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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Reid Report 20141222

shooting on saturday. investigators are still looking into the motive of the gunman, 20-year-old ismaaiyl space brinsley. saturday of the police benevolent association put part of the blame on the mayor but this morning governor cuomo urged restraint. >> what is healthy right now is to bring that kind of accusation down. and let's calm it down. deep breath. period of reflection. honor the holy period we're in, honor the families that are grieving. and then let's have a sober conversation once we're in a position to do that. >> msnbc adam reese joins us from brooklyn, new york. adam, you were listening to what the mayor was saying just moments ago. of course, there's that simmering in the background, which i just mentioned. how did he do? >> reporter: we'll have to see how the reaction is both from the community and from police. i should show you the memorial next to me, richard, is growing by the minutes. dozens and dozens of police officers coming from all over the city to express their grief and console each other. a lot of tears. a lot of emotion. want to talk to you about the hours leading up to the shooting. he was arrested 19 times in georgia and ohio. he served two years in jail on weapons charges. his mother has told police that he had tried to commit suicide this year. we can also tell you we've learned just minutes before this shooting, when he arrived on the scene, brinsley was speaking with two men who told police he said three things. he asked them to follow him on instagram. he asked them what gang they were associated with. then he said, look at what i'm going to do now. richard? >> what have we learned in the last 24 hours is the big question of two hours and 40 minutes that were unaccounted for leading up to the killings. >> reporter: we haven't learned any more details, but we do know that there is that gap. after brinsley allegedly shot his ex-girlfriend outside baltimore, he got on a bus and made his way to new york. he ended up at the port authority and then he took a train, a subway, to brooklyn, to barkley center, where he dropped off the phone he had stolen from his ex-girlfriend. and then eventually made his way to this neighborhood in bedford stuyvesant. >> we were mentioning the police departments across the country keeping an eye on what's happening here in new york. president obama also promising his administration is keeping a close eye on the developments in new york city. the president made those remarks and calls to nypd commissioner bill bratton and philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey, the co-chairman of his task force on 21st century policing, all of this comes as msnbc has learned from a source close to police unions the obama administration, new york governor cuomo and mayor de blasio have agreed with the police unions not to politicize the situation. nbc's kristin welker is live in hawaii for us with the president. what steps are the administration taking right now? >> reporter: well, richard, senior administration officials are in contact with officials in new york as they continue to monitor the situation there. as you pointed out, president obama did reach out to commissioner ramsey on sunday, offering his condolences and also offering the full support of the federal government. in terms of the criticism that mayor de blasio has gotten, president obama has gotten from some on the right who argue they only escalated tensions with some of their rhetoric, the administration points out the president has consistently called for a peaceful response to the eric garner and michael brown cases. president obama has gotten calls to do more to react more aggressively before this weekend's tragic events. white house officials tell me the president wants to give that task force that has been headed by commissioner ramsey a chance. it is a 90-day task force and charged with trying to find solutions to this problem. trying to improve relations between local communities and their police departments. of course, president obama has also called for more funding for body cameras for police departments all across the country. so, the administration wants to give those options a chance before they take any further action. again, they continue to monitor this situation quite closely. phone calls continue to take place and president obama will get briefed while he proceeds with his vacation here in hawaii. >> nbc white house correspondent kristin welker with the president in hawaii. thank you so much for that. the shooting has sparked new questions about the relationship between police and the public. as well as the relationship between new york city mayor bill de blasio and his police forcement. mark claxton and security analyst evy tell us what's next for new york city. president obama is leaving open the possibility here of returning north korea to the state department's list of state sponsors of terrorism. during an interview with cnn sunday, the president also said the hack was not an act of war but was an act of viber vandalism. separately on "meet the press," sony lawyer and famed litigator david boyes told nbc's chuck todd "the interview" may eventually find an audience. >> sony only delayed this. sony has been fighting to get this picture distributed. it will be distributed. how it's going to be distributed, i don't think anybody knows quite yet but it's going to be distributed. >> msnbc's adam howard has been following that story for us. he joins us right now. adam, what's the plan going to number. >> i think sony is still trying to figure that out. what we do know is sony is going to distribute this film. it's a matter of when and how, not if. they are pushing back against the new york post report they are definitely going to be releasing the film for free on crackle, their streaming service. they said that's premature. it's being considered but also looking at other potential avenues for how to release the film. we know sony is under an enormous amount of pressure from -- within the hollywood industry and both sides of the political aisle to get the film out, sort of as a rebuke to the alleged hackers from north korea. >> it certainly has put hollywood, if you will, in a place they have not been many times in history. this is, they have to respond, perhaps, to north korea and the charges from the white house, which is -- on sunday as you know, they threatened counteraction against the white house and pentagon and the whole u.s. mainland. >> right. well, we're kind of all accustomed to north korea doing a fair amount of sabre rattling so it's hard to tell how seriously to take these most recent threats. they've also come out and said they wanted to have a joint investigation with the united states to get to the bottom of the hacking. so, it's kind of hard to tell. there's a lot of mixed messages but it seems the theme of north korea's response is we didn't have anything to do with this, but we're glad somebody did. so, we're just kind of all waiting and seeing what the next move is going to be in this chess game. >> all right. msnbc's adam howard, thank you so much for that. now a look at the holiday weather forecast. a lot of you are thinking about that right now. for a large swath of the united states you better expect rain, tlormsz and even some snow as a massive storm system is poised to strike in many areas. msnbc meteorologist dough mmeni davis is tracking the storm. >> it's not all about snow for this storm. today is the first day of winter but we're not talking winter weather at all. we have a very active radar from the middle of the country to the east coast. it's going to stay that way right through christmas eve. there's the rain starting to move up i-95 now. pushing through washington. it will move through philadelphia and new york by later this afternoon. here's a look at tomorrow's forecast. we're still dealing with rain up and down the east coast. but notice the temperatures. they are pretty mild. and even by christmas eve, the temperatures get more mild. we are talking thunderstorm chances, from boston all the way down through orlando. 61 degrees for the expected high on christmas eve. that doesn't feel very christ s christmasy, richard. >> i'll pick miami or l.a. >> let's go together. big question for any holiday travel you might be doing, will my flight leave on time or at all? nbc's tom costello has more from reagan nationality airport. >> reporter: good day from a rather frigid d.c. it is likely to get warmer as the week progresses but we're expecting a lot of rain, wind and that system is going to be impacting nations -- the nation's travel. let's take a look at the major impacts at airports we're expecting starting tomorrow, starting tuesday. as that rain starts to kick in, we're expecting weather impacts in atlanta and chicago. low clouds and fog likely to impact operations in d.c., new york and also snow in minneapolis. but christmas eve, these are the airports to watch as things get dicey with that major storm moving up the coast. so, we're expecting the major hubs to be affected. atlanta, up to charlotte, up to d.c. and new york and philly and boston and then west, chicago is going to be impacted likely, cleveland, detroit. that day, christmas eve day, i hate to tell you, could be a real dicey day. the good news is, this is rain not snow and ice. then on christmas day itself, really it should be a pretty good day for travel. it's going to be a light travel day. but out in salt lake city we're expecting snow and the same in my hometown of denver, snow there. for the most part, christmas day should be pretty smooth sailing. it is going to be a little rough this week. a little wet and a little windy, but thankfully, we're not dealing with a major snow event. richard, back to you. >> nbc's tom costello, thank you for that. coming up, part two of joy's exclusive interview with outgoing attorney general eric holder. holder talks about his legacy and the broader issue of race in america. and the rift between new york's mayor and the police department ripped open. what's next for the divided community and its law enforcement? my name's louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had tried to do it in the past. i hadn't been successful. quitting smoking this time was different because i got a prescription for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. the fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. don' take chantix if 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made after the eric garner grand jury decision. on saturday reached a new level. some officers turned thick baeis to the mayor and police commissioner bratton as they entered the hospital where the two police officers were at. this morning with police commissioner brit ee eer bra to >> do you support those officers and the way they protested? >> i don't support that particular activity. i don't think it was appropriate in that setting. it's reflective of the angle of some of them. >> mark claxton director of black law enforcement alliance and evy is a former secret service agent who lives in new york city. mark, when you looked at those pictures we just showed, what's your reaction? >> well, you know, unfortunately, it was so much political fear that occurred in hospital, tragic time, time of death of two police officers there to even incorporate any aspect of politics and it was really sad and well beneath what normally occurs within the pba, the unions themselves. there is a deep void and it's a widening void between the mayor and his police department, but this is not anything unique. it happened in '92 under david dinkins here in new york. it happened when rudy giuliani was the mayor. it happened when bloomberg was the mayor. there's always been this kind of dwig divide. it happens behind the scenes, which is not only their election process but ongoing contract negotiations. but this is really a time that the city needs to deal with, you know, the loss of these two brave police officers' lives and leave the politics and all of the vial rhetoric out of it. >> remember the two officers, wenjian lieu and ramos. the politics was accentuated by the director for police benevolent association, patrick lynch. >> we tried to warn. it must not go on. it cannot be tolerated. that blood on the hands starts on the steps of city hall in the office of the mayor. >> so, evy, as we listen to lynch there and you see his statement, what's the relationship, from your view, of the mayor and the police department and what might lynch want here? >> you know, i -- his statement saying the blood is on the mayor's hands, that's extreme. the blood is on the hands of the individual who actually pulled the trigger. however, having said that, there's going to be a bit of contention now between the police department and the mayor. one thing, it's the sensitivity of the comment he made as far as, you know, talking about how he tells his young son to be weary of police officers, but the irony of that is, the mayor and his family to include his son have a protection detail of nypd. people look at that and say, we actually physically protect you. we are there to take a bullet for your son if something should happen yet you come out saying, i tell my son to be weary of police. it's going to cause a little bit of that sentiment that the city you support does not serve you. it's not just the new york city police department but it's going to spill out and it is spilling out to other police departments and even law enforcement federal agencies. >> federal agencies are included, you're saying? >> it feels a little of an attack, most likely, toward all law enforcement officers. understandably so considering what's happening. it's not just toward one police organization. it's law enforcement community as a whole. >> mark, if you were to rate this one to ten, ten being the worst, how bad of a situation would you say is it between the mayor and the police department? >> well, i think given the history, i think anyone who really has an understanding of the history of the police unions and mayors, going back historically, understand that in large part it's par for the course, especially when you're talking about contract negotiations or an upcoming union election. it really is par for the course. what adds to this component is what's happening across the nation. with all of the encouragement of conversation, with all of the protests going on regarding the use of race in law enforcement, et cetera, and those calls for reform. that's what's really adding the fuel to this fire itself. but let me just say this, quite frankly, i think the comments of pat lynch as far as blood on the hands of the mayor is really -- it really is intellectually dishonest. i think sometimes the truth hurts, but the mayor felt inclined to tell the truth. let me give you an example. i was a police officer for over 20 years. that's the conversation i had with my son. and like i said, sometimes the truth hurts and that's why there needs to be a larger conversation so people understand i didn't say maliciously to my son, but it was my obligation as a parent that he was -- police, et cetera. anti-police, you don't hire bill bratton as your police commissioner. that's an absurdity. i think the rhetoric has gotten to the point of being beyond absurd and really needs to be tamped down and respectful. we all need to be mindful about what the priorities here in life are. our priority should be preserving and protecting human life, all human life. >> what are you looking for here so they get past this point? what does the mayor need to do? what does bratton need to do? what does lynch need to do here? >> they all just need to do their jobs. we need to bring this down. we need to focus on what's important, stopping the violence, making sure the community's voices are heard. if you look at 2013 ucr report, uniform crime report, it actually states officers were in some form of assault 49,851 times. and in 30% of those assaults, they were actually -- incurred some type of injury. so there is that legitimacy there, that police to deal with this type of behavior, their job is somewhat difficult. you have to move on, blaming everybody, hurting everybody, this is not the way to bring peace about within our community at all. >> we'll see how the weak turns out to be. thank you so much. mark claxton as well, appreciate your time. coming up on "the cycle," live coverage of mayor de blasio saes news conference with bill bratton, 3:30 eastern. 70-year-old british singer joe cocker died after a long battle of lung cancer. he had a career that spanned four decades. he is known for hits "you are so beautiful" and "up where you belong" that earned him a grammy and oscar. three things to know this monday. line of immigrants applying for their first u.s. driver's license was out the door in phoenix today. those so-called dreamers are among the first of some 22,000 newly eligible to apply for driver's licenses in arizona, thanks to president obama's deferred action program. last week a federal judge ordered arizona to stop enforcing governor january brewer's two-year ban of licenses for dreermz. advocates of same-sex marriage are celebrating friday's supreme court ruling in florida. friday the high court refused to extend a stay on the ban clearing the way for same-sex unions to begin on january 6th. florida is on track to be the 36th state, plus d.c., to allow same-sex couples to we had. pope francis used his annual greeting to the catholic church's hierarchy to serve up a blistering report of vatican. quote, spiritual alzheimer's, existential squchizophrenia and terrorism of gossip. the holiday season is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b 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janay palmer, then handcuffed. authorities then questioning a crying palmer and give her medical treatment. then after the punch that left palmer on an elevator floor and unable to get up, she and rice kiss in the elevator while both are handcuffed. both are led away and arrested for simple assault. the charges for palmer were later dropped. rice entered an intervention program and avoided a potential trial. now some are questioning the way authorities handle the janay palmer, specifically, why was a woman who was knocked unconscious when security first approached the couple handcuffed? and why would authorities allow the man being arrested for assault close enough to kiss his victim? >> if you're looking to law enforcement to provide you a service and keep you safe and then they act as they did in this particular instance, then, of course, it just further solidifies for the victim that help is not available. >> reporter: the couple married in march and janay continues to stand firmly by ray. over the weekend, they appeared together at a charity event. in an exclusive interview with matt last month, she talked about how their incident may serve to educate others. >> it's so -- there's so many messages. >> i got chosen for a reason. it was definitely to bring awareness to what people are going through every day. even though it's not what i'm going through every day, it's definitely brought, you know, this topic to the forefront. >> nbc's craig melvin reporting for us there. when we come back, part two of joy's exclusive sitdown with outgoing attorney general eric holder including what he calls his proudest accomplishment. 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[ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® everyone recognizes it's a time to step back and just focus on these families. i think it's a time for everyone to put aside political debates, put aside protests, put aside all of the things that we will talk about in due time. in the coming days, two families prepare for funerals. two families try to think about how to piece their lives back together. that should be our only concern. >> that was new york city mayor bill de blasio, speaking about the need to put the politics aside in the aftermath of the murder of the two nypd officers. in the wake of this killing -- of these killings, former new york governor george pataki cited eric holder as partly to blame. taking to twitter saying it was part of divisive anti-cop. holder called the shootings senseless and an unspeakable act of barbarism. a week ago he sat for an interview with joy reid. in the first part he spoke about local police and african-americans. in this portion of the interview today with joy, he speaks about race on america as well as his own accomplishments in office. >> you talked about the fact you've been forthright in a lot of ways talking about race. that's true. a lot of people believe that of you. your critics on the right might say, he came out swinging. saying we're a nation of cowards on race, talking about things in a very blunt way when it came to race. so, it's not surprising the other side swung back. do you feel in any sense that you might have come out and polarized the debate at all when it comes to talking about race? >> no, you see, i think that people have to be prepared to deal with the truth, with the facts. and not be defensive about that. if people look at the entirety of that speech, i talk about the fact that people have to be in a position to feel safe to express opinions. the other side has to be able to hear them in a way that, you know, they're not necessarily being critical but to take it in a thoughtful way. it's a painful process to go through. this is a nation, after all, that had to deal with slavery and then legalize segregation. we still have a lot we have to get through. we're still suffering the impacts of, you know, a racial system that was inconsistent with our founding documents. so, race is still a hard, hard thing for people to talk about and to deal with. >> i think a lot of african-americans have this feeling that, you know, black president, first african-american president, african-american attorney general, and they look at both of your relationship, let's say, with congress and sort of the attitude toward the two of you from some members of congress on the other side. white president, white attorney general, would there have been this tough, difficult a relationship with congress? >> hard to say. you know, the attorney general seems to be of lately the person, whether you're white, black, republican, democrat, who catches a lot of grief. so, there is -- that's just a part of the position. i can't look into the hearts and minds of people who have been, perhaps, my harshest critics. i think a large part of the criticism is political in nature. whether there is a racial component or not, you know, i don't know. i've tried to, you know, work may way through that and focus on the work. what can i do as attorney general with the power i have as attorney general to make this country better and to deal with those racial issues i talked about in that speech back in 2009. >> i mean, but do you feel -- you've been critical in a lot of ways of the way you've been treated by congress, everything from fast and furious and all of these investigations, even threats they would like to see you impeach some members on the other side. do you feel you've been especially disrespected as attorney general? >> well, it's unfortunately, part of washington in 2014. i would hope my successor would not have to endure some of the thing is did. i say endure only because i think i've shown respect where, perhaps, i haven't been given any. i'm not necessarily -- i'm not wound that way. there are times when i've wanted to just snap back. there are occasionings when i have. but there have been frequently more times when i've wanted to, you know, be a lot more aggressive in the responses that i've made. have i been treated well? doesn't really matter. at the end of the day, people are not going to remember some of the silly stuff that was thrown at me. what they'll focus on are the accomplishments the men and women of the justice department have made under my leadership over the past six years. >> we'll compound it. the thing you'll be most proud you did and thing you wish you would have done. >> i think most proud is the -- the general way in which we have approached the whole question of civil rights, the fight for voting rights in the face of really, you know, turning our backs as a nation on civil rights history. i mean, i'm here in a museum, the documents of african-americans from 1619 and one of the parts of this museum that's most moving to me is the struggle for the right to vote and the fact that we have maybe turned our backs on that effort. so, i'm proud of that. i'm also proud of what we have done with regard to the criminal justice system and the way that has been approached, asking questions about, are we overincarcerating? are we charging people with crimes in a way we should not? are there ways we should do things in an alternative way? come up with scientifically proven evidence-based approaches that will keep fewer people in jail but at the same time, keep the american people safe. i think we can do both. >> another thing you wish you had done? >> i'm not sure that -- i think more about what we have done and the work we -- the things we have accomplished and i'm proud of the men and women of the justice department. i sometimes think, i wish i had more time, even though i think it's time for me to transition to something else, there's also something that -- that's just over the hor zone or just out of grass you think you want to spend more time on. this whole incident now, building trust in communities of color and people in law enforcement. that's something i want to spend a lot of time on but my time will be short but i'm confident lor ret lynch, who will succeed me will be effective. >> tomorrow eric holder talks about the war on drugs, voteding and civil rights. it's been nearly two years since georgia teen kendrick johnson was found dead in a rolled up gym mat. joy talks to his parents. oh boy, this always happeyou're clean.ther. you got that right! bam! just gotta check your bag. huh, charmin ultra strong. you're cleaner than i thought. charmin ultra strong cleans so much better it meets even his highest standards of clean. with a soft duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong is 4 times stronger. and you can use up to 4x less. are you good to go hun? cleaner than ever. rotorooter 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kendrick johnson was found nearly two years ago inside his high school gym. the county coroner ruled the death an accident. the family believes their son was killed and a second private autopsy suggests foul play. in addition to a federal investigation, the parents and their attorney are now pushing for kendrick's law. it would require uniform national standards for the nation's coroners, many are not required to have medical degrees. recently, joy reid sat with kendrick's mother and the family attorney, benjamin crump. >> i'll start by thanking both of you for being here and giving you our condo lens, mrsmrs. mrs. johnson. tell us what you want to see happen now that the county ruled your son's death not to be a homicide. what do you want to see done? >> i want justice for my son. >> and what does that mean? do you believe that arrests should have been made? does the family have its own sources of information as to who that would even be? >> well, joy, you know, they had an explanation and they had their own private pathologist that concluded contradictory conclusion of the local coroner and that was that he died from blunt force trauma. that's very different from want the local coroner opined. >> has the county -- ben, you can answer this question. has the county been in communications with the family to explain their reasoning in the case or to explain how the investigation was conducted? >> quite simply, joy, they told jackie and kendrick's father, ken, that even though they sent him to school with a book bag, he was returned home to them in a body bag and that he died from his own doing, trying to get a tennis shoe from out of a rolled up wrestling mat, got stuck and died. and that's their explanation and that has been their explanation. that's why ken and jackie refuse to accept that and say, we know foul play was involved. that our son was killed and we want to find out who killed our son. >> and mrs. johnson, if i may ask you, was there anyone you know of that had been threatening your son? had he been in fights with anyone at school, to your knowledge? >> yes, he had gotten in a fight, but i don't know about the threatening. >> did your son -- >> that was well -- >> go on, ben. >> he was in a fight with some individuals on a football trip and there has always been a question whether there was intimidate that played and maybe some bullying that played into what happened to cause his death on january 10th. >> mrs. johnson, have any other of your son's friends, any of his acquaintances spoken to you about what they think might have happened? >> no. well, a lot of them think the same thing we think, that he was murdered. >> and do they have any idea who they think did it? >> same person that everybody think did it. that's who they think did it, too. >> ben, there is an individual or individuals the family believes was involved in kendrick's death? >> well, they know the u.s. attorney's office in macon, georgia, michael moore is investigating. they sent target letters out to certain individuals who were schoolmates of kendrick as a target of an investigation to find out if they had anything at all to do with kendrick's death. and those target letters were sent to the children of an fbi agent in the georgia area. so, it is very telling that the u.s. attorney's office is investigating this matter as a homicide. because they heard everything that was presented by the local authorities and they did not accept that as being conclusive for their investigation and chose to investigate it as a homicide. >> so, now this case is being investigated by the federal government? >> yes, ma'am. thanks to the efforts of jackie johnson and ken johnson, who went every day to courthouse square in valdosta, georgia, and held up a son that said, please help us find out who killed our son, kendrick. >> lastly, mrs. johnson, are you confident you will get some kind of resolution from the federal government that you were not able to get from the county? >> yes, i am. >> what makes you confident in that? >> they're still working on my son's case. they haven't gave up on us. >> joy, and i -- please allow us to express to america that she's fighting for the legacy of her child. she knows she's not going to get her child back, but they are pushing kendrick's law which is a notion that's just common sense legislation that says a coroner who makes such a crucial decision on the manner and cause of death, which leads to whether or not they're going to investigate and charge anybody in the death of your loved one has to at least have a medical education or background. right now in the state of georgia, as many states in america, a coroner only has to have a high school diploma or a ged and win an election, and they get to decide the manner and cause of death of your loved one. they simply think that's not right and they're joining the national association of medical examiners to try to change that law that would bear her son's name because it's just good legislation. >> all right. we'll definitely be following up with you on that and see how that legislation moves forward. attorney benjamin crump and jacquelyn johnson, thank you both for being here. coming up, the national conversation on race is once again front and center on the field. plus, what else is trending. first, now this news with a look back at the year in social media images. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. don't put off checking out your medicare options until 65. now is a good time to get the ball rolling. medicare only covers about 80% of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, come in. like all standardized medicare 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tweeple" we start with the killing of officers liu and ramos. you're tweeting wit with #nypdlivesmatter and over 115,000 total tweets. some are connecting these officers' deaths to recent police shootings of unarmed black men. the vast majority of you are posting tweets like this, two wrongs don't make a right. no one deserves to lose their life, not a cop, not a civilian, nobody. you're also leaving your condolence on the facebook page wrote, quote, he was the best father i could ask for. it's horrible someone gets shot dead just for being a police officer. and you're tweeting your appreciation for new york jets player nick mangold. he wore this nypd hat sunday in support of the victims' families. sadly you're tweeting about the passing of legendary singer joe cocker who died after the battle of lung cancer. the british born singer/songwriter "up where we belong," who hit number one winning a grammy and academy award in 1983. ringo starr of the beetles tweeted, good-bye to one of his friends. peace and love. you're sending tweets like this about his powerful work as an artist. r.i.p., you screamed, the walked, you danced, you sang for us all with your heart inside out. trending is marshawn lynch of the seattle seahawks who made a 79-yard touchdown run right here. you're tweeting that he was in #beastmode. you're also sharing the transcript of lynch's postgame talk. lynch famously does not like mandatory interviews, so he responded to every question yesterday with a simple "thanks for asking." one of your responses to that, only thing better than watching marshawn lynch play football is watching his postgame interviews. thanks for asking. the elf on the shelf might be a little better than that. the elf on the shelf is a popular toy. he reports back to santa on whether a child has been naughty or nice. now, the elf shows up in different locations every day and kids see the elf as a live, moving and watching them. this dad tweeted, nothing more fun than watching my 8-year-old look for the elf on the shelf each morning. while washington post headline says, the elf prepares children to live in a future police state complete with constant surveillance. if you think that's far-fetched, listen to this law enforcement official in texas. >> picked him up from the airport coming in from the north pole. then he saw sheriff bishop and got sworn in. he's a special deputy with the sheriff's office. >> that's special deputy elf to you. there he is already doing police work. this is just a joke but it's got you tweeting things like this. i've got to be honest, the elf on the shelf creeps me out and i'm not completely convinced he doesn't move to new places on his own. join the conversation about this and that and more with fellow reiders on twitter, facebook, instagram and that wraps up things for me on "the reid report." i'm richard liu in for joy today. tune in tomorrow at 2 p.m. eastern and visit us online at the holiday season is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself but the comfort it provides is it's justimmeasurable.ece the america red cross brings hope and help to people in need every 8 minutes, every day. so this season give something that means something. i was pretty stunned myself. removes fourteen years of stains. see? crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains, but whitestrips go below the enamel surface to safely remove deep stains. don't miss our buy one get one free offer this holiday season! think it's time for everyone to put aside political debates, put aside protests, put aside all of the things that we will talk about in due time. >> cycling right now, mayor of the nation's largest city trying to calm growing tensions after the execution-style murders of two onduty police officers. good afternoon, i'm toure. we're about to hear from new york city mayor bill de blasio and police commissioner bill bratton. that will happen at the half hour. as we something on air, memorials are growing for officers liu and ramos who were killed inside their car in brooklyn. the aftermath is laid bear the growing gap between city leaders and its police officers. the issue began on the 2013 mayoral campaign trail when the mayor railed against nypd overreach, ending stop and frisk was central to his campaign. the rift deepened during the protest over ferguson and reaction to nonindictment in the eric garner case. and a move not seen in new york city for decades, police union members turn their backs on the mayor on saturday when he arrived for a press conference. the hot rhetoric we're seeing today has stunned many in the city. case in point, union chief pat lynch. >> that blood on the hands starts on the steps of city hall in the office of the mayor. when these funerals are over, those responsible will be called on the carpet and held accountable. >> the man who pulled the trigger began his spree in baltimore where he shot his ex-girlfriend. she survived and and is being treated at a hospitalized. then he took a bush to new york city. bratton says the officers were ambushed, targeted for the uniforms they wore. >> there are almost no words that can explain what happened. quite obvious the targeting of these police officers was a direct spin-off of this issue of these demonstrations. >> police say moments before the attack, the gunman told two bystanders, quote, watch what i am going to do.


Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20150127

further notice. restrictions on nonessential travel is also in effect in massachusetts, connecticut and owed island. air travel has come to a crawl. at least 7,000 flights in and out of the region have been canceled. service on amtrak commuter rails, suspended. it's not just the record snowfall wreaking havoc out there. at 4:00 a.m. an hour from now, high tide will be rolling in along the massachusetts coast and coastal flooding is expected. this could be problematic. the new jersey shore might see a powerful storm surge flooding as well as beach erosion. we're watching all of this is cross the northeast. the weather channel's mike seidel is in plymouth massachusetts. you have to see the pictures coming from there. let's look at what mike was able to file. >> we just had a gust here betty. 64 miles an hour. that's 10 under hurricane-force gustwise. we're sustained at 40. this is a tropical storm. this is the kind of wind we have for severe thunderstorms because the cutoff there is a minimum 58 miles an hour. these are 3 to 4-foot waves. where i walked before i walked through there for the weather channel. you walk through here and your boot gets down here and you're wondering if you're going to get out. what i need is a pair of snowshoes to walk on top of these drifts. we're going to be in this most of today. the snowfall rate may back off a little bit. but boy, these winds are not going to back off until dinnertime. that's why we have the blizzard warning through tuesday evening, through later on tonight. then we're going to keep dealing with that. our concern, a lot of the locals is the power going out. so far in the area between end star and grid the two big -- sorry, national grid and en star about 2,000 customers. that's a small number. that will likely ramp up. especially near the cape where the winds gusted close to 70 miles an hour. this is not the kind of weather where you want to lose your power. everybody was forewarned that this was going to be as bad or worse than two years ago and some of the folks lost power for three days. everything is shut down in southeast mass. mass transit in boston schools are closed today, tuesday and wednesday. logan armt nothing in and out until wednesday afternoon. there is a travel ban here. of course other states including new jersey and new york state and connecticut, they want you off the roadways. it's better to be home and stay safe. once the snow and the wind back off, betty, they can get out there, play catch-up get the roads open and by wednesday morning, we can try to get normalcy back to life in the areas that will be hit hard with the snow and the drifting with this blizzard of 2015. >> all right. so that is the situation there. as we mentioned, high tide will be coming in. it could get worse before it gets better. we're following all of this. we want to tell you that if you have a flight out, you pretty much know not going to happen. some 7,000 flights have been canceled. we want to join on the phone felix kunzs, he's a passenger stranded at jfk. you're trying to get to england. >> we sat on the tarmac for five hours in various iterations of de-icing deplaning, sick passengers. hoping to get out of dodge and get the last flight out of here before the storm really hit. now we're stuck in the terminal at jfk. >> you were stuck on the tarmac for five hours. did they tell you at some point that you were going to be out there that long or were they hopeful that they could get you in the air and to your destination? >> the crews are very good. the captain kept us informed. unfortunately, they had a sick passenger, there's not much they could do. then the storm exacerbated everything. i think technical issues related to the cold weather and icing. they really hoped against hope to get out of here. >> so what has the airline done for you now that you've been stuck on the plane for five hours, you haven't made it to your destination, you're still here as the blizzard is blowing through. have they taken care of you? >> i am an optimist but they haven't done very much. we got a $15 food voucher. >> that's it. >> we promise we'll get more in the morning. that's really helpful. i don't know if you can tell i'm being sarcastic. we've been told to sleep on the floor in the terminal and we've been moved along by security at the airport when we've found spots in private areas. they're kind of making it not easy to enjoy it. >> were there no towels or places where they could find you at least a place to stay tonight? >> all the roads are closed. we even looked up what's the closest hotel, maybe we could walk there. it's three miles. >> goodness. >> they've rescheduled the flight to tomorrow. we're going to camp out overnight. i've made friends with fellow passengers and we're trying to make the best of a situation that missing a flight generally -- in a state of emergency, it's a whole other story. >> you have to understand the situation everybody is facing. how many people are affected by this, how many are stuck in the airport with you trying to find some kind of soft place to lay their head at 3:00 in the morning? >> i think there's about 250 people on board, including the crew. i mean i spoke to one of the flight attendants and she said she doesn't know how she's going to get to her hotel. there's no cars or vans. it's only emergency vehicles allowed on the roads. >> where is everyone? just scattered throughout the terminal? >> all over the place. trying to make the best of it. a lady with a bad back who tried to argue with security for -- it was no use. she got moved and got to sleep on the floor. it's not a good situation. >> sometimes airports will have cots or something in case of bad weather or dire situations. you haven't seen anything like that at jfk? >> nothing. nothing. in fact i don't think there's any kind of contingency here for that kind much thing. >> really? >> they've told us that -- they are outside of security we wouldn't be able to get back into the main terminal. >> it's like a no-win situation everywhere you turn. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> what are you doing for food for coffee for people who maybe have babies to warm something up for them so they can have formula? >> i think we're lucky. i didn't see a single infant or baby. >> that's good. >> i think just a stroke of luck at least for potential families traveling. i don't know if there's two stores open. not very much choice. there's a family trying to get kosher food. they haven't eaten all day and they're not going to break their kosher diet. that's a bit of a diet frustration for them. we're trying to keep our spirits up and keep each other entertained and it's hard to get to sleep. >> felix you are a trouper. we wish you the best. we hope you get to your destination quickly. thanks for sharing a bit of your journey with us. >> thanks, betty. he fwaukd how he couldn't get to a hotel because the roads are basically off limits. road salt by the tons it's being spread as fast as it can be. herein lies the problem when the temperature drops much the salt isn't as effective. let's find out what jane kim is experiencing. she's at the road salt storage facility. good morning, jane. twhaes like there? is that salt still effective at this hour? >> reporter: good morning, betty. you know it is a little chilly for the salt to work. right now we're seeing primarily plows in parades of five or six trucks at a time just like going down the west side highway again and again, trying to get the snow off. in the last hour or so we haven't seen the salt trucks refilling at the depot behind me. to give you perspective on how much salt they have i think 80 paces down and at least 50 or 20 feet up full of salt. some of that salt in the back we hear it hasn't been used in decades or at least a decade. so until it gets a little warmer, as you said, the salt isn't going to work. i think come -- when the sun comes out this morning a little bit, we'll see a lot more salt and a lot fewer plows. i think in the next few hours, even though it's still coming down pretty hard they're trying to get the snow off the streets. we do know that some of the plows are breaking. at least three plows that have had problems. the department of sanitation has extra plows. they're throwing one aside, putting a new one on and getting back out there. there are 2400 department of sanitation workers out there tonight trying to get this off. these are 12-hour shifts grueling shifts for these guys. as we understand a number of the men don't even feel comfortable in the cold and they're actually sleeping grabbing a chair and trying to get a couple hours of shut eye above the garage where the trucks are housed well behind me. you know this is not easy conditions. many of these men have brought all of their own food trying to stay here get it done. many of them don't expect to go home for a couple of days until they can get the snow and the city back up and running. do you know we have 6,000 miles of streets the city is responsible for plowing. that's here to l.a. and back. we know for know they're going with the main streets, the west side highways the big avenues. i don't think they're thinking about these smaller streets until well into the late wednesday or even tomorrow. >> all right. there's a lot of work still to be done. it seems like the weather is not cooperating at this hour. hopefully the salt trucks can be back at it in force. thank you so much we appreciate it jane. let's get a look at the weather outside. dominica davis is tracking it. so many are having trouble because it's too cold out there. >> unfortunately, even when the snow leaves us the cold will stay. we'll talk about that certainly. because it is going to factor in to the long-term forecast. i want to start and show you that we still have -- we've been talking a lot about the blizzard. but we have winter storm warnings in effect. this is up and down the east coast. a lot of people affected by this. even where we're not seeing blizzard conditions. certainly, conditions are getting worse as we head through the overnight. we're seeing the winds pick up. visibility is dropping rapidly. everything is really starting to come together. we're in the think of it. especially through new england. we have 56 for a wind gust at province town. so far the highest wind gust that we've seen betty is in nantucket. that was reported at 2:22 this morning. it was a gust of 72 miles per hour. that was the highest and that is just under hurricane-force winds, which are 74 miles per hour. think of that where we saw mike seidel he had winds 50 60 miles per hour. so add even higher winds. about 10 miles per hour higher than that. you can see that's pretty dangerous stuff. power outages will start to ramp up. 45 mile per hour wind in providence. lesser winds to the south. that doesn't mean it's less dangerous. we have pretty significant winds. ice lip, 23 for a gust. 22 in new york. that's not bad at all. these are wind gusts not sustained winds. the winds are whipping like this constantly. this is enough to cause some damage and certainly cause some outages. not only that but when you have the snow coming in it's blowing the snow all around which is factoring in which is creating the poor visibility. here's a look at the radar right now. the heavy bands of snow are lining up through long island pushing up through providence and into boston. massachusetts is really getting hammered. taking a look at some of the totals coming in and they are already getting above that 8-inch mark along the south shore, even into western massachusetts starting to close in on that foot. so we are still on track for upwards of 2 feet in many parts of massachusetts. we could even see an isolated three-foot zone. here's a look though. we were talking about the cold it is very cold. here's a look at the arctic forecast we're going to have. this arctic air continues to fill down throughout the week. temperatures in many places are not going to make it above freezing until we get to -- until we get to -- rather until we get to friday. we'll be above freezing. look what happens here betty. on saturday we fall into the 20s a. by sunday in the teens. so the snow will go but the cold will stay and that is certainly going to create problems on the roads right through the weekend because we will have some melting and refreezing. >> that could be very problematic with black ice and all kinds of issues with that. dough domenica thank you so much. saw you earlier john in portland, maine. the snow took a break but not anymore. >> reporter: it has picked up in the last 20 30 minutes since we talked to you last. coming down much -- coming down a bit brisker pace and just judging by the cover on the snowfall in the streets, it's still -- the winds are gusting at around 20 miles an hour hour according to the weather channel website. right now, there's a time and temperature sign behind me. it's about 10 degrees. but this is all going to ramp up. it's going to get even more -- the snowfall getting heavier. the meteorologists here at our nbc station here in portland wchs saying around 7:00 they really expect it to pick up and to last through the day. through tuesday into tuesday evening. tapering off tuesday night before we're coming to an end sometime around wednesday. they're forecasting anywhere between 18 to 24 inches of snow. schools are closed there's a parking ban in effect to help the snowplows get through. government offices are closed. there is a request that you don't have to be on the roads, stay off the roads. as you've heard other people talking about along this storm path, this is a very light, dry snow. so with that sort of light flakes and the wind going to pick up, you can have whiteout conditions, blowing that snow around. and have almost zero visibility. that's the big concern about traffic on the roads. but we're still in the getting ready for the worst of it here in portland betty. >> it is far from over. john yang thanks so much for that. get inside somewhere and get a little warm. you've been standing out there for quite a while. thank you. we want to show you some video from scituate massachusetts. you can see crews cutting power to that area. why are they doing that? crews are trying to prevent fires from sparking with flooding. that's a concern in the area. the storm could unleash 20-foot waves. we have much more coverage ahead. we'll be right back. i'm richard liu. we continue our special coverage of blizzard 2015. a blizzard that caused the mta here in new york city to close down for the first time in its history its subway system because of a snowstorm. that has been the storyline that continues this hour local time 3:20 a.m. eastern time. it is not letting up. the storm turning the roads treacherous in some areas here in the new york city metropolis area. take a look at this tractor-trailer. it jack-knifed near milford, massachusetts. it happened on 95. the accident shut down the lanes as people were trying to beat the blizzard and trying to get home before what were some curfews for vehicles in that area. meanwhile, the streets pretty quiet in new york city at this hour. that's where we find craig melvin. craig? >> good morning to you once again. from the streets of new york city here we are driving along 6th avenue now. we're in the chelsea neighborhood. i can tell you that as of a few minutes ago, we've started to see the snow pick up a bit. we have not seen the winds intensify to the level that we saw earlier, but the winds have pukd up a bit as well.-- picked up a bit as well. we can show you a look outside of the car. you don't see a lot of folks on these streets right now. new york city virtually a ghost town. most people seem to be heeding the request from the mayor and governor today to stay off these streets unless you absolutely have to be. we have, though seen a number of vehicles violating the travel ban. mainly taxis. some other cars for hire as well. by and large, the people the pockets of people that we have seen largely in times square these are blizzard tourists so to speak. folks who have come out to snap some really cool pics before the worst of this thing really comes. so again, that's the latest from here on 6th. got a red light here. that's probably a good time to stop this thing and send it back to you. >> craig melvin thank you so much for that report. that's been the situation as we look at the streets here in new york city. that is ebbs and flows. sometimes the snow goes down sometimes it picks up. with the gusts of wind and whether it's sustained or not, a live picture here as we do look at an area that's so famous. times square. you can see there's still snow on the ground. this despite that there are salt trucks out, there are plows out there and why are we seeing this still layer of whiteness down -- the key thoroughfare there of times square. that's because snow is coming down. here we are, live picture at the 30 rockefeller plaza ice rink. they're now out there scraping off the snow. you can get a sense there's probably 4 or 5 inches there. i was down there about 30 minutes ago. the snow light and fluffy. that may change later on throughout the day. what is going to make it tough, because it is cold down there as he's shoveling that snow across the rink is that salt will not help on the streets. what normally will happen at the ice rink here, in a little bit they'll bring out the zamboni and keep it nice and clear. this does mean good things for flights in the area. flight aware reporting about five hours ago, over 8,000 flights have been canceled both tuesday and monday. that number went down as of 2:25 a.m. local time to some 7700 flights. does that mean they're reinstating flights? that's a question to be answered. but that's a good development, shall we say. the numbers have gone down in numbers of flights canceled and causing many individuals to be stuck where they're at. the weather channel's reynolds wolf is not far from we are here in new york city. he's in long branch new jersey. reynolds, what's it look like there? >> reporter: the situation in edenton is a transformation to what we're dealing with now. strong winds have come through. i'd say about 25 tops. the snow at this point is actually kind of like a powder. but it is coming in heavily in spots. we do expect quite a bit more before the day is done. roads really in rough shape. that is despite the work that the men and women have been doing in terms of plows and salt trucks. they've been doing all they possibly can, but they're battling nature. nature winter storms right off the coast, we still have the snow and the iciness and a lot of the overpasses and bridges. that travel ban remains in effect. all right. that's the latest from northern new jersey. let's send it back to you in the studio. >> reynolds wolf there for us in new jersey. thank you so much reynolds. the blizzard is paralyzing air travel. as i was just mentioning, that number that i gave you, more than 7700 flights being scrapped since monday. that number went down though. the good news airlines are waiving the flight change fees. it could take days to get the stranded flyers back on the flights. we continue our live coverage of the developing story, the blizzard of 20 saah15. the brunt of the storm making its way north towards new england, that's the concern there and the buildup of snow. some of the reports and sustained winds at blizzard level miles per hour levels as we've been hearing from mike seidel from the weather channel and domenica. the snowdrifts hitting 4 or 5 feet. >> massachusetts on the south shore of snowdrifts between 2 and 3 feet. just a report in massachusetts, not far from mike seidel of snowdrifts that are 3 feet. that's pretty significant and that's a factor of the wind those snowdrifts. it's whiteout conditions in a lot of places in massachusetts. let's look at the snow totals. central park 5.5 inches. shrewsberry mass 5 inches. massachusetts is picking up on the heavier snow right now. a lot of places are beginning to get a foot of snow. we're keeping it on track for parts of massachusetts. especially the south shore and western mass -- eastern mass rather to pick up over 2 feet of snow is definitely possible. nantucket, 4.5. this hasn't been updated too recently recently. i wouldn't be surprised if it's pushed up to the 5 mark. hurricane-force wind in nantucket. we clocked a wind at 22:22 we tracked the wind at 72 miles per hour. >> 72? >> 74 and it's hurricane-force. you only need for blizzard conditions winds over 35. that's significantly higher. that's very dangerous winds. so they have come down a little bit. but we're going to keep seeing those gusts come up through the evening. here's a look at the visibility. this is a huge problem as visibility is less than a mile from boston extends all the way down to new york. you can see where the heavy bands of snow are moving through. philadelphia and d.c., by the way, in the past couple of hours, their visibility has dropped as well. so this is a good thing to point out. because even when we're not looking at those blockbuster snow zones, that doesn't mean we're not looking at dangerous conditions. still if you're in philadelphia and washington don't write the storm off. because we're still having problems with winds and visibility. that's what makes it so dangerous out there. so don't just factor in on the heavier snow tote apples. here's a look at the winds, 61 for the gust in province town. boston 32. 37 in worcester. 61 in vineyard haven. the winds are the strongest to the north. they are picking up to the south. we have gusts to 22 miles per hour in new york city. montauk, 29. these are continue to ramp up too over the next several hours. i think the peak of the wind gusts probably about 6:00 in the morning here in new york city. here's a look at the radar. i want to show you some of the enhanced snowfall that's starting to move through. when you see the bands of brighter blues, that's where we're getting snowfall rates in some cases exceeding over 2 inches per hour. the snow is coming down fast and hard in parts of new england and that's why we're seeing the snow totals up pretty quickly. the heavier bands are pushing from east to west and they're going to continue to move in. now, on the southern end of this storm, we are getting some pretty good clips over long island. they've been getting battered over the past several hours. new york hasn't been too bad. but moderate snowfall we're still not out of the woods with this. we'll continue to see bands move through here and tomorrow -- i shouldn't say tomorrow morning. this morning, in a few hours from now, 6:00 more bands will push through and that will up our snow totals as well. it's really cold out there. we've been talking about this all evening and overnight. it is very cold. this is going to be a major problem, richard. once the snow goes the cold stays and the cold is in the forecast for the next several days. here's a look at the windchills. minus 2 for the feels-like in boston. 0 in hartford. feels like 10 in new york and even d.c. it feels like 19 degrees. even pushing back out to the west buffalo and pittsburgh are cold. the arctic air is over us. it persists right through the weekend. many places will be above freezing on friday for the first time temperatures will stay below freezing for several days and then we drop into the teens along much of the east coast through the weekend. that only adds insult to injury and it is certainly going to be hard. it's not going to cause a lot of melting of snow. but what is able to melt will refreeze. i think we're going to be talking about black ice and accidents on the roads. >> right. >> the issue, of course, when the temperatures stay so low, they're going to have to bring in the trucks and the dumpsters to get rid of the snow depending how much is there instead of it rising above freezing when it melts away. that means more work for city workers as they try to recover from what we're seeing. >> absolutely. we're talking about the snowdrifts, right. sometimes you can't get out the door, so people shoveling, you get that freeze sort of on top. when you even fluffy snow weighs about 7 to 10 pound. so when you start to get into the heavier snow a shovel weight of over 15 pounds. that is significant. that is dangerous. that's what a lot of people in new england are going to be facing over the next couple of days. >> you know, also, one of the concerns domenica, mike sigh sdel in plymouth massachusetts. where is mike? >> it's whiteout conditions. >> whiteouts mean you're disoriented, you have zero visibility you don't know which way is north, south, up and down. this picture right here is a great representation of what you were just describing a moment ago there, domenica. these whiteout conditions. there are several different levels. in that space, around that light is mike seidel from the weather channel. nothing scares that man except when i have to talk to him. mike seidel will join us very shortly. domenica, thanks so much. there's an issue in new york city before we get to mike seidel. we've been focusing on new york city and we've been talking about the firsts in this particular location because the subways were closed down for the very first time because of a snowstorm. why is that important? first of all, you've got 6 million riders that use that every day. okay? what does that mean? that results in the output of money, of revenue. just to give awe nfve you an example, new york city puts out more gdp than five or ten different countries in the world. in the one day when it closes down, the risk is $3.5 billion gdp in this metropolitan area. that's what's at risk. that's why when the subways are closed down an the city is not operating why it has a ripple effect not only here in the city but across the country and the state and somebody who is watching what is happening with the subways, making sure they're moving and making the decision is ammananda quan. a spokeswoman for the mta. although you're part of the decision, you're really not. neither is the mayor. it is the governor who decides when the trains get moving again. >> caller: that's correct. the mta is a state agency. >> what have you heard in terms of that decision when they might turn the switch back on? >> caller: we don't have a specific timeline for restarting service. we are checking the weather forecast. that decision like i said comes from the governor's office. >> so the governor will decide. >> caller: yes. >> we have an 8:00 a.m. announcement or i should say statement, right we expect from the governor governor cuomo. do you talk to the governor or the governor's office to provide guidance to advise based on what you are seeing with the mta, which is the overseer of the subway system here and other bus systems in the new york city area? >> caller: absolutely. our chairman tom prendergast is in conference with him, with the governor constantly. he's actually up in midtown with the governor right now. they make these decisions together. >> is there a possibility that we might see, based on what you know from the commissioner that you were just mentioning that the advisory to the governor that the trains the subways, might be started up before let's say, the business day, before 8:00 a.m.? >> caller: i do not have any more information than do you about that. >> okay. well, you might have a little bit more but i understand you can't tell me because there's a lot of things that need to be considered. what we do understand is it takes hours to start up trains. but there are trains already moving but they don't have anybody in them. the ghost trains. what are those? >> caller: they're not exactly ghost trains. so we have a couple of work trains out there. they're de-icers and also sweeper trains that push the snow off the tracks. and then we have to keep some trains running because we need to keep the rails energized. it prevents the buildup of water which causes rust on the third rails. as rust develops then that causes breaks of emergency. >> what's at risk here 6 million people who ride it daily. we're talking about a daily gdp just in the new york city area of $3.5 billion. that's a very large number. you're telling me that that third rail which is so key to keeping those subways moving has not been shut down as of yet? >> caller: no. they are live. they're all live right now. that's because, like i said we need to keep some of the work trains running. even though we don't have passengers trains in service, we need to keep those tracks clear. the tracks that are in the cutouts and the elevated sections. >> tell me this. so you get the word from the governor's office and the governor says to you, the mta, all right, we're going to say it's okay to resume service. if i say go right now at 3:40 a.m. local time in new york city how long will it take for a train to pick up a passenger? >> caller: it will be almost instantaneous. just because we have these work trains out there keeping the third rail running and keeping the tracks clear, we could start up limited local service almost immediately. >> immediately. so when you do start that service immediately, will it be at a 10% capacity? a 50% capacity? >> caller: it's hard to put a percentage on it. but just because we do have trains out there running, that means that the trains are available to pick up passengers. like i said almost immediately. but there's fewer trains out there. so for instance there would be a longer wait time. >> right, right. you were telling me about the plowing trains that clear the tracks >> caller: the sweeper trains. >> you have also trains that clean off or keep the third rail serviced. what have they seen? has it been above or below average based on the planning that was put forth before the blizzard of 2015 hit? >> caller: you know our crews are really professional and very calm. i just spoke with them. they're like everything is running just fine. they've had no problems. >> how many sweeper trains? how many of those trains that again, keep the third rail serviced? how many do you have out there? >> caller: i don't have an exact number of our fleet. but the trains that are -- that you say are keeping the third rail running, they're just -- they look like regular trains. but they're just -- the whole point is that they help get the crews different places and like i said keep the rail running. >> great. the rest of the train systems in the area very quickly? >> caller: excuse me? >> the rest of the train systems in the area, what is the prognosis there, nonsubway? >> caller: the subway system i mean we've been storing our trains underground on the express tracks. they're in fine conditions. >> amanda kwan with the mta. a lot of new yorkers hoping to be able to get back in to either work or continue their plans of the day and when those subways will be turned back on here in new york city where 6 million people ride it each and every day. the largest city and certainly the largest subway system in the country. a lot certainly at risk in the coming hours. we'll be watching that. we got the latest from the mta. we'll continue to cover the blizzard of 2015 in our special coverage. a developing story. local time we still continue to see more snow hitting the ground in the northeast and of course we're so concerned about boston province town, manchester and the rest of the snowfall that is coming down here in the northeast. we'll have the latest for you at this hour 3:43 a.m. local time eastern. we will have more right after this. we want to take you to plymouth massachusetts. why? this is the hour and the coming hour. near whiteout or whiteout conditions. we were talking about this the last segment. whiteout, meaning you cannot see. you have zero visibility, you become disoriented. you can get a sense there of the lack of visibility there. 4:30 a.m. is a key hour. that's in about 45 minutes because that's when high tide hits. if you're on the coastal areas, the concern of flooding. we've had some reports of getting near that or reaching flood levels on the coastline. we got eye live report just a moment ago. i want to replay just a bit of that. plymouth massachusetts, mike seidel describing what is a very very windy situation in the context of hurricane level winds. here he is speaking with my colleague, betty nguyen just a short time ago. >> reporter: we just had a gust here betty, to 64 miles an hour. that's 10 under hurricane-force gustwise. we're sustained at 40. this is a tropical storm. this is the kind of wind we have for severe thunderstorms because the cutoff there is a minimum of 58 miles an hour. look at these drifts. these are 3 to 4-footers. you walk in them and get stuck. in fact where i walked before, i just walked through there for the weather channel. you walk through here and your boot gets down here. you're wondering if you're going to get out. what i need is a pair of snowshoes to walk on top of these drifts. we're going to be in this most of today. the snowfall rate may back off a little bit. but boy, these winds are not going to really back off until dinnertime. that's why we have the blizzard warning through tuesday evening, through later on tonight. then we're going to keep dealing with that. our concern, a lot of the locals the concern is power going out. between the two big -- sorry. national grid and n-star. the two big power companies, about 2,000 customers. that's a very small number. that's likely going to ramp up. especially down on the cape where their winds gusted close to 70 miles an hour. this is not the kind of weather where you want to lose your power. everybody was forewarned that this was going to be as bad or worse than the storm two years ago and some of the folks lost power for three days. everything is shut down here in southeast mass. mass transit in boston schools are closed today, tuesday and wednesday. logan airport, nothing in and out of there until at least wednesday afternoon. there is a travel ban here and in parts of other states including jersey new york state and connecticut. they just want you off the roadways. it's just better to be home and stay safe. that way once the snow and the wind back off, betty, they can get out there, play catch-up get the roads open. by wednesday morning, we can try to get normalcy back to life in these areas hit hard with the snow and the drifting from this blizzard of 2015. >> we think it's bad right now. i hear that even in your voice that you sound very winded as you're facing what these 64 mile per hour winds hitting you in the back and the face. you're getting stuck in the snowdrifts there. but it's supposed to get even worse there, right? >> reporter: yeah. the wind will gust higher than this. we're going to have a lot of heavy snow through the morning hours. so it's just going to be adding up. these drifts are going to get higher and higher. again, the wind the continued howling of the wind may, again, knock out a lot of power. we were expecting widespread hour power outages. we'll have this wind for easily 12 to 15 hours. the saving grace in some respects this time of the year is you don't have leaves on the trees like in october a few years ago when we had millions without power. the snow out here a little wetter than it is in boston and interior areas where the temperatures are colder. but if you get that on the tree limbs, on any kind of branches and with this kind of wind when we cover severe thunderstorms, betty, i can tell you really the threshold for starting to see wind damage reports and limbs coming down and power outages, around 60 miles an hour. so as i mentioned, we've had a gust to 64. through the morning hours, i would imagine we're going to see the power outages ramp up and again, all the power crews are here, they have contractors here, people from out of state pitching in. they are ready to go. again, in this kind of weather, they can't really work. they have to wait until this evening in most cases to start getting power back on if indeed we lose a lot of power in the next 12 hours. >> i got to be honest with you, mike. it's painful to watch you you face these conditions out there with the winds blowing so hard like that. but you've been in a lot of storms and we've been calling this historic we've been calling it epic dangerous. is this going to stack up to what a lot of people have been saying on the forefront of this storm? >> reporter: i think it will. i think it will. with the storm two years ago, we had a gust at logan, 76 i think. 73 76 miles an hour. they may not be that windy. we're going to have more snow here and again, it's the duration of this event that makes it so amazing. you know we had a blizzard warning out for 30 hours. that's a long long time to have blizzard conditions. by the way blizzard you have to have three consecutive hours of visibility a quarter mile less through the snow and blowing snow. the winds have to be gusting at 35 miles an hour. we lowered the bar. used to be sustained at 35 miles an hour. like i said out here we've got sustained winds of 40 miles an hour. we've been gusting over 35 for several hours. we have satisfied the definition of a blizzard which in layman's terms is really a sustained whiteout. that's what you've got out here in plymouth harbor early on a tuesday morning. >> early on a tuesday morning. mike seidel with my colleague betty nguyen. that report just from an hour ago to give you a sense of the conditions there. we want to give you a different view from noaa the national oceanic and atmospheric administration. look how big the storm is from way up high. you can see it cranking up the east coast. there might be one silver lining at the moment perhaps much we've been watching the cancellations of flights as we look at some of the pictures across the northeast. that is of snow coming down in great numbers. here it is. a live picture of again, times square. now, the airports have canceled some over 7700 flights, at least at this moment according to flight aware because of that weather you see there. but it's actually getting better. we'll have more live reports from maine, from new york city. stay with us right here on msnbc. we'll be right back. as predicted, the blizzard of 2015 walloping many places in the northeast. big problems at this hour. it is 4:00 a.m. local time where we're watching. seven states affected by the blizzard of 2015. tens of millions along the northeast corridor, bracing for even more snow. we've not hit the peak yet. seeing hurricane-force winds. and the streets closed off in the busiest city of the country. you cannot get anywhere. here in new york city you've seen more than five i


Transcripts For MSNBCW Andrea Mitchell Reports 20150130

nothing in my performance will be deflated. ♪ >> good day, everyone i'm andrea mitchell in washington. we begin with our breaking news exploding all of the conventional wisdom of the last month, mitt romney says he will not make a third run for the white house, urging the party to turn instead to a new generations of leaders, take that jeb and chris christie. chuck todd joins me now. what do you think went into this calculation from your reporting? >> i think he had the sober conversation about what the primary gauntlet was going to look like. i think there's two things here. i think i wanted to be the nominee and think he wanted to be president. i think he looked at what the next six months. there's a good idea what it would look like. he gets in and every day is a story that were with mitt romney signing up with somebody else six months of that. then he looks good in the polls now as more candidates get in and voters start looking around and kicking the tires, he was going to see that sort of lead of name recognition start eroding. the next six months are going to be really hard what shape would his candidacy be in labor day of this year. was he willing to do all of the gauntlet? remember john mccain, the one man gang in '07. and he had the stomach to do it like that and it was a tough slog. romney had done it twice, going through it the third time i have to think that that was what talked him out of this. i think he wants to be the nominee and wants to be president. that's not gone. it was the primary gauntlet. >> getting through it. let's listen to a little bit of that call that he made to his supporters. >> i feel that it's critical that america elect a conservative leader become our next president. you know that i wanted to be that president. but i do not want to make it more difficult for someone else to emerge who may have a better chance of becoming that president. >> when he's talking about someone else who has a better chance of becoming that president, he's talking about a new generation. he said that literally, not talking about jeb bush his competitor, sometime rival. is he talking about chris christ j? we understand from jonathan martin that they are having dinner together tonight? >> i don't know if he is. i think that's just a little jab at jeb to be honest. if you look around who's an immediate potential beneficiary of mitt romney not running? it's probably going to be chris christie he was going to get squeezed out, in the wall street money world. there was no room for christie. now there's a narrow path. i don't think he will get nearly the amount of donor support romney would have gotten but there's viability there. look the jeb/mitt relationship was not good. people say when did it go sour? it went sour back in the first campaign of 08. jeb was a huge romney guy. you talk to jeb in early 07 and he was pro-romney not mccain. >> before the debate on immigration. >> then he used immigration as a wedge against mccain and that ended it. it was a very cold relationship from then on and it lasted for a long time. i think there is no love lost and more so probably mitt to jeb than jeb to mitt. i have think the christie think is a poke at jeb. >> they are tweeting reactions -- >> they must love him. your best day in politics is the day you decide not to run. >> exactly. jeb says mitt is a patriot and i join many in hoping his days of serving his nation and our party are not over. he can still be helpful to whoever the nominee is. >> i think that's right. i think somebody else -- i think mitt romney wants to be viewed as the elder statesman -- >> i think he wants to be a king maker now. >> i don't know what means anymore, when you have a rambunctious electorate you've got to be careful. if you try to be a king maker, sometimes the establishment will run away from that a little bit. but i think he clearly -- i think he can play a role. i have a feeling now you'll see mitt romney back off. he was getting engaged in day to day politics. he'll back off and take a 30,000 foot view again. >> marco rubio has weighed in. over the past two years there hasn't been a day when i didn't think mitt romney would have been a better president than barack obama. over the years i've enjoined campaigning for him, grateful for his support in the senate race and know what a difficult situation this must be. he earned the right to consider running so i deeply respect his decision to give the next generation -- >> he loves the next generation bush elected in '98, romney elected in owe'02. now we're in the -- whatever we'll call it the teens, now in the teens and i think that's what romney is hoping that the scott walkers and marco rubio. >> and rand paul not to forget. among serious players with big following followings, what about lindsey graham? >> the lindsey graham has almost everything to do with rand paul and nothing else. that he is in there to articulate the hawkish wing of the party. there is a concern by the mccain/graham wing of the party, the interventionist wing of the foreign policy world that nobody else wants to articulate the foreign policy. he views this more of making sure the issues are talked about at the debates. i don't any if lindsey sees himself as a nominee but making sure to be blunt, making sure he's the guy that attacks rand paul. i think that i've always -- that's my theory of how this has come about a little bit. >> now that you've got mitt romney seahawks or patriots? >> i'm shocked the patriots are favored. find me another super bowl team where the best defense in the league when they make the super bowl tell me the last time that team lost? if you were making me put my mortgage payment on it i would go with the seahawks. >> we will see. if its super bowl sundays, of course it's "meet the press." everything sports and politics on the program, a big sunday and with unique insight into mitt romney's decision his former running mate paul ryan joining chuck. the other big story we've been watching the fate of two isis hostages still unclear today, a day after a deadline for a possible swap between isis and the government of jordan. for a would be suicide bomber who has been in prison on death row since 2005. chief global correspondent bill neeley joins me from amman jordan. >> reporter: it doesn't look good here. there's complete silence from isis no sign a deal has been done or the hostages are being released and jordan's government said that that convicted suicide bomber was still in jordan nowhere near where a deal might be done. there's ominous signs here. jordan's government has asked the family of its kapt turped pilot not to talk to the media anymore. it is if you like preparing the public here for the worst. and if you like also preparing for a backlash because people are holding king abdullah responsible for this and that's what isis wants. remember, there are two nations involved here, japan and jordan but isis' real target is jordan a moderate muslim country that is a staunch ally. they loathe everything jordan stands for. they are doing everything to destabilize jordan. if for example, isis was to kill the jordanian pilot and turn to jordan and say we will rea lease the japanese hostage if you release the convicted suicide bomber. that puts jordan in a lose/lose situation and what isis wants. it wants to destabilize this country. >> is there any scenario in which they would swap the jordanian pilot -- they are still asking for proof of life correct? we don't know if the two hostages are tied together in this political sphere or whether there would be some japanese negotiation that's separate from the jordanian? >> reporter: no that's right. there is some confusion that jordanians initially said they were open to a deal and then they said, no hang on we want proof our pilot is still alive. the family said through its channels that it established that the pilot was in fact alive. but this is a very complex three-way deal. isis holds the hostages and as far as i can see it holds all the cards. japan's prime minister who remember three years ago said he wanted to play a more global role, well three years later he's had one decapitated hostage and is facing this hostage crisis. gentleman fan looks rather powerless. jordan doesn't look very powerful at all. as i say, that's exactly what isis is trying to do. if a deal is done as well of course, it lends more legitimacy to isis which in its eyes would be yet another victory. >> bill neely, thank you very much. coming up back home super security after deflate gate. extra measures in place to protect sunday's game balls. we'll go live to the home of super bowl xlix coming up next. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. 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former republican congressman vin weber served as senior adviser to romney during his 2012 campaign. does this surprise you? >> it surprises me. all of the signals governor romney was sending was that he was likely to run and close supporters said they thought it was about an 80% likelihood. i'm a great add mirror of governor romney but glad he's not running. i think the process of running for the third time would have been pretty tough on him and now he has a chance to resume his role as the most respected guy in the republican party and one of the most respected guys in the country. even though it's hard to believe that somebody can say you're a great admirer of somebody but that is my view. >> do you think it was because key supporters past supporters iowa and elsewhere were moving to jeb bush? do you think that was part of the calculation? >> my guess and it's a guess that he saw there were a lot of viable candidates. jeb bush has done a good job and attracted some support. i think governor walker has made progress and marco rubio is making progress and chris christie after a bad first part of last year has come back on the scene and saw it would have been a highly competitive race. gechb the stature he has as the former nominee, i don't think -- wanted to go down there and tough it out and that's a perfectly legitimate reason to not run. >> i want to play more of that call to supporters this morning. >> can't imagine how hard it is to step aside, especially knowing of your support and the support of so many people across the country. we believe it's for the best of the party and the nation. i've been asked and will certainly be asked again, if there are any circumstances, whatsoever, that might develop that could change my mind. and it seems unlikely. >> well that's a bit of a hedge but really isn't. he's just saying -- >> if something amazing happened like -- >> not having to run in the primaries. >> a terrorism attack on the first debate and all candidates are wiped out. i don't think he's going to get back in. we have a strong group of candidates running this time quite different than a couple of years ago when we had at least one strong candidate and some not so good ones. there are a lot of good candidates this time and we won't have to look for more. i think he'll play a major role. he's probably the most effective critic of how the democrats have been running the country for the last six years because of the things he said as a candidate. my argument to his people was i don't think that would have been the platform on which to run as a future looking candidate but it certainly helps republicans develop a critique of democratic governments. >> are you aligning yourself with anyone? >> i haven't yet. i like a lot of candidates probably spend more time talking to governor bush and the bush people and like the way he launched his candidacy on the issues of social mobility and how to rise middle class incomes, but there are other good candidates and i want to listen to them but i'm very impressed with governor bush. >> do you have any worry he's rusty and the world has moved by that mitt romney seems to be pointsing toward? >> i've heard certainly that critique. i view it with a little bit of amusement, on the one hand you hear a fresh face not the political faces in a long time. the next breath he hasn't been involved for a long time. i think he can't be both. he was a great governor of florida and he has had a time out that has given him a perspective. the bush name is known but governor jeb bush is not widely known outside of florida. he has a chance to introduce himself to the country, not as another bush but jeb bush. >> thanks so much. with only two days to go we've been talking about the super bowl and vin is a vikings fan. we won't talk about that. will there be major fumbles before the game? the match-up has been flooded with news about deflate-gate. a measles outbreak in phoenix and security concerns. one bright spot seattle cornerback richrd sherman's girlfriend is set to deliver a baby any day now. he was asked about the chance if the baby was born early, the star player might miss the big game. >> he knows he has an opportunity to face a big decision. whenever our players have a personal or family issue that comes out, it's about family first and they have to decide what's best for them and i support that. however he goes with that if he's faced with that decision we'll support him. and we'll see how that goes. wish him luck and can't wait to see little pety. >> nbc's craig melvin joins us from glendale arizona. you're a relatively new dad. you can relate to what richard sherd sherman is going through. >> reporter: never played in the super bowl but that anxiety. here's a guy getting ready for the big game and now all of a sudden, oh my goodness my son could come any day now. i'm pretty sure that richard sherman is going to be on the field here come sunday sunday evening around 6:30 university of phoenix stadium behind me. the weather, andrea has been the story so far. it has been sloppy and soggy all morning. it's expected to rain tomorrow as well. the rain though going to move out in time for the big game. not stopping the fans though. there are a lot of folks out last night partying it up a lot of folks going to be out tonight as well. more than a dozen sponsored parties planned and a lot of folks go to those ahead of the big game. you mentioned security. we can tell you that the blackhawk helicopters have already been flying around the stadium enforcing the no fly zone. some 4,000 private security personnel are being trucked in to provide additional security. they'll supplement the police officers who are already here in the area. and in a sign of the times, perhaps, a strict no drone policy is going to be enforced as well here in and around the stadium. >> craig melvin thank you very much. we know security is going to be tight, not only against any possible trouble makers but also the balls. craig, have fun out there. thanks for being with us. as we mentioned, this is your home for everything super bowl xlix. tonight, "hardball" is live from arizona at 7:00 p.m. chris is followed by a special "morning joe" at night, catch them live from phoenix tonight from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. eastern. and sunday of course watch the big game on nbc at 6:30 eastern. and as his former team preps for super bowl sunday tgs day two of aaron hernandez' murder trial in massachusetts. he is charged in the 2013 shooting death of semiprofootball player oddup lloyd. on thursday both sides gave opening statements and prosecutors showed security camera footage from her nan dez's home that -- that he had the world at his feet and had no reason to kill. we'll be right back. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. 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where would it go? especially in a crowded field. >> chris cillizza who does this advantage, jeb bush, chris christie? >> i was going to say christie a race with romney and jeb in it leaves not a lot of money for a place where christie would be looking for money. that is they share a lot of major donor links. i think christie gets a little bump here. the one thing that is interesting is that jeb, if you put aside mike huckabee jeb is now nine years at a minimum and sometimes as much as 20 years older than many of the people running in this race. with romney getting out, i think the race will turn more into a generational question sort of the fight that democrats seem to want to have but don't have a candidate against hillary clinton, maybe the fight you're going to see jeb bush sort of pillar of the establishment, of hillary clinton's generation against a group of people like scott walker who's in his 40s and rand paul is 51, i believe. against those sort of people who will make the argument it is time and are making the argument, it's time to move on. we need appreciate faces and younger blood. >> speaking of that new generation, rand paul has tweeted out, my family and i wish mitt and ann the best. we have gotten to know them over the last few years and deeply respect their family and mitt's service. and also i hope to work together with mitt to grow our party and lead our country forward. rand paul on track to say now that you're out, please help me. >> really, they are very gracious, aren't they? his endorsement will become one of the most coveted in the primary. this allows him to go to the role that i think he was growing before he decided to take another look. that is to have a role behind the scenes where he can shape message and try to steer donors because there are many wealthy people who support him who will look to him for guidance. he still has a very big role to play. >> a little bit more from that conversation where he talked -- two calls with supporters and major donors let's watch. >> i believe that one of our next generation of republican leaders, one who may not be as well known as i am today, one who is not yet taken a message across the country, one who's just getting started, may well emerge as being better able to defeat the democrat nominee. in fact i expect and hope that to be the case. >> and chris sillcillizza, they have already taken control, not going to have 21 22 primary debates, nine debates. they want a more controlled and frankly better cast of characters so you see people who are credentialed and who are like from the republican perspective, scott walker and jeb bush and chris christie and rand paul and lindsey graham getting in chuck todd thinks mostly as a holding action against rand paul's foreign policy. these are people who are going to be more credible than some of the people who ran last time around. >> i think one of the key differences mitt romney was looking at the 2012 races, the 2016 feel this significantly deeper and stronger than the 2012 field was. the 2012 field, ask any republican who wasn't running in it, was one of the weakest we've had in a very long time. but it's a much stronger had. one other point in that mitt romney clip basically those sentences he said are let's nominate someone who's not named jeb bush. >> right. >> young face new generation someone who's not been around. whether it's animosity towards jeb bush there are some personality issues between him and romney or romney's commitment to believe the idea that we need a fresh face to nominate against hillary clinton, i think his endorsement does matter and you can be 99% better it's not going to jeb bush. >> the one person we haven't mentioned is marco rubio. we've walked christie might benefit, walker might benefit, so might marco rubio who would be the challenge to jeb bush with both of them coming out of florida with their own history. >> thank you so much. meanwhile, on a very different note, hip-hop mogul shug night has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a hit-and-run in compton after filming a biopic he drove his truck into a group of people killing one man and arrested after turning himself in west hollywood today. the truck drove backwards and struck victims and drove forward and struck them again as suge left. >> we're handling it as a homicide. >> knight's attorney called it a tragic accident. knbc is reporting that knight has left the jail today so he made bail. of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our angie's list app. visit today. ♪ (son) oh no... can you fix it, dad? 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. with mitt romney out of the 2016 race for the white house, where do things stand for the rest of the potential contenders? steve kornacki host of "up joins for for the latest. this has been a wild day in politics. let's game the rest of the field. >> let's take a look here at sort of the money chase in a story that i think has a lot to do with the decision that mitt romney made today and what jeb bush is up to right now. if you think back to december when he said he was interested in running, he said i have decided to actively explore the possibility of running for president of the united states. if that sounds a little legalistic, it's for a reason. it is. this is something unique, an experiment he launched his own super pac, if you are not officially a candidate for office, you can have your own super pac and raise money and control it. it's your own super pac. and politicians love it for one reason, you can raise as much as you want from anyone or any group you want. there's the potential there to raise a ton of money. that is what jeb bush is attempting to do right now. the goal of the bush campaign not quite a campaign yet officially but the goal of bush right now is to raise a huge sum of money in the first part of this year to raise so much money and line up so many key donors that the rest of the field looks at him and says, this guy is sort of the overwhelming front-runner it's time to get on board. maybe i don't want to run against him. create that sense of inevitability. mitt romney was watching in the last few weeks as jeb bush made this move behind the scenes to line up people for a super pac. mitt romney was watching his people defect to jeb bush. he was losing money to jeb bush every day. he had the prospect of losing more and more of it in the next few months. here's the one catch to keep in mind. here's the downside for jeb bush. let's say he raises a huge sum of money as he's hoping to do. then he becomes a formal candidate for president of the united states, which he will have to declare at some point. when he does that he loses control of the super pac. he cannot legally coordinate with the super pac. granted it will be run by his allies and doing things to help him but that's a lot of money for a candidate to give control over. that's the downside. steve kornacki and reflt you can watch weekends at 8:00 a.m. eastern here on msnbc. senator john mccain put down pro testers in signature style at the senate arms services committee hearing. they went after henry kissinger and george shultz then got up and instinctively told them all to shut up. he was acting like the former marine he is and was. that's when john mccain finished them off. >> never seen anything as dis disgraceful and outrageous and depickable as the last demonstration that just took place. you're going to have to shut up or i'm going to have you arrested. if we can't get the capitol hill police in here immediately. get out of here you low life scum. [ applause ] >> the protesters threatened kissinger and waved handcuffs near his head. he never witnessed such physical intimidation of a witness in 30 years in congress. ♪ go! go! go! he's challenging the very fabric of society. in a post cannonball world! was it grilled cheese? guilty! the aquatic delinquency is a larger issue to this ♪ you did it again, didn't you? yup. ♪ if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work we used to have so many empty rolls! 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(cha-ching!) it felt like we were flushing money away. mom! that's why we switched to charmin ultra mega roll. it's charmin quality and long lasting. with more go's per roll, it pays to use charmin ultra mega roll. charmin ultra mega roll is 75% more absorbent so you can use less with every go. plus it even lasts longer than the leading thousand sheet brand. for us, mega roll equals mega value. cha-ching! we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra mega roll? on super bowl weekend a new study suggests playing tackle before the age of 12 may increase the risk of memory and or cognitive problems later in life. this does not seem to affect those who started to play after the age of 12. what does this mean for the future of football in america? i'm joined by ben u tekt former super bowl champion with the indianapolis colts and did suffer multiple concussions while playing with the nfl. he's an outspoken advocate about the dangers of traumatic brain injury. this seems to reinforce the concerns about peewee football or the early tackle football for kids. >> it really does. and as you read the new york times article, you talk about the debate around this question when is a safe time to allow your kids to play football. and i think that's the wrong question. the question is when is it safe to put your children at higher risk for brain injury and potential future brain disease? the answer is there is not a good time for that. we're faced with this dilemma of loving sports in america contact sports, but at the same time wanting to care for our children's brains especially during the most important developmental stages of their maturation process. >> indeed with all of the coverage of the new rules and head butting and dangers of that and players who have suffered people like you advocating for more care for the professional players as well. look at this new poll the data that came out in this new poll 60% of those 37% would encourage their child to play another sport but 60% would not. 60% of those questioned would still encourage their kids to play contact sports. >> well that is an alarming stas tick. there's been such a push for education and awareness which is so important. the education doesn't matter if in fact the heart doesn't care. this is a culture issue. we love this sport because it's violent. but the fact that we want to put that type of violence into a child's life at the age of 8 or 9 years old when i started tackle football which according to the study, i'm one of those nfl players who started tackle football at 12 which does not look good for my future. as americans we have to step back and make tough decisions here. i think the nfl should take leadership on this. i think they can. there should be things like national sports none contact football program that allows children to learn fundamentals and technique without getting into the contact game until high school. let's save six years of children having head to head collisions. there are things we can do to make sure the sport remains but we save our children during that developmental stage of their brains. >> ben you've been through this super bowl mania yourself and got a ring to show it. show for it. what are the players going through. i was so surprised to hear it's hard to sleep the night before. i get restless before a big interview, but never occurred to me these big guys can't sleep the night before the big game. >> it continues to affect us because i'm telling you as we get closer to the game i'm going through my memories and can't sleep because i'm getting excited -- >> that's so interesting. >> to watch the game. it's really hard to put into words, but those two weeks, the magnitude of the game and of this game in particular it's so big. when i was playing, they shut down the most major highway in miami just so we would get to the practice facility on time. this game is. it means such a big deal to these players. i came from a small river town in hastings minnesota, to find myself on that stage was truly one of the most special moments in my life. that's what these guys are facing. they are going into -- to what really was a childhood dream and they now get to live it in one day and in one moment. and that's -- that's priceless. >> living the dream. who do you like sunday? >> this is tough for me because being an indianapolis colt i don't want the paid i don't thinks to win, but going into the 12th man is very difficult. honestly i've got so much respect for russell wilson and what he's done. i've kind of made my decision based upon that. i'm going to go with the seahawks. >> thank you very much. it's always good to see you. thanks for your perspective. >> we have an update on our earlier report on suge knight on his arrest on suspicion of murder in connection to the hit-and-run. knight left the hollywood station and transferred to another jail facility in downtown l.a. he is being held on $2 million bail. his lawyer called it a tragic accident. monday morning quarterbacking, which ads we'll be talking about -- aw, the pup puppy puppy. jimmy kimmel found a slew of potential new suspects on deflate-gate. >> i deflated those balls myself. i'm the perpetrator. there's nothing i can say to change your mind. i'm turning myself in. >> it was me. >> it was me. >> it was all me. >> it was totally me. >> i am the locker room guy. ake us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud. >> the a and ring around it. >> at? >> that's what i said katie thought it was about. but i've never heard it -- >> around or about. >> i've never heard it said there it is i mean what is internet anyway? what do you write to it like mail? >> can you explain what internet is? >> that's what i said what do you mean there's nothing under the hood. katie thought this was a car. >> yeah. >> and it's built using wind from a wind mill? >> or a fan or turbine or a fanbine. >> i mean, what is i3 anyway. >> allison, can you explain what i3 is? >> built in wind powered factory with the strength of carbon fiber and bmw performance. >> listen up gum bl. >> can you twerk? >> maybe. >> as much as i love puppies and horses, that is my favorite all time super bowl ad. katie couric and bryant gumble one of the big reasons we watch the big game i guess. what about the business behind the ads, joining me from san francisco with a preview what to expect sunday is kevin o'leary, chairman of leery financial and investor on "shark tank" or mr. wonderful. >> what do you like so far? what is the impact of these ads, we've seen them all this week. >> there's no question there's a new format and strategy because social media has become as important as the ad itself presentation on the super bowl. what companies, bmw is a good example, they are leaking this out and putting it out into social media and trying to build a hype for the ultimate scene on the super bowl because the problem with the actual super bowl itself is that it is so expensive that basically only multinationals can only afford this. to get the maximum value out of it you want the tail leading up to it and the long tail leading out of it. otherwise, you never get your money back. it's virtually impossible to get a decent return from doing a super bowl ad anymore, it's too expensive. >> so what is the most effective kind of ad the funny ads, is it the heart tugging like the bud ads? >> they have moved from the horse to the puppy. it seems to be working and has a whole lot of press before the press. what we're doing right now, you and i are actually featuring ads, paid ads going to be in the super bowl for free. we're talking about them. there's one twist that advertisers don't realize, it was a ruling by the canadian crtc that basically banned canadian broadcasters from stripping out the american ads and replacing them with canadian ones. what's going to happen is that if you buy a super bowl ad and you know you're reaching 100 million people here stateside, you're going to get a free 10 million people an extra 10% for free starting in 2017. making the price of the ad for multinational, let's say, procter & gamble who sells products in mexico and, getting a 10% discount. it is in absolute chaos and almost like getting regulated by the north koreans, they don't know what they are doing up there. they basically just said we're give away our advertising for free to american advertisers. they may reverse it. but if i'm buying for the season i get 10 million canadians to buy my products any ways for free. i assume they'll be outraged but right now it's a free road. i hope advertisers here take advantage of it. >> it's a great deal for advertisers, indeed. let's talk about the branding of the nfl for a moment. they've had a terrible year no question. and they are running a public service announcement in the super bowl which deals with this domestic violence issue. let's listen. we've got the audio, i think of that ad -- okay we don't have that but anyway the ad is the audio of a woman, it's a pretend call to 911, trying to get help because -- and trying to get the dispatcher to understand that she's really in trouble. is that going to be into play for the nfl? >> i think it's difficult. this topic is really about the individuals within the league having made bad decisions for themselves and their families. to take -- this topic matter has been made famous on the internet in the last couple of months. i don't know if it solves the problem. when you take individuals and put them into such a spotlight, not all of them are able to deal with it. it breaks down within the family unit. and maybe what the league should be doing is doing a far deeper assessment of the players they allow to become players to try and weed out the ones who have the likely propensity to do this. nobody, nobody wants to see this happen. this is not good for the business of football. it's not good for human beings and husbands and wifs and it's terrible to see children subjected to this or understand this is happening. it's horrible. but i think it really falls on the league to say, look let's look at who we bring in as members. it's not just how fast you can run and how big you are, it's what kind of a person are you? that matters now. it really does. otherwise it affects the brand. >> kevin o'leary, thank you so much. we'll be watching on sunday. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." ronan farrow daily is next and roger goodell's briefing. we're in seattle to see which 100 calorie black cherry greek yogurt tastes best. definitely that one. that one's delicious. it's yoplait! what? i love yoplait! the other one is chobani. really. i like this one better. yoplait wins again! take the taste-off for yourself. i'm angela and i quit smoking with chantix. my children always wanted me to quit smoking but i resigned myself to the fact that it wasn't going to work. but chantix helped me do it. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it gave me the power to overcome the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i'm a non-smoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. it is 1:00 p.m. on the east coast, 10:00 on the west. i'm richard liu in for ron nan farrow. we have a news conference expected from nfl commissioner roger goodell as america prepares for the super bowl. but first, we're following breaking political news right now. former governor mitt romney announcing today he is not running for president. in a much anticipated conference call just hours ago, the former candidate said this. >> making another run for president, i decided it's best to give other leaders in the party the opportunity to become our next nominee. i believe one of our next generation of republican leaders, one who may not be as well known as i am today, one


Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rundown With Jose Diaz-Balart 20150204

before crashing in the shallow river below. a live look at taipei. at least 23 confirmed dead. america rack -- miraculously 13 found alive. heading to the scene of that hoar risk crash on one of the nation's busiest commuter railways. officials say an suv drove on to the tracks. crossing gates came out and the driver got out to look for damage. got back in tried to drive off and was struck when the train hit her. >> our goal is to find out not only what happened but really find out why it happened so that we can issue safety recommendations to try and keep this from happening again. >> let's go to nbc's kate snow in valhalla new york. kate the deadliest accident this railroad has ever seen? >> reporter: it is. this is the metro north railway, jose. it runs out of new york city to many different suburbs. this was a crowded train. more than 600 people on the train last night tum 7coming home out of grand central station on their way home as you say, the train struck and suv. all we know at this spointpoint, what you said. a woman driver pup and to the tracks. the gate came down behind her. hit her car. got out to look at the damage. back in the car to try to move. the other gate in front of her, apparently couldn't get off the tracks in time. the train plowed into that suv. pushed it 400 feet, more than football feed the car exploded in flames as did the first car of the passenger train. people described struggling to get out of the train. there was fire in the first car. there was smoke in the first few cars. people were helping each other out of windows. you can imagine. just a terrifying scene here last night. as you say, the driver of that vehicle died along with five other people on the commuter train, and we're now told that 15 people were injured. some of them fairly seriously. jose? >> kate what does this mean for the commute this morning? >> reporter: well, it's not pretty. for the commute this morning. this is a major artery into new york city. hundreds and hundreds of people would normally travel on this which is called the harlem line going into new york city. people have been urged to take other train lines this morning on their commute. they've added some bus service to try to get people around. what you see behind me a dead stopped train. they still haven't moved that train fully off the tracks. it's going to be a bad commute but the bigger picture is that last 23450i9night they're lucky more weren't injured or killed on the train. the mayor was surprised the fatality weren't worst here looking at the damage. jose? >> thank you very much. now to taiwan stunned drivers witnessing a terrifying scene. careening out of the sky. clips a taxi crashes into the river below sparking a massive river rescue scrambling to pluck survivors out of the water including children. ian, it's just after 10:00 p.m. there. an active rescue scene still? >> reporter: it's a very active scene, jose. in fact, within the last hour they've hoisted the main body the battered body of the plane, out of the river and are now looking for the 20 people still missing. according to local officials, 23 confirmed dead 15 survivors, but 20 it's thought, still trapped inside that fuselage. already the speculation what might have caused it. taiwan broadcasters putting out a tape purported tos the captain, mayday mayday, mayday and speculating engine problems. well, they've recovered the black box very quickly, because the water was pretty shallow there. so the precise cause of the crash we should know pretty soon, and the other issue, which is of immense speculation is whether the pilot deliberately steered that aircraft into the river. now, those pictures of the aircraft coming down almost impossibly close to apartment buildings before it clipped the edge of that bridge of that elevated roadway and cartwheeled into the river. there is speculation that he might have after the problem with the plane, was first seen that he might have maneuvered it deliberately that way, but the authorities can't confirm that but as of now it's very late in the evening in taiwan they're continuing the search with the fuselage now on the bank and out of that river, jose. >> nbc's ian williams thank you so very much. we will of course keep a very close eye what's going on there in taiwan. 10:05 local time. overnight developments in jordan where the government is fulfilling its promise of revenge following the news that a pilot held hostage by isis appears to have been burned alive. just hours after the shocking video was released jordan executededs two convicted prisoners linked to al qaeda including sa jeed da al rishawi. it it appears the pilot might have been dead who was locked in a cage doused with fuel and set him on fire. president obama, who met with king abdullah right after the video was released promised action. >> it's just one more indication of the viciousness and barbarity of this organization. and it i think, will redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of a global coalition to make sure that they are degraded and ultimately defeated. >> all of this will certainly be primary points of discussion when ash carter the president's pick for defense secretary heads to the hill for his confirmation hearing less than 30 minutes from now. richard engel, nbc's foreign correspondent in istanbul. stunning developments. the last 24 hours shifted things around in the middle east. >> reporter: for jordan this is a national tragedy. many in jordan had thought this day was coming. they thought that the captive jordanian pilot might be executed, but few thought it would be in a, in such a public and horrific way that he would be locked in a cage then doused with some sort of fuel and set on fire in front of a line of isis militants, and then the cage was bulldozed and buried with some debris. there is outrage in jordan. people are calling for military action. jordan is promising revenge, and the jordanian government has already announced that it carried out two executions of prisoner who were already on death row. one of them that woman on death row that isis had said it was willing to exchange for the pilot. ra jeed da al rishawi, a militant who failed in 2005 to detonate a suicide vest in an amman hotel. so this is something the jordanian government trying to balance. the desire and requests from the people for swift action for vengeance and figuring how far jordan can go with this. >> richard engel in istanbul. thank you for being with us. and i want to bring in an msnbc contributor, good morning. >> good morning, jose. >> it's just a horrible situation. this pilot may have been murdered as early as the 3rd of january. so all of this was a bluff by ice tois seesis to see what they could get from jordan? >> don't forget the two japanese hostages caught in this strange theater where isis had said they would release kenji goto and the other prisoner if al rishawi was released and they did it when they knew, in fact, the pilot had been killed. so it's a bizarre macabre theater and it has changed the political scene in jordan. one of the things we weren't reporting very well is that the king was in unstable territory with regards to this pilot and the perception throughout jordan that the kingdom was not doing enough. i shouldn't say the kingdom, but the government wasn't doing enough to secure the pilot's release. and i think that this brutal spectacular killing has, in fact, completely changed the climate in jordan strengthened the king's hand and may well result in a much more kinetic and strong posture of jordan in this fight with isis. >> and jordan is promising, indeed, an earth dk shaking response, yet there are some jordanians, steve, blaming the government for dragging them into the fise with isis? >> that's right. i think there were a lot of people that thought that you know jordan for a long time has been a sponge and brought into that country and hosted many of the refugees that have tried to escape syria, have escaped iraq and sought refuge and jord sn literally bursting at a seams with a heavy load what is-it-is carrying without a great deal of acknowledgement and support from the rest of the world what it has been doing. that's exasperated tensions. many jordanians think they've done enough and issues were you isis going back and forth are not really theirs. why are they jumping in allying with the united states? i've said it before and say it cautiously. the king was not perceived to be a strong leader like his faufther king hussein. this may be his moment and that may, in fact, give confidence to the public in this fight with ice thais itsis that it didn't previously had. >> and you brought in the fact brought in refugees tens of thousands, more than any other per capita and that's not mentioned a lot. talk about the american woman, steve, still head by isis. >> yeah. >> not a lot of talk about her. is this is good thing or should we be kind of talking more about her? >> it's a good thing. i can say that -- that -- what can i say? i can say that the family has requested numerous media organizations not to talk about her publicly on the whole most of them are acknowledging that. things are delicate with her particular situation. i happen to know a little bit about it and i they many media organizations have considered this and thus far have chosen not put her in greater peril by talking about her specifically. >> steve, leave it at that. shall we? >> yeah. >> thanks so much. good to see you. we're just getting started on this hump day edition of "the rundown." still ahead, the president's pick to be the next defense secretary of the united states goes before lawmakers. we make you live to ash carter's confirmation hearing on the hill. there you see the hall already ready. and politics of vaccinations and medical misinformation. we'll set the record straight and break it down. the political debate and so much more, next. >> to me it's really a slam dunk what the decision should be. >> this is far too serious an issue to be treated as a political football. people still die from measles. >> the president believes it shouldn't require a law for people to exercise common sense. stouffer's mac and cheese with real aged cheddar now in a convenient cup. new stouffer's mac cups. made for you to love. curling up in bed with a favorite book is nice. but i think women would rather curl up with their favorite man. but here's the thing: about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. and remember, you only take it when you need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor about viagra. you park your car. as you walk away crunch! a garbage truck backs into it. so,you call your insurance company, looking for a little support. what you get is a game of a thousand questions. was it raining? 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>> well jose it's two factors. one, all the measles cases across the country, that's raised the issue to where if you're a presidential candidate and have reporters in toe you have to answer some questions about what should end up happening. of course, a lot of this happened after president obama gave his own interview to nbc's savannah guthrie right before the super bowl in which he said look, everyone should end up gets vaccinated. the second reason why this has actually gotten so much attention is just the backlash to the answers, the initial answers that rand paul and chris christie ended up giving where chris christie ended up saying that vaccinations, yes, he would do that for his children but it ultimately is a parental choice. chris christie had to back away and walk back the comments and rand paul suggesting on monday afternoon that vaccines he's heard of stories that could actually lead to mental disorders. again, something he also walked back. >> so there's a lot of p.r. here and a lot of walking back by candidates who really guestdidn't think would be part of the political -- >> right. there are certain elements of the right spectrum in american politics and also some on the left who believe in religious liberty or my body is a temple and i shouldn't be putting chemicals or other things into my body at all and you end up having those types of pressures that make it a more of an interesting political story than just a medical one. >> and dr. azhar, talk medical. so much misinformation about the safety offy vaccinations and it's leading to a lot of confusion. separate fact from fiction for us about the measles vaccine, to begin with. >> sure jose. this all stems from the late '90s, publication of a, an article by a british researcher which as soon as it was published, there became a lot, a lot of people put their heads together to see whether or not it was actually true. as early at 2001 cdc national institutes of medicine very very highly regarded body of medicine looked into this. about ten years ago, one of the largest funded studds studies largely debunks the association between mmr and autism. five years after that that original journal article was absolutely retracted from the british journal, one of the high left prestigious journals. we can safely say from the scientific community hawaii been large lay dismissed as a decade ago. >> that may all be true. go do my facebook page or look at twitter feeds. there are hundreds of parents that say wait a second. saying my body is my temple parents have been saying there are side effects of these things. i don't think it's important to get my kid vaccinated because there may be some side effects that you doctors aren't talking about? >> right. listen, i always go back to saying this. that there's no free lunch. you can get side effects from antibiotics sdpp that mean we should go back to a pre-anti-bach era? with medicine we rarely get such a slam dunk as dr. fauci said a vaccine generally considered incredibly safer and incredibly effective. >> what are some of the side effects, possible side effects of this vaccine? >> usually the side effects are related to the actual injunction. flu-like symptom et set virginia. death or disability et cetera absolutely not. and the issue, again, is, when does personal liberty actually trump public safety? and public health concerns? i think that's really -- i'm obviously not going to be speaking to the political opportunism here but it plays into the discussion for us as well. >> so, doctor just to give us separating fact from fiction, measles is extremely dangerous, right? if you don't have a vaccine? it is. i think we want to reiterate to people, yes, a lot of people argue measles is a normal part of childhood infection, just like chicken pox was. for the majority of people that's probably true but, remember before we had widespread vaccination, 400 to 500 people every single year died from this not to mention the poor children who can suffer from encephalitis neurological problem, if that's your child you would think twice how dangerous measles really is. >> dr. natalie azhar, thank you both appreciate your time. next hour on "the rundown," joined by dr. fauci, director of the university of allergy aroundfection diseases. after the break, we'll zoom through the day's other stories including a fwhift the death of an argentinean prosecutors and boston streets cleared as fans getting ready for the patriots victory parade. it will take place just up the road in downtown boston at 11:00 a.m. lots of snow up there in miami expecting 72 and sun i believe. it's chilly, too. start the interview with a firm handshake. firm, but not too firm. make eye ay,no! don't do that! try new head & shoulders instant relief. it has tea tree and peppermint that cools on contact. and also keeps you 100% flake free. i use it for cooling scalp relief in a snap. mi bebé ha crecido tanto. try new head & shoulders instant relief. for cooling relief in a snap. toenail fungus? 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i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. intrigue in argentina, a weather alert and tsarnaev trial. leading the investigation into the 1994 bombing of a jewish center that killed 85 people. officials say alberto nisman drafted a document requesting arrest of argentina's president kristina hernandez, accusing the president of covering up iran's alleged role in the bombing. the warrant sought the arrest of argentina's foreign minister. nisman found dead in his apartment on the 18th of january from a gunshot wound to the head. preliminary autopsy reports suggested suicide, but many believe he was murdered. now to a weather alert on both coasts this morning. the relentless cold and snow continue for the northern u.s. from the upper midwest through new england. meteorologist bill karins is tracking at least two more snow systems before the beginning of next week and out west california getting much-needed rain from the latest pineapple express system to move in. heavy rain could continue through friday. after two days of delays due to weather, jury selection in the trial of accused boston marathoner -- marathon bomber dzhokar tsarnaev resumed today. his defense attorneys are also not giving up on trying to get the trial moved out of massachusetts. yesterday arguing the jewishury selection made it clear their client is guilty. we'll keep you posted. live to capitol hill where the hearing room is buzzing in the confirmation hearing for ash carter to be there he is in the next defense secretary, about to get underway. expected to be approved but could face a grilling on issues like isis. jim miklaszewski joins me next for that, and more. 73% of americans try... cook healthy meals. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it supports physical energy with b vitamins. one a day 50+ music: melodic, calm music. don't miss the princess cruises 50th anniversary sale. our biggest sale ever. save up to $500 per person. everywhere we sail... ... all around the world. call your travel consultant, or 1-800-princess. princess cruises. come back new. is the best. the exhilaration of a new engine. painstakingly engineered without compromise. to be more powerful... and, miraculously, unleash 46 mpg highway. an extravagance reserved for the privileged few. until now. hey josh! new jetta? yeah. introducing lots of new. the new volkswagen jetta tdi clean diesel. isn't it time for german engineering? right now on "the rundown," the senate arms services committee is starting to confirmation hearing of ash carter. he's the president's choice to be the 25th secretary of defense. there she on the right part of your screen. the left senator mccain. a member of the d.o.d. under president's obama and clinton, awarded the president's, department's distinguish medal four times and expected to be kwernl confirmed but not brr being questioned on everything from isis to terrorists and russian aggression. jim miklaszewski what are we expecting today? >> reporter: you mentioned, former secretary of defense, considered brilliant. essentially ran the pentagon during both panetta's and part of hagel's administration here at pentagon. considered a brilliant intellect and will be easily confirmed. so this hearing is not so much about the confirmation of ashton carter to be secdef for a review and critique of the obama administration's military and foreign policy. as we've seen here this morning already, senator john mccain now chairman of the senate armed services committee has probably bun one of the most outspoken, harshest critics of the administration on things like the withdrawal of all forces or almost all forces from afghanistan. he's criticized the obama administration for its conduct of the war against isis. he believes that ground troops must be involved. not he alone, also many within the military community, that air strikes alone cannot defeat isis there in iraq and, of course then there's the issue of ukraine. mccain again, has been a stalwart supporter of providing heavy weapons to the ukrainians against those russian separatists backed of course by vladimir putin. if there's any fireworks it won't be directed anyway at ash c.a.r.t. but carter but the white house. >> listen in for a few seconds. >> -- as our nation's 24th secretary of defense. chuck hagel is a patriot and honorable public servant and during his leadership of the pentagon the men and women of our armed services have had a true ally who always put their interests first. this committee wishes chuck the best in his future endeavors. dr. carter even in the best of times the position for which you have been nominated is one of the most challenging in government. so i'd like to thank you your wife stephanie and your children will and ava for being here today, and for loaning you to our nation in service once again. dr. carter is one of america's most respected and experienced defense professionals. he has served as assistant secretary of defense for global strategic affairs under secretary of defense for acquisition technology and logistics. >> we're going to be keeping a very close watch on this hearing today. as you can see, it's kind of just getting under way with the thanks to family and friends. but i wanted to dig a little deeper into the biggest issues facing ash carter at his confirmation hearings today. that includes the fight with isis. i'm joined now by pennsylvania democratic senator bob case co-chairman of the wmd terrorism caucus. senator, thanks for being back with me. good to see you. >> good to see you, jose. thank you. >> in the wake of this gruesome video, the president said we will redouble our efforts to defeat isis. is there more we could or should be doing? >> i think, jose we're at the beginning of what i think is going to be a long process. a multiyear process to as the president had said degrade and defeat isis. this is not going to be weeks or months. we have to be honest about that number one. number two is the president and secretary of state kerry and the administration have put together a very strong coalition. some 60 countries, and that's a singular achievement. just getting that coalition to work together and have a strategic focus day in and day out, month to month, is going to be difficult and still in the early stages but having that in place can be very important. that's eveshlssentialessential. not only do we need help. we can't just go into another engagement and start putting combat troops on the ground as some might suggest, but we have to make sure the coalition works and especially in hosh hosh -- horror we saw in the last 24 hours. it means in folks in the arab world and folks in the middle east who may not have been fully engaged yet, i think you'll see much mov more of a focus. >> listen to what senator mccain had to say on "morning joe" whether the u.s. should send troops to fight against isis. >> i'm very much in favor of forward air controllers, special forces some embedded trainers and others that literally make the difference between a fighting force that's capable and one that is not. that does not mean as the president always sets up the straw man, massive american troops. >> senator, do you think it's not reasonable to consider the possibility of sending folks, like special forces that could help pinpoint the bombing campaign so it would become much more effective? >> i don't think there's any question there are folks that make a very strong case that you, you've got to have -- got to have a lot of training and you also have to have forces that would support an air campaign. so i think -- there could be a lot of common ground there, but, jose this is one of the reasons why, one of the many reasons why, we need a debate in the house and senate on the authorization for the usa of military force. we can't keep going back to authorizations from more than decade now. even though you could legally justify it, maybe. we need to make sure we have a debate and votes on the authorization for the usa ofe of force so it's clear why we're doing this from a constitutional point of view but also evaluate the strategy and have a real debate. the only way to vote intelligently, congress needs to vote is with a good and robust debate. >> senator bob casey, thanks for being with me this morning. always a pleasure. >> thank you. after the break, the politics of pit bull. according to miami-born rapper for 2016. what does he bring to the table or to the dance floor. and also the very latest on the latest efforts after this horrific plane crash in taiwan. video, incredible every time you see it. and this is a live picture from the scene in tieaipei. trues trues -- crews hoisted the cockpit out of the water. and where the investigation continues into what cause add deadly train crash in new york. >> a number of us were smelling the fumes from the car, fuel and we said you know we need to get out. the fire was starting to spread back towards the second car. >> i smashed the glass and slid the door open and we started climbing off. anches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? 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next level -- [ speaking in foreign language ]. headed to the white house. if we don't have a car we'll take raft. pitbull, mr. 305 playing politics in 2012 at obama rally in hollywood florida, a couple days before election day. come 2016 buzzfeed first reported republicans want pitbull to join them. now "the washington post" is calling it the pitbull primary. florida's top republican governor rick scott, just a couple weeks ago naming the rapper our ambassador of the arts. but this is bigger than florida. because as many of you know you know, florida's pretty big when it comes to i don't know. the white house and the elections. buzzfeed's editor of latino coverage and political reporter is the guy on the pitbull beat. he is i guess, buzzfeed's mr. 305. he is with me now. good morning. >> thanks for having me jose. >> so is this republican party in florida saying pitbull, i know you want me? what's going on here? >> well they want to turn a negative into a positive. you might remember as you saw that pitbull supported obama in 2012, but what republicans say is that he's more of an issues guy on education. you know? school choice. he's an entrepreneur. they say that rather than a partisan guy he's an issues guy and trying to bring him over. the other day republican strategist ana navarro at a party with pitbull in miami. must have been a good crowd and basically said she was trying to sell him on jeb. professional negligence not to. >> well that's very interesting. i can only imagine those parties. explain to me the power of pitbull? i mean not only to florida. this guy is huge? >> huge when you talk to his people they make it clear. they're serious when talking about the mr. worldwide thing. but she mr. 305. look, any campaign any politician is looking for something that is local. right? you know there's -- candidates are always looking for surrogates and usually they're these serious activists and community organizers who wouldn't want to be introduced as obama was in 2012 by pitbull? >> you say you talked to his people. how many people does he have? >> i think a lot of people jose. >> i figured. why are democrats confident he won't go republican? >> i mean you had one democratic congressional aide told me you know pitbull is siding with anti-immigrant party jie can't picture that with a kodak. everybody was having a blast making pit bull references but democrats basically say seriously that latinos are in the camp of republicans and tough for republicans to get not only pitbull but latino voters back in their camp. >> pitbull actually responded to your story. what did he say? if you want to give me your -- what did he say? >> this is what he said. basically, he said -- i'm not here to be part of any political parties. here to bring political parties to my taert because they can't, won't, never will stop the pitbull party, dale. >> for a moment i thought i was listening to pitbull. >> thank you. i worked on it. give me a dale before you go. >> dale thank you for being on with me. >> thank you. >> thanks, buddy. a serious story, but, you know. pit bull it's bad. bad form. thanks buddy. after the break, talking about a new television show that's getting a lot of attention. fresh off the boat is a comedy that focuses on an asian-american family that moves into a white orlando suburb. talking why this is so important, next. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? 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is it a good idea to do so? >> it's tilting in the direction of providing some support and assistance to the rebels and the sort of political intelligence is tilting that way. i have big concerns. i agree with henry kissinger in a senate hearing said i'm uneasy about beginning a process of military engagement without knows where it will lead us and what we'll do to sustain it. he's raising a cautionary flag this could well lead to a greater escalation with rush with very unclear objectives at a point where the russian economy is imploding, the combination of the sanctions and $50 a barrel oil are crippling russia. it begins to asked question of what do you achieve and what do you risk by doing this? and siloing the ukraine problem. u xrankraine is not a member of nato and raises fundamental questions how far we're willing to go in creating a change in equal lib bree sum a placeum across from moscow. >> talk about not backing down on is it so important for russia geopolitically? >> from putin he is perspective, he sees the challenges against the united states and the west as appropriate and important in defending russia's national interest. that the e.u. trade deal, the economic deal with russia was a point too far. the things that we've done before with kosovo recognition before russia was -- are points that russia saw as points of humiliation that were beginning to threaten its own interest. of course we see it radically differently and we want to see lub liberty, free choice open markets, don't understand why they have resistance towards them. russia is a rich nation a nuclear-armed nation and more paranoid about its borders and a sense of encirclement by the united states and the west. i think it's that, that russia and putin is playing to. he's playing to his domestic citizenry that want a strong leader. his popularity despite the economic challenges in the country continues to soar over these sorts of challenges in the west. >> then you have the ukrainian people who fought many died to get rid of someone who was essentially pro-putin and they're asking for, through their votes, to be able to have a different way forward. are they alone in the world? is no one going to help them? >> no one is there. we try to create white hats and black hats in this situation. i certainly feel for all of the brave citizens that have fought for their liberty inside ukraine and what is happening in eastern ukraine is very messy. that said ukraine is geographically in the armpit of russia. it is stuck there and it is something we need to deal with. ukraine made a choice not to get on a nato track. there are differences between what the west can do for a nato member and what it can't. president obama has been very judicious about saying that we would not enter militarily into this conflict in fear of creating a greater escalation with russia that could go global and could have staggering and unexpected ramifications in other places. so these are not quick binary decisions we should be making or making them emotionally. russia is a different kind of global stakeholder than many other problems and challenges we have. >> let's talk about another problem and challenge we have. we see what's going on in jordan after the horrific burning alive of one of their pilots and their reaction this morning by executing two people on death row. do you see that in any way changing the -- >> i think it certainly changes the notion. i mean you have to sort of put it in a context of allies in the region. the man they just killed was very popular in jordan from a prominent tribe and all of those tribal leaders throughout the region not just in jordan are now inflamed and these are sunnis. and to a certain degree this helps dramatically stiffen and strengthen the resolve within at least jordan add probably beyond to finally begin pushing back in isis. to some degree sought groups and other al qaeda affiliates and isis as basically defending them and tea fending their interests from this rise of sheism. this is a big change on the ground in places like jordan and probably further. >> steve, thanks for being with me. >> thank you, jose. >> we're keeping a close watch on the confirmation hearing. bring you the latest as it develops. a new modern family is coming to television. it's taking it in a new direction. the last time an asian american family was featured on network television was in 1994. all-american girl. but that's all about to change. tonight, there's a big difference. here is msnbc's richard liu. >> not blackish. >> daddy is scaring me. >> if network tv has it right, today's american family is not what it used to be. upper middle class and african-american. >> you and your wife must be thrilled. >> sorry. daddy needed snacks. >> lgbt with adopted daughter and now asian accented with an 11-year-old who embraces black culture. >> that's me. your boy eddie wong. >> eddie from fresh off the boat. this year's new comedy. his family a far cry from generations on tv to date. remember the 1950s, leave it to beaver ideal? 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>> adam, it's been a rough couple of years for metro-north. >> reporter: there was an accident in december of 2013. four people killed. the conductor, apparently was in a daze. there was some talk of maybe that he had sleep apnea. so, yes, there is a record on the mta here of several accidents in the last few years. >> msnbc's adam reese. thank you so very much. i want to take you to taiwan where terrified drivers in taipei witnessed this. a trans asia plane falling from the sky. clipping an elevated roadway before landing in the river. nbc's ian williams joins us from beijing with the latest. ian, it's just after 11:00 p.m. now. what's the latest? >> hi jose. rescue workers have now hoisted the battered fuselage of that plane out of the river. they've told us their latest figures are 23 dead. but 20 people still unaccounted for. that plane cartwheeling dramatically into the river late this morning. >> this dramatic dashcam video appears to show the last moments of the trans asia flight. clipping an elevated roadway before crashing in the shallow river below. emergency rescue teams soon converged on the partially submerged fuselage barely up in the water. 58 passengers and crew trapped below. debris was scattered nearby. one of the first to be pulled from the crippled plane was a small child. one of two believed to be on board. the french-built turbo prop was only nine months old. 31 mainland chinese were among the passengers. it had just taken off from the smaller of taipei's two airports on a short domestic flight. the airport lost contact shortly before 11:00 in what had been a stormy morning, though it was relatively clear at the time of takeoff. local television showed the damage to the overpass. the aircraft appeared to just barely miss nearby apartment buildings. but it's not clear whether the pilot deliberately steered the stricken plane into the river in an attempt to avoid greater disaster. it's the third largest carrier. this was the second disaster in six months. another atr 72 crashed last july killing 48 people. >> reporter: there is speculation tonight, jose that the plane might have suffered a catastrophic engine failure. broadcasters in taiwan have been playing what's purported to be a recording of the captain saying mayday mayday mayday. >> we can't confirm that. but it's on a website. because that river is pretty shallow, they have quickly recovered the black box. so we should know quite soon precisely what did bring that plane down in such a dramatic way today, jose. >> nbc's ian williams. thank you so very much. i want to bring in msnbc aviation analyst john cox. good morning. >> good morning, jose. >> pretty extraordinary, isn't it, for investigators to have that kind of footage trying to figure out exactly what happened? >> the video will certainly help the investigators along with the digital flight data recorder. they should have a clear indication of what happened in short order, meaning a few days. >> and we've actually isolated part of the dramatic footage, the taxi and part of the bridge. tell me what you see here. >> one of the things that i noticed very quickly is the airplane is under control to a point. and then once it starts to roll the roll is unarrested which means probably the crew couldn't stop it. >> this is consistent with an engine loss event which they report if the airplane is allowed to get a little bit too slow. the rutter can no longer provide enough authority and i suspect, based on the flight path of the wreckage, that this is something the investigators are going to look at very very carefully. >> so if it's really kind of losing any control, once it goes on its side, what it shows, it seems to show is that the pilots were able to at least keep it under control as they were passing by these apartment complexes. it would have been just even more devastating had that plane crashed into the apartment complexes. >> oh, it certainly would have been even a greater catastrophe than it is if they would have hit the apartment buildings. whether they had control of it or not is something the investigators will have to look at very carefully. the video, it's a little bit hard to tell. but it's clearly the fact that they report a problem with the airplane and once that roll starts, the ability to stop it is open to question. that's where the investigators are going to look first. >> what kind of information can you glean from the black boxes? >> first, the cockpit voice recorder will record the conversations between the pilots so if there is an engine loss the discussion and what they do to deal with that engine loss the airplane is capable of flying on one engine. it also has automated systems that help it reduce drag. did those systems work as they should have and did the pilots do anything that may have inhibited those automatic systems? that's what the cockpit voice recorder is going to tell us. the digital flight data recorder will give us the parameters of flight, how the engines were operating, the airspeed the altitude and other systems, including the autopilot and so fort that may -- how they all functioned in the seconds before the accident. >> and john, the fact that the plane had recently taken off, in other words, it wasn't mid-flight, does that tell you anything a at all? is that relevant? >> it's going to be relevant because engine losses right after takeoff are a bit harder to handle than in cruise or during descent. the reason being is because you're requesting and demanding more power out of each of the two engines. if you have one that fails, then you have an asymmetry or a difference between the power from one side of the airplane to the other. that causes adverse handling characteristics and the pilots that are trained to handle this are required to make large rutter inputs and fly the airplane very carefully. so takeoff is a time when it is the most critical time if you do lose an engine. >> it was a new plane. what do we know about that plane? >> the atr is a long-established airplane. it has a very very good track record. it's one of the more modern ones that they produce. i think it was an 72-600. this was a new plane, a tested design. it's a well-known safe airplane. it's flown all over the world in all kinds of conditions. >> these pilots look at that 6900 hours for one and the main pilot had 4900 hours flying experience. >> john cox, thanks for being with me. appreciate it. >> my pleasure jose. good to see you. >> likewise. coming up this hour we're going to head -- we're going to get hearing from doctors and ntsb investigators on that deadly train crash in the new york city suburbs. plus, the vaccination debate now hitting fever pitch as the measles outbreak continues to grow. dr. anthony fauch i of the national institute of health joins us next live to discuss what we all need to know. first, a live picture of the line of buses carrying the new england patriots heading for downtown boston and their super bowl victory parade scheduled in less than an hour. live report coming up later on. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? 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>> i'm doing well. how are you? >> i'm wondering how the governor feels he did. did this trip do any good more good or more harm than good? >> well jose you have to remember the stakes for him were a little bit lower than they were for, say, mitt romney, when he traveled abroad during his presidential campaign as the republican nominee and made several missteps that cast him in a negative light. i think, if anything if this trip did represent an opportunity for christie to portray himself as someone who can stand on a stage that's bigger than the one he stands on in new jersey then he passed up that opportunity with what happened with these scenes. he waded into that debate at home. we were all focused on that. i will say he didn't make any mistakes in sort of the foreign policy arena. it's not as though he came over and offended his hosts as romney did or made a major diplomatic faux pas that will follow him in that regard. it seems like this trip got sort of off the rails and into a place that they didn't necessarily want it to go. >> mentioned this new york times report about the governor. what does it say? >> relwell, that report is potentially part of the reason he declined to take questions from reporters on his third day in the u.k. his camp wouldn't kwonconfirm that. you saw a few moments ago -- in particular, he took basically an all expenses paid trip to jordan that was paid for by the king and that's something, if he were actually president of the united states would not be allowed under the law because of the conflict of interest. it also sort of outlined a broad pattern of his interest in luxury travel and gifts and allowing others around him to pick up the tab. that's the kind of story that could follow him through a potential presidential run. >> now, again, that would be illegal if you were president. but was it illegal as he was governor? >> if he were president.governor. he stayed within the law. the question it's more about sort of this broad question of whether this sort of conduct is something that would work for him over the course of a presidential campaign. >> kaisie pleasure to see you. >> nice to see you, jose. as the fight over vaccines continues, federal health officials face tough questions from lawmakers about the current measles outbreak and the flu vaccine as well. leaders from national institutes of health and centers for disease control and prevention testified before a house subcommittee yesterday. joining me now is the director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases. doctor, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> you testified at this hearing. but first we've gotten massive reaction from our facebook page for example, to the measles and the vaccine controversy. many parents, doctor, have questions about it. what's your advice to them? >> well the advice is to take a look at the scientific data, the evidence-based information that measles vaccination is one of the most highly effective vaccines for any virus that we have. measles is a potentially serious disease with complications that we have experience with. this is a very very safe vaccine. all of the misinformation about complications have proven to essentially be untrue. and so when you want to make a decision all of the evidence overwhelmingly points to the benefit of vaccination, not only for your child but for the societal benefit of protecting those children who can't be vaccinated for one reason or other. either babies who are from birth to 12 months old or children with diseases such as leukemia. so if the parents take a look at the information, you can make a rational decision that the data strongly strongly urge for vaccination. >> now, you're saying it's effective against measles. a lot of parents are fearing or some may fear it may be effective against measles but may have a side effect that could hurt their children. >> and that's exactly what i just said. the overwhelming scientific evidence indicates that it is a safe vaccine. years ago, there was misinformation put out that the mmr was associated with increased in the incidence of autism. that information has been proven to be completely incorrect by multiple independent scientific bodies. in fact not only incorrect, but fraudulent by the person who made those reports early on. so the idea of adverse effects that would mitigate against getting vaccine are just not true. it's a very safe vaccine. >> buzz feed by the way, has a new article about a growing number of pediatricians around the country who are refusing to see unvaccinated patients in an effort to protect the rest. they say their zero tolerance policy will protect vulnerable patients in their waiting rooms. what's your reaction to that? >> i can understand why pediatricians are doing that. the fact is that measles is a highly, highly contagious disease. it is extraordinary that if a person who is infected with measles has the average of infecting 11 to 18 other people it's clearly an airborne respiratory-borne virus that hangs around for a couple of hours after a person coughs or sneezes. it's the kind of virus that can very easily infect vulnerable people who have not been vaccinated. that's the reason why pediatricians, some pediatricians are really taking a hard stance against that. >> do you think there should be a federal law that everybody has to vaccinate their kids against measles for example? >> well i can't comment on federal law versus local. but traditionally, the local health authorities have been the ones responsible for example, creating criteria of admission to public schools and requiring the having a set of vaccinations. that traditionally has been the case. what's happened over the years, there have been a number of exemptions particularly things like philosophical exemptions about getting vaccinated. that's, i think, the thing that's under discussion now about the degree of that which is created a cohort of a reasonably high percentage in certain regions of the country of babies who have not been vaccinated and that really is the trouble because what we have with the outbreaks is overwhelmingly among unvaccinated children. >> thank you dr. fauci. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. the other stories making news today, including more snowstorms on the east coast and a super soaker rain system heading for the west coast. get this -- one baby with three genetic parents. the u.k. becoming the first country in the world to allow what's being called a pioneering in vitro fertilization method. the details coming up on "the rundown." the bold nissan rogue, with intuitive all-wheel drive. because winter needs a hero. now get 0% financing or up to $1,000 back on the 2015 nissan rogue. nissan. innovation that excites. you only know in a fire to get out, to escape and now ok you are outside and you are safe but what do you do now and that's where the red cross came in... . we ran out of the house just wearing our pajamas. at that point just to even have a toothbrush that i could call my own was so important... . know it just makes you feel like a person again. every 8 minutes the american red cross responds to a home fire or other emergency. you can help. please donate now. congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. a potentially pivotal decision about the future of in vitro fertilization. is it possible for one baby with three genetic parents? it is. doctors say this technique could be a new way to save lives. well, it's not legal in any country yet. it may soon come to the u.k. nbc's katy tur has the story from london. >> at first glance little jessica holiday looks like any happy, healthy baby. look closer and you'll find the 13-month-old struggles to swallow and hold her head up. jessica has a genetic disease that will prevent her from ever walking or talking. and there is no cure. >> when you're told your daughter is going to die, it's hard to take. for them to say oh, by the way, any more children that you have would also have the disease it leaves you with no hope for the future. >> but u.k. lawmakers took the first step to give parents like the holidays back that hope. while entering a brave new world of genetic science. >> so the ayes have it. >> moving to allow so-called three-parent babies to eliminate certain mitochondrialght oetochondrial diseases. they're the cells power source. when defective, they don't fuel healthy development. this new treatment solves the problem by taking the parents' dn amount and combining it with a donor woman. >> the third parent is giving the healthy mitochondria which has no identifying characteristics. >> absolutely correct. >> it may seem like a small step beyond in vitro fertileization but experts say it's a big step in our ability to manipulate life. >> it means we can take diseases that are 100% lethal and alter the course so that a husband and wife can have a healthy baby. >> detractors say the new step is a slippery slope leading to genetically customized designer babies. for parents like vicky holiday -- >> there's no words. it's absolutely incredible. >> it's a new chance for a healthy child. katy tur, nbc news london. and a live look now on capitol hill where the president's nominee for defense secretary, ash carter is facing tough questions in the confirmation hearing. we'll have more on this. [cat meows] ♪meow, meow, meow, meow...♪ it's more than just a meal it's meow mix mealtime. with great taste and 100% complete nutrition, it's the only one cats ask for by name. we've been keeping a close eye on nash carter's confirmation hearing. he's been asked about a number of topics including asia ukraine and the president's strategy to fight isis in iraq. >> it's my understanding that in coming months the iraqi security forces assisted by us will take back territory from isil. i think you're right. it's important to get that territory back soon because you don't want them to settle in and you don't want the population to settle in to having isil rule them in their barbaric way. >> joining me now, barry mccaffrey and msnbc military analyst. general, a pleasure to see you. >> good to be with you, jose. >> what can you tell us about ash carter and how he might change the way the u.s. is dealing with for example, isis. >> i worked with him earlier years. i think he's a superb nominee. this guy is brilliant. he's got good judgment. he's reasonably nonpartisan. he knows everything about the pentagon. he was -- dr. bell perry's associate dealing with north korea over the years. i think we're very fortunate to have a guy of his caliber come in for the last two years. >> talk to me about this fight against isis. i mean what they did with this jordanian pilot is just beyond -- everything they've been doing is horrible. but burning a man alive. you know jordan seems to be changing now. do you see that this battle is now going to change as a consequence of what we saw? >> i'm not too sure that this is a material change. these people murdered hundreds and hundreds of captured syrian soldiers. they've done the same thing against tribesmen in iraq. it's a brutal murderous organization. they're mostly murdering other sunni muslims and then when they get their hands-on them shiite muslims. it's unsurprising that they remain a cancer in the middle of this region. their idea is to unite the sunni populations in -- they're well on the way. they're doing effective work. >> when they're doing effective work, how do you fight them? how do you beat them? how do you destroy them? >> occasionally they're stupid. i think burning this poor courageous young pilot alive was certainly one of them. this is not the way -- islam is a religion of peace in general. this is a huge mistake. it was a prominent jordanian tribesman. they've done other stupid things. they massed on kobane. they pounded these people in open desert. they were such an attractive target until finally he broke them. so i'm not too sure they've got very decent decision-making. what they do have though is they have scared the bee jeeb is out of the iraqi army and to some extent the syrian army. the terror has worked to their benefit in many ways. >> it's odd that they would have, as some say, maybe killed this jordanian pilot on the 3rd of january and held this tape for a month almost as they're negotiating negotiating, supposedly for the release of jordanian prisoners. so it seems as though they didn't release this at the spur of the moment. they thought about this. >> yes. >> on the issue of iraq and in syria, they haven't really lost a lot of the ground they have and they have had for some time right? other than kobane. that's right. to be honest it's going to be very very difficult for either the syrians or the iraqis to confront them. iraq has a huge problem. they've got to get back the city of mosul. a gigantic city. isil is well-entrenched there. the iraqi army 25% of it ran off and left tanks and blackhawk helicopters and hundreds of millions of dollars of cash. so i think isil remains a potent threat. they've got several thousand foreign fighters primarily european but also maybe a couple of dozen americans which ought to concern all of us. they're going to for sure end up reinfiltrating both europe and the united states. something we got to take into account. they're not a threat to our existential existence as a country. but they darn sure are dangerous people. we're going to have to confront them over the coming five years. >> general mccaffrey thank you so much for being with me this morning. >> good to be with you, jose. turning to a potentially risky scramble over how to fund the department of homeland security and the first big test for mitch mcconnell as senate majority leader. lawmakers are back at square one after democrats united to block the funding bill because it gutted the recent action on immigration. now the department that protects the u.s. against terrorism and secures the borders is set to run out of money in 23 days. nbc's luke russert is watching it for us on capitol hill. luke, good morning. where are we heading from here? >> that's a good question jose. it seemed that mitch mcconnell and the senate republican leadership want to reintroduce the bill that failed yesterday to essentially say to the country, look, democrats are obstructing this bill they're using the filibuster against us which mcconnell used so well in his time in minority. the idea is perhaps, once this bill goes down again today, because republicans are trying to make a confrontational stand against the president regarding that immigration order you mentioned, perhaps they would take out language in the bill controversial for republicans which was the repeal of the language from 2012 which allowed the children of immigrants to came here through no fault of their own not to be deported. that won't go anywhere because they vowed to block that. they want a kleenex tension of the department of homeland security. this seems to be the d.c. political food fight, house republicans waiting for the senate to move before they do anything. but the issue at hand here jose, is put this in the context of what's happening around the world. you had the news about that fighter from jordan burned alive yesterday. the department of homeland security, the agency that essentially keeps this country safe, is slated to run out of money on february 27th over a fight regarding immigration, which has nothing to do with in terms of homeland security as the way they see it especially when you see a lot of the money going through border security that come out through the funding of that bill. so you're going to have a very interesting predicament the republicans find themselves in. they're already starting to hear calls from democrats saying look you want to defund the department of homeland security to make a stink about immigration and you have isis doing horrific things in the middle east? the question is how long can they hold out. one last thing, jose. there are some on the republican side say, you know what it's not a big deal if the department is not funded through february -- after february 27th then it runs out. we know there are essential personnel. we saw that in 2013. you could in theory have if the department runs out of money, despite still going onment border patrol agents. other important people who work for the department of homeland security putting their lives on the line and not getting paid because, in theory there would be a shutdown. >> what about a c.r. which is what they do when they can't agree on anything. >> continuing resolution and temporary funding measure. that could in fact happen and maybe that does happen because realize if you put your life on the line, you should be paid. right now, democrats are really trying to use the procedural tactics they once called to be obstruction and saying look we'll accept nothing but a clean funding because we don't want immigration politics drawn into the department of homeland security politics. where it goes is unclear. it's going to be a more serious phenomenon where americans think i am secure or is this fight over immigration prohibiting that, jose? >> luke russert on capitol hill thank you. good to see you. >> take care. as congress tries to figure out what to do next president obama is set to meet with immigrants in the white house. in a few minutes he will meet with a group of young people dreamers, in the oval office. able to stay in the u.s. because their parents brought them here when they were young. they fall under part of the president's executive actions known as the deferred action for childhood -- >> chris, good morning. i don't think the timing is a coincidence, is it? >> you could be right about that jose. the president has a message he wants to get out and it's a direct response in many ways to what we saw with the vote and what we were talking to luke about. he's going to have six dreamers here from all around the country, texas, maryland nevada, new york virginia. they have personally compelling stories. they're going to college, hoping to support their families. one of them has won a national leadership award. we'll hear from the president making the argument that first of all, just by their own rights, they should be here that they are good for this country. the second argument he's going to make is what you just heard from luke. is this really a fight you want to have over immigration when our national security is at stake? just yesterday afternoon after meeting with the department of homeland security secretary jeh johnson talked about the impact that it would have if there was not money flowing for dhs. the same kind of strategy we saw yesterday when the president surrounded himself with a group of letter writers who had benefited from obamacare on the same day that the republicans held yet another vote to get rid of obamacare and they told personally compelling stories. the white house thinks they have a winning hand to play on this one in part because it doesn't make sense for them in a time when we're seeing what we're seeing with isis to try to take money away from the department of homeland security. but also because when he signed this executive order, as you well know because you followed it so closely, jose our nbc "wall street journal" polls showed support for the president's executive action over whechling support in african-americans and hispanic communities supporting it in i think 60%. 70%. this is a case that the president thinks he can make very strongly and he's going to do it today surrounded by six dreamers jose. thank you very much. good to see you. just hours from now, a big reveal from jeb bush set to deliver his first major policy speech since exploring a presidential run. will he too weigh in on the vaccination debate? we'll try to get answers next. plus, we're expecting to hear from investigators on the deadly train wreck in valhalla new york. first what governor cuomo said ba the tragedy last night. >> it's a painful reminder to all of us how precious life is. sometimes how random it can be. this is a truly ugly and brutal sight. the track, the third rail of the track came off from the explosion and went through the car. so it is truly a devastatingly ugly situation to see. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. ♪ stouffer's mac and cheese with real aged cheddar now in a convenient cup. new stouffer's mac cups. made for you to love. 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>> well bush's staff has billed this as a series of major speeches which the proto candidates, still undeclared will lay out his vision should be in the future.conservatism. some of of the topics include income inequality and cities and area where republicans have not necessarily focused on as much recently. they tend to be less the urban party compared to democrats. we've not seen a lot of policy prescriptions. they'll be filled in along the way as we hear more speeches as the staff gathers up. an interesting opening shot in this 2016 campaign. you have this week being consumed by the vaccines issue. he hasn't said anything as of now? >> he has not. he's one of the few candidates not to weigh in yet. while he was planning his big 2016 rollout, this isn't an issue he thought would dominate the headlines. but it is likely he'll have to address it at some point because everyone is putting out statements. initially, you saw the confusion with christie and rand paul starting to come out initially skeptical of vaccine mandates and then sort of changing their position as the day went on. most recently you saw marco rubio and bobby jindal saying there's no reason not to get vaccinated. i think that's where the wind is blowing on this issue for both parties. >> thank you very much benji for being with us. >> it's confirmed that bush will be part of a slew of republicans visiting iowa shortly. who knew huh? >> pretty obvious. back now to one of the big stories of the day, that train crash in new york that killed six people. we're waiting to hear from the ntsb any minute now as they investigate the crash which we believe was caused by jeep that got stuck on the tracks. there you see it. people getting their situations the camera men setting up the mikes on the podium. it sounds like a driver's worst nightmare. as nbc's jeff rossen explains it happens more often than you may think. >> right now officials are investigating the deadly crash in upstate new york trying to figure out exactly what went wrong. >> there was a loud bam like an explosion type thing. once we jumped off on the side there was another explosion. >> and it's happened before. check out this dramatic video from inside a train crash just outside of orlando last may. that demolished a new sports coupe. it stalled on a railroad crossing before the gates came down. the driver got out with seconds to spare. just last month in houston, a mother father and six children escaped injury when this freight train struck their car and another across it. officers say the conductor sounded several times but the two cars didn't move in time. in glendale california, an suv stuck on the tracks caused this commuter train to derail. hitting trains on both sides of it. killing 11 people. >> almost like a pretzel. i came off the chair and i was tumbling in the aisleway. >> according to the federal railroad administration, more than 230 people were killed in nearly 2100 collisions nationwide last year alone. vehicles stopped on the tracks for any number of reasons. from mechanical failure to intentional thrill-seeking. what if you get stuck on the tracks? experts say you should be aware that trains cannot stop quickly. so don't expect them to stop on a dime. get everyone out and immediately off the tracks. leave your possessions in the car. don't take anything with you. and once you're out, experts say you should actually run toward the direction of the oncoming train off to the side. it may seem counterintuitive, but you're actually running away from the collision site and any flying debris from your car. >> jeff rossen thank you so very much. fans are lining the streets in boston to celebrate super bowl champs. the new england patriots. there you see the live shot of the buses. first, in the true spirit of friendly rivalry, look at some of new york's biggest and best parades in the last year. stouffer's mac and cheese with real aged cheddar now in a convenient cup. new stouffer's mac cups. made for you to love. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40 $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ ♪ lilly. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. so what do you do when you get 40 inches of snow tom brady and 25 duck boats, super bowl patriots victory parade in boston, of course where it's currently about 27 degrees fahrenheit. pretty chilly as the patriots make their way into downtown boston despite some urging the city's mayor to postpone the celebration because of the seven-day record snowfall. ron mott is along the parade route. he joins me now. how does it look. >> reporter: if you're a patriots fan this looks like nirvana. it's all decked out in red, white and blue. the team is suspected to come down the street where the boston marathon wraps up. the crowd is steadily building probably three or four deep at this point. you mentioned all the snow. i don't know if you're able to see some of the big snow banks here. we've gotten 40 inches of snow or so in the past. a lot of folks are critical for mayor marty walsh on holding this parade where some people are getting cleaned out from their neighborhoods and kids just getting back to school. it took me three hours to make it to downtown boston a trip that should usually take 50 minutes. i passed a lot of frustrated drivers coming here. this is an exciting day for the boston metro area. they're called the new england patriots because they draw fans from all over new england. i would imagine there are folks from connecticut, rhode island delaware perhaps all the way down from vermont and new hampshire. this is a big day for the city their fourth super bowl championship. >> ron mott, thank you very much. enjoy it. as the patriots get set to take this victory lap around boston, who doesn't love a parade. that's our five things everyone loves a parade. number one, a true throw back to the original victory parade the triumph and procession that made its way through ancient rome to celebration a victorious military general. number two, the inaugural parade. the tradition dates back to the very first inauguration of george washington. the president and first lady making their way down pennsylvania avenue to their new or re-elected home. being out with people gives us moments like this one with nbc's al roker. >> mr. president, mr. president mr. president! come on say hello. come on! come on! it's warm. it's warm. thank you. he told me it's warm. >> he did indeed. number three, some words somewhere it's definitely warm the rose parade dating back to 1890. the grand daddy of them all, the rose bowl came after the parade in 1902 to help fund the parade. number four if you live in new york, you know all about the ticker tape parades. the ticker tape is from stock ticker machines that used to greet everyone from the apollo 13 astronauts in the 1970s to new york sports teams when they win. number five in new york you might be into ticker tape but here in miami we're into bets. this is kind of a different kind of parade. 9 one i've grand marshalled before years ago. it's the great coconut grove bed race held every year in coconut grove. that's how i get to telemundo every day when i finish right here on "the rundown." that's how we do it here in south florida. we're just about to hear from the ntsb for an update on the valhalla, new york train wreck. we'll be keeping a close watch on it for you on msnbc. that wraps up "the rundown." thank you for the privilege of your time. "news nation" it tamron hall is up next. jack's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one. you used to sleep like a champ. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqtm technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down. you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store where you'll find the best buy rated mattress with sleepiq technology. know better sleep with sleep number. i want my foyer to smell more like a foyer. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopables air refresher. [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves you. ♪ ♪ there comes a time in everyone's life when you want more. like a new meticulously engineered german sedan. finely crafted. exactingly precise. desire for such things often outpaces one's means. until now. hey matt, new jetta? yeah. introducing lots of new. the new volkswagen jetta. isn't it time for german engineering? good morning, everyone. i'm tamron hall. this is "news nation." we are following breaking news out of new york. we are waiting a news conference from the ntsb after six people were killed in a fiery commuter train crash during rush hour last night. governor andrew cuomo called the crash scene a truly ugly and brutal sight. the front sec of the train catching fire with hundreds of people on board after it collided with an suv. most passengers had to be rescued themself as smoke filled the cars. some trying to save strangers who were up front. >> we could not get the head car's door open for some reason. we were trying to break the glass to no avail. it seemed like somehow some of the people in the head car got out. it seemed maybe they broke the window or something. >> well officials say a black jeep cherokee dref on to the tracks as the crossing gates came down. the driver got out to look for damage then jumped back in to try and drive away but was stuck, her suv shoved farther than the length of a football field. the impact causing an explosion of flames. adam reese is at the scene. the investigators, i understand it, have arrived. what's the very latest of some of the conditions of people that were on that train?


Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20150213

an air base. militants have taken over al baghdadedy's police station and other government buildings there. . the u.s. coalition has launched an air strike in response to this. there is no word on any cash actualities. a pentagon spokeswoman says there's been no direct attack on that nearby air base. back at home parts of the country preparing for some of the coldest weather they have seen in decades. 35 million people in 17 states are under some form of windchill advisory from the upper midwest to the deep south. it is zero degrees in some places, and below zero in other with a bitter weekend ahead. by monday, parts of new england could be at 10 to 20 below with windchills as low as minus 35p. but that is not all. blizzard watches are in effect saturday night through sunday for the entire new england coast and yes, that includes boston where crews have worked nonstop for three weeks now to move six feet of snow. meteorologist bill karins joins us a little later with your valentine's day forecast. convicted army soldier chelsea manning will begin her first step to becoming a woman. a historic ruling the u.s. military approved her for hormone therapy. private chelsea manning, formerly known as bradley manning, is serving a 35-year sentence for espionage. manning was found guilty of sending classified documents to the wikileaks website. after her august 2013 sentencing she made it clear she wanted to become a woman through gender reassignment. in september she sued the federal government for access to the hormone therapy. the lawsuit argued that private manning had been diagnosed with gender disfor ya the sense of being a woman in a man's body. and was at risk for self-castration and suicide if she didn't get more focused treatment. federal and many state and local prisons already administer hormone therapy to prisoners but manning is the first to request and now be granted the treatment. it's unclear when the hormone therapy will begin. well in oregon an epic scandal is rocking the governor's office. lawmakers including his fellow democrats want john kitzhaber to quit but the four-time governor is refusing. he and his fiancee silvias hayes are under investigation like asking adviser to find hayes paid jobs. the problem, they were jobs with groups hoping to influence oregon's energy policy. hayes was working for kitzhaber as an energy adviser. hayes is accused of a bogus marriage that involved marrying a nigerian immigrant in 1996 for $5,000. kitzhaber is oregon's longest serving governor. you'll hear this today at courthouses across alabama. take a listen. [ applause ] same-sex couples lining up to get marriage licenses has been officially legal there since monday but 11th hour pressure from alabama's chief justice had some places refusing to give them out all week long. after a hearing yesterday, a federal judge made it clear probate judges cannot refuse gay couples. alabama is the 37th state to allow same-sex marriage. also this morning, new help for america's war vets. a suicide prevention bill, president obama signed it yesterday. it supports programs that help returning war vets transition back into society. the bill was named after clay hunt. his parent were at the ceremony. clay was an iraq vet who ended his life in 2011 while struggling with ptsd. later today president obama will take on cyber security. signing an executive order encouraging companies to share cyber theft data. more on that later in the show. it looked like old faithful popped up in los angeles. looks at this. officials say a car hit a fire hydrant in the san fernando valley that sent a massive geyser of water shooting into the air. fire trucks blocked the intersection as firefighters tried to stop the leak. that didn't stop one car from pulling a u-turn. look at this. turning around and driving right into the water for, of course, none other than a free car wash. that's one way to get it done. now to a rapid raid on a jewelry store. police in the uk released this new video. it started out with a smash. a stolen car rammed straight through a front window with masked men dressed in black not far behind. they slipped and slid their way straight to the goods where they used axes to hack into the display and back counters. that's when the security smoke went off. forcing them to flee as fast as they arrived. but, not before police say they made off with thousands of dollars worth of gold jewelry. speaking of some gold and money, let's get down to business with cnbc's landon. >> stocks will try to extend thursday's gains today. the markets rallied as investors cheered strong earnings from cisco and the cease-fire deal between russia and ukraine. energy stocks had a boost from higher oil prices. crude near $52 a barrel today. americans will be spending on their sweethearts this valentine's day. retail spending is expected to hit nearly $19 billion. thanks to the improving economy. the average person will spend $142 with the most on their significant other. men will spend nearly twice as much as women. and if you're looking for a love with your latte head to starbucks today. the chain is teaming up with for the world's largest date. from 2:00 p.m. to close meet up with your mate or prospective mate and enjoy romantic music, food and share snap shots from your #starbucksdate on social media. back to you. >> what's better than looking for love on friday the 13th right? thank you. here with your friday morning sports roundup is richard liu. good morning, richard. >> with all the coffee to keep you awake, right? >> that's true. >> good morning. tony dorsett battling a brain disease. he and his wife discussings the impact of cte with lester holt in the first joint tv interview. take a listen. >> there's good days and there's bad days lester. i mean there's some days i can be going somewhere, a place i've been going to maybe over 20 years or, so and i forget how to get there. >> i know you don't want to be the poster image for cte, but to the extent that there's so much awareness now about head trauma about sports about taking care of our kids and young athletes to that extent what message do you want to send? >> i thought it would be something good for me to come out with this and let people understands the fact that it's there and it's real. >> strong man. no doubt. tony dorsett. cte causing memory loss and has been linked to repeated head trauma. the famous dallas cowboys player was diagnosed with signs of cte in 2013 and has a lot of folks in his corner. >> absolutely. >> ice hockey, candidate for goal of the year st. louis's tj au she, passing between his legs. >> what a move. >> didn't look there, betty. >> that's when you know you're a pro. >> that's right. david backus fires it for the score. st. louis takes tam pa bay 6-3. the pga tour for the pebble beach pro am. bill murray having fun. his game well not so much fun. watch this one. or good that is. but he does nail the sammy sosa salute at the end. after playing 18 hole golfer mark hubbard proposed to long-time girlfriend on the 18th hole. she said -- >> yes! >> let's do this. the guy in the background clapping i think. >> is that what he's doing? he's not a creeper just lurking on. >> wondering what's going on here. washington quarterback robert griffin iii posted this touching photo he and his wife are expected. rg 4, right? talk about redos though copycatting here. justin timberlake posted the same photo with his wife jessica. after 23 years gatorade releasing a remastered version of "be like mike" ad for michael jordan for the company's 50th anniversary. old-school mj's favorite flavor citrus cooler with a retro label back at the end of march in case you want the that. nba all-star weekend in new york city. players stopping by "the tonight show" to read superlatives. here's miami's chris bosh. >> last up host of "the tonight show" jimmy fallon. he was voted most likely to laugh during "fifty shades of grey" and get a [ bleep ] during "spongebob." >> chris bosh was getting back at fallon because he made fun of him not long ago. >> and you fill in the blank on the bleep. thank you. the passing of a journalist described as one of the most gifted writers to ever work for the "new york times." we'll tell you about that. plus one of the most entertaining courtroom scenes we have seen in a very long time. >> nothing to see here. another blizzard and the coldest air over the weekend. you're watching "first look" on mn. we're in seattle to see which 100 calorie black cherry greek yogurt tastes best. definitely that one. that one's delicious. it's yoplait! what? i love yoplait! the other one is chobani. really. i like this one better. yoplait wins again! take the taste-off for yourself. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. . welcome back. ar tick blast has arrived. yesterday it was for our friends in chicago and detroit, not that it's better today. it has moved into the northeast and mid-atlantic and zero windchill in washington, d.c. all the way down to north florida the windchill below freezing. the really dangerous stuff is pretty much over upstate new york. negative 22 buffalo, burlington the big city in the lead at negative 23. even negative 9 now in philadelphia. that's even lower than new york. you get the picture for one of those morning if you have ski gear that's what you're wearing as you head out the door to school or work. we have our blizzard watch up for areas of maine through coastal areas of massachusetts. that's saturday night into sunday. but sunday especially in the morning and during the day that's when the winds could be 60 miles per hour. we think we could get up to another foot of snow in the boston area. maine is going to get nailed with another foot to foot and a half and as we go through the weekend, betty, middle of the country, another arctic blast that will come into the northeast on sunday. yeah, it's -- i feel for the people in boston. the next 15 days they won't go above 30 days. >> they have had it the worst this year. >> historically like maybe the worst winter ever. >> thank you. >> another shocking death in the journalism world to tell you about. david carr has died. the cause is unclear but the times is reporting he collapsed in the newsroom last night. he was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. earlier in the evening carr had moderated a panel featuring former cia leaker edward snowden. carr was a cancer survivor and in 2008 wrote a memoir about his drug addiction. s the publisher of the "new york times" remembers carr as a unique human being, full of life funny, loyal and loveable. david carr was 58. late last night the fbi announced it was launching a preliminary inquiry into the shooting deaths of three muslim students near the unc chapel hill campus. the fbi had previously said it hadn't seen signs of a hate crime despite claims from the families of the victims. more than 5,000 people attended a funeral yesterday for the husband his wife and sister. you have to check out this feisty exchange between an 80-year-old woman and a florida judge, and keep an eye on the inmates behind the sassy senior. >> i don't tip anybody. i make them banana bread and chocolate pudding pie. i make a mean chili. >> there you go ma'am. you brighten my day, ma'am. >> that's what the last guy said and then he sued me. >> finally after 80 years in the broward county courtroom of all places, this woman, delores, may have found her calling or just nabbed 15 minutes of fame. >> how have i done as a judge today so far, how am i doing? >> not bad but you could do better. >> okay. . >> could we get a drum roll. >> the feisty 5'5" gray haired woman pleaded in protest and laughter in no way did she violate a protective order from her ex-husband of 30 something years. >> ma'am, just don't have anything to do with him, stay away from him. >> i swear to god and on a stack of bibles i will never go near him, talk to him, call him -- >> what was the first thing you were going to wear on besides the bible? >> what? >> i don't remember. >> oh, olitoli. i didn't recognize your twang. >> have you ever thought of doing a stand-up routine? >> i did, will you -- if you pay me good money sweetheart. i will be there. i'm short of funds. >> reporter: not short of laughs. her attorney couldn't help it and the inmates in the back couldn't get enough. the three-minute routine eventually came to an end with the judge and the defendant happily waving good buy to each other. >> you seem like you have a good wit about you. >> i do sir. >> yes. >> i mean sweetheart, that's the only thing i have. >> i love how she calls him sweetheart. good luck getting a away with that. rand paul fights to double down fists were flying among lawmakers, and the obama video burning up the internet. scrambled politics is next. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. can this decadent, fruit topped pastry... ...with indulgent streusel crumble, be from... fiber one. fiber one streusel. 19 minutes past the hour. a political battle royale and obama blaming obama? it is your friday dish of scrambled politics. fists were flying outside the ukrainian parliament on thursday. wow, look at that. two lawmakers got into a knockdown, drag out fight outside the chamber. the brawl left one of them with a bloody nose. they both have been suspended for just five days. back here at home a senate panel has voted to advance a republican bill that would bar most transfers of prisoners from guantanamo bay until president obama is out of office. the white house has promised to veto the measure. mean while senator rand paul is asking kentucky republicans to change the states for the presidential nominating process to a caucus trying to get around a state law that prevents candidates' names from appearing twice on the same ballot. he wants to run for president but if that doesn't work out he wants to run for state a at the same time. law makers in puerto rico are considering a measure that would punish the parents of obese kids with fines. the bill's sponsors says there needs to be consequence for the costly obesity epidemic. tonight on "politics nation" the rev meets the rev -- reverend al sharpton face to face with keenan thompson the other rev, who does a hilarious impression of him. they will talk about "snl's" 40th anniversary special. a new video takes a funny look at president obama as he prepares for this week's buzzfeed interview. ♪ >> deadline for signing up for health insurance is february -- february 15th. thanks, obama. that's pretty good. >> mr. president president? >> can i live? >> so that's what happens when we're not around? the president wants to spread the word about sunday's health care deadline. the video has over 15 million views. that is your morning dish of scrambled politics. it is friday the 13th and joined by kevin from the hill. good morning, kevin. >> happy friday the 13th betty. how are you? >> some people may say it's not happy. we'll see how the day plays out. at a summit today the president will sign an executive order for cyber security. how will that protect us? >> well this is part of the president's cyber security proposal that he unveiled during his state of the union address and what it would do is allow the federal government and businesses to share information technology. the argument being that if these businesses are being able to shares these threat information technologies, they will be able to better thwart offs the hackers and the recent hacking cases like we've seen at sony and all of these other major retail companies as well. but there is controversy about it. >> indeed. in fact, i understand the ceos from google ya and facebook all declined to attend the summit. what is that about? >> no-shows betty. they are saying when you look at this type of cyber security package, and then you look at they have concerns if you look at some of the concerns we've seen with the nsa and the government collecting all of this data all of this information off of consumers, so they're kind of weary of this. a lot of the big companies not comings to this, you mentioned some of the tech companies, pushing for legislation in congress that would be data breach notification legislation, and that means if there was a hack at a major retailer there would be a uniformed law for a set period of time if you will for when folks would have to be notified of having their information taken from them. so a lot of politicking going on behind the scenes. this is a really new subject area for lawmakers and policymakers and i think the president really is -- this could be a huge part of his legacy because he's really the first president to kind of have to deal with these issues head on. >> quickly, but apple's ceo tim cook will be there making his own announcement. >> you never know with apple but i think apple has been at the forefront of the cyber payment technology. they've debuted apple pay, being able to pay with their iphones. that's a lot of the business folks and credit card company folks i talk with that's the direction that the industry is heading in so a lot of policies that they're trying to figure out now as well. >> all right. kevin from the hill thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you betty. have a great weekend. >> you too. just ahead john beluschi eddie murray or tina fey which was ranked the best? 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"rolling stone" ranks the top ten cast members. see if you thinks this is true. john beluschi at number one, eddie murphy tina fey -- >> i like tina fey. >> dan aykroyd, bill murray phil hartman, amy polar, gilda radner and chevy chase. >> chris farley dana carvey? >> the "today" show's matt lauer asked lorne michaels to reveal the secret to becoming a not ready for prime time player. >> the criteria i used when hiring people if it was 2:00 in the morning and walking down the hall and saw what i wanted to duck into another office. you have to have people you can drive cross country with people you find interesting and bright and look at things a different way than you do. >> matt's full interview will air on "today." as part of "snl's" extravaganza nbc has released an app of 300 hours of clips from the show. be sure to download that. that special on sunday. "way too early" starts now. ♪ we're house broken.-- heart broken, sad, but honored by all fellow americans who are supporting us. our family friends, our children were adored and loved by everybody. >> #muslimlivesmatter thousands turning out to mourn three young victims shot to death in north carolina as the community demanding answers. was this a hate crime or argument gone wrong? will he stay or gone? new details on the saga of oregon's governor and his indecision about resigning from his office and then i sit down with hgtv for an inside look at white house decor and you won't believe what they are already preparing for in february. this is "way too early." ♪ hey, everybody, welcome to our house. i'm thomas roberts, it is friday, february the 13th welcome to "way too early" where it is your lucky day. we will introduce you to beconce? you have not seen that? a blending of beck and beyonce. where we can only show it on friday the 13th because it is friday the 13th. let's get to it. the fbi investigating the shooting deaths of three muslim-americans in chapel hill north carolina. they're looking to determine whether any federal laws were broken. left unsaid is the alleged shooting by craig hicks and this being prosecuted as a hate crime, so far local enforcement is investigating the death as a


