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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180831

americans salute a patriot. and the moment his 106-year-old mother says good-bye to her son. and, nothing but respect. a celebration of the queen of soul, aretha franklin. her life, legacy, and, of co ♪ and good evening. thanks for joining us on this friday night. labor day weekend kicking off with severe storms from the midwest to the east. in pennsylvania, water through the streets of shaferstown. gio benitez leads us off. >> reporter: tonight, what look like river rapids. water rushing through this pennsylvania neighborhood. torrential rain falling in sheets, soaking parts of the state. >> unbelievable. >> reporter: a flash flood emergency in lancaster. nearly ten inches falling there in just four hours. snarling holiday travel by road, and by rail. a passenger showing us how this amtrak train to a screeching halt. car after car submerged. several motorists having to be rescued, including children on this school bus. >> i'm really, really afraid. >> reporter: water nearly up to the windows of this restaurant in reading. extreme weather from minnesota to maryland. more than 9 million at risk to start the holiday weekend. in wisconsin, the cleanup just beginning. the flooding destroying this family's home. >> we're just kind of in a shell shock right now. >> reporter: after a days-long deluge left some towns underwater earlier this week. rain may keep falling in the east, potentially threatening a washout on this unofficial last weekend of the summer. tom? >> thank you. and millions bracing for the bad weather. let's get right to ginger zee, with the forecast for the weekend. hey, ginger. >> reporter: unfortunately, not looking great. lancaster, pennsylvania, looking to have their wettest august on record. that's what you get when you have rainfall rates in the two inch per hour level. and it's not moving much, not good news when you're talking about heavy rain. flash flood watch in wisconsin. and 3 to 5 in southeastern florida, where the tropical wave in the caribbean will move westward. and florence should stay out to sea. >> thank you. and new images of the explosive takedown of a serial bomb maker in texas. the images could be disturbing. he's killed in a sudden blast, knocking back officers. that suspect, wanted for killing two people during a wave of package bomb attacks in march. here's marcus moore with the images. >> reporter: newly-released video tonight showing a dramatic takedown in texas. aircraft above, recording the early morning capture of austin bomber mark conditt. >> eastbound. >> reporter: it was the end of a 19-day bombing spree in march that terrorized austin. >> van has made contact with him. the van has made contact with him. >> reporter: look closely. s.w.a.t. cars surround conditt's suv, boxing in, then ramming, his vehicle. guns drawn, the team approaches his car. conditt then detonates one final thexosn, punishing. >> got an explosion. got an explosion inside the vehicle. >> reporter: five of conditt's bombs exploded, killing two and wounding five. before his capture, police spotted him on surveillance trying to mail packages from this fedex store, dressed in a wig and wearing gloves. this ended just feet from where i'm standing now. amazingly, the all of the officers survived. >> thank you. we turn to the tribute to a national hero, senator mccain laying in state at the national rotunda. surrounded by family, friends, and colleagues. senator mccain's mother, at 106 years old, mourning her son. here's martha raddatz. >> reporter: they came by the thousands to pay their respects. john mccain lying in state today in the capitol rotunda. his two sons serving in the military, standing with his beloved wife, it began outside, an honor guard carrying him step by step. placing him on a platform built for abraham lincoln's casket. mccain said serving in congress was the great honor of his life. today, his colleagues putting partisanship beside. >> he had america's fighting spirit. our noble idealism, our solemn patriotism. and our slightly irreverent streak, all rolled into one. >> reporter: remembering mccain, the straight-talking statesman. >> this is one of the bravest souls our nation has ever produced. >> reporter: noticeably absent today, president trump. >> we gather to honor an american patriot. >> reporter: vice president mike pence speaking in his place. honoring the mccain family for their sacrifice, too. his mother, roberta, 106 years old. providing strength for meghan mccain. one by one, they said good-bye. remembering a man who said he wanted to be remembered most for his service to country. >> martha, people are still lining up to pay their respects inside. and we know president trump was not there today, and will not attend tomorrow's service, but two other presidents will. >> reporter: yes, barack obama and george w. bush. both will eulogize john mccain. mccain was all about bridging divides, and that is what will happen tomorrow as well. >> martha, thank you. and abc news will have live coverage tomorrow of the memorial service, beginning at 9:00 a.m. eastern. now to president trump's attacks on the justice department, the fbi, and the mueller investigation. the new abc news poll showing president trump's disapproval rating heading in the wrong direction. here's jonathan karl. >> reporter: campaigning today in charlotte, the president's approval rating is down. and now, an overwhelming majority of americans say they rtueer rsia ial vestation.e ll, but mbers in tor stark. 