Discover the reasons why flights are diverted to Amarillo, Texas. From erratic behavior of a captain to mechanical issues, find out why airlines choose Amarillo as an emergency airport.
Discover the reasons why flights are diverted to Amarillo, Texas. From erratic behavior of a captain to mechanical issues, find out why airlines choose Amarillo as an emergency airport.
Discover the reasons why flights are diverted to Amarillo, Texas. From erratic behavior of a captain to mechanical issues, find out why airlines choose Amarillo as an emergency airport.
This is the moment an American Airlines passenger is escorted from a flight after punching and spitting in attendant's face, forcing the plane to be diverted.…
An American Airlines flight was diverted to a Texas airport mid-flight this week after a passenger punched a flight attendant multiple times and assaulted at least one police officer, according to court documents.