Transcripts For MSNBCW Ronan Farrow Daily 20150130

across the country, one who has just getting started, may well emerge as being better able to defeat the democrat nominee. i've been asked and will be asked again if there are any circumstances, whatsoever that might develop that could change my mind. and it seems unlikely. >> that's not a no but it certainly appears to shut the door on any potential run. it did not take long for other 2016 candidates to weigh in. governor jeb bush sent this tweet. mitt is a patriot and i join many in hoping his days of serving our nation and party are not over. senator rand paul quote, my family and i wish mitt and ann the best. we have gotten to know them over the last few years and deeply respect the family and mitt's service. okay, joining us now to explain what led to this morning's political drama as we were watching it and senior political editor mark murray and msnbc host steve kornacki. first to you on this why? >> i think there are a couple of factors but to me maybe the most interesting was that the ground was beginning to crumble beneath mitt romney's feet. just yesterday before today's announcement, you had dave could chal, the top strategist in 2008 and 2012 become the campaign manager in waiting for jeb bush. and there are also a host of other folks who are about to get on the jeb bush train who had been in the mitt romney or so mitt rommy faced a decision either he announced he would be in or out and do it quickly. the reason for being out and he just mentioned and some ways the most intrigue, it's time for a new generation of republican leader and someone who may not be as well known as he is. i think that is a pretty not so subtle swipe at jeb bush because you couldn't argue jeb bush isn't a new generation. he and mitt romney are around the same age and close to the same i.d. mitt romney has, although not as great. it seemed to be suggesting that is what is on board with any other republican whose name isn't jeb bush. >> who is he tipping his hat towards? >> there are two names that come to mind. one would be chris christie and the new york times is reporting that mitt romney and chris christie are going to be having dinner tonight. so that -- all of this news does create more of a lane for chris christie than existed yesterday and days before. on the other hand you can make the argument this helps scott walker. there was always going to be a republican governor, a current republican governor who would end up emerging. if you get mitt romney's financial backers behind scott walker, you end up having scott walker, someone who has won the state of wisconsin three times in the last four years, that could make a very intriguing match-up. >> you've got someone to talk to on sundays, don't you. thank you for that. let's get to the big board. steve kornacki you've been breaking down the data behind perhaps what the romney team was looking at. not only the donations, potential donors but also what people are saying. potential voters. >> let's start on the donor side and pick up the point that mark murray was just making. this pressure that jeb bush created, the need to raise money and get started quickly if he was going to run. let's look what's involved in that. this is the statement that jeb bush made back in december when he said he was interested in maybe running for president. read it carefully, i've decided to actively explore the possibility of running for president of the united states. actively explore the possibility. if that sounds legalistic it's for good reason. it is because jeb bush is up for something we haven't seen in presidential politics before. he's taking a gamble here and it involves big money. jeb bush has started his own super pac. you always think the candidates are supposed to keep a distance from that legally, that's true. jeb bush however is actively exploring the possibility of running. he's not a candidate. he can own and control that super pac and the key to super pacs is this, there are no limits on the money you can bring in. you can bring in as much as you want on whoever you want. the limit is $2600 per donor, per election per year. $2600 versus unlimited money. and the goal here for jeb bush over the next few months to raise an overwhelming amount of money in the super pac that mitt romney and everybody out there takes a second look at this and says, maybe i don't want to mix it up with jeb. he has too much behind it. there's a downside to this. the risk that jeb bush is taking is this. if he becomes an active candidate, he gives up control to super pac and raises all of this money and becomes a candidate and not officially control the super pac anymore. >> that's the downside. what about the upside? the poll numbers saying romney looks pretty good. >> let's take a look at that. there were not too many polls that matched up mitt romney and jeb bush. not many people thought mitt romney was going to go forward with this until a few weeks ago. look at the polls that did test them together. 21 to 10 mitt romney 19-10, mitt romney. 19-14, mitt romney. 19-11, mitt romney. you look at those numbers, 21 19, 19 those are not overwhelming numbers. but he's basically doubling up jeb bush. if you're mitt romney and there's a strong sort of personal history there, a lot of animosity between romney and jeb bush. if you're mitt romney and you start seeing jeb bush make all of the moves to run for president, you start reading these stories about how jeb bush is going to unite the republican party, most electable republican, all of those things. and you're mitt romney and looking at the polls, you're probably saying to yourself wait a minute, why not me. why do i have to yield to this guy? that explains the interest the last few months. the idea behind this might be is that enough to call down what will be the primary and general because we saw what happened in 2012, perhaps they are looking in the rearview mirror and saying we want the same thing, who else needs to drop out? >> that's the thing. this is the test. let's see how much money jeb bush is able to raise and how many big name republicans he's able to line up to support him. this is what his brother did. george w. bush he did it in the first six months much 1999. that's what jeb bush is trying to duplicate here. the problem is this that name bush, because of george w. bush that's a very worrysome name for republicans, women the voteill the voters stands for that? the hard right has a real problem with what they saw as george w. bush selling out conservatism, not as anti-government and grew the government. they have a very big problem with that and they associate jeb with that as well. there's a lot more resistance than there was back in 2000. >> josh earnest was just talking about this at the white house during the briefing. let's listen. >> the extent governor romney can use his influence to change the fundamentals of this debate that will focus on what we can do to benefit the middle class and those who aren't in the top 1%, where so many of the republican policies seem to be aimed, that would be a really good thing. it certainly would be a way for governor romney although he has indicated he's not going to be a candidate, a way to substantially contribute to this debate. >> steve, with romney stepping aside, remember the 47% video, does that alleviate what he is pointing to when we look at the republican party? >> mitt romney had a specific image problem because of the background and private equity and all of that. jeb bush has a lesser background but does have a private equity background as well and romney was said to be worried that would affect jeb bush too. in terms of the republican party is still the republican party, whether romney or bush is the nominee. the platform is the same. there is a difference when you talk about somebody like scott walker and chris christie potentially. there is that thing where they can connect potentially with voters who mitt romney couldn't connect with. you sort of say if it's a top 1% message, you need a 99% messenger. something christy was able to do in new jersey. scott walker in wisconsin for that matter which is a democratic friendly state and swing state. he's showing success at that as well. >> i want to play a fake phone call between jeb bush and hillary clinton released by senator rand paul. let's listen to that. >> well it's true. i'm thinking about running for president. >> well jeb, so am i. >> i just wanted to call and give you a head's up and hopes we could work something out? >> what do you mean jeb? it's clearly my turn. bush, clinton, bush now clinton -- >> hillary there hasn't been a republican white house without a bush since 1977 and we're ready to be back. >> let me shoot straight with you, jeb, okay bill and i are dead broke. we need a place to stay. 1600 pennsylvania avenue it's calling me home. >> make we can work something out. we both agree on so many issues. bigger government common core and amnesty for illegal immigrants. >> well, we've both got problems. you've got problems with the grass roots and i've got all of those damned conservatives. let's say we make a deal. sorry, hillary, i have to go. mitt keeps calling. >> that's rand paul and we can't help but smile. part of that call is how they discuss how they share a lot of same policy objectives such as immigration reform and that goes to the idea of jeb bush perhaps being more like a centrist than way on the right. >> there it is again, it's the difference between jeb and george w., the difference between the climates. back in 2000 when george w. ran, it was the success in the 90s, we have to emulate bill clinton and that was what he was supposed to be. >> rand paul trying to say, look he's too much like the left and too much like hillary clinton that's what he's doing with that call. >> he's really saying he's too much like george w. bush as well. >> this means so much to people on the right. they believe he sold them unite in the last decade and jeb with the moderating language he uses will do the same thing. >> steve kornacki, we could spend another 15 minutes doing that but to get 15 minutes more join him 8:00 a.m. eastern on msnbc. sure there are two dozen candidates still standing in the 2016 race but after today, there will be just one nfl champion. our super bowl countdown coverage is after the break. stick around. 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bowl friday for you. >> reporter: it's not as warm as we thought it was going to be my friend. duel in the desert set for sunday evening. we were expected 65 70 degrees and we get off the plane yesterday and this is what we get. it's been sloppy and soggy and rain expected to continue today and tomorrow although it is going to move out in time for sunday's game but it wouldn't matter university of phoenix stadium is a dome as all venues are these days. on paper, richard liu, this should be a fantastic match-up. you have the best team in the afc, the patriots taking on the best team in the nfc, the seahawks, both teams, identical records. but as you know a lot of the coverage over the past week or two has been dominated by deflate-gate. it's been dominated by things like that. richard sherman, here's a bright spot. richard sherman's girlfriend she's expecting to deliver a bouncing baby boy any day now. pete carroll was asked about the possibility that richard scherr monday might not be on the field sunday. carroll saying that he's going to leave that decision up to sherman. also went on to say he looks forward to meeting little pety. we fully expect him to play in super bowl xlix. roger goodell, the commissioner expected to take to the podium any moment now. this is something he does every year sort of state of the nfl, the commissioner going to speak again, any moment now here. we'll listen to that live when it happens. this as the nfl continues to deal with a lot of issues off the field. this has been a very -- you know, i'll say it it's been a bad year for the league. a really bad year by some accounts. i want to bring in dave ziron, edge of, spent some time talking about what the nfl has had to deal with this year. always good to see you, my friend. how would you characterize this year for the national football league? >> well, how would you characterize the titanic after it hit the iceberg? the only thing that the nfl has going for it is its bottom line. the league has never been more profit ablg. if that's how they want to be judged then roger goodell has every right to go to the podium and say, guess what the league has been a big success in 2014. by his own metric he said this time and again, he wants the nfl to be more than just a corporate sports league. he wants it to be a symbol of something, the shield to stand for integrity. it wants to be something that is a moral exem plar for the country. if that's what he thinks the nfl is by any standard 2014 was an epic disaster. >> i posed a similar question to cam newton heisman trophy winning quarterback, now quarterback for the panthers. i talked to him a few moments ago, take a listen to what he had to do about the state of the league. >> reporter: how do you think the league handled the situations that we're talking about here? do you think the commissioner handled all of these situations whether it's ray rice situation, whether it was adrian peterson, do you think the league handled them properly? >> to a degree i would have to say i don't think they did. if they did, it wouldn't be so many speculations, who saw the video and what happened with the video, why did the initial sanction be so -- to be what it was. then he have to go back and say, no anyhoo that's neither here nor there. none of my business. i'm just a quarterback. >> do players trust roger goodell? >> see that's another question. another answer that's kind of touchy. some of them do. i hear the good bad and ugly. >> reporter: does cam newton? >> i have no choice but to. i have no choice but to. i respect roger goodell as a man and appreciate what he does for not only the nfl but the brand of the nfl. yet what people don't know two different sides, that's the nfl that he represents and the nfl players. >> reporter: dave zirin, an interesting answer there. what do you think? do you think by and large the players of the national football league trust its commissioner? >> no not at all. and i would actually challenge you to find a player who when the cameras are off says they do trust roger goodell. as we see nowadays when the cameras are onl they don't trust roger good.ell frgs and the majority of them on the seahawks and you have roger goodell have to hand the trophy to the merciless critics of his tenure. i hope to see it. i think this division is very real, not something created by players. it's been created by roger goodell for the hypocrisy, saying he cares about players safety and arguing for an 18-game season. things like that drive the players batty. they feel they are being put in a position where they have to defend like certain practices that they don't agree with and they feel like the nfl cares about money more than they care about the players. >> always appreciate your insight. thanks for being with us. sports editor with the nation and edge of roger good ell set to take the mode yum podium any moment. he'll be taking questions and undoubtedly get a lot of questions about deflate-gate and a lot of questions how the league has responded to myriad of myriad controversies this season. we'll bring that to you live when it happens. we also want to get your thoughts on the big game. who do you think is going to win? will it be the patriots? will it be the seahawks? you can tweet your responses to rfd, rfd pats or hawks depending on your team preference at the end of the broadcast we'll let you know which team is winning in the twittersphere. >> we'll do that craig melvin and look at that poll as well. one side note my friend you're not a small guy, craig melvin. cam newton -- >> he's a giant. funny you should mention that. my photographer here -- you need me to get you an apple box. really, an apple box? i'm 6'1". cam, come on could you at least not stand up straight and slouch a little bit for me. he did not. >> that's a great interview, we'll see you later in the show. >> also be sure to watch hardball tonight 7:00 p.m. live from phoenix. and after that "morning joe at night" from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. and ronan farrow will be there too. much more news ahead, including the agonizing wait for word on fate of two isis hostages we'll untangle the latest after i break. they're still after me. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself. power's back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your 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all. ♪ ♪ working around the clock to free two hostages held by isis state. isis reportedly said it would kill the pilot if jordan did not release this female would be suicide bomber in its custody. that exchange deadline has now come and gone and nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely joins us by phone. bill, a lot of questions. what do we know in terms of what the negotiations are and what's happening? >> yeah good afternoon. the deadline has long passed for any deal. there's no sign of a deal. no sign of the hostages more anguish and agony for families in japan and jordan. and no word from the terror group isis. the two governments say they are working together two sets of families have been silent today and i have to say it's beginning to look ominous almost like hope is fading especially for the jordanian pilot. because jordan's government has asked the family of the pilot to stop talking to the media. and it's almost as if they are preparing people here for the worst. why would they do that? well, they are partly preparing for a backlash from jordan's public if this pilot ends up being killed because the people here do hold the government and the king responsible for the fate of the hostage. isis of course would love to destabilize jordan. it loathes this country's moderate regime a country of course that is a staunch u.s. ally. isis will do everything it can to embarrass jordan but at the minute there doesn't look like any sign of a deal and jordan said last night that it's -- the female suicide bomber was still in jordan so no sign at all that she is being swapped in a complicated prisoner exchange. >> as you have said this is a complex tri-national negotiation going on. some reports that jordan will execute its imprisoned jihadist should isis kill that pilot. bill neeley with the latest. much more from super bowl land where we're waiting for roger goodell speaking right now about to get up to the microphone very shortly. and as craig melvin was telling us the whole idea behind this is what will he say in terms of the state of the nfl because 2014 was very difficult. we'll have that when he hits the microphones shortly. he's coming to the microphone right now. let's stop by and listen in to see what he says. so many issues that he will address this afternoon. >> good morning. before getting to your questions, let me make a few comments. first, congratulations to the seahawks and patriots. they emerged as the best of the best in a terrific year of football. a season of amazing competition. and plenty of challenges, learning and real progress. we know when we meet our challenges effectively, we are a better league and a positive contributor to society. it's on us. i truly believe that we will continue to make progress because the nfl is made up of good and caring people. i'm realistic about the work that lies ahead and confident that we will do what is expected of us and even more importantly, of ourselves. we are doing more to protect our players from unnecessary risk. hits too dwepsless players this season we are down 68%. similar decreases in other areas pertaining to the safety of the game. we reported yesterday the concussions were down 25% this past regular season, continuing a three-year trend. since 2012 concussions in regular season games have dropped from 173 to 111. a decrease of more than one-third. the real credit goes to the players and coaches. they have add justed to the rules and the challenge of creating a culture of safety for our game. there's more to do with player health and safety. carefully reviewing and approving our concussion protocols will be a focus of our medical committees this off season. and we are establishing the position of a chief medical officer. this individual who we expect to have in place very soon will oversee our medical related policies in short, we'll work closely with our medical committees and advisers and players association. . there's more work to do on our fronts. while the quality of the game continues to improve, fans want every play to have suspense. but the exit point has become virtually automatic. we have experimented with alternatives to make it more competitive play and we expect to advance these ideas through the competition committee this off season. we are looking at expanding the use of technology and innovation for our football and medical staffs as well as our fans. last year technology improved officiating. it enabled us to engage in replay and officials to use wireless communications on the field. replay and other officiating decisions took less time. that's important. fans don't want delays. coaches don't want delays. they want action and accuracy. we are looking at other ways to enhance replay and officiating. that includes potentially expanding replay to penalties. if it can be done without more disruption to the pace of the game. we're discussing rotating members of the officiating crews during the season as a way to improve consistent cycy throughout our regular season. in officiating consistency is our number one objective. the possibility of expanding the playoffs has also been a topic over the past several years. there are positives to it. but there are concerns as well. among them being the risk of de diluting our regular season and conflicting with college football in january. in another important area, we are continuing our work to uphold the highest standards of responsible conduct so that we represent our fans and communities in a way that will make them proud. yesterday we held the first meeting of our new league conduct committee chaired by michael bidwell, the committee reviewed our new personal conduct policy. it emphasizing ongoing education, prevention support services and raises the standards for all of us in the nfl. most importantly, it is clearly more effective. on the issue of footballs used in the nfc champion game ted wells and our staff have been hard at work conducting a thorough investigation. as you would expect we take seriously anything that potentially impacts the integrity of the game. we are focusing principlely on two questions, why were some footballs used in the game that were not in compliance with the rules? and was this the result of deliberate action? i want to emphasize, we have made no judgments on these points. we will not compromise the investigation by engaging in speculation. when ted wells has completed his investigation, and made his determination based on all relevant evidence we will share his report publicly. finally, on steps to grow the game and serve the fans we are excited about the success of thursday night football and the extension of our agreement with cbs. we have the best partners in media and together we will continue to develop new platforms, expand fan interaction, and deepen fan engagement. technology great football and our fans is a winning combination. how our fans especially younger ones connect with the game is changing every day. to that end, we are aggressively pursuing the streaming of a regular season game with our first over the top telecast. it would be carried on broadcast stations in both team markets but also reach a worldwide audience including millions of home that do not have traditional television service. let me finish with this. football's popularity is extraordinary. the credit goes to the players, coaches and the fans. we know the nfl's impact is far reaching. it is most dramatically seen on super bowl sunday. it means we have enormous responsibility to lead every day by example. it is what our fans deserve. we are humbled by and grateful for their passion. they are the ones who inspire me, our owners and coachers and men like our walter payton award finalist who are with us today. and we know we must earn the trust of our fans every day. i know you have a question on these and many other issues so let's get to it. >> roger, from the associated press, in light of what you just finished, your statement, with such a focus on the offfield issues and including what the public perceives as failures in the league's investigative process dating back to the saints bounties and problems on the field you just referred to what do you plan to do specifically before next season to restore faith in the league and quote/unquote shield? >> yes, barry. we've already begun that process, barry. we have already begun the process of adding additional resources in terms of individuals that can bring a expertise to our office and expertise to investigations as you know last fall i announced that we would hire a special council for investigations and conduct. we're in the search process and hope to conclude that in the very near future. we have great people working for the nfl and we are adding resources, adding assets that will make sure that we have it -- a thorough and fair process. we're also as we demonstrated with ted wells not afraid to go outside and get outside perspective that can be valuable to us, a professional perspective that will give us the kind of outcome we want which is a fair with the truth being clear. >> roger, st. louis post dispatch. i have a two-part question. what is the league's level of commitment to keeping a franchise in st. louis, he is sfeshlly given the the efforts to build a new stadium for the rams for the second time in 20 years? and secondly rams ownership appears to be more interested in the l.a. project than the st. louis stadium project. how does this meet relocation guidelines which call for teams to exhaust every opportunity in their own market before moving? thank you. >> well jim, first answer to your initial question is that we want all franchises to stay in their current markets, that's a shared responsibility. that's something we all have to work together on. the league has programs including stadium funding programs that we make available. we will work and have worked with communities, including st. louis. we also will make sure that we're engaging the business community and public sector in a way that can help us lead to solutions and work in those communities in your case st. louis and make sure it works for the community as well as for the team. so our teams can be successful over the long term. the second part had to do with the interest in the ownership, you know, stan has been working on the stadium issue in st. louis as you know for several years. they had a very formal process as part of their lease. that process -- it did not result in a solution that works either for st. louis or for the team. so i don't think the stadium is a surprise to anybody in any market that is having these issues. there's quite a bit of discussion about it and the st. louis representatives seem determined to build a stadium. that's a positive development, something we look forward to working with them. >> commissioner bob kravitz, indianapolis, robert kraft said the other day that he felt you and your office owed him an apology if nothing came out of the investigation, the wells investigation. what are your thoughts on that matter? >> well bob, my thoughts are this is my job. this is my responsibility to protect the integrity of the game. i represent 32 teams. all of us want to make sure that the rules are being followed. and if we have any information, where the potential is that those rules are violated i have to pursue that and i have to pursue that aggressively. so this is my job. this is a job of the league office. it is what all 32 clubs expect and i believe our partners and fans expect. we will do it vigorously. and it is important for us to be thorough and fair. >> roger sanityta barbara, the los angeles times, 2016 marks the 20th year without a franchise and the 20th consecutive year i've asked this question coincidentally. earlier -- >> i do recognize it already. want me to finish it for you? >> should i drop the mike? >> earlier this month, as jim mention rams owner announced plans for an 80,000 seat stadium in hollywood park. considering that he has the land, the vast resources both financial and political, can anyone else win this race? what's the criteria that the league is going to use to determine which team is or teams are able to relocate to los angeles? and what if an owner decides to go rogue and without the nfl's blessing says i'm going to move my team no matter what you say? >> well sam, several points you made there. let me try to be responsive to all of them. first, let me start with your second question. the ownership takes very seriously the obligation for us all to vote on any serious matter including relocation of a fran choice. there's a relocation policy that is very clear. we have shared it with our ownership over the past several years. he have em if a sised point in each of the meetings. we would have the relocation itself and potential stadium funding and potential super bowls, a lot of things would likely be subject to a vote. and our ownership takes that very seriously. we take that very seriously. any relocation will be subject to a vote. as it relates to the first part of your question there have been no determinations of us going to los angeles, any particular team going to los angeles or going to any particular stadium. we have several alternatives that we're evaluating both from a sight standpoint. there are teams that are interested but are trying to work their issues out locally. and so as a league we haven't got to the stage yet. it will all be subject to a relocation policy. there are requirementses in that policy as you know. particularly as it relates to cooperation and working to make sure they solve the issues in their local market. but i'm confident that all of that will be covered within the relocation policy and with our membership approval. >> roger, fox sports 1, i realize this question might seem to some people petty, especially in comparison to other things but marshawn lynch's cooperation or lack there of has become a big story. since even before you were commissioner you concerned yourself with growing the game and marketing the game. what's your take on how he handled the media this week? has your office made a decision you'll be fined? >> i don't believe any decision has been made on that. our staff will look at that following the super bowl and make a determination as they have in the past. i've been very clear that when you're in the nfl, you have an obligation. an obligation to the fans. it is part of your job. there are things that we all have to do in our jobs that we may not necessarily want to do. i think marshawn understands the importance of the super bowl the importance of his appearance and the importance of him as an individual in this game. and fans are curious. fans want to know. the media would like to make the story clear to our fans. i understand it may not be on the top of his list. but everyone else is cooperating and everyone else is doing their part because it is our obligation. as i say, there are a lot of things we don't like to do in our jobs but it comes with the territory and with the privilege of playing in the super bowl. >> commissioner goodell, kkfn denver. speaking of jobs it's been a tough year for you in your job this year. many people in america went through the year you've had, probably would have resigned or been fired. can you envision any set of circumstances which would lead you to resigning or being fired as your job as commissioner? >> no i can't. does that surprise you? listen, i -- it has been a tough year. it's been a tough year on me personally. it's been a year of what i would say humility and learning. we obviously as an organization have gone through adversity but more importantly it's been adversity for me. and that is something where we take that seriously. it's an opportunity for us to get better. it's an opportunity for us for our organization to get better. so we've all done a lot of soul searching starting with yours truly. and we have taken action. a lot of the concerns that we had back in august where we didn't have a policy that addressed a very complex issue, we didn't have answers for that. we didn't fully understand those issues. well now, we have experts in the field. they are in our office. they are helping us understand this. advisers that have given us a better understanding of the issues and how to deal with these complex issues. we went on road and last county had well over 150 experts, whether former players or college university presidents, law enforcement officials, how can we do a better job of managing these complex issues? and we set out to create a new personal conduct policy which is unanimously approved by 32 owners in december. we made enormous progress. things we didn't know and things where we were in august are not where we are today. we're in a good place in knowing and learning and being more hum -- having a lot more humility as an organization and as an individual it's been a tough year but year of great progress. and i'm excited about the future. the second and probably important issue for us is that we want to make a difference in this area. not justin ternlly but externally. we've done a great deal to bring more awareness to these issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. we're committed to that. we're working with various organizations -- bring awareness, understand what victims and survivors are going through. one of the most compelling moments i had this entire fall was going to shelters or going to hot line center and being able to speak to the advocates and hear the fear the emotion, the economic consequences. that is compelling and it will make you understand this issue much more deeply. and we as the nfl and this commissioner understands that a lot better today than he did before. and i where we with make a difference in society in general. because this is a problem in the broader society. >> commissioner john suck live from cnn. taking into account what the mexican market means for the league, the largest attendance but it has been since 2005 since there was a game in mexico city and the fans can't understand why. can you explain to them why? >> john we had a tremendous experience in mexico. it was a tremendous success for it. and we want to get back there. we want to play more games there. it is a combination of stadium availabilities making sure we can do it at the standards and the level we expect to do it. when we do it we want to do it well. we've had a tremendous focus in london and we are looking at other markets, including mexico and we hope to be back there soon. >> rachel nichols from cnn. roger, you have faced a lot of problems over the year with a wide range but a lot of the problems is a conflict of interest. when you do something like hire an outside investigator like ted wells into the investigation you are still playing him and robert kraft who owns the patriots is still paying you, so even when you do everything right in one of those investigations it opens you up to a credibility gap with the public and the high-profile players, what steps can you take to mitigate those conflict of interest issues? >> well rachel i don't agree with you and the assumptions you make in your question. i think we've had people with uncompromising integrity. robbet mueller, i think you asked me that last fall about a conflict of interest. their integrity is impeccable. tedwells' integrity is impeccable. their conclusions are drawn only by the evidence and only by the attempt to try and identify that truth. so i think we have done an excellent job of bringing outside consultants in. somebody has to pay them rachel, so unless you are volunteer volunteering, which i don't think you are, we will do that. but we have the responsibility to protect the integrity of the league, whether we have an owner or a commissioner being investigated, they are done at the highest level of integrity and quality. >> roger, good morning. roger mott nbc news a lot of players have been vocal about criticizing you and your leadership. a two-part question. one, how would you describe your relationship with the league's player and what plans do you have in mind to try to improve that relationship going forward? >> well ron, obviously there is close to 3000 players in any given time in the nfl. i communicate with our players on a regular basis. in almost every case privately. i seek their input, particularly when we are making decisions that affect players which are most decisions. we spend an awful lot of time talking with former players in our personal conduct policy. we reach out to the players association for their perspective. so we will not agree on every matter. we understand that. but no one has more respect for the players and what they do in our communities, what they do on the field, their importance to the nfl going forward and i've had the great privilege of working with them closely for now some 30-odd years and that is a privilege for me. their well-being and for theure theure -- future are important me me. we work on player safety and making it safe for them. and we do everything that while they are here and when they transition out of football we are helping them be successful. i will continue to reach out for them and continue to have the input they are willing to give me. and we will work with the players association. but when we disagree on matters, such as the personal conduct policy, we won't compromise the nfl. we agreed we need to raise standards in the nfl. that is what the openers said. we have to agree we are not competely reliant on -- completely reliant on law enforcement. our owner as agree with that. we don't want to wait until law enforcement concludes investigation that takes months. we have to take action. we have a grievance on that. and so we will continue to work with them and continue to try to find ways to strengthen that policy and to address any issues they raise. >> john jason, dallas sports source. >> yes jason. >> in respect to technology and digital media, has there been greater discussion about using both better to better persuade more kids and parents about getting involved with football rather than being diswaded by it? >> absolutely jason. we've spent a great deal of time as you know with usa football. we help with the players' association to create that. to help us promote the game of football on all levels. and they've done an extraordinary job. we created a heads-up football program just two or three years old now in which the adoption rate on the youth level and now the high school level is extraordinary. it is teaching coaches how to teach safe techniques and teaching kids how to play the game safely and that is good for the long-term future of the game and we'll continue to invest in it as we've done. we've committed $45 million to youth football through our nfl foundation and to promote the game and to promote it being played safely. somebody who played football through youth high school i think the values the character that comes from playing a team sport like football is extraordinary and i want kids to have the same opportunity. >> nfl commissioner roger goodell. the state of the nfl is not good. the state of the nfl is good. $9 billion in revenue last year. some of the issues being addressed. we'll go to terry o'neill and drew mcgary from dead spin. terry, one of the issues brought up toward the end of the q&a was the issue of domestic. how well did he aggress that? >> he failed utterly. look he has consistently -- roger goodell was consistently refused to admit the nfl's entire business model is built on a culture of violence combined with disrespect for women. look at the way they treat cheerleaders and the fact there aren't any women coaches in major position of authority within the nfl. you put those two things together, violence with disrespect for women, you will have a domestic violence problem. zero -- zero acknowledgment that is a problem. and he said it is a problem out in society. he wants us to believe that the nfl doesn't have a problem with violence against women but we know better. he's really not fooling anybody. >> does the problem you just described of the nfl and the players and the perception that all women have when they put the two together and as you said terry and drew when we look at this, in terms of growing from $9 billion to 25 billion in revenue which is what he would like to do and the opportunity here is with women and how well did he address this time around and what is that stake? the difference of $16 billion, is it a really with the female fan base here? >> i don't know that that is going to be the sole reason they want to grow their -- that they can grow their profits. they just want to grow to make more money so they can own more stuff and skew your town out of more stadium money. i think, in general i was disappointed by the press conference. he didn't have any plan at all to work on immigration or to fix the national debt, which extremely disappointed me. >> you wanted that didn't you? >> he carries himself like a head of state. they may have well had bunting up there and heads of state clapping. >> and you want to respond to that? terry? >> terry o'neal we may have lost terry. but back to you, drew -- >> she was scourging, she couldn't respond. >> you are a scourging individual. and deflate-gate. and as we reach a new generation of players, parents are saying i'm not so sure. and he did address that. >> i think what goodell does when he addresses people he says we are handling it. you should believe me. i have integrity and our people have integrity and that is it. you sort of how he was caddy with rachel nichols when she was talking about conflict of issue with the nichol report and he said we have integrity and laughed it off. >> thank you. appreciate you stopping by today as we cover the commissioner's nfl state of the union pressing there. rf daily. "the reid report" is up next. welcome to "the reid report" and i'm joy reid. we've been listening to roger goodell press conference and we've been listening to him talk about deflate-gate. let's listen to him talk. >> we are focusing principally on two questions. why were some footballs used in the game that were not in compliance with the rules. and was t


Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation With Al Sharpton 20160117

