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Transcripts For KCSM JN1 Headline News 20140226

start here in new york. from wall street to broadway for madison avenue to the museum mile season helped build this city that never sleeps. as mayor michael bloomberg who ran york city for twelve years. he left the nine eleven memorial and added a new skyscraper to the skyline as woody allen in jerry seinfeld. i've only done this stamp from the big apple. and you think about broadway without playwrights like neon sign in the musical geniuses like irving berlin. in the fine arts to spilt the guggenheim museum bloggers and media giant has a lighter note this one. inge is of course helped at the moment and then to incense in june's designers and uncle local began here till like ralph lauren and diane von first ever meeting chewing an extraordinary degree of affluence and influence in this country and that he has been a terrific place for . i think of when laid out. can you see savannah cream. here jewish integration in the united states to jewish integration elsewhere on and if we re not jewish integration the united states to the experiences of other groups. giuseppe easy time in the united states the particular since first arrived in what would become meal or in sixteen fifty four these are not peculiar to live under portuguese rule he had some in personal and family memories memories of the eight day inquisition. at book passage with a friend shawn craig ipswich on drops them. basically in the next dutch colony which was to amsterdam. this knowledge as comedian colonial times when legal protection after the american revolution. but the writing of the constitution and bill of rights. there's nothing in the federal system and into the constitution in which they are any different then again any other white men in society which the main thing that divides people as color and their whiny. and to allow women to gender there been a founding father separated church and state with a great reference for religion protected the rights to use in all other religious minorities to worship freely the are able to take advantage of all the opportunities economic social political cultural on the authentic interrupted to wake people the turning point came between eighteen eighty in nineteen twenty three an estimated two million european jewish immigrants looking for work in freedom landed on american shores new york's ty's first settled in the cramped and houses of the lower east side along with other immigrants they can be whatever he wanted to and they could be as they wanted and they could be americans as they wanted in an oven baked it and did it have on anybody of any consequence in uniting not really american. u s immigrants jumped into every facet of american life. there was discrimination in the private sector but it never had a lasting impact. i miss the way. lights on. dr request congress said she will always be grateful for the opportunities america gave her became famous thinks that this than six hundred the is still talking about born in germany in nineteen twenty. dr it survived the holocaust been hiding in an orphanage in switzerland after living in israel and studied psychology in paris she came to york in the nineteen fifties. it's no question that the opportunities he had for me. despite the fact. i have no money then i came i made when don and i went home that you can hear my accent. dr ray got her first parade talking frankly about on their atm. the belief that the new york. because his newest cd the acceptance email groups and people from different towns different homed and different religious breakdown to the accents. by the nineteen eighties dr it was a cultural icon appearing on tv writing. most recently she's been the subject of a non probably snow. in eight years to life in your kids driving nearly two million live in the city and suburbs that's one third of america's jewish population now estimated that six million. the latest pew research center study on american the jewish pride is running high. ninety four percent of respondents said they are proud of their heritage. there is orthodox conservative reform. she now sits on a can of apple juice orange juice salt and . it's that it doesn't end here it's unbelievable. that diversity can lend itself to a lot of creativity and vibrant. the last ipcc represents the diversity of the community. the eight storey building with the tampa theater and two pools offers a range of activities for young and old religious and secular. twenty five hundred people walk into this building every day. if anything they're coming to swim and were trying to account for nursery school or work out great and were taking plants but with the find. use the connection to possibly something inside themselves certainly did somebody around them. and hopefully teach your spine there are a lot. israel is one of the lives of jewish identity in america the study found over sixty percent of say they have an attachment to the jewish state. or the intelligence thirty thousand yang's across america. taking a free ten day tour to sell things to perth for a program for speed and atlanta's michael stein heart and tom rothman. twenty five year old new yorker sell the bottom seam was one of them. she spends her free deep in her sense of jewish identity. especially when she grappled with the many lives lost in the holocaust. you never know what could be banned in all of these amazing teachers care x i think. i just ate and that just about that. will the night. i think i have to carry what you see the latest study found that seventy three percent of american across all age groups said remembering the holocaust as an essential part of beam ceilings. it certainly when the weather you are. a teenager thinking about why being jewish is important to you it's still something that crap away. an estimated two hundred thousand holocaust survivors came to america after the second world war. listen to the museum of jewish heritage in battery park is to share their stories with americans. partners in the family just me or disconnected their identities of the jewish museum in earmarks of gaul exhibit entitled love foreign looks at the artists' work in paris from the rise of fascism to nineteen forty. in the late nineteen thirties. he begins to feel that is his world is collapsing. and the work becomes darker and more destructive than away there's an ominous sensibility about it. under the nazis took the flight paris in nineteen forty one finding refuge in your the holocaust and a lot of that occurred when he was in new york and feeling very frustrated that there was nothing he could do specifically are directly but the effects and in his response is definitely in his works of art. and we see his the violence and destruction in the works. very directly he's got a doctor. oh boy the silver screen has always been a favorite outfit for jewish identification. yet military stops us from a packed house keen to see the documentary when were funny. what's it like to extend the comics dominated the american comedy scene in the nineteen fifties and sixties i think it just becomes when you get beaten down so much a can of this the only thing you can do is just laugh about it. to find the orange so we've become experts at finding humor in everything. don't laugh. you are isn't a forty two percent of american say is essential to their jewish identity again according to the latest pew study. i think my skewer comes out and ideas like that's what i drive for many. eating is essential to their judaism move over decrease in delhi is a prime grilling midtown to the beach club team is taking kosher nineteen to new heights. his mouth watering creations as artistic as they are delicious. what is specialties is this winter to ditch bid to lock gates kaylin cranberry sauce. my best of them is when someone walks in off the street mr is no evidence to the four course meal this reprieve the robot in the coffin the waiter says and so i would go out there in essence what you mean it's a rollercoaster we meet coach the great male known to me that i did my job when nazis in your city is the fastest selling segment of the community. one the set thee headquartered in crown heights brooklyn. led by their late spiritual leader of the topics are ready to buy it now has more than seventy thousand centers around the globe. he inspired people and educate people about some of the dramas and citizens are doing all over the world every single day and they are reaching millions of . despite the vitality of jewish life in your talent is in this emirates and in their marriage still hover over the community. the recent pew study