The BBMP budget has allocated Rs 200 crore for a tunnel project, with a Project Consultant tasked to draft the Detailed Project Report (DPR). Additionally, Rs 130 crore has been earmarked for road widening projects, focusing on roads outlined in the Revised Master Plan-2015 and ancillary routes. Rs 600 crore is allocated for constructing roads alongside Rajakaluve buffer areas to accommodate light vehicular traffic and cycle lanes. The budget also includes provisions for pedestrian-friendly walkways spanning 45 km.
BHPian shashrash recently shared this with other enthusiasts.Hello and a Very Happy Holi to you all,Super thrilled to be a part of this community and it will be my first post to share and I will be little greedy and take this opportunity to also share something I cherished and completed during the last winters.
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Born in 2016 from the merger of Groupe PSA and the TravelCar startup, Free2move was created to simplify and guarantee mobility for everyone. 🚘 🛴 🚀 Today, thanks to our agile and conquering state of mind, we bring together a set of new mobility .
Born in 2016 from the merger of Groupe PSA and the TravelCar startup, Free2move was created to simplify and guarantee mobility for everyone. 🚘 🛴 🚀 Today, thanks to our agile and conquering state of mind, we bring together a set of new mobility .