hearing any reactions from democrat leaders in milwaukee. we haven't heard anything from mayor barrett, we haven't heard anything from congresswoman glenmore print nothing from governor evers. nothing from attorney general josh all. we have somebody who stood up every day, got up on the street corner supporting the president, talking about his political views and he is dead now. less than 100 days out of an election, this is worth talking about, worth thinking about, and concerned about. we have to bring attention to this, that's why i called for an investigation by the united states attorney. >> laura: you rattled off all the democrat officials in the state, none of them have addressed this, none of them have talked about it. that speaks volumeses and will stay on the story. andrew, thank you for helping us understand this better tonight. and still to come, raymond arroyo on biden's latest string of memory lapses. plus did oregon leaders just lie about the drawdown of federal troops in portland. dhs secretary chad wolf is here and he'll set that record straight. don't miss it. as you get older, are you worried about staying sharp and alert? forebrain, from the harvard-educated experts at force factor, contains key ingredients to help boost memory, learning, clarity, focus, and more! rush to walmart and find forebrain, our #1 brain booster, in the vitamin aisle. >> laura: present president trump travels to midland, texas, to lot our amazing oil and gas workers and warned about the newest threat r energy independence. >> pennsylvania, ohio, so many of our places come they don't realize how't big it is, they wt no fracking, no nothing. this extreme agenda would mean the death of american prosperity and the death of the american middle class. >> laura: he's right absolutely. for ohio and elsewhere. that's why we are kicking off a new series tonight. it's called states of discontent where we are going to examine how america, especially the swing states would fare under a biden presidency because we know that joe was largely being controlled by a hard left obama alum alliance, it's imperative the voters understand his policies would radically alter the lives of most of you. let's start with the and energy >> i'm talking about stopping fracking as soon as we can print talking about telling the fossil fuel industry that they are going to stop destroying this planet. i'm not sure your proposal does that. >> no new fracking. >> laura: biden's handlers tried to walk back his remarks claiming he'dri only been frackg on federal lands, but he bends to bernie there. that would still do a huge amount of damage and moreover do you really think that the squad would stand for only on federal land, banding it? remember, biden appointed aoc to his climate policy panel. remember with her stunning scientific acumen, who can blame him. she will definitely s be one of the loudest voices in the room. so pennsylvania, ohio, texas, ao we said, are fracking powerhouses. voters in those states must realize that joe's green new jobs fantasy will reward democrat friends and destroy industry that has provided good paying jobs to american families for over a decade now. let's look at numbers. 2019 chamber of commerce study found that a fracking ban would lose 19 million jobs nationwide, including 700,000 jobs in ohio, 609,000 in pennsylvania, 468,000 inn colorado, and another 816,00 in wisconsin and michigan. states and localities of course would see the revenues shrink by $600 billion. and children will suffer in states like new mexico where a huge chunk of public educationen is funded through taxes on oil and gas. coloradans, you would be on average 6,50 $6,500 poorer. it would be a climate stick up with joe bidenen wearing the ma. but you can have faith in a green new deal, right? if higher taxes and endless funding for climate cronies, if that's your idea of fair, sure, it'll be swell. speaking of live shattered under democrat rule, we turn now to portland, despite months of violent anti-for chaos local leaders have refused to address. could be coming to a close? oregon governor kate brown the gleefully announcing the federal government is agreeing to withdraw federal officersth from portland. they've acted as an occupying force and brought violence but starting tomorrow, all customs border protection and i.c.e. officers will leave downtown portland. o sounds like she's declaring victory. that would be a shocking development, right? but is that true? joining me now is acting dhs secretary chad wolf. mr. secretary, she says agents are an occupying force and basically good riddance, she won. what do you say? >> i think that language is very irresponsible. she is describing law enforcement officers, civil law enforcement officersin who wake up every day and put that bad john come up with the uniform on, and protect the community and federal properties as an occupying force and responsible for the violence we see in portland and it's exactly the opposite. it's the violent rioters and criminals we've seen for over 60 days that are the occupying force in downtown portland, and have caused this violence we have seen. i take exception to that language. i would say that all of our men and women, law-enforcement officers in the dhs and those inside the court house who risk their lives every day also ticket section to that language. >> laura: how many people will be left, federal officers left in the courthouse given i guess the agreements you two came