found that more than thirty percent user and ophelia. here we are treats eight fifty eight percent for the youngest she is getting married does after two thousand and seventy percent married a non jewish partner you can't get over feeling you can give over sentiment you know our grandparents had a jewish feeling the bagels and lox judaism is not transferable. with this transfer of rabbi lau says is observing jewish tradition. he started manhattan jewish experience in two thousand to inspire an affiliate is the class as beginners religious services and social events. there were a shorty important words. in the area of jewish survival education education education. rabbinic visit the home of vermont's manhattan's first modern orthodox day school built in nineteen eighty seven by his father. if there is to be in a insert a tube stuck the first answer is to get as many children as possible in two days school the israeli parliamentarians inflicted by a landslide to fully recognize the arab christian population as a distinct ethnic groups in the first time the proposal would distinguish christian and muslim arabs and is expected to result in efforts to increase christian representation and integration in israel christian arabs a welcome change particularly given the recent upsurge in discrimination which christians are placed in neighboring states such as egypt and syria like a politician you read between the spokes of the legislation said the christians were natural allies of the jewish states. however the move has been met with opposition from our parliamentarians you all keep the pool was divisive and intended to encourage its money our community. they're under hundred and sixty thousand christians living in israel with the majority of our programs around twenty percent of performance at the union countries to target to get mc for two with the jewish problem is off the collapse of the disco ball up well it's the fifth race of the blonde doesn't just hope i get enough of the soaking it to bring talks and historic its huge bakery in the east end of the city in search of the crater ringtones jewish bakeries the limit is ten team. some fusion mostly confused with the costs of cycle will cradle is popular across the atlantic. this is the crater. if your mitts on it. it's festival we didn't know it has worked out exactly how many calories it contains otherwise that they can say uconn beat it. yes for the sake of their life still moves and unemployment and i mia was this guy down is that since none of us can come and sit so high. i'd still like what are the people come back full sun this being and being crazy naked . resources time to weigh in when cory autumn and the whitechapel district alongside the decrease coast will grasp recruit days and chocolate cupcakes a braided helens bagels made to the same secret recipes jennifer recalls great grandpa behind menzies twenty first st michel in nineteen eleven. a recent immigrant from russia. i'm a drink off into decline as he feels the time when london's whitechapel was the city's huge help and to hold and twenty find traditional jewish bakeries that the city extension of supermarket chains and salvation page helps bring cox is the last of its calling. it was founded in nineteen eleven by my great friend called clean them. kenneth in ukraine. and he and i can show up in a one tcu and then denying he had said. seven hits. i think that he intends visit my grandpa was one of the museum and he was more right of the town. the retail side effect. and my crown playground on the team is the most to bake and then my crafts painting when his fifteen needles and asked if they can. at noon and then my cousin came and for this it's been years. the new sign he's also trained as a mom i can an mit uncouth and then me the disappearance of what temples traditional jewish bakeries reflects the century of demographic shifts london's two skeins he's migrated to the northwest of ups and compete in bakeries clay shaw in the nineteen seventies green cos it means to wholesale market the bakery now runs twenty four seven delivering cola cupcakes and danish is upscale supermarket soup so that is until it's on to major corporations and the team opens the money and credit suisse. also the fifteen that but the old generation and the jewish people the offense so calm and sometimes i end but now it is so calm all season which means she's the greatest fa become more candy in young guy. so i know and i guess this author readings and assist with remote sculpture and say that and defense of religion miss them. i need is to animal services while antony supply at hackney wet to stand on the london is an ideal society football case breaking who hire it. and that of offices. well drink also may no be big business in the cooper will be kids experience the joy of coming here to shop to order your project. umm whatever else the next generation of thing folks might come up with in future. is that with darren ford san juan. in london. i had. you can the chic or just ended and prison sentences for years for people who took part in two thousand to protest its present one defeat. hundreds of supporters gathered outside the court as to condemn the trial commenced crackdown on opposition for doing so they were arrested including leading question this and i'll exceed all day and two members of the concrete span was right. the four new she washed out bridge what. and four. can you. this is so kami and i just opens a tease as they say it was then the lines laid plans two pdt because the increases on color in these. thomas is then a minute. months of this but it could be. the patient up some more. the defendant's sentence were among twenty eight people rounded up a seventy six two thousand and twelve protest on the eve of putin's inauguration for third presidential term the rally turned violent after police restricted access to locally in square across the river from the kremlin where the protesters had permission to camp. activists say the court is sending a message that president biden or putin will tolerate no challenge his role as neighboring ukraine longtime ally and strategic partner to russia has posted to its present a close ally to putin russia could be worried if the uprising in kyiv to topple the government the same thing could happen in moscow. it's a petersburg a group of russian artists and activists created a barricade the tigers to a fire in performance drawing a parallel to the situation in the fires were quickly put the oats and the artists' rights. now on the fires are started by artists that putin is likely to worry depressions will take notice of the political developments you start burning tires in protest against the authoritarian governments and begin a reflection of their own. two inmates at a mexico city prison started a free wrestling program in the tradition of locally made to help prisoners relaxed and temporarily forget prison life. inmates at the santa might set aside to the penitentiary train a couple of times a week taking up like this sometimes and often wearing masks or costumes in the tradition of the sport both former professional wrestler as the victor franco cruise to win by the name bella cereal and rene garcia known as pentagon city co starred in the program to bring light relief to prison life. cruise has convicted of kidnapping mongers he was imprisoned in nineteen ninety eight on homicide charges which he denies the cia has helped start a wrestling program in every prison he's been transferred to. being given credit for one thing the program helps the inmates to stay away from drugs that's us. later they start liking this pool is free wrestling is something magical. that's the way i stopped into one started training as a hobby and it ended up being called to my life because of my work. this happens to many painful inmates come in to check in with school and they realize it's totally different. this is a sport that you train and prepare everything for the disability payment goes to the top in wrestling group occasionally put on puppet shows to entertain other inmates and visiting family members that billy ray has been popular in mexico for decades and has a huge fan base across the country three women who survived a decade long captivity in the cleveland house before being freed have received ohio governor john cash's new occurred towards the women amanda buried today he says michelle nights were given a standing ovation as they walked onto the stage. they were rescued in may after being kidnapped by ariel castro from the streets of cleveland between two thousand to two thousand for the ages of fourteen sixteen and twenty seven accounts it's hailed their