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Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20130212

♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. we're live in vallejo where police are trying to figure out how a deadly shooting unfolded. we'll tell you what we know about the victim. the news came just a short time ago. president obama will make a major announcement about the war in afghanistan during tonight's state of the union speech. >> reporter: we're live in menlo park where neighbors are brewing a battle between heritage trees and development. who will come out on top? reports i've gotten the person who hit him did not even brake. >> the mother of a teenaged boy critically injured in a crash, showing her grief and frustration. "mornings on 2" begins right now. good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. a violent night in vallejo has police searching for suspects. one person was killed. four others wounded at a shooting at a home on humboldt street. ktvu's tara moriarty joins us where police are still on the scene. >> reporter: good morning. a very violent night last night. police say there's quite a bit of blood inside the garage that you can see behind me here. that's where they believe the victims were standing. if we pan down to the street, you can see the yellow evidence markers. 40 of them in all. most are bullet casings. we don't know if this was a drive-by shooting or if someone just walked up and opened fire. this is vallejo's second homicide of the year and the second in a week. the violence broke out at 8:30 last night at the home on hum belt. one man in his 20s was killed. another person was rushed to the hospital. three other gunshot victims were driven in their own car to the hospital in their own vehicle. >> multiple casings spread about the area. we're processing the scene. we're taking as many precautions as we can to ensure that we maintain the integrity of whatever evidence we find. >> reporter: now, police were able to obtain a search warrant and they have sifted through the house here as well as the car parked in the street belonging to at least one of the victims. we don't believe they found anything inside the car. but they did glean some information from the victims at the hospital. we're trying to figure out if they were able to take any evidence off of them, guns or bullets. we did learn that four of these gunshot victims were men. one was a woman. we've been in touch with vallejo police this morning. their spokesperson has just arrived on scene. we're hoping to learn new information and pass it along to you within the hour. i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. 7:03. all lanes of southbound 880 in hayward are reopened after an overnight three-car pileup. police are still searching for one of the drivers. it happened before 2:00 this morning, when a nissan slammed into the guardrail and spun into the middle of the freeway. a second car hit the back of the nissan. the driver of the second car fled the scene. >> the passenger in the vehicle fled the scene. the other driver was transported to the hospital. >> a third car skidded. police are still investigating whether alcohol was involved. 7:03. a battle is brewing in one menlo park neighborhood over plans to remove some heritage trees. ktvu's brian flores is there in menlo park with the reason the trees may be cut down and how some of the neighbors are fighting back. brian? >> reporter: good morning, dave. well, yeah, these heritage trees have been here for years. that's the debate that these neighbors are bringing u you have -- bringing up. you have a homeowner here. he's planning to build two other homes. he says the trees need to be taken down. it's expected to be quite a battle tonight during the city council this evening. according to the chronicle, the residents approved of the plan to build the new homes but they don't like the plans to bring down the magnolia trees and the chilean trees. earlier this year, the planning commission approved that plan but it's gone back and forth and gone back to appeal twice now and they are planning ong having that meeting later on this evening. there are 25 residents here banning together who say they want the trees to stay here. that's where we stand. pretty big lot. the planning commission meeting expected to begin tonight at about 7:00. we are live here in menlo park. brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, brian. 7:05. breaking news. "the associated press" is reporting that president obama will announce in his state of the union address tonight that 34,000 u.s. troops will be home from afghanistan a year from today. right now, there are 60,000 u.s. troops in afghanistan. all combat troops are supposed to leave afghanistan by the end of 2014. that's when the u.s.-led international forces are scheduled to hand over the country's security to afghan forces. the white house says other topics he will talk about include immigration reform, reducing gun violence and investing in education. but his major focus is expected to be on the economy and creating jobs. >> the core emphasis that he's always placed on -- in these big speeches remains the same and will remain the same which is the need to make the economy work for the middle class because the middle class is the engine that drives this country forward. >> following the state of the union address, the president travels to three different communities discussing the proposals he unveils in the speech. the president will go to asheville, north carolina on thursday, atlanta on thursday and then chicago on friday. the republican response will be delivered by marco rube pea yo, immediately after the president's speech. "time" magazine is calling rubio the republican savior. he will deliver his speech in both english and spanish. this is seen as another attempt to attract latino voters for the republicans. santa clara university is holding a watch party for the state of the union address. it will be held in the basement of dunn hall at 6:00 p.m. professors will be able to give some anallicy -- analysis and commentary after the speech. you can watch the state of the union at 6:00. and then at 7:30, we'll break down the president's speech as well as the republican response with randy shandobil. developing news. the u.n. security council is holding an emergency meeting this morning on north korea's latest nuclear test. north korea says it successfully carried out an underground nuclear test defying u.n. security council orders to shut down its activity. coming up at 7:15, the increased threat to the u.s. from north korea's nuclear testing. 7:07. sal is back and i'm reading your mind. you are watching the toll plaza. >> yes. you know, we watch the toll plaza a lot because when it's bad people need to know. today is normal. it's backed up for about a 25- minute delay. we haven't had any stalled vehicles or collisions reported by chp on that upper deck which is good. sometimes it's really bad and then you will want to do something else. this morning, i don't think you have to. let's take a look at another picture. northbound 101 in san francisco looks good. southbound 101 a little bit slow as you approach the u.p.s. building and head down south. nothing out of the ordinary. if you want to use 280 that would be a good plan for you. if you are driving into livermore valley, we have slow traffic from the grantline exit to 680. it's 30 minutes. yesterday it was about an hour. let's go to steve. >> thank you. beautiful sunrise. we have some coastal fog that's bad. it's been moving a little bit inland, also some patchy fog inland. mostly sunny a few high clouds. yesterday, we warmed up. i know santa rosa, napa and downtown oakland hit 68. today it will be a little cooler. there is a lot more fog out there. sunny but cooler. more of the same tomorrow. then thursday, friday, we'll warm it up. friday looks to be the warmest day of the week. san francisco yesterday hit 63, we'll back off on that. back off a little bit. just because there is a lot more clouds and more of a westerly breeze. yesterday was all easterly. 46 to start. 5 -- 57. it should be mostly sunny later. hard to see. i will show you a better satellite picture. by the coast, there's no doubt about it. remember our little laner from -- rainer from last friday. it's moved into the four corners. it's ejecting into texas and the plains and you can see oklahoma, severe weather there. yet, the severe weather is turning to snow on the back side of that. and then freezing rain. 32 in fairfield. yesterday, they were about 42. still a lot of 30s here. much, much cooler than we had yesterday. half moon bay was 40. they are 47. i've seen some 40s closer to the coast. much coomber because the wind is now more westerly. there it is for sfo. yesterday was all offshore. so i mean, there's still a light component of the breeze. but not nearly as much. look at that fog really increasing from nothing yesterday to fog today. it will burn back. a lot of is up. looks pretty good. 68 clearlake. 67 st. helena, pet mew law -- petaluma, 62. san rafael, 62. richmond, 59. 63, concord. about the same for brentwood and antioch. berkeley, alameda, 59. 64 los gatos. 66 gilroy, one of the warmest toward the santa clara valley and then because of that fog. 50s on the coast. much of san francisco could be some low 60s along the embarcadero. low to mid-60s on the peninsula. we'll go 64 in redwood city. i think the same tomorrow and then warmer weather thursday into friday. we'll top it out on friday. the weekend looks pretty good. just a little bit cooler. >> thank you, steve. 7:11 the search for a wanted l.a. officer moves in a different direction and the unusual item he spot at a sporting good store days before the killings began. and is a worship docked in alameda haunted? what the u.s. is going to do on the u.s.s. hornet to find out. a lot of low clouds and fog returning to the coast. still the same but not as warm as yesterday. the low fog deck is hanging out in san francisco. upper 50s near the coast. 7:13. there's new video of the former los angeles police officer wanted for killing three people. police have learned that christopher dorner went to a southern california sporting goods store just two days before the killing began. tmz has obtained this surveillance video from the store in torrance. it shows dorner buying scuba diving equipment. police say dorner tried to steal a boat in san diego a few days later. in the meantime, the massive manhunt for dorner may be shifting south of the border. today's "los angeles times" reports authorities have evidence dorner may have fled to mexico. and he may have help in his efforts to flee to mexico from a friend identified only as jy. >> i can tell you we're following up on over 600 clues that have come in from the public. some of these are related to specific sightings or locations of dorner. >> police are asking homeowners in big bear with surveillance systems to check their video. we'll have a live report at 7:30. happening right now. an emergency meeting of the united nations security council is underway. members are expected to come up with new sanctions on north korea after north korea successfully conducted another nuclear test. as kyla campbell reports from our washington, d.c. newsroom, north korea is threatening to create a bomb targeting the united states. >> reporter: experts disagree on whether or not north korea's rockets could reach the west coast at this point. accuracy is still a problem for north korea's missiles. all of this is happening at president obama wants to reduce america's nuclear forces by one- third and the white house just said president obama will address north korea's nuclear test in tonight's state of the union speech. now, take a look at this time line. north korea launched a rocket in 1998, capable of going 1500 miles. the country followed with a rocket launch and nuclear test in both 2006 and 2009. north korea then launched a rocket this past april and december with the potential to reach 6,000 miles and then today, around noon, north korea a suck test. this is carried -- a successful test. this is carried out by kim jong- un. north korea says it's close to successfully creating a nuclear bomb that's light enough to be attached to a missile and launched at the u.s. >> translator: unlike last time, this bomb has more explosive power, is smaller in size, is a lighter bomb and was used in a lie-level test. >> reporter: and north korea warns it will continue with second and third measures of greater intensity. we expect to learn details of any new stangses the u.n. security council could impose -- stangses the u.n. security council could impose -- sanctions the u.n. security council could impose next hour. back to you. >> thank you. chuck hagel is a former republican senator from nebraska. some of his fellow republicans on the committee have challenged his past statements on votes on israel, iran, iraq and nuclear weapons. republicans forced a delay when they pressed him for more information about his personal finances for his nomination. former secretary of state condoleezza rice will add her voice to the national debate on immation. she's accepted an invitation to co-chair a commission investigating mesh's immigration system and -- america's immigration system and come up with ideas to reform it. she said this is at the heart of what the u.s. stands for. the group which includes high- level leaders from both parties will present its ideas to congress in several months. friends and family members of chris kyle, who was shot and killed at a shooting range, are making the final trip to his resting place. they just left from texas and are headed to the texas state cemetery in austin. the trip is about three hours and 179 miles. it looks like it's raining there, too. kyle survived four tours of duty in iraq but was killed here in the u.s. he was best known for writing "american sniper" the autobiography of the most lethal sniper in u.s. military history. yesterday, about 7,000 people gathered for a memorial at cowboy stadium. happening now, the coast guard is holding a hearing into a deadly accident off the coast of north carolina. they are investigating last october's sinking of the hms bounty shortly before superstorm sandy hit. the captain and one of the crew members were killed. the coast guard and other federal agencies want to know what went wrong. that ship is a replica of an 18th century tall ship built for the 1962 film "muteny on the bounty.". a group investigating paranormal activity went to the u.s.s. hornet to find out if it's haunted. they call themselves the chill seekers. they traveled to the aircraft carrier where many believe it's frequented by spirits and they claim they found proof backing up that belief. the chill seekers say they welcome skeptics. >> come with us on one of our haunts. here's some stuff that -- hear some stuff that you can't explain and see some stuff that you can't explain. >> they spent thousands of dollars on equipment that scans radio frequencies. they say they have proof to the u.s.s. hornet is haunted. 7:19. the bay area has three of the top ten regions where well-to- do americans live. the census bureau says any household that earns more than $191,000 a year is in the top 5%. 19% of people living in the southwestern corner of connecticut meet that standard. santa clara county ranks second with 16%. washington, d.c. is third. the area including san francisco, the peninsula, the east bay and marin is fourth and napa county came in 10th. the counter of facebook and his wife -- the founder of facebook and his wife donated nearly $500,000 of charity last year -- to charity last year to the silicon valley communitity foundation. that's the second largest amount in the country. google co-founder sergei britain and his wife donated around $220 million. but warren buffett is the biggest donor. he gave mere on this $3 -- more than $3 million to charity. >> i think he has a little left over. >> just a little. we're not seeing rain. it's taking a break. how long? that's a sun shot. that's beautiful. >> uh-huh. >> stay tuned. steve is coming back. he will tell us if we'll need the umbrellas any time soon. officers come face to face with an aim gator during a drug -- alligator during a drug bust. good morning. traffic is slow on highway 4 coming up on the willow pass grade. we'll tell you more straight ahead. a bank robbery in new whack sparked a seven-hour standoff with police. but two -- in newwark sparked a seven-hour standoff with police. one suspect housed himself in a hotel. the other turned himself in. 7:23. well, during the recent marijuana bust at a home in vacaville, police say they found a baby alligator. there it s they found a three- foot -- there it is. they found a three-foot long at the home of lori and william riley in fair field. police say they stopped them -- fairfield. police say they stopped their car after they were suspected of having marijuana. police say they found 50 pounds of marijuana along with a lightning in the car. after the reillys' arrest, police searched their home and found more marijuana along with weapons and the alligator. the alligator was turned over to the county's humane services. want to check in with sal, see what's happening on the roads and 880. >> we're starting there in oakland because we do have a traffic -- traffic is moving along relatively well. it usually gets busier later in the morning. right now you have the opportunity to get up to downtown oakland. the morning commute looks pretty good at the bay bridge. i will qualify that. it looks good for a normal day. it's backed up for a that 25 -- for a 25 to 30-minute delay. it's not great but at least we don't have anything to do well with on the upper deck. we have a traffic time building here from grantline road to the 680 commute. 31 minutes. still not as bad as the other day, when we had delays up to an hour there. i think people are probably saying, i will take this instead of that. let's go to steve. >> a little different pattern today. yesterday, the coast was clear. today there's a lot more fog. it's a low cloud deck. it looks like still an offshore breeze. underneath all of that, high pressure and a little bit more of a westerly breeze near the coast. colder lows, patchy low clouds. there will be a lot of sun. it will just not be as warm as yesterday. today we back it off a little bit. but 50s and 60s. but it does look like somep os -- some 70s. i will have more coming up. 7:25. the pope stuns the world's 1 billion catholic on his resignation. now there's new information about what may have led to the decision and the possible surprise in the search for the next pope. and a teenaged boy hit by a car in a crosswalk in concord. we'll have an update on his condition and tell you about the safety improvements his mother would like to see at this intersection. >> reporter: people showed up at a packed meeting about the future of gun laws when "mornings on 2" continues. 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[ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. it is 7:29. a high school freshman is in critical condition after he was hit by a car in a crosswalk in concord. ktvu's alex savidge is at the intersection where it happened to tell us what the boy's mother is now asking for. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning. she tells ktvu that speeding is a real problem at this intersection and often drivers don't slow down for pedestrians who are trying to get across this street. that teenaged boy hit here yesterday was in this crosswalk and now his mom says the city needs to put stop signs in here at solano way and grant street to keep this kind of accident from happening again. 14-year-old joey hornsby is in critical condition. he's a freshman apartment mt. diablo high school. he now has severe swelling on his brain. he was walking to basketball practice at 1:30 in the afternoon when the crash happened. the car slammed into him, he flew 30 feet in the air landing on his lead. the driver did stay and cooperate with police. it's unclear how fast that car was going. but the boy's mother is still asking for safety improvements at this intersection. >> reports i've gotten is the person who hit him did not even brake. she just ran into him. he apparently hit the front of the car, hit the windshield, flipped over and landed on his head. so he actually looks good. but he's in very critical condition right now. >> reporter: and this is the scene at mt. diablo high school last night as tom of hornsby's teammates could be seen linking hands and praying there. he's in a medically-induced coma at children's hospital. his mother said he will remain in such a state for the next couple of days until the swelling on his brain goes down. i did check in with concord police. they say they don't have any updates on the crash investigation here. although investigators last night did tell ktvu that the driver didn't show any signs of impairment. we're waiting to find out if she will be facing any charges in connection with this crash. live in concord, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:31. in overnight news, in oakland, a man suspected of stealing a car and leading police on a chase managed to it happened last night just before 9:00 near 102nd avenue and international boulevard. the suspect crashed into a car shortly after the chase began and then ran away. the passenger of the car that was hit was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. time is now 7:31. a 30-year-old man is in the hospital very serious injuries after being shot several times by richmond police. this happened at 5:00 yesterday on nevin avenue and bee street. neighbors called police and say an armed man was walking in the street. when police arrived, they say they saw an armed man behind the apartment complex. >> the officers were confronted by the suspect. shots were fired. he's been taken to the hospital in critical condition. >> the police officers involved a been placed on administrative leave while the investigation continues. a debate continues around a store that sells guns. last night, the city council heard arguments on both sides of the issue. janine de la vega is in los gatos to tell us how the debate ended. >> reporter: we're still waiting to hear from the owner of templar sports. the attorney says that just because people are unhappy this gun store is here that they can't legally shut it down. but restrictions on future gun stores will be studied. at last night's meeting it was packed with people spilling out of an overflow room. people were there to discuss the subject. they held up signs that read transparency and accountability. after listening to both side, the council decided the town staff should come back on march 4th with possible new requirements for gun sales. here's what people are saying about -- dash. >> i think it's a good compromise. i think these guys should be left alone. i think their intent is good. merle's sport shop was down there and they had guns. people have changed. the guns haven't changed. >> reporter: new regulations could include a police permit process requiring i.d. checks for the sales of guns and temporary more tum afternoon on gun sales. the attorney for templar sports says a moratorium would only affect future gun sales. the owner is somebody that we reached out to. we're still waiting to hear back from him. he did receive a death threat after last week's meeting. so they are hoping after last night none of that will happen again. there was heightened security at last night's meeting but everything didn't get as heated as it was in the past. now it's more of a point of seeing how can they get the community to embrace the store since it looks like the store is here to stay. reporting live from los gatos, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right, janine. 