63% saying they support mueller. this comes as the president has ratcheted up his attacks on the special counsel. and even his own justice department, which oversees the . >> our justice department and our fbi have to start doing their job and doing it right and doing it now. because people are angry. people are angry. >> reporter: that was the president last night in indiana. he went on to say he may take control of the investigation himself. >> what's happening is a disgrace. and at some point, i wanted to stay out. but at some point, if it doesn't straighten out properly, i want them to do their job. i will get involved and i'll get in there if i have to. disgraceful. >> reporter: meanwhile, in interview with bloomberg news, the president suggested he may shake up his justice department, starting with the man at the top, attorney general jeff sessions. >> i just like to have jeff sessions do his job and if he did i'd be very happy. but the job entails two sides, not one side. >> and jon joins us from the white house. the president also said that the special counsel investigation is outright illegal. something even some of his own lawyers don't believe. >> reporter: rudy giuliani said he doesn't see it this way. but he called the investigation illegitimate. but you can expect from now until the midterm elections, you will hear harsher and harsh attacks on the special counsel. >> thank you. and new developments in the dead lie highway crash in new mexico. today, at least eight people killed in the collision between a bus and a semi truck. the bus driver among the victims. investigators say the truck blew a tire and veered into oncoming traffic. one of the survivors giving birth to twins hours later. news tonight concerning the harvey weinstein scandal. a former nbc news producer accusing the network of trying to kill the story. farrow blocked from reporting. here's adrienne bankert. >> reporter: tonight, a former nbc news employee is accusing the network of killing a groundbreaking story of harvey weinstein's alleged sexual misconduct. reporter ronan farrow worked at nbc until last year. his then supervising producer, rich mchugh, now says, "as we were about to interview a woman with a credible allegation of rape against weinstein, i was told not to do the interview. effectively killing the story. those orders came to me from the highest levels of nbc." but nbc calling the accusations an "outright lie" and that at the time, farrow "did not yet have a single victim of -- or witness to -- misconduct by weinstein, who was willing to be identified." of the seven women who eventually went on record with farrow at "the new yorker," including asia argento, mira sorvino, and rosanna arquette, nbc says, "not one of these seven women was included in the reporting farrow presented while at nbc news." mchugh, a former abc news producer, resigned in protest from nbc news this month, telling abc, "as the father of four girls, i knew that if i didn't pursue this story with everything i had, how could i live with myself?" tom, the president of nbc news gave his blessing when farrow asked to take the story elsewhere, effectively ending their working relationship. >> adrienne, thank you. now to detroit, and what has been a daylong celebration of the life of aretha franklin. the funeral service in her hometown. stevie wonder there, among those delivering powerful performances. and bill clinton remembering aretha franklin as a breathtaking rld -- got taken to urch today. as family, friends, fans, presidents, and pop stars packed the greater grace temple in detroit to say farewell to the undisputed queen of soul, aretha franklin. >> she was classy enough to sing on the most prominent stages in the world, but she was homegirl enough to make potato salad and fry some chicken. in a class all by herself. >> reporter: aretha, in that solid bronze, gold-plated casket, dressed head to toe in gold. president clinton, paying tribute. >> the secret of her greatness was, she took this massive talent and this perfect culture that raised her and decided to be the composer of her own life's song. and what a song it turned out to be. >> reporter: aretha's grandchildren, speaking with reverence. >> her voice made you feel something. you felt every word, every note, every emotion. in the songs she sang, her voice brought peace. >> i know you'll be watching me from the windows in heaven and i promise to carry our family legacy with pride and joy. long live the queen. ♪ >> reporter: some of the music industry's biggest stars lending their voices. ♪ you make me feel like a natural woman ♪ >> reporter: but above it all, this was without a doubt church. >> c'mon, take miss franklin to church. if miss franklin can dance on the stage, somebody ought to be able to dance in the church. ♪ >> she would say higher, higher, higher. >> reporter: the funeral lasted most of the day. aretha will be buried at woodlawn cemetery. and shade park will be renamed aretha franklin park. tom? >> zachary, thank you. we will have much more on one of the amazing moments from that funeral later on. and the violent road rage in the nation's capital. plus, the uber driver in that stand your ground case speaking out. the regret he feels for taking a life, even after being cleared by police. and sister showdown. venus and serena williams at the u.s. open. stay with us. with neulasta onpr? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious 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from this bar in dundee, florida, when the young man in this pickup tries to run him off the road. 34-year-old jason boaek had also left the bar after a fight with his girlfriend. he thinks she is in the backseat of the uber, but he's wrong. his girlfriend is still at the bar. in the video, you see him threaten the uber driver with a cell phone that he claims is a gun. >> you know i got a pistol? >> reporter: but the uber driver, who's a recent police academy graduate, is legally carrying a real gun and shoots. >> when i popped up, he took two more steps and that sealed it in my mind. i got to, i'm not getting shot. for a second you kind of hope you missed and that's not what happened. >> reporter: police say under florida's stand your ground law, the driver had a right to protect himself. tom? >> steve, thank you. when we come back, the dangerous road rage confrontation. plus, the actress killed by police after they were called to check on her and she pulled what appeared to be a gun. 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of a greyhound bus with a car jack after a minor crash with her audi. the bus driver trying to stop her from fleeing the scene when she rams him a first time. after more arguing, she again takes off, striking the bus driver. authorities say they have identified the woman. and all eyes on the williams sisters tonight at the u.s. open. venus and serena williams facing off for the 30th time in their respective careers in queens, younger sister serena with the slight edge overall. this is the first time they meet on the court since serena became a mom. may the best sister win. and when we come back, the incredible performance dedicated to the queen of soul. jennifer hudson, her amazing tribute. when we come back. today... back pain can't win. now introducing aleve back and muscle pain. only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve back & muscle. all day strong. all day long. they work togetherf doing important stuff. the hitch? like you, your cells get hungry. 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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180901