resilience no one to rescue them. they rescued themselves. first by staying strong and by sticking together. and then if i don't literally breaking out into freedom. daniel castro periodically kept the three women changing rooms in this house and restricted access to food and toilets. he repeatedly raped the women and five and a girl with one of the victims. well interesting at least five miscarriages in one of the others. after repeatedly getting her pregnant women were freed when amanda barry called for help through screen door when pastor left the house. castro pleaded guilty in august hundreds of charges shortly after dawn september thirty to fifty three year old hank and self imprisoned at the beginning of a life sentence plus one thousand years. around two dozen members of ukraine's notorious made to the riot police unit went on stage and with the ukraine's largest western sydney after returning from the capital kiev to ask for forgiveness on behalf of their colleagues from ukraine special services or accused of shooting and killing civilian protesters more than eighty people died during the violence last week we were entering its usefulness the film's disgraced when cps. when people wear shorts the investigation is now underway. he studied the suede interior ministry troops. we don't have to show up anyway. we've come to beg for forgiveness on to the office with the vocals a little bit. this is the elder shame on you as the police walked through the square and shout at them to get down and needs all of them off of the people here all innocence and should not hold to that news. they are not guilty of anything they have taken an oath to protect the ukrainian people. they didn't onto to the people on and kept their eyes when they didn't all the people they were simply caught up in the situation for all of the nostradamus of july the clashes which erupted last week turns deadly after government security forces attempted to storm the central protest camp anti government protesters resisted and security forces opened fire on them using ak forty seven and sniper rifles. at least eighty five people were killed in the attack with hundreds more civilians injured. the pair could police named after the golden eagle is now reviled across much of ukraine and plans are in discussion to potentially disband the riot police force however in some parts of the country namely the russian speaking south east where some fear a separatist movement can spring up that there could have been welcomed as heroes on the return from the capital the fledgling ukrainian government has called for unity and international partners such as the eu have also urged the international community to support an independent and hold ukraine . part of a person's brain in the event that it was abandoned in an accident and that all dates now imagine you can replace that part of the brain but the microchip that would enable it to function normally. this is what we are scientists are working on and tell of the university. when i'm going to into dinner nutrient and experiments with truth to what you would see tuned to see bill correlation wants to get the code into a student to think the coach is going to record a tv tuned to the aliens. in it so no winter the case. indio ca here to kind of took the tickets. i make him a gun one of the students who show you what we are doing good than you would do it we all threw it onto my reclusive dead. our purpose in the fraud that is to not fix the damaged brain. but to replace it. place the knot with another biological brain but with synthetic brand and a microchip. this part of the brain which we are replacing know what it has and has two inputs and we have one line of information one adult books. that's loads of it. we can take this part of the brain out. put a chip instead and interface it to the same inputs and outputs and the chip will do what's best part of the brain. on the healthy part of brain actually is the way to get a lot though. and then t eighteen seamen had to frantically fifteen months we have been at it often said that it doesn't tell the brain area on the candy and fifth. mia got to inform them play with. the ccr looked so good to be true sounds like. those who walks his alone. you are on fire means the action potential this is lost. you are. this is what thoughts and feelings and motives this is the yuan hard words to the patient thoughts and feelings and personality. i control the brain. this amazing complex organ and some controversy arises when your assigned seat as he began to experiment with the ability of potentially connect to the human brain to my contacts into computer software. there is a natural process to the weight anything works. natural is what is. and as for example you hold the brain works faster and that will be a natural. and anything else will become un natural. there was a major difference between the pudding into one's brain chip that controls movement. and it's cheap it has effects of over one's condition in which as he motions for another time i function springfield something has to do with what personality with my condition and it's it's me it's totally limp. it's me and affecting me is of us for africa significance and should be considered different. the machine. one whom his amazing grace. such a wonderful peace love and emotions and thinking and decision making. many of these functions within the melbourne is doing. super fun. we are beginning to understand and simple functions as the machine don't know who will entertain you can hear distant future. the smart devices can be easily connected to smile and pray dale and i was a better deal helen. the simple instructions is on corey neilson has presented to the collection inspired by a house in the church at the prestigious paris fashion week. nielsen said she was inspired by a fall of this country want to create three dimensional shapes and figures to collections the study included everything from short dresses skirts and trousers too long evening gown made from employing sequence lace socks in one embarrassed to walk waddle needed a helping hand from an audience member terry machete. often he'll stop in the train tracks. the design is his biggest inspirations came from the altar of track in a trance state in june about the need to be typical repayments so the very end and all. stray animals so our hands. prime examples of black and udinese experience in a lifetime. if you don't have passion for anything you don't have to drive to fights and to do what you believe it we don't get it paris fashion week this last event in the fashion season off to new york london and milan will continue until the fifth of august. aye aye i will. i am. i mean. to me the increases which started six years ago still influence economic growth and the eu while the financial system was saved by the governments to the nationalization of major banks economy still in a bit of a crisis. this opinion was expressed by the famous belgian politician i like to stick it in his last book about the ways to save the economy of the belgian regions. it defined the main task for belgium and the whole year which is to improve economic performance. according to the export without structural reforms that knowledge in regions one of the will to cope with the micro economic consequences


Transcripts For KCSM JN1 Headline News 20140226

quarter one supporters see the corruption investigation was contrived by a us based cleric with influence in the police and judiciary. i bid to unseat him ahead of elections this year the cleric has denied involvement i just started to use independence square. cb want to be consulted before parliament makes any major decisions that will affect ukrainians and demanded that all candidates for ministerial positions in the country's new government to explain themselves to the protesters and square after ukraine's president viktor in the cove which was posted last week following the deaths of one hundred protesters ukrainians want a say in how government makes decisions. most recently they have been infuriated it was how the country's presence in your circle lives. protesters have taken control of former prosecutor general victor b'tselem coast residents and video from the mansion shows don't have to be a very wealthy man with a taste for ornate furniture which he enjoyed putting on display along with the coup which i now wanted him in parliament has voted to send them to the international criminal court in may. zai . i am the intended on him more although overall of the total. you could. i had the audit were little. it is i do. is yes. is you chile's year's independence square city want to be consulted before