to? >> absolutely. well, dhs law enforcement presence will remain in portland until a we can be ensured that e plan put in place by the governor and oregon state police is working, is effective, they can continue to do it night after night and keep the criminal and violent activity away from the courthouse. >> laura: secretary, hold on. do you have faith? she just called your people an occupying force. do you have faith that given their language, their attitude, playing politics with this, that that's going to happen? and this is going to be secure, mr. secretary? >> we are going to have to wait and see. i think the key there is none of the dhs law enforcement that are there today, that have been there the last month or over a month at this point are leaving portland. we will remain, protect the courthouse, that is our responsibility and that is our duty. the oregon state police, a robust presence across the street frome the port down the courthouse and we'll see if they can execute the plan they put in if that doesn't happen overnight, we have to stay there and understand if their plan is effective. heif it's not we'll continue to secure that courthouse. >> laura: what's incredible is a goodho friend of mine in new orleans has an office basically right across the street from the courthouse there, a business trip he said to me over the weekend, he saysr location because we always assumed that area was going to be safe. isn't it ironic that now areas near federal buildings are going to give businesses pause when they decide where to locate if this kind of nonsense continues? it never struck me before as when he said that to me over the weekend and apparently they aren't going anywhere near that new orleans federal courthouse because they are concerned. >> what i will say in cities like new orleans and other cities across s the country, we have a good relationship withco state and local law enforcementw if there are threats and targets against those federal facilities in those locations, we work as a team together to address those. unfortunately that has not occurred in portland over theas last 60 days. i am glad the governor stepped up at this time and deploying the oregon state police. that should've been done earlier to address the situation so thee can police city streets and city parks in the area that these violent criminals are organizing in each and every night. i'm glad they did it and i'm glad they are going to join other responsible cities around the country. the one they clearly decided this is just not working out politically. >> laura: i know you're not going to say it but i'll say it. they are looking at the public opinion on it and it's starting to turn against the democrats. that's why they decided to start working with you. the governor of michigan said this about having federal officers in her state, mr. secretary. watch. >> what wecr are worried about f course is the federal government is going to come in and do what they did in portland. that is not acceptable. that is not necessary. >> laura: issue saying she doesn't want you guys to protect courthouses from being burnt down as this ag is saying? is this behavior down the acceptable behavior as a political tactic? >> it's very confusing. i received a number of letters from mayors and governors and it doesn't make sense to me because what they don't understand is they don't understand the facts on the ground in their state and in their cities. in michigan and elsewhere we have a good relationship with local and state law enforcement and they come to our assistance when we need them too. we don't see that in portland which has caused what we had over the last 60 days but in other states and other cities, local and state law enforcement understand that partnership is critical to securing federal facilities and working together as a team. >> laura: biden finally emerges from the basement so shirley had a good event today. raymond arroyo will show you the latest. seen and unseen next. as someone with hearing loss i know what a confusing and frustrating experience getting hearing aids can be. that's why i founded lively. affordable, high-quality hearing aids with all of the features you need, and none of the hassle. i use lively hearing aids and it's been wonderful. it's so light and so small but it's a fraction of the cost of the other devices. they cost thousands less. it's insanely user friendly. you take the hearing test online, the doctor programs in the settings. you don't even need to go into an office. they're delivered to your door in a few days and you're up and running in no time. it connects via bluetooth to my phone. you can stream music and you can answer phone calls. the audiologist was so incredible she's full of all kinds of little helpful hints i love it. they're a game changer for me. i feel like i can take on anything. it feels great to be in control of my hearing. better hearing has never been this easy. try lively risk-free for 100 days. visit and with his people israel for 100 days. now during the coronavirus pandemic. our elderly jewish brothers and sisters who are so precious to god they have no access to food. as christians and jews we know that we have a scriptural mandate to feed the hungry. and here there are thousands in desperate need. 17 years ago edna was in a horrible terrorist attack. she's still in excruciating pain her food is running out and she's isolated and frightened. all the time i suffer alone with sickness and