and the moment his 106-year-old mother says good-bye to her son. and nothing but respect. a celebration of the queen of soul, aretha franklin. her life, legacy, and, of course, her music. ♪ and good evening. thanks for joining us on this friday night. we begin with the labor day weekend kicking off with severe storms and flash flood alerts from the midwest to the east. a flash flood emergency right now in pennsylvania. water rushing through the streets of shaferstown. route 238 flooded in lancaster. cars and trucks stranded. millions bracing for a holiday washout. gio benitez leads us off. >> reporter: tonight, what look like river rapids. water rushing through this pennsylvania neighborhood. torrential rain falling in sheets, soaking parts of the state. >> unbelievable. >> reporter: a flash flood emergency in lancaster. nearly ten inches falling there in just four hours. snarling holiday travel by road, and by rail. a passenger showing us how this amtrak train came to a screeching halt. car after car submerged. several motorists having to be rescued, including children on this school bus. >> i'm really, really afraid. >> reporter: water nearly up to the windows of this restaurant in reading. extreme weather from minnesota to maryland. more than 9 million at risk to start the holiday weekend. in wisconsin, the cleanup just beginning. the flooding destroying this family's home. >> we're just kind of in a shell shock right now. >> reporter: after a days-long deluge left some towns underwater earlier this week. and, tom, heavy rains may keep falling on parts of the east over the next several days potentially threatening a washout on this unofficial last weekend of the summer. tom? >> all right, gio benitez starting us off tonight. and millions bracing for the bad weather gio just reported on. let's get right to abc's chief meteorologist ginger zee with the forecast for the weekend. hey, ginger. >> reporter: unfortunately, not looking great, tom. lancaster, pennsylvania, for example now going to have their wettest august on record. that's what you get when you have rainfall rates in the two inch per hour category. flash flood warnings in delaware and in southeastern pennsylvania. it's all laying along the stationary front, stationary meaning not moving much. so that is not good news when you're talking about heavy rain. flash flood watch in wisconsin. close to 15 inches this week, and they'll get another 1 to 3. 3 to 5 in southeastern florida, where the tropical wave in the caribbean will move westward. shouldn't become a storm. florence will, but it should however stay out to sea. >> ginger, thank you. also tonight, dramatic new images of the explosive takedown of a serial bomb suspect in austin, texas. the video just released today disturbing. the video there showing police closing in on the suspect's suv, he's killed in a sudden blast, knocking back officers. that suspect wanted for killing two people during a wave of package bomb attacks in march. abc's marcus moore with those images. >> air to ground, he's on the move. >> reporter: newly released video tonight showing a dramatic takedown in texas. aircraft above recording the early morning police chase of austin bomber mark conditt. >> i got an eastbound, eastbound wall lane. coming up the 35 frontage. >> reporter: it was the end of a 19-day bombing spree in march that terrorized austin. >> look for the laser. i've got it on. all right. van has made contact with him. the van has made contact with him. >> reporter: look closely. s.w.a.t. cars surround conditt's suv, boxing in, then ramming his vehicle. guns drawn, the team approaches his car. conditt then detonates one final device, killing himself. the explosion, punishing. >> got an explosion. got an explosion inside the vehicle. >> reporter: five of conditt's bombs exploded, killing two and wounding five. before his capture, police spotted him on surveillance trying to mail packages from this fedex store, dressed in a wig and wearing gloves. and, tom, this ended just feet from where i'm standing right now and amazingly all of the officers involved escaped serious injury in this deadly blast. tom? >> incredible they survived. marcus, thank you. we turn to the tribute to a national hero, senator mccain lying in state at the national rotunda. thousands paying their respects tonight. these are live pictures. the senator's flag-draped casket surrounded by family, friends and colleagues in the house and senate. senator mccain's mother, at 106 years old, mourning her son. here's abc's chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz. >> reporter: they came by the thousands to pay their respects. an american giant, john mccain, lying in state today in the capitol rotunda. a rare honor, befitting his decades of service. his two sons serving in the military, standing with his beloved wife, cindy. it began outside with a powerful burst of rain. an honor guard carrying his flag-draped casket up step by careful step. placing it upon a simple black platform that was built for abraham lincoln's casket. friends from across his full life gathering with his family. mccain had said serving in congress was the great honor of his life. today, his colleagues putting partisanship aside. >> he had america's fighting spirit. our noble idealism, our solemn patriotism. and our slightly irreverent streak all rolled into one. >> reporter: remembering mccain, the straight-talking statesman. >> this is one of the bravest souls our nation has ever produced. >> reporter: noticeably absent from today's service, president trump. >> we gather here today to honor an american patriot. >> reporter: vice president mike pence speaking in his place. honoring the mccain family for their sacrifice, too. his mother, roberta, 