Restaurant Brands International (NYSE:QSR – Free Report) (TSE:QSR) had its price objective hoisted by KeyCorp from $82.00 to $85.00 in a report published on Wednesday morning, Benzinga reports. The firm currently has an overweight rating on the restaurant operator’s stock. A number of other research firms have also recently weighed in on QSR. TD Cowen […]
AJOVista LLC bought a new position in shares of Restaurant Brands International Inc. (NYSE:QSR – Free Report) (TSE:QSR) during the 4th quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor bought 11,100 shares of the restaurant operator’s stock, valued at approximately $867,000. Restaurant Brands International comprises […]
Restaurant Brands International (NYSE:QSR – Free Report) (TSE:QSR) had its price target boosted by TD Securities from $84.00 to $88.00 in a research note released on Wednesday, BayStreet.CA reports. TD Securities currently has a buy rating on the restaurant operator’s stock. Several other research analysts also recently weighed in on QSR. Robert W. Baird increased […]
Restaurant Brands International (NYSE:QSR – Free Report) (TSE:QSR) had its price target lifted by TD Securities from $84.00 to $88.00 in a report published on Wednesday, BayStreet.CA reports. TD Securities currently has a buy rating on the restaurant operator’s stock. A number of other equities research analysts have also issued reports on QSR. Evercore raised […]
Restaurant Brands International (NYSE:QSR – Free Report) (TSE:QSR) had its price objective hoisted by Barclays from $87.00 to $89.00 in a research note released on Wednesday, BayStreet.CA reports. Barclays currently has an overweight rating on the restaurant operator’s stock. A number of other research firms have also commented on QSR. Robert W. Baird lifted their […]