Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ist auch in diesem Sommer bei Touristen sehr beliebt: Hotels, Pensionen und Zeltplätze sind bestens belegt. Doch haben Urlaubsgäste
Viele Gastronomen im Land könnten in der Tourismus-Hochsaison deutlich höhere Umsätze machen - wenn genug Arbeitskräfte da wären. Die Arbeitsbedingungen seien ein wesentlicher Grund für den Personalmangel, heißt es von der Arbeitnehmerseite.
involved should do that. reporter: if somebody were to say to her she should go back to her country because of the federal policy, would you consider that racist? well, the secretary of transportation came here at age 8 legally, not speaking a word of english, and has realized the american dream. this is a process of renewal that has gone on in this country for a very long time and we should continue it. reported mike was at recess for him to say to go back? as i said, illegal immigration has been fulfilling of the american dream. the new people who come here have a lot of ambition, a lot of energy. they tend to do very well and invigorate our country. my wife is a good example of that. reporter: would you ever