106 years old providing strength for meghan mccain, a granddaughter in grief. one by one, they said good-bye. mccain's fellow americans remembering a man who said he wanted to be remembered most for his service to country. >> powerful moments there in the rotunda. martha raddatz joins us now live from capitol hill. people are still lining up at this hour to pay their respects inside. we know president trump was not there today. and he won't attend tomorrow's service, instead two other presidents will. >> reporter: that's exactly right, tom. tomorrow you'll see former president barack obama and former president george w. bush. both of them will eulogize john mccain. john mccain was all about bridging divides, and that is what will happen tomorrow as well. tom. >> martha raddatz for us tonight, martha, thank you. and abc news will have live coverage of tomorrow's memorial service beginning at 9:00 a.m. eastern. now to president trump's attacks on the justice department, the fbi, and the robert mueller investigation. the president's personal attorney rudy giuliani saying he's preparing a rebuttal report to mueller's findings, whatever they may be and the new abc news poll showing president trump's disapproval rating heading in the wrong direction as americans show where they stand on robert mueller. here's abc's chief correspondent jonathan karl. >> reporter: campaigning today in charlotte, the president's approval rating is down. and now an overwhelming majority of americans say they support special counsel robert mueller's russia investigation. it's just one poll, but the numbers in today's abc news/"washington post" poll are stark. 63% say they support mueller. just 29% say they don't. this comes as the president has ratcheted up his attacks on the special counsel and even on his own justice department, which oversees the investigation. >> our justice department and our fbi have to start doing their job and doing it right and doing it now because people are angry. people are angry. >> reporter: that was the president last night in indiana. he went on to say he might take control of the investigation himself. >> what's happening is a disgrace. and at some point, i wanted to stay out. but at some point, if it doesn't straighten out properly, i want them to do their job. i will get involved, and i'll get in there if i have to. disgraceful. >> reporter: meanwhile, in an interview with bloomberg news, the president suggested he may shake up his justice department, starting with the man at the top, attorney general jeff sessions. >> i'd just like to have jeff sessions do his job, and if he did, i'd be very happy. but the job entails two sides, not one side. >> and jon karl joins us now from the white house. jon, the president also said in that interview that the special counsel investigation initiated by his own justice department is outright illegal. something even some of his own lawyers don't believe. >> reporter: well, in fact, rudy giuliani, lead attorney, says he doesn't see it that way although giuliani did call the investigation illegitimate and regardless, tom, you can expect that from now until the midterm elections you will hear harsher and harsher attacks on him as a central theme coming from the white house. >> jonathan karl for us tonight, thank you. new developments in that deadly highway crash in new mexico. today, at least eight people killed in the collision between a greyhound bus and a semi truck on interstate 40. the bus driver among the victims. investigators say the truck blew a tire then veering into oncoming traffic. one of the survivor, get this, giving birth to twins hours later. she is in stable condition, the babies are in neonatal care. news tonight concerning the harvey weinstein scandal. a former nbc news producer accusing his own network of initially killing the story about weinstein's sex abuse allegations. ronan farrow blocked from reporting. the bombshell that launched the me too movement and nbc now ronalding. here's adrienne bankert. >> reporter: tonight, a former nbc news employee is accusing the network of killing a groundbreaking story of harvey weinstein's alleged sexual misconduct. reporter ronan farrow worked at nbc until last year. his then supervising producer, rich mchugh now says, "as we were about to interview a woman with a credible allegation of rape against weinstein, i was told not to do the interview. effectively killing the story. those orders came to me from the highest levels of nbc." but nbc calls the accusations an outright lie and that at the time farrow did not jet have a single victim of or witness to misconduct by weinstein who was willing to be identified. of the seven women who eventually went on record with farrow at "the new yorker," including asia argento, mira sorvino and rosanna arquette, nbc says not one of these seven women was included in the reporting farrow presented while at nbc news. mchugh, a former abc news producer, resigned in protest from nbc news this month, telling abc, "as the father of four girls, i knew that if i didn't pursue this story with everything i had, how could i live with myself?" tom, the president of nbc news gave his blessing when farrow asked to take the story elsewhere, effectively ending their working relationship. tom? >> adrienne, thank you. now to detroit and what has been a daylong celebration of the life of aretha franklin. the funeral service in her hometown for the queen of soul. stevie wonder there, among those delivering powerful performances. smokey robinson blowing a kiss to his childhood friend and former president bill clinton remembering aretha franklin as a breathtaking talent. abc's zachary kiesch with the farewell to the queen. ♪ >> reporter: america and the world got taken to church today. as family, friends, fans, presidents, and pop stars packed the greater grace temple in detroit to say farewell to the undisputed queen of soul, aretha franklin. >> she was classy enough to sing on the most prominent stages in the world, but she was homegirl enough to make potato salad and fry some chicken. in a class all by herself. >> reporter: aretha, in that solid bronze, gold-plated casket, dressed head to toe in gold. president clinton, paying tribute. >> the secret of her greatness was she took this massive talent and this perfect culture