Chair peskin welcome to the San Francisco county Transportation Authority board for our meeting today, tuesday, june 9th, 2020. Our clerk is ms. Angela tsao. Madam clerk, could you please call the roll. Clerk commissioner fewer . Present. Clerk commissioner haney . Present. Clerk commissioner mandelman . Present. Clerk commissioner mar. Present. Clerk commissioner peskin . Chair peskin present. Clerk commissioner preston . Present. Clerk commissioner ronen . Present. Clerk commissioner safai. Commissioner safai . Safai absent. Commissioner stefani. Present. Clerk commissioner walton . Present. Clerk commissioner yee . Present. Clerk we have coreium. Chair peskin thank you, madam clerk. Do you have an announcement . Clerk yes. Public comment will be available for each item on this agenda, via telephone, by calling 888 2045987, enter access 2858465 as seen on the screen. And then follow the system prompts. Once you join, you will be able to listen to the meeting as a participant. When yo
Changes to the retail entitlement open space and parking counts. The project includes 129 hotel rooms, retail and use associated with the hotel, such as meeting rooms and a ballroom, as well as 21 residential units on the upper floor of the massing. And now im going to turn over the presentation to peter bryan, Vice President of construction and development from the warriors. He will speak in more detail about the project, its programming and the development team. Thank you, gretchen. Good afternoon, chair, vice chair, commissioners and director. Its a pleasure to see many of you again, albeit remotely today. We are excited to present to you our Hotel Project blocks 29 to 30. We believe there is a great need for hotel rooms as envisioned in the original plan to support the area today. With an ultimate plan area buildout of over 6500 residential units or 4. 4 million square feet office, an 18,000seat event centre and active hospital complex and ample open space, we believe and have hear
Roanen and rafael mandelman, norman yee and shamanne wallon. Madame clerk, do you have any announcements . Yes, madame chair. Due to covid19, City Employees and the public, the board of supervisors, legislative chamber and Committee Room are closed. However, members will be participating in the meeting remotely at the same extent as if they were physically present. Public comment will be available for each item on the agenda. The number is streaming across the screen. Comments are opportunity to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone by calling 8882045984 access code, 3501008 and then press 1 and then 0. You will be lined up in the system in the order you dialed 1 and 0. While youre waiting, the system will be silent. The system will notify you when youre in line and waiting. All callers will remain on mute until their line is open. Everyone must account for this time delays and speaking discrepancies between live coverage and streaming. Preferences are to call
Be placed on mute and it will notify you when it is your turn to speak. All callers will remain on mute until their line is open. Everyone must account for the time delays and speaking discrepancies between last coverage and streaming. Its best to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio to avoid audio feedback. The next order of business is item three, report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting, if any. There are no reportable actions. The next order of business is item four, matters of unfinished business. There are no matters of unfinished business. The next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. First the consent agenda, 5a, approval of minutes from your regular meeting of january 21 and april 7, 2020. Mr. Chair . Madame secretary, do we have any speakers willing to speak on this item . Operator your conference is now if question and answer mode. To summon a
As we know currently, we dont know and that is the most difficult. And all kids, their peers, are an important part of their development. So it is often asking when can i go to school . At this point, they are very tired of online school. When can i take my friends and when can i see extended family . Right. What kind of indicators are there that a young child is struggling right now . Particularly behaviors that are really across the age spectrum of 5 to adolescence is sleep disturbances and increase in nightmares and in the younger kids, night terrors. Woe see across the age speck trup, fear of the dark. The other behaviors that we are seeing is the regression in their normal developmenttal tasks. For the younger child and as i referenced sleeping in their own room. Other types of behaviors that parents or caregivers might see are meltdowns over relatively minor issues. Often were seeing a decrease attention and focus, especially with online school. Were also seeing headaches, stomac