parliament makes any major decisions will affect ukrainians and demanded that all candidates for ministerial positions in the country's new government to explain themselves to the protesters and square ukraine's president viktor yanukovich was posted last week on the deaths of one hundred protesters ukrainians want to see and how government operates. most recently they have been infuriated with how the country's president an inner circle layer. choosing the new emerged a few days thes residents after he fled to the protesters flooded into the property. protesters said they were shocked to see the extravagance of the three hundred and forty acres of land on the banks of the deeper root for occupying play in the cove which by now protesters have taken control of former prosecutor general victor shown to us residents and video from the mentioned shows shown to be a very wealthy man with a taste for or need for nature which he enjoyed putting it on display in one room there is a reproduction of a famous painting of russian field marshal who pushed that napoleon in the battle already know in eighteen twelve. however the field marshall is replaced with sean. some ukrainians walking around the house see the know know where their tax money went. local militias are guarding the mansions to prevent anyone from vandalizing or stealing. one thing is clear. ukrainians want the revolution to do away with the extravagant and cry. this kind of ukraine's interim government wanted to clean it so that the old regime to police on tuesday when activists climbed on top of the parliament to remove the soviet star. there was no attempt to stop the activists the current crisis in ukraine started when unesco which ditched the eu treaty deal in favor of closer ties with its former soviet master russia. now let's talk about the eu and united states can help ukraine meet its financial obligations over the next three years the average ukrainians going to get rid of corruption and symbols of the old regime ukraine could be making a break with its text links chicken the democrats don't think gold is the longest serving congressman in us history and fifty eight years in office has announced his retirement from the house of representatives often to see it. our single first and to congress to finish his late father's time in nineteen fifty five even before preston brock obama was born in his heyday phd city road shape to make tools for cleaning and rewards of protecting the pages species and provide healthcare for four children expressed disappointment in today's congress. i think in this life time to just enjoy their retirement. you want. woohoo a pillar of wounded. peace and quiet and content. we know and love for so long dingell has sent on to live in preston's i made was to be shown come into the white house say he could get to come sing with them president bill clinton crack obama has labelled the congressman has won the most influential legislators of all time communication that way. craig sixty two she empties leading to its grapes. and to provide compensation to eighteen local survivors their families and all the victims whose property was seized by the nazis or subsequent communist regimes. alexa addressed to prime minister just want it and stands out in its rate of fatal or even recognize its responsibility to victims and now it's time to give elderly survivors the financial medical assistance they desperately required. about ninety percent of ireland's three hundred million perished during the holocaust. however it still would be our new member eu states without school to restore will compensate by the seat despite repeated pledges from previously does to pass legislation. the fourteen countries and tools to national guidelines help of two tone ska to live in aussie open distance ortiz should be handled the case helps to move school this week discuss britain's role in seeking justice for citizens you want restitution of property seized from them i mean rare and mysterious like disease may have affected up to twenty five previously healthy children in california several of the most often in paralysis with health experts trip into it and despite the calls of the syndrome the likenesses of the use of color is not the most elusive no cover of us use of their arm or leg we want to emphasize that this is extremely rare for reporting five cases there are preliminary report said of civil war from the speedy th. that may sound but this is stuff i never preliminary stage. we appreciate the help in getting a workout too positions. and families but we want to emphasize that this is not a common phenomenon. we think it's a rare manifestation of a rarer of virus. concerned parents to victims or across the street to be racing in great condition. jackson has been applied. inflammation and her arm would be permanently paralyzed so. yes weekend it was frustrating not knowing not having anyone really see though. but the community to talk to that doesn't happen today and it's you know it. instead i was tired. it was hard. here is that. i did it with irony i think she's having trouble creating a note that we are so lucky that she's here and i know that many families go through raising a smile so we're so grateful that suffused with us. today and since then and didn't do anything think. witches are ready to eat in the united states of a tree to tree to tell you is an infectious virus that can come in the parlance of kill victims within hours of infection. a vaccine developed in the nineteen fifties and even walk to the disease will collate all the trimmings and then the compacted snow on the dentist on nigeria. a federal judge ruled last week to the new york police department are not breaking any laws when they carry of controversial surveillance targeting muslims and the bad credit as roundup the muslim american community. eight muslims had brought a civil case against the nypd in two thousand while alleging its surveillance programs were unconstitutional and discriminatory because they focus on race and religion according to the center for constitutional rights ruling by judge william martini has confirmed what many muslims in the us the year and vowed to appeal the decision. i think our clients and many more americans fear after nine eleven that they don't have recourse to the same constitutional rights and protections of americans do this is the type that confirms their worst fears one pizzeria owner in new york city who happens to be a muslim said his customers get harassed by undercover police officers. i thought seen them before because it doesn't ford will cause unpleasant from those of my friends they come to visit me in the pizzeria that opening with a chance. i give somebody a hard baby the tupelo were out of sight well the problem. mumbai police plan to go. he's really just might erode that it was legal because the police could not have monetary new jersey for muslim activities without monitoring the muslim community itself and the nypd is the intention was not to discriminate against muslims it's the fifth race of the blog was just calm down enough folks. the soaking it to bring talks and historic its huge bakery in the east end of the city. in search of the crater. ringtones jewish bakeries the time of his tent in parts of the fusion mostly competes with the costs of cycle or cradle is popular across the atlantic. this is the crater. if your mitts on it. it's festival we did met with his words exactly how many calories it contains otherwise that they can say uconn beat it. yes full state seat of their life still moves and unemployment. and i know this is like diamonds that since none of us can come and sit so high. i'd still like whether the people come back full sun. this being an increasing creativity. wrinkles system to wait in line for the autumn and the whitechapel district alongside the decrease coast will grasp recruit days and chocolate cupcakes a braided how was the bagels made to the same secret recipes jennifer recalls great grandpa behind menus for the first initial in nineteen eleven. a recent immigrant from russia. i'm a drink off into decline as he feels the time when london's whitechapel was the city's huge help and to hold and twenty find traditional jewish bakeries that the city extension of supermarket chains and salvation paste till spring cox is the last of his car. it was founded in nineteen eleven by my great friend called claimant kenneth in ukraine. and he and i can shop in a one tcu and then denying he had said seven tips. i think i should have his own hands. this is my grandpa was one of the museum. and he was more right. the town. the retail side. and my crown playground on the team