that raised her and decided to be the composer of her own life's song. and what a song it turned out to be. >> reporter: aretha's grandchildren speaking with reverence. >> her voice made you feel something. you felt every word, every note, every emotion. in the songs she sang, her voice brought peace. >> i know you'll be watching me from the windows in heaven and i promise to carry our family legacy with pride and joy. long live the queen. ♪ >> reporter: some of the music industry's biggest stars lending their voices. ♪ you make me feel like a natural woman ♪ >> reporter: but above it all, this was without a doubt church. >> c'mon, take miss franklin to church. if miss franklin can dance on the stage, somebody ought to be able to dance in the church. ♪ ♪ higher higher higher >> reporter: tom, the funeral lasted most of the day and aretha will be buried at woodlawn cemetery. they also made the announcement that shade park, the same place that held a goss kel concert will be renamed aretha franklin park. tom? >> zachary kiesch for us. zachary, thank you. we will have much more on one of the amazing moments from that funeral later in the broadcast. but there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this friday. the violent road rage in the nation's capital. a woman attacking a greyhound bus. ramming the driver when h to stop her from taking off. plus, the uber driver in that stand your ground case speaking out. and the regret hes for taking a life, even after being cleared by police. and, sister showdown. venus and serena williams at the u.s. open under the lights. stay with us. venus and serena williams at the u.s. open. stay with us. with neulasta onpr? strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 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work together walking a dog can add thouswalking this many?our day. that can be rough on pam's feet, knees, and lower back. that's why she wears dr. scholl's orthotics. they relieve pain and give her the comfort to move more so she can keep up with all of her best friends. dr. scholl's. born to move. next tonight, the uber . next tonight the uber driver would killed a man who pulled in front of his car and said he had a gun speaking out describing what was going through his head when he fired that fatal shot and the regret he now feels. abc's steve osunsami with that new interview. the florida uber driver who ends up shooting and killing the driver of this pickup truck explains tonight even though he's been cleared by police he still feels terrible. >> everyone says what you did is right but you feel like did i have to after the fact. when someone comes after you. >> reporter: robert westlake was driving a young woman home early tuesday morning from this bar in dundee, florida, when this young man tries to run him offer the road. 34-year-old jason boek had left the bar after a fight with his girlfriend. he thinks she is in the backseat of the uber but he's wrong. in the video you see him threaten the uber driver with a cell phone that he claims is a gun. >> i say something? >> you know i got a pistol. >> reporter: the uber driver who is a recent police academy graduate is carrying a real gun and shoots. >> when i popped up, he took two more steps and sealed it in my mind, i got it. i'm not getting shot. for a second you kind of hope you missed. and obviously that's not what happened. >> reporter: police say under florida stand your ground law the driver had a right to protect himself. tom. >> steve osunsami for us, steve, thank you. when we come back that dangerous road rage confrontation in washington, d.c. plus, the actress in a popular tv drama killed by police after they were called to check on her and she pulled what appeared to be a gun. stay with us. on her and she pulled what appeared to be a gun. stay with us. kids... ...raised a good sport... ...and became a second-generation firefighter. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor, and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes cause diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve 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only preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. that's why i fight. because it's my vision. preservision. also, in a great-tasting chewable. these digestive issues can start in the colon and may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. phillips' colon health caps have this unique combination of probiotics to help replenish good bacteria. get four-in-one symptom defense. also try our delicious new probiotic gummies. time now for the "index." time now for our "index." and a woman killed by police has been identified as an actress from the show "e.r." the l.a. county sheriff's office identifying her as 49-year-old vanessa marquez. authorities responding to a welfare check. she allegedly became combative and waved a bb gun authorities mistook as real. she was shot and later died. the incident is under investigation. and a frightening road rage incident in the nation's capital. take a look. a driver caught on camera smashing the window of a greyhound bus with a car jack after a minor crash with her audi. the bus driver trying to stop her from fleeing the scene when she rams him a first time. after more arguing, she again takes off, striking the bus driver. authorities say they have identified the woman. and all eyes on the williams sisters tonight at the u.s. open. venus and serena williams facing off for the 30th time in their respective careers in queens. younger sister serena with the slight edge overall. this is the first time they meet on the court since serena became a mom. may the best sister win. and when we come back, the incredible performance dedicated to the queen of soul. jennifer hudson, her amazing tribute. when we come back. stay with us. ibute. when we come back. today... back pain can't win. now introducing aleve back and muscle pain. only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve back & muscle. all day 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(vo) feed their fantasy. friskies. i can do more to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release its own insulin, like it's supposed to. trulicity is not insulin. it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen. and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. don't