ELIZABETHTON, Tenn. (WJHL) — The Carter County Sheriff’s Office is relaunching its reserve officer program and is now accepting applications. The sheriff’s office said the program’s revival will allow residents to give back to their communities and assist deputies. “Years ago, the Carter County Sheriff’s Office was blessed to have a very active Reserve Officer […]
In December of 2022, The Sheridan Police Department announced the swearing in of their first officer of the new Reserve Police Officer Program.
Meagan Phillips was the first officer to be sworn into the SPD Reserve Police Officer Program but in a turn of events that benefited both parties, Philli
In December of 2022, The Sheridan Police Department announced the swearing in of their first officer of the new Reserve Police Officer Program.
Meagan Phillips was the first officer to be sworn into the SPD Reserve Police Officer Program and on March 15, the second officer, John Maholick was swor
The Sheridan Police Department has announced they have sworn in the first officer of the new Reserve Police Officer Program and the officer is a familiar face.
According to a release from Captain Tom Ringley, Meagan Phillips is the first officer to be sworn into the SPD Reserve Police Officer Pr