sugar because that is the quickest energy you can get because that s usually when you break down at 11:00 in the morning or 4:00 in the afternoon between meals to have the candy bar. that s right, our bodies are adapted to that. those cravings are there for a reason because your body needs energy. if the only way it knows how to get energy is from sugar, you ll crave more of that. that s why we want you to shift over to get engaged in this. it s not an easy process, self-discipline and willpower and may take a few weeks to a month depending on how overweight a person is. once you re there and burning fat, those cravings don t require self-discipline at all. you have plenty of energy and your body is able to a remove toxins from your system and it helps you sleep better and slows down the aging processes. it s also something that you don t have to do the rest of urlife. once you re at your normal body weight, like you are, you are just do it intermittently as you feel the need. but th