use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, you're allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. these can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. to help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. finally tonight, the queen of soul, living on through her music and inspiration. always with respect, and as jennifer hudson is about to show us, with amazing grace. ♪ amazing grace ♪ aretha said ♪ it was your grace that brought me through ♪ ♪ that it was your grace that will lead me home ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah >> now, that is a farewell fit for a queen. and on that note we say good-bye. i'm tom llamas in new york. thank you so much for watching. for david and all of us here, have a great labor day weekend. good night. one high school student, eight felony charges. tonight abc 7 news digs into the full story of what happened after someone brought a gun to a san francisco high school campus. pictures shared on a plane were enough to make the pilot turn around at oakland international airport. you'll see that photo that prompted it all. i'm spencer christian. labor day weekend weather is looking great, but air quality may be in decline. i'll have the accuweather forecast coming up. >> live where you live, this is abc 7 news. >> hopefully things go normal. >> well, students are trying to return to normal as classes resume at balboa high school following a gun incident. thanks for joining us. i'm kristen sze in for ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. san francisco's balboa high received national attention after police received reports of a gun on campus that. >> gun did go off in a classroom, but the bullet only struck a chair. still, four students were detained and one now faces felony charges. >> abc 7 news reporter katie it utehs is live on campus. >> the 14-year-old freshman is a minor so, we're not naming him. but he is facing eight felony charges, and now police are working with atf to determine where the teen obtained the gun. as classes resume at balboa high school, mixed reactions from students. >> i'm still kind of nervous what happened today. i feel like everyone's still got to talk about it. >> others seemed unfazed after their classmate brought a gun to class and it discharged, sending a shot through a chair on thursday. >> i'm fine. pretty used to it. so it's just like whatever. >> parents, who were panicked during the lockdown, remain nervous. >> it's only the second week. it's how i feel. i feel so bad, because, yeah, i don't want her to come here, but she insists to come. >> teachers talked to students about thursday's incident. counselors were also available. the staff played an early role in trying to find the 14-year-old freshman


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190203

growing crisis. high-profile heist. the thieves in hollywood caught on camera, seen driving away with a half-ton safe. hundreds of thousands in jewels taken. and final mission. the historic flyover in honor of the america's first female fighter pilot. the barriers she broke in the air and on the ground. and good evening. thanks for joining us on this saturday. i'm tom llamas. and we begin tonight with the breaking news. virginia's embattled governor now saying it wasn't him in a racist photo. ralph northam appearing with his wife before cameras today. taking reporters' questions and refusing to resign. expressing disgust and repeatedly calling that photo horrific that has emerged showing two people, one in blackface and the other dressed as a member of the kkk. on his yearbook page back in medical school. the governor saying he's never seen that picture before. and tonight, revealing to a separate incident where he admits to appearing in blackface. abc's zachary kiesch. >> reporter: tonight, the governor of virginia with an incredible reversal. after releasing a statement last night acknowledging he was in this yearbook photo of a man wearing blackface and someone dressed in kkk garb, today, he's refusing to resign, saying, after a closer look, it wasn't me. >> i did not purchase the yearbook, and i was unaware of what was on my page. when i was confronted with the images yesterday, i was appalled that they appeared on my page, but i believe then and now that i am not either of the people in that photo. >> reporter: the governor claiming that he got caught up in the moment, making a rush judgement when the medical yearbook photo was revealed. sending out an apology and taking responsibility before he claims he could closely examine the photo. >> i conceded that based on the evidence presented to me at the time, the most likely explanation that it was indeed me in the photo. >> reporter: he now says it was a mistake, suggesting the picture was on the wrong yearbook page. >> i have also had a classmate who i discussed this with this morning, we talked about this situation and i said, you know, is there a possibility you think that someone could have put a photo on the wrong page? she said, it happened on numerous pages in this very yearbook. >> reporter: governor northam said he had no recollection of wearing blackface at that party, adding, he would remember it because he had worn shoe polish in a dance contest in 1984, dressing up as michael jackson. >> my belief that i did not wear that costume or attend that party stems in part from my clear memory of other mistakes i made in this same period of my life. that same year i did participate in a dance contest in san antonio in which i darkened my face as part of a michael jackson costume. i look back now, and regret that i did not understand the harmful legacy of an action like that. >> reporter: he continued with this anecdote about that night. >> i had the shoes. i had a glove and i used just a little bit of shoe polish on my cheeks, and the reason i used a very little bit, because i don't know if anybody's ever tried that, you cannot get shoe polish off. >> reporter: this stunning 40-minute press conference turned bizarre at times. at one point, a reporter asking northam if he could still moonwalk as he had in the 1984 dance contest. the governor appeared to consider trying to dance before his wife intervened. >> my wife says, inappropriate circumstances. >> reporter: the governor then explained it wasn't until a conversation with an aide later in life that he learned why that michael jackson costume was offensive. >> do you think as a grown adult that it's problematic that you need to have it explained to you that blackface is offensive? >> no. you know, i'm not a person of color and people of color experience different things. it affects them different ways. >> all right, zachary joins us live now from richmond, virginia. the governor stating that he would not resign unless he reached a point where he thought it would be impossible to lead. also facing questions about why he had a racially charged nickname as a young man? >> reporter: the nickname appears in his college yearbook. he claims he doesn't know why. saying, you'd have to ask the students. tom. >> zachary with that new reporting tonight. all the late developments on northam's intention to keep his governor's seat tomorrow on "this week" with george stephanopoulos. please be sure to tune in. now to the storm threat and emergency evacuations in the west. dangerous floodwaters filled with debris and mud cascading through malibu. and a driver stranded north of los angeles trying to push his car to safety. high winds bringing this towering pine, said to be 100 years old, down on a santa barbara home. and you remember those recent devastating wildfires, now they left many residents exposed during these torrential rains. here's abc's marcus moore. >> reporter: tonight, what looks like river rapids raging through this neighborhood in malibu, swallowing everything in its path. a major storm pummeling the entire state. flash flood alerts up and down california with some places expecting up to a half a foot of rain. mandatory evacuations in areas scarred by recent wildfires. residents worried about mudslides. >> horrible mudslides, people getting caught. >> reporter: santa barbara county getting hammered, powerful winds toppling a huge tree onto this apartment complex. in los angeles, drivers forced to take their chances on flooded streets. people in near waist-deep water near hollywood, more than 100 weather-related emergencies reported across the city. investigators in ventura county looking into whether the storm played a role in this deadly crash, killing one search and rescue team member. and tom, you can see and you can hear that rushing water just behind me as it roars across this roadway here in malibu. a number of streets have been closed because of the dangerous flooding and the debris flow here. more rain is expected tonight into tomorrow. meaning this could only get worse. tom. >> marcus moore right there by those surging rivers. marcus, thank you. we turn now to the major thaw. the bone-chilling temperatures in the heartland into a record-breaking deep freeze now boomeranging back. rob marciano is standing by in new york central park. rob, good evening. >> reporter: tom, ice jam and snow melt flooding. look at these temperature changes in the last 48 hours in chicago and minneapolis. already warming over 40 degrees. tomorrow's highs in st. louis will be into the mid-60s. you move ahead towards monday, looking to be 50 or better in chicago. flooding is going to be an issue in buffalo. all the while, this storm in the west, a powerful cyclone slamming the west now with several more waves of moisture to come tomorrow and on monday. more flooding rain in the west for at least another two days. >> okay, rob, thank you. we want to move on now to venezuela. opposition supporters pouring into the streets in some of the biggest protests yet. those mass demonstrations against president nicolas maduro and in favor of rising rival juan guaido. abc's ian pannell in the middle of it all. >> reporter: the pressure is building as hundreds of thousands heed the opposition's call and take over the streets across the country. in the capital, protesters with signs reading "freedom for venezuela." others chanting simply, "yes, we can." >> as you can see, it's pretty much a carnival atmosphere, but what they're calling for is deadly serious. complete change of government, complete change of system, and they're not afraid to the risk to come out to the streets. >> reporter: today, a defection. a venezuelan air force general, the first high-ranking officer to back juan guaido since he was declared interim president saying the transition to democracy is imminent. guaido, who's promised amnesty to military and security forces, not guilty of serious crimes today calling for more defections, saying -- "we don't just want you to stop shooting at protesters. we want you to be a part of venezuela's reconstruction." across town his rival, president maduro held his own major rally, calling for elections that would increase his grip on power despite strong u.s.-led sanctions, he's refusing to step down. telling the crowd, "the american government threatens us every day. we do not want a new vietnam," adding, "we are ready to defend our homeland." but the people i met on the streets also vowing they won't back down. >> sometimes military action has to be taken to get to a better chances, and better good, the greater good, the way americans say it, it might be the right time. >> reporter: tom, we're seeing signs that u.s. sanctions and the seizing of bank accounts are really starting to bite here, and that affects maduro's ability to keep his backers and supporters happy. perhaps most worrying tonight, both sides saying, they're ready to fight to defend their positions, tom. >> all eyes on the venezuelan military as well. ian, thank you politics here at home. president trump spotting on the links with golf greats jack nicklaus and tiger woods. new reporting tonight that senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is cautioning the president against using his emergency powers to by pass congress and build that wall. abc's white house correspondent tara palmeri reporting from west palm beach tonight. >> reporter: president trump on the golf course in florida today, side by side with tiger woods and jack nicklaus. his first trip to mar-a-lago since before the shutdown. but with just 14 days until the short-term funding bill runs out, the battle over the border continues, as trump faces growing opposition from within his own party against declaring a national emergency