Grateful for passage of SB 2037
By Staff | May 8, 2021
LeeAllen and Rebecca Leier, Rugby
This year marks the sixth year since Pierce County was targeted for a possible site for a High Level Nuclear Waste repository and the fifth year since a five year, Exploration Borehole and data collection plan was proposed in our county. If implemented, that drilling plan would have been completed in 2021. The purpose of that plan was the collection of data to determine the viability of a permanent High Level Radioactive Waste facility at a proposed site along Hwy 3 in southern Pierce County.
We are grateful to all members of the ND Community Alliance and to Senator Jerry Klein and Representative Jon Nelson for their commitment to years of working within a grass roots movement that resulted in the successful passing of SB 2037, the High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository Bill. This bill and the organized protest of residents from District 14, blocked the implementation of that proposed Explo