7:34. well, the effectiveness and constitutionality of gun restrictions will be discussed at a senate meeting today. they will hear from witnesses taking opposing sides. this is the subcommittee's second hearing since december's mass shooting at sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. the vatican is acknowledging for the first time that pope benedict xvi has had a pacemaker for several years. this revelation came a short time ago, one day after the pope stunned the world's 1 billion plus catholics by announcing he's resigning. the 85-year-old pope cited his age and fatigue as the reasons he's stepping down. sources say even the pope's closest associates had no idea he was planning to resign. the catholic church hopes to have a new pope in place by easter, march 31st. the vatican says the pope will have no role in what could be an historic decision. the number of catholics is declining in europe and there is a projected catholic room in asia, africa and latin america. the new pope could come from a country as far away as europe. >> up to this point, popes have been always european. but the church as a whole and the college of cardinals is becoming much more global. >> cardinals from ghana, nigeria and canada are on the top list. timothy dolan is expected the top american to become the top pope. richard mahoney will help elect the new pope. the archdiocese of los angeles recently barred him from public duties for not doing more to stop sexual abuse by priests when he led the archdiocese. but mahoney remains archdiocese and looks forward to traveling to rome to help choose the new hope. we've dedicated a tab to the pope's resignation on the channel 2 website. you will find more information on the pope's decision to step down and the process of choosing the next pope at this morning that manhunt goes on for the former los angeles police officer wanted for killing three people. our reporter is live in los angeles with that store i. >> reporter: well, dave, one of the questions that we have always wanted to get an answer to, is what was christopher dorner doing up in the san bernardino mountains, considering the people he was hunting were down here and if he's not there any longer, either hidden in a cabin or dead in some snowbank from freezing or a gunshot wound. how did he get off the mountain after burning his vehicle? now, we might have some answers. due to some federal court records and an affidavit filed by a u.s. marshal who says that dorner had an associate, a known associate, a friend, who had a cabin in those mountains, and that individual, going by the initials in this affidavit, jy, turns out, that name shows up in dorner's manifesto as a jason young who is "a great friend, a entrepreneur, good husband, father. i love you, bro." well, jason young was under surveillance by the marshal service. they saw him in his vehicle in orange county about four hours after that truck was found burning in big bear. that arguably would be dorner's ride off the mountain. so at this point, we're not sure where he is. however, in that affidavit, they had probable cause to believe that dorner was in mexico and that, of course, was based on when he tried to steal that boat in san diego tell, the owner of that -- telling the owner of the boat, i'm going to mexico. you can retrieve your boat there. experts say in the u.s. attorney's office that was the thinking when this affidavit was written last thursday. it doesn't mean he's in mexico now. however, last night, they did search -- serve a search warrant on a hotel in tijuana, hotel down there, 20 tops yesterday raided that hotel looking for dorner in tijuana. they did not find him. the point is, they don't know where this guy is, he could still be down there. he could be in mexico. we don't know. they are not saying. we have a news conference coming up in about 20 minutes. maybe there will be some answers there. dave? >> all right. thank you, william. >> a lot of twists and turns. >> yes. 7:39. let's check in again with sal. see what's happens on the roads. any problems? >> we do have slow traffic. we've had some minor problems. most of it is slowing down now that we're at the heart of the commute. let's take a look at the commute. we have a problem in south san francisco. right at 101. there is an injury crash with south san francisco fire and police on the scene. sister city boulevard near 101. that is a busy area right there. let's take a look at some of the live pictures. westbound bay bridge, 25-minute delay or so. no problems on bridge. but you will be waiting for a bit. this morning if you are driving in san francisco, a little hazy there. northbound 101 approaching the 80 split. slow traffic. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sal. for those of you -- i get the e-mails where is the rain, steve? it's not here this weekend. but have faith, have faith. things may change. next week things look cooler. this week, the only pattern change is some fog has come back. there's a lot of fog on the coast and headlines support a little bit cooler forecast today. yesterday was warm. santa rosa, napa and downtown oakland all hit 68 degrees. so coastal fog, sunny, but a little cooler. but still not bad for february. the extended by that, i mean, thursday, warmer highs will rocket back up into the 70s. friday looks to be the warmest day of the week. san francisco yesterday 63. i will go 59. there is a lot more cloud deck. 46, 47, 59. coomber with more of a westerly -- cooler with more of a westerly breeze. colder lows. some patchy low clouds and fog, definitely on the coast. there will still be a lot of sun, just not as much as yesterday. however, the component of an offshore breeze is still in place. it's just right at the surface closer to the ocean. there is a little bit more of a westerly breeze. we'll be in the 60s or upper 50s. the key, though, is that we can use your rain. the system we had last week, remember that rain around friday? now look at it. look at it. it moves into oklahoma. that's severe weather on the back side turning to snow and then there's been some line of mixed or freezing rain to the north. this is a big system, yet, it was a little one for us. a lot of travel activity there might be impacted by that system. not for us. 40s and 30s on the low. the wind direction still a little bit offshore, napa, fairfield, north. a little more westerly, so a slight change today. you get a good look at the fog. from mendocino to santa cruz, there's more in the way of fog. still, sunny, to mostly sunny, inland, a few high clouds. no big deal. no rain. clearlake, ukiah, not influenced. novato 63. vallejo, benicia, crockett at 60. berkeley, 59. brentwood, be aty ox, 63. pleasanton, dublin, 64. gilroy at 66. san jose, 64. that's 2 warmer than yesterday. cooler on the coast. half moon bay, 58. pacifica, daly city. redwood city, san carlos 64. palo alto, 62. not much change on wednesday. now warmer thursday and friday topping out on friday with the warmest day. the weekend looks good. it will be mostly sunny but then a little cooler as the system digs into the east of us. 7:4 -- 7:42. blame the media. why a reporter is responsible, it's reported, for a drop in tesla's top stock. 7:45. we have some breaking news right now in concord. newschopper2, live pictures over an apartment fire. this is happening at the corner of san miguel and tyoga. you can see quite a lot of light smoke coming from the roof of an apartment fire. you can see fire crews down there, fire truck off the left and some hoses. obviously fire crews working on the scene. they cut a hole through the roof. white smoke looks like the fire is basically being put out. they are dealing with this right now. no word on how the fire started or if anyone was injured. anyone had to escape. it looks like another hole in the roof of the apartment next to it. we can see a few people lingering downstairs. the fire is going to spread. but once again, this is an apartment fire in on cord happening at the -- in concord, happening at the corner of san miguel. we'll continue to follow this and bring you more information. turning to stocks, trading is relatively light as investors wait to hear president obama's comments on the economy tonight. some mixed earnings coming in today, goodyear sank, 6% after the company cut its forecast blaming weakness in europe. coca-cola down 2% following the earnings report, avon up 16% because the 4th quarter loss was not as bad as expected. the dow is up 21. the nasdaq is down 1. s&p 500 up 1. tesla astock is down almost -- tesla's stock is down almost 1%. there was an unfavorable review of the model s-sedan in the "new york times." the reporter is accused of misrepresenting the test drive he based his review on, he did not fully charge his battery and it's reported that that reporter has a history of being bias among those cars, it's reported. last year, michelle obama was joined by steve jobs' widow at the state of the union. and this year, the family and gun victims of gun violence are invited. we're hearing that president obama is making an add dish to the state of the union address -- an addition to the state of the union address. jamie dupre joins us via skype. and the president is expected to talk about afghanistan. so more foreign affairs than i think some expected. >> reporter: yeah, tori, and add in there, the issue of automatic budget cuts that will hit the military as well as domestic accounts. just listening to a hearing that's still going on at this hour. the various service branch military chiefs, one by one or going down the line and talking about how over $40 billion in cuts that would hit march 11st at the pentagon would -- march 1st at the pentagon would be devastating. the air force chief of staff is talking about big cuts in his branch. the vice chief of nato operations echoing the same, saying three aircraft carriers are tied up because of monetary concerns. we might hear more about north korea but also the underlying battle for the budget of the military as well. >> he says this is a big chance for the president to sell his balanced deficit reduction. the goal is to basically move public opinion forward so that moves congress. do you think the president will be able to accomplish that? >> reporter: that's the $64,000 question about this, isn't it? it's a great opportunity to get out there and take your message to the american people and go over the heads of congress and try to argue for what you believe in. on the other hand, we've seen at various times in modern history, whether it was ronald reagan or bill clinton or more, you can have a great soaring speech but it doesn't always translate into activity. i always remember ronald reagan dropping the big, thick bill that was passed at the last minute to keep the government running. and he said never more would he sign one of these to keep the government running. and about eight months later, he did the same. so sometimes yes, you get a major push out of these speeches. sometimes they are quickly forgotten. >> we'll find out tonight at 6:00 california time. thank you, jamie. you can find a link toto jamie' washington insider blog and you can watch the state of the union address right here starting at 6:00. and then at 7:30, we'll break down the president's speech and gop response. 7:50. well, they were headed home from the caribbean but instead, they are still stranded out in the gulf of mexico. pam cook is in the studio to tell us conditions on board a cruise ship are getting pretty bad. >> yes, they are. >> the carnival cruise ship and its 4,000 passengers and crew is addressed in the gulf of mexico. that's after a fire in the engine room knocked out the ship'sster and propulsion system. tugboats will have to tow the ship to alabama. that's supposed to happen on thursday. other ships have dropped by to drop off food and supplies but there are reports that many of the people on board are now sick. we hear from one man whose wife is a passenger on the ship. >> she was crying and stuff and saiding -- and said they have no power, no running water, no way to use the bathroom. >> it's also apparently hot on board that ship. we're told many are camping out on the deck. carnival says passengers will get a full refund and an equal credit for a future cruise if they choose to do that. the company's next two cruises have been canceled. a bride was set to cruise off to her destination valentine's wedding. we will hear from her next hour. tori? >> thank you, pam. former united states vice president al gore is making three appearances today and tomorrow in the bay area and his visit is sparking a protest. the nobel peace prize winner will discuss "the future six drivers of global change" opponents of pg&e's smart meters will be proposting -- protesting gore's appearance in san francisco or has been an adviser on smart meter technology. gore will be speaking at the santa clara marriott at noon. tonight, he will speak at the herp's theater at 7:30 and tomorrow he will speak at 7:00 at dominican university. in new orleans, thousands are expected for a big party there today. why the weather could put a damper on the fat tuesday celebration. you don't have to go all the way to new orleans to celebrate mardi gras. the celebration happening here where you can get yourself some colorful beads. dave? >> yeah. [laughter] welcome back. rain in new orleans down in the big easy, expected during tonight and fat tuesday celebrations but organizers say that will not keep people off the streets. despite the rain, the parades went on. fat tuesday expected to bring as many as a million people to the streets of new orleans. back here in the bay area, the annual mardi gras san francisco party, that's tonight at fillmore blah saw. there will be create -- plaza. there will be creative costumes, music, colorful beads. this starts at 5:00 p.m. after the outdoor festival, there is a mardi gras masquerade ball at the west gate center. let's check in with sal. rain not an issue for the traffic. how are things looking on 880? >> it's a little bit slow but it's not as bad as it will be in the next hour or so. we do have a look at the commute on 880 northbound after 66. you will see some slow traffic. drive time to downtown oakland from here is about 1 minutes heading north. you will be seeing some slow traffic. when you get to the toll plaza, we did have a stall on the bridge, about a 25-minute delay. it's been steady. the stall was cleared rather quickly from the treasure island area. it didn't do any major damage. it looks like it's moving along as normal. and quickly we go to the peninsula where 101 is doing well. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sal. a lot more low clouds and fog. we went from sunny and warm. the coast cleared. a lot more -- there it is. that happened quick. for february, we had a couple of upper 60s. those are gone now. temperatures by the coast, 50s and 60s. again, that fog -- not a lot. but there's a lot more today than we saw yesterday. still a slight component of an offshore breeze. i don't think it will last. that means 50s, upper 50s, lower 60s around the coast and bay. inland still some mid-60s. there are warmer days on the extended. we'll get to that in ten minutes. tori, you mentioned a moment ago this story, a house fire in concord. also -- a woman standing in her own home hit by a stray bullet in antioch. what police say the gunman was really targeting. >> reporter: we're live in vallejo where five people have been shot, one killed. we'll tell you what we've just learned from police about the victim's condition. >> reporter: we're live in menlo park where a battle is brewing between neighbors who want to keep trees and one who wants to develop. we'll talk about an important meeting tonight as "mornings on 2" continues. ♪ ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, [ whirring ] [ creaking ] [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation. the next rx. the f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection. good morning. developing news in concord. this apartment fire in concord. just got off the phone with the concord police department. this went to two alarms reported at 6:55. under control about a half-hour later. right now, you see crews are doing salvage operations the top apartment is destroyed. no injuries were reported by the concord fire department but the top apartment you can see pretty big holes in the roof. the lower unit was damaged by water as they fought the fire. still smoke coming from this. this is on tyoga road. the nearest big street -- let me pull out from the map. the biggest street is san miguel road. it's right near the b.a.r.t. tracks. it's not causing a major traffic issue. stay with ktvu. we'll have a little bit more on this straight ahead. 8:00. turning to our other top story -- police in vallejo searching for suspects in a violent attack. one person was killed. four others were wounded in a shooting on a home on humboldt street. ktvu's tara moriarty has been on this story since 4:30. you got new information about the victims. initially police told us there was one female victim. there were two women who were shot three men shot one of them killed. police are still on the scene here as you can tell. they've been going through all of the evidence. now that the sun has come up, they will get a better look at the ground, making sure they haven't missed any bullet casings. police are not saying if this shooting was a drive-by or if someone walked up and opened fire in the garage where the door was open. this is the second homicide of the year. the violence broke off on humboldt and east street. detectives confirm five people were shot. one man was pronounced dead at the scene. when they arrived, another person was rushed to the hospital and is in critical condition. >> at 8:24, we received a report of multiple the shows being fired at humboldt and eastwood. as officers were en route, they were called by local area hospitals indicating that gunshot victims had walked in. >> reporter: those three victims were driven in their own car to sutter solano medical center shortly after the shooting. all are in serious condition. all of the victims were in their 20s. meanwhile, police are combing through the victim's house here looking for clues. because the victims were spread out over three separate hospitals, it was a lot more challenging for investigators to interview them. they also had 911 calls coming in. so crime scene tech nixes were not able to get out here -- technicians were not able to get out here five and a half hours after the shooting. we'll have more about what they have to say coming up in the next 45 minutes. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. a stray bullet injured a woman standing in her own home. it happened last night about 6:00. police say the bullet came from someone shooting at a car on sycamore drive. about a half block away. the bullet went through a window, and a wall in an upstairs bedroom and hit the woman in the arm. police say the wound appears to be a minor one. neighbors say this is the third time that duplex has been hit by gunfire. new information this morning about an officer- involved shooting in east napa last may. the district attorney's office says the napa police officer who shot a 26-year-old man after a shoot chase acted in self-defense. lewis contreras was defendant in a coma after that shooting but he survived. he filed a civil lawsuit against that police officer allege egg used excessive force -- alleging he used excessive force. a hearing will be held about keeping heritage trees from being removed. brian flores has more. >> reporter: good morning, tori. we're live in menlo park. here in menlo park you have a lot of trees. in this particular lot, there are three heritage trees that have been here for years. a homeowner wants to tear them down. neighbors say not so fast, they want to keep them here. according to the chronicle, residents here actually approve of the trees being here but they don't approve of what the homeowner is trying to do. now you are taking a live look at the lot that he actually owns. there's one house right over there. what the homeowner wants to do is build two other homes to the side of it. in order to do that, he needs to take down the three trees, one in the front, two in the back. now, according to the homeowner, he says that he needs about 13 feet in the front and 11 feet in the back. the planning commission actually approved this plan but the neighbors came together to appeal it back in january. now, the homeowner then appealed that decision and said the planning commission said the trees were allowed to go. one of them needed to stay. that's where we stand. all three of the trees are here. the homeowner wants them taken down. there is a meeting tonight at 7:00. neighbors say hopefully there's some type of resolve that can come from the meeting tonight. we're live in menlo park, brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, brian. excavation work continues at a san joaquin county well as investigators look for possible victims of the speed freak killers. the fbi says so far crews have only found debris but no human remains. the well search started five weeks ago and has reached more than 95 feet underground. more than a year ago, remains of bodies and a fetus were found. wesley shermantine prompted the fbi to launch the new search. san francisco police say two officers were attacked while trying to break up -- to break up a fight on sunday at 2:00 a.m. on powell and ellis. the officers saw two men fighting and tried to break it up when a friend of one of the men attacked em this. police say jerry young of tracy flocked out one of the officers and broke the other officer's nose. he was arrested for assaulting an officer and resisting arrest. a judge threw out a lawsuit filed by a family who sued because first responders did not try to rescue him. the man had waded out on memorial day in the river. police say they responded but they did not go out in the water. they didn't know if he was violent and they were not certified to do water rescues. phil green died at the age 72 while visiting his family in safe. he retired as chief from the twin cities police department in 2010, ending a law enforcement career that spanned 50 years. at the time that he retired, he was the longest serving police chief in california. he died in his sleep. work has officially begun on the final segment of the highway 4 corridor project. the construction is expected to provide relief to one of the bare bair's most congested -- one of the bay area's most congested commute. the light rail expansion is set to be completed in 2017. dornen drive tunnel has been closed after construction crew discovered debris inside. crews discovered the weakness from this on friday as they began a tunnel repair project to fix cracks and install a new drainage system. the repairs are expected to take three months. it will be a while before people can -- >> yeah. hey, sal, you are putting the chopper to work. >> that's right. we're looking at the fire in concord that we told you about a little while ago. these are updates, newschopper2, an apartment fire on san miguel way. the top unit is completely destroyed. no one was injured. everyone got out safely. but you can see a lot of damage to this building here in this apartment complex on tyoga road. you see smoke for a long way. this was first reported at 6:55. it was under control at 7:30 or so. and alex savidge is going to be at the scene in a little bit here at this fire. he will have more details about what happened. let's take a look -- ktvu reporter alex savidge, i should address him by title. the westbound bay bridge is backed up. if you look over at the oakland 880 ramp, when you start to see that improve, improvement for the rest of the lanes is not far away from my experience. the drive time from 238 to mowry avenue is up to 40 minutes. we started off at about 15. so that's gone up quite a bit. 8:08. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. some low clouds came back in a big way. very little when i came in this morning. now it's filled in over the cross and the bay. too far away for anything other than shipping interests and commercial pilots. we had a stronger offshore breeze. it's mainly confined to the coast and also the bay inland. there is still a component of a north or northeast wind. it's a quiet pattern this week. maybe things will change. but there's nothing that i would stand up and say wow, it looks like rain. coastal fog. more of the same tomorrow. then we'll warm it up. the ridge of high pressure will be over us. we'll be sitting there high and dry with temperatures in the 70s. starting off with some low clouds for san francisco. yesterday, 63. today i'm going 59. i think that low cloud deck will get wiped out. there are signs it will dig more from the sierra nevada next week. but until then, it's really quiet. colder lows along with patchy fog. there will be a lot of sun. just not as warm as yesterday. high pressure, though, looks like it's going to hang on. flex its muscle after tomorrow. we could use a little rain. our last rain was last friday. late thursday, friday. that little system is now -- look at that spreading snow, severe weather, rain, maybe some freezing rain to the north. right over oklahoma city. it stretches also off to the deep south. one little system gets it. for you, 30s, 40s. 48 half moon bay. fog around san francisco. 46. there's the fog. again, most of it seems to be going north to south, not west to east. a little cooler coast and bay. there's still plenty of sun. homeowners -- temperatures held in check. 50s, 60s. clearlake, though, 68. st. helena, 59 berkeley alameda. pleasanton, 64. livermore only 62. 66 gilroy. 6 -- oh, man. 65 milpitas. if you have had this cough, 19 days. i'm tired of it! i'm tired of it. as tori says, tenacious! 59 san francisco. menlo park, 62. redwood city at 64. a little bit cooler today and tomorrow and then warmer weather. the weekend looks good. there will be some cooler weather and breezy on sunday. >> thank you, steve. we want to update you on the developing news we're following in contra costa county. firefighter are at an apartment fire in concord. alex savidge just arrived on the scene. what can you tell us about this fire? >> reporter: well, i talked with the battalion chief. the good news, no one was injured in the fire. it broke out here at this apartment complex up the hill from us. you can see a large response from the fire department. we'll take you up to newschopper2 up above the fire. it broke out at about 7:00 this morning inside one of the units. it complete lit gutted that particular u -- completely gutted that particular unit, left a hole in the roof according to firefighters, a partial collapse there. the good news, the one person inside the unit was not hurt. made it out safely. i'm also told by firefighters that nine other people neighbors here in this apartment complex also had to be evacuated and they are being helped by the red cross. the word is as far as the investigation into the cause goes, the battalion chief says they are looking at it possibly starting in the fireplace. they are gonna do more investigation once they finish mopping up here and making sure that all of the hot spots are out. we'll continue to talk to firefighters and have further updates. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. wildfire's -- we're there. tighter security at a u.s. consulate in thailand. the threat that authorities are taking very seriously. the white house says north korea is threatening u.s. supreme court with its latest nuclear test. how the united nations is responding. well, a return of the fog has come back. parts of the coast. it just means it will be cooler for some. but still partly cloudy, low clouds. highs in the mainly 50s and low 60s. 8:15. thailand has increased security at the u.s. consulate because of a terrorist threat there. the thai government received information that al qaeda and other terrorists groups were planning to target the consulate this month. details of the threat have not been released. the extra security will last at least until sunday. happening right now -- the u.n. security council is meeting to decide what to do about north korea's latest nuclear test. as kyla campbell reports from our washington, d.c. newsroom, the white house immediately condemned the act. kyla? >> reporter: that emergency meeting is still going on right now. let's take a look at the live webcast from united nations headquarters in new york city. the u.n. security council just released a statement minutes ago saying it strongly condemns north korea's nuclear test and pledges further action. today's nuclear test directly defies u.n. sanctions. the security council demanded north korea to not conduct nuclear tests as the -- after the country launched in september. experts say north korea is testing missiles that ask travel more than 6,000 miles. that's far enough to reach america's west coast. but the rockets lack the accuracy to reach the continental u.s. at this point. today's nuclear test triggered a 4.9 magnitude earthquake signaling the country's bombs are getting stronger. they represent a serious threat to the united states of america. we've gotta be prepared to deal with that. north korea's nuclear test today could prove to be an even bigger problem for president obama who wants to reduce america's forces by one-third as long as other countries follow suit. the white house says president obama will address north korea's nuclear test today in his state of the union speech tonight. live in washington, kyla com-- kyla campbell, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:17. the senate armed services committee is holding hearings about possible cuts to military spending. this is a look at that meeting being held in washington, d.c. the committee is discussing the impacts automatic spending cut -- spending cuts would have. if congress does not act soon, $85 billion in spending cuts are set to take place on march 1st. a bulk of those cuts would come from the military. the pentagon will expand benefits to same-sex partners of military partners. the benefits could start as soon as august 31st. new benefits will include access to military, movie theaters, support program on military bases and the ability to fry on the aircraft -- to fly on the aircraft. france's lower parliament has approved a bill to legalize gay marriage and allow same-sex couples to adopt children. france's president's socialists have pushed this along the assembly and put france on track to join a dozen european nations and grant marriage and adoption rights. this was approved in a 329-229 vote. the bill now goes to the french senate which is also controlled by the socialists and their allies. 8:18. back here at home, public records are showing that taxpayers, you, are bailing out a barber shop in the u.s. capitol at a cost of almost $500,000 a year. the hair cuts barber shop cost $27. a dye job cost $105. still, tax payers have had to provide financial help to that barber shop. $401,000 last year and more than $300,000 in bailout money in 2011 and 2010. if tax payers knew all of the perks and privileges that they pay for, there would be riots in the streets. now, the barber shop doesn't have to pay rent. it gets that space free of charge. but a review of its payroll found ten employees making as much as $81,000 a year. the drakes bay oyster farm in marin county has been denied a second bid to stay open. yesterday, a federal judge denied the company's request to stay at the point reyes national seashore past the february 28th deadline. the case stems from the november decision by interior secretary ken salazar to not renew the farm's lease. starting today, you can be among the first in the country to try chipotle's new sofritas. it's a new vegan pretoe. it uses -- burrito. it uses tofu instead of meat. i would be interested in that. >> i knew you would be. that's right up your alley. >> it is. there's new allegations that city computers in san francisco -- well, well, they were be -- well, they were being used to gamble and go on pornography sites. it's still february. the temperatures are really beginning to warm up in the bay area. steve paulson tells us if we'll be able to see a 70-degree temperature. hello? the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. an explosion in the department of the uc davis university last month, according to the sacramento bee, the price of $23,000 for this could go. chemistry researcher david snyder has entered a plea of not guilty for making and storing explosives. police found several chemicals in his apartment, including a primary ingredient used in the plastics explosion isives c-4. the san francisco public utilities collision is investigating claims that some workers used city computers to view and e-mail porn and visit gambling sites. the investigation started several months ago following an anonymous tip. no criminal activity is suspected. but san francisco's employee handbook prohibits using city computers for gambling as well as viewing and distributing materials that are sexually explicit. mayor ed lee calls the allegations disturbing and says he will closely monitor the investigation. >> any time public resources are abused and misused, we have to make a strong message to those involved. this is not to be done. >> the p.u.c. says the investigation is expected to wrap up in one to two weeks. the next phase will be disciplinary action and pushment could range from suspension all the way to termination. 8:25. let's get you going out the door. what are you watching sal? >> the nimitz freeway. it's getting more crowded by the minute here. if you are driving on 880 northbound up to the oakland airline yay you, will see slow traffic. this is 880 in oakland and the traffic is not all that bad. as a matter of fact, when you get up to high street, that's when it kind of slows down. you will see some slow traffic there. bay bridge toll plaza has been slow. it's improving a little bit. it's now a 20-minute delay. it had been almost 30. i want to show you the traffic time from 238 to mowry avenue. still about 40 minutes here as you drive through. south bay commute is a mess. northbound 101 right near 680. there was a car fire, the fire is out. but the traffic is just ridiculous there. alternate route might be if you use the monterey highway if you are going a short distance or to put off that trip. let's go to steve. a little additional coastal fog. a lot of sunshine. a few high clouds just zipping down from the north. weak part of the system. almost all of it. but the fog underneath helped along by a westerly breeze, 30s, 40s, a lot of low clouds and fog moving up and down the coast, a little bit over the bay. it will burn off. there it is. yesterday, it was clear, not today. we have some fog there. a little bit cooler for those closer to the coast and bay. there will be a lot of sunshine. no rain, though. temperatures kind of holding steady. upper 50s, low to mid-60s. we kim down from the monday's highs. we'll settle in for the same and we'll be in the low 70s for some. the weekend looks pretty good. boy, a heartbreaking tragedy in the east bay. >> i hope the city of concord finally wakes up and does something about that intersection. >> the mother of a teenaged boy critically injured in a crash expressing her grief and her frustration. plus -- we're still following this developing news in contra costa county -- an apartment fire this morning. we'll bring you a live update. >> reporter: people tacked a town hall meeting about the future of gun stores in los gatos. we'll tell you what the outcome was and have reaction when "mornings on 2" continues. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the one and only, cheerios we're still following developing news in concord. firefighters are battling a fire on tyoga road. alex savidge is right there. what do you know? >> reporter: well, i can tell you that contra costa firefighters are still making sure all of the hot spots are out after this apartment fire, an early-morninging apartment fire broke out at the line ridge apartments. you can see the crews on the scene. let me show you the video that we shot shortly after we arrived on the scene. it was about 7:00 this morning. it started in one of the second- story units. there was one person inside that unit at the time. the fire made its way through the roof, burned through the roof and there was a partial collapse, according to firefighters. but the person who lives in that unit was able to escape unhurt. that's the good news this morning. no firefighters were hurt battling this fire. nine people, neighbors in this complex, did have to be evacuated. obviously because of the tight quarters here and units are spaced so close together, the contra costa fire department called in extra resources. this turned into a two-alarm callout, and the battalion chief explained why. >> this particular building had eight units in it. they are multiple buildings with eight units in them. you never know how many people we have and this time of morning, if people are still asleep and that kind of thing and if we have to effect a rescue. so we try to get as many resources on scene as we can. >> reporter: again, quite a few people did have to be evacuated from those neighboring units next to the unit that caught fire. the red cross i'm told has been called out helping those with a need for food and a place to stay. firefighters are looking at this fire likely starting in the fireplace. they do further investigation. we're live in concord, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:31. police in hayward still out there searching for a driver who fled the scene of a three- car crash overnight. it happened around 2:00 a.m. on 880. a nissan slammed into the guardrail and landed in the middle of the freeway. a second car hit that nissan. the driver of the second car ran away. >> the driver of the second vehicle is still outstanding. we're attempting to locate him. the passenger stayed here. no injuries. >> now, a third car skidded into part of the accident only damaging the front of that vehicle. about 3:30 this morning, the freeway was completely open again. police are still investigating whether alcohol was involved. one man got away after stealing a porsche suv and leading police on a chase in oakland. this happened about 9:00 last night near 102nd avenue and international boulevard. during the chase, the suspect crashed into a car, then ran away. the passengers of the car that was hit was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. 8:32. a high school freshman is in critical condition after he was hit by a car in a crosswalk in concord. it happened about 1:30 yesterday afternoon at solano way and grant street. 