to build a border wall. >> actually having a national emergency does help the process. i think there's a good chance that we'll have to do that. >> reporter: a white house official telling abc news the president is aware that senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is against using emergency powers to bypass congress. >> i'm for whatever works, which means avoiding a shutdown and avoiding the president feeling he should declare a national emergency. >> reporter: "the washington post" reporting that mcconnell told trump in a private meeting that congress might pass a resolution against declaring a national emergency, and that could force the president to use his veto power for the first time, driving a wedge between the president and his party. >> i think that this would be viewed as an expansion of executive authority that, we just don't want to go down this that road. >> reporter: a bipartisan group of lawmakers is now working to meet trump's demands for funding a wall along the southern border, the president's not optimistic. >> we'll be looking at a national emergency. i think the democrats don't want border security. >> tara joins us live. tara, there's been no real progress in those capitol hill negotiations on border security? >> reporter: tom, that's right. there's been no tangible progress. the group of lawmakers in that conference are heading to the border tomorrow to see the situation for themselves. but the two main players in this, house speaker nancy pelosi and president donald trump still won't budge. tom. >> tara, thank you. and word tonight that russia is pulling a plug on the nuclear arms pact with the u.s. suspending the treaty dating back to the reagan era. observers say it all may signal a new arms race. here's abc's lana zak. >> reporter: tonight, experts are warning of a new cold war as one of the most crucial arms-race treaties in history collapses. russian president vladimir putin has promised that russia is developing new intermediate-range weapons in response to the u.s. >> putin is getting his cake and eating it too, because he's able to deploy missiles that now threaten nato, but claim that it's the u.s. that has withdrawn >> reporter: they could test an array of weapons, out of a bond-villain playbook. including this, the poseidon underwater nuclear-powered drone, a device that if successful, would literally create tsunamis. >> one side has not been adhering to it. we have, but one side hasn't. unless they're going to adhere we shouldn't be the only one. >> reporter: putin said he's only following america's lead. but for years, russia has been threatening to withdraw from the landmark 1987 treaty signed by president ronald reagan and soviet leader mikhail gorbachev. in a statement, the president's actions are allowing for a dangerous arms race in which russia can act with impunity. tom. >> lana, thank you. and be sure to join us on tuesday night for complete live coverage of the state of the union address and the democratic response. and there's much more ahead on "world news tonight" this saturday. the urgent rescue mission under way. the atvs plunging in these waters. first responders diving in to save anyone they can. the daycare issue. the worker caught on camera yanking and dragging small children that were in her care and the high-profile heist. thieves driving away with a half-ton safe. hundreds of thousands of jewels taken. and the one person who was home who may be the key in solving it all. stay with us. moving? that's harder now because of psoriatic arthritis. but you're still moved by moments like this. don't let psoriatic arthritis take them away. taltz reduces joint pain and stiffness and helps stop the progression of joint damage. for people with moderate to severe psoriasis, 90% saw significant improvement. taltz even gives you a chance at completely clear skin. don't use if you're allergic to taltz. before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. 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(music blaring) time now for our "index," and the urgent search and rescue mission under way outside of indianapolis. two atvs falling into the ice in heritage lake. first responders there on the scene coming through those icy waters. to redrive treef retrieve the drivers. one of the drivers was able to make it to shore. emergency teams now desperately trying to find that other driver. and disturbing moments caught on camera in florida. a daycare worker yanking multiple small children by their arms and apparently dragging those children across the classroom. the worker immediately fired and arrested for child abuse. and an incredible water rescue out of broward county, florida. a young woman with her 4 month old son losing control of the car and landing in a nearb the mother and the baby were trapped inside. he then jumps in. handing the infant to another bystander. and then saving the mother. he acted because he hoped someone else would do it for his family. and comedian jerry seinfeld now getting sued by a company claiming it bought its porsche speedster then finding out it was a replica. seinfeld's lawyers said he acted in good faith and he's willing to do what's right and fair. and when we come back -- celebrating america's first female fighter pilot. the historic moment at her funeral and the changes that she made in the air and on the ground. stay with us. let's onest: dealing with your insurance shouldn't be more frustrating than the accident itself. that's why esurance makes it simple. just take some pics. 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"good morning america" and "this week. see you right back here tomorrow night. a break today. but as you can see on livedoppler7. more rain is expected any minute now. find out just how much and rushing flood water inundates streets a look at parts of california pounded by the storm. and steph curry may be in the spotlight during the warriors game tonight but today at this shop in oakland. ayesha taking care of business. abc 7 news starts now. >> announcer: live where you live this is abc 7 news. boy take a look. the second round of our winter storm is approaching. >> already dumping four inches -ft ve in the pacific andeated dumped several feet of snow in the


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