is the most opaque and then my back pain in his fifteen needles and asked if they can. at noon and then my cousin came and for this it's been years fifteen aside he's also trained as a mom i can. an mit uncouth and then me the disappearance of deutsche post traditional jewish bakeries reflects the century of demographic shifts. but this two skeins he's migrated to the northwest of ups and compete in bakeries clay shaw in the nineteen seventies green cos it means to wholesale market. the bakery now runs twenty four seven delivering hella cupcakes and danish is upscale supermarket soup so that is until it's on to major corporations and the team opens the money and credit suisse. also the fifteen that but the old generation and the jewish people the offense so calm and sometimes i end but now it is so calm all season which means she's the greatest that you become more candy in young guns so they know. and i kiss this autumn rains and assist with remotes culture and say that and defense of religion miss them. i need is to animal services. i didn't need a supply and as we went to stand on the company is an ideal society. it's my fault he's thinking who hire it and that of offices. well drink also may no be big business in the corporate world. he can still experience the joy of coming here to shop to order your project. umm whatever else the next generation of thing folks might come up with in future. does that put darkness for san juan. we love them. i have to. british police have detained the guantanamo inmates. three others on suspected terrorism offences related to syria. mo is on page forty five since at least three years he went on a more upright before being released without charge in two thousand and five was detained at this time in central england on suspicion of attending training camp at facilitating terrorism and the city's police was seen searching his house and leaving evidence including vehicles and electronic equipment. the forensic examination. off to his release he founded human rights organization page business which will result in a huff was held at guantanamo bay. they complain so that is who he claims from friendly town. despite the so called war on terror list steak was held in guantanamo bay have been arrested in pakistan in february two thousand and two suspected of being a member of the realty group ltd a princeton perak obama said in january two thousand and fourteen should be the day to finally close down the insurrection the contents facilitate. sand has been mounting in britain out of the number of uk nationals traveling to syria to help or a bull fights his fights princeton style. police fear they may become radicalized by islamists poet and training camps before tending to the uk with the company's security threat to british police have already arrested sixteen people on suspicion of terrorism offences relate to syria to see some as young as seventeen compared to twenty four such arrests in two thousand and thirteen additional just to protect the sheep us intelligence estimates there were at least seven thousand five hundred foreign fighters and fifty nationalities of the trade spike elk leader as many as five thousand but it's just a tad european passports. two inmates died in mexico city prison has started a free wrestling program in the tradition of locally made to help prisoners relaxed and temporarily forget prison life. inmates at the santa might set aside to the penitentiary train a couple of times a week taking up like the sun is an often wearing masks or costumes in the tradition of the sport both former professional wrestler as the victor franco cruise to win by the name bella cereal and rene garcia known as pentagon city co starred in the program to bring light relief to prison life prisoners convicted of kidnapping while garcia was imprisoned in nineteen ninety eight on homicide charges which he denies the cia has helped start a wrestling program in every prison he's been transferred to. they give it a point to the one thing the program helps the inmates to stay away from drugs. that's us. later they start liking this pool is free wrestling is something magical. that's the way i stopped into one started training as a hobby and it ended up being taught to my life because of my work and this happens to many people inmates come in to check in with school and they realize it's totally different. this is a sport that you train and prepare everything for the disability payment goes to get caught up in wrestling group occasionally put on puppet shows to entertain other inmates and visiting family members that billy ray has been popular in mexico for decades and has a huge fan base across the country xian. three women who survived a decade long captivity in the cleveland house before being freed have received ohio governor john cash's new occurred towards the women amanda buried today he says michelle nights were given a standing ovation as they walked onto the stage they were rescued in may after being kidnapped by ariel castro from the streets of cleveland between two thousand to two thousand for the ages of fourteen sixteen and twenty seven accounts detailed their resilience no one to rescue them. they rescued themselves. first by staying strong and by sticking together. and then if i don't literally breaking out into freedom. daniel castro periodically kept the three women changing rooms in this house and restricted access to food and toilets. he repeatedly raped the women and five and a girl with one of the victims. well interesting at least five miscarriages in one of the others. after repeatedly getting her pregnant women were freed when amanda barry called for help through screen door when pastor left the house. castro pleaded guilty in august hundreds of charges shortly after dawn september thirty to fifty three year old hank and self imprisoned at the beginning of a life. around two dozen members of ukraine's notorious been to the riot police unit went on stage and with the ukraine's largest western sydney after returning from the capital kiev to ask for forgiveness on behalf of their colleagues from ukraine special services or accused of shooting and killing civilian protesters more than eighty people died during the violence last week normally you wearing that uniform is a nice uniforms disgrace during the events in kyiv. when people wear shorts that's kind of investigation is now on the way. they say those were interior ministry troops. we deny official anyway we've come to beg for forgiveness on them the oklahoma to live with him on protesters yelled a shame on you as the police walked through the square and shout at them to get down on her knees all of them nodded off of the people here all innocence and should not hold to that means they are not guilty of anything they have taken an oath to protect the ukrainian people. they did not shoot at the people and kept their eye as they did not eat people. they were simply caught up in this situation for all of that was the dumbest but the clashes which erupted last week turns deadly after government security forces attempted to storm the central protest camp anti government protesters resisted and security forces opened fire on them using ak forty seven and sniper rifles. at least eighty five people were killed in the attack with hundreds more civilians injured. the deccan police named after the golden eagle is now run a mile across much of ukraine and plans are in discussion could potentially disband the riot police force however in some parts of the country namely the russian speaking south east where some fear a separatist movement could spring up that there could have been welcomed as heroes on the return from the capital the fledgling ukrainian government has called for unity and international partners such as the eu have also urged the international community to support an independent and whole ukraine part of a person's brain in the event that it was abandoned in an accident that all dates. now imagine you can replace that part of a brain but to my friend said that would enable it to function normally. this is what we are scientists are working on and tell of the university. and i'm going to end today. which was deemed experiments with truth to what you would see the blue speedo correlation wants to get the code into a student to topeka and the coach is going to record a tv tuned to the aliens. in the imprint of them don't know when to the keys. indio ca here to kind of took the tickets. i make him a gun one of the students would show you what we are doing good than you would do it we all could come tonight we said david. our purpose in the fraud that is to not fix the damaged