certified that iran met all its commitments under the landmark nuclear deal. iran's president this morning hailed the deal as a "golden page in iran's history." secretary of state john kerry in vienna yesterday evening announced the details of the deal and the release of the american prisoners. >> i'm very happy to say that, as we speak, we received confirmation that five americans who had been unjustly detained in iran have been released from custody and should be on their way home to their familyies before long. after more than two and a half years of intense multilateral negotiations, the international atomic energy agency has now verified that iran honored its commitments to alter and dismantle much of its nuclear program in compliance with the agreement that we reached last full. today we can confidently say each of the pathways iran had for enough for a nuclear weapon has been verifiably closed down. >> nbc's ali arussi is in the capital of it he ran. ali, tell us more about the status of the freed americans. >> well, al, we're hearing a lot of mixed reports this morning. reports from iranian state media they were still detained here. we weren't sure until a few minutes ago that we heard from the state department that all five have been released. we don't have a lot of details about when they were released, on what carrier they left iran or where they're heading but we do have confirmation they were released. this came as a big surprise here. we knew the nuclear deal was being sealed, the implementation was happening yesterday. the four iran-american citizens came as a big surprise. it shows how much negotiation and back channeling has been going on between the united states and america through the course of this nuclear deal and obviously thousand built up a lot of momentum at the end of this. president obama got a lot of criticism for not including these four americans in the nuclear deal, but it is now evident that there was a lot of work going on behind the scenes to free these guys, and obviously we saw the fruits of all of those negotiations this morning and yesterday, as these four or five people have been released back to their families. now obviously we don't know any of the details of how exactly they've been released or what negotiations went into this, or what state they're in, physical state, mental state, but i'm sure a lot of that will come out over the course of the next few days, as they're debriefed. >> we're being told in some reports that the release was coincidental to the report from the international atomic energy. what has been the reaction there to the lifting of sanctions? >> people are very excited here about the sanctions being lifted. we've been anticipating this for a long time, over the last many years, but especially over the last three or four years, economic sanctions have really hit this country very hard and it's been very difficult for iranians to maintain a normal lifestyle, to transfer money to bank accounts, their purchasing power has been dramatically weakened. they're hoping now this will turn everything around. they're hoping there will be more goods on the shelves in the stock markets here. iranians will have more money in their pocket to purchase more things, and very importantly, also for iranians, they want to join the international community and come in from the cold. regular iranians are tired of being seen as a pariah in the global community and they're desperate to change that image. al? >> you mentioned president obama had been criticized about not including the four americans, which clearly seems to now have not been the case, but there, has there been political opposition there to the release of the hostages of the americans? has there been any noticeable or visible opposition to what has transpired there? >> it's a very good question. usually there would be, but we haven't seen any of people here saying they shouldn't have been released. there say hard line element in iran i'm sure wouldn't want them to release but they didn't vocalize it because it shows how important this deal was for the iranian establishment, to get it pushed forward and having in endanger the deal. if these guys were kept here or if there was a big noise made about not releasing them, that could have hurt the deal. that could have put more criticism on iran, but the establishment was very careful not to do that. i think the clearest thing was that they were kept here for so long shows that, you know, how much animosity there is between the two countries but it also shows a warming of relations between the two countries that we didn't hear a lot of criticism about their release, that they were sent out of the country without a lot of fuss, that they weren't put on state television to make some sort of statement. they were let go with very littlefamilies. >> nbc's ali arouzi, thank you for joining us this morning. let's bring in foreign correspondent eamon mohyeldin. this morning israel expressed criticism on the deal. could it derail it? >> unlikely diplomatically. the deal has already been concluded, it's well under way. iran is in compliance according to the international atomic energy agency. the sanctions have been lifted. in terms of diplomatic momentum there's nothing israel can do diplomatically now. it already tried to make its case. the prime minister came to the u.s. and tried to lobby congress and tried to lobby international capitals in the u.n. all of that failed, even costing to a big deal a strain in u.s./israeli relationship. what israel can do and what the prime minister said today is that they will prevent iran from having a nuclear weapon if the iranians do at some point violate that agreement. how? probably as we've seen in the past, israel trying to use any covert capabilities to sabotage iran's nuclear program, if in fact iran tries to resume it. at this stage there's little israel can do but follow the rest of the international community. >> how do we know if they violate the agreement? >> i think there are a lot of mechanisms that have been put in place. as we heard from secretary of statejohn kerry and the international atomic energy agency which is going to be monitoring iran's nuclear program they have observers on the ground and know a lot of material iran had to build a nuclear weapon has been shipped outside of the country so their resources are much more limited but they also have the technical capabilities to observe and monitor what iran is doing. as the expression goes, mistrust but verify. that is the m.o., so to speak going forward. there may be a little bit of distrust but the international atomic energy agency will have the resources on the ground to monitor and observe any operations that iran has regarding a nuclear program. >> what will robert levinson who is still as far as we know missing somewhere in iran? >> there's a lot of unconfirmed reports that he is still in iran. obviously the family of robert levinson believe's they iran, where he was last seen in 2007, having a meeting there, this was an individual who at one point was a contractor, was an fbi employee, a contractor believed to be working for the cia. in 2007 disappeared while on iranian soil. as a result of that, his family believes he's inside iran. the iranian government has not conthird, has not provided any details about his whereabouts, certainly something of this magnitude would have been involved in these negotiations. u.s. officials have also been kind of quiet about this. they're not confirming or denying whether he was part of any negotiations, but it seems as a result of the fact that we've seen these four americans released and him, no information about his whereabouts, it does not look like it was part of this deal. perhaps given his background, it may be much more complex set of negotiations than what we see now. >> eamon mohyeldin, thank you very much for joining me this morning. nbc's ron allen joins me from the white house for reaction there. ron, what can we expect from hear from president owe obama on the developments out of iran? >> good morning, reverend al. soon i think is the answer to that, sometime later this morning i would expect the president will make some kind of a statement. we thought this might happen last night but apparently there was last-minute logistic snags to work out with this prisoner exchange, and we think the president did not come out to say anything until the americans were safely out of iranian air space and perhaps on the ground in europe or wherever their destination is. but once that happens, later this morning we expect to hear from the president. senior administration officials who have been talking about this on background and in briefings are heralding this as an example of what diplomacy can accomplish. that's what we think we'll hear from the president. you know there's been a lot of criticism of the iranian deal, and also a lot of criticism of the prisoner swap saying the americans gave up too much, but the president i think is going to say essentially that this is an historic occasion, that it helps the world prevent another war, and that bringing the prisoners home was the right thing to do, once it became clear that that would happen. the seven iranians we understand and four americans and the fifth american we believe have left the country, those who wanted to leave the country, it's unclear whether they all in fact all the americans did leave iran. hope to get more details on that. the boot tom line we hope to hear from president obama very soon and i'm sure he will be very, very pleased at what's happening and give assurances to the world that iran cannot get a nuclear weapon and that he's going to be very ecstatic that in addition to all that, these five americans have come home. reverend al? >> nbc's ron allen, thank you. coming up, how dramatic developments out of iran could affect the democratic debate scheduled for tonight. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... 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>> reporter: well, the deal was announced here. it was about two and a half years in the making. there were two tracks one was a secret track that ultimate ly ae youed in the rereese of americans held in iran and seven iranians who were held in the united states, their lawyers confirmed they have released. the main track was of course the nuclear deal itself. and secretary kerry was here yesterday. he signed orders eliminating many of the sanctions that were put in place, sanctions that had been crippling the iranian economy. now to thank those sanctions imposed by the u.s. and many european countries have been lifted, it is possible for iran to come in from the cold. iran can now reengage in international banking. people in iran can move money in and out of the country, they can eventually do basic things like use credit cards which had been very difficult to do in iran, you can imagine what a complication that would be if you're trying to operate a small or large business. they can trade oil internationally, openly, legally, instead of having to resort to smuggling which iran has been doing for the last several years but there's not an efficient way of doing business, and tens of billions of dollars will be unfrozen. it's unclear exactly when that money will begin to flow to iran, but all totaled, it opens up an economy of 80 billion people and reconnects it to the world. >> now, has it been established that the lifting of sanctions had any direct correlation with the release of the prisoners because there's conflicting reports, some say it's a coincidence, some were saying that it was definitely worked out to have been arranged that way? have you gotten any confirmation either way, richard? >> its ea matter of interpretation. the negotiations over the nuclear deal were ongoing. they've been going on for two and a half years and because of the relationships that were forged there, because there was direct interaction between american diplomats and iranian diplomats, the second path of negotiation was launched. so the two paths are certainly related, and it is no coincidence it seems that iran wanted to "clear the decks" according to one official, yesterday by releasing the prisoners on the same day that the sanctions were lifted. but there has been no suggestion that it was a swap, that the prisoners were released in exchange for lifting the sanctions, but yes, there was, it does seem that there was an effort to settle all of the old books and clear the decks in one foul swoop. >> richardening until vienna, thank you for joining us this morning. the dramatic developments out of iran coincide with the big political weekend here in the u.s. ending this weekend and this evening what nbc news/youtube democratic debate in south carolina. nbc's kristen welker joins me from the scene of the debate in charleston. kristen, you've been following the candidates all weekend. how are they gearing up for tonight? considering it's the last debate before the iowa caucuses and the new hampshire primary. >> well, there is a lot of preparation going on behind the scenes. it's just 15 days before the all-important iowa caucuses and the democratic and republican races too close to call in the hawkeye state so tonight's debate will be pivotal. with just hours before the democrats duke it out tonight in charleston, the candidates courted voters at the a dinner here saturday night. >> we must stand up for working people and low income people in every state in this country. >> reporter: and they took aim at republicans, secretary clinton excoriating some of the language used when talking about president obama. >> both ted cruz and chris christie called him a "child" the other night. too often we hear republicans talking in coded racial language. >> reporter: meanwhile, sanders announced he supports a bill that would amend a 2005 piece of legislation which limits liability on gun manufacturers. the move is a reversal for sappeders and it comes after days of attacks by clinton who used used the issue to paint sanders as soft on guns. he tried assure the crowd he's not. >> we have got to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them. >> reporter: clinton signaled she would go even further. >> we need a president who will do everything in her power to protect president obama's actions on gun violence. >> reporter: meanwhile the race on the republican side has donald trump and ted cruz running neck and neck in iowa. trump continuing to slam cruz for failing to report loans while he was running for senate. on saturday, trump's jabs drew jeers. >> excuse me, didn't report his bank loans? say whatever you want, he didn't report bank loans. >> reporter: cruz seized the chance to needle his rival, after getting stuck for a few minutes in an elevator. >> all right so who put donald trump in charge of the elevators? >> nbc -- >> reporter: yesterday a top clinton surrogate called on bernie sanders to release his medical records. the clinton campaign quickly distanced it self from that can request. still a sanders aide tells me they have raised more than $3 million since last tuesday and in the wake of clinton's stepped up attacks against sanders. reverend al, it's all an indication of the fireworks we are likely to see here later tonight. back to you. >> nbc's kristen welker, thank you. and remember, the democratic candidates debate airs tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern on nbc. next, what the lifted sanctions mean for the people of iran. ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. spending the day with my niece. that make me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. 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ask your rheumatologist about humira. humira. this is my body of proof! it's the dawn of a new era for iran, after international sanctions have been lifted. the focus is now on the future there. for the u.s., the focus is on whether it changes long-term american relations with tehran. join me is kyle perry, msnbc senior editor for video and digital content. he's covered iran extensively for "voice of america." first let me ask you, what does this mean for people in iran especially the youth? >> this is a new era, that's exactly what president rouhani just called it on eeye rainian e television. he's he given a national address and a press conference. he said this is going to change the way that we do business around the world and it should unlock a massive amount of assets. we're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars and also talking about a country, you are looking at video of president rouhani giving that address. you're talking about a country that hasn't had an upgrade of its aviation system in a decade. old planes he mentioned that, we'll have new planes, air travel will be safe again so it's going to be a sea change for the next generation of iranians who have been living under as they would put it oppressive sanctions. >> how much would this change be ongoing turmoil in the middle east particularly in syria? >> that's going to be another huge question, not only syria but yemen as well. the iranians have been pitted against saudi arabia in countries around the region. that's something the u.s. has to reassess going through the process. they've been on the ground in syria for years. hezbollah and lebanese hezbollah has been engaged there and something the people who oppose this deal have been pointing to saying there's hundreds of billions of dollars that will flow to the groups labeled terrorist groups by the united states government. >> what about tehran's relationship with the west? are we going to see dramatic change aside from economic relations? >> this happened really fast. this whole thing has happened very quickly. the iran negotiations themselves took 14 months but the release of these four americans, this speech by rouhani today happened very quickly. i think so. i think we'll start seeing things like direct flights between new york and tehran. it will take a year or two. look at how cuba is opening up quickl ly quickly, the telecom companies are there. there are companies standing by waiting to get into iran for years, they'll be jumping on this. >> kyle perry, thank you for joining me this morning. >> thank you, sir. coming up, you'll hear what the candidates for president from both parties are saying about the lifting of sanctions. ♪ why blend in with the crowd? 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>> reporter: hey, reverend al. these have been some tense hours. we may now be learning why there may have been a delay, a white house official making clear that one of the prisoners did not leave iran. another senior administration official saying those who wish to depart iran have left. now, they have been, we understand, taken to switzerland. we expect them to now then be brought to this u.s. medical facility in germany, and they must be breathing a sigh of relief. free from an iranian prison, five americans, their release a hard-won break-through on a momentous weekend. former marina myrrh hekmati, iraq war veteran, held for four long years by iran. his family posted thanks on facebook. saeed abedini, jailed over three years. his wife got the news. >> surreal, unbelievable. i woke up my kids around 7:30 and told them that daddy's coming home and he's out of the prison and they were just so shocked but they were jumping up and down and excited. >> reporter: jason rezaian "the washington post" tehran based correspondent held for over a year and a half, often in solitary confinement. >> spectacular news, can't wait to see him. >> matt trevitthick held for 40 days was first to be released. >> we're excited and happy to hear matt's voice today, thrilled he's out of iran and looking forward to seeing him. >> reporter: in exchange the u.s. agreed to send home seven iranians charged with alleged crimes in america, the attorney for one of the accused thanking the white house. >> thankful to the president, he's thankful for all the people here locally, and internationally to help bring this about, and he's just ready to go on with his life. >> reporter: their release announced hours ahead of the historic and controversial nuclear agreement, years in the making, iran promised to end its nuclear weapons program. the u.s. and europe unfreezing around $100 billion in iranian assets. >> the two tracts of negotiations were not directly related. >> reporter: the relationship forged during the nuclear talks secretary kerry said opening a path to freedom for the american prisoners. there is another side to this story, bob levinson, american who disappeared in iran in 2007 has not been released. the iranians saying they don't know where he is. his family saying we are happy for the other families, but once again, bob levinson has been left behind. we are devastated. reverend, we understand his release was part of the negotiations and that makes it all the more poignant for the family that he has not, he is not heading home today. >> nbc's keir simmons, thank you. as democratic candidates gear up for their debate tonight, they are also weighing in on the developments out of iran. hillary clinton issued a statement praising the swap, but also saying "iran is still violating u.n. security council resolutions with its ballistic missile program, which should be met with new sanctions, designations, and firm resolve, as president my approach will be to distrust and verify." ja james peterson, and lynn sweet, the washington bureau chief for "the chicago sun-times." robert traham, msnbc contributor and former bush/cheney senior adviser. thank you for being here. >> thanks, rev. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> let me start with hillary clinton's statement calling for more sanctions on iran. dr. peterson, is she going hawkish? what is -- how do you read this? >> i think honestly secretary clinton has always been a little more hawkish, even within the obama administration. i think she shows signs of that and certainly her position with iran is consistent with the positions that she's taken as secretary of state. i don't know if she's going more wa hawkish or is more hawkish. >> lynn, how do you read this? is she trying to distinguish herself from the president here? >> yes. there's a few things going on, on this, and it is a very delicate needle to thread, because she was part of the obama administration clearly when all these negotiations were going on, and now she is stepping away from it, but this also appeals to a certain constituency within the democratic party, that did break with president obama on this issue of sanctions, and she has always been more hawkish bringing up the notion, though, that there should be another set of sanctions over and above what is done. it's something i hope they explore in the debate tonight because it's into the clear how you could do that in congress without undoing the very delicately negotiated balanced meaning between the parties deal that's on the table now. so it's one thing to say it. we need a little more information how she could do it, but in the meantime, it will be a point of separation between her, i believe, and senator sanders. >> so robert, how will that work in terms of republicans and trying to deal with this delicate bipartisan negotiation that lynn is referring to, and is mrs. clinton in your judgment playing to the general election in terms of a more hawkish stand, which might appeal to independent voters? >> i agree with lynn 100%. this is a tough needle to thread for two reasons. one, she was a part of the negotiations when she was secretary of state but the reality is she's running for president. you mentioned a few moments ago the independent voter out there. i think secretary clinton is trying to play to the jewish voters in the state i'm in, florida. remember, iran is on record at least the leadership of iran is on record saying three things. one, the holocaust never happened. two, we're going to wipe israel off the face of the earth and they also called jewish individuals pigs. and so there are what i think secretary clinton is trying to do is trying to have her cake and eat it, too, hugging the president saying this is a good deal obviously getting the americans back, saying wait a minute here, we can't let iran off the hook here. these are still individuals out there that probably want to do harm to us and just as importantly want to do harm to israel. by playing that to that she's stalking hawkish credentials to jewish-americans. >> within the jewish-american community the view is not monolithic. there's a big divide. i'm not disagreeing. i agree in part and disagree in part. >> let me ask you, lynn, on robert's point, let me raise another question aside from the hawkish or who she may be playing to. is this an advantage to her being that she was secretary of state, and now it raises whether sanders really understands international and deals with foreign policy level questions, as impressively as secretary clinton may? >> well, good point, and i think that he is, it is hard for anyone to be more fluent in the language of democracy and diplomacy than an international affairs, and somebody who has lived the life of a secretary of state, no matter what administration, and i think that is the point that secretary clinton will build on to show two things, commander in chief credentials, and just that, while bernie sanders' big bedrock issues are domestic politics, not international affairs. >> so james, martin luther king weekend, holiday tomorrow, does sanders say well in the spirit of king, with he need to have world peace and try to in many ways, in largeesse to a bigger picture or does he fall for mrs. clinton's showing like i am the grownup here in terms of dealing with foreign policy and she can obviously go into the weeds on what this deal means or doesn't mean? >> she absolutely can. i think secretary clinton logged more hours as secretary of state than any one in previous memory. she has the experience. i think that senator sanders especially in the debate's gaeg to ha going to have to gesture toward iran. it's all over the news and will be brought up at the debate. i think he'll quickly revert to his domestic agenda next week. he hases a lot of ground to pick up the black vote in certain places. . is a week i think he'll try to strategically -- and the debates in charleston. >> we have a lot more ahead, stay with me. the democratic candidates debate airs tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern on nbc. in just a moment, what republicans like and dislike about the prisoner exchange with iran. ed. when a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. faced with horses that needed feeding and a texas drought that sent hay prices soaring, the owners had to act fast. thankfully, mary miller banks with chase for business. and with greater financial clarity and a relationship built for the unexpected, she could control her cash flow, and keep the ranch running. chase for business. so you can own it. chase[ sneezing ]s. a cold can make you miserable. luckily, alka seltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels. rush liquid fast relief to your tough cold symptoms. fast, powerful liquid gels from alka seltzer plus after a dvt blood clot.mind when i got out of the hospital what about my family? 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children: flo! ♪ action flo cut! can i get a smoothie, please? ooh! they got smoothies? for me. we're back with continuing coverage of the developments out of iran. here is reaction from republican candidates on what they think the prisoner swap will mean for u.s./iran relations. >> the bigger issue is we've legitimized a regime who shows no interest in moving towards the so-called community of nations. they seem to have an interest to do the exact opposite. >> we don't know the details of the deal that is bringing them home and it may well be there are some very problematic aspects to this deal. >> you know why they were being captured and held hostage in the first place? because they know that if you take an american hostage, barack obama will cut a deal with you. and it's created an enormous incentive for people in countries and movements around the world to do this against us. >> now i have to see what the deal is for the four people. because somebody said we're getting, they're getting seven people back. so essentially they get 150 billion plus 7 and we get four. meh, doesn't sound too good. doesn't sound too good with you we have to say. i just heard about this an hour ago and i'm happy they're coming back but i will tell you it's a disgrace they've been there for so long. >> i want to welcome back james peterson, lynn sweet and robert traynham. thank you. let me ask you, robbert, trump, the others criticized the deal yet trump is and other statements taking credit for it. what's going on here? >> i don't know. specifically what donald trump, he's such an enigma that to try figure him out is just a waste of everyone's time. i do think the republicans do have at least on my side of the aisle running for president they do have legitimate concerns action like deja vu all over again when it came to the iran hostage situation in 1979. this regime cannot be trusted, simply because they continue to break their word over and over and over again. so we reserve the right as americans to be able to question this deal. now having said that, having the hostages freed is a wonderful, wonderful thing, and it's a good thing obviously for their families, but now the devil is in the details and hopefully we'll soon find out what those details really are. >> lynn, could this possibly help more moderate candidate like jeb bush? >> i don't think this could help jeb bush. i don't know what could, for example, but i don't think this one will. we have to know the details. it's interesting that these, that republicans in general many of them xlap thcomplain when th nuclear deal was negotiated it wasn't directly linked to the release of the hostages. one other thing that needs to be brought up, when you talk about trump, of all the things that are in his wheelhouse, he hears the word "deal" so he's lit up, but he was, you know, somber enough to say i have to know the details. but i think it's worthwhile to put out there that the seven, that the obama administration are giving up in exchange, people charged with trade sanctions, they're not terrorists. >> yes. >> they don't have -- >> only trade sanctions. >> trade sanctions, and so everything, you know, sometimes when we talk about politics it's as if everything were the same. >> that's a very good point. >> seven trade sanctions and into the nitty gritty, what were they trading, were they arms? i understand i'm not a student of the history of each one of them. >> and we will be digging into that i'm sure. >> but it sounds -- >> hold on, just to interject just for one second my understanding is, one of those individuals for trade sanctions "grave, grave harm to the american foreign policy system." >> i think that lynn's point is well taken. >> it is, and a little bit of monday quarterbacking without all the information, we should certainly wait and get the details. we don't want to be thinking about things three or four or three for seven the way that mr. trump is going at it. >> it's not a numbers game because the details. >> the details are really, really important and listen all of those candidates are old enough to know what that iran hostage situation was like in the late '70s. they're old enough to know what the iran-contra. >> let me this. is this going to get ugly? >> yes, there's no doubt about it. the end of the day these are the two front-runner here and looks like donald trump will most likely lose iowa because there are a lot of evangelicals are gravitating towards ted cruz. i know you're running out of time, rev, the question can jeb bush hang in there until super tuesday? during super tuesday, if you look at the map it favors governor bush much more than any other candidates. the reality is if donald trump comes in maybe second or first in new hampshire, and whether or not he can do something in south carolina, yes, he's a formidable candidate but if, in fact, he loses south carolina and loses new hampshire from a ground game standpoint, i don't know how he wins mathematically super tuesday. >> lynn acts like there's no hope at all for jeb bush. >> no, i'm not saying no. his lane is very crowded. >> all right. >> i agree. i agree. >> and we have to leave it there, but on sunday morning, a minister always has to say lynn, there's always hope. thank you, james peterson, lynn sweet, and robert traynham. and remember, the democratic candidates debate airs tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern on nbc. in just a moment, we'll ask how can the west be so sure iran will keep the nuclear deal? wat! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at ♪ light piano today i saw a giant. it had no arms, but it welcomed me. 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(train wheels on tracks) it had no mouth, but it spoke to me. it said, "rocky mountaineer: all aboard amazing". >> translator: this will benefit both the people of iran and the u. u.s., to those filed legal problems and exist on the american side, on our side there is no problem regarding investment by the u.s. >> that was iran's president rouhani in a tehran news briefing on how the nuclear agreement can help the economies of both the u.s. and iran. the english translation was provided by the iranian government. opponents of the iran nuclear deal have voiced concern that iran may not continue to comply with the deal's terms. michael kay is a foreign affairs analyst and retired senior british officer. michael, what steps did iran have to take to comply with the terms of the deal? >> i think there are a number of complex steps which very much involved the depletion of uranium stockpiles, the ability for iran to be able to produce uranium in the future, so that meant deplete in the number of centrifuges, the iran hard water capability for plutonium, that has been completely taken offline. there are a number of different steps inside the iran deal in terms of the nuclear component, but i think what we've been seeing is that the secretary of state has, for a while now, said that the deal on the exchange swap with individuals has been separate from the nuclear deal >> right. how will iran's compliance be moppered down the line now? >> it's all down to iaea and it's incumbent on the iaea to ensure that the elements that have been put in place are absolutely adhered to by iran and measures in place to flip and turn and put the sanctions back on again if there is any breach in what's going on there. >> does iran remain a global threat? >> i think what you're seeing here on a more macro scale is a strategic pivot. you've got to look internally into what's going on in saudi arabia and the domestic power struggle that is how occurring after king abdullah died and king solomon is now in place. saudi arabia is becoming more volatile. i think you're seeing from america a strategic pivot from saudi arabia to iran, because iran holds the keys to solving syria, and i think the u.s. has come to terms with that in terms of how we progress for syria is down to negotiations with putin, it's down to negotiations with iran. saudi arabia is really sort of taking a back seat here and i think that's what we're seeing on the macro side. >> foreign affairs analyst michael kay thank you so much. that just about does it for me, but i have to note, tomorrow is martin luther king day, and i want to encourage everyone to honor his legacy by taking king-like actions. i'll join melissa harris perry later this morning to talk about dr. king's legacy. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here next sunday. my colleague richard liu continues her coverage in just a moment. citracal pearls. delicious berries and cream. soft, chewable, calcium plus vitamin d. only from citracal. ...are taking charge of their acrotype 2 diabetes...... ...with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults... ...with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people... ...with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has... ...not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer... multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza®... ...or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching... ...rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including... ...inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away... ... if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away... your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ...ask your doctor about... ...non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in utica, where a new kind of workforce is being trained. and in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today at i have a massive heart attack oright in my driveway.d the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. coming home. good morning to you. i am a richard lui. thanks for getting up with us this sunday morning. the plane with the prisoner swap in iran is headed west from tehran, the first stage in a long awaited journey home. we'll have the latest in a few moments. also this hour, brand new polling numbers from nbc news that contains both good news and bad for hillary clinton in her head-to-head race with bernie sanders in iowa, now only two weeks away. all the details on that in just a few minutes. we begin with the news that "washington post" reporter jason rezaian has left iran, exchanged yesterday in a prisoner swap with iran after 18 months in detention along with three other americans. ne


Transcripts For MSNBCW The Place For Politics 2016 20160501

democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are separated by just four points in the hoosier state within the margin of error. but last night was all about the laughs for a preef moment. president obama taking the opportunity to comment on the 2016 race, of course when he addressed his final white house correspondents dinner as president. >> you all look great. the end of the republic has never looked better. we have the bright new face of the democratic party here tonight, mr. bernie sanders! [ cheers and applause ] >> look like a million bucks. or to put in terms you'll understand, you look like 37,000 donations of $27 each. they say donald lacks the foreign policy experience to be president. but in fairness, he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world, miss sweden, miss argentina, miss -- with that i just have two more words to say. obama out. >> more on that and the mike drop a little later but let's get started in terre haute indiana, we were listening to the president talk about the election and donald trump will be holding a rally later this afternoon, ron. you talk to a lot of different folks from indiana, a lot of potential voters and do you expect there you'll see a big trump win there as our poll is showing right now? >> reporter: these folks are fired up about donald trump here. good morning here in terre haute, beautiful start, take a look down the street. they are almost filled up a city block already, i would say probably a couple hundred people at this point for a 1:00 rally. 1300 officially but the fire marshall has checked out the space and will allow an additional 1200 to go to this rally here at 1:00 i want to tell folks the good news they are expected to hear about the donald trump poll. there's a new poll out, donald trump is at 49% and ted cruz at 34%. [ applause ] >> there you have it. these folks are fired up about donald trump. they like his straight talk and the fact he's mentioned carriers of hv plants where they are closing plants and moving to mexico, 2,000 or so jobs affected. and donald trump has said he wants to impose tariffs on places like mexico to prevent u.s. companies from going to places like mexico and taking u.s. jobs with them. he's expected to have a pretty vocal crowd when he gets here at 1:00. back to you. >> you bring up a very good point here. indiana as you know leading the country in manufacturing, not a fact that a lot of folks know and you really are sort of hinting towards the alphabet soup, those large trade deals being debated right now. is that something that's resonating there, an important manufacturing state like indiana? >> reporter: absolutely. one out of every five jobs or so in this state are manufacturing jobs. we were just up in elcar county, the rv capital of the country, the jobs have rebounded well over the last seven years but they want more jobs to take place in the state, not only in the rv industry, which is very hot right now but also the hvac plan in indianapolis, they want those to remain here. we'll talk to those union folks who have jobs going to be lost here in a few months' time how to bring jobs back here. there is retraining that's going to take place across this state for those jobs being lost but they like the fact that donald trump is saying that he does not want jobs going off to places like mexico and if u.s. companies are going to do that, they are going to pay a penalty to do that. >> ron mott with nbc news, thank you so much. donald trump and ted cruz making their final arguments in indiana as i was mentioning. and john kasich has no public events scheduled though. for more on what to expect we're joined by vonn hill ard. indiana is a winner take all state in the new poll. shows that trump in some cases double d his lead to other and earlier polls. is that consistent with what you're seeing and what you're hearing on the ground there? >> reporter: sure. this is major concern for ted cruz. this is a state they said was a lot like wisconsin where they won big. they are pushed back against the idea new york and pennsylvania and northeastern states were more along the donald trump lines. indiana was supposed to be more fertile grounds. the concern is this alliance, which also in the polling found 58% disapprove of thf john kasich and ted cruz alliance. it plays into and much of what ted cruz has scheduled to push away, donald trump's insistence that ted cruz is rigging the system and trying to steal the pr primary away. ted cruz is out in california along with carly fiorina and both insisted they will be there for the june 7th primary and until a candidate gets to 1237, they are not getting out of this race. donald trump, if he was able to pull off 57 delegates out of here and indiana, he would do just that on tuesday, that's crushing. not only is it indiana, but nebraska and neighboring nebraska suddenly that was also supposed to be fertile ground for ted cruz but look at indiana, you're seeing struling points down the road. >> running out of fertile ground. thanks so much. i'd like to bring in former congresswoman from new york and new york state co-chair for the carly fiorina campaign, nan hayworth. >> nan, your reaction to the nbc news poll, if indiana is that strategic last stand as has been said so often for ted cruz here, this poll does not bode well? >> i think indiana voters i think republicans across the country are starting to think strategically and i think what we're seeing basically is the trump pivot. and i think it's also time for candidate trump to start his pivot towards more of a general election message. because i think it's very clear that he has the passion. his message is resonating with people like the folks in indiana who have lost their jobs. and they also know that look, donald trump is going to be the candidate who will get the job back for them much more say than hillary clinton. >> do you believe these numbers? basically double as i was talking about with ron and vonn compared to earlier polls? >> donald trump makes a plausible argument, when you see things like the pact that should never have been announced between cruz and kasich. >> you think it's working against them. >> you saw it happen in arizona yesterday where trump's folks will probably press a suit against the republican party there. the republican electorate is saying let's get this settled and go with donald trump and we'll get moving on the general. >> betsy, i want your thought on this but first i'll play what president obama said at the correspondents dinner. >> gop chairman, reince priebus is here as well. [ applause ] >> glad to see that you feel that you've earned a night off. congratulations on all of your success. the republican party and nomination process, it's all going great. keep it up. >> look at the confusion over the invitations to tonight's dinner. guests were asked to check whether they wanted steak or fish, instead, a whole bunch of you wrote in paul ryan. that's not an option, people. steak or fish. >> you may not like steak or fish, but that's your choice. >> steak or fish, betsy. what can reince priebus do about this binary choice many don't want. >> he has to sit back and keep his hands clean. it was interesting how cha grinned he looked as the president was making that joke. the reality is there's any perception that the chairman has his thumb on the scale and trying to help one candidate or hurt another candidate, it would do so much more to accelerate the damage that this election has done to the republican party. i mean the reality is having a republican party in the way we know it thus far after the primary season is done is not a foregone conclusion. >> is there any entry point for reince priebus in after we look at indiana and see california and the gnonomination? >> i think the most important thing for reince is defending the process and explaining to voters who don't understand about contested conventions and trying to explain to them this process is legitimate. it's been in place for a long time. that reflects to an extend democratic values and that's a hard job. >> nan, as we do pivot towards california and indiana tuesday specifically but looking forward to june 7 here. carly fiorina, again you were ahead of her state -- state chair, right? >> yeah. >> big fan as well. what does he get from having carly fee over-rena on board. is it the opportunity to get women voters in california high tech spaces that not necessarily the gop has done terribly well in past elections? >> well, i think carly clearly has many inherent strengths but i don't think in terms of a republican primary, i think republican primary voters are looking at the top of the ticket. what we're seeing across the country, the sentiment is changing. you can see the so-called republican establishment starting to warm to the idea of donald trump as our nominee. it's time now. i think one of the things reince priebus can do that's most crucial is to assist in that pivot towards a general election persona, in which he will -- because he's a very talented media personality. he's figure out how to address the women election voter. hurt or help, carly fiorina. >> it certainly helps, it's good to have somebody more moderate on the ticket. and of course he needs any additional boost or media attention he can get. carly does that for him. may not be enough but definitely helpful. thank you so much. appreciate both of you being here. >> next we'll turn to the democrats with hillary clinton and bernie sanders campaigning in indiana today. it's a tight race for the democrats there according to our number nbc news/wall street journal marist poll. you saw president obama offer his own thoughts on who he thinks will be our next president. >> next year this time, someone else will be standing here in this very spot and it's anyone's guess who she will be but -- (vo) on the trane test range, you learn what makes our heating and cooling systems so reliable. if there's a breaking point, we'll find it. it's hard to stop a trane. really hard. trane. the most reliable for a reason. i'vand i'm doing just fine. allergies. claritin provides 24-hour relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 allergens. yeah, over 200 allergens! with claritin my allergies don't come between me and victory. live claritin clear. to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain... shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you shoshow me more like this.e. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. hillary clinton will be holding a get out the vote event today. bernie sanders is starting the day in washington, d.c. following last night's white house correspondents' dinner. before holding a rally in south bend, indiana this evening. kelly o'donnell joins us from washington, d.c. with the latest from the democrats ahead of the primary after a busy evening yesterday. >> it was one of the big nights of the year in washington and i happen to bump into senator bernie sanders and his wife jane and top aide at the dinner. they were guests of the cbs crew last night and it is one of those rare occasions where a candidate attends a big washington function. in part he was able to use that as a way to be kind of getting the shoutout from president obama and getting the media attention. today he can address reporters before heading back on the campaign trail. and hillary clinton was not in attendance although a number of her top aides were. we're at a moment in the campaign on the democratic side where there was a little bit of a pause. we have a big contest coming up in indiana on tuesday. but hillary clinton will do some fund raising today. and she added that indiana event because there is some sign that you've got to keep working at it and the race is close in the democratic primary in indiana. for hillary clinton, she is in some ways looking forward. she will also make stops in west virginia and kentucky. on primary night, bernie sanders too will give a nod to the next contest coming and spend that evening in kentucky. so at this point what we know is that the math is very difficult for bernie sanders but he continues to campaign wanting to keep his supporters energized and to give any voters who are still in the process on the democratic side a chance to have both candidates to consider. hillary clinton is beginning to make that pivot to the general election, kind of taking a longer view towards november and still trying to win along some of the bernie supporters who might be open to voting for her if in fact she does get the nomination. >> thank you very much. kelly o'donnell there in washington, d.c. thank you. we'd like to bring our panel, bernard whitman and betsy woodruff, thank you for sticking around. why does make sense for bernie sanders not to be in indiana? >> i think it shows that the race there is starting to slip away from him and ultimately the nomination is not going to be possible for bernie sanders. i think if he really had a serious opportunity to win indiana he would be double and tripling down. he recognizes his time on the national stage is about to shift. it's going to have to go into energizing his base of supporters to rejoin the democratic party and support hillary clinton. he did the right thing by showing up. got a good natured laugh but this race is all but over except the fat lady. >> let's talk about the latest nbc news/wall street journal/marist pom showing in indiana hillary clinton is 50%. what do you take from these numbers. >> i think the race in indiana is going to be close. i think hillary will win by five or six or serve or eight points. the largest one is california, she is winning about 58 to 42 in california. it's going to take california to put her over the top. this race is really all but done. i think you can see hillary clinton recognizing that, taking advantage of the opportunity to welcome the support of bernie sanders voter s theel have to earn that support but train her sights more and more on donald trump and the incredible contrast between someone pro woman, pro family, pro economy and someone who wants to build walls and separate and divide people as donald trump is likely to do. >> beltcy, we want your reaction not only to the poll but also to what president obama said last night. when he turned his aim towards fellow democrats at the dinner. take a listen to this. >> i've said how much i admire hillary's toughness and smarts and policy chops and experience. you've got to admit it though, hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for facebook. dear america, did you get my poke? is it appearing on your wall? i'm note sure i'm using this right. love aunt hillary. [ applause ] >> everybody was fair game last night, betsy. but how does this make sense for him to poke a little fun at what's called aunt hillary, that perception? >> i think in a way is it can kind of edge of that hillary has a major problem reaching out to young voters. the fact that the president can joke about it, it will be easier for her to joke about it, she's not quite as hip as obama was in 2008. a joke he made that might hurt her more, to paraphrase, bernie sanders motto is feel the bern and hillary's is truj up the hill. i've covered bernie sanders a decent amount on the trail talking to supporters and folks at rallies and they seem quite unenthused about clinton being the nominee. >> as she trucks forward towards the nomination, florida, new hampshire, and colorado and when we look at this, bernard, she's moving ahead and those key infrastructures that need to be deployed throughout swing states as well as other states across the union as we look towards the general, is she far ahead? is that what it shows snu. >> i think it absolutely does. the real challenge will be trying to run a campaign against donald trump. proven to be the most unpredictable candidate. so she has got to establish a ground game, get the infrastructure in place and be able to prepare a game play book that's going to have to be able to ripped up and thrown away and innovate as donald trump comes out with whatever insults and whatever sort of unconditional, unprincipled policy he has. >> atypical shall we say. betsy, when we put together the theoretical head to head, clinton is leading trump 3 and 11 percentage points in recent polls that we're looking at. still seems to be pretty real to you? >> look, anything is possible. the realcy is that people who have tried to game out how these elections and contests are going to play based on polling months before the contests happen are often wrong. the conventional wisdom that clinton would have little trouble dispatch gs trump, to an extent that holds up. you have to win states with large hispanic populations if you want to be president and trump has spent the last year alienating hispanic voters. that said, looking back at this primary season, people who bet against trump get disappointed. >> don't forget california, my friend, we're talking about latino-american voters. >> exactly right. it's weird. >> betsy, thank i so much. bernard whitman, thank you as well. >> we'll have much nor in a little bit including a focus on california. the final state to hold a primary this year, but first much more on this weekend's big event in d.c. president obama's final white house correspondents dinner as commander in chief. >> eight years ago i said it was time to change the tone of our politics. in hindsight i clearly should have been more specific. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ unless you have allergies. flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. go ahead, embrace those beautiful moments. flonase changes everything. i need to ask you a favor. not really a favor, just like (gibberish). todd makes more than i do and hes only worked here for 2 years. you know i'm also a really great, leader. really have things... 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that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? president obama was farely bipartisan, mocking everyone from the press, himself and democrats and republicans and of course donald trump. ron, he kind of covered everything. >> reporter: he's got great writers and had a lot of material and a lot of material left over he could have gone on and on. it was hilarious performance and very well received for the most part in those skewered. some media colleagues were attacked. the only presidential candidate in the room was bernie sanders, hillary clinton wasn't there and donald trump wasn't there. ted cruz wasn't there. john kasich wasn't there either. of course that was what everyone was waiting for to hear what the president was going to say about donald trump and ted cruz and didn't disappoint. here's what the president had to say about 2016, some of his greatest hits. >> some candidates aren't polling high enough to qualify for their own joke tonight. ted had a tough week. he went to indiana. hoosier country, stood on a basketball court and called the hoop a basketball ring. you know i've got to talk about trump. although i am hurt he's not here tonight. we had so much fun the last time. and it is surprising, you've got a roomful of reporters and celebrities and cameras and he says no. is this dinner too tacky for the donald? what could he possibly be doing instead? is he at home eating a trump steak? >> like i said there was that and much, much more. quite an evening, star-studded evening. the vice president was there and secretary kerrie was there and tony romo and tehelen mir in. it doesn't take itself too seriously and the president as they say probably had the last laugh. >> you look fresh as a daisy, not sure how long you stayed out. when we were covering the white house correspondent's dinner when he was finished and dropped the mike, it was like aretha franklin said, that bittersweet moment of this historic presidency. >> he said obama out and dropped the mike and walked off the stage. it was a moment. it was jarring and it was -- it sort of drove home the fact that this isn't that -- his last hoorah here and there have been a lot of things going on this year that his last trip here and last trip there and that will build up as the year continues. the final seven months or so he has left. this tradition, the correspondents dinner and president has been there, been a good sport for the eight years he's done it now. it's well received. there are some serious moments of course, a number of our colleagues were honored, jason rezaian, who was in captivity in iran and received a warm welcome. that was very moving to be a part of that as well given what he had gone through. this was about political satire and -- felt sorry for larry wilmore had to follow the president. the president is a tough act to follow. and larry wilmore he tried and it was -- there was mixed reviews but he was pretty funny. gave it a good shot. and yeah, quite a good time was had by all. >> as has been said the president has jokes, definitely does. >> got jokes. >> will the kasich/cruz alliance help trump in indiana? mary buys a little lamb. one of millions of orders on this company's servers. accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. but with cyber threats on the rise, mary's data could be under attack. with the help of the at&t network, a network that senses and mitigates cyber threats, their critical data is safer than ever. giving them the agility to be open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t. if you've gone to extremes to escapetry clarispray.ergies. new, from the makers of claritin. with the #1 prescribed ingredient. and nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. return to the world with clarispray. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. today is shaping up to be a busy day on the campaign trail in indiana. they are all chris crossing the state with multiple events planned. our new nbc news/wall street journal/marist poll finds trump has opened a 15-point lead over ted cruz. that's a bad sign for that so-called never trump movement which has pencilled in tuesday's vote as essential to stopping their presidential front-runner and that short lived alliance between cruz and kasich is part of an effort to stop trump and the poll finding 58% of voters in the state disapprove of that tie-up. we're joined by thomas john in indiana district chairman and thank you for joining us there. when you look at the numbers here i was just talking about, that kasich/cruz deal. what's your sense in the state, helping or hurting trump at this moment? >> at the base i think it certainly hasn't helped cruz as much as you might expect it would have. there are a lot of people when i talk to just voters out and people around the communities, there are a lot of kasich people that either say i've already voted for kasich so can't change my vote and others say i'm for kasich, that doesn't make me for cruz and there's a lot of internal distance with people actually strategically voting because the history is you vote for who you like not against who you don't like. >> so in the end, not a good idea? >> i think it hasn't -- i think it hasn't achieved the goal they wanted and probably wasn't the right idea and probably in execution could have been done better if they were going to do it. >> got it. as i was mentioning, you are a delegate at the convention and if it goes to a contested convention, you'll be obligated to back who voters in your state choose but only on first ballot. if we go to the second ballot, if it's trump, what are you going to do? >> when we get there, i'm going to listen to the next three months of what the discussion is. and at our base our role and our goal is to achieve the best candidate to win in the fall against hillary clinton. so if we get to july and donald trump truly is the best candidate, i'll have to consider voting for him on the second ballot. right now i think based on the polling i've seen nationally and everything else, john kasich is that guy but there's a lot of time. >> is it your heart say you are going to go for kasich even if it is trump that the voters choose on a second ballot? >> we have a role to go and if it's deadlocked and nobody has reach d 1237, it's to assess the environment we're looking at at that time. and for me i'm going to go with the clear goal of who's our best nominee and what's in the interest of the republican party. i think that's john kasich now but leave my options open because i've got a duty to the citizens of indiana. >> on that duty, in all fairness, we spoke a week ago and you and i talked about you getting serious threats from alleged trump supporters when we spoke to each other. have those threats continued at the same rate in the last seven days? >> no, the actual tough threats, the threats that made you concerned, made me concerned for my family, have really dissipated. i credit the media for shining light and disfekting the sort of situation there and credit the trump campaign for stepping back from that. we still get a lot of e-mails with people suggesting their opinions and suggesting what we should do. frankly, from both trump and cruz people. but the actual serious threats i think have really dissipated. >> good to hear. thomas john, thanks for taking time on this sunday. >> absolutely. >> looking past indiana, candidates on both sides have begun setting sights on california's primary, that's in june. 172 delegates are up for grabs on the republican side. that's 14% of the delegates needed to clinch, for democrats, 546 at stake in california. that's a whopping 25% of what's needed to clinch. as the l.a. times points out, it's the first time in 25 years the california primary actually matters and right now state officials are preparing for a surge in voter turnout. they are already seeing it with voter registration with skyrocketed in first three months of this year. according to data compiled by the capital weekly newspaper, the state saw more than 850,000 new voter registrations, that is twice as many voters registered during the same period in 2012. we're joined now by associate dean for the school of public policy at the university of california riverside. thanks for being with us. according to the capital weekly findings, a new surge in voter registration, especially prominent among democratic voters, skyrocketing mid-february to 55,000. that's 185% increase, not so much the same on the republican side though, still a steady increase too. when you look at the data as you do so often, what do you think is driving more registrations in this cycle? >> it's probably the donald trump effect, not only are you seeing a big surge in democratic party registration but big surge in latino voter registration. at the same time you're also seeing a big surge among younger voters. there might be some of that action in the democratic party that's generating this as well in terms of the sanders/clinton contest. >> is more a protest vote according to the data? >> i think on the -- if you look at on the latino side most likely. you're seeing national data showing that latinos are registering in massive number to try to vote against trump. of course in california, democrats cannot vote in the republican primary. in fact, so the impact mighting greater in the november election than in the june primary coming up. >> what must be noted here, 6 in 10 voters are not democrats. this is not necessarily going to be all about the democratic voters there in that state. >> that's right, richard, especially if you look at the asian-american population in california. they have the highest proportion of declined estates, although they can register to vote in the democratic primary, the deadline for that has passed. so the action is really going to happen in november. although, we should be paying attention to the democratic side as well with such a huge surge in latino voters and democratic first time primary voters i think it will be an interesting race to watch. >> let's talk about that. we're talking about a latino surge of about 98%, almost doubling there, california it's home to more than 10 million immigrants. the state's foreign born population in 2011 is bigger than any other state in the union right now. it's not only latino american voters which are immigrants, you have those from asia and pacific islands and also have when you look at the 2010 census, the largest middle eastern immigrant population, this being in southern california, it is a gargantuan melting pot. how will this come together given the narrative and rhetoric behind immigration so far? >> absolutely, richard. if you look at california, as you noted, it's a very diverse immigrant population. this is also in many ways poses challenges but also opportunities for the republican party and so far what done 5ald trump is doing is not necessarily helpful for the republican party in the state. the party is still reeling from about 20 years ago when pete wilson took brand of the party essentially as not necessarily friendly to i mmigrantimmigranty have been trying -- >> 1994, right. >> i have to go here but i can't leave without asking about the five states of california. we talk about the four states of florida. very quickly, will where cruz do well then? >> most likely cruz is going to do well in orange county and parts of the central valley and inland southern california. he's probably not going to do well on the coast. it will be interesting to see what happens in the democratic side across regions as well. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, richard. >> back to politics in a little bit. next, the latest on the flooding and severe weather in the south that's now killed six people, at least. shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suff in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique 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kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. flash flooding in east texas has taken another life. they have found a body after 7 inches of rain fell on friday. also shutting down the new orleans jazz fest. janet shamlian is in new orleans with more. >> reporter: good morning, jazz fest scheduled to go on today but there is more rain in the forecast. so the thousands of people who traveled to new orleans are hopeful too get to see some of the concerts they have tickets for today. yesterday late afternoon torrential rain, authorities called it off late afternoon. stevie wonder and snoop dogg among the artists who did not get to perform. they ended going into the french quarter in new orleans and played a surprise concert at smaller venues. but it was a rough weather day here not just in louisiana but east texas, 70 to 80 homes damaged there, that's by a suspected tornado, not yet confirmed. they also did have flooding in that area. now as we move into today and looking forward to tomorrow, there's still rain in the forecast. but the severe weather threat is greatly diminished. richard, back to you. >> thank you so much. janet shamlian in new orleans, thank you. republican reaction to donald trump big foreign policy speech. as we go to break we bring you president obama's take on how world leaders are treating him in the final months of office. >> somebody said to me, mr. president, you're so yesterday, justin trudeauo replaced you, so handsome and charming. he's the future. i said, justin, just give it a rest. it comes to small business, she's in the know. so strap yourselves in for action flo! small business edition. oh, no! i'm up to my neck in operating costs! i'll save the day! for plumbers and bakers and scapers of lawn, she's got customized coverage you can count on. you chipped my birdbath! now you're gonna pay! not so fast! i cover more than just cars 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>> well, it's consistent with the theme of his domestic policy. it's about nationalism, closing our borders to immigrants, closing our borders to free trade. he's been a real skeptic of american engagement economically with the world and america first in foreign policy is consistent with nationalist philosophy. >> it has been said that the united states does need to do more but at the same time other countries like china and india should also step up when we talk about the issues of foreign policy. as donald trump is saying america first, that could portend a little step back in the united states and that's in contradiction to the hope that the united states might do more. >> this is one of those debates we've been having in america a very long time. if you go back to the debate between world war ii between the isolationists and fdr who wanted to get involved in world war ii, it was exactly the same debate. is it a better world, is america's interests advanced if america is more involved or less involved. in a multi-polar world there's more war, there's more conflict. this period of american -- has been more beneficial to world stability and american interests. >> and the issue of terrorism, donald trump stoking some controversy regarding that. in addition to that he's also criticized for not offering up detail on issues related to isis. let's take a listen to this first and i'll get your reaction. >> and then there's isis. i have a simple message for them. their days are numbered. i won't tell them where and i won't tell them how. we must as a nation be more unpredictable. >> more unpredictable. many say he would be a perfect person for that, donald trump. what is your reaction to the kind of impacts that these threats of unpredictability have on global stability and his stance and his strategy that he laid out in that one line? >> listen, when it comes out to very precise military tactics, of course there are times you want to be unpredictable. but the president should be fairly predictable in terms of his world view, in terms of the way he approaches the world, in terms of when he says something that's going to happen. that's the problem with this administration, the famous red line the president said if bashar assad is using chemical weapons we're going to go in and then he hemmed and hawed. there is a middle ground between those two points of view. >> so the question has been for those watching this campaign very closely when it comes to foreign policy or what he is about to say, because trump is promising to do a series of policy speeches. from what you've seen so far here, do you think that he is showing a stronger grasp of these issues? >> well, i think it's a little bit better. and you will see actually the pundit reaction to the foreign policy speech was in large part reasonably positive. there were criticisms about the details but relative to his other policy forays, it's a low bar perhaps, grading on a curve. >> versus hillary clinton? >> well, not versus hillary clinton, but versus his other speeches on other topics like health care and domestic policy and things like that. so again in a general election against hillary, hillary is clearly going to have the upper hand in terms of policy knowledge, detail and thoughtfulness. that's always been the case. trump is banking on his tone, his attitude, his persona trumping that more detailed policy approach. >> yes or no, do you think this will actually matter in this election, the general election specifically. >> well, again, i think most voters when it comes to foreign policy don't care about it that much unless they see it affecting them directly. with terrorism sometimes that's true. generally speaking unless we're in a cold war or it's right after 9/11, the voters really want your economic plan and want to know what you're going to do for them in domestic policy. so this is more about appearing presidential, having that gravitas, having that heft and we'll see whether trump has reached that threshold. >> thank you for spending your time with us this sunday. >> my pleasure. >> i'll be back with you at noon eastern time. joy reid takes over from here. have a great sunday and stick around. ese days. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't play anything less than my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'm going for it. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin... eliquis had both... that's what i wanted to hear. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept i don't play ...quite like i used to. but i'm still bringing my best. and going for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor... ...if switching... eliquis is right for you. first - they limit where you earn bonus cash at you? 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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Thomas Roberts 20160530

