Not any time soon. Mary stubborn is sitting over parts of the northeast. It is expanding so now areas across the midwest, the great lakes into the ohio valley and areas as far south as tennessee as arkansas and parts of oklahoma are starting to experience all othe hot air associated with High Pressure. You can get a lot of sunshine with High Pressure systems and also sinking air. It makes you feel so hot when you head out the door. Take a look at the forecast for pens, thursday and even into friday. Take a look at what happens friday. In the northeast they are shaded in this area of yellow. Slight risk for severe storms because we are going to have an approaching cold front. What it will be doing is finally producing relief. Kno most will be looking at severe weather. Yesterday we climbed into the 9 0z. 96 for a high in dc. 90s widespread. Take a look at how neen cities are taking into the 90s. It makes it feel even hotter. Temperatures could be in the triple digits. Drink a lot of wat