pain. the need is especially urgent due to the coronavirus pandemic. your call right now with a gift of $25 will rush food and emergency aid to an elderly jewish person struggling to survive. every gift helps keep them alive and show's your love to god's people. for over 35 years, the international fellowship of christians and jews has been bringing christian and jewish communities together. and it's only with your help that we can meet this challenge of delivering emergency aid and food boxes to elderly jews across israel. inside every food box we put a note letting the recipients know that it was provided by christians and jews who love them. it means so much to me. your help will bring emergency aid and much needed peace into their lives. whether you can help one time or once a month you will recieve god's blessings when you bless these children of abraham. go online or call right now. you can be a miracle for an eldelry jew today. >> laura: it's time for our seen and unseen segment where we expose the stories behind the headlines. biden escapes the basement for at least one event. for more details, we are joined by raymond arroyo, fox news and jupiter. biden held a huge presser and he got rave reviews. >> not shying away from attacking donald trump. >> comfortable in who he is in his own skin. >> he was buying in hand that press conference and answered coherently. >> laura: is that the standard now? how coherent and intelligent was it, raymond? >> i am not going to characterize it. i'm going to let the audience be the judge. this is how joe biden started the press. >> good afternoon, everyone. welcome to kinsman community center. actually, that's the one down i used to work. that's a joke. didn't know where we were. anyway... >>i it's a joke, okay. itok was unclear whether biden knew or he actually was and it was in his own hometown where he does everything.he then came the challenging questions from the press corps. note, all the reporters were preapproved. biden consults his lists, and some reporters acted like they were campaign aides. >> i would be happen to take her questions but let me get my list here. >> i'm curious why delaware? >> are you running against president trump or for resident? >> do you think the president all of a sudden decided not to go to tallahassee because he no longer thought it was in the interest of the public? >> jacksonville? >> i mean jacksonville. i'm not prepared to tell my story. >> laura, are you trying to win your time slot or trying to get higher ratings in the competition? what kind of questions are these? and these performances of biden don't exactly give voters confidence that he's ready to lead or can lead any longer. politics aside, i always say the more vigorous vibrant candidate always wins. trump is more vigorous than hillary, and my sense is this race is tending toward the same direction which is why you see the tightening polls. the more. you see this, the more his lead is eroding. >> laura: i have a question for you tonight. why new orleans? why? what kind of question is that? >> that's all i'm going to say, lllaura. i'm going to say no more. >> laura: the best is biden said, the best i can come pain from here and nobody knows the difference. he will make the press doesn't really hold him accountable for not campaigning! he's going to stay in delaware for the most part. >> that's why you see the zogby poll, swing voters going for trump 3-1. a marist poll has biden at 59% support of hispanics pretty held held an event with a latino group today and was less than intelligent and coherent, of course, and there were technical pyrotechnics. >> the people of puerto rico have the support to rebuild their country. think of the damage under the psyche of so many young latinos. the 2020 census, which is now, two censuses ago, i used to believe you could be defeated, but it hides behind a rock, and hides under rocks. >> tucker: this is like grandpa trying to operate the zoom call. things are coming in and out. but this comes at an urgent moment for biden. that new rasmussen poll has trump up 41% of the hispanic vote and biden at 46. he can't win with those numberse maybe that psychic -- maybe that was spanish? i don't recognize that particular accent. >> laura: and all these immigrant families in just the d.c. area, northern virginia, maryland, they are not able to send their kids to school because their teachers union are blocking a return in person education despite the real medicine. this is now an easysp call for minority owned businesses. burned to the ground and nowrn this. >> before we go, some entertainment news, the emmy nominations came out today and as my cameraman here said, he didn't know, no one else didhe either. brad pitt was e nominated for playing dr. anthony vouching for exactly 3 minutes and lousy invitations the path to victory, surely kate mckinnon will win and imitation for her lousy invitation for you, my dear. she is nominated as well. >> laura: as she nominated? >> for that intoxicating, "high matt, i'm laura ingraham." >> laura: here is how she did my impersonation. she talked like this, i'm laura ingraham on "the ingraham angle." that's how she talks. i don't think i talk like that. >> and brad pitt did the worst of dr. anthony fallacy i've ever heard! terrible. 