storm and what we are expecting. we are watching for some changes ahead. the main thing to notice that we'll see precipitation hanging onto the outer bank. that's going to make a big difference for the forecast. we are watching heavier rain along the outer bank and we'll be watching for that as well. one thing to note that we are tracking plenty of rain in texas. we have seen severe weather popping up with strong storms across southern texas. this is something we are keeping a close watch ongoing through a good portion of the afternoon and evening hours. we had a powerful storm through the victorious area. rain is likely to continue as we go through the afternoon and into the next few days. that's something to keep in mind going forward. >> richard, the smmain thing to note for this storm is post tropical and continuing to bring rain of a good portions to the coastline. >> so beginning of the season. now the weather system has been reaping and damage has been done. janet sh janet is in myrtle beach with more. >> reporter: yesterday could not go into the water beyond their. >>s 199knees in some of the beas area. i spoke to people that live here and they say it is rougher than it is at this time of the day. people are here perhaps of a get away of a three day weekend to celebrate the holiday. they're getting in the water. there is still al concern but it has deminute issiminished. we did have a brief storm comes through about 45 minutes and we'll probably have a few more of those. the threat has bonnie indicated is move to the north and staying along the eastern coast. different story of texas, you look at the brazos river, they are getting more rain there. they could get three or five inches between now and friday. those rivers are flown over their plank banbanks. in the community of rosenburg, they moved prisoners out of their buildings because it has been flooded. a lot of people are out of their homes. that could happen when the water goes every its banks. we are watching two areas here and southeast texas. beautiful myrtle beach with janet. thank you very much. also, today, the cincinnati police department says it has no intent to file charges on the family of the young boy who fell into the gorilla enclosure at the cincinnati zoo. zoo keeper killed the 400 pounds animal to save the life of this three years old child sparking outrage. bake mccoy wi blake mccoy were the latest for us. what do we expect them to say? >> reporter: we expect them to defend the decision of shooting and killed the gorilla. a three years old child fallen into that enclosure. the child was in the enclosure for more than ten minutes. at times being picked up by the gorilla and dragged through and that's when officials made the difficult decision, they say to shoot and kill the gorilla. the reason they did not use a tranquilizer is two reasons, one, it would have taken several minutes for it to kick in and two by hitting the animal with that tranquilizer could hav hav agitated him more and causing more danger. they're defending that decision, people are criticizing the zoo for making that call. they're also criticizing the mother of this child for not keeping a better eye on her three years old and how he's able to get in that enclosure. people want to know. in the middle of all of this. there is a vigil with the coroner here. he said something is being loss in the blame game. >> there is been people screaming out it is the zoo's fault or the parent's fault. and the middle of all this arguing back and fault of whose fault it is, we have the 400 pounds endangered gorilla is dead. test going to be missed. >> the family is not speaking publicly but they released a statement, they thank the lord for protecting their child and the zoo for the difficult decision they made to shoot and kill the gorilla. it was a difficult decision and zoo staffs here have been mourn full all day and there is a small vigil that was for the gorilla. that press conference is scheduled to start in a few hours here. we hope to ask for questions about that burrier and how that child got inside, richard >> thank you, blake mccoy cincinnati for us. >> tomorrow, the campaign will seek to rising controversy over donations of veterans group with the news conference of trump tower. >> i know people, i gotten to know so many vets and we raised almost $6 million for the vets because i did not do a television show, i said lets do this. we are announcing on tuesday all of the groups that we put up this money and we raise this tremendous amount of money because we love the vets. >> well, those comments came sunday at the annual rolling thunder event, a motorcycle rally and charity led by and for the nation. numerous media outlets and particular the washington post, have raised questions about how much money has reached those organizations in the end. nbc's halie jackson has been on the road with the trump campaign. trump is in a war and talking about a third party cam, we got that. there is a high level of dysfunction inside the campaign and a lot of headlines here. give us the context of all of that. so let's start with the -- you have the veteran issue happening now which we expect to find out more tomorrow. gout this whole twitter war with bill crystal. there is some kind of independent candidate ready to emerge and take on donald trump. trump himself with the independent bid of the primary is coming up strongly against this, calling it a spoiler. of course, he's going to say that. he does not want somebody to come zin spoil his bid for the white house in november especially if he goes up again looking at hillary clinton. trump remaining focus or trying to in the general election and take oing on the person who's likely his challenger, hillary clinton. we heard from his top strate strategist, paul manafort. look at what he had to say. >> the history of the clinton's family and certainly if they are back in the political. their history is relevant to what the american people can expect. >> okay, manafort who has been named the chief strategist for donald trump. the people who have been with trump since the beginning. the trump's campaign largely of course, dismissed talks of all this. there is some maneuvering going on as the campaign expands, ta got to get bigger and they're looking at the general election, there is no surprise that the campaigns have been staffing up and hiring more people. when it comes to digital side of things, through it all, trump values loyalty and value these folks that have been with him from day one where nobody thought he would end up where he is now a year later. so, a lot of discussions about the trump campaign and about who trump might be going up against particularly after this weekend when you saw that libertarian convention nominating johnson to be another challenger to donald trump. >> on the trump campaign for u halie jackson in washington dc. lets move over to the democrats now. bernie calling it the big e enchilada. 475 delegates with up for grabs here. for hillary clinton, winning the golden state could give her the delegates to win the nomination. kristin welker with the clinton campaign. bernie sanders has been busy over the weekend tin collud inc holding a couple events. does the clinton campaign feeling comfortable of what's going to happen in california? >> well, i don't think so, i think they feel as though it is a competitive state if you look at the polls. she's up by two-points of course, independent can vote in the primary and that's something that could benefit senator sanders. she campaign vigorously. we want moments ago that she's going to campaign in new jersey on wednesday and then on thursday she heads back to california and she's going to be there through monday and clearly trying to make a final push for that state. the most delegate rich state that's left. there is a little bit of reality though when it come to the map. senator sanders cannot win california, we how old have to win all of the votes there in order to cast secretary clinton and her delegate lead. it is possible that she wins new jersey and that's enough for her to clinch the nomination even before all of the vote in california are tallied. having said that winning california would be an important victory for her and allow her to go into the convention for solid ground and the presumptive nominee. secretary clinton just wrapping up the event here she attended the annual parade. >> this next week sois so critil mathematically. lets stay on hillary clinton, coming off with the e-mail scandal. how is the sanders campaign is reaki reacting to that news, are they leveraging it? he's been adamant, he's not going to talk about the e-mail controversy and use that against her ads as we have seen donald trump did a daily bases. he did have sharp word of the ig report that you just referenced. take a look at what senator sanders said over the weekend. >> it was not a good report. that's something that the delegates and the american people will have to take a close look at. everybody in america is keeping it in mind and certainly the super delegates are. the point that i am going to make is super delegates. many came on board long before i am in the race. if your job is to make sure that donald trump is the defeated and defeated badly. >> arguably, some of the most critical comments we have heard from senator sanders about secretary clinton e-mails. what happened last week with that ig report is that it under scores this e-mail issue if it continues a problem for secretary clinton, it is not going away and there is still that fbi investigation. at last check, the campaign said she's not been contact with the fbi. we anticipate she will be interviewed by them in the near future. kristen welker with the clinton campaign there. coming up, the trump campaign national cochair joins us to talk ground games of poll numbers and possibility losing vote to a libertarian and even to an independent candidate. it's time to switch... to the capital one venture card. with venture, you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. and when you're ready to travel, just book the flight you want, on any airline and use your miles to cover the cost. now that's more like it. what's in your wallet? ...of fixodent plus adhesives. they help your denture hold strong more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it. jen stops working, but her aleve doesn't. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours? 50% of the population of new mexico is talking about hispanic mexicans when the opposite is true. it is just racist. >> gary johnson, a former two terms governor of mexico. after receiving that nomination, johnson denounced trump's immigration policy. you heard a bit of that there. he will be running with another fellow republican, massachuse s massachusetts' bill wells. but, it is also because of recent polls including one from fox news shows that johnson pulled a 10% of the vote, double digits, demonstrating he may have the ability to get some votes from trump or clinton or both. >> sam, thank you for joining us today on this monday and let me show everyone the high negatives that i was aleuting to and you are familiar with. donald trump and clinton with both over 50%, 54 and 58 and with trump about four points higherer th higher that you can see here. from your seat -- cannot go libertarian come voting day. >> honestly, i think you are asking the wrong question. i think when you focus in on ci conservatives, you are talking about a term that's been hijacked by a lot of people in the republican party and most of them are claiming to be conservatives. it is a better question and ones perhaps, for focussed is to talk about the libertarian. this is probably a very interesting and valuable question to explore. i think one of the things when i ran for office two years ago. >> what's the answer to that question, sam? >> what's that? >> what's the answer to the question that you just paused it. >> if they do well and if they ran a good campaign, they have the opportunity to side off votes. it will come from both sides if you take a look at the demographic and what the issues that libertarians focused on. you are going to find that they're going to probably take some from the trump's side but some from many democrats and hillary clinton's side as well. based on who the libertarian voters are. >> not sure if your candidate is a conservative as well. we are not going down to that road, i want to tap in your brain here. the key importance of a business plan, he has a 15 state strategy to win which you noknow well. tell us which 15 states those are. >> go ahead. i will give you the time. >> you don't have time for me here. it does not take a rocket science, get out your map and you can start to take a look and see where the big numbers are and the swing states are historically been. >> as you know here, sam, he's looking at california and new york and pennsylvania. pennsylvania is a swing state. the interesting one you got on that list, right? california, what do you think the opening is there? the opening is you will have a lot of people who are going to push back what's got on in california, they have not had the reason to leave and a lot of people out there are voting across the isle, too. i think we'll pick up democrats in california as well and it will come over to vote. i think one of the key issues is if we want to make california competitive, we can win there but the big issue is the democrats will have to spend a lot of money and time there. this is one of the things you have to start to take a look at resources. >> listen, let me finish here. the amount of campaigns and number of these states where we are going to win and there is some clearly on the democrat sides. when you force the opposition to spend money in places they usually don't have to spend money, that's a big deal. >> i want to move onto something else talking about the game plan and business plan here, when we look at some of the numbers coming out of the clinton campaign, according to political, and their siding fcc documents here. the clinton had about ten times the staff right now as the trump campaign of 732 employees compared to about 70. what do you this i the key head count is for your team that you want to reach steady state across the country. >> i think a lot of it, one of the interesting things here is how many people of the rnc is going to be out working across the country. this is kind of the plan going ahead and i think this is one of those things where we are going to see. one thing, having a big staff does not mean you have a big ground game, what it means is that you have a big staff. our small staff has been able to secure the nomination of the republican party which is no small pete. if you and hillary clinton is still contesting her, i think that the size of the staff is really not the right measure americans of circumstance. >> thank you very much, sam there in the great state of iowa and from the trump campaign. thank you. >> i want to remember all my veteran friends out there and especially my dad and family. >> thank you, still to come, will the libertarian candidate get the bernie bump. and this promising independent candidate, will he have the real chance at the white house, bill crystal. when gwth presents it? 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if not, please call this toll-free number now. in the last month alone, thousands have called about this plan with the rate lock guarantee through the colonial penn program, and here's why. this plan is affordable, with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate is locked in and can never go up, and your acceptance is guaranteed. you cannot be turned down because of your health. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. don't wait, call today. ♪ i'm terrible at golf. he is. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. welcome back, new hope in the libertarian party. yesterday, gary johnson and william weld secured the party s convention. all this has a recent nbc's sexual street journal polls showing half of americans would consider a third party candidate. joining me with more on how it can shake up the race. phillip and talking points, lauren fox. lauren, i will start with you on this. as you are watching the libertarian convention and the speeches and the out come and the energy and the beers for that matter. do you see an opening here for the ticket this year? we are seeing poll numbers at a worth noting. >> i think moving forward and of what we see is the libertarian movement is able to get some votes for donald trump and many conservatives may look as an alternative. i think that donald trump's team would tell you that they are thinking that maybe a libertarian could get votes from both sides. i think that's why some of the pollings maybe showing at the moment and a lot to do in term s of the party. gary johnson needs to poll 15% and that is something that has not happened in the early '90s. it is possible he could get votes but there is a long way to go. >> it was possible when i was looking at the convention here, looking at the commentary and the energy and lets say bernie sanders does start to unite and it is going to be beat hillary clinton as the presumptive nominee, do some of the bernie sanders voters say, hold on, i kind of like gary johnson that's a kin to youth full voters that we so often said like bernie sanders. >> certainly. i mean people right now supporting hillary clinton will vote for donald trump and vice versa, there is a big mix match. it is important to think of scale here. i think there is definitely the case to be made that johnson will be able to pick up some of that support from sanders. johns johnson's biggest support right now is he's not hillary clinton or donald trump. a lot of people are going to pick and the first thing you never heard of is at least for now. i don't know if he can pick up 15%. he will definitely pick up some thing. we look at the libertarian ticket, who are they pulling more from in 2016. >> i think we are talking about two former republicans, the basis support that each has. but, i think the appeal they meant to have. i think they're going to get support from republicans who otherwise will be giving to candidates. i think they'll get support from big funder. >> less of a bernie bump for that ticket and a trump bump. there you go. >> lauren, staying on bernie sanders, yesterday, he was warning hillary clinton that his pick is critical to winning over his supporters. he also urged her to pick a hard line progressive. is he pointing to himself? >> i think it is unclear who he's really pointing to. there is a lot of skepticism that someone like elizabeth warren had been on twitter spoken out for donald trump. it is unclear yet who she's leaning towards. i think bernie sanders is certainly an option and he's fired up at the crowd s in a way that we have not seen progressives fired up since 2008 when obama was running. it could be a choice and given how long he drugged this out is possible of who he chooses. >> a lot of talks over the last few days has been about her strategy against donald trump. what is the best way to approach donald trump, your thought? >> i think it is a wild card. i think there are people that have made the case in the past that she would run someone like a ted cruz who is a known -- i think if there is one thing that i am confident about and the campaign operations like hillary clinton will point out week by week what they anticipate doing. someone shooting off and whatever and changes positions all the time, that remains to be seen. i don't know if anyone who could say here is the best way to deal with donald trump. >> lauren, quickly, is it about addressing the voters and not necessarily donald trump but the voters who are in play and then considering donald trump as her competitor trying to get that vote. >> donald trump sort of taken that tragestrategy off the tabl so many ways when he launches these attacks. it is really hard if you are not countering that some how. that's the tough struggle for he her. it is a very tough ballot. >> thank you both. >> coming up tomorrow on mtv daily. the first joint interview with johnson and bill weld. that's tomorrow at 5:00 eastern right here on msnbc. after the break, tsa changes and what the changes they have made and how they're working this holiday weekend and are the major problems solved. : surpris! but only one of them will make a life long dream come true. great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. at humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. save $500 on the memorial day special edition mattress with sleepiq technology. plus 36 month financing. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. billions are spent to confuse and, dare i say it, flummox the american public. 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>> reporter: jfk did not have a problem with security but it did have a problem of down router preventing airline employees issuing tickets. at one point, 600 passengers cued up at the british air way. some were written out by paper tickets. today, no reported of any issues, technology is working and tsa is working and equipment itself is working. we have been tracking the flight and keeping tabs on and only 155 delays by now and three our four right now. that's nothing in a country of tens or thousands of planes taken off. off a overall, a good transportation of what the american system could do. this is only the beginning of the summer travel season, richard. >> i do, i am headed out right after this and i will test that system and i will call into you to let you know how jfk is doing. to to to tony dupe l. >> thank you. >> you just saw tony's report, any surprises? >> no, i am not surprised. the tsa is making a number of decisions lead to what you are seeing now. the number of bomb sniffing dogs and they hired more people and they -- they have a number of people from part time to full-time. so there are a number of resources at the problem. >> they are reallocating and resources, for example, here. airports that are less busy to airports that are busier. we'll have to wait to see how the entire weekend does flare out. are there spaces that you with watching. we did look at increases resources here. part times going to full-times and as we saw vol in the report and canine team as well. this very busy season will -- >> last thursday, the homeland security over seized department of transportation, secretary johnson, asked congress for $28 million to be resuhovelled from the budget making employees full-time. they are throwing in a tremendous amount of resources at this problem hope thag t as summer traffic increases, they'll be able to handle. >> where is the money coming from? >> it is money that tsa already have. they're just programming it from other areas. >> from other areas overall. >> ron mixon. >> thank you very much. i appreciate that. >> thank you so much, richard. we have breaking news for you right now. the white house, fire trucks are outside and a decontamination unit is set up there. >> jim is joining me live on the phone from the white house. what are we hearing and seeing about this suspicious package here? >> reporter: well, we are not hearing anything. we are seeing an awful lot. the white house went down into a lockdown and maybe about 20 minutes ago. but, it was only about 15 minutes ago that fire trucks started to arrive and as you saw it just a moment ago in that picture, they had set up a portable decontamination unit. we have seen firefighters and emergency personnel getting into hazmat suits and as you can see through the fence in to the white house's grounds there are firefighters there with their oxygen tanks and air tanks on their backs and in hazmat suits at least partially. we were told originally that somebody had apparently tossed a package over the fence. it did not appear to be too much medic activity inside the white house, but as you see here for the first time according the veterans here at the white house. this is the first time they have seen a portable decontamination unit set up outside the white house. again, we have no idea what the package macon ty contain and whe package looks like. these professionals that do these kinds of things for a living are highly suspicious, they called in these extra gears. >> nick, where is the president? >> the president as far as we know is in the white house whether he is in the resident or the west wing is unclear. as you know, he had gone over to arlington ceremony this morning for the memorial day ceremony laying a wreath at the unknown soldiers or unknown and his speech at the amphitheater there and he will return in about an hour ago and the white house announced at the time there was a travel -- meaning reporter and camera crews could stand down because the president has no intention to leave. there is no sense here that the president or first family or anybody in the white house or anybody in eminent danger and what's going on here is maybe out of an abundance of caution. the activity is setting up a decontamination unit and seeing these firefighters dressing in hazmat here with their tanks and indicating it is a highly suspicious package that was apparently thrown into over the fence and into the white house. >> as we look at these live pictures, the fire truck that you are eluding to appears to the portable contamination unit, that could be the red structure of the left hand hand side of the picture you are looking at, give us a sense of where this is located on the white house grounds? >> well, this is at the west gate of the north lawn. as you face the white house, this would be the entrance that you see the right side of the white house. there is a guard house there. it is where most of us grunt media enters the white house everyday. we get checked in and we go through the medal tedetectors before we are allowed inside the white house. you can see that gentlemen out there is walking towards the guard post to our right and it appears and you see there the doors are opening. he's gone inside. not everybody is dressed in hazmat gear. it must be an object that they have yet decided to move because as we see this one gentleman in the foreground, he started out with his hazmat suit just half way down his waste and now he's got it to fully up his oxygen tank, air tank on the back and the hood which he would obviously pull up over his head if it is deep necessarily. no for medic activity, very calm and methodical but it is something never seen outside the white house before. >> give us the distance of where this red structure on the left is and looks to be portable on the right hand side of the fire truck. what's the distance from there to the actual trucktustructure white house. >> well, its g got to be at lea 100 yards or so. that portable decontamination unit is set up on pennsylvania avenue. that stretch of pennsylvania avenue which was shut down to any vehicular, civilian vehicular traffic back in the clinton administration, it is right outside the gate, cannot tell from this angle whether the gate its has been opened for access. i understand now that the gate itself are behind the decontamination is opened. and we are seeing more activity just opposite and on the other side of the decontamination unit now. more activity in that region as perhaps they're getting ready to remove whatever may have been thrown over into the fence. don't know what it is or what kind of package it is or how big it is and we don't have any description. >> you know, this is the holiday weekend and many people flock to washington dc, beautiful town and headed to the white house, no doubt. talk about the crowds and the pedestrian access and how busy this area has been over the weekend and the proximity that pedestrians and tourists have access to this location. >> well, as soon as the secret service locked down the white house, apparently, immediately after whatever that was thrown over the fence landed on the white house's grounds. they have a procedure here of locking down those inside the white house. and, at the same time, they clear lafayette park which was right across the street, right across pennsylvania avenue from the white house. now, this area particularly on a day like park and pennsylvania avenue were pretty much flooded by tourists. but it didn't take the secret service very long to clear out that area and it remains cleared as of now. this is a very slow deliberate process whatever they're going through here. i notice some of the firefig firefighters have pulled up their hoods over their heads. that could mean they're prepared to remove whatever object that may have been that was thrown over the fence. >> jim mechanicovering the whit for us today. for those who just joined us outside the white house, the president is inside after att d attending memorial activities earlier. it is now 1:50 local time on a tourists day as jim was just describing to us. jim miklaszewski. we'll keep an eye on the suspicious package outside the white house and we'll have more for you here. for now, we'll take a short break and be right back. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? 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[ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve. if you're just joining us, breaking news in front of washington, d.c., this coming out of the white house, we are watching a suspicious package that has been found, on the left hand side what we believe to be a decon nomination unit. fire trucks there. we are back to jim miklaszewski watching the white house for us and is gathering more information. when he does come back to us we'll go straight there and give you the latest on the suspicious package that this is white house. for now, we move to this syrian city of aleppo, the violence in recent weeks and several strikes on the province in the last 48 hours. the only rescue team still working in the area is a group called the white helmets. these are volunteers that come from all walks of life. they are often syrian's only hope. more on this extraordinary group, many of whom have sacrificed their own lives to save others. the name sort of tells us what they are and what they do. >> yes. so many have died. this is an all volunteer group. we will pull up their website. this is from today and the fire burning is an industrial plant. the way they describe theirselves on the website, we are bakers, engineers, pharmaci pharmacists, painters, students, not soldiers, all volunteers. they believe they have saved 40,000 lives in the past few years. >> wow. >> to the next video, last week in aleppo, responding here to the bombing of an apartment complex in aleppo. you can see there the white helm helmets. it's rare we get to show something positive filled with humanity. look at the rescue of this little girl. [ shouting ] >> the thing about this video that is so moving, of course, not just that this little girl was saved, a reminder in these cities you have hundreds of thousands of civilians. in aleppo alone in the eastern part of the city, it's estimated 300,000 civilians have been cut off due to the fighting. >> what a great story shown through that video, cal. we don't often hear about these great things happening. cal perry. appreciate that. that will do it for us this hour. thanks for spending your time on this monday. thanks for watching. the top of this hour we return to breaking news coming out of the white house. fire trucks outside, portable decontamination unit on the left. we'll have the latest. stay with us. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? our new cocktail bitters were doing well, but after one tradeshow, we took off. all i could think about was our deadlines racing towards us. a loan would take too long. we needed money, now. my amex card helped me buy the ingredients to fill the orders. opportunities don't wait around, so you have to be ready for them. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at >> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. please write down this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you're on a fixed income or concerned about rising prices, learn about affordable whole life insurance with a lifetime rate lock that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, or if you misplaced it, call this number now and we'll rush it to you. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. please stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek and the announcement you just heard is for a popular and affordable life insurance plan with a rate lock guarantee. that means your rate is locked in for life and can never increase. did you get your free information kit in the mail? if not, please call this toll-free number now. in the last month alone, thousands have called about this plan with the rate lock guarantee through the colonial penn program, and here's why. this plan is affordable, with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate is locked in and can never go up, and your acceptance is guaranteed. you cannot be turned down because of your health. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. don't wait, call today. ♪ i'm live at msnbc world headquarters in new york. we come to you this hour with breaking news at the white house. fire trucks are outside. a decontamination unit has been set up. jim miklaszewski joins me live from the white house. what is the latest we know about this situation? >> steve, we do know there was package or container of some kind that was thrown over the white house fence at about 1:15 this afternoon. and because this package is on the white house compound the secret service is the lead agency in all this. about 15 minutes after that, the fire department arrived and immediately set up a portable decontamination unit. the picture we're looking at now, however, is through the fence. we can see a number of agents in plainclothes and with bullet proof vests on. we've also seen some of the fire department rescue and security people that were wear deg contamination units, as this shot pulls out now, we can see that red and gray decontamination portable unit set up just outside the gate on the north lawn. it's the west side gate to the north lawn where many dig tar tarries, state dinners, they go through that gate to drive up in front of the white house and enter. to the right of that behind the fire truck on the right is one of the primary secret service guard houses where we as reporters and camera crews have to check in and show camera passes and we get screened like everybody through metal detec r detectors to do in. as you can see, the activity is not very frenetic. we see one person behind the fence pulling up his protective gear, his hazmat suit, just pulled it up, and he's got -- i can't tell what he's doing now but appears he's heading toward where we suspect the package may be. looked like he was getting suited up. no idea this package actually presents any threat. but in an overabundance of caution, and also, the old ti r timers here, and the pros said this is the first time ever they've seen a portable decontamination unit set up outside the white house in one of these situations, so there must be something highly suspicious, potentially thre threatening about this package that caused them to go to those extre extremes. >> jim miklaszewski, live at the white house, joining us on the phone. thanks for that. you're looking at those live pictures outside the white house, just learning the details, much more we will find out about this situation and we're keeping a close eye on it and keeping you updated throughout the hour as we learn more and also happening right now, widespread wild weather spanning from the south up to the carolinas, six people confirmed dead in this state of texas where floodwaters have completely drenched communities from houston to san antonio and around the state capitol in austin. residents under vehicles orders right now as flashflood warnings remain in effect. meanwhile a slow moving post tropical cyclone is dumping torrential rain and choppy surf to the carolinas as the storm system continues to move along the coastline, so heavy officials were forced to close a portion of interstate for 16 hours overnight. for the latest in all this weather, let's bring in msnbc meteorologist, bonnie schneider. supposed to be memorial day and cookout and barbecue weather. obviously not what we're getting. any let up in sight? >> i think we will see let up. even though bonnie is a post tropical cyclone and not a tropical storm, it's really a rainmaker. as it slowly meanders northeast we will see more rain shanss and what's happening on cape hatteras and we have had a lot of rain on the outer banks and eventually this low will push off to sea. and luckily sooner than later. we thought it would go to new york. it will push off through thursday and friday. jersey shore, atlantic city all seeing a lot of rain from this tropical system. speaking of rain, powerful storms worked their way across texas, from san antonio to victoria, looks like they're off to the gulf of mexico. we did have flashflood warnings in effect forarea. looks like they have expired but at risk for flooding. lots of rain working their way across the barrier islands across texas. later this afternoon we will see severe weather ramp up more towards aberdeen and north platte and hays and amarillo and mi not as much of a tornado threat for today. we are looking at the threat for hail, as i mentioned. keep in mind, more rain is ahead for texas as we go into this week, a little dry right now. i want to give a heads-up flo flooding could pane for texas this week with more rain in the forecast. >> bonnie schneider, thanks for that. turning to 2016 politics, donald trump trying to stamp out a number of brush fires starting with contributions he said he made to veterans groups. >> i know people -- and i've gotten to know so many vets. we just raised almost $6 million for the vets because i didn't do a television show, i said, let's do this. we're announcing on tuesday all of the groups that we put up this money and raised this tremendous amount of money because we love the vets. >> those comments were made on sunday to an annual motorcycle rally called rolling thunder organized for the benefit of americans veterans. tomorrow's news conference is designed to clear the air about those donations from trump, announced all the way back in january, trump says he has he helped raise as well as pers personally donated a total of about 6 million dollars to veterans groups. a number of organization, in particular the "washington post" have called that number into question in recent days. for all things donald trump we go to msnbc's hallie jackson. she's in washington. interesting situation for donald trump, he has been receiving and you saw at this rally all those veterans there very vocal and very passionate support for donald trump from them. at the same time, he has this issue some people are flagging. what can we expect to hear from him tomorrow. >> he says he will release this full accounting, steve, we assume means the amount of money he's given to which groups and how much and when. basically who, what, where, and when the made when he skipped a televised debate to hold a rally instead he said would raise money for charity. and since then he's been dogged by questions where that money has gone and how much he has given. he will potentially put some to rest in manhattan when he speaks to reporters at trump fire. and talking about brush fires, number one, speculation of a possible independent candidate, bill kristol starting a lot of that talk with a tweet over the weekend and he's telling msnbc news nothing is imminent. and an update is meaningful not coming necessarily any time soon. trump and his aides have taken to the airways over the weekend to put down talk of infighting within the campaign going on for weeks ever since paul manafort just named chief strategist came aboard the trump campaign. you heard from trump's campaign manager, corey lewandoski over the weekend. here is what he had to say. >> there is no sunlight between paul and i. every decision is made together. we talk 10, 12, 15 times a day and we each have our own respective responsibilities in the campaign and are moving forward. the media wants to perpetuate this story there's infighting and bottom line is we're winning. >> the campaign is growing because it needs to grow, steve. they're hiring more people and bringing on more staffers to try to compete with the development, machine you could say hillary clinton and democrats have put together for longer than trump has given he became the presumptive nominee in a way many think rather unexpected and he's working on digital and the national committee on data and trying to coral some of those resources from the party as well. steve. >> thanks for that. how crucial on the democratic side is the california primary? it will be a week from tomorrow. take a look at this. the democrats' current delegate count. if you add in the superdelegates with pledged delegates, she'd just be 79 shy of clenching the nomination, 475 of those pledged delegates are up for grabs just in the state of california. a win for clinton could put an end to the party's primary fight all together. even if she loses california with a threshold that low she will still crush that number and bernie sanders looking to pull off an upset for symbolic and the latest polls show a statistical dead heat. in chappaqua, new york, the clintons adopted hometown when they moved to new york 15 years ago. let's say hillary clinton is going to have the digielegates end of this season. what is the penalty for her going forward unofficially, what is the price she pays if she loses california to bernie sanders? >> reporter: a couple of things, steve. first of all, it calls into question her strength as the presumptive nominee if she were to win the nomination if she loses a large left leaning state like california. secondly, it gives senator sanders a lot of leverage going into the convention and already struck a deal with the dnc for a role shaping the platform once the convention begins and he has been touting universal healthcare, increasing minimum wage to $15 an hour. if he wins a state like california he could have a whole lot more leverage on some of those points. then the question of party unity, steve, what we've been talking about for days now, how is secretary clinton going to unify this party give an third of senator sanders supporters say they're not prepared to vote for her. senator sanders was asked about party unity over the weekend by our colleague, chuck todd. >> donald trump, for a dozen different reasons would be a disaster as president. i will do everything i can to make sure that does not happen. at the end of this day, whether it's secretary clinton or bernie sanders, donald trump, anybody else, the way you gain support is through the candidate himhimf or herself. my job is to make sure trump does not become president, i will do that. if secretary clinton is the nominee it is her job to reach out to millions of people and make the case why she is going to defend working families and the middle class. >> the clinton campaign has been calling on senator sanders to help them unify the democratic party. really interesting comments from him on that point. you will see a fierce fight for california, steve, right up until primary day. senator sanders saying he's not leaving the state until voters head to the polls. secretary clinton moment s ago announcing she added several events through to this weekend and starting on monday. expect a fierce fight in that state. >> kristen live in chappaqua, new york, thanks for that. in the next hour we will hear from the cincinnati zoo, this after the controversial shooting of one of its gorillas. it killed the 450 pound gorilla in order to save the life of a 3-year-old child who fell into the enclosure. blake mccoy is live in cincinnati with the latest. the zoo's director is going to be talking to the media sometime this hour. anything new? we're expected to finds out. >> reporter: the reason he's talking today is because of the intense media interest around this, they've received so many requests with people having questions they need answered. he said, all right, we will hold a press conference at 3:00 where everyone can ask their questions. most people have seen the video. i do want to warn you it can be difficult to watch. we expect the zoo to defend their decision to shoot and kill this lowland gorilla saturday when the 3-year-old fell in the enclosure. the 3-year-old somehow got past the barrier, there was wiring and a railing and got past that, several feet of brush and fell down into a moat that surrounds the enclosure. it's a 15 foot fall. when the gorilla heard the splash, the gorilla jumped in as well and at times picked up the boy and dragged him through the moat and this happened a few times before the decision was made to shoot and kill the for ril la. the reason they decided to shoot and kill the gorilla instead of using a tranquilizer dart, they believe it could have agitated the gorilla more once it was hit and could take several minutes before taking effect putting the child in dangereen more. the zoo has come under heavy criticism to shoot and kill this animal. the mother is also coming under a flurry of criticism for not keeping a better eye on that 3-year-old. an online petition has 150,000 signatures urging charges against this mother. i did speak with police this morning and they say they have no plans to charge the mother and say this appears to be a tragic accident and no evidence of criminal wrongdoing and no investigation under way. richard. >> blake mccoy in cincinnati. thanks for that. next, an in-depth look at what's to gain and what's to lose for the likely nominees in november. how taking risks may help donald trump and hillary clinton win big in swing states when we come back. soon. i like the bride more than the groom. turquois dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited? 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a lot of this depends on your vice-presidential nominee. if you pick a governor from ohio for example that will greatly improve your chances carrying that state. >> you have sherrod brown for hillary clinton and kasich as potential pick. colorado much bigger margin. >> democrats widely favored to win colorado. not a surprise. they voted democrat for obama in 2008 and 2012 and 1986 is the last time they went republican. >> no. republican. >> it's surprising it's this big of a spread. hillary very popular in the state of colorado. and pennsylvania another bellwether state, democrats by a wide margin. right now the smart big money is on democratic party, hillary clinton. >> what jumps out to me is this difference between colorado and pennsylvania. on paper, you go by 2012, trump, the republicans have to overcome about the same deficit in both states but the odds are much longer in colorado and pennsylvania. to me, that's probably because of the growing latino population in colorado you don't have as much in pennsylvania so i think people are looking at trump and comments about mexicans saying colorado is tougher than pennsylvania. >> if we have one quick second, put the big board back up. what's your best value pick? >> from what you just went through? the key to making money in gambling is listen to what i say and do the opposite. if you think donald trump will be elected president i think he has to take pennsylvania. you look up there. if you get 215 bucks for putting 1$100 down on that state, if yo think he's going to win, that's where your value is. >> all right. >> we'll see if they update in a week. maybe the odds change and something happened. >> a 1-900 number, 12 as minute? i'll set one up. call me. cal perry. throwing a curveball at general election math is gary johnson, two term republican governor of mexico won the nomination to head the libertarian ticket. this is the second time he will be the libertarian candidate for president and afterwards he immediately went after donald trump. >> it's incendiary he's talking about the percent of the population and it's racist. >> and he's making a play for the hillary clinton voters he's hoping to bring into the fold talking about the overlap between himself and sanders. >> the overlap is civil liber liberties, a woman's right to choose, legalizing marijuana, marriage equality. crony capitalism is alive and well. let's stop dropping bombs. >> bob franken is a syndicated columnist and political edditor for "national journal." bob, let me start with you, a lot of attention on what bill kristol is talking about a potential independent ticket, not naming names. meantime while peek are speculating about that we have the libertarian party putting forward on paper its most impressive ticket yet? do you see any potential there for them to break through in this climate? >> to be very honest, i'm ro rooting for it a little bit. gary johnson has a habit of getting to the other debate if he qualifies, that he kisses the other candidates. i think it would be an historic moment to watch him try and plant a kiss on donald trump. the other conventional thinking is he would probably take away from the trump vote. i think that -- you know me and i may go for a bit of unconventional thinking, he may also take some votes away from hillary clinton because he might appeal to the bernie sanders people who will be disgruntled with the way things have turned out. >> interesting to see the nominee of the libertarian party mr. free markets appealing to the supporters of the avowed soci socialist. we have libertarians one ends and have what bill kristol is talking about suggesting there is another independent ticket that will emerge with ballot deadlines passing or about to pass. >> there is a real fundamental challenge any third party candidate including the libertarian party has to face. they have to win over both supporters of sanders and mitt romney elite established republicans and there's very little in common of voters d disaffected by hillary and donald trump. i could see with the exception of getting on the ballot, texas and north carolina, deadlines have already passed. it's possible for another third party candidate to get on the ballot but how will they appeal to dis affecteaffected democra s disaffected republicans to put together a winning combination and coalition? it's very difficult. >> how much appetite is there among republican party voters for another option besides trump. one thing that jumped out at me looking at these trump-clinton polls he seems to be getting 90% of republicans already. >> that's right. the biggest surprise of this election i the fact donald trump has consolidated support with republican voters as quickly as he has and wrapped up the nomination quicker than hillary clinton on her democratic side. 85, 90% close to republican voters said they will support or vote for donald trump even if they're doing it reluctantly. i don't think they will defect to a libertarian party ticket or third party conservative ticket. he may not be the most popular republican nominee but he is getting soft republicans in the last month to his side. >> the other side is question of unity on the democratic side getting concern for that bernie sanders is going after the process too aggressively. thinking back eight years you were hearing from obama suppo supporters saying hillary clinton was dragging her own campaign too far. has bernie sanders ventured out in territory they should be worried about? >> certainly, clinton people are worried about that. probably for good reason. you hatve a constituency bernie sanders has that might be attracted to libertarian appeal, largely anti-regulation and millennial and might be attracted to libertarians. what's interesting to see who bill kristol comes up with if he does have somebody which would mean the republican party would have votes taken away from it. i think the importance of third party candidacies is not so much they have any chance of winning but i think they can be spo spoilers, they can be people who can do harm. you look at raffle nader and others who run as third party candidates, they've harmed people on their side of the political spectrum. >> bob, in terms of california, talking about this, the poll shows bernie sanders certainly within striking distance of hillary clinton, basically neck and neck right now. how important do you think that result in california is going to be to how bernie sanders plays it between the end of the primary season and the convention? if he wins california, is he a lot more emboldened than if he loses? >> first of all, to be honest, maybe this is a little bit strong, i think it really is another humiliation for hillary clinton, who ae's had a bad run recently and strengthens bernie sande sanders' bargaining position and the conventional thinking is hillary will win new jersey which would put her over the top. it would certainly give a head of steam to bernie sanders going into the convention and he might have as a result more bargaining power to force some of his agenda on the party. >> bob franken and josh, thank you on memorial day day. appreciate it. >> thanks. a quick programming note for you. betu beture -- be sure to tune in tomorrow at mtp daily, the first interview with libertarians gary johnson and bill weld. you can catch that conversation tomorrow, live at 5:00 eastern on msnbc. next, more on that breaking news we've been following out of the white house, a suspicious package forcing the bomb squad to respond. a new update for you, straight ahead. trolling for a gig with braindrone? 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>> sometimes when people leave bombs or packages they write something on this or write a chemical contamination or anthrax on it. sometimes the container indic e indicates that you might have to go to a hazmat operation. that's one possibility. people tossing over the white house fence are arrested pretty quickly. rarely do they get away, so many uniformed secret service and metropolitan police and d.c. police all there they will grab you pretty good and that person can say something and make a threat i have a chemical in there and biological agent in there and immediately throw the secret service and police into a hazmat protocol. they also have to do an explosive protocol. they have to do that first and pretty sure it's not a bomb and now going through their hazmat protocol. >> as you say there, any time something gets thrown over the fence or anything near the white house i imagine the level of security and response is pretty intense. >> even the olympic runners aren't going to get way, so many eye, cameras, motorcycle officers. they will get you. once they get you, if you're a person that would do this, you're likely a person that would say something about why you did it. people have all kinds of reasons and executive residences are a magnet for people with gripes and grievances and sometimes mental issues and throw something over to make a statement, want the president to read something, want to attack the president. they'll tell you, well, i had a biological agent in there. it may not be. it may be sugar and secret service agents go into hazmat. they're going through a protocol, looks like they're doing reagent testing to see if they have certain substance, carefully opening things and maybe even preserving things that test negative in a field test in an evidence bag to further take it back to the lab. some things are readily apparent not dangerous to you like a sheet of paper. it won't explode but did somebody slather something on it to do a field test. >> jim cavanaugh, fothank you. we are keeping a close eye on this situation as we've been telling you, a mysterious package outside the white house and we are learning of news outside cincinnati, in a half hour the director of the city's zoo is expected to answer questions from the press this following the shooting of a gorilla over the weekend, something that caused national attention and debate, today, animal rights activists holding a vigil for that gorilla after a 3-year-old child fell into the enclosure. joining me, jeff who hosted ee "ocean mysteries." curious to see what your reaction is. a lot of people watching this video out there are asking the question, how sure are we that gorilla was going to do harm or po ttentially do harm to that child? >> initially, my reaction is it's gut-wrenching and heartbre heartbreaking. i think any who works in the zoological community and front lines of conservation is totally depressed by this just catastrophic result. to answer your question, how do you get in this mind of a gorilla. we like gorillas are primates and intelligent and have diverse behaviors and emotions and can react spontaneously. this was a highly charged, hi highly stressful, highly dangerous situation. one could argue there are examples where gorillas have displayed powerful ail truistic behaviors of protection like in chicago after a gorilla prote protected a child slipping into an enclosure. we have seen the other side where people made mistakes as a result of human error found themselves in actually desperate situations with these powerful prima primates. so it was a very desperate moment that in the end led to a very desperate measure. >> i guess what we're not seeing on the video there is the commotion going on around that area from above where i imagine there were people gathered, people taking this video. i read in the accounts of, there were screams when the child fell in. i imagine that would also create, potentially at least create a reaction from the gorilla that you'd worry about. >> ultimately, what makes this zoo work j what makes all exhibits like this function, in a balanced way, is the element of the known. you have predictabilities. they're fed at the same time, their diets are completely measured and watched. this whole enclosure is filtered by the aza. this is a world class zoo. it's that unknown moment. it's a situation where there's great peril. then you have the high stress, the high volatility with the introduction of this little child. a terribly electrified moment, and unfortunately, this creature paid the ultimate price. it's very important to note, this gorilla didn't do anything wrong, it's not like it escaped. it wasn't wreaking havoc in the city, it wasn't being aggressive just being a gorilla. unfortunately it paid the ultimate price for something that was not its fault. this really emotes a lot of questions that are going to have to be answered. now, i also want to qualify something about the zoo. this is a terrible situation. it's incredibly tragic but this is one of our country's best o zoos, also an urban zoo. millions of inner city kids connect to nature. they're also on the front lines of conservation. they've been helping to bring back an endangered species of rhino which would have been extinct but because of them. this is a terrible moment. we're all searching for answers. >> jeff corwin, thanks for taking the time. i appreciate it. >> turning now to presidential politics and the potential game changer in the form of a third candidate in the presidential race, the libertarian party again choosing former new mexico governor, gary johnson, to be its preside its candidate for president this year and choosing his former running mate, william weld who will run for vice president under the libertarian banner. the libertarian party has one key advantage, that's their organization, the party secured a spot on the ballot in 32 states and confident they will make it on all 50 state ballots come november. joining me now is this vice chair of the libertarian party, arvin. thank you for joining me. watching the convention and libertarian convention, one thing that struck me, gary johnson now the presidential nominee making his case to delegates for bill weld to be his running mate. a lot of delegates are libertarian true believers and didn't want to go with weld. he basically made the case, there is no one else out there who will give your libertarian party the kind of visibility and media attention in that vice presidential spot bill weld would. he was appealing to prague ma tirms there. >> there's a certain amount of truth to that. the real fact is this. bill weld made it very very clear that he is looking to downsize government, he is looking to get things like the department of education out of the way of excellent education. he's looking to end the war on drugs so we can stop locking people up for these victimless crimes to have safer communities and put these cartels out of business. what really sold the delegates eventually was the fact in addition to that, he's looking to improve lives by cutting government. >> you're looking at a situation here, this came up a lot in these speeches, hillary clinton and donald trump both have unfavorable ratings over 50%. we have never seen a situation in modern presidential politics where both major party candidates have negatives this high going into the election. there's clearly an opening here for a third candidate to make some noise. the key for you guys is to get into those debates this fall. you need to be getting 15%. you need this johnson-weld ticket to be running 15% at the polls. do you think you have a realistic shot at that? >> absolutely. now that we're actually being included in the polls which didn't happen in 2012, we're in a much better place to get that 15%. what's going to sell people is the fact that we are the only party who has the solutions that people are looking for. we know that getting rid of college subsidies willow ther price of college tuition and that will appeal to sanders supporters. we know getting rid of social welfare programs will bring positive rather than dangerous immigration and will appeal to trump supporters. so many people will tie in and really connect with the ideas of smaller government to empower individu individuals. >> that's interesting, you're talking about sanders suppo supporters, sanders is a socialist. he is a socialist by his own definition, he wants a much wider and much bigger social safety net. you're talking about appealing to sanders supporters and c cutting that social safety net. va vastly, how can you appeal to a sanders supporter? >> the sanders supporters don't want college debt, don't want high tuitions and incorrectly believe the way to do that is by having government subsidies. i believe we'll make a very strong case to show those people if we got rid of all federal aid, all guaranteed student l n loans, colleges would have no choice but to lower tuitions and massive college debt would be a thing of the past. i guarantee, sanders supporters will connect to that. arvin vohra, vice-chairman of the libertarian party. thank you s. >> thank you. iraqi troops launching a major offensive to re-take fallujah from isis. where that continues on "msnbc live." to do one thing & another. only at&t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be... local & global. open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t. >> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. please write down this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you're on a fixed income or concerned about rising prices, learn about affordable whole life insurance with a lifetime rate lock that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, or if you misplaced it, call this number now and we'll rush it to you. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. please stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek and the announcement you just heard is for a popular and affordable life insurance plan with a rate lock guarantee. that means your rate is locked in for life and can never increase. did you get your free information kit in the mail? 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>> big city and lots of people. you look at it, looks like an enormous metropolitan area, exactly what it is. no more difficult combat than in urban areas, very labor-intensive and time intensive and on top of that. they put a force together to go in there. we had to train a bunch of them. can't rely on the iraqis. lots of shia militias involved, command and control difficult and planning extremely complex, it will be a tough battle. >> if control is regained, if isis is knocked out of fallujah, what does that mean strateg strategically to that bigger picture against isis. >> it's important symbolically. they want mosul but don't want go there until after fallujah is taken. fallujah is basically a sunni town. the attacking force is mainly shia. lots of retribution when this is all over and you can expect isis to counter attack when the shia take over. >> you covered iraq and over in iraq as a journalist 10 years ago, this memorial day in fact you were there. >> very bad day 10 years ago, cnbc lost two employees, paul douglas and james brolin and kimberly douglas was very badly wounded. the negligent used american holidays to carry out attacks because they knew it would get more attention. memorial day, veterans day, july fourth tend to be very violent days and very risky for those patrolling the areas of fallujah. and urban combat. the marines used to joke fish, you're fighting in someone's house. as a journalist, i'm not a soldier, that was terrifying. >> we've been shot at plenty. you have to block out whole blocks and isolate them. put troops on the roof, have them do in the front door and take it over. the whole block, room by room, floor by floor, after you get it, move to the next. >> in a lot of places lycra maddie and -- places like fallujah, you can expect there to be problems in there. >> and they booby-trapped it and have miles of tunnels and so on. it will be a tough battle. >> memorial day day 2016, i understand there is someone in the audience watching. >> yeah. caleb lufkin, 24-year-old from knoxville, illinois, died 10 years ago his month. his mother is watching. good to put an individual face. there's caleb there and that's how his mom would like to remember him. every year on this day, i try to call her and stay in touch and just let her know that we care and we're grateful for the sacrifice her son made. >> cal perry, colonel jack jacobs, appreciate you both being here. back after this. ck, ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? 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>> married to one of hillary clinton's closest advisors. >> at a certain point, you have to say look -- >> among other things, memorial day marks the start of the summer movie season. if you're a political junker, the documentary "weiner" is one of the highly anticipated films of the summer. eric is a manager at fandango. let's talk about "weiner," this is the story of his 2013 campaign and the whole picture in 2011 knocked him out of congress and supposedly ruins his car rear. he runs for mayor and gets hot and then more pictures come out and somebody was there to put it on tape. >> it reminds me of a camera being some place you couldn't believe they actually had someone there documenting this. yeah. it starts off simple enough. documentinging his comeback for mayor, looks great, everybody is loving him, passionate. this guy could actually do this. the sexting scandal hits and the doesn't tell the cameras to go away and they're there. why so many people are talking about this we have never been this close to a political scandal before, they're in the cab with him when he's talking to his campaign manager about what do i say? what do i tell these people? they're at home with huma. >> huma abba din, his wife, somebody who could be the next aide to the president of the united states and you're wat watching their marriage deal with this. you've seen their relationship. i don't know what's happened. by the end of it she doesn't want to be seen with him in public. >> no. a good drinking game is to count how many death stares she gives anthony throughout the film. she stays come posed the whole time. even when the front pages of the newspapers turn to her, is she going to drop out of this? is she going to stand next to him? do this? do that? you feel for her and they're in her kitchen and she's saying, can the cameras go away for a minute while everything is imploding around. >> i think you're asking yourself, too, why would they agree to this? i think they both figured in the beginning he will win and this will document the great comeback. >> in fact, the camera person says at the end of the movie, why did you let me film this? one of the biggest laughs in the entire movie, what we're thi thinking the entire time, how did you let this happen? it's a fascinating documentary, i don't think we will get this close to a political scandal because they're so safe as to access as to how we get to it. we will learn from it. i think it's on the short list for oscars and i think it's that good and compelling and see what happens. >> i do, too. i caught it a few days ago, fascina fascinating. at the white house, a resolution now this after that suspicious package was discovered about two hours ago at the white house. there appears to be no longer any threat to first responders and hazmat suits, seen loading material into plastic bags and leaving the immediate area. msnbc news has learned a woman has been brought into custody. again, no longer a threat at the white house after that suspicious package was found. that will do it for this hour. from nbc news headquarters in new york, "dateline" on assignment is next. we're waiting also for a news conference at a zoo in cincinnati where a lowland gorilla was shot after a toddler fell into its exhibit. we will bring that to you when it happens. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? 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Transcripts For MSNBCW Andrea Mitchell Reports 20160530