14-year-old joey hornsby was walking to basketball practice when he was hit. his mother says the intersection where it happened is dangerous. >> it took something like this. i hope the city of concord finally wakes up and does something about that intersection because there's gonna be more lives that will be in danger. >> hornsby is a freshman at mt. diablo high school. his mother says he's in a medically-induced coma. his teammates gathered to pray last night. police say the driver who hit him, stopped, cooperated and did not appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. a gun store will still be able to do business despite opposition from the community. the town council meeting was packed last night. janine de la vega is in los gatos with reaction from the store's employees. good morning, janine. >> reporter: good morning, tori. well, people who work at the gun store feel better, i spoke with one employee who said they are pleased with the way things went last night. they were preparing for the worse to see if they could shut down the store. they couldn't do that. thousand any need to concentrate on -- they need to concentrate on making the people more comb -- comfortable. those against the store are upset it opened in december without a public meeting being held. they held up signs saying accountability and transparency. there was also a great number of supporters of templar holding up signs of support. the storeowner maintains they went through the approval process needed to open and want to prove they can be an asset to los gatos. after hearing both sides, the county decided that the town staff should come back to a meeting to discuss putting new policies in place for anyone who wants to sell firearms -- to sell firearms in los gatos. >> i think it's fine. i think what they've got to do is figure out what to do before they do anything with the guns. i think it's the people that are pulling the trigger, not the -- not the guns. it's the same thing with cars. look at how many people are getting killed with cars and that's people behind the wheel. >> reporter: possible new requirements could include a permit process, requiring i.d. checks for ammunition and a temporary moratorium on gun sales. the attorney for the company says any morer to yum on future gun stores will not affect templar sports. we reached out to the owner. but we've not heard back. he's been through quite an ordeal. so they are hoping that this all night be behind them. reporting live from los gatos, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:35. new this morning, the associated press now reporting president obama will announce in his state of the union address that 34,000 american troops will be home from afghanistan a year from today. right now about 60,000 american troops are in afghanistan. all combat troops are supposed to leave afghanistan by the end of 2014. that's when the u.s.-led international forces are scheduled to hand over security for afghanistan to the afghan forces. president obama gives his state of the union address at 6:00 this evening. the white house says the president will talk about some of the issues he raised in his inauguration speech, immigration reform, reducing gun violence and investing in education. more than anything, the president's speech was expected to focus on the economy and creating jobs. >> the president's since he ran for office, the focus has been what we need to do to make our economy work for the middle class. >> marco rubio will give the republican response immediately after the president's speech. rub we yowill deliver that -- rubio will deliver that speech in spanish and english. you can watch the state of the union address right here with us on ktvu channel 2 beginning at 6:00. then at 7:30, we'll break down the president's speech and the republican response with political analyst randy shandobil. >> we'll have more tomorrow morning on the news. let's check in with sal and see how the toll plaza is doing at the bay bridge. is it improving? >> a little t, which is good. people wait for this time. we haven't had any real issues on the bridge. you can see some improvement here. the drive time is down to about 15, 20 minutes. it was worse than that. also at the commute in san francisco, northbound 101, that looks better than it did approaching the 80 split. if you are driving in the san jose northbound 101 it's just a mess. we had an earlier cash fire -- car fire. that's making things a mess. a very good morning. a few high clouds. coastal fog came back. that's kind of hit-and-miss here. it's kind of patchy on the san mateo coast. kind of hit and miss on the sonoma coast. there is a lot more than yesterday. a few high clouds coming down. still an offshore breeze. our little system on friday, gave us some rain. about .25. it's really picked up a lot of up off. the national weather service in norman -- a lot of oomph. the national weather service in norman has updated their system. our little guy is doing bigger things. 30s on the temperatures or 40s. starting to pum up a little bit. by -- come up a little bit. yesterday, a strong offshore breeze. temperatures were near 50 degrees. that was not so much the case today. 30s and 40s. you can see some of that fog there. as long as that's in place. you know and i know it will be cooler. coast and bay. a lot of sun, fog won't last too long. what's there will be stick and stay by the water's edge. 50s and 60s. temperatures are still pretty nice. near average for this time of year. about the same on wednesday. then we'll warm it up. it will be sunny and warmer especially into friday. we'll top out then and then the weekend looks pretty good. it will be cooler and breezy on sunday. thank you, steve. you can't complain about our weather when you see what's happening in other parts of the country. this is haitisburg, mississippi -- hattiesburg, mississippi. this morning 7,000 people still have no electricity. a shelter has been set up for people who are out of their homes. on the east coast, people are -- still digging out driveways during the weekend storm that dropped record- breaking snow. the big concern now, roofs could collapse from the weight of snow and ice. yesterday police on new york's long island evacuated the area's biggest mall because of a major roof leak. in honor of valentine's day, jamba juice is showing its customers some love. they are based in emeryville. they are offering their 16- ounce smoothies for one dollar until friday. there is a catch. the deal is good only between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. these drinks are normally costing between $4 and $4.50. that doesn't include sales tax but you don't need a coupon either. the home of the whopper is about to become the new home for several new coffee drinks. burger drink will announce a partnership with seattle's best coffee and start serving ten new beverages. they will offer new versions of decaf and hot chocolate. this whole project begins next month with the vanilla latte. prices will be $2.30 for small drinks. $3.50 for the larimer -- for the larger ones. and a cruise ship nightmare. boy, the passengers are not the only ones affected by this. >> reporter: we're live in vallejo, where a deadly shooting unfolds inside of a we just spoke to neighbors. we'll tell you why they are not surprised when "mornings on 2" continues. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. well, trade something relatively light as investors wait to hear president obama's comments on the economy tonight in his state of the union. a new harris report says amazon beat apple as the most trusted company in the united states. taking a live look at the big board, the dow is currently up 36. the nasdaq is down 3. s&p up 1 1/2. 8:44. let's bring you up to date on some of the other top stories -- president obama gives his state of the union address at 6:00 this meaning. we're also hearing that the president will announce that 34,000 troops will be out of afghanistan by this time next year. the white house says the president will condemn the latest nuclear test nuclear test attempted. >> this latest attempt further underfines international peace and security. >> just this morning, the security council is holding an emergency session because of the underground nuclear test. back here hat home, we're getting new information about a violent attack that happened in vallejo. five people were shot. ktvu's tara moriarty has been on this since 4:30 this morning. tara, you just spoke to a neighbor who heard the gunfire. >> reporter: that's right. the distraught family members began to trickle in about 20 minuting ago. they say there's nothing but trouble at this house behind me at this house for the past month. they say the past week, there's been a fight and gunshots fired. last night before 8:30. more violence broke out at humboldt and eastwood streets. detectives confirm five people in their 20s were shot as they were standing in their garage. when police arrived, one man was dead, the other rushed to the hospital where he's in critical condition. three other victims, two women and a man showed up at nearby hospitals. they had been driven there. they are in serious condition. mains say the people who live in the home have had rumblings with someone recently. >> they just moved here like a month ago. there's been a whole bunch of raucous going on. last night, i'm sitting in my living room with my kid and you hear multiple shots. the only thing i could do was grab my kid and get him down. i didn't know where the bullets were flying. >> reporter: we've seen two women walking around the house this morning, very emotional speaking with investigators. police are not saying if this was a drive-by or someone walked up and opened fire. this is the second homicide of the year for vallejo and the second in a week. because the victims were spread out over three hospitals, it was difficult to get information. they had 911 calls coming in at the same time. so crime scene technicians were not able to get out here until 2:00 this moring, five and a half hours after the shooting happened. police have left the scene and we're hoping to learn more information later this afternoon. we'll keep you posted. live from vallejo, tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, tara. 8:47. boeing says it does not plan on any more test flights of its dreamliner. the aircraft carrier said aircraft -- the aircraftmaker i should say, yesterday's flight was uneventful but they will continue to look at why the batteries exploded. still stranded. 4,000 people are stuck on board on a carnival cruise ship in the gulf of mexico. they are not the only people affected by the ship's problems. >> yeah, carnival cruise has canceled the next two trips for this particular ship, the triumph. that's after a fire in the engine room knocked out the ship's power and propulsion system while the current passengers were on their way home from the caribbean. tugboats will have to tow the ship to alabama which is supposed to happen by thursday. it took off from texas. we heard from one woman who was supposed to head out on the triumph for her valentine's day destination wedding. >> kind of your worst nightmare as a bride. it was very upsetting for the entire family, a lot of family members had taken off work which is not easy. >> the bride, groom, family and friends are all now staying in a hotel in texas waiting to decide what to do next. but that's better than waiting on board the stranded cruise ship where 4,000 passengers and crew are without running water and very few working toilets. carney cal says -- carnival says the passengers will get a full refund and a free future cruise and those booked on the next few trips will get a discount on knew dur -- on few -- on future cruises. 