3 minutes, pour eddie murphy does an hour and gets nominated inin the same category. i hope eddie and baby yoda gets nominated. >> laura: if you thought "meet joe black" was a flat performance... because he'll be joe biden next season! >> laura: nxt, the war on hydroxy hit silicon valley and dr. fauci shares at all. or was that brad pitt? my medicine cabinet next. hike! simon pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500! coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. they're off... in the kentucky derby. rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. touchdown! only mahomes. the big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. ♪ >> right now today, the human to live scientific data that has beenod put together and done ovr a number of different studies have shown no efficacy. so when there is a video out there of a bunch of people spotting something that isn't true, the only recourse you have is to be very, very clear in presenting the scientific data that essentially contradicts that. putin a bunch of doctors who >> laura: a bunch of doctors who actually treat de before being censored by the social media giants. what are they afraid of? featured medical doctors touting the benefits that they personally witness from treating patients with hydroxychloroquine and they are not alone. joining me now is dr. harvey risch, professor of epidemiology at the yale school of public health, and dr. stephen smith. dr. risch, in your illustriousus career have you ever seen a commonly used drug this set upon? >> good evening, laura. no, this is totally unusual and it's never been seen before that i know of. >> laura: big tech ceos appeared before a congressional committee today and the topicod quickly turned to their band of ban of that bedrock see a video. >> if somebody's going to go out and say hydroxychloroquine is the cure tuesday 26 when it's not been proven to cure covid that could lead to -- in some cases, some of the data suggest it might be harmful to . we think we should take that down, it could cause imminent risk of harm. >> laura: he should stick to comparing the pictures of hot girls at harvard. how dangerous is it to have big tech judging what the medical opinions are some of the science? >> it's enormous and bad development for u.s. medicine, horrible to have tech companies weighing in on what's good or what's bad on you from a medical point of view regardless of what the issue is. >> laura: ohio is taking its cues from the leftist media on the columbus dispatch reporting that pharmacies, clinics, and other medical institutions in ohio will be prohibited from dispensing the sale of hydroxychloroquine to treat covid-19 according to new rags issued by the state, ohio board of pharmacy. i've heard from several doctors in ohio from this. they said they never witnessed anything like this on a drug that's been around for six decades at the end of this new t regulation, they admit that doctors do say that it can be efficacious. >> that's right. ohio is no different except they made this public. 44 states in total have restrictions and limitations on both prescribing hydroxychloroquine and selling it and doctors are intimidated from doing this. ohio is just more out in public about it. >> laura: dr. smith, lives, in my view, are in danger, in jeopardy because of this. but i'm not a doctor. you are the one treating theth covid patients. do you agree with that? >> 100%. i have seen this. large percentage of our patients dying or end up being intubated with covid come to the e.r. and are sent home with nothing. we know from the french data, the group that is mildly ill do very well with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. the combination is really safe and it's really disturbing what's going on in ohio and what's going on period with this drug. i don't understand it at all. and yet people have died because they did not get hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin upon coming to thed e.r. they come back 3-4 days later, they are put on them until later and die. that's an awful thing to happen, it's happened to several patients i've taken care of. >> laura: sorry to interrupt, dr. risch, what they are hearing, dr. smith is one of the preeminent doctors in new jersey treating patients but he's a real doctor, a practicing physicianl right now in infectious diseases. why is this happening, dr. risch? is this political because trump said it could work and so if it works, then trump is responsible for saving lives? what is going on here? >> i think the main reason is the fda has said that this drug has potential harms. they said this on their website, after t the posting on july 1st, that it says in the title of the website that hydroxychloroquine should not be used in patients managed and outpatient circumstances with this drughi because of risks of cardiac arrhythmia. but underneath that box, underneath the title is a box that says -- >> laura: hold that, dr. risch. we'll have you back to continue this. we have to take a quick break. stay right here. are you sick and tired of looking and feeling heavy? probioslim promotes healthy digestion and helps you lose weight. patented probiotics ease constipation, gas, and bloating, while powerful egcg burns fat and calories. unleash your potential with probioslim, the #1 probiotic fat burner at walmart. >> shannon: dr. fauci is changing his mind on masks again. now they don't cover enough of your face. >> i think we are going to go to the point where i protection is a >> doctor anthony fauci changing his mind on mexican, they don't cover enough of your face. >> i protection is recommended. >> if you have goggles or andnd shield you should use it. it is not universally recommended that if you really want to be complete you should probably use it if you can. shannon: was next, scuba year, spacesuits? i shouldn't give him any ideas. that is all the time we have tonight. shannon bream, take it from here. >> you can sneak up on us like that, we would have had our goggles ready. thank you. tonight, 11:00 pm on east coast, 8:00 pm on the west coast, we are monitoring the federal courthouse for signs of trouble is the oregon governor says teams of federal officers begin moving out to be replaced by state police. is that you and would it end