quarters from msnbc in new york. thanks for stopping by. we'll stop in new york for you where bill clinton and hillary clinton is spending their afternoon. kristin welker is joining us now with the latest, hey, kristin. >> reporter: hey there richard, that's right, secretary clinton and bill clinton is attending that memorial day service right now. this comes as she's still fighting on two fronts trying to clinch her on party's nomination and taking on donald trump and of course, we are seeing the fight unfolding in california, senator calling that state the big encihilada. he's going to be there today and he's not leaving the state. secretary clinton is making an aggressive push for california. she spent the better part of last week there and she's up in ads. it is a tight race, she's up by two-points but independence can vote in the california. take a listen of what senator had to say over the weekend. >> we win big in california and win in the other states that are in june 7th. we'll go in the democratic convention with a heck a lot of momentum. we'll come out of the democratic convention with the nomination. >> reporter: now, senator sanders would have to win california by the vast majority of votes there in order to catch up with secretary clinton and it is possible that she could clinch the nomination by winning new jersey and clinching it by california. she's going to be campaigning in new jersey a little bit later this weekend interesting to know richard sanders did not rule out running. he was asked about that by our colleagues, chuck todd and chris jansing. i tried asking the question today to see if she will rule that out. i anticipate she's going to get a whole lot of questions about the life presidential nominee once she does clinch the investigation if that happens. richard. >> yeah, it is a busy day, thank you for that. >> lets bring in california's congressman, loretta sanchez, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> lets move off of what kristin welker was talking about. last week showing secretary clinton up from two-points of senator sanders in your home state in the margin of error. are you surprise of how close this race is right now. do you believe that poll is accura accurate? >> no, i am not surprised because i have seen the energy out on the campaign trail both from the hillary clinton camp and the sanders camp. i think it is really good for the democratic party to have their message out there to have campaigns going on. it is a first time that we have seen california in play in a long, long time. it is actually pretty exciting. >> what's exciting about that is you watch the numbers here and you look at the number of registrations that came out, looking at the democratic registrations are up of almost triple from what it was. who do you think those registrants are? are these bernie sanders supporters or hillary clinton supporters? >> we know a lot of them are young hispanics. we know that every month 80,000 hispanics who are u.s. citizens turn 18 and what we saw just in two days facebook pushing the buttons and get to registration. we saw almost 200,000. >> i think that's evenly split. in particular the latino community still remembers the clinton years were good for them and yes, there is some sort of excitement about bernie sanders in particular in talking about the in equities of what is going on. >> you certainly understand different parts of california. we talk about the four states of florida, i want to ask you about the five/six states of california. you know 7th, where are you watching it or where are you keeping your eye on here? >> certainly, a person from orange county, i will tell you that people forget that there is about 270,000 registered democrats in san francisco county. there are over 400 registered democrats in orange county. if you are talking about bernie and hillary, you are talking about these places where people don't anticipate that democrats and declined the state. if you are not registered with the party. you can also vote within the democratic primary for president and of course, anybody can vote for the senate race where i am run ugh. >> we'll get to that. >> you will see a lot of increases out from the south where you typically have not because it is june and we are at the beaches and we are taking vacation and the kids out of school and etc. you will see that entry. >> representative, since you are talking about senators, lets talk about dine an feinstein who had this to say yesterday about the democratic race and what will be happening june 7th in california, take a look at what she's saying. >> he ought to be able to read the sign post. if he did that, he would know that it is over. i know the passion of a campaign and i know when you are in it and you keep ongoing until the last hour is there. well, the last hour is close by. >> representative, if that hour is close by, do you think bernie sanders should shift gear and start to work together with sena secretary clinton? >> let me say that, my senior senator feinstein is very wise. he continues to do it as hillary has. she came to orange county and she will come back in this coming week up and down tp sthe state. once we see the numbers play out and i do believe they are in clinton's favorite at this point. once she clenches the nomination, i believe that bernie sanders will come in the full. >> you don't want him to now do that now? you want him to wait. >> well, i mean -- we'll really need about eight or nine days away from the california primary. i don't see him slowing it down. i see the excitement coming out. i don't anticipate that he will do that. i do anticipate one of the things that i have not liked recently is the nastyness that has gone on. as democrats, we all want to see once the nomination is clenched. >> i want to turn to the race that you are in in california, the latest polling is looking good for you to make it to the run off there with the state attorney, attorney general carp harris and as we look at the movement in california, you are definitely apart of that. it is a group of experienced politician that is are moving into different spaces and as that reallocations that happens which you are apart of here. do you see that's an opening for the unconventional rather, t bernie sanders and donald trump. >> what we are seeing is a newcone new coming of age of young people and new people interested in casting their votes that'll make a difference in california. i see us getting in the primary, we have millenials with us and we have the spanish with us and we built a strong coalition of asian and african-americans and conservatives. it is been really interesting to watch it. when we move past primary and into november and where we have our city council races opened and supervisors for our counties and water boards, so important with the water situation going on. i would hope that some of these people because they have until august to file and would consider running and bringing new blood into the system. >> you are talking about the complexity and the asian americans and african-american complexion. lets talk about a fellow latino american here. when you look at him lookihitti out, -- of equal opportunity? >> well, i have not seen from his rhetoric of what he says that will trump pass conscious about women equality or particular about mexican-americans or for that fact. i am not surprised that he would go after someone she's not standing for that rhetoric. i don't like what's coming out of your mouth. it is been interesting that he would hit his own fellow republicans, a governor that's widely respected by her colleagues who are governors and plenty of them across the united states. i think that goes really we well -- badly for him as he try to construct a coalition that'll bring him across the finish line come november. >> you know that coalition that you elude to here is going to be listening to comments made by donald trump and one of the things that happened over the weekend is the class action lawsuit against trump university and donald trump reacting to the p presiding judge and his nou announcement. lets listen to trump first. >> he's a hater. his name is gonzalo, the judge is mexican, i think the mexicans are going to end up loving donald trump when i give all these jobs, okay? >> the judge was born in indiana and is of latino decent and let me add one more thing before you get to this commentary. this comment comes from donald trump at a memorial day event. in many cases, illegal immigrants are taking much care are really taking much better care by this country, taking care of our veterans. >> those who comments, we also understand your state, california, ten million immigrants and many of latino americans, that community has it and reacting to the trump narrative which has been consistent and these comments were just in the last several days. >> look, i don't want to go after people on memorial day. memorial is a very serious day. you know my husband is a retired colonel. we are a military family and this is a day to remember and it is a day for military family in particular. all latinos have fought in every single war for the united states. they have given in their lives and come back in many cases have been disrespected but we have been there and fought in the country for the true values of america. i want a president, my next president and next commandeering chief for this united states to be somebody who appreciates the valor and the sacrifices that all families have made in the united states and so there is no time in particular today for donald trump to be campaigning. this is a day of remembrance and a day for military families and latino families have been there and are there and will be there to make this country great. congresswoman, loretta sanchez, thank you for you and your husband, i appreciate your time today. >> this morning, he did tweet this. "have a great memorial day and remember that we'll soon make america great again." he spent yesterday addressing the crowd of mostly veterans in washington. take a listen. >> our veterans have been treated so badly in this country. you have a secretary that last week said no, the wait times does not matter, forget about wait time, i know people and i gotten to know so many vets and we just raised almost $6 million for the vets because i did not do a television choice. lets do this and we are announcing on tuesday all of the groups that we put up this money and we raise this tremendous amount of money because we love the vets. joining me now with more with my colleague, halie jackson, good day to you, today is as quiet one for the presumptive nominee, still some questions regarding the money raised a few months ago. >> yeah, where is it and who did it go to. he will be revealing all of that tomorrow at a news conference in trump's tower in manhattan tomorrow morning. he will be there to find out more about his nomination. he's been asking questions of where this money has gone to and how much it was. he raised and he says some six millions after skipping that debate and holding his own participate rally with that money being donated to charity. something that trump is talking about or asked about and we should get more answers about it tomorrow. >> something is keeping an eye here back and forth because of that tweet from conservatives. crystal tweeted this over the weekend. there is the trump response also, the republican party has to be smart, strong if it wants to win in november and cancel out to set up a spoiler in the candidate. where does this all stand? it seems like it is come zing a going. >> obviously, it is the most recent time with that hint from bill crystal being tweeted o ut there. there is a question of who this person maybe and people's whose names have been tossed around and rouled out. ben sass, his name came up. his team telling us over the weekend nothing as changed as far as he stands. you heard john kasich's name being banned about a couple of weeks ago, him receiving a call from mit romney, john kasich and his team saying hey, listen, where were you weeks ago when i am in this race. no, i am not going to run as an inspect candidate and there is romney of this subject of speculation over testimony last few months of maybe being a person who can come in and be an independent candidate. i will tell you this, in conversations with sources about this, there seems to be a question of who is willing to do this and put themselves up to be an independent candidate and what is the liability of independent candidate and the ballot is closing and becoming more and more difficult to see how it is viable to have somebody and yet another candidate. a question of what kind of a team you have in place. it is tough to recruit a candidate when you cannot point to any solid plan or step. here is how you can see winning if you were to go up against both donald trump and the democratic nominee, likely hillary clinton at this point. there is still oa lot of questin marks. it is all attentive and speculative at this point. >> the question of who's risk loving it. nbc's halie jackson in washington for us. up next, we'll head to the palmetto state, it is drying out after getting soaked by tropical depression bonnie. today, a busy travel day, we'll check into see how airports are doing. defiance is in our bones. our citracal bones. easily absorbed calcium plus vitamin d. defy bone aging with citracal maximum. our highest level of calcium plus d. i have an orc-o-gram we for an "owen."e. that's me. ♪ you should hire stacy drew. ♪ ♪ she wants to change the world with you. ♪ ♪ she can program jet engines to talk and such. ♪ ♪ her biggest weakness is she cares too much. ♪ thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. ♪ i'm a wise elf from a far off shire. ♪ and sanjay patel is who you should hire. ♪ thank you. seriously though, stacy went to a great school and she's really loyal. you should give her a shot. sanjay's a team player and uh... if you're approaching 65, now's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - 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"hey cortana, remind me we have a play date tomorrow at noon" i need that in my world. anything that makes my life easier, i'm using. and windows is doing that. . on this memorial day, we stop to remember the men and women who served our country and recognizing those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. president obama laid the wreath at the tuomb of the unknown. >> the americans who rest here and their families, the best of us, those from whom we had everything. ask of us today only of one thing in return. that we remember them. >> joining me now is steve clemo clemons. steve, as we remember those who have served and are serving right now, i want to go to something we are watching carefulfull caref carefully, that's service members now in iraq, some who which lost their lives, the iraqis military specifically, a key isis stronghold right now, the iraqis military is attempting to over take that in the morning and how successful does that look? >> right now, i think it looks very good and i think right now you got a coordinated iraqis force going in and you got u.s. military advisor that are closer in and playing a key role and quite a bit of this interestingly available out on youtube to watch where these drone strikes are hitting and the coordination and the sophistication with the iraqis military had been enhanced quite a bit from those tragic days when you see an entire iraqis battalion just melt away and fold. right now things are looking good and i think united states says and it is compelling, iraqis standing up these cases. >> the medal honor recipient is joining us now. colonel, what is crucial as you look at this and steve, given some of the key points that he's watching. >> well, there are two things that come into mind of a combat in the built up area that i fought in urban terrains of the most labor intensive and the most time intensive, and you got to isolate individual blocks and top to bottom and you have to have enough forces to control the area once you have cleared it. that's the first thing. isis had been there for years and so there are tunnel and booby traps. i think it will be difficult to do this and the second fact are worth noting it. this is a large sunni city being attacked by a large shia force. united states would be in a similar situation and if as and when they take the city, there will be a lot of retribution. this is a difficult battle and a difficult after math and it will be interest to see what positive impact overall. >> on this day here, i want to share something that you know very well growing up in new york city after world war ii and now teaching west point, i am interested of your perspective of memorial day, how you describe to your experience and the meaning of today. >> the senior class just graduated. they are in it and they understand from the time they got there, they understand the whole routine. it is very much different for people who have not served in the military, who are not in the military or whose parents did not serve. we are far removed from the servic services sacrificed. one of our obligations is to educate the next generation so they won't take freedom for grant it. they'll know what contributions have been made by generations of america. >> colonel, i cannot help pointing to the pictures we are showing, those are of you. when luke at it, what do you remember? >> i don't remember looking like that. those photographs were all taken like last thursday. >> i think they are. >> these are both vietnamese and americans that i served with. the sergeant from maui and the other guy, the officer battalion that was killed in combat. >> i am honored and impressed by you thank you very much. >> steve is feeling the right way, am i right, steve clemons? >> steve, i owe you one and thank you both on this day. >> thank you. >> coming up, this weekend is the first test of the summer travel season for the tsa. we'll head out to orlando international airport and see how they are doing keeping the lines moving and passengers lines moving and passengers along the way. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. u're a set tbook a flight using your airline credit card miles. and surprise! those seats sometimes cost a ridiculous number of miles, making it really hard to book the flight you want. luckily, there's a better way... with the capital one venture card. with venture, you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. and when you're ready to travel, just book the flight you want, on any airline, then use your miles to cover the cost. now you're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? >> reporter: the order time have been reported and wait time is only 15 minutes often below at the major airports. even with the morning rush, wait times are only about eight minutes. it is not that hard as you can see it. walking right there is a four legged dog, is a bomb sniffing dog. when a person is cleared and sniffed by the dog then it is clear. as a results, these lines are moving quickly. that's a ahead of an expanded service team. they'll be adding thousands of employees moving from part time to full-time and as many as 3,000 additional hires. since it is memorial day, i should add that the tsa is comprised of 25 percent veterans. you should keep that in mind. safety is also up. last week was a record week for the tsa. they confiscated 74 gun and 65 of them armed, that came after a terrible failure last year of 67 times out of 70 agents were able to sneak firearms through. some good pr today for the tsa. we can only hope it is an indication for a better performance, richard. >> thank you for the 25% who worked there had who are veterans. tony dokoupil . >> the cincinnati zoo, protecting the little boy. what is the best protocol when people are in danger? jeff corwin weighs in. and got better. at experian, we believe it's the same with managing your credit. you may not be good at it now. but that's okay. because credit isn't just a score. it's a skill. and you can get better. experian. be better at credit. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. save $500 on the memorial day special edition mattress with sleepiq technology. plus 36 month financing. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. when your symptoms start... distracting you? doctors recommend taking ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. igoing to clean betteran electthan a manual. was he said sure...but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. welcome back, the cincinnati zoo is under fire after a zoo keeper shot and killed an endangered gorilla. others say the zoo did the right thing. the 400 pounds grab add 3 years old child who had fallen into its enclosure. >> they had no other choice. we want to warn you that no, ma'am of the video you are about to see is hard for some to watch. nbc's blake mccoy has the story for us. >> cell phone video capture tg horrifying moment of a three years old boy coming face to face with the 400 pounds. you will hear his mother's desperate calls. >> visitors watched the gorilla picked the boy up and dragged him through the water. >> oh my god. >> i heard the splash and people were yelling, you know there is a boy in the water. >> witness, kimmel conner, says the boy wanted to go in the water. the boy flipped but the railing and passed wires to enter the enclosure. >> ten agonizing minutes go by before zoo keepers make a difficult decision to shoot the gorilla. >> it is a great big animal. it is seen by our professional team that it is a life-threatening situation. >> so the choice is made to put down or shoot the gorilla. he's gone. >> they say a tranquilizer would have taken too long. on social media blamed the child's mother, i am sorry your child is hurt but i am angry that perennial negligent caused the death of this animal. >> he don't have a voice anymore, they gunned him down so we have to be his voice. >> i felt like they did this gorilla wrong and i felt that the mother should be held accountable. >> we extend our heartfelt thanks by the quick action of the cincinnati's zoo staff. we know it is a difficult decision for them and they are grieving the loss of their gorilla. the incident comes after a week after zoo keeper in chile shot and killed two lion. in cincinnati the gorilla exhibit is closed while the memorial grows for the gorilla who he just celebrated his 17 birthday. bla >> blake mccoy now, the day after, what have you learned of terms of what will be next and how will they handle the exhibit? >> reporter: they are reviewing security around the exhibit to see if any changes are made. the exhibit had been here for 37 years. this is the first breach that ever happened. we did reach out to police this morning, they tell us there is no investigation under way because there is no evidence of anything criminal happened and they have no plans to charge these parents. nbc's blake mccoy for us. >> joining us now, the host of abc's ocean mystery. jeff corwin, thank you for joining us. what is the protocol of children are in danger? >> the first level is to have a good enclosure and the enclosure where these gorillas live. all the protocols of standard of practices of the ava, it really should not have happened. ultimately, when something like this does happen, you want to reasonably and quickly try to separate whoever is in harm's way from the animal. sometimes, they're able to taunt the creature away or trap the creature away with food or base or repellent or stuff like that or hoses. >> in this situation, it happens so fast and so quickly and so shockingly. >> when you watch this video and we have been playing it which you mayor may not see, what do you take from the video that we have been playing and that you have seen. >> my heart is just -- it is racing when i watched it. it was very hard for me to watch. this i see this incredible gorilla that has done nothing wrong and just being a gorilla. it did not escape or not running king kong style and not raising mayhem and just in this situation due to no fault of its own and it pays the price. >> the emergency response team may not have the name correctly here. the group that were looting to the zoo officials, what are they charged of doing and what are the rules of engagement with animals such as harambi. >> to have an an mall escape or have someone finding themselves in the enclosure. in most situations, they are able to diffuse those moments. also, very important to know that many of these situations, if the result is human error and of that gentleman jumping in the line, that was his own decision. these folks there testing these scenarios all the time and try to have good methods in place to detour them. it is important to know. this exhibit had been around for 40 years. they have never had a situation like this. this zoo is the most important conservation sent center on the planet. they brought back a dangerous species of the rhino. >> providing a place where thousands of inner city kids connect in nature. that was as terrible tragic moment for them. there is a lot of questions will be asked and with need to be answered. >> jeff coleman, tough for your time and your expertise on this. could an independent candidate, another wrenching of the 2016 race of the white house, we'll take a look at that. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn because you can't beat zero heartburn! ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. and intellectual propertylines about bubeing stolen.g hacked that is cyber-crime. and it affects each and every one of us. microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cyber-crime. we use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. when it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. we're building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. afdave stops working, but his aleve doesn't. because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours? we have a long road ahead until november. the week leading up to the democratic convention, it seems voters can expect the unexpected has been said. an independent candidate will soon jump in the phrase. we have ken vogel. thank you for joining us today, ken, i will start with you. approval ratings for both nominees record high right now. many voters admitting they see this election is voting for the lesser of two evils. when we look at such high negatives, does it say, yes, third party success possible. >> well, i guess it depends on how you measure success. we see gary and johnson already hitting 10% in some polls. there is a potential to get the ideas of the third party and the libertarian party in this case out there. but, there is no potential for him to win the presidency. >> it is a good point made there. to you jane, when we take a look at this, they get double digits in some polls here. does that say it will fight off some of the votes for democrat and potential republicans. >> libertarian options among young voters across the isle looking at ron paul and his bid. he was not a third party bid but he threw a lot of support from young college voters identifying as democrats. it is not out of the realm of possibility that the candidate could draw both democratic and republican vote. >> what do you milwaukee up here, of there will be an independent contender here or donald trump is saying, you know, this is not something that he slams this sort of spoiler idea back and forth on twitter. what do you make of this? we have reports that it is dead and we are hearing a possibility. it is a spoiler. there is no question that this is not somebody that conceivably wins. you are looking past a lot of deadlines and texas, you have this point to write in the candidate which is impossible to win. it is a stop the trump movement and it will hand the presidency to clinton and it does show the division of the republican party that remains and donald trump's challenges in uniting the party >> ken, whaen you are watching the headline here, what are you hearing from your sources and is this dead or a potential naming of bill crystal. >> well, bill crystal had been promising for a third party candidate and we heard of mit romney and potential third party nominee and also senator ben sass of nebraska and all said no for the obvious set of reasons. it is going to be difficult to mount the candidacy as they missed the headlines getting on the state and it is going to cost a ton of money so you look at the potential profile of a third party candidate maybe of bill crystal. the candidate would have to be wealthy on their own and could put a lot of their own money into it and comes from outside of the world of politics. sounds a lot like somebody that's already a major party nominee, donald trump, and that goes to show you that this is a stop trump as oppose to elevating the idea of someone else. >> 15 seconds to you, jeh, you are watching a libertarian convention, most likely, of that surgery and show, does that prove that this independent run is viable? >> um, i mean look, there is an independent run for a long time, ross perot and you need to name one. this is the kind of thing that's hard to -- there are two parties entrenched and every single state. this is a two party system that'll be very hard to change into a three party system. it will take a much longer campaign. thank you very much. you both have a great monday. >> thank you, richard. >> thank you for watching at this hour, i am richard liu, we'll be right back after this. was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. being a non-smoker feels great. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. puwith meta appetite control. you and temptation clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. new, from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand. prge! a manufacturer. well that's why i dug this out for you. it's your grandpappy's hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. it meant a lot to him... yes, ge makes powerful machines. but i'll be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. i'll be changing the way the world works. (interrupting) you can't pick it up, can you? go ahead. he can't lift the hammer. it's okay though! you're going to change the world. if you have allergy congestion muddling through your morning is nothing new. introducing rhinocort® allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec®. powerful relief from nasal allergy symptoms, all day and all night. try new rhinocort® allergy spray. hello everyone, i am richard liu on msnbc. here is what's happening on this memorial day. president obama honoring the fallen soldiers. 38 million travelers on the road and in the air this weekend. what the tsa is trying to keep world cup the crowd and what it is doing. new backlash after the cincinnati zoo killed an endangered 400 pounds gorilla that dragged a little boy fallen into the gorilla's enclosure. >> we begin with the deadly weather in texas and carolina. texas had flood waters threatening part of the state and forcing evacuations. >> meanwhile a slow moving post tropical cyclone is bringing heavy rain and choppy surf across the carolinas. i-90 was shut down for 60 hours. officials reopened it a short time ago. lets get to the latest and get to bonnie snyder, our meteorologist. we have seen a lot of changes here. >> the bonnie, the storm is a post cyclone. that does not mean it is a rainmaker or causing those rip currents. we'll be watching it throughout the weekend and into the first part of in the case week. lets take a closer


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