brain. but to replace it. place the knot with another biological brain but with synthetic brand and a microchip. this part of the brain which we are replacing know what it has and has two inputs and we have one line of information one adult books. that's loads of it. we can take this part of the brain out. put a chip instead and interface it to the same inputs and outputs and the chip will do what's best part of the brain the healthy part of brain actually is. i may get a lot though. today the had to break the fifteen months we have been at it often said to him to sit out the brand area they can get to me you've got to inform them play with the ccr looked so good to be true. sounds like. those who fall season. you are on fire means the action potential this is lost. you are. this is what thoughts and feelings and motives. this is the aisle. hard words to the patient. thoughts and feelings and personality. i control the brain is amazing and complex organ and some controversy arises when your assigned seat as he began to experiment with the ability of potentially connect to the human brain to my contacts into computer software. there is a natural process to the way. anything works. natural is what is and it's for example you hold the brain works faster and that will be a natural and anything else will become a natural. there was a major difference between the pudding into one's brain chip that controls movement and it's cheap it has in fact the older ones can initiate and wish as he motions for another time i've come to springfield something has to do with my personality with my condition and it's it's me. it's not really lived. it's me and affecting me is of us the significance and should be considered differently the one to whom it is amazing grace. such a wonderful peace love and emotions and thinking and decision making many of these functions within the melbourne is doing the super functions. we are beginning to understand and simple functions listed machine. don't know mall in bed thinking they are decent picture. smart devices whom he has been quick to smile and pray. dale and i see that it ain't telling. american born fashion designer corey neilson has presented to the collection inspired by a house in the kitchen and prestigious paris fashion week. nielsen says she was inspired by a fall of this country want to create three dimensional shapes and figures to collections the study included everything from short dresses skirts and trousers long evening gowns made from employing sequence lace socks in one embarrassed to walk waddle needed a helping hand from an audience member terry machete out to the heel stuck in the train tracks the design is his biggest inspirations came from the altar of track in a trance state of june about the need to be typical repayments. so the three of them. it's ready. and also our hands. prime examples of black and udinese experience in a lifetime. if you don't have to stand for anything you don't have to drive to fights and to do what you believe it we don't get it doris fashion week is the last event in the fashion season off to new york london and milan will continue until the fifth of august. i eye will you. do. will see them to me. will. er it will the yaw. the un. it is. since i want my email content. in the latest a cab the reshuffle minister of the interior of the home yen will be replaced by second reagan secretary general term wage and ten in turn will be replaced by new type b c the vice mayor makes the time minister without portfolio summit and has been named the first to minister of science and


Transcripts For KCSM JN1 Headline News 20140227

neighbor lady came in in a series of increasingly strident statements about the fate of russian citizens and interests. videos posted on a social media website have shown rebel soldiers fighting forces loyal to president bush or al assad in damascus aleppo and a bit in one video tapes can be seen that are said to be helpful to a quiet voice i can be heard speaking in our back rebels fire a missile and knitted tank a hezbollah fighter to be seen jumping out of the stricken playing and running away. other videos joint number of verbal sparring from various different positions on higher ground drink and be seen firing machine guns from behind the frat guy looking but there are more than one hundred and thirty thousand people have been killed and millions made all of life in the syrian conflict began in march two thousand megawatt with peaceful and i as a protest with violent suppression ignited an armed insurgency the civil war at dawn and foreign fighters on both sides and threatens to destabilize its neighbors . i knew the routine. and more mum. ah. liam. multiples of that. while. eu. it's the accused independence square city want to be consulted before parliament makes any major decisions will affect ukrainians and demanded that all candidates for ministerial positions in the country's new government to explain themselves to the protesters and square ukraine's president viktor yanukovich was posted last week on the deaths of one hundred protesters ukrainians want to see and how government operates. most recently they have been infuriated with how the country's president of an inner circle live. choosing the deal emerged a few days ago of the ankle which is residents after he fled to the protesters flooded into the property. protesters said they were shocked to see the extravagance of the three hundred and forty acres of land on the banks of the deeper root for on couponing play in the cove which by now. protesters have taken control of former prosecutor general victor sean combs residents and video from the mentioned shows shown to be a very wealthy man with a taste for ornate furniture which he enjoyed putting on display in one room there is a reproduction of a famous painting of russian field marshal who pushed that napoleon and the battle of orangey know in eighteen twelve. however the field marshall is replaced with sean. some ukrainians walking around the house see the know know where their tax money went. local militias armed guard in the mansions to prevent anyone from vandalizing or stealing. one thing is clear. ukrainians want the revolution to do away with the extravagant and cry. this line of ukraine's interim government wanted to clean it still feels regime to police on tuesday when activists climbed on top of the parliament to remove the soviet star. there was no attempt to stop the activists the current crisis in ukraine started when unesco which ditched the eu trade deal and pay very close alliance with its former soviet master russia. now let's talk about the eu and united states can help you creamy its financial obligations of the next three years the average ukrainians going to get rid of corruption and symbols of the old regime ukraine could be making a break with its past lives. michigan democrats don't think gold is the longest serving congressman in us history and fifty eight years in office has announced his retirement from the house of representatives often to see it. our single first and to congress to finish his late father's time in nineteen fifty five even before preston brock obama was born in his heyday phd city road shape to make tools but they never want to protect the pages species provide healthcare for four children expressed disappointment in today's gun rights. i think it is quite time to just enjoy their retirement. you want. woohoo enjoyed the peace and quiet and content. the blow. we know and love for so long dingell has sent on to live in preston's i made was to be shown come into the white house say he could carry dot com tinged with tempest and bill clinton. brock obama has labelled the congressman as one of the most influential legislators of all time communication between the israeli parliamentarians inflicted by a landslide to fully recognize the arab christian population as a distinctive secret for the first time the proposal would distinguish christian and muslim arabs and is expected to result in efforts to increase christian representation and integration in israel christian arabs to welcome the change particularly given the recent upsurge in discrimination which christians are placed in neighboring states such as egypt and syria like a politician you read between the spokes of the legislation said the christians were natural allies of the jewish states. however the move has been met with opposition from our parliamentarians you all keep the pool was divisive and intended to encourage its money our community. there are two hundred and sixty thousand christians living in israel with the majority of our programs around twenty percent of performance at