Transcripts For KICU Bay Area News At 7 20140211

than we've seen in months. the spillway above fairfax in marin county flows in alpine lake and then lake loganitas. some 20 inches of rain fell this weekend the highest rain total anywhere in the bay area. meterologist has more on the impressive rain totals but let's begin live in orinda where a tree toppled over and that had people in one building fearing for their safety. christina? >> reporter: we can tell you that just minutes ago really this crew just wrapped up and finished their work here. they had been going on four hours of cleaning up that tree and they are just thankful no one was hurt. chunks of an old oak are being chopped up and taken down piece by piece. this massive tree just couldn't handle the soft saturated soil causing it to topple around noon on this office complex. >> just the whole building was shaking, you know? like the windows were shaking, doors were shaking, floor was shaking. >> dr. robert huey was inside the building treating a patient and thought he was experiencing an earthquake. >> i grabbed my patient and we're like oh, no what's happening and we're about to cover and then it stopped. >> the tree crushed down on aneighboring office closed at the time. brian gates and his team says when a tree like this falls you have to move fast to tarp the roof. >> it's kind of a one-two punch, first you get the tree damage and structure but you can't get it sealed up in time then the water does more damage than the actual tree. >> they are getting lots of calls about down trees in the eastbay. most trees are infected with root fungus, and can't handle heavy rain. >> the roots couldn't do the job to hold the tree up. >> the oak is estimated to be over 200 years old but now its ending its days labeled a killer tree even though no one was hurt. employees say that is the silver lining in this massive mess. >> we're just fortunate that nobody was walking underneath there because they wouldn't have been able to dodge. we have patients on walkers, crutches no way they would have gotten out of the way of the tree. >> we needed the rain, [laughter] but yeah, we didn't see this coming. >> now if you're worried about an old tree near your home or business you can have an arborist do an excavation where they test the roots for fungus, ktvu channel 2 news. >> trees around the bay area are at risk of falling due to the rain soaked soil. workers cleared a toppled tree on glenndale avenue. it was partially closed through the early afternoon. despite the recent storm we're still in the midst of a statewide drout. the russian river is roaring after nine inches of rain fell over the weekend and what a dramatic difference from last week when the river was down to just a trickle. despite all that rainfall, residents are still under orders to ration water. >> i'm hoping we just had a late winter. we're going to get more rain in and everything will be normal. >> water officials say the recent storm helps but there would have to be several more similar storms to make up for what could be our states worst drout on record. in the north bay received the most rain, some areas in the hills that came anywhere from 15-16 inches of rain by all of the end of the weekend and i want to take you back all the way to thursday, that was when the first rain moved in and if you take the rain accumulation from thursday through friday, saturday and into sunday this is what we are looking at for some of those areas like picking up almost 12 inches of rain, nappa picked up more than 7.5 inches, santa rosa reporting six and san francisco three inches, but if you look at areas like san jose, livermore, not as much, again over the north bay, mount tam reported nearly 20 inches of rain so when i come back i'll have a look at what you can expect for your tuesday where you'll see more sunshine and wet weather return to the area. the weekend storm is really a story of two regions. while the north bay got soaked the south bay mostly missed out as robert honda explained enthusiasm about the rain is starting to evaporate with reservoir capacity down to less than a third the santa clara valley water district had a lot of hope riding on this latest storm. >> i was pretty obsessed with it over the weekend looking at our gauges and reservoir levels waiting for this storm to materialize for the south bay. >> but when officials took their measurements of reservoir levels they were extremely disappointed. >> we were at 31.6% last thursday, this morning we're at 31.7%, it's dried up. >> water district has one last hope, run-off in the coming days, santa cruz mountains saw some heavy rain this weekend and today the san lorenzo river was flowing but still shallow. founder of the santa cruz mountains art center operated along the river for three decades says the storm and rainfall weren't