8:49. former vice president al gore is making several bay area appearances today and tomorrow. his visit is sparking a protest. al gore is a nobel peace prize winner. he'll be talking about his book. now, critics of pg&e's smart meters will be protesting gore's appearance tonight in san francisco. gore has been an adviser on smart meter technology. now, today at noon, al forewill be speaking at the santa clara marriott. tonight at 7:30, he will be at the herp's theyer in texas -- theater in san francisco. texas governor rick perry is still in california today. it's part of a three-day trip. he's trying to lure businesses to move to texas. rick perry was in san francisco yesterday. he plans to meet with more businesses today even though he wouldn't say which ones. it's been confirmed that one company in oxnard will listen to what he has to say. it's a manufacturing company that the state of california reportedly really wants to keep here in this state. ten minutes before 9:00. new this morning, the international olympic committee has decided to drop wrestling from the olympic program. this morning's surprise decision removes one of the oldest sports from the 2020 games. but the olympic committee found declining interest in wrestling this recent years eliminating one sport allows committee to add a new sport to the olympic program later this year. the golden state warriors take on the houston rockets and jeremy lin tonight in oakland. the team is celebrating asian heritage night. in honor of that, lin who grew up on the peninsula will hold a question-and-answer session with fans after the game. lin had been a member of the warriors and grabbed public attention with his play with the knicks last year. that launched what was known as lin-sanity. the warriors will be sporting the first-ever uniforms with sleeves. the new look was unveiled and the shirts are lighter in weight than the sleeveless uniforms, tank tops, basically. new outfit will make an official debut this friday when the warriors play the spurs. it will be the first of four times the team will use the new uniform this season. they have the pinstripes as well. >> yes. the manhunt is continuing for the former police officer accused of murder. the hunt for christopher dorner. good morning. northbound 280, slow traffic. we'll tell you why some people may be on 280 today instead of 101. mary gonzales had a cold, she also has asthma. so she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan, who sees that she's due for a mammogram. mary has one that day. that's when she finds out she has a tumor. she has a successful surgery and because her health provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. i don't know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. kaiser permanente. thrive i served a total of 16 years. and at 19 years old, that's the first time i ever saw somebody die. coming back, i was raging. i started having pretty horrible nightmares. i started drinking a lot. i guess i never recognized it in myself. it all starts with going to the va. there's a whole community of veterans that just want to help you out. it's for the guys who couldn't come back, you owe it to them to live well. because they're not here with their families. new video to show you of the former los angeles police officer wanted for killing three people. police have learned that christopher dorner went to a southern california sporting goods store just two days before the killing began. now, tmz obtained this surveillance video from that store in torrance. it shows dorner dyeing -- buying sue cau -- scuba diving equipment. they say he tried to steal a boat in san diego a few days earlier. the massive manhunt may be shifting south of the border. today's "l.a. times" reports that the authorities have evidence he may have fled to mexico and may have had help in the efforts to flee from mexico from a friend identified only as jy. >> i can tell you we're following up on over 600 clues that have come in from the public. some of these are related to specific locations or sightings of dorner. >> police are also somebody homeowners up in the big bear area that have surveillance systems. check your video. big bear is where police found dorner's burned out truck. it's ticket tuesday. today's winners will get to celebrate ten years of car crushing mayhem. one lucky viewer will win a family four pack to the monster jam february 23rd at the oracle arena. the event features, all of the speed, racing and destruction motorsport enthusiasts crave. go to and put in the secret word before midnight "freestyle." that doesn't look like anybody leaving the ktvu parking lot. crazy driving there. good morning, everybody. let's take a look at the commute. the traffic is moving along relatively well northbound as you drive up to highway 17. but i think a lot of people are on 280 this morning. you might see a few more people. 101 is such a mess. we have an -- we had an earlier car fire near the 680/280 interchange. that's gone but the traffic is still very slow. some people are bailing on 101 and using 280 instead. now looking at the bay bridge toll plaza. that's about a 10 to 15-minute delay. we're getting better here at the toll plaza once you make it on the bridge. it looks good into san francisco. no major problems on the bay area bridges at this hour. it's 8:57. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sir. a little bit more coastal fog. slightly cooler today. it will still be sunny and nice. about the same for wednesday. we'll see warmer weather, thursday, friday. they will ease up a little bit for the weekend even though it will be okay. >> can't buy any rain, right? >> can't buy it? >> no. >> no. >> maybe next week. >> all right, steven. that's our report for


Transcripts For FBC Countdown To The Closing Bell 20130829

their faith in a better than expected economic reports. trading higher, the dow hyder by 50 points. the s&p higher by nearly a point. the previous estimate was a gain of 1.7%. the number of americans applying for first-time jobless benefits falling. that number coming from last week. the shares of two auto stocks getting a big boost today. >> i am at the ford post. they are increasing production of the fusion for the first time. it is behind the f150. the other auto maker is general motors. we are getting commentary. this is the reason why. it has been very bullish. they say the move reflects continued improvement in the company's profitability here in north america and stabilization in europe. they also had that it could lead to an upgrade for general motors in the next 24 months. cheryl: we will see you very soon. we are rounding out the month of august, youucannot help but wonder if the markets did not get ahead of themselves. >> i think that is probably right. the trend is still negative. the market set to close down about 2.5%. this is a little bit of a concern with the rise of oil prices that we have seen. my thinking is, you may be able to bounce through the holiday. on average, stocks tend to do well before and after. we will see what we did. we need to make a lot more progress to the upside. the tapering is still lingering. i want to take that over to scott at the cme. we have to go back to last year. middle of september, that may be an issue. that could be another market negative. >> right. the market is arguing with itself right now. we have a new fed chair on the horizon. we have obamacare on the horizon. there is a lot that we have to worry about. i think right now we have half the market arguing that the glass is half empty. i will tell you that the glass is just twice too big. that is the problem here. we need to find some real growth. we need to see some consistency. it will be great to see what that job number is next friday. cheryl: instead, we are higher. explain that. >> a lot of the numbers are forecasted far above where we came in. unemployment is still a concern. oil prices are up near $110. in general, higher gas prices, higher interest rates. a lower stock market, i agree, i think it makes it tough to taper. cheryl: wondering if the bullish tone has been taken away from oil. >> i can never say that it is the and. there is always that bitter rhetoric. the truth is, if you look at this market, there is really two scenarios that you can look out. if there is no attack, the market will go down. it will have no affect on deliveries or anything like that. again, the market will go down. the market went up on speculation and concern. until anything really escalates, and i am talking about major changes in the geopolitical situation, the market was way overpriced. this is not the first one. egyptian troubles got us off about five dollars. this added another five dollars. cheryl: that is a very good point. thank you. appreciate it. shares of verizon jumping today. talking to vodafone about buying out its stake in verizon wireless. it would be one of the biggest deals of all that. it has been dragging on for a long time. adam: you do not want to rush anything. they have danced this dance before. vodafone has announced they are in negotiations. verizon communications has 55%. this would give them total control as it moves forward. part of it is about the strategy in the future regarding data. vodafone has confirmed that notes that the recent press speculation is in discussions with verizon. they are talking about the possible disposal of the group. there is no certainty that an agreement will be reached. last time they did this, vodafone wanted 130 billion. you have to take into consideration vodafone, the second largest carrier worldwide. they still have to pay the taxes on the deal. it has to be structured in a way that would minimize the impact. we spoke to an analyst about who benefits from this. he thinks shareholders will benefit. if this deal were to close, whatever happens will be good for verizon shareholders. he went on to reiterate that they have a strong eye on verizon strauch. we will ask him again if he thinks it is a good deal. cheryl: all right. there is a big difference. thank you. adam shapiro live from the newsroom. "the closing bell" ringing. the nasdaq trying to push the flash freeze a nightmare behind it with a new report on what went wrong. charlie gasparino will tell us if it will be enough to restore confidence. plus, missiles within striking distance of syria, we will take a deep dive into the fed stock and find out which companies could get a boost if the u.s. does intervene. ♪ the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to flhome for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet? i'm, like, totally not down with change. but i had to change to bounce dryer bars. one bar freshens more loads than these two bottles. i am so gonna tell everyone. [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? [ woman ] time for change! cheryl: and investors are watching the latest developments in syria. president obama briefed house speaker john boehner. now for a look at what a strike in the area may mean for the entire region. >> the prospect of a regional war here could send the markets going for it crazy. every day that the threats continue, regional war looks more and more likely. the iranians are saying israel will burn if there is a strike against syria. the israeli and say they will fight back fiercely if they attack. you have to look at it as a formidable force to take on. the number of long-range missiles there, obviously they have chemical weapons available to them. already as we know, the turkish military has put themselves on alert. they will have company off of the syrian coast. the russians are sending destroyers that way as well. people are rather worried. they are lining up by the thousands to get gas masks. people were out in the hot sun all day today. >> there is a panic. the news is that there will be an imminent attack either sometime today or over the weekend. no one wants to be caught without a mask. >> the israeli newspapers are never shy to speculate. any time after tonight for a u.s. attack. it is already tonight here in the middle east. back to you. cheryl: what a headline. as the u.s. gets ready to play the military card in syria, should you be dropping defense stocks from your portfolio, or should you be piling up? we saw this group under so much pressure when the sequester hit. are their names now that can benefit from what we are seeing overseas? >> yes. there will be some benefit from a strike. it is relatively small. when we struck libya, for example, a crew missile cost about 650,000 to $1 million. you are talking about a relatively small benefit. we are talking about $100 million spend of what we are looking at striking syria with. cheryl: you have neutrals on the group. what about general dynamics. you are saying that basically that could be one of the worst performers because of the fact they are in warship building and we do not need that anymore. >> right. primarily one of the biggest divisions is ground combat. even when we are talking about striking out to syria, we will hit them from the air. we will not put any troops on the ground. it is more like an airstrike. with general dynamics, a large percentage of their revenue comes from ground combat. that is a shrinking area we need less and less of that. we are destroying equipment. it is cheaper to destroy then shipped back to us. i see that ground combat is coming to an end and afghanistan. we will go into a continued resolution. there will be a slowdown in funding. we will have more than likely some kind of policing action attack with missiles over the next couple days. there will be some excitement and then it will be over with. cheryl: you mentioned the tomahawk. what about that particular stock? do you think that that that that investors are making is really not square on? >> when you are talking up bout a best case scenario for raytheon, they would be replacing 150, maybe 200 of those missiles at the very most. this is a very small potential uptick for raytheon. cheryl: what about huntington angles. >> i like huntington angles. it is the only pure play shipbuilding company. it is also the only turnaround company and the defense prime industry. they are closing down the shipyard, growing their margins by 50% over the next three years . i like what is going on. as we pivot away