He made clear, however, that he wasnt focused on the d. C. Memorial but his goal was a world war i memorial here. While i very much believe in commemorating all world war i veterans, i had to oppose altering the integrity of the d. C. Memorial. The d. C. Memorial was built with the blood and treasure of d. C. Residents only, including funds from schoolchildren. More than 26,000 d. C. Residents who served in world war i, the 491 who died, more than the number from three states, have their names enfwraved on the memorial. Our memorial is deeply symbolic of historic and continuing concerns of this of district veterans, particularly our veterans who continue to serve without equal congressional representation, equail equal rights as citizens and equal local government control. In the spirit of Cooperation Among members, members of both party the housepassed version of h. R. 6364 would have protected the d. C. War memorial and h. R. 6364 is amended as amended by the senate similarly will ha
Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and