the union countries to target integrate it with the jewish problem is off the collapse of the disco ball up. many rare and mysterious really like disease may be affected up to twenty five previously healthy children in california several of the most often in paralysis with health expo stroking took him to fly because of the syndrome. the prognosis images of cars not the most to lose you know cover of us use of their arm or leg we want to emphasize that this is extremely rare for reporting five cases there are preliminary reports of a civil war from the speedy th that and sound but this is up but a very preliminary stage. we appreciate the help in getting a workout too physicians. and families but we want to emphasize that this is not a common phenomenon. we think it's a rare manifestation of a rarer of pirates. concerned parents to victims or across the street to be raising the alarm about the rare condition. jackson has been up for it. inflammation and that her arm would be permanently paralyzed so. yes weekend it was frustrating not knowing not having anyone really see though. but he did talk to that doesn't happen today and its innovative it's that was hard. it was hard. units. i visited with irony i think she's having trouble breathing. i know that we are so lucky that she's here. i know that many families go through raising a smile so. we're so grateful that sophia's but that's today and since then and do anything things. witches are ready to eat in the united states over three decades ago it's an infectious virus that can come in the parlance of kill victims within hours of infection. a vaccine developed in the nineteen fifties and even walk to the disease will toy with art remains in panic and caucus on a chemist on nigeria the i hope. the body in the thames valley southwest of london hospital with practical help and support to members of his congregation you can make most of the recent devastating uk floods. river levels here inmates and had instilled a must to be telling the residents of tearful wants another heavy rainfall could bring. the recent floods which devastated much of the thames valley came my hse into the tool of the lake was still some bikes here still evidence that the fight to keep the water. i asked the rabbi don't eat often remain stepped in to help when families had to use out of the walton from the nearby times in a day to day items we will learn from these up flooded with a weak arm of the single lane head moreover the who opt for the downriver. chromosome going well so long. it is cut off and on as i have to clean the house conviction and marry someone just grab things because the war was heading their way to go to sleep. being the physical toll of the ritual is a psychological upset because this is where i made this is where i am this is the land so that the dispossessed. do you think of the earthquake in two wars didn't even think of clubs in the home counties cricket is a real emotional shock people is close to the physical new things made in a cynical cause the raw voice as that offered as emergency accommodation for displaced residents whose homes have been devastated by the floats going to go a couple among has been decent sleep tonight so that the city will cause them to be ten mintues of religious accommodation which was being appreciated those really tough when the story that means you're on the ground somebody somebody wants to some extent dunk is like don't cook without war. but rabbi jonathan explained that the show itself was also the fact at one stage there were concerns it would float we're in the fun thing to it until sunday morning. why was he a young and nineteen so filling sandbags were sent through the whole team of people. because then there was a very real possibility that have been humbled in the rain continued. in the will to even write the scope of the river bank i would have flooded in for a week of being insane due to babysitting a little to do was to have some rules and nice for each of the dough although the floodwaters have receded slightly. rabbi jonathan says the supportive role with the studio will continue over the coming weeks and months. my job became his job is to keep in touch often is indigo for everything. so when there's a whole meal or oral row will honk. but beneath it. both levels ailment and denying highlight one of the past few weeks. all in one thousand times the longest river the big evacuate it was added on for ten one. we made it had southwest of london . two teammates at a mexico city prison started a free wrestling program in the tradition of locally made to help prisoners relaxed and temporarily forget prison life. inmates at the santa might set aside to the penitentiary train a couple of times a week taking on flight or saunas and often wearing masks or costumes in the tradition of the sport both former professional wrestler as the victor franco cruise to win by the name bella cereal and rene garcia known as pentagon city. so started the program to bring light relief to prison life prisoners convicted of kidnapping while garcia was imprisoned in nineteen ninety eight on homicide charges which he denies the cia has helped start a wrestling program in every prison he's been transferred to. a garuda pilot for one thing the program helps the inmates to stay away from drugs that's us. later they started liking this pool is free wrestling is something magical. that's the way i stopped into one started training as a hobby and it ended up being taught to my life because of my work. this happens to many painful inmates come in to check every school and they realize it's totally different. this is a sport that you train and prepare everything for me isn't that the last minute goal to get caught up in wrestling group occasionally put on puppet shows to entertain other inmates and visiting family members that billy ray has been popular in mexico for decades and has a huge fan base across the country. xian. two muslim cult but she packs a pretty soldier to death and are free to unprovoked attack as the joker life. michael bernard j received a hole like to applaud his accomplice michael and my weight was handed a minimum sentence of forty five years the violence broke out in the cool room as the afghan war heroes skin has started fighting with security guards in the doctrine opening remarks from touch nor to us we knew they were dragged away to the sales shalt see a lot of ads you britain and america will never be saying sweeney told the o played the courts their extremist views of the trial of islam off to the sentencing rican family issued a short statement saying we feel satisfied that justice has been set for me the honorable school produced born killers are claimed to be sold to the bylaw was found guilty in december. cctv footage showed up at mowing down greek be with the car before dragging him into the street and attacking him with the lights and a meat cleaver outside his barracks in southeast london in may last year witnesses at the time described as opposed to trying to cuddle with his head like that but to attacking the joint of meat to my dish of the nation off to a video of the blower share it with the outside hands justifying the attack to nearby people went viral around the world. it provides to rise in hate crimes against muslims in person and anti islamic street protests repeat these wife rebecca told the court in a statement that the sun melt two years old will grow up and see images from his dad that my son should ever have to endure the greek be scanning was the first fight islamist militants in london to its fullest is like bombers killed fifty two people in al qaeda inspired attacks on the transport network in july two thousand and five outside the courtroom last group the far right in the straits has rigged up a mole dollars to a strategic alliance and taunted slogans calling for the restoration of the death penalty the retort they'd like to tackle say raise questions the prestigious intelligence agencies as to the knowledge it was not into the security services. having been arrested in kenya in two thousand and ten. the poll to it. addict ice and is widely accepted as part of the curriculum across west and so was playing peek a conservative rural focused on a mostly my tune of one hundred and eighteen million people. school about can often result in the death sentence. almost no way impacts on offers an eco and awful going on ed to tighten since in many places it has been out and the teachers all right in the village of jockey in the poverty stricken sindh province time of family circle that education contract. will any of those animated hit tokyo usually hear people get married to gary