from, over the next five-ten years, as we pivot away from the middle east, we will need a stronger navy. they are positioned extremely well for that. we need a stronger army as you pivot. cheryl: that is a problem for general dynamics. are there other types of businesses where they can actually benefit? >> yes. they are the second largest ship builder. they will be stable they are on their shipbuilding. cheryl: i wanted to get that clarification and as well. brian, thank you very much. >> thank you. cheryl: closing bell will ring. we have 41 minutes to go. what does it mean for the possibility of a fed taper next month? what does that mean for your portfolio? we are getting more details on what caused the flash crash at the nasdaq. charlie gasparino has been speaking with bob greifeld. he will be here with me coming up. ♪ cheryl: the nasdaq just released a detailed update on the cause of last week's flash screws that brought the exchange to a standstill for three hours. charlie gasparino has been all over this story since it broke. joining us also is richard mahoney. richard, to you first, do you think rice field should go? oh, i am so sorry, our guest is having some difficulties. do you think you should go? charlie: listen, we have an overload of data from the new york stock exchange. data that was incomplete and overwhelmed our systems. remember what the nasdaq has to do. they have to price and manage data coming from other exchanges. it is responsible for the data. it is saying that it got so much of that. that was inaccurate. there was a system problem. what it also said -- cheryl: would you like us to bring him in? charlie: what they conceded in this is that it's all systems were not up to the task of handling an issue like this. does that mean that bob garfield should go? my opinion, no. not even close. we will see this again and again and again. he had both the facebook ipo and this. the flash clash was a new york stock exchange issue. until they come to terms with the structure of the market, we have this 50 markets. everyone is piling information into the exchanges. charlie is standing by. what about you? do you think you should be fired over his handling? >> i do think that investors will be asking some very tough certainly anyone who has been a nasdaq investor should be asking some very tough questions based on his handling. certainly, communicating in a crisis like this is an important measure of a ceos capability and success. charlie: richard, do we know each other from an otherwise? >> we have been on opposite sides of issues. cheryl: oh, goodness. charlie: i am sure that the board will look at this. they are associates of bob greifeld. they like bob greifeld a lot. that is his board. i do not think that this will cause him to go. bob greifeld is not going anywhere anytime soon. when we start talking about bob greifeld, is whether, you know, that takes our eye off of the bigger paul. our markets are broken. i do not think that any computer systems are good here. i think that they are all suspect to a certain extent. until we get our hands around 40 different markets, we will keep having it whether bob garfield is there or not. it is not and no one is calling me. we are not talking about, with all the difference too, you know, the fast food industry. this is not a mcdonald's franchise. it is an important issue. i give him high marks. charlie: what happened? what really happened? he should have communicated better. i agree with that. let's be honest here, how does the public heard here? it is heard in the notion of it hurts confidence. people are out of the market for a lot of reasons right now. including the fact that we keep printing money and they do not trust the government. i do not know. tech knowledge -- technology issues are not good. however, i am just telling you this, he should have communicated better. we are taking our eye off of the ball by looking at this as a problem of bob greifeld communicating. in order to price security, you have to jump through so many hurdles that are so difficult. cheryl: what he could do here, though, is upgrade the software. you have layer upon layer of software. i would think he needs to go in at this point and make that the first thing that he handles. is that the strategy? >> charlie is absolutely right. the structure of the market will continue to evolve. it will be a bumpy process. that makes communication even more important. there was evidence that mr. grunfeld was slow to inform his board. i think that is a pretty serious issue. if i am a major shareholder -- charlie: he did not brief his board -- i am not covering up for him. i am just saying, it is a real big issue. cheryl: you have been all over this story. thank you so much. i like how you two are staying friendly. charlie: at least you know i do not have alzheimer's. i actually remembered him. ♪ [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your impnt legal matters in just minutes. protect youramily... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. and this pk is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels. and that gelling hes to lower some cholesterol. metacil. 3 amazing benefits in 1uper fiber. ♪ cheryl: a couple things i want to point out. here is the dow 30. names like exxon and chevron. verizon and boeing are your winners. all of the energy stocks are here. everything is to the downside. when oil prices were shooting up, you solve these names to the upside. those comments coming from fed president. the dow is up nine points right now. let bring in lauren simonetti. >> to food stocks moving on earnings. the first is campbell's soup. i do not think campbell's makes it. the world largest maker of soup. their revenue mixed expectations. the negative would be and their earnings report. their revenue also missed expectations. this stock is flat on the year. cheryl: lauren, thank you very much. there are still a few green spots in a sea of red. all of the stocks right now our red. we just had them on our screen. sandra: we are looking at some of the refineries here in chicago. refinery stocks have been much higher on the session. there is always that play when you do get a big selloff. the refineries get bit up because there are speculations that the margins will improve. we saw a rally earlier. that has been fêted. obviously, we have seen stocks turn lower. we are seeing them back down into the red. as we look at those stocks, they are getting hit across the board. oil is near its session lows. it is back near the $108 range. there is still speculation that we could see $115 a barrel if we do see this strike happened. traders reluctant to hold onto these long positions that syria premium. there is a lot of concern heading into a long three day weekend. we are seeing some of that liquidation heading into tomorrow. the dollar is also stronger. they will be coming in tuesday morning. cheryl: sandra smith out at the cme. sandra, thank you very much. jobless claims out earlier this month. the dow is only of a points. that is said that, if you will. overall, when it comes to the fed, does that mean that the taper program will begin even sooner than we think? we have lost our games now. overall, do you think that the fed is in the tapering program? does that give you enough reason to begin the capers, as we suspect? >> they will paper on september september 15. they tend to over analyze it. there is nothing that we could possibly see in the dow between now and september 18 that would persuade them not to begin tapering. it is really that simple. in that case, they should absolutely reduce the security purchases because they already paid for it. i do not see anything that would dissuade me. cheryl: do you agree with that? >> i agree. if you look at the 19 members, he never thought it worked to begin with. cheryl: a great uncertainty about the effects of the program. at least the minutes are a lot more interesting. let me ask about your analysis, not theirs. are we stronger as we will. >> we are not importing as much energy as we used to. it was actually a tenth of a percentage point weaker. cheryl: if you look at the trade imbalance, we were not exporting and importing as much. at the same time, though, we cannot be so sure that emerging markets will continue to prop us up when it comes to goods and services. >> that is absolutely right. exports to china have slowed. cheryl: you and i agree. i love it when we agree. cheryl: closing bell is going to ring. we have 15 minutes to go. i love it when shows pie like this. we have strategies coming up for you. ♪ rn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning 24 hours. zero heartburn. cheryl: i want to update you on the breaking news. we got some comments from fed president that took the markets down. i want to read you a couple of these comments that he made. you could actually make the case right now. the economy can withstand it. it is time to taper. it has been happening for months. he also says there is a lot of uncertainty about the affects. does this even work? also, this is about bernanke. he says he does not really understand and does not think that the succession will take over. will it be janet yellen or larry summers? he says he does not think that bernanke's debate will have any affect on policy. i want to continue this debate. you are also looking at these headlines. did anything that he said surprise you? it took the markets down 30 or 40 points. >> it has been pretty consistent commentary about this whole matter. as you know, many commentators are saying this appears to be that it is a tapering. it is not intended to be a termination. there is a big difference. cheryl: he is making that clear. that seems a little light to me. initial claims down 6000 last week. >> this has been talked about in the media. it is a slowing down. it seems when you read the fomc committee meeting minutes, this is intended to be a slowdown. it is not intended to be a slowdown. >> this is why the minutes have become much more interesting. >> right. there has always been distinction. it is more of a consensus meeting in any event. not really one where you have this deliberate chairman meeting statement. that is the style of the fed right now. cheryl: we are coming back now just a little bit. we are so very sensitive to any fed talk. maybe you see a trend. it is hard to make decisions. have you been staying the course with clients? have you been advising when it comes to our long-term portfolio management? if they were reacting to this news on a daily basis, we would be functioning as traders. you can pick any sector. when you have your uptick standdown tics, your balance is best you can be based upon your duration. cheryl: we have breaking news. thank you for joining me. closing bell is now six minutes away. we will be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] sheets or bar? how do you get your bounce? boun keeps my clothes fresh for weeks, even when they've been sitting in the drawer a long time. like those jeans you can't fit into anymore. that, i mean... [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? long-lasting freshness. ♪ [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor... [ indistinct shouting, bell dinging ]'ll bust your brain box. ♪ all onhinkorswim from td ameritrade. ♪ ♪ cheryl: we have been focusing so much on the dow. i do want to show you some winners on the nasdaq. take a look at google right now. priceline also doing very well. bio jan, netflix, all of these stocks substantially higher. netflix, have to keep our eye on that one. you have to wonder if they will benefit. all right, that is it for the last hour. there is a whole another hour coming. >> that is far from it. by the way, looking at this market, it is very tough to tell that we are on verge of war in the middle east. even though oil market is coming down a little bit. let's go to lauren simonetti. oil is down and so our energy stocks. >> if you take at console and you're down stocks, exxon and chevron, all down. cheryl: it will be a deal nonetheless. it will be one of the biggest in this set are. both shares surging today. you may also think that interest rates will be up. >> freddie mac says the 30 year is down a little bit. oh one builders is shooting up on that news. obviously, homes now more affordable to buy. cheryl: campbell soup dropping. bell mac. on the dow, we were up substantially. we are looking at a market that had a nice little pullback. look at nasdaq in particular the russell 2000. again, when you think of what is happening in syria, this, by the y, lds t our facook poin is ver springay o wall strt. cheryl: there is a jump from the


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