that impressive. >> we've had the water right up to the building and when we get those downpours, the water because we're on the river will come right up across here and into our buildings. >> anything like that happen this weekend? >> this time no and the river isn't that high. >> the santa clara valley water district agreed. the run-off won't salvage this disappointing storm. >> we'll continue to get residual run-off but nothing that changes our situation very significantly. >> the water district says it will reevaluate its water conservation program on february 25th and that could mean the request for the public to cut back use by 10% could go up. at lexington reservoir, ktvu channel 2 news. >> you can get the bay area forecast any time on your smartphone or tablet, follow the ktvu weather team with our ktvu app. the first big rain storm in months has exposed a leak on the new bridge. bridge workers found water in parts of the bridge that were supposed to be airtight, water tight that is. a spokesman for the project told us no one knows exactly how the water is getting in or how to fix it. engineers say it's not causing a problem yet. >> we see no signs of corrosion, certainly we're taking this issue very seriously and it takes a fair amount of time for corrosion to manifest itself. >> experts say they will find and fix the leak, then step up inspections to react if a problem is located. the other part of the bay bridge the western section is getting a name change. tomorrow it is set to be renamed the willie l. brown jr. bridge. of course, brown served as mayor of san francisco and was assembly speaker for many years. the $6500 cost of the name change is being picked up by the naacp. a jail inmate is back in custody tonight after a bold dash for freedom in fairfield. authorities tell us they can't remember anything like it. >> reporter: in the mate, 24 year old joseph shabert actually made it outside, here to the parking lot in the back of the courthouse but that's as far as he got. >> it happened so fast because i lookedded up to here and get the f down and body splash down between the cars. >> that was the end of an intensive escape that police say started when he was being transported through courthouse tunnels. police say he grabbed a fire extinguisher, sprayed three deputies, triggered a fire alarm and got outside before he was tackled and brought back into custody. >> what was he saying? >> he was complaining he couldn't breathe and get off me, and i'm not doing anything, but obviously he was. >> police say the 24 year old has a history with the law. he lives in vaccaville but has been in and out of jail since he turned 18. >> he's been in and out of custody since 2008. the majority of those charges are either narcotics related, vandalism is in there, criminal threats are in there, and some failure to appears and stuff like that. >> this time around, he was in on charges of narcotics, a probation violation and failure to appear and designated as a maximum security inmate. how he was able to get outside is still being investigated but deputies say when you take away someone's freedom you have to be ready for anything. >> their mind set at any given time can be up and down and clearly, they're capable of desperate things at desperate times. >> he will be facing new charges including assault with a deadly weapon, attempted escape, and felony battery on a peace officer. convictions on those charges guarantee that the freedom he was running towards just got a lot further away. in fairfield, ktvu channel 2 news. residents of an oakland neighborhood say they feel more secure after police announced the arrest of four teenagers in connection with the violent home invasion robbery. police say the teens range in age from 16-19 and they are suspected of breaking into a home in the upper diamond neighborhood two weeks ago shooting an 81 year old woman inside. she is recovering. neighbors tell us news of the arrest comes as a relief. >> it's really good for me and my wife. we have a young child so we're just happy to know they are doing things to find the person responsible for this. >> we don't feel like it's a safer neighborhood. i don't think any of us feel like that. we have to be careful. >> police say they're looking into whether the teens are connected to other crimes. former antioch city council man reggie moore died. moore was the first african american to be elected to the council in 2006. he served at that post for four years. he died this morning after a long battle with cairns. ahead tonight, millions of pounds of meat recalled from a bay area company, what inspectors say was not happening there raising questions tonight. internet giant yahoo is in damage control mode. the out age that outraged some users and had others calling it dejavou. plus a first for the nfl as a college football player comes out of the closet ahead of the draft. the influential entity already expressing support. an alaska airlines flight was forced to turnaround and make an emergency landing at the san jose airport a little more than an hour after departing for honolulu. the pilot of flight 837 which we've highlighted for you decided to turn around when the power went out on one of half a dozen navigation systems. the pilot landed the boeing 737 safely back at the airport at about 9:40 this morning no one was injured and the 132 passengers were rebooked on another flight and headed to hawaii again, about an hour later. a meat processing plant is recalling more than 8 million pounds of beef. our noelle walker explains the issue that lead up to the plants second recall in less than a month. >> reporter: production is shutdown today at rancho feeding corporation in petaluma, the only activity we saw a few cattle. for the second time in less than a month, the meat processing facility is the subject of a recall and usda investigation. the first rate happened in january. this time though it's much bigger. nearly 9 million pounds of beef from head to tail are being recalled, so much beef for the small facilities it was likely going on for a year and much of it likely already made it to dinner tables. inspectors say rancho feeding corporation processed disease or unsound animals without federalinspection, a key element in making sure food supplies are safe. >> you have an inspector who inspects every animal to make sure they're healthy and then as they go through the process, they look again at all of the animals. >> the editor of cattle buyers weekly told us he's stunned by the news which he says has far reaching impacts for north bay ranchers. >> they will now have to make arrangements for their cattle to be processed elsewhere and that means they will have to transport them a much greater distance. >> marin farms is one of those customers. today the ranch confirmed it's in the process of carrying out recall instructions and that's all they would say. if the latest recall isn't a black eye for the beef industry it is at least a raised eye brow. >> i grew up on a cattle ranch in the old days where quality meant something and we've lost that. >> this recall was not prompted by any reports of illness, multiple calls to the usda spokesperson went unreturned but she did confirm by e-mail that she can't tell me whether or not the company faces fines, criminal charges, or if they will be shutdown permanently. in petaluma, ktvu channel 2 news. the company that makes uncle bens rice is recalling bags of flavored rice after receiving reports the rice was causing allergic reactions. the recall does not affect products sold in grocery stores, but more foodservices is recalling bags of uncle bens in fused rice sold to wholesale distributers. last week three houston schools reported some students who ate the rice developed rashes. california governor welcomed the news at a panel of judges agreeing to give california a two year extension on easing over crowding in prisons. the governor said the extension would give the state the time necessary to help inmates become productive members of society. in handing down the decision, the three judge panel gave the state until february 2016 to reduce its prison population. currently california has some 112,000 inmates, some 5,000 more than the limit set by the courts. the all a immediate a county fire department says a $4 million federal grant will allow them to hire 12 new firefighters. the new hires will replace firefighters who have retired or who plan to retire later this year. the hope is the new firefighters can be hired and trained this spring. there's more tonight that home burglaries are on the rise in san leandro. police sent out an alert warning residents home break ins were up about 8% from 2012- 2013. the figures from the start of this year are still being tabulated but police say it appears the upward trend has continued into 2014. >> what we're seeing is among our 13 square miles, our residential burglaries are happening all over town. >> police say they don't know what's behind the spike in burglaries. other eastbay cities have seen dramatic drops in the number of home break ins. the electric car maker tesla shot up for a record high. shares closed at $196. palo alto got a boost when china announced subsidies for electric cars. tesla stock fell as much as 40% in november after some car fires happened after accidents. well street managed to post modest gains today. the dow ended up seven points, nasdac did better with a 22 point rise. investors are looking ahead to new head chair's public comments tomorrow. yahoo is dealing with the fall out from another e-mail outage. an unknown number of the companies 100 million users were unable to log on to their e-mail accounts today. a yahoo spokeswoman said that service was restored by afternoon but didn't say what caused the problem. a five day outage back in december prompted many people to abandon yahoo and get new e- mail providers. then la month, yahoo servers were hacked and some users passwords were stolen. actor and commedian chris katan is facing a dui charge after his car slammed into a highway construction truck on a los angeles freeway. the former saturday night live cast member crashed his mercedes on highway 101 earlier this morning. chp says he failedded a field sobriety test. officers booked him on suspicion of drunk driving. white house is expressing its support for a college football play where could become the first openly gay athlete in the nfl. michael sam announced publicly yesterday that he is gay. 24 year old is projected to be chosen in the early rounds of the draft. sam told espn he came out because he knew there were rumors already circulating. >> it's a load off my chest. i told my teammates this past august that i came out to my teammates and they took it great. they rallied around me and supported me and i couldn't have asked for better teammates. >> last year, jason collins became the first openly gay player in the nba and robbie rogers became the first openly gay player in major league soccer. the recent storm that brought the much needed rain to the bay area dumped several feet of snow in the sierra. skiers and snowboarders are enjoying eight inches of new snow that fell just within the past 24 hours. in the higher elevations with three to five feet of new snow experts are warning about the possibility of acalanches, despite the weekend snowfall, snow depths are still about a third of normal. well the rain is gone but low level moisture remains in place over the bay area and we are mostly cloudy at this hour and i expect we'll be mostly cloudy as we get going tomorrow morning, the possibility of patchy fog and drizzle. right now temperatures in the 50s, 53 san francisco, looking at 55 outside your door livermore, low 50s to mid 50s along the peninsula so for the week ahead ridge of high pressure will be building in and it will keep the storm track a little bit farther to the north at least for tomorrow, into wednesday, there is a system that may bring us a very slight chance that maybe a few scattered showers and right now it looks like just that opportunity coming for the north bay so for the week ahead again that storm track moving a little bit to the north, we will have a minor warm up come our way as we get into the week ahead with more sunshine in the forecast but again on wednesday we'll keep that possibility of a few scattered showers in the forecast. i'll show you whereas we pick it up here for you tomorrow morning we wake up again mostly cloudy, patchy fog definitely a possibility with the ridge of high pressure beginning to build in, drizzle a possibility as well, especially along the coastline, tuesday into wednesday we remain with a mix of sun and clouds and wednesday morning a look to the north you can see a few scattered showers over the north corner of california as we get into the afternoon and evening hours begins to slip just a little bit all the way down you see the north bay covered in mostly cloudy skies and perhaps a little bit of moisture falling over-the-air yeah. so not a lot but may see enough just to get us wet over parts of the north bay on wednesday. meanwhile as we get going tomorrow morning it will be a cool one, temperatures in the 40s, 47 in oakland, 49 san francisco, 40 santa rosa, low 40s for concord, livermore, san jose 44 for you. into the afternoon, low to mid 60s in the forecast, 59 for san francisco, low 60s for the eastbay shoreline, 64 san jose, 67 expected for gilroy, mid 60s santa cruz with partly cloudy skies for the afternoon, extendedded forecast showing you again temperatures will be edging upward, a modest warm up as we get into thursday and friday, some of the warmest numbers slight chance for the shower on wednesday over parts of the north bay. as we get into the weekend saturday is dry but we may get another opportunity at rain on sunday. >> thank you. it's time to start dreaming big again, with the jackpot for the power ball lottery growing once again. its now reached $284 million and could go higher before wednesdays drawing, 284 million isn't half of december's $636 million jackpot. since the odds of matching all six numbers are one in 175 million the jackpot frequently rolls over. a first for facebook founder mark zuckerberg already known for philanthropy and now he's accomplished something no one else under the age of 30 has ever done before. trending at, a not so flattering rip on starbucks but whose behind it? tonight, mystery solved complete with a hollywood twist. oñ facebook's mark zuckerberg and his wife have just been named the most generous philanthropists for 2013. the couple topped the list compiled by the chronicle of philanthropist donating $992 million in facebook stock to the mountain view based non- profit the silicon valley community foundation. this also marks the first time anyone under the age of 30 made the list of top 50 fill on there pitses. zuckerberg is 29. now trending at, a coffee shop in los angeles calling itself dumb starbucks, all the logos resembled the real starbucks but with the word "dumb" added. the coffee was free but some people said it was lousy. turns out it is all a publicity stunt. the associated press checked filming permits and found dumb starbucks is linked to a comedy production company. go to and look under hot topics to learn more about the story that first came out over the weekend. a free app taken down is now being sold on used phones for a lot of money. flappy birth had the number one spot downloaded for free 50 million times, yesterday a vietnamese creator said the game was ruining his simple life and took it down. the only way to get the game is to have a phone with the game already installed and there are several such phones listed on ebay, some are going for thousands of dollars. thank you for making ktvu for choice for news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. our coverage continues with the 10:00 news, we're live in san jose where the roof of a warehouse collapse, authorities are now awaiting search dogs to make sure no one was inside. tmz is up next on tv 36. 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(laughter) >> the most painful interview ever. sam ruben interviewed samuel l. jackson and mistook him for a different actor. >> you're as crazy as the people on twitter. i'm not lawrence fishburn! >> you don't know the difference between me and lawrence fishburn?


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