and carol sometimes just ten or twelve years old and then maybe fifty years old so we inform them about the facts of life up to manage even teach them about their relationship with their husbands after marriage it they will be about to be out but the thought of that addiction. some seven hundred goes on a road in aix local school was run on the village about organ on size and that's accepted my selections which stocks a tight tight coverage nineties in that audience. whatever i like saw and how to protect themselves as well as a pilot and i were to write a revolution reality in pakistan a country but forcing styles to have is not crawling. i will tell you that this is my buddy you can add to that name by deed you have no right to test my body many including the president of opec to stomp like schools and rights which represents the one hundred and fifty thousand institutions across the country meets exit. tyson is a kite. pakistan's constitution on the tags religion is not indicative of the air. yes medical students need education to be cool to them. it is being told to children at primary level it is a clear violation of law a clear violation of the constitution a clear violation of islamic values there is nice for it in the country like pakistan if it is being told anywhere in the country we can commit to action should be taken against it according to the mall. though these days some of pakistan's most prominent school was happening considering the type of ed to tighten tiki place in jaunty as it seems there isn't a msg on such a pot on the whole bicycle as written three books on education said he's selling some seven thousand light years old on none of them to schools. three women who survived a decade long captivity in the cleveland house before being freed have received ohio governor john cash's annual courage awards the women amanda buried today he says michelle night were given a standing ovation as they walked onto the stage they were rescued in may after being kidnapped by ariel castro from the streets of cleveland between two thousand to two thousand for the ages of fourteen sixteen and twenty seven accounts detailed resilience no one to rescue them. they rescued themselves. first by staying strong. and by sticking together. and then if i don't literally breaking out into freedom. daniel castro periodically kept the three women changing rooms in this house and restricted access to food and toilets. he repeatedly raped the women and five and a girl with one of the victim's clothing to sing at least five miscarriages in one of the others. after repeatedly getting her pregnant women were freed when amanda barry called for help through screen door when pastor left the house. castro pleaded guilty in august hundreds of charges shortly after dawn september thirty to fifty three year old hank and self imprisoned at the beginning of a life sentence plus one thousand years part of a person's brain in the event that it was abandoned in an accident and that all dates now imagine you can replace that part of the brain but the microchip that would enable it to function normally. this is where we are scientists are working on and tell of the university and i'm going to into dinner which was deemed experiments with truth to what you would sit in the studio correlation wants to get the code into a student teams that think the coach to the grand tour record of two to two the experience. engraved in stone though the winter the case. indio ca here to kind of took the tickets. i make him a gun. one of the students would show you what we are doing good than you would do it we all returned to mclean said. i wore capris and a fraud that is to move on not fix the damaged brain. but to replace it. place the knot with another biological brain but with synthetic brand and a microchip. this part of the brain which we are replacing oh one it as it has two inputs and we have one line of information one adult books. that's loads of it. we can take this part of the brain out. we'll teach it instead of an interface that to the same inputs and outputs. and she will do what's best part of the brain on the healthy part of brain actions the way to get a lot though. thc minded to grant the fifteen months we have been at it often said to him to sit out the brand area on the candy and fifth. me you've got to inform the blame. so this is done well though. going to be true sounds like. those who fall season. you are on fire means the action potential this is lost. you are. this is what thoughts and feelings and motives. this is the law hardware is interpretation thoughts and feelings and personality. i control the brain is amazing and complex organ and some controversy arises when your assigned seat as he began to experiment with the ability of potentially connect to the human brain to my contacts into computer software. there is a natural process to the way. anything works. natural is what is and if for example you hold the brain works faster and that will be a natural. and anything else will become un natural. there was a major difference between the pudding into one story in a chip that controls movement and it's cheap it has effects of over one's condition in which as he motions to either hide hide from springfield. something has to do with what personality with my condition and its hits me. william gets me. an affecting me is of no practical significance and should be considered differently the one whom his amazing grace. such a wonderful peace love and emotions and thinking and decision making. many of these functions within the difference. super fun. we are beginning to understand and just into consciousness machine. don't know mall and did it two years distant future. the smart devices soon be easy and quick to smile and pray. retail and i've seen better days. helen the land speed record has been written by the receiving and gt supercar which cut the speed of two hundred and seventy point four million miles per hour at nasa's kennedy space center in florida. the secret sauce tries to place the runway designs they shuffled landings in our tp team the record set for the big empty bedroom. the hennessy venom gt is among the flood alert since the seventies to v eight engine and spirit of the charges the supercars impressive speed is however unlikely to reach the guinness world records as the turquoise two runs in opposite directions which will see them i'll announce the landing strip the carnival drum corps queen the re edition everett was slightly compared to the role each of the year is the soul and local celebrities and actresses but this did twenty or older than ben stokes born and raised in a reactor or shanty town cars from the top team from outside the school a multiple day. it's an honor and the bread because to us to do it too because he has had in the past seven years an effort to set had apostolic works before that we had a tradition of going get someone from the community to surprise and hearts of the school and seems to have a new management now in twenty fourteen c wanted to go back to their roots and tradition and it was a golfer was a community and some say in my technique. while celebrities might have a passion for specifics and the school they are often strangers to the drum copes to use the local residents the stops on the other hand grew up with a drum corps she will eat down the samba to him on much dust in which they will compete for the best carnival parades. celebrity chefs may be used to the key to the kitchen but the mayhem will all faults. i found out this week with more than a dozen sports illustrated swimsuit models. it's the pinnacle in the church the beach volleyball tournament. the chefs are paid at least one thousand dollars each for the privilege of playing alongside them all as it descended top of the south beach wine and food festival in miami. he had not been the what can i get it. they went off on the upright. it happened. for me despite the ups and typography any one of sport's history textbook twenty four when his teenage niece morgan is at the end of the event the organizers announced that the turkey game raised more than twenty thousand dollars the armed forces foundation as i eye the will you. do will. to me. or. i will the tsar. che . since. chant and such at one am ten for don. at first to collect at a cabinet shuffle when the president lying to us a list of cabinet members environmental protection and restoration ministers stephen said. as among cabinet members stepping down falling in the shuffle. ask about him the sins of the window